Whitby Keystone, 4 May 1905, p. 2

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i.- I An -Baster Refrain. Tie (yr Margaret J. Presten.) Thelver>' clopeis et olivet Weré, steped lunai>-aic gleem. Savê viseatise Merullg Star, unset. llulg 'er the gardon tomis. Wiseu te tise augelu vatcblug there, Acres, the obadov dirai. Came lisrIllng threugb -the beiioved air That earilest Easter hym- "Tise Lot in lriuo! Tise Dow, exultant aIrain, tisai thon liroke -on that Easter Day. Shallisoid its primai glory vison Al elsoisupaffsed aira>. Tihe dia et earts, Lise arite, tise vrons, Wars doadiy ciasinig hurted. Shall etili be veak te drevu thse seng That girdles ail bisewveld- "ieLord lu risen ' Tet zman> a Bsunlit southerrta trand St111 valtd fer vbsY msy conte, And many lonague of darkened lanud This fastrtide 13 dumab. Tisoy velcisfor signa athirart tise sky, Tbor feint boneatb their voc; lINo hope!" lu mail deupeir tbey cry. Woui.i Gud tisey couid' but kueir -Thso Lord 13 tison 1" O boroes of tise living Godi Scuin catch beieaguered beîfist. Antiflas out brsveiy. ciear liud broad, Your beaoensapiondti iigbî; Till tram Ugattias bioed-staijsed valls ComebecS the gaiterefrain, And tir troxu Moreas,ausvcriag calla Cuit. vîtis Coutssstrain. "Tise Lord ls risen! -Lite sud Ligbt for Woaiuu, At tise Gate Of tkc Temple. *At tlbe.pireLcnL tsî:ue O hzs 5 Ic~s. castintg its fiLu-e ilgilt oi, ail 1ital qdl'.v tiens o e ise sotîr, iR i. asîsuss tar i the prolsbissîstli-A ra tus -c siif, sg 51ed t i.t, dicui eriîW Lt ue rcbeissg îrojccted, fît- ted loto acti ie ,3.j,gi tg tl(,tUs lu a stationUlreau-s' far- .îîsci sLi tc lnstt.Liltsf progr-vws. lise gri eat llsnkr:-s et. i>C agi' are rît 0 s isx ntîch to uta- t1icir iiiisdealno ' t iCetti tsi ttci t tlis. kilo '-ledgt of th:e Infif;te; bisu Liître iî. seBnnische catirsut grasp, an'd in tle cf- 'fort s-e arc oas. sîatie lisd to clig * to. 'The golden eteabIer of taitît by svhïcli us e -uld iîscc-îd lu te vson'tiarotis' cof gzralL- bti t utnis i l alowiy antîî iiîea; tise SVi settraditionîs tiat liîegg'd is uî;r ciiQl.îtud; thîît c-ur sîothers oîssrsi'tl isi to ulira" a kenîîig îsinds lhav'e uni! ssîsd fit hen dîssu-i . i4kn!sstla u îîprI.s )s tise fuuit iiiy Lie otite. w"s til asutt ~rs;silc tchsdsdes.p ss'asousing ; 's" i canusot b t ira t> a Oîize (lie pris-gi-s tltiît s s-e oturs, ort suint %ut' e to lu]it age ws i-e in u. Whili' Scirnrii'r es isub ing riuiLshrapid scluide-, thie bsnîc arc ctlub ln osur luîiidst ri-ht ltithe hales of t'r Teusîple-Llse drunki,. le gusosler, t0s0 tîsifttess, tIhe nurali liue ssnd w lUs aii tise grýa'thsthinge ti tsi are lseiln ascovis- piiisil, 't Wy dLo sroit- l: 1) I sp bsit'ld Isu ou ur iisI. Tls' c r ssilis lîImegivr-n thito crîstelis tob laisonu, oat claitiss r eol g Lîsthi-r hici-si I-sisst itusîur sire t heyheing-xi etsle)stasnd i tirigIst. %V@ îtîdduri'i,yi- i sfrin su lii, as:n s sceinîuc s - litosu l titts'rs. ilit tis siuts>'o! tii> . oi. 1tf 'Jo. fi't t i>. % ire <b loulitîi-îi, ut>!lot tise Lpostie spetsk - "Ilis I e statule of le-ii<isni.4t o! Nazut- eUtIlise Iup a nd w ii 1.' A,;thlits'lme nostn steod u tspisaicul in the -idst. llsey syls stol areund ceulul su notlsin è'; tihe greatett criti of tise ige say rtothing te titis, thse unun-sweralule argument fer otsr faiLli. *As ws'tiow eut hc'ds mne- knoeislcginîglthe GPd tisat anavers hîy hs'sied mets, me forgt a il the doubtLe, the (ears tîsat havîe insost urrckrd "ut- tutuh: ansi are centent ho kîsoî noths- iibg save (Christ' aind ii i rt nietid; itle stante -vîsicis iii abers' e.erunnie; the niaîîst'tlssLsar et, lits îss'oîsle lieustheir gilns. Jsanet (trays. Our Part of thse Work. Let u-s sot ]test ceax-ent vitis tI le tholiglt tisat w'.