April .Cearîng Sale. Sensational iniuùcements shoppers. Parlor Sets Dining R.oom Sets Bed RoomSets i Fancy Chairs and Rockers to La.diea' Secretaries, Morris and ivire back easy Chairs, Sprizig lieds and Mat-trafsses, ýScreenK, Carpet Sweepers, Window Shades. And a store fuil of useful Christ- me£ presents, etc., etc. AT SENSATIOlf&L PRICES SA caîl solicited. WM. TILL & SON. v W - n- - %. 1T .M -. F.'.a Vol Il. WHITBY, ONTAR109 THURSDAY, MAY 4,- 19065-'- o Spoli *nîlpt for init- 47 FOR PURE FRESH Urocer les GOTO M.~.LAWLER'S Phono 47.- WHLTBY-7 1 f T h e NI eysto n e Mr. Hinni5s<sfWrites to Andrew! Resolved-That the Sabbath :rbe t a hee,ÃŽQnobttrsigo'Dah fMssRn De rl. THE NEW COUNTY PRPER Carnegie. Abolished. 4. Early clef ing of 'plac-es of babimosiesseer ýrý t ii it ! isa iact-or ini obser-iig the Sabbat-h. D)eath at&taitmies is a Sad engr .18d etiythuxel. frmt hrr T.l*,,K r0 .There is iio reasoin why e%,ery store part-mg au it doos thSg Who love frein Z uiéed lv<r l T h urad'i'i , r' m th t i, l e r S r - A e n w ) v i o - S uc li w as t he su b ject o f - P ast r sh o u ld n o t be losed at 9 d c> ok p min . on ; th e belo ved . B u t w h en t -e g sesni . ; TeK» ia! htldu', rol;Z~r~t, 'sderible ronsarrned over t-bis radial rail- Emory's sermon on St-nday eveuing, the. Satnrday. Af ternoon holidays thatare sBonge r takes avay a young lii7 jnst ud- Uhîtf!l, <ttt&i>o. ray îuatthcr, ar,'- ()ive ronclnded that se.nmon t-eing ait t-herequest of the dea-oted t-o pleasure imiglit aseil t-o ding ito nanbood o« iromehood5 thbe Ont.alb C<eunty "f-i".i ,' 'une mrv M"f th~t-e only way t-o git the railway was t-o Lr's Day Alliance. dvt. owrk a ia blea on »"flSema particularly <istresfmg. ~.Ité.h laf. .;fLeýf'epeaaindyfiuna. vr. hiby. wroite tu Andrew ('arnagy an' git bit-ato Historicatly cansidered t-lera aopetrait i- orS-ll.Do eervIt i5s apailful duty t-o record t-he death gettle thbe t-rî'ulle. Andrewv iq not a bad been four SabbtsCet ,Te-t-hiflg possible on StadaY aft-arnoonto fMisRuaevrimno owo. Tut KEF.tTfîs iim indtpende.nt lein'hfand'>' ort iv ye.t knows h ow to take hirn, an' cratic, Pharisaic and Chritian-the lat-- preparo fo r Sunday. serious ilihesa was made harolaut weok. wtl- ads»re what it liie>vet4) je, in luthe lhè> n.terw re>n- i o. ndysgje TÀcO. (itlook. The outiook for theb. For over a wek t-he voung girl was noar Ttr ebte (%Itln ui. t>"Iute' .n.f o O(h up. ailnantkes a try for il. This ù , e eaeenovxgnw I asgp abbath was niot iery enotraging. W0 lt-ot-he bordors oft tho B.yond, buthp TîeSbcito rc smehnrdr-t irby the Puritans rigidl>y observed the:d ot> »2t-ygo isewt&1p1 i i ,>' ~ ~" ht<hwutuSabbat-h. They