Whitby Keystone, 18 May 1905, p. 3

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4 >rts ,ted at 112e ta beef, 9D4c tc ýju t -lac15Per Market. 1 ivert ia iîttie tir sales ef 300> Lîrd' 100 busirels rged, 100 busb. errpply, Wtlli inte selllag-at L-gs, lu te llc. a\ton for irrî. - *n1ýxeuI. strANV- t e id tu $11 1a gedl. witb sale,$ ri f or a fetv $1 ne$000, - 100 0 00 0 01) 1 01>090 *077- 000 -0 411 OÙ)( -0u.35 00 060 000 0 0491 000 010 000 1000 110<) 80() 900 100() 000 lot) 275 0 010. 017, 0 20 023 022 0,2 r 0 13 0 018 020 0085 - 075 050 075 030 040 * 200 000 900 1050 6 (00 76-- 850) 900 725 77S .950 110 01) -800 S85(> i.ock. thie u.City iiri;tt - rei of 2u Catti-i 'seer i t thilri L riïilwtiy.,. wett 446tilleauC nd - Yarirets. iay. Jut1Y. Sept. W,% 09go e, 3 4% 0. 0 s77ijý Trade. to' BÊi(l Street$ 'ured luist teek tîarly ail linos t oCPrý% vesos ring uoî naviga- uu 'l'cmiIlivre tof- sratîiulIo li,- n 'aiIry IiiYuiP of g0oode s fairl y irav,.' thenu' flaber of ýr îe laî'rvasing. 'almtrot 's -say: rnerally lias a le ami)l( t' eIl. an niol nitrrtry, - >U4 ordPrs -with 7livre i4 a fair le, tinul tjme brd- vbusy. l'rice, ly afirrn tarte. - givon a quieter I-y gonds. Col. tf tire lroyluce Pro, is a quiet lioleqale tac, ký ne deeas- 'Te induRtrisa Jie retail trade slow', there Fse .nrovimg intahtir SThe voluur isinesR imoviraL 'the past er 41*4 nffeeted ttîm- 9 are )nRo cme ICS 4ea railtreet's say 1 ~aken pllce la uholaI-go ctee5 k te ret ail r !eut up and! itir'1 A. rtable.- Ç.BakLe for,,~r aIe ovem,'~ ~ppy, C~heE 810 noêrIy alwaya ITlioy 1s*mpIy 'couldn't b. i Ing thli FRACRANT TEI Ing ONLY ON£ BE&T TEJ lMr. Larabton in a littîs man, very round, and ratirer incllned te fatness. Hiai one great ambition ln to figure as a dountry s q uire, and accordiagly he dresses for t hep art, bIne coat, Melton corde, gaters, 1l complete. But, elas, thre ceckney accent in his epeicb, tihe, cocknew shrewdness in hie face, botruy hlm, and Ire le asunlike an eld'En'glisl Squirs as tèt lion in tIre den of the Zoological Gardons le unlike the xmonarchi of the forest. "Go and enioy yourgelf,MisJano' ha repent s, waving a hutnting wbip, wvith- out whielî ho never stûrs eut cf dooxrâ; "and, whien you're tired, cone on to the 1r.Go on, niy dear.'" Ln siabjurcd. Jeanne skates cf f, and <1 à down the lake. Jeanne cani skate, swirn. ride, saiI the N~ancy Bell, and tvalk to an extent thirt 'would Put te sharne niraoy an ahle-bodiedl man; and she skates' &aîong at funll speed. gracefui as a tqwan floating with the tide, ailcye follow ber, notably the e ye of the Honorable Mr. Fitzjamces througli Iis eyogliss. For a time Jeanne ins kit te hersoîf, but presently sIre finds a romlpanion. It leanonte other than the Honorable l'itz- james. One cannot account for antipirtlreq, and etf a gotrety Jeanne had ne rentonable excuse for entertaining an antirratliy lu the Honorable -.Mr. Fitz.;anies; but lier gntîpatliy le therp, and' wvin she fé'nîIq In close te ber side, she tries te wheel off, Bust Mr. Fitziaty)es cati skate, and keeps up boside lier. IlWill vti an em ad 'fg e rani?" lie iyr wt ey iuJ esta bis utsual drrmwl. Jeanne canaci ver 11,xvtrorfitse. and, la slght. of tIre lrrnbtotns lie Iroldu ber eomali hande crosswisé, and skates off Irlthliher. Neither .mn nor Georgfna lias bar- gainod for tîjis, nnd for a mioment t)iev stand iooking aîter tihe flying