>anec t-aliUg an eqi-Il eisare uiitî tisî'rslithe workLthat as *.being donc, or tisat mnen are catiatieti -.%i-th eut offerte lu Ctîrlat'a -service, Or *es'ou p in toteus -in exanuples. Let eus' cuiy desîre toteknow sr hethes' vo arc beoreing all tise fruit Christ in Williiig <egfre J hresisglis utsauii-igbrantches, in çelie uand ii'th uio v i sif; visetiier wo are Nati,-fying tise loî'iig huart oatthsegpeant luîaansmnn, cuir ti'ii r tiser in Hflero n ie isadesire for more truit.-Rev. Andrew Msrruy. o-- *.~V- -~. i ITIHE IRL WHIO FOES !Q1THE CITY AtONE. <'S £Ljv of notiig more pathçtic." aus ç.-j manti t me lateiy, 6'tsan tise mains ci itsi Star. 'Thse to be se- h3rr'ible tit nething rte- but te inforni thse-, shôle vend nature, se thatlc n'time tise %t'ile wvill disceuntenanceO iL-I'reuto THE HOUSEIIOLD. auy Uses ef Kerosene for Douiestic Pu.-pocs.mn eue face euei sure teo finsi ut ci-civ Alwi-ys isaving ,due colisideratioeu4 fer -boarding house lu Nov York-Lle face thse dang.er inherent ila the useof clsily. cf tsé grl vse las jat <~ ~ inflammable substances, tlse-foilowing de- ofertise gi . o b me uch fatcn-retaiS ot tise demestie uses of kere, seneob opr e traictisan aneasryfas are Mary Taylor-Rosasl in atteEst"ili moretraic han n amy ithbau- le fouiîd of interest te alil husekeepera: nets. MWby decsu't s5he go home?~" IKroseners ofe great use il, wasbsng; Novui'sy houd sc g hoti~theilite clothes. Onâ or two tablespaOon- Now wh ehuldsh gohom fth 1ta,* t lotiseboiller, uhile tihe vaLt girlvIe as jat outeLu clîqul' is cold, sud gradually iseatcd te make city? Tise- womea who are the bradsana emulsion, yl de away uith, misci of tiseir proessiens did net g) home, aad i rubbing andi consequent vear and teur on ithey are net goissg to kecp Ilîcir places tle ciethes. If eue doesn't Cure te use aiways. 1Whlo witubae theis' places lu tile oil for tise entire washtng, sOiled that as-my of eager, confident yeung %vo- piees bc ketavela, mny b. put tu sosk -men at the heardilig hbuse tables 0 eî Xinlucool vateror -e'ight, vit s peoor' r- s-ahouid suddetîl.vgeoboose? f uloet eh; tisiy v ili coeiew-ite mucis Tiser. came a girl te New York, tîrce mare easilinluthle max'ning. y7mars ago, who went to sece o!Ofthse Net-bing makea windows, inirrore and -successfisi vomen in ber profession. pitcure giasses se briqlit sud clear as "My dear yeung fricnd," said the suc- er îtaeteusciaspoult ceauful weman, "go hoeue. 1 havre an erasene haa been added. Use a amui)l av'erage of 10 girls a day vise corne Le me clean clatis; vrlng dry, and! rubist oves' as you lias-e erne. I kuov girls of re- the glass, after tie framework bas becu flnement--coliage-bred sud cloer-si le uashed or wiped devu vits an ailed caunet oas-n $5 a wcek lu this tewil Go cîetis Ge te ti next window aud ws.sh home aud stav there." in tiese ame way, insîde sud eut, sud ",6But you didn't go home," suggcsted tison back te thtii firt-uit idew sud tes girl ipe it dry vitb a large, cleqn dlots. 