Whitby Keystone, 25 May 1905, p. 8

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eral diffoeet thiN.ai wftb, atentss dr.wera TI.« bav n .sl whicii a boudle A 35» V QeY eeoo .lybauidieti The &aS lissaIt 1.sieu l Isllat gVbk% Ooag fom mm-Tomtolegs tbari two 78510 Snnfsaebas a i bzt ýp,, s a dh"assucceeded 10 a. bitl 6 5*ot.toidollars i in ebL Re fl bcd>', It le uaid. ln who* go0W gIsOda h. coald emt.alih himielf. E*mor Subersponesh&@ t that a fameisr near iby a.s RubbibfrBaou Spe ontàd. É00. to $$i.» emâ A meeting of creditors wil l beld Rubber Spongea cos nore, day Ma.31. g 8, t _,,.ny.. te receive but wea longer titan natural a stateent Ofa! fairs. îtCrngA u rangee oi spong-es--See thein. cd for F.- P Luke. Opt. D., Il Kjng st. West, Toronto, to make another W. bave just received a large riait te Whltby on Tueeday. June Un os1n quantity o!f fie miled Toilot Soaps 1t1A161 nibr eue4pC lu elitroe, aratin, ilyet .Ulob froni Mr. Luke during Ükb. Vlloey, FCrarto, til, of tac nvisits. He guaralit-eel at- the alle, Flrodoo, ec., t ,,f.tîon ln every catie. and charg- lUoasbox et 3 caktes to 0e. per 'es no niorp thau yoa would pa.y cime- ciake. Aiso, fine impOrted oastie. iheiA'. î a- vxMwat etale.t" 7 BXtý vale in aie BIle Eiiions xcelletZYMOec i end(Comibe. During the lagt two 708.18 the Dominion D)cpartmeiit of AlCridul- tnrehem orwera.ted powver sprayers! in two diIferc 'ut sectiofle of U.e Do- ngujlon for the our-.os&e of demon-! -je Es W lILIS ,tra::ng t1'e evoomy n v Ys N ottingham 'IL DrgltOtkian oit heir onaccuiit, %iJ 4mlai& j frofi 50c, Pei, Medical Hall control it.~~ni ar of W hl M us lun.«t of i<~dC and a delp'ia- Brok S. WItb. Dn of ,fruît growers goujo tî me sirce waltetl upon lion. Mfr. Mon-ind Stelth andl atked hlm 50 assfume the an ace bor _____________________________ ork. 1Mr. Monteith ltas decidedtu to power sprayers Nvi' lie sent ont by Si.. urti nb mue dcprtment tii.. year, ene te Co ný Town iOcrute ln Meaford, a.nd the otlier ln! j o nyTren"ton istrict. 1'. MW. ct ta Ilsaa de Serretary of the Otro Fut Happ ning '!Grewer,.' Aseiftlufl, Wlll bu il cluirge of the work. a.nd contracte' wlIl bc made wlth f armure te spray J.ucige MeCrImnion and C7oi Fare- orcliart1. et &o muCli Per treu for wellenJoyed a fibli on Viqtoiîa'thie season. Xlhe cent when thei Day. - 1 inlion carried on the work w», week regarding a Macgbetis concert .- at the college. rrhc Vox Collegil for ilay lnot Methodist Dis trict Meeting. _______________ tbis %veek The nuunber ln a good- ,*"ncontainug s-o ral original ai-- The annual Dis;trict Meeting of h litae, strong editorlals, and much Wildtby District or the Mthodlst P ro a e to college SlOW«. churcli moL ln the Tabernacle lAst __________________ EIght , ouflg lats of the tanvn Wednegd&y and Thumsday. Ttîe Woiniciod at Ileydenbliore on tiere niolteriai meeting watoiîeld on Wed-! Mm .Foy spent Monday la thre bolida>'. nesday ai ternoon. «'md a mied; cIl'.1i.-, gloy wanted te luarn the -prlnting.1 meeting on Thureda.y, Rev. A. C. MissMay' Mowat upont the bail-i .ppl.y te »iltoir Ke.ystone. %%linon, cariun uofthie district,, day in the cil>'.i Ur. B. H. Binghan, 1I. A. pester Presldi ugi ml.Barr. Welson, ofsTeronto, Yi of the Bapt.rst chureti, con traecti a ucted recordIng necrel.ary, and ti bigHarenWtson. !Too vel,>' acrure cold luet week and as 1ev. M r. (Quche stîstical eecretar.y. .