Whitby Keystone, 4 May 1905, p. 4

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4. - I Letters from Our Correspondents__ "i Aslhty.Spaig 8th Con., Mlkr.1 Iu lgweuluInti.lt ire Tis oeemo l vs efowsth BrJ.W ilklmolk . The isouit wu- Isprfet odartonlis oo-ain. rr#"W_ ObsaxlosM1iohU, et Toroalo, stsued tie. Mn tnisae i ti s busg~qaak .etuy"o iabbiîîtt OMM05 - BROOLIIY.COLUMBUS. Mme. McNieely %vent to Ti isonburg on Mr. MWalter MIeLaren spent a tew vdays -Tnesday. baving been causti 10 the bed in our bei-g prion tu goiug iVent. aide of fber father, wbo in very iii froni Mm. Thomas Shortritige hbeeon huzy Cancer ot tie atomîach. doliverneng bis nursery stock. The effort made lu organize a court of 1M ison iolet Guy ontertaineti a lady the, bndep.endent. Foresterm bere vas not' f ienti frein the O.Lc., NWhitby. sucesafu -. Sortie baif dordain enîheme Our itudlemas have resunacti les af- weme secureti, Who affiliated witia tbe ter the Eanter vacation. Columbus court. Count-ilbor Doolittie in ail -.4miles these raepet sympatlav in feit sitia Mm.atids.bsabnlnebug bMme. A.ueson andi fanily in tbe oamion gosra Stocks and tikie bave lhe-,n deatb of tbeir son, 8amameil, from an at-* uîlling up a new fonce belveen their tack of apj'eaa>icitis. The youmig mani, Ftaris. wbo vas ina bis t2laî ycar, was a general Stabute lahor ln hrougbt hack again -favorite wîlh a'1l wbo knew bina. The into forceon our beat. funemal was; belti on Tamsdiaftaercnooii, Miss Mary (>raiton in at lPeterbome andtilaispite of the very disagreeable îblu weeý aîîenduîag %i. F.. M.S. naeetings. weatimer, vasq very Iargely attezatit. MiesM. Niinrie Sbortridgs, of Toronto, 'l'bo auîîaialchurtla servit-e in ctaînectaon viailtentier tbe parental rouf. with the 100.F. van hbld in the NMetho- duaI clauicb lat! Sunday aftcra:oolî. Up- Hesi Cough Medicine for Children. watts cf avep8 ttY-tbvO e maieerâ Of. tbeI When yaîaabuy a cough rîedicine for order weroee it, sanali siom. chillen Von vaut une ii wbîiayou frein MWbitlbyPort lerry amai 1aaerua ( -anplat-e inaplicat confidence. Von vant anti the ù-iaurclî wii entarelv fillem by tliee tha nul only relieves but cures. You largc nudieneth ia t hari auénibaiel. Trhe o aît ,tne that is t.aîquestionahly barmia. nermmacn was preaa-bed tI lie 1aRtttr oIftt lest. Vtîm v aut ()eethal lu pleasant 10 claîic5Ai, bic. i an.Adanis, atid was an ef-t ,&_k -. t fatimberlaira's CoilgiaRernedy fort is nrthby tf theic rcaison. Tlt- lotacal ie- ît., the -ondtionsuaa. nacre is no- lotigo of (ttfitclo,.twbast-I3 teyrt-tca' cd a tblll,-, s .-..Ifor the t-oîgbs anti coldm tomitbormbltta1t : t itlt .rinavî'11 "@"'du"t1',t't hit h i i l je n is s a cer- anti isn tNn srumgu i1tu- ti> ain ri a aeant i tire for rouit. mnd cf tweraly i-carm ugo. i(livre ias la danger %% litever tromma îvlaoup. (;ramaolitltic sîlt-î mlkt ut-rt'agai un tI il ienit s ;ivil. It lias&itec der ,iisvuRsîona at tltth -ulivil ilieinM îî'"l fl , m(-viits ttliaIt iseaAe belti last Mttialî. I t le ret-tghîzetid ta b l at ,rfe t - I--- * -tr 'sa c-l tv y ail the îsomdeaa sidewalkli ais sert cd ils dayi. tIr Ugg ixtts. Lbe price oft liauber lhaving gone go ligila.1' andti lougla granolthî' Naika ttist a 1(it iOSHAWA. cf inoacy te ati' aualag# in ea-unolalJtoi mnmi s-lbtueriieeaiase of their aliàout The higgest firo Luis tovai liais sourn indestructable natutre. It is ajîite jtrob- sitce tile McLaughlin factoiyv as burt- abe tuhatlkole il liasrtsuafmier. i d oiglht yoarà ugo tookjplace at the ne val iii li t m uinr shawa Caniiî;g Conipany'@ wQrks oni Mr. Blair Ket-laia N %isitetI lais fat ber,'Tuoa ilt h iesatdi