'Tisat si-a sccausc 1 didn'l kueis whist AU hi.le vindevu in a roono cati le made 1 wsas dariug," replied thc suc-cessiul wo- dean sud aparkliug in hlI an heur by manathIsametbod. Tise girl did net go home, bewei-er. She Paint that- has Itou vashed, ln tise atay cd, aud nov is earuing a silarv -al- apring, or weedwerk oS a natiarl finish ma;t equal te thaL Of thc succesaful vo- eau ho made bnigiit sud cleM lu tise fali mais-fer Ncw York la indeed a firvt by merely ruisbing it dovu vit-bas doth citv if oee kisows a littie rnagic eue- dipped lu kerosene. Always use dlean self. laxtuel et yodl raga, aud discard oeevc- Taci-et-y girl vîo has coee ere t-a erf few moments, feor there la ne use nuis- make lier vay 1 should lik. te say tu-e bing vitis soileti coh-li.Tise. cotha, if tisg: vasiset eut att once, xvibI lue dean vitis Fis-st, knou' veurscif; t-iat bit of ad- vcry littlce vork, for thse ouis eipa make vice issu aeu'r yet býeauequsalles!. thenu vwhite. Second, if ii is net yens' pride, uer %wheu the kitcei sink la rustY, sud y aur desire, nor yew' disconteut at home, tise set tuba, tram negleet, beCeme eOat- but your sober judgmeut e! your owa ed vit-h accumulations 'of ivasi 'aters>, abtlity- and perseverunce liai leads yeu nuib theai ov-r s' ulkeresene. te bese bauestly thnt you eau wsnl- ten, in tise spring, tise zinic lin'mg et thon uîay. tise refsigerator la founs! te le ceveres! Gi-en health, and wuitl ne pressing vitis smal ihite spots, rub tise zinc vush cail of duty ut honte, any girl wbo uts- kerosene. Le-ave the rot rigerates' epen. for desstands lher ewn personslity, sud wivisevi-ral leurs, sud tisen vass vîti hot stays intise belief I hiai-e just sueutienesi, ater, seap and a littieail ni.Ts boldeolber future ilulier ovu lbands. lut spots vili have disappcared sud tise re- bies' ev hansd! T-lere, als, is tise riai; frigeratos' vilil e cdean sud sweet. for ul:of tise wisy se j uggles tise future Toue zinc undes-neasti a range or stee wlu. babr owevu doer hIs!euerytising asouls! neyer le vet viti a drop et vat- deptrnds, fus' more tissu on thse interven- or, unies-a tise vîtes' le viped up it-h a tion etf ate.-Februas'y Suceesa. Idry clatis et once. It vaterspilsa outise DR. AGNEWS- *TH1'zinc accidenta1fy, vipe it Up at once. Wet D.ANW CUR R THE acjlt 'itb aeroeee, sud iovrs'tise REART acte dii-eetlv ans i qîickly, stim- zinc ev othier day, sud it will have ubates tiseisearta acuin. stops ainst acuto tise peculiar visite abie tisat a clea>i zinc pWi, dispels ail signa et výeakuness, flutier- alvays bsa. If it bas beeu neg-lectes! for Ing. isluklug. amntiserîng, or palpitatIon. a long tinte, os' lmpnoperly' cared fort This visaderful cure tg the turdy eiP vasis f isst wvu ammousa sud ashes, thon irnicis co.'rl ise he eart-sirk patient sie I vinethese upuiti suasp and vater, sud the biasen ef radiant aud perfect hebtis. Giuves relief lu mort seuLe forma of hoit-t sh t-hf zinc iu keroseno, as if tise diseuse lu 30 nminutes-Il h o evstes'. 5Whenan sew'iug machine s'ins liard, oil HOIR0RS 0F WAR. it al ever witis keresene, andti Len seuv avhile, or run tise machine vitisout sow- Wounded and Dois! Lie lutise- Field! cf tng, te shlow tise ail ta reaieh 'ery cccv- Blttie for Weekx.