pair rather ruefully. "110w sarort Jeanne weans lier skirta; realir, sohé lei momething more than a elrild," rputtcrs Maud. 1"Old enongli te know how te flirt," - ,"nspouds Georginai, with a compression of the Ilp e, wütcelI nstantly disappeýLrs an thre muid voice cf tire cutrate sounde rut ber elbow, and sIre in ail smnileg. "Oh, lrow do you do, ?dir. 11ell? We were qutte la deepaîr. lsn't the ice in beauti fui condiion V' "VXerynalec, indeped," answers Mr,. Bll, b>arnng around benevolently, "I imuet put. on my skates at once." 'Il help von, sir," RavesHla, who bas skatcd mup, eand ln net bY any arcane a sdflsh boy. *Thi:n you, Hal, thank yeu."* bloate the tutor. "Voin tre bore thon, and wliere-wisere in yonr ater 1" "Oh, Jeanne," says tIre incorrigible boy, aioud; .îcanae's gene off down tIhe lake with the isweli." Mrr. >11I look& up anxlouiy, and hie facýe palest. "4Ah, y e," ie gays. 'Il go and ask -her te show me that flgiro a'ire was cut - tlag laut wIater. Thank ycu, Hl, tbank -y""." And lie repares to atart off, quit. forgetiul cf tIre ttve Mise Lamb- *tons, but Maud la toc quick for hlmn. ",Wouldulyen d glVlnx mue a 1raîrd -on te 1ýhs moqtb,,,Itr. le wot et ail,"1 respondetthe amiable o urate, and ire taures lier la tew, but hie o yet are tdraed wistfullIr to the ether -end of tire- laite, frorn- whlch lte two- fiOM -are eomringslêwly 4 ls4laugly, butth si anet. irîtîs le tire 1 Iink; but I do't il< $Va. mI]skate penfeel> on entre. Irro 1 * trm l ' 'oe'ý , 1, lookt umùI spa ,e, asuit tucîtlotie hoponulsle'a irat, ta offt'ôtola. 11» ha e.ys-aîmost sicuts, la.1 Miat do yeu timk et tire atll W~ire ore lstnpid. ai;trm "ne blid mue thati 1dwesiel à tkuted ?ierfectlby, raid ne dcbt bave ad, es] toitpertÈWty V 1I bad 'cortimewënt lu9IV3ll5i eau tee-,. r se t tonuf a; mUaavûl1 .the semeit-ausnrac4 o oksa eu .îy&ta 'asur al Mer . $t0tf lmd 6 ire"-.e*$u& aa, maya Vorna. Vàru. wàUt" thoms bo eio aout raTb* Off hIe.Lwti4m "Tisek b apet* ipert -0 10a n alla a flU tan. 55Yeum urdelt t *5Goodnmibe-i r, e s M. Bt u%» on0f u ton, la 1>e at1 ospire 'vole. ~~LIre iflaAMI '0 49 ago V In. 1r ire PLI>WO 70W for *V dacsI. himisu a ne bar* - mess-s us-asa- BROOJ -i maany colonies, a large anrd e-rcr-ncreas-ý1 »V5WIt thoreý" dldreptt h Ié "'at French geogrepher wrongod us. erne down. Do, ou no Iccet rt la thoso "who dIk à ny ehmrming, thon Eniglel bempereture 'ay Have ycc <inisirelfor to-day?» slrould bc the inost clrrirrning tempr- Rijumpa u ad closeis hi.ewlg turc uud'.r the sua. It le/ýnet unsa case; 'Vernon V néjen ac, tares for ius te bat-e tinter in aprlng and jaI hie cenras. neoasbar ,u or r.g in wrinter; oeoa the ronds mtay "rWiere bave yoc beau- Jeu?»aska Uc hard uith freet, and heîl earug-v AttI Prk» a¶es, oane. n 1h srow; tie nxt we wak 1hruh,-thePk" nwSJ elush. ami tIre aky ie an Italian bine. ".Alwmts at tire Par"," ertel a; Yes. thre Prencl i4itonian le wrong. W4e uTou nei.rly lire blere-» h oe a doze ri clim at os r i e b ca . J a n oo a e l bstra tedly ; 'I lins il liappens tlIrtaI nn-ek aiter tirs Vernon Vaae's eyes are ou lier face any other way whon le tj -3y. prk b-in e ln:t tere a emeeos e- you're alwavs bbei'5,' gnusmibles Rai. l, or even wtson rember. Jute iti-C.e oa:ds are slusîy, thre alry WMbat on eartfi yen find te de tirere, It i-4 blu' and' gena-. sud King Frit aems caa't canceive. Do ypu t.alk about pillas Sse og