took extreme ground j(onot- wunt- thle Amert-an uer Conti- lad not quit-e died in tbhe arta of ber! Th dvotiigRates ai'- - an 1 uitl ear Andrew, M>1 ez, an' t-inn (>1crose- ainst worl, on Sunday. The sin of nental Sabbat-b ber.: Thereý no Sab. (il ýy while day by 4ay she fought >~t~h~'ii~KY.TiNif ta 'e lctîti, Andre'-r ont an' writ Sur Adrew. (Oi working on Sunday was equal t-o t-b uin t>t--X.Ro.. o-- Nohrca nd i wth t-h.e eny. Btt-W-n aso Ctkgr fAv-vo.ýin»t.,s Pbid r"voî h ii of. Pt'ts thbesunr i» oui.iv 1e1oWn id s sof adralt-ery. In t-bis t-beY weru probabiy! Priets-lm-t nSbbt b oe in Tlongy eing atfnnolock ollow«. 'Sien I an ted n aiijMtheau uit. thi i sez we wanhm yur ip Oi sez, in lot were cast-wit-h a Punt-an t-hanu it-i as Uluch t-o be thankfal for as we ladi C. A. GOooI»ELLbw, a very inapo-taut an dilikate ilatter, ()i an Anierican or Continental Sabbath. fifteen or t-wenty-five y.ars ago The bPu in iVhit-by on thp 2ý)djofJuly, t-be bou a what kpHo4did ple8d forthouritan Sab.. flYing s quadron Of unhalief and Sabbat-h à 90.5h. w«sthe youngeet of the. ii'un --sagr.s'Yez are teol man as wnot- h ni family of Mrn.d tIMns. T. G, Devoroil, bli cîj u, li sez, an' iv yez wil! on]yd i. bath but for t-he Sabbath as intenin'eted desecration is meuiacmn ur 15' ores. jr.. and was a singu>larly brigîtati RAILWAY TI'FE TABLE. (15/,w iiisrn u ai utb byt-le Lord of t-he Sabbat-h. Jesui aes . We ahe ni dang r girl,$liea was the. <>j Oi fl., e wil imbine yr naine i the romneighborhod-too coeeo WiHITBY JU><"TION . found a Phanisaic Sabbat-h and remodel- fri abth ucoet- -e!O~O']ya~ 'Gclnxwest ir!)) &at n g Faet 4 rcry Fstatre iv unr beart i set-Wh dit-into a Christ-ian Sabbat-.Christ Anierican abt.I danger frein1 t-le'home5iand was beloyed by ai.111.o bm i.2'8' P'- in. 3M Want-s ai l e'tbric ritilroad tuo Toronty, violat-.d t-ho Rabbinicel Sabbat-b nany foreigu populations coming witb theiri e fton-dwtheraqatan.'-i t06 p-. " - ~ pin; Oi e,. ."*' ' '~'-.<~.--'-'ume year ago lait East-.r Snaday a. a - .61 . .I -e -q. D n e rn h 1). f.i.isza'wn runfri in trunt iv tumes. The Rabbinical lanv made at ideas. f resu bapt»cp -ad Sam aismbrtoyt" i- The b. 44.aie. train dne ot' gl jo we«. %fon'lay 't-lhe V> ooEls down t-o t-he Argile, @in t-o ctrry a chair across t-he roorn, curponate conscience. Soema persons araebpie5adbcnt ab. ttb Sioiikig iviiitySTTIO..Ot se-s ant' frnin t-le KÂYwTlE olils in t-bough it- uight- bg sbovod along t-hae rosponsible for the eNls->pept-at-# by i Baptist churcb. 