- ice.. Wipe away ail tise kerasene sud oehl 1/,again v itLism ogod machine ehl. Thse gredes-ie Villiers, tiheusar correspond- machine ivili seeni like a new eue; it yvi eut-, us-lie. ork le kueva ever>'wiece mn seouucis oosies'. sud wlîo Icctured mn Toronto sites' tise Kuresene oil vil) remove dis-t f rom ver' between Chbina sud Japsau, tatem se'e haudu, atter biacking tisesteve, tisat a prediction ofieu made. Iv Arehi- mare quiekiy tissu sap -sud vais'. Poutr bld Forbes ha;& caie true. Forbes uned a ittle lu tise vatr'aisi vast-he bands te sny tisat "tise tuase vould cese hen vush it, thon vasin la iue w4rm ai s'i, as-mies wiould ao longer le ahi.le otakk. tho n luhot vith pieuty et oap aud a thoir uounded f rouitishe fseld et hattie.» stiff nailbrusis, Fiusnis offtise bauds 'vils Villers sayu "*tisadayisau corne-se are lionn d tisen ruS lunsus' gos!lotion. living lu it." After haudiing a paint brss, kereseno lui tise preseut vas' Vilher. bas accu yull reineve tise stick7 feeling botter tissu etretches et battie greuns! on which tise anything 1ele. bodies et dead and vounded hsave lalu for tirelire days, tis e sias uburies!, tise Studiesosfitise Vernacular. weuuae< uutcndod, viii. oves' th isni- ceesstiy passcd sheila sud bulicta. For a soldie1or t hes' arun te attempt te l'escuu s vouaded. cents' o.-a father, son os' brotisr-vould meia huilant and use- 1l8u desth Woundad imen have existes! werehow aeud thiedoms under tise.oea- ditions, sud 'have been tous! yut lie aiter tweiî'e day.. Tise searchligist, wiid prezeivea perputual daylMet o tisa battis grousid,lis, engIerge soi x«- efc teusclie. madine gens, rilles1 pelit blank ai 2M0yards sud vitisa rangsfet ,OO-tliosetiinge have Ms-de war more terrile nov tissu oves' booru in bi#lory. 'ildCross saoime» *>Ys VlWu5, 4 slea«tlfltutIbooks--tbey souiM »I ud"lock pretîy, but asfà 'bummasartane,' vas tiser. everpu into 'rud a migistler sateasit" V s",bu sentiroe4umuy campaigna, and-kmu ihat h çtllklég about. MMs ma vise kuowe OUsotis0g1ewv but -iat Inbu ateeb h~oostales tummqfl are ers Aseiné, Melr-tbau for a truse ta, > sra""£« fbrOw tie uw alo tun 4d. , hll. the. -am *M efpule on th" rurauda .t, L e ty about aslg b That simple eider.LWnpuperexiste&. perbapse BUt 4 IL la umudi erse, Tr. amy Srcoap mbrmt «Maab ie', amdby meau et ssIuWlu tr"oekuut vitlâa a4dw anuntau epeee lisas eaud e tes »l« awy tb. t oft btis ms-y beteu y valise m lonhag. Tb*e eider mey «mse1 tr~orneaide Io ruaistise t 01eb. tIbu -tt,3equeui a tbe tueb tueri !e4cSd eu rsan sd tlbey isa e Os go This te tise euvemstle tisai teck vila bolveos tise girl vitis tise twe-sterypentms douns sa!hie agIvir thse auro#lans ba., es tise Weatvq'tisarvene car; **Omo ,JenI", "Watabsvantts e?* "Wmaa aue upbl .Oese clsaa o«eu shoot lbeuse t*moraalgbtr" **Matatooltn. QosmaammlIa" **AirSa oit. Aiutmobdy'esmi.", '.1wetbsdlwa aa, "Ileteadelatisi., $frite, Oose bloastîttlsrosi "Nobsdd.iblsituiitaa, 1» irw aAsvb - '>Aiks mort! Notiawatsim e. "glde efoms.."- fEoboo ulm*ackoU.* . 