de:ud as net-or te have reigaod. to nid Lenibten?» ok-BLUE ROIBON T AUndu:r Newton aCliii oee rigît almot Jeanne Isugirs. tI:irmk rt tac apring. a-aduder Newten "Lot me look et your ýdrnmW1H Cliii site an rrtiel painting et is esi. Sire takes tire penci1 sketch irothaa Ie Bleside im, on a botider, le a lad boy-'a lande. and loke gat Vernon 'tane. bending at-en a drewlag-block, irusily ply- t"Iobc geîting ca--doceire leara?» rig a bondl pencil. Bell are se absorb- Vernon Vane nodes. ed la tIroir' work that tira cea surges be- "Yes."9 side tirera tinleeded, and the infetua.ted Jeemro's eyes softea. lark, tiretIa evbdently mietakea thit "How kind ci- you te taklcse$oruoli genmaI day for spring, singa abeve tireir trorublee tt hira-you, tliose tiras la T I L Eheade diaregarded. 50ot-elusirle" At aset themo by ariseasîowly and 'q eaun %eUl spare Ibe tlime,» ire aays, stands beaide tle esool. leekiag non' at quietly. mrc i, --------- thre cliii and ne t utheb picture. » Then lie riscPs and wipes hie mrusies; "Bot besutifuly yen psrmt,31r. Vans, Ra&i juxpe te iris foot te esalet, and Ilion ire"ss t iengzth. n-îtb an ardent sigir; bhey burt troni tire e- lire. Larabton being nesni1 frozen, soe tînt cliii o-â ns if i1 bad moved ente1 "()a@ fergebe tînt il le tinter on a oas meriiully proposes tiret tirey shah yonn canvas. Yoir muet bc a great art-1 day like titis, natil tire et-diug vorae," tend tetard thre park. let !I" caye Vernon Varra. Iooking baek et tire Macd sud Georgina putheirbicaelvee Tire pointer stops la hie tvork and'- cîear sixaset sky. "Are you n'el wrap- labo their chairs, and extead tiroir eest looks up at tlie boNvs briglît face. I p a? witIr giggîee and] blushes,wtile Bell sud "loir deeinnme se becau*e yen are net - Ual larigla. Hla tug et sdrapesud twist at sonea. a severe critir, Hal. X'eu wttihmk le(Tur cnino. Jeanne nnietly kanels dotraand hIas efthiîlesketch w n-bo1Itell yomr tIaI il __________________ 1gel one skate off belons lhs Honorable wili net fetrir ttventy pounds wti-Irca i l Fitziamies cen ranch lier. fizisbed *I .",W TRYBO "Loet me heîp yen." ha implores'; but "Tweritv poundRs eys Hl. iadig.- PO R WA RYB OD -Janne gels tIre ether off befones aie nantly; *It is tuont h a hnndred-it letIre, bosup. sud epninge te lier lest. clifi isseli !'Ihat -ones of heing peor." Tire Cause of Piraplea and AlU Disfîgur- J"Alir, yoîî ans tee proud!" le aya, wttI "yen, jîmet se,," nespemids Ver.- ing Bruption&a-Dr. Willarna'PPnk a rnelncltely sigh. non, with nndisturnbcd eqtrsnimity,PiltrenyCu. Bu lit il lst on Joanne, whoIoenîy "tira.t corue of bierg poor. Let are see PleteOl ue Attiré-s. tiraI youm hav-e donc." Peor, wat*try blond-pale bbood-ie tirs -Corne off bbe gras@ on te the rond!" ln picks up 'iri pencil sketch reîuc- cause of every pale complexion. Bad surs Mr. Lamgiton, clutcbiug Iis liunting- taaîuy.' blood-bleod iilled with poisoneuiraim wIli. "and gzel your feat terra. 'Tirere iliie, #41r: an awfunî mud4e. il'a purities-is lhe cause 0f overy bad com.