-atMdonii aete t. o roln -a. resuit ha. been eonflned t.o kls 1.ev. Mr. MoConneli and Prof. Green- MiK Teota. o roiu a ýbed for noverai dayni. He Io Dow wood were appointed andtoms. Ille l o nROlTedy ý-meh bete boevr.repoirts freon the varlons circuits jM1r. EIL.N. Bausstt wa.u iW Port mucbbottr .bwev r. howed a gmUtl.ylng iocrease lu con- ]Perry on Victoria Day. The Ladies' Aid Society St. Andrew's nexiJoual fundà and memberublp. The j ia.s Dot Dean, of Toronto. ls in orch, hold aunual bazaar lunCounclabri'nacle led Lhe Ditrict la mis ow lltn eltvs Obý»beÈ, Wednesday afternoon, June alozuiry glving. having contributed lu' MsMli ukr fTrno a 7W al diuâefu ad fncartcls, ll$70. ev. J .E. Moore, o! Iick- Miss MlitBoTs ker. oTo eatea sud fancy artgcles, appolnted on the sta.. IM.Rs Jbatns i~ ble of home-muade refreshints. Uoniîg commttee, wîîb env. Gree 1f ir. Coui. sp.nt the 24th lu the "Te, 15 eunts, froi 5 o'cbock te 7. rît, o! Port' Pcrry, aur aàter»l4a to ciwth bis paren t$. t Rev. Mr. Emor>' was electedto te.Ur. WUI NIcholson, ef Ooldwater, Bond Coaoexfl. Conference B. S. Committee and' was home for the huliday. The Cltisonb, Baud williglu-e the Noux1nting Comittee. Meesme . Mise Poli! Nicholson. o! Toron- finIt concert o! the moison on thp, L .Sjtb, W. J. H. WhrCi'dsoii, "'- to, was bore on Wedneeday mail square on Baturday e.vening, W. WJicox and John lice wore elect-1MsV emn n o.Bln undor the direction of Mr. E. W. ed to represent the Ta4,rna.ole aise Sre .ho e frtheion aRi. f. Evans. -Followlug la. the pro- Conferenco delegatcs. The Confer*-woehiefrh.bda. grmm-once metts soit weck ai In'tî Ob. inM"s LA= Lttan lei speAldig a MXarclî-*Nortb Atiatie tofuadron. I .the tiret nlght cf lbe district nient- couple o! woeki, inToronto. .... ..... .........Beyer lrig the ohu4rmau gave a most heizit-Ur. Frank Ware speut thre hollda.y W" rOStop- i"1h11>"'..... . Barron fnl sermon, aud Bey. 1Mr. Wiiklusou srlth bris parents la Toronto. sernad - 18roflng l th Mon-conducteti a short evaugeilstic ner- Mesa Rlanct bas reluured bomne liglît»'...... ......... _... BeyrM.lldu ea«te orAn9 RiTot. Mlarcb-OA R»yai Comipanion" ......r..B:, Confevrence for lhe Toronout . 1DÇIi'Ri, Prae .erence. iiavlug beon trausferred lu -Mr. lMefntock visited Ur. and W4.......O.t.L4LIic Bro wn B r pIL A resoiution eult.abe te hbig. Mi,.John 1E&hm oves' Sanda. Namtt'wet l slne" . om Cla Brk case was beartilk>'psa.ed. etl Ur. 1. Draveer andi lady' frint, of Wal me luJd Ma ..ria .CrFi. £ cting as a. Wbole was pisaaot, oronto, risteti relatives ln towD-. profita.ble and eueotrraging niowlemisa ~ e.aggleBatton ,of Toroalo, IR. ilow" Ceai Fic - as did, a healtby> conditin qt the qaiut 'the irolida> at ber home ber. v4l>y barber tiîi. wook lias the district ln ail departmnte sMi Thas. ConUa bab retui'ie ,4mp ee o! 4% forent, with taili - 111140> ater a thrme *w ~vist lai the oit>'. Jtees wttout feliago. 'Phe cause o!f , sàt ~r pxoo!ptuco a Ibiesla thearrPiv&la I f r. llinws caalA Day o _Sot th. Cl ee- N- emxt no ,Serlff Fan11. lient aom~mielg Ibmo! tt tarent is Pool., wbmm ha bees l&tang - paFue, fimsute eeftsg. %ir annual rU etint s! te Southr taIte Parmaers' * Inttute viii b. d at lIrookIlu on Tuosda. ,Joe. 1. OÜ, aG0, ut10) a.