1 r yu abi M dIboa When you entd ask for you know wl man knows it. Don't be if you arec else. Wlnes, etc., of Cod Il fui but don't jgetting Cod lI yearsWO've been Inereaing tho rales of Scott'3 Emulsion. Why? Because it has aîways beon better than any substîtute for IIL Ision go tg a drug store Scott's Emusilon ,hat you want;,the prou ought to havi surpitbed, thcughý, offéred uomethîng card iaIs, oxtracts, lîveroi ore.SiSplenti- t imagine you a re iver cil when you veyyear for thirty Seuci tor froc sample ICCOTT & SOWNE. Chemiatu Teronte, Ont. 800, c E.O.Ail drugcàiutm Nerve Needes! in a Jafles'. (N'ev Yorke Tribune) Mobs bang aud hum isecause Lhey isave found IL sete Lis bng and buru. We do net beiseve a JIAsibas br soken open lu tenq Years vises'elise cuqtedius could net. vILS determination sand courage, bai-e prserved bis prisouer, or at Iras.> made uuch au es- ample eOf islan dsthLie moi s 55 10have arouseti bis 'i-.L eectuLly Lo put dlin iyucis for tise future. ENCLISH SPA VIN LINIMENT Rernaies alisard, eoft as callausei lumps sud blemishes front herses, biood apai-in, cursbs, spints, rnagisone, sweeney; stîfles, epraîns. set-e andsi uoilen tismeat, cougis, etc. Sas-e 850 bu' use of oeehot- t-e. Was'ranted the Meut veuderful Blemisis Cure ever kuovu. e-i Guesug hateis.  quesaing matcis about catsishien- t.es'toiuMg, Says tise Weman'e& Home tiompanion. '«rite ent the foilowing lilt for eS competiter wittiîout giving tise anivers, viicl are bore psintcd lunpar- etca. na t>1e eue gues-siug tise larg- est number vîns: A daugerous cuit teatastropise). An aspis'ing cnt hctanîîunt). A cnt- that eau eu-lits catfias>). A cat t-bat eau fiy{ cal-bird). -A cnt- tsait viii bu' a b1ttl;'f1y (caler- pillas'). A library caL f(catalogue>. A cat tisat asks questions- (catccls- him>. A eat'u nons' relations (eat,*in). A Cst-tisaita sgooti te cout (catsupl. A bernes! est (cattici. A est tisat tîreve atones (catapult>. A tree csif catalpa). -A. vater eut attt. A est tisat f aiors tise grapes, iCatav- b'). A est t-bat coi-rs acres et greunde A subterranean (cutaeail).- A est, tisai living, aippears de4i (cat- alepsy). A est prnized as a gem (cat's,-oye>. A est -with a cold (cutas'nb). -. [8 FR WOIE Dame. Bradet oCured of .11 ber Pains by bodd's KIdoey PUIs. Qu" IoIlef lin he Qrus5Cana-., dian Klduiey Buer St- Boue du Deoe, Toiniseota Co, Que., Ap»ril 24.-ttipeeha- f- utru voennau oves' Canada vi resd vitis fee i g tinteruot *isd!reief tise experi' enM"es Damne Anmedee liradetto ettu ait " gesme pieasmt teb. ilebtoi teil, sayàDame Broderie, "<t Il M eured of ail tihe 14 1 ugmd t«e'a& *sM- bere of iOMLItouas! lu DoM'.Lb POll tushlk relief tro* U My1 ouiy as!lt taie anshs a ha ,uy ~ kn w mih b a!lafIe1.it b v bSm ne af v#airt nytrou la" aepmm «- strou#bîes kuovde U MY 17*5 OIv mUer (ai Uto suretise Iuw Aa Wboy alusys bnmg dweurtuiseasto wewk. ji'dwut n( TWO ARCTIC BABIES Cemmander Peary's Exiezience WitII S«»e Tiny Musk Calve& Ou tise 4th ef July. 189. ln a bread, 10,01 >YalleY la tise heart os Ellesmere Land, 1 Mme O ueon-a iserd- of!file.mualeoxeIn. Wlso thsy n us they- rau together sud ttood bta tO ack ln star forai, viLth eadu eut- yard. Ibisla Is eir -usual forai ef de- fossse sgainst ivairus, their oulyr enemies lu tila ild. Atter tisey vers siset 1 discer- ered tire tisiy celloes. vblch titi- thon. nad been bidden under tiselr aother'a long blai. tu1cis fuGUny .11w.cotal-black" creat'ires they vefe. vlth a'gi-ny patt' ou tiseir for'- boadu, gros:, aeft biack cyea. euoraiously large. bony; knock-kneed legs sud ne tala et ail. Wltb