- 'Mine ttlll nover re n'err anay more," nalis;uru'd to s4how it jouo. 1 krrew I plexion. Bad bloed 14 re-ponsible for ejacrmîatcd Mrs. Lambtoa, mournlully, couldrît l (fil. Usah in as.sliof trec. <'nuptions an.d pirtpîe. s nd tonturiag, rrrbbing a bIne nose initIrlber scal.skia I told *.jual tirego e tmn I t.old der yen burnir.g, itcîuiug eczenia. TIres. troubles glove. irad offei etluîetcl ch e" cari onlv bc cnrred (rotigîr the blocs], sud "Stemp 'em-s-teaip 'cm, Metilda!" le 'les." KlVmt-e eruon Varie. tuitir hi.,%tire onlýy medicine Chat actuably arakea rejoins. ".Nothingz like a 'ard rond] for eves fixeud on thea pict.rne; *a.ed l vaî did new blocs- r-lob. purre. irealth-glving trarrubnk, Voir freet. Are wr ail hIrn? Joanne Lar-t" blond--is Dr. WVilliianrs' Pink Pille forc Mn. Bell. vommll comae up amidet. a "Jeanne! O0h, taIr' tril sy rnything Pale People. Tire niet blonld thiel theâe monthfiil trith tIre reet cf ns?"'- toe ncouraîgé nie urnd coax nie<n. l'eu pille raire rerneires e-î-ry orgue ans] par-t t 14.11 bluslringîy accepte. don't kneuv what a brick Jeaunrne is!" ocf tire body. it clenirs lie complexion, 1 "'Quite a 'omrelv party, yen ku-on'. Pot J 'Perhaps not."l banishu's pi npbes- andl erîptiens, sudc 'bsru-, mn, om lrck, aa lesmck 1bis "eI uaid tlat evervone muret hatue a bringes Isat. eegÏth ad appincea. i nîri against bis le" quite like a squnire. heginning, %P'd t.hat 'u yoirtowrt' kind Mise L17,zie ILoeingu-r. Carierube, ont., 'l'ke IHonorable ýïr. Fitziaraus amibes, aneugir te effer to llp rirme. 1 enght t st-s: "Dr. Wiîliair's' Pink Pille is tirs and obs uat Joanne mneaningly. lace tIl best. medicine 1 knov of for cloning thq "iStramnge cîarcr, Mr. Lrimbton," bc -ej ' 'eu .Jmnnel" blons] cf impurities. My blood tw u n sns-', conidentially. "I don't kuot u' -ot being s-i-bu." sys a bas] ccndition. and as e roacît I was "le hoe?" gavs Jeanne. "I like lita," H al. "But Jeanne i;-" br u' umes for not enîy weak and rua clown, but tas amui igain hMr. Fitzjames la aonPlused. I ant of a reerul(o describp 'Joîzmao'e troubles] ttirpimpîeand etrpîouirs. f '*Oh, Joanne, donr!" excansma Mus], quahities, and 'ernon Vano fille la thre tried several ruedicines. but tliey dld net rournd orme. "V'e lravcn't trrenkud yon for "Joanne isje enne." Dr. Wiliamas' -Pink Pilla, sud <lisse acon brnging dclu'r TollyIromie. We muss] "Trere'e robody like lier." raye tirs reliet-es me of ail my troubles. I oui hlm; w s-me unt te MNly 111e ra oralag. !bOy, squaltttimg on thre boer nd arset<t- remuao.d the p1illate any cas sufinag It tuas qumte kind of >-eu, tasn't lb, hlm. bag nt tIr cii. '*%'u don't krrow Joanne, irom loc,bnas." liitnes urwomldnt ielieve itiIsIre Mr. NVa ne.' Bad bloos] le lIreecriserofet earîy eorsy1 urrr <'ni Toby--'en kaow Tuby-al&l tirs Net verv niiriîîra th le qtuielt e- dispaz.e tiat. nfflirtu lrnnity. Il leire- tu-us-- h-orme ntismornieg" apezase. Ithink îre hiavoe era ir ait cause Dr. V'ln.'rk Pilla make new '1cari belîue e Illrtr-am capable dozen tunes, and exscntged hall a doemmnirmes] blocs] (ba th(ey cure surd trou- ai any kbandes!" murmure thelauor- eteuieee." C is a nnaria, beau. palpitation, boas]- able. F".Mir!" gays IIal. "anI yeun-wouldn't aches and Irsekachosq. rîreumatlera, nec-- "Suurh a ureiglit, 1001" gays Georgius. karts Jewe il 1 %-utad excIaaged ihall ralgia, indigestion, kidacy snd lirer trou- "I)iul y-uurcarry luiireal the wayT" a hundres]." bleu, ans] alImentsetf irliroo] and w t os,"ays Jeanne,. "Perhiape net,". wa tire quiet response. manheood. But yeu muet gel tIre gem e "othroiglit perhape your frieud «"Neo," cetnt aes unj;i; thrat'ebecauae 1»II. it tire full.rma1,2)r 'WJj5pnst blupd yaxî," anab siiles and] noda. Jeanne le di fierent le other