5h. had lOÙg boan a, tutlie drecio t- tbe ou cones a' loor. A ,vonan migbt nett-lookin ia COrporations. Danger frin t-h. dasire1 member of t-he Sunday-scbool,amwa Qotng North t2i .i- .ni. tt'>t 4i.ti fwO . ït t-lic tn riloadth iri, oies.n' no etie agi e aga arof jersonal gain-Saturday irigl e-- 1oune<of a dais ofgirls Who constitut-ea-a 4.V .i . :: . . > e1-ec-d -o ertb bniesir an atsited it-o u itgoray wicbrsn, nrachinig uan t-he Sabbatb clai any tewrà t might 4a proud t-o ini. NV ixectd Whevtheloie i oehun would be work. If a shoe lace boicame Sunday st-rocS cars, boîts, etc. Danger st-met. Possessing a goud voico, Mis Le&"@s iVbthy t-un Omhuîwa ati ioa.M.an'I 4'P-n i. oi, uy O ir, but 1Misiez 'IVin- loose it was quastionablo t-o tiea.If i fronmapatby oni t-hapartiof t-h. davotau es ea enu eber of t-h.choir cf forBrvritiint.itîtt~ ~A ~yt )f cenit Mlrady iv Toroiîty, ' i sez, an' 1falsa t-ct-b feil out- of t-be mouth it- wauld Of t-be Sabbat-tif Iea-ednc-uti le.e-ti S 1jeava for rouglatu a 10 aýl>iJ 'kriti'ro aTownship, bas axesl a lot- iv 'hoa aviolat-ion of t-be Sabbat-h t-o pick oxist, t-bey sho'cd exist under orpr-aft-hend rea nt-.d.e t h bgùnn MAILS ARI'iF.. Ihingg fruni tlie cornpany whicil t-bey t-hera up. Thiis type of Sabbat-b Jea-s! t-est.- ht.1 i hasnl u-se 1~tb Prm'uutWand E. 4a amrn. Frm 't 'i ýi&.ni%'n'ont gin', (hi sez. wbat ve n'ents yez t-o founid and violat-ad. Let u~s tand viý t-hols. Whe sa * cAIr ducIsat d l bsol* oimad cinl P.30 :' ai 'La t 930 a. doli es rl] oa p oSgv u a -a tt-muet no e ha<> t-htanigscal ie,ï Front do mtm't1 ~Andrewv, e, oAndrew, Oi Thei. I ofJeaus gv eaSab. hyia achb1,snoJ-but -1w ce a wa l-i, =hêd. luin b - MAILS ."UJSE. ruent>, irt-ogiv Pickenii' Township ae1bath of rest--ch..rful religions ciar- aa. sclnçiit_&scal '> """ hom andit-i f t fnùy Ftor North 7461 a.'n. For tivhawa 3i0 'tIipni. 1libry, Cii es, an' storiet iv thle wonders cime and activa benevolonO.,It- goos oit-y, acommercial neceit-y a.a ie it- h.fuori'wllbn- Fria ay East t'ivt~~~~~~~~~~~rn il an~~~~~~ d E. t-S).3 'tb ictii aseO Riwith itbout- psoving t-bat a w.okly gsday l5iCSt-.Wih»Idspot4 -.- Wett11 leP mu <êt .00 fip.t ra o i- B.Sabbat-h, iveîbould j fat-tO sadetObQ~~Vfgm -s'oualliv Piekenin' 'deeslzut mow net-hic' r et t; ativoit'vs . sits --*1254 < OWog#interihhs-i 1 ou tî a%,an h% qicl teyneutyfrmthbe moment t- â agu t-t-a Sidluun p- PROFESSIONIL 'ICA RDS. -aot -i'cra'bn ucl -a - oZis'dmiand Jeans appÃovad and pers, and ail violations bf the day.. Tà u, KurgSueuaext-aiïd. is pst rua, an' hiow tbey'lI stbop et ivery farni- oserved it-.a> îyrnpat-hy to t-he faiily iu th.gelsd MEDIGAI~~~, _1ors frunt dure t-o let hlm on wid bis but- Oaset a usvni h-iTtpi1b 05te aemiaid -- _ _- ten ait' eggms fer t-le city obtore. Iv yez! i.1 netm t- t aadmtt- by