the fallIag of the last inual ex 'My doe made a rush for th ise 1111. sulmls. wblib. tisough vild-e«yed sud tresnbiing 'th fear, ibeved a iseid front teo the savage. in- 'I&uovis creattires wicb ourroUnîle thleux. Pertuuately. i vas too quîck fer the do;,e. «d reued tise little feiloira. Tison 1 bardli kuev visat lu do. y huld net tise heart Le MITi liem mayset fnur tea my 'Eskimos te. l'lnaill- I tbought I veidà try ands "t tisem onthie siip, [lLy umiles avay tliougis I dld net know husw 1 vas to do thlw oves tise miles ef moîsutains aud reugh ice. Atter the doga vo-re fastene th ftille feflovs teod quletiy by Lb. bodles of tbeîr metbers tii ail Lb. animais were akiuued - ut lUP. sud visen ire vere reasly te start for camp sud put a itn. about tier necks te iead Lise a ay tbey struggied sei'lently et thse tondis of tise repe tbat i kiseir tiSe7 Voiid seon atraugrle theruueîvea le deatis. snd laed the roes taken &f. Then vs trfr<d te drive theai. but cuuld net Tison 1 remembeed.jmv experienco yeurs befOre at far-eff IndePendence Bay. and Lold Ahngn&1ktô teta low on.- of the aiur.k 81kins ever bis harle andi villeoft Wllh a bas-a- tise 11111e ftrIbu" ver. at bis' lieds ln an 1nstant. and. wlth nouqes burleti lu ths e ni-hair troGiar beblud hlm. folloveti £outeutedîly. wblle Lbe reatof lis kept off lb. degs. lu Ibis vay everythIicnt vet nlrely. ind IvO scrambled along os-eth"berckq. wu'losl areu lire or tbree strearn. and w walke.d tiseougis an exqulalîeiy -sort. zrrn 11111e paLtsh et meadoir, eut isy a gurrlluc cryqt!tl bronk. util vo reacisedtheLb r'ebnat vier. tiese leige 8been left-SL Nichoes. NERVOUSNES, DYSPIEPEIA, IN- DIGESTIOX, andi kindreil ufimentq tnake wiugs before ise becti!ng qualit4es ot Southi Ainmerie'su Nervine. lho=,*s }toskt.! I Durham., ont-.took bis preacber*asactice-, followed directions. endi vas cu.-eti perman- ently cf lb. vorst forai of Nervous Prostra. tion sud Dyspepsia. He lise recoruzeutieti il L tolisers vîtis gratityinà resuIts. iLt.s a Maot uerve liuilder.-L Thse Mikade'a Cestly Advertiseutest <Japan Hernld.) W. predict a boo-m ln Jnpais'. commerce atter the vur. Thse country bas beeo brougbt promlneutly betore thse vorîti lu a way tisai It, bas nover been before. lu epîte ofthLie streainofetoturletu visicisbas poured iet tise cunt Indeed. l ayvbe *doubteti visoîher tbtist elornent bis doue ihe Country any goul' sud isether it bis unet -created tise Impression thut Japsu la a land of drae wvisre a 1ew pleasant menths may lie speut lu IdileSea 'write to.lme, &aylng thait CTheeLu cured tbern of chronic couzagh. canet aIl) homistakeni. Tbcre must bc omaonetruthin iuit. Tsy à boftte fer tIsaiut et yuse.r Prlces: S. C. Wri.au & Co. 210 25c. Sic. $LLeoy. l-SX.. Tuoat ou as. THE PLUCX 0F F.&TBER LACOMBE. Bidding the Blackfeet gtop firiug snd hWeI viser thse Cree sisots .Ouk1 met- reacis ttes, Fater Lacombis raiaed his Cros u n hi rigrt lband, a t lag 01 truce in liàeloft, Oasti erlled atraight eUt in t~he face of tise f irinq une, abouting ou tise Cret e cerne e ut and pariey. The Biacisteet eould i ardiy belies e lbeu' eyea Whou tLhey rlhsmcd i'hat lie vas delng- lnarelhis atraight in the. face ef certan &ssth, £isey eAIie to biiîî to ceaie back. Theywould faglt te ecmud dde té- rethser; but ho usarked rigt en. Bullet*s 1 hi, b