îrAt titisIlime aannuak ublâa uwîi li butraiînszt-i At -2 5b. n .meng vllbs dnt Rloi:.John »rydedk & Son's. . G. D.U, vut Ontarie Agrloul- mi Coflg, Gulphr, miiýb. pi'.. n ta tilsouse tbe bet typo ut o. Sfor tint production àastiaila >Jesl. Tirs annarsi menting ot 0 Suth flntOi'io Woa' a sport la beldo ti l. cuo Cmpos. la Octo'>)er tht ecmq ne tut itorla uoüimslty. stenda.yaoone o! vitoria 'os g poopieu»sasta Witby to w*alethe tis atoëeslIo moutent Tire day vasevsrytitia that ouidti duslftd, f boula & s ntrosghnyoese hoi ite bmsde. fea a I1epctac1e."d * bh"&i mom. trse. -scoives t -.41..la .psng tattiro, a few Mgthmu la -tennis 0.10.0. and tl *laduat. o rb nt matiaplututfflue usse « tbehmy YtO0la we. 'bher* voi pesant 40115 nfi* rom 'tire lova vlio eutëed ioto the OUsO.YUet vili Tbre ClolAp et«Wtaloe'bêe lO -fmea.Toieto, "'l -mre to U tt tn t. d4""r *ad tes. 'rr ooltt tijoar v ws. 80 la ,taronewe to h. O.011-C lIts assa ý«s tits*oa som et UN bWbestwnie Te mw m Ir Mia ue a. of Thouoto. là «a, 5 Ns04lns relatvls l B. ci Mr, 4aim me.iJ M. WIBe. l!ot or *mi Von>' isit Imes. flot!* emo .tbeZlt IMme lanra Evuhik vet 10 M> mot ta108 Tuseday ,0 sisetitire bois. doo a iba ptusai i«tm.foiemi Mis. uvs»OhII., o - - -711.. AD CIII .3 .3 .3 IAINS fBrussels, Tapestry, Wools, ,emp Carpets àaLways ln s-tock. JRTAINS àace, newest designs, prices pair upwards; also full range ilin for curtains, with frilled Lers, ail prices; also colored kÀndrew M. Ross. MP& .C. Q. Frazer. 3Mki Ethel Gar-1 rett. and Miss Dora Herrol, <of To- ronto, were gueats of Mrs. C. A. (3oodfellow on Wednesday.1 Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hoover, To-1 ronto ,came to Wlitby ln their autOMotil on Sunday and w-ere the guesta of 1Mr. and Mrs. 0. K. Thomp- son. In the afternoon they took a spihn to Myrtle and o-I.cwliere. Mr. JoIrn Stauton was in Torouto un Saturday and baw the rac for the Klng's pa.te. 1Mr. Stan ton la one of the Old gtartsrâ for the <Qjeeu'a plate., ard usuall.yroocives f rom the Taruatu preba favorable re- fereuice, '1Mr. Stanto'i bas Dot mlssed. the plate racei for forty years. 1fr. Jolin Batenian, who bas for more than twu m.gntbe been eontlaed to tus bouse wl tû fevex la noiw abie to b. about.Ha attendeil the S.[ o. EF. parade on Swîday i ast. bisa firet visit ta chî"'c#-b for inany weeka.. Mr. Bert Sriutb' wa* lb tOwf ti@ wee kfor a dai. Nvewsg of the Cuce SapfIst (bsrcs Paster Blngbaw wus u»We O t00- eu" hie phipit Iast Pliuudat ,worulg, buit wau présent la the. evei&igsud debvered te lb. flt oa S. ios@0'SMr- mous on Rea.tii. Tbe #*psot for nert saday ovoslgcir la te dom. Reaven <1m!er froisert" DTThwmde Rer. Mr. Audrsou WM looeupthe pulpit Doit aun"ayf lDOU185ast Xhe jmstoef; 10, *"Le ale 8top.. or what -wud Jesia dOT" w&4 ub very praotIcaL. *be &A=pU@toii of tue prUzopla and tobObD$S"Une$ atetihy Jeatis ut saffasys od tht p?.WSt day volu ieffent -UM.LS" v6tatl and a raofra5=w t ag pO t iSSU onM ada.7 00, o! lii.o tea basa" dta t tbi e.to *ti t, 4a artbelâtto0 t*0 m pfra. the 4 n .-for bhà. and lfYlng agreemrents wilh the varionîs1 umalclpallties were paht-ied, Arter same lurtiier dlaeuiseion as'1 10 whiether tire bhwitlr the ebico-î tionashie clause cliaiiated shotti l el f urthor disenmsethlie Cirairmnî wlthdrow to conerait the Premiler. wbo shorl.