ei. The Sugar Factory Dy-Law Dr. tloldmrum cild bei a norroky bouild volumle Iv ployons t-batt-homo vIe work six days arr.u .wgso s abg PH YS 1 C'1AX , sf7~ttuN A N D lekst-ont on ret-orte -fer lister Mc-,i and restoeacan do bot-ter'yoirk t-ban : -. A"4.1E'.l1rady Oi>t-inks lha would leike k, Ol t-le.who vork moyen dayi ïA a etwvs eleeokth Patch 'Ordîat u lul->r't- <f 'ornt'.an) icnt&tB ay,%, for lie in a lit-tle shy ii net-ont-san' Many ef t-ho accident-s auns'ilways arae -law li rdy i.dywaf» ?fE Rtoyal &olev of l t-lysutçlaxs, ttiîîureizr. bard t-bigs t-o eI &S the prisint t-oime. at-t-but-ed t-o eveswonkd employeem aud t-bore vas ucioeumo on t-be ioroof. Thei.YP.A cf Alsu"t-le 14 sl.d an "Tisa TEitAssî-,'>BYRtON ST~. i avir,' pîimped hiniself dia-y et-thbe mi_ -' A So"ilNdcessit. The spek"ter r t-yu usfoa -.p l noyable vni4g toi -tour huu»dÉ$ p...- ______________________ twaycompaîy. v yz eu d t-lm un' net in syuipathyvit-b Suntday visitrt- -ukbl*otuino t-he lutpie ton ffldby .vitlnglut Tii.organ- -___ 4, a opny vyzrald hs n n.If on. doinos t-o visit- lot lin ifWuLii laddosn )i'li>n» ---dre. Sur Andrcw Cii meams, it ill belp t-i het-in. from b is von irchwint j-~' ol,!Wésh' gtop, DXun oloctutin- LEGAL ns i Miglmîy seîgbî, an' we'll aIl be yur t-han from Gtode day. Sunday lu thle e utt-Of. Fouitdry tOAu d ý t., t t-gIn.ic et-ber item wort-byîof note la t-ut in t D. rnIuone.~.f rienils> ii sez. oilv home day for msnxy-voskorm t 1 .waxse- egtiovt a sd IwM=Oeoum swù)q mas.W-Ifeoula* fo tht Wst.rm uan, oar i> ; lr Now wlmat-do yez tLink Audrew vueite.' may be madie a hoeur-eday and a cdurcI eacflb.ý h. ii & 1I1I$lKI * IyII' à o oresu . a " at.omiey t-oL"n. t>fu e ci.l'out W m e iaback but t-bis ut-ice litt-le letter lu bis day iu ane. in bookIbs butg"lIt u d.t-i s ctoba mCt-ary'sbemt- haid. 3. A Cotmercial Neessfty, Mn. owt-byad.Wud fdi »Ust-soIfUited et"-ad Dow & McGIIIIlvray - )oar llinisa'ç', be ses. 't-oun lait-lier _EnorY beliovedth -at eue day'.s'est wu in~~ recording Q v4wa for and oly fir.vpi tt Baritsn< 'luitr#, - et-c. %Muney t-.o 1.a.t-o and. (il vut iloike yez t-o git t-bat- a commercial uecesfiiîy. Mauy gay lt gits ut -h.usry pparsublime day pimie o'I011ce WMtr.OntVL. ost n. ut.erted sob otsg rueoà dbno ams u~front t-b Y .Tw lx 1,oi Of ic.Nivitav. 1.1 Il.railruad t-o Toronty ho sez, but *ibat- (il)1 t atsn'htbe -odyi O-ti vte aedni.Ol,> yOêid i~l Nu -tb - - - - <-usider moure important is avin' t-ho sorted on not-. An infidel once plauted osly &bout 100 4~d hiesi reeoded. t-vo acres of corn»on SUudyMin ol4b vola« t- l oes'na tba tli ÀM -~*of »porsomu1 JameIsB RuUdge eîectîuîc cars ruanin' down ltrock «thbrace 'atad i- o Suandt p 0'4-- 1 în quia ut p n m » -~11migd hat thebapaneo1se u u~4~ Banliater. Et-c. Mnney tes Lotin on >'mm"5'Te'<'.s'*va t-o se-cn- t-lie Aigabc. ha , - ytjiie N# *0fâc. iuiedately gouta or Royal i1l,'Ltî. 