feet. Two or titree bails nifted Ct hm efflsingoiug ham hair. Again <mekft -shouted for hilm to coiji baek- but b.ovas beyonud oei, snd t The Sunlight way of wash- ngrequires littie- or nô -,:ubbig. You should try S-unlight Soap. Will not injure -iainty fab- Ïics. English as She is Spoken. -flbe Teacher.) A readIng lso was being conducted in a clas -on.wben one of the boys, naL noted for distinct enuneiatlon, was called upen. - e read: "The horse was runiV devu the street- Begin agaitansd do not forget the *g' a* aid the teacher. -Gee! thse borse was runnin' down the street," tise boy repeated. ln a well-meant effort te comply with Lhe eacher's requlre- ~UIAIMM el »- ~~~~r'andand dres ErI~~~ U a" "U vi "oMesa PENNYROYAL TEA. DA. T. & . SLOO UM TSU Ã"oIIo. . MAXIA "Contre,» But Net Operation. (.Ne%'York Iterald.) It is evident that the question of mu- nicipal control of public uÃŽtilities is about to be foreed upon the attention of New' York iun apractiral wa.-Philadelphia In uirer. ?t ilepends tupon w bat our esteemed contchnporary maiMnq bv cn 'rLÇeNv York h.ns already deterninied to grant no frarwéhiseq in perpotuitv. It %eill eventuallir own tht' new sub- unr nand other imiportant little utilities. The people approvc' of muiinicipal owner- ship. but if Ir 'cçeitrol' the Inquirer metans their "operation" that is a v'ery different matter. Philadelpialias given us a sigmificart object lesson as to the daingers of thut sort of "contrai." THOSE WORRYING PILESI- One application of Dr. Agmews -tOlutaent will g1vre you cucnfnrt- Applied ovtry night for tbree.talisIx uigbt%. aud a cure lq effect. eti ln the IMost stubborn ca-4es of lind. Bleediug. or Itchbing Piles. DYr. Aguew's Olutaient cures Eczensa sud ail itcblng an-J burulng -skiu disease-î. It acts like ma;ir. A Tbousand to Oue. Personal solirtstion ik undaubtediv tâe miost effiarslcoti-i mothod of selling goods. but it is alsïo the moet coet1y. ?Moreover, th.e pro-spcct.ive buyer i. often inaccessible Luagrtslié'livt'e in nrr- petual fear of being taLý>I tii seatit. and when lie gu1igy'nsan -ins- t4prsiewv lie i-isuin inthing but a ricep;s tii-e Meod. Wlicre thi.le.5 ucanilit penetrate the nev ilaj e i rr cuorde,1 a ready welconte. NW bt lb' sîçller lst say through ite d-riis uî ~j attentsvely pertisrel anii dulrtoiceei Given an cloquent -ad .'. %riter, jU aoinetbing -worth %writing about,.unît the ne'spaper will inalcs, a tlîotaand caleq visere thse typical "Nyotisng sîlanof pleas. Lng addresse s4Ill îak-e bu i. une. Litebuoy epdsaetn-I uny feoioueded by thse medinal- profession &4 A adegisard aigai4t iafauio"UicL±a&aaas. Thse Toothies Brittis Lion. W. e gret te learu taLbthArmy Counéil bau doeideti. to abandOn tlb. experimesit ec providon recruits with su'tIflcAI teftî. whlb vas begun a few nionth it gi. rhle efplrisueut hba coutexi4adiy been a tellure. xvleeks as tiîoîsb lbheliritieli lion usay wtlh- la a nesauralile liai, bu no longer able to; show bisa teetis te sny aggre%Aor. fer the coed i'eason tiat ho viii have ne 1.01k, an#.- urai or artitcia. te *hew. À UKatter et SpelftZa. Tb* arev.s a vouurlady frein Woroter. FISSUE, O 189,190à, aliraab.:tigs! for Olstds'e IPthl-aur. 1b ceolle ansd le tisa bout romedi for bahu. De H. BASTEDO & CC). 