Mr. A.. Ketasiion, o cm Sur:aay,le ix rsaynilt Tolresate1i iikng is îewjaslici: n it'uns~ . !alatue cemtral soctio'n cf the vorks. but tbe .juite Weil, icause as liard lu iocaloe, as Ibore hati Mr. .IaimCs(r-txaîi!, 't Iot.e iealth bas lu ico t fin bthatdepartmoual for iteemi ratiier pi-ctar i,iiItfor a lcaaqim ite, in momtha. B@cides ', abuaIbbe inacimîiery, jaîst now amore poo t ar itm aaîa 1 14ing aitilas filledth ilafi-c carloatis of mater- ativaraceti li yearît h le t-iea îere cfn ala liftor naking cases anti chier stuif, andi net lc imacla. if any, imp1ruveîaaeit. in lais Ibis went otff ith a flash. liv the tinte coniditiona. ithic ogiaio Wais ready ho opormale, hareiy M.ra. A. Ketchli, vitoge aralkie î'aa 1 ints tese-l enrlsot vemeiy irjureal ty au taIiaeliat ixu ueeks1l auim, h bi eil-i eto mo, ins lowly r..t.verifag.lut.IAs ltnt W ols i11 a blaze. The saving of that part Ahi u oUse the. iaaj-urei lamaii. vais flacplos, andtiIis muaant thiallime I'rienis uf M r. El1. lit>] lit!ay, who wt-nt annexes anti aiacliuery hudato ugc, too, froua bere ta st., l'au], a litto nacre but thie brigade cotbl do nothang but thama a year a-o. iilIl e antereseetigave the maai building. This thy aie- in tihe annnnîacen.acît of his îaarrl'age, comrplishoti, thougli tie cupuko vas burnt wlîiob artîearm ir a aother coluiman. Mmr. off the olevator. andt the building vas lu ana Mm. loi]tla ~~b rsid b i. erious danger for fully an boum. MVo P'aul. WVe unite Mih ibnany others ini 'have no authemativo estimateofo the congratulationas aiual gotlvishem. bsbti crnth1asta o One Lady's Reconmmcndatïon So!d Fifty Boxes $15:000 )te $25,i'00, andthie destr-uction of Chamberjiln's Stornach and comos ait a lime of lthe yeam vben it viii Liver Tablets. tala, auna. husmiing to gel ready for the i baie, I belici e, stlabrfîty ba:iee of soason'u pack. Clmamnberlairmat Sînniaci arati Liver Tab- There vbire about lveuty applications lots on tlae ecomanendatioia of oue lady for the position of cbiot constable,-but i bre, whu tiret bouglat a liox of tImia only thm e e cons'adereti wbo applieti about a year agto. She gctver tires cf1 personaliy : J. W. Spnaang, Brooklin; t.elling lier neiglalcrs anti frierîda about, Samuel Adamns, Brockvilie ; D. E. Mille, the geet ,1uaiitiesfth4fLiee Tablets.- lipoint Edwarti; Samuel Nevhail, peter- M9. ShoraxI )mggiaat, Um.-,b*sLer, loti. The pleaseût Urgative effect of them. Tablosbore ; Ueo. Fo.' Mithelel, Nortb Bay; maniiatean a faî:omlte wilb ladies every- Jno. E. Cnivforti, Londco. Spruaage viioe. ,- For sale -by all dmuggiastu. - fgrsvr 60mi nfrn ithot feoa, or $5t ant i utaborna villafees. CLAREMONT.Adamis anti Newhail asked $700 straighaî, Dr-. Tacey, of Toi-onto, is iisiîingig n th" latter te bavo uniferm. The ethers a to.iv .anteti SM0 a yoar anti nniioi-m, but Cravforti aset ne fees. Tho ncessary, Samuel lapp. tof bMamklîatr, the noteti vire pulling appearod te have boon ail expert checker pîayer, spent Tuesday intdoue in ativance, Ibn Ceuni. Haînan anti Ourn tovn giving tue local cbecker play- Jatmes niovodt tt Crawford b. appoint- onsa fv pineralu lacuientgam. d, anti il caaried uunimously wfthout It e is vll regret that vo report tii. disussion. The mayor said ho felithIal *deatia o! Heury' Milciîell1 vhicb 100k a very gond choîce hati been mad- place on Wodnosday of latt veela. About penhapi as gooti -8sesoection as vas pos- Ivo wocke ago he vas kickedl on thie ible from thea men offoriag. ohin-bono by a berme at Coleman. AI- Mnr. )4. S. Bovrean , wooM mdla thougbho vhe ount id tinot apposar te ha dsqroioped hopebess ph" ..of anuanaty, a seriotis one at tbe lime, 1h gratiualy aunas ln. suicide of han su onm* eieks -beoamq vorse until totanus (lock-jaawgàtm, wusremoveti te an #aylum et set in, resullbug in hitio dh R aslttd Mimîoo on Tuesday lasI. Hon case s a' at theý resîdenceocf bas son..in-bav, Ly sonry distresng one, anti lia cau»asa jumin J. Pilkey, al thal place. Bis fu- very videaproat expression o! sympatby. neral took place on Salurday, v-ben his Constable Joseplà Peageliy's nosgna romains wers interred in Bethel bur.