girls. Sbeir n~k Pli -" al h .leerne turne aaad books at b« r itis don'î care about bersif -net che Shels Plla or ale Par>l' on mdtir ceIra, undielmînbes] front., & forer t.les, le Joui you wcul i Ni'reiper tireun]eIrb. odymd- "Do your rmea tire gentleman vir0 Ileve it, but &i k s duu t vufr c deslers evrirhere, or sent poil- walked tlruîrrIhitire park witi rme?" sire îbng tuegr.euî ~mfIs id at W cents a box or six boxes folr sas--s. troubl e reil f o~u ras] aken tire éÎ50 bv wrltiug tire Dr. Wiliams'Mcdi- .ulrriino44and ras mies titI cranrig "Iadeed!' mays Mr. 'trur, bookiag up v ins 0C, B'ockr~ilc, Ont, bh figricur at Ihs sky, a.nd leaniag back in Id&. vamp. _________________ .. le(!n Lbîri. dear! M.h.GiIO ,steo e:.ese:.npe:1:~ rut tIre boige, lin ireal about it " Yn,"saya ilr, "Jeanne'& e brick. Il t For rrîy inurlinuir. .iînire, bai met thýire t evesy'gili' 'd eai p et niglit "ttII* tri ~ stmrrmn~u-r'."blî a fefllo* tit IderisLatin exerelj> N II NA W 1I. qIi"e oinit rîytcr ions," gays Joanne, aidt-ats -v-at sre'lî do. Did yeu erert bulore Nliiî. Larabton onu commrand Ire rbave a aleer, Mr. Vans?" t1 clirattu.'nmg ee lu reply; "boa'i an art- "Never,»sasys tire as-blet, drtbblng Cm las Nad"oalUwa Stock' 0,> but." pisea cf firîake wite on bie canva. - ~ogao 1 0.there !Il maya Georgina, -t was "Air,» caYe Hal, -tIen yeu ca' under- thc"'artist. Mme. GuIse did't knew w tIr ains] Jea'a0. lb~~~~~ ~ n's1u Iesi]Ir e o- rd " e ofapal,"l ir ue SAVED MlE BABY. -«I vas mot a beibeer-la 4dvsrt4s< modicîneîi," " e si-s. Chais. I1VanTas' col-, Digby, N.!8a, "-rabI 1 .Us- letbby tes a n neer iroped te naes hem. Sire vas tomMly, di&- net hava anyftIshain esirs- ois-ad a bîrtisn celr. Tire doctor tireav- tends]ber tlis]me cire vould Bet Bye.. «Alterror -vwialotinar nierai cided te lny tisai, and 1I muet'now -bonasty '.* I nver had snob a Vain air! niudigeela sm, hoes, It bus eirsagd My Pore Slekly, firkm baby, mIe a 6, lâvrOIy .isli4 nov as -fat as abtterbal. -Wosdsftllto a«- n tiaisfor virat lb. Tair- have 'om efor My oblld, ad 1 Sun onfy u*rge tiraI otites- aooberis do asa1donwkce the. Tablet i a * r" I TURAL AÀNSARTIFI CIAL INCUDATINEI AND 13y W. IL Graam ,(Press Bulletin froi tire Ontario Agi t iaI calle for cultuiral Coflege.) crdlirsry tami Whlle tAle artifIciel incubation etof epa'd queze and tire axilficia.1 rearing cf ciikens are readlly, with à now ln cemmon practico, by barrtire merciai chicke! greater part-fte s poultry -relsed ecoe. A i througirout tire country ta iratched and gpain In thre1 reared by -thre mother towl, and we shail, be found a lu tnerefore, gr tiret, as irniefly as may1 pounds crache lie, a ftrectzions for thre management corn, l5 pounc cf clucking berri snd young ohieke, teucr- poemnds millet iug furtirer down on artificiel methods sive tsed, but of reariug. aleag well, la 1 Setting liens eliould bo rcmeved frora collent preven the building or ccmpartmenv in thicr 5a sft food, e tre laying stock le kopt, ln erder te keep shorts, and ce trera free trom vermnirand te seccre sursetofmeat à quietnese and roguiarity during tire per- or tator, me. led of incubation. ire work of raovsn itircr rau lk 101 thera ie best dons ai ter dark, as thre ho.ua drink, but ch< are net ce lîkeîy to e aro .hcr new nesa edo botter whez when moved 5.1t tat time. Thre nI ance et threftu boxes should ire from 15 te 18 iaches ens cheuld