77 King Stsreet MWst:- Toi-ont'. ILAW PURS. We Ar-e paylng Isigist Xciv York prîces toi- ail kixsds of Purs. -We ow- alhe Lb.ear round. GEN SINO ROOT. Ve 'îeell Seed sud Plants. Every tai-mer ss'l have a Gen Sing patcis. St viilpsy beLl'r tissu auytlsluÈ ee le e augrow. Seudi fr catalogue.- IDEAR SISTER: ~ ~ - Fofly f tihe Faiie;mitms. The people vise attefmpt te geL riCIs quleS"i ly by puttlng teisas'-mouey la u'tld-cai schemnes have been getting soute bard les- sons lately. M- investors could stop ta consider that If theo deceivers wheo coacoz-t theze achemnea and folet thout upun tise puis' lic had one-tentis part of tise paying ln- vostaients they advertices se Ilbers.lly theeT wvoulti under Do conditions part with theë stock f ewer tamba would- b. ahoru. A. really good and profitable business does net need' to advertise the sale of thse stock te -sny great cifent, as' fl viiieil -Iilef, sud tlucre ai-o alwstys plonty of shrewd ibvestor-à wîlling sand ready Lo purchase. Lt la a caee of fuvestors seektusg the Investinent, not of investaient seeking tise investors. KIDNEY DUTY.-lt is thse particular function of thse klilneys to f4lter out poison%; vhich pasa tisrougis theutm Itiste blocdý Wlseu the kidueys are tliscasel tbey cannot do their whoie tluty. anti Ahouli have thse hei'k sud strengtb thaLt South Âmerlcan. Kidz'y Cure will afford '.u anysuddall forais of kidney disorder. It relieves, lu £ Feata of- thse Phetographer. (Philadelpisia Letiger.) Photogrspby bas caugbt the fautest ex. press train la motion by ineaus ef thse aine- matograpb, aud it aIse shows the growtb or a tiower. .A bud whlcis bursti Imb blom lu. ssy, tixteen daye.' la exposed te a camera every fitteon minutes ciuriàg these ixteen darq. sud wisen the picturca deveiop freux the filmst are assembled lu order ln thse mer- lng picture maheiine the observer mai' ueo te bis dellgist. ail lu a minute or twe, thse graduai hreakiug ofthtie bud-tise blosuomu open. close by nlght and reopen lu thse aiorning. thse leAves 'grow -nder the, eye. tise staxueus peep front covcr, sud, fiuîlly. or hao chirun r 'tau f c ndot le Ls a sflil i * 84 a*Iicliexil 21515 5150 105A F= ZTILU L oT=Sand bay it. Iliultibsent by mail tbise r . » gvs yti s 11 is %U TisabligC. 179 ing St. W., Toronte Togetiser. * (Cisîcazo Cbironicle.) T-h3 tiys tisaI vo bave speot ogelisor. lnasummer and lu vinter vealiser, With heurts like. leati or 11k. na featiser- Tise dear, aireet day. ve'vo spent lesetbzerl Tise dîsys that va have spent tegetiser, lu risaset fioId% as brovu suîle Iatier. lu prairie pas and usoor and beatiser-. Tise doar, uveet duya vO've a"eut tegotbsir The days tisai ie have orptu togs'tier, lu etormy sud -lu peaceful weather. And! love bas IÃŽeentise biiaful-tettior, la dear. aveet daym vo'ye pout togetber. x-Good ]mIE>pteaFaflow. ,.. (Broeklyn 1Lite.> Clernentiae-Arabelia, vouls! you rua aft4rs Arla-Yeu I uid' .If a xpia'wortil lbaviug ho le mentis ruslnt aller. à Womau'a Trust Iu Nevspaporu- (Noir Tenk. P"e.) A roia srdly «Ver oun isar* um~ talt lau béebudsabd's Jssdgnieà aslamo4e egvpso« eucfpptu 411sbsteluavwa» 'aLà -1. Wr t' -fessai 4- ve st Te fon vi ai] -Re ti it s lc ( If you ifimoued me yeur name ans! sddres 1 viiisend you smse- tlslng yeu aiseuld krow all about Sous ne money. R. S. M'GILL, =n! L Il

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