- tila tal«e.ofoecti on u cday n«xi, andi ,oui MD« 0t5«ww 8 U 57 5-I=t& fty to co tro 1» 04rmonlop bots theise p notreasaa Tis evnsculelor wus apointeti tp oçssst tise 5on et tlia Me4iu tb ee--' to Mî sU oetb$ verni on tii. bddp MW osIdwaIk$ it do. With lian sud t. boww.imm" MWa Ualsa R tseu .Zaâe i Spot cent,,, aad tisai lb. tremiot motion ho sesousad.d. Tis e Iomta oeis o stra -terla Ro&aoc T HE WHITBY 1~~W N THEKEYION, WITY, THTJRSDAY, MAY 4p [905 HIGlaED r'qCR. OIed hum Drlsklng #Whisk.y. The Est York license ommso..Oriia, Mpy L-The oorpnerls inquest Sinto the death of M eneWho, in tranfrhlicen, is ie trwhiskey, vae brought te a close to-day. Wall, Dinforct odsoeo her stc - Penley and tour companions drovo home as was Mm. M. A. Maxwell of Ibis te Atherley on Tuesday with Sam Sym- place. The bouses wero deemed un- ifigton, wvli wu drunk. Symington lot necessary as hiotols. The application of the boys have drinks on the way and Charles Crow of the Haifway Bouse Vras gaVe tbem the. bottie at his gote. Pen- hold for further consideration, and the leY took MûreO than the others, and when same was doue witb reference to the hie arrived home was sick. Be soon botel aI L'nionville. Ail the othor ap- vent sound asleep and nover rocovore plications were granted. acoflsciouSfles. In his ovidence. Syin. la te St-Zon IL on- ington &Mud h. could flot remember any- UXBRIDGE. formes to the features by thing that happened aftor ho came to Umbridge, April 29.-Charles Darling- its ease of adjustment, tovn Tuesday morniug. Be came for ton, who bas been ongaged ini pop menu- whiskey, arud, ho suppouod, got it The facturig bore for many years, uas a. besicles this wc adapt jury returu»d a verdict that Penley diod cidentally killod near Vivian te-day by lenses to your eyes f8rath erts of wbiskey lu the pos- bis wagon Sflling on bim. He lefI home by the inoît modern session of S)iigtoîî. this morning with a load of pop for Sut-I ton and other places. Ho got on a bad mfethods. road and had to get off his wagon to i For Sale turui round and vais in the oct of steady. 1Nine rooined, brick cottage, Centre St., ing t wen te acidet ocurrd. e ýWbitbY, in firtt-elass9 condition, five acres ing l vhn te aciden ocumme. : If y-eu wei4r our invisibile hi focal lenses of land. Appiy -National Trrust Comipany, ftorI leaves a widow and oe a'son.1 for distance andtj ear. Dr. Osiler wouid Toronto. Taking'Desperate Chances. nev'er reeommenti vou to Ihe chioroforîned. _____________________that ht is truc that imany contract colds and: as theY make vonu lok unaber 4- aniadE reoe roiten ývtottaking any ineoer over 60.Ho s Wa tdaw of thiq fact leads others to take their NOR MANI 13ASSETT A odti working ihor.%e wanted, accu'- Our ediances anstead of giving their colda the toine te l driving single. l'rice froin $50 needeti attention, It shoniti1)ehourne in Jeweler an'd t>ptician, tu e 5. AIpply toand inid that e%-ery (-old weakens the imngs. Brock Street, - - hib'jIl. BRE8LIN, Whithy. 