>'aflerwa-rdn enterod lb. rooru aceompanied b> Meecrs. Foy' and Mont 4Itb, Ml'n. Dr. Pyne andi Bon. Col. Mathson. hbe Premier monndly coademneti tire praclice, which hbati lncoulu p erat10n for yearnt. o! men of ail classoaand af,#!lilatlone, brlnglng far- reaeLingý questirus te the LegîsIa- ture w2thin a week before thio cat ef thre session. The formI a4> prcacbes vere matit 8rIler lh#the session. 'virile ltey appear wltb lhe aore of tiroir propoultioa durigt the late boums. Titis practios would bel eloppei If lb. preeenlGovem'mmtt exIited for aun-pncai lnlxo! tîmMie slitho lad not teesun- tlan bour befare, and while ils ob- jeot raight ire good and> proper tlie>' niud trot endors. It beosuse they> knew sotbing o! It, 'Phe bli cou- tainot a t"taus" thaf* vas i'acteicl.y a. perptoal fratirble, a.nd (b.e(1ev- emimenl voult novai' cousent te such an ImMoition. Tire preuictere, fr1 had lies 101on refusod le owUthtraw tbo bill ; thal man vouid ire out of em.ploymearl and the workL hamper- .4 Xf 'tire> -11. Tihe (Ouverrarnt -would b.»ppard .fr Ot se- dion tle ook ",,t, emltrcae fuW, anti If Ilw"a a uO»er ha11 le Pa tUs>'wouid conisent to It obeerfuiy. tu OoDORIISIOD the re miSer. sud,- "týThe Gowremumant iili nqr s on- sent te tire ----gi et a bilIl IÛM Ib&,i. f lae-omuitte. pâsmet' ture Oovuemmt viii continue. trithe r tloraumof vhat Il oonnlden' iniser, thé oIruM stncosa ff Wb0. -d Auiythlag de s tta 1i bAVOImm etodÎb« todo»a", jMe. Pemler lite MItlé,sroma. ÂA- vte vos tafto on Ile. DIoVoq's Mmt lthe b.pelkmsbisbs lOt a5000'SL Titis-was oarr$.4 1w -Vote, !9 1 8. Ioeiu t",g lb. UMss'. spIs. Tus Ub$Îl _me ,iasms I - amte~e~EsM*JKimi Anotist SoesfIT . The- Norther Assurance Insuranco written $17231,580 Insurance in force 4,144,38] Premium incflme 130,468 Ica-est iocome 21,460 Total assets 486,840 (1Jovemument Ileser-ves 311,32( Management Expenses 4 9,2 4,r Head Office, London, C~t JO HN tj mLLNE,3 General Aý imis fo' n L Cou Gain over yeai' 8.84 0.69 9. 20 3.00 ý5.43 only MIanaging Director. ,gent, WVhitby, Ont. lSj ww A w Iron, lYetals, Rubi Bones, Tailors' Cul Horse Hair, etc., e Highest Price Paid for these by - N. COHI 15% 29 C 6 bersq ttings, Ltce Brook Street Whitby.' HEADACI'!ES Delmys are dangerOUs, sure. 1>', when vou bave troixblo wltb your eyes. Why net e. relieved f rom thut pain inyour hea.d with apair of Our glanesP F. E. LUKEs 1l Km; $1. W.st.e RLEFRACTING OPTICIÂN. Too RTO. Coruer oi'Yongeand Alexander St.. SUMME1R SESSION during -July and Augu for Publie SOhool Teachers sud others. Ml0O! ur gredeaiegetl« 11055. Studeutsa doiltld&& «*ny tîme. Tubs mehool là Dot 'standing still,"*Qr 1,backiig n ,"butte conuiantly *Kotng W. J. ELLIO1Tr. Te meat Notice oCrditor*î lte unatter o! (lie Dnnt rat in ma". KBOYS DON"T LOSE THE1 OiPPORTUNITY I teogmphie a n il 8uminsaa Tianhlii that*v why ww ,nnuuply thi -omanâ on ne for oMce help. Ftlti un. Jan,5h 1906, w retlveci 7such appUtitus. Ii cari nterat any time. Ott our1roe, hand,-, tomne cataogue. 15 t Sves Intefflatg n,: I Dminion Business C ll R. 1. NÎMMO, Priuc1P4ý' minecec nattre 1!-ten1d (y 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M lu u 9 EN9

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