'hitiy, - t b tgie esae An' t-linlie; rpwttigo ut wi sipat*Betfn.*I 'otses, it yg4 b. a i ghyconv&nieut i; twJs-'m ala n1roi.i itfi-t) -i 15f0tb all3U5#u vlUuigm - tumai mnoighty oti and tendeti ou et-handay,. -A cent-a&M a nt t 'nl~ A nopet e' t he. #tory a 1w i -o-.Iuslnso anda in John E. FaroetlK. C., sîitueibun fer Dr. McUîivs'y #a' Mister Persan told bItn that (Cod dt-.it- al4s>-w"t- t »f.:f Oln 3ein vilo id 1.Lsdu ~s'iseniCosi-y Jrwn t-uriey atiRosa an' Muter G(liId au' t-he rist iv the ay q auccat-s the-blit-Of Ot-aba' b1> n tlwis pnevionul, b»d ,t-al.4d<sgmsa~th o~. ti u 4qunt-y Soicitos'. Ofc-Sn- wn ummer live a t Hadlnthore, ho set, t-e -4. A SZpirituW l N«vmity. O. ayt-iaif Brin aIoe vote on>Ius' ~ - >a,.~t.~ of Oourt- Houm,.Whitb't.get- down <o 't-belr toine ottages in yer -oaonlwesuayfr prtu l l._tr ckluie mis to mt " fo4h> . dible voice PMtou btheIBad 0pretty Park, ho eu, au' eouvs.alent- fer iu-ttunsd îuîîrovant-.nt. llb -th odu1May sv Ih.ossS tO pp* tsoste jolbu4frm tki inblimtu , a$ t 'inu ennmylvania yout-hs vhe Am dOvi f y-lsw o - t. îsfaskfaOmi sstug B* DENTAL vhlu QIent-eu t-o es e usa t-bat-01 ou wt-jmxda. w . i brt-kii-Omo*n ttustaas t- m - -~- ar* vet-o pay Jehnay tt-hebut man fit~t-iudxy -bSM-l44 iayeanelo e b uebltit-t - ~, Offio tverJ. t-Srgsamo's, PiSa. g'.j ses.OMay ya lit--linllry. hoaay, vit Borya otanlu t-b vend es, vm î o- .AdaTmnse. 5aoM.vî-y n îîiePctes' s e, *Jlagt- -loth' îm tho s'.'" c.* t -Mr-l ut-s&daybeya, itmlruity.g.i ay.iihB , a uin .îs useusue spu wyiliurs>t4 o 3(â wdj is bePlktnmS's ~st-I atut, ste adh mb= la,<IQ. _ a i ma-got-i, auotde.tIothit jols. adt l t .00 .-ba . loga > -;;- o .3 ts , PAlÃŽwOI&-RRV.iorn An'uie= cet- teai ' eny ho »j. t-bajl'ry. it tsW**ha t- a 5Ob **> * * -t - 1 _b eut- h u.be O~twueoi ab î m#tî-savid .gMd i e. a i O= -pqm 1 Smivtthé,sm.iO* aofdastse yp.co .isZYaa# 1*. E44IY> i--elt-' à «.K t leu «m 4t-a# ai tMW t4 hm san., #h>aâ Qi hu " IMtȔAfr i m f- eteeke 1, pth.U -et Awrs n aÃŽ4 â uIt ."'phm* t*lb. bq #le ilsfyi W*u __ - IUo vt --col c> 'Thespriiz suen s ýd akaime for replenisbig theIloseLid uritue, ve Ive p ut in$ ready for thsdeiandï- une'of the ftn4est stQ,çU -w.e , eer car- ried. We hav e everyth-ig Â'home can néid- modeato ii rice%, r.costly. Wheuready tb buy corne iniand have.aIlook'.. 0W! handsomÉestock ~OLSN & ELDON - Pa~ritu. D ansd Uiidenikeri, Whiby, OAt' vof" l'lie 'ty- try lau', - -i 4, - i -et fi t' A