11o0n1 lowers the î'itality, makes the aystenh ______________________ ___________________ lesi able tu with'stand each suc-ceedingl ive cold anti îiaves the way for more serious1 to aigu lhe necessary potitions to the[I f(1l II digeaaes. Ctn you afford tu take snch Legielative Âssenîly and the Lieuten- 1 dosperate chance@ %when Chamberlain's@ n-oeursîîgotIi aiiain M VI Y I L Cough }temedy, famous for its cures of n-oeorstigutheaifcinH O SB I L colds, cao lie bat for a tritie For sale of the Maid by-law hy the electors, and' by aildruagit.g. hat the said by-law bas roceived the1 hy al duegiîs.aPProval of a majomity of the ovuers of, PICKE.RING. lands ni blocks of twenty ocres aud up. Meni are now at work moving Spink>s ivards, andi that such anajomity lias b~y siding prior to the erection of the eie- witing asked the council to pass the vator. d by-lav, andi asking that the saiti W. H. Banks bas sustained a serious ibY-law be Iegalized and previding that i .Ios by thig- ,demth of eis inipomted mare, alltb.ingn muay be donc vhich are noce s- which be purchased from Graham Bros., SIEy to giv'e cffect to the sanio." Carried. Clareniont, lait ficli. IUke-LawIer-Nioved thut lte by. At a meeting of '$t. Andrew's congre- lf* ad tho Kcystoue Sugar Co., gation lieid on Tnesday 4'ening le cou- lirited, bo rcad a third lime andi pas- aidcr thc stops to ho takelr in connectxon Id carriei.. with the resignation of the Rei. G. Me-, Jackson- .Lawe r-That the Cierk be Grogur, ai ceputatiom of five niembersu authorized te conamunicate witb the TatKEtyst-ca Job department ie was appointeti to voit upon the Preeby. Farmers' Ce-operative Harvesting Ma-speddyoupdfrlbpiungf tory whicb meets here on Tuosday naezl. chinle Co. andi the Board of Fire Un. roue bills or card.orthe vor vin be Tiie meeting vas very harmnonious, and, derivriters acquaintiag theni with the doue in a satisfactory mannor andi pnices vas stronglyin b aver of retaining the if&ct that the vaterworks systeni, vhicb are roàsonable. torvices of Mr. bMcGregor as pastor of iwa temporamiiy disabiod by front, bas she church.i been in complée and efficient working Noi.-Ho'semen ordering bille or The Mlodel Bakery -Ce. are beginung order since 7tb of Mai-ch last, and Ibat carda receive a free notice ini the Route ah once the eroction cf their nov elevator there in noir no defeel in the eyslem Register during the season. Men'a at the miii. The site te nov being gelt tbat affects ils efflcioncy in the eveut of Ordens by mail wii receive thene Mon's iute readiuess. fire. The only matter equiring allen- Icare and attention as if ieft pesonally Mrs. Deny'es, of Wbitby, district or.; lieu in Rn addition le tihe present cuver-. at the office. Bov'a gaIzo for th. W. M. S., gave an adi- iiig Of some 'of the valer mains, vhichýT eK ysoe o dress in -le basement of the Methodist lbe conunasanersunudertake e o T e eysonebF c rcho insa vnn.reniedieti duning tie coming smmcm. "Whitby. BuyV Robent Devereil hm purchased tIe 1 Camred. _________________ If property iateby yacated by Goo. Stetîs, MrJackson refe l motion of Apîa'nt als et tepricq paid being $3,5W0. A number1 oni asking ;f o6r for a statement ApiitnaPrtmet of yoams ago Geryas Corneli moidt in Ifmom Commxsîoiiems mre standing o! wi 'nitce heîareî>y tiven tliman amaplicationwuail farm for $7,000, just Ivico the amount ton and light systerns. The .0Iayor ne- bk mati.Co te IeLeillautth cesProvnce of on- pali by Mn. DsverILt-Newx. ipiiedti hat ho laid no report te hai out haio ah its zpreeur. *sein for as Act contIrma Selk Reuwltim "éd. The comniissiotiers luid a number of Z e jo.Mii. enThé onmo et SclaU Rbematum Cîrsd. meetings, but tbixags are li n auase»ttled Ibi Couatr id Ontarle and Ths Oocposahlosutithe 41 1have bemn au bjectt b caterheum - sate-svensi se= lotaboig nnetIe& ovushie kt#&maDlaaaati* atisan for years," @&asE. Il. Waidrn, 0;b es ne of for, b.eond.4hl ma"î aon MWPat of or.sondlaof t h in. peeapmb na rthPisfoi- Wilon Iuntio, bwa.