ire square .and six inche deep. FMlUthre bot- thon coron or tom of thrs boxes witr earth, roundlng ber et teeda 0 up tire corners se that tire centre ceW bu day, Feod au sllgirtly irellow, sud caver the carth %with 1chrekens ull cadeul attention. To thre ier Ilions la, perhapa, ne te brad soaked In rnllk mixture oft he foliowlng proportions givei wlll tlso ery eatlafatery Iod: 15 xi wheat, 10 pounde cracked, ýla lnhead oatmeal, and 5 .dand a ratier experi. one whlch tercet chiokene Puitai ChiaitFeed, an ex. rve et bowel trubffle. For equal proportions ot bran, ruM M eIW ba a iea ýku aun elent mixture. )r water ai87 be giren for rtens will grow taster and m they oe.u ave an sbund- orier. Ver yun hlck- g lid five Unsa abut r ght w.eks old thée num- eau be redueed tte ues fà à mucli at a tUrneathe 1 ceau up readily h lysv stewo &nah&4 ,.. nu0a. tmhni* rire liaed tritir tansey, as this plant 'InaMtficlal incubation tire-oesessan- seems te b. usoful in keepiag tire abats Uial point ta a good maehine. Judgimrg free frora vermin. Il valuabie egg are frein Our co-eperative extpérmenté, in being set, it la well te try théreuo for a Ènaang Ineubators l , eu 4mnet rnettsr day or se on eggs of ne apecial value much where thée machine ls piaed s before put.tiag thre geod One under lier. long. as tirere la an albundeance eftfresir Cluckers ahould lis thorcughîy dusted air and no direct dra lits. I would ecg- with insect potrdcr at the tiare-et set- geaI tiret operators tollew thre manutas- ting. t.hen abotit ten days-lâter on, ad turer' directions eleaely, et any rate again about thee clghteentb day offinou- for the tiret two or tAnoe hitches. As bation. Test tIre egge fer fertiiity ire- regardS temperature, our expenirnents t.weea tire StI uni tht days. A hendy have sIrota rt a large? proportion ef tcsting Iia m aade by tyiug a piece or heltby chickle Io atclred Mt'a tempera- black olotir around a l"m or lantoru ture of 101 te 103 degrees thant et bigirr chimnoy tritir a hldoeut tireigh Vtie temperaturos. Chiekens ba.tcbed ln an olotir opposite tire blaze. A fertile egg laeubater are reared with a brooder or hlop opposite thre bol will appear dari; or with breody liene. They are taken trora clocdy, trIlle an infertile cgg tLiirebctire Incubator ia troni 24 te 4à, heureirf. nloear. ter lratcking, and if they are toi ha ralsed About 24 te 30 houri alter liatchlag artlticlally are pleeed la a broôder et 05 tire ohicke shculd b. ranîcvcd from tIre degree. This t*maperature -siould ire nest and îIlaeed withrt.he blin l aa mal i airtalned for tIreftrt eck, and aller coop. Tire Tet ooop mont favored nt tlîat reduced tire degrees each Wýeek. Thre preecat le trîangubmr la shape, like tire ,generelcaro se tar as teed and drink le letter A, two foot square ut tire bottera coneernod là mueh the sanie as -for- and 2- ia-hle higir at tire 1eak, mad4e chiekeus ralsed wt tiririr naturel arotir- of matebed lumxber se an te bu water- ers, but soe speclal attention muet ha proof, and previded wthI a movaMle giron theca for tire tIret lto'or three board botteai for cse early la tire iarien days, te teacir tire elilkens wtireate when tire grouzd lei wot and cold. 'l'h e te get wari atter eomling outslde tIr 'eed.ing etflte ohleke la thes neit point breedor. The Russianl despatch es- have a sîome.' what jubilanttone, -and theyý freeîjy state-that by toniing by the btrait& or Malacca" instead of by Sunda btratts, Nebogatoff outwitted .1,amîniura, whuse squadron wite, they 'say, lying lin wait on the latter route. There is, however, ill-concealed anxietYv as -te the future, as Nebogatofr s crews have had noe training in inanoeuvring or in gunnery. Rojestvensky le beiieved to be saiig the China Sea, and it is hinted that the Gromoboi lins lbt Vladivostock, prob- ably with the object of creating a diveor- sion. The situation now - presentcd L.; on.- that ivill call for ail the strategy îuxd strength of Japans» naval dcpart.ment. Rolestvensky lea tronger in ships tmd heavy guns than tIhe united Japanese aquadrons, and if hoe could force a gen. eral encoauuter under favorable Condj- tiens, lie might change the course efth se wat. It reimains, however, for Tog'0to make thre figlrting. and hie will probablv go attack as to enable hie ingsqtt ie't te count. A significant fact le that the li-itih naval manoeuýrûk have been cancelled, and there ies À:fýeling that thie cuur1»L uray bave sonie connection Nwith the witr. Japan fias complalned of France allowini the Russians to use her shoreaad har- bore for -hostile purposes, and -by the treaty between Great Britaîn and Jnpan the formner is botmnd te corne.ii.her uid ia case of hostile acts by a third îpower. At any rate there is a peculiar alertne..s ln Brit.ish naval ciroles, and ominent critiez Incline to the vlew that itlaI not norely for showÏ. If thre Gooderhani estate la probated nt $15,000,M0, thre flovernarent %vili recive $750,000-a fortune hI itacf-in succes- sion duties. Quoting f roin thre bue books tlhe Brantford Expomitor givei. the foi- lowing liat cf succession duties rece ivedý by the. Ontario Goverument for tihe Yeats mentloned: Alex Fraser, Carleton Co,..ýl200Q0 Win. McKay,. Carleton Co . 02,328 ,Mary 1,. Wright' C4aneton *Ce « 14,618 Edmnd Hal, Lambton......24,M8 31. NV. )unro, Renfrew......1400 Hlenry )McLiýen, Wentworth . 10>15 George W. Lewis, York Co.. 9>e> Alex. Mannig, Yfork- Cc..%....15M SoetFruson, Kent ........ 15»29 Ei. l1a11, Lamibton.. ..., 271 T. R D ate, Lincoln.. ... A. T. Wooed, -Wvntw9rth ...... l'24.446 OJ. Cook,;York.........ï,l Huih Ryan,!York.....,. 00<: Sifr Frak Smith.......5.0 ML 0opert,, urbim.. . .. 8ir -Frank Sailit, York C. 0wi Hlenry Cargli, rum... 3321 Of T'litROYAL BEW. 1lslters at munlir muet Relp The M- selvea te 'tireNectar. -The royal fanaiiy Of Baarna Ji" frein tirae Immermrial ireen .kn6wtolefaîn ae tire principal bretons of ail Gernrasy. l'ýa fanrous Ilofbrau bouse, or royal biewery, tirs estlillul Se-ptomber, 1589, b>' Dmke William cf Baverle, sud bas beome oas ofthtirsnational intiltu. Lions ethie saint-y. No on.e basE miel beau lin MunlIr m ortufQni aiIdof the plan, din"y tavenula ior rol court beiras»becs eold et reUMet or Lire lest 80 yeans, &94 whltnu part of tIrs autieelpalace ocf lina ries et Tresi*i no valten or taIs-sse,ý -eerybody 'belag expecWedte rattend Wo trie os-n v.nti, a"d On tire oca ofe thir Kalaer'ivisita e omucir iret. geter titi tIre Bavarlau 'p-m W.hio hapnto e ieeeria ,l4. akc et p ie ne andaal <sèt-- fra .ton mfug, *bi, AnaeMormdante *ml tire 4tlMe-ýboft«*d ctlior f 'tl ty, tieuiieirce s 4la b i. fore gdl4 es-a n- lU rne the,pus- &Md prAires. .11 e& leog . t in Imu men u m4 r -,Ï" 09 rosa ~epsa~ oindra leu of0

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