~Myjoitswore Mm. White expboiniedti It ho andti he 0 .rsmosaa of tbee% B&s bridge Imil oser the sif andi gave mue mucli pain andi duscm ueitnetwetyîgogtre8*Rf on he niÇt licnbtw h fort. My joints vould crack wbcn 1sp atnietvr rigtegln-RakRis slm nd ary lis e seseime o atmgbend p.1 se Camern' Prtready, and vouitiave t or an. ro 7y Zp t e u ftheutseveLime pag 1 othr meeing.! r2'ab. C uea acgis ete of te agreet- Pain ain a ne Inbe ntn eh >1tmetnvoi fr menttit gs geit la cureti. libye net had a pain or ache frre The foilowiug reports were pasaod: . a ed th la, sof bmsth9. te oid trouble for anany menthe. lItii Joux IL FAREWELL. certini $ iostvonerfl liimet.»RatsE U 01Solofe or hli applicails. cetiily% mntwndrulliien. John MacCarl, vork......20.00 The. Cloa»Wlhofe(»taulo "d Iora lor sais by aIl dnuggiuta. 5. ThoL s. Hris ...... 1.50F Sae Mfeeting of Town Couîcli . Geehan ...... .78 e âle John Connors ...... 8.00 Hneat o nKnieaRai At 8.30 bMayor Robuon ealkd thii John BIravener, load*ang ... .10.73 ' ousdt on istoouaW d. o Boar teonde. M. Clvil Ol P.Unerwod - 448 .boutan M to musein gooâ ne- S)pring -Opening We have muetsI)pleasure in showing our- Spring oods 1905, te which ire ask your careful inspection». U owng our friends look upon us as the Ieading store, we have le most careful pireparatio.ns. The class of goods we have ays carried, the straightforward way we have conducted' business for the past year, should- appeal to the interest common minse of pJeople who appreciate value for their tey.- A personal visit to. the store will-tell you more in minutes than we could tel! you hiere on a page.« A nev stock o! Shirts wiii arrive Ibis veek. Yen cain depend on style and fit, prices wili be q noteti next week. Ladies' Pnint Wnappens, prices $1.00 te $1.25. Ladies' China ISibk Blouses, ail colons, speciai $2.0 Ladiest Waterproofa, in navy biue, speciai $2.45 Siik Piano Drapes, in différent aMoors, prices $1.00, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50. WVe bave a nov stock- of -Pnints,- Mualins, Sika, Shirtangs, Fianaielettes, L)ress Geedla, our prices it vii blp to seu. Floor Qil CloîbI, 25 cents a -suare yard. Otan stock o! Clothing is sebecteti from d eodabl6 materials and the finest workmanehip. No need o! worry about fit, as our stock is barge enougla te suit ail classes. Men's Suits in fine black tweedi everplaidth whlivbte sînipe, latest style inateîiii! and work, spec.ial - $6.50o Meu'4 Waterproofs, guarauteeti frein the manufactureras, special -$ 500 Men's Hats-a large stock cf Hats' just arrivedi, lu a dozen diflereul etyles, Claristies anti- Fedoras, priceq 50c, 75c, sa Tweed Parat, a bargain. 'a Jmbreiias, apecial, $100 59C a Maul Knickers, special, -45o r Ladies and (lentlenten.-Are you Iooking for a good 'investment? whmtever you need ini our winter linea. You will p.rofit 100 per cent. gooda ate not satisfactory màoneoy wHl bo reunaed. "lads In CanÉ"é OUR; BIG STOCK 0F' lrail Papes, Prepared -Pýa1-nti., Varni8hes,, etc., ksistas entreIý of Canadian madegoodh, and we cari guar+ Be both q.uahty and prîce tobe rrgt. We have also i stock, Alabastite,an Raw-Ois, Turpentîne, erushes of aMi knds, Dry Côlors CW W. take Farm Produce MW any quantity -at highesê k price W. A. Iiay&C ÂIAS é rneoauusnd I Philp's Building, Brook St.' e -c Ic py Sf N4 In Who ci We-- sp igh assoi f -Paul ýl , -ý

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