'Ils e= Mai'ket. *ttlaY_ >bow OÙ r n wui aî i L >0' i i at. 47 10 r ' sl'id ., - * , - trr n 1!prl 1) i 4 t t r' 7') ta >4' t" 7 rd ( ' 21 (1 t û ( "'r fr-ou'"vit f) e r -, ' I S 5 .2r 5 t $, r' u&).lu;: i a l nktt$, lî . it. t'of Il 1 a t lin' Io il, a Ft iî . jit lo e tu> V iî tiî t(P> .5 laI1 Sinu tpar txc>-. or î t 1)111 tn "(n 11418 f)r bt e! rri.e serg Wit orhtiil lt'y $,l! Il pSt f.lr i tr en tri In- * rs îî tr tiea t.frIihréjd ri $ jin$re.t> 'rir t I il q n it ta t~l $1 rip 7. en-il Itti tut :poil. lint Ol' 'I Pltl to liîî il eî 11 lun. rc fin- we'aî er le t' l5'T'erv j" Ci' . 'ty tti?.nce- iare iIerrit y at 1 ;v rte ri(i' 'tj tino'lticet-~ 7flîthe lard.îI it.loa of g rai i iri of l~tet.110i lu dI« trôitlî . . aItnproycnent. I eunti>'ro. .tOVemen 1f' *brik trahe 0 lia lato cdl. wlthout klmfïi. the fuit lOY Y LIV ING. WI'iy mlisstheusatfâotuon ofsl pping hot cup of thls FRACRANT9 REPRISHINO'drink? 0or4p Yu &W\*oe n te kwitboî ootwneoauL - .Toyru po.Ibave eoi fided lb. 'serit ofa w i iding-place, im living toini>; r. truit YOu .6"know- I have #" toY.'U-- ".Conf-O.sd it, YesMMbroke 1lu s eo« pantion. "And y« l mPose on My tupk ine.klug fondams for you. Si" old fellow, l'ut wlully--awfully sorrs for you. I bailno !de& you werd bar, bit. Hou *hould I have 1 flow, indeed, s ti brmane ,le I lead,' 'responded te or. No lie went on,. "you were right to doubl knowing wbat mou kew, whet.ber Iber -----Iw as an>'hemnt Jeft lunime. But <à rongb itl I bolievod'ixi thle purity cf vomert vt as the cxii>'faith I bad lefts, a1 oentred it in ber." A "Oonfeund 'ber," unuttered bis emepan- M ~ion., LU »Why? Wby expoct ber t eb. eboe ND T T LEber klnd? I belies-ed witit «li 4hblind, ___________________________________________ ting fait-b et a devotee; I tested he' -thanka ta you. Cale-n on _________________________ r ths.t my idol %aJk h et olwa "Doe! and you sbaU Voacb us toecutr eau- f beggar since V've kuowu you, and t-bat Ihv ere ntl cte x dica and t-he figure eight,1" wimapens .le a good mauy yearis nov. oeh, Vano ?11 fol1 s-hnâve î learnts -penine-u irleorgina. 'lle maxi addressed as V'ane,.nodded thiat in- Pt--' lia', face groins longer sud more vwith a grave sinile. "And ta!ils?" repeated bis briend,-as dipai tricken. 'T"es, a long ime nov, Citarlie,» ieth -e train Ai-est up te tthe platiorn. lui'lie saym, ln t-ho voice of a tirst- "Just se; an4 the length of eut friend- anA thait a mxan bsad better êxpect t-a cIao, tîidrtaker. -slip gi-es nie, you'll admit, nome rigiit maire a bear!>' mes-i of Deçd Sem fruit. 'i lois kind" murmura Malad. amlin" te remenstrate vith ou. I feel t-bat 1 tiaan expeet- tena pire, disixterestsd drus t Mirhm as if-be miere an interesing am rnpinileged t tell-oite that a more wonian'a itear!. i(uA-b>', old fellcov 1baby in ion g cotiem. "Goed'by, dear lnferaally cent-iar>' bit et nonsense than FoIrettue ,if voir can. Il yeu eau'!. Jcn an>-. nd-bY! Mind you are net te t-bis et-ci you ceouidnt lavent.»rt ofinkif e as as, barilesa lutiatie Nlic askl Mr. 11>1tl ie t-be ru iterioums traag- "Al right-.b aiseats thle other, nad- la as tii-cAofethUt. wrld as thbe world i eril4' Perli p1slce a rince ln Ahguse' ding; "go on. Y'ouve said aIl t-bis be- ti-cetofbita." Ua tîe otulaughe n high taisetrto. fore, but say It os-en agaixi, if you liko, Tie tqo friends otoud band li band *'~lt-t> Iit?" nskped liai. aroused ta Chailie»" untijIthbe porter groin frantic with tixj>i lu t--t cminssi -lie bas takeîa "Weil, if it's of ne use, lt- cases my t-lou., tea tel prsrted. Th1e eue calied lIît-îî'î' thggtxs1"mid te abuse You," ia t-be caudld ad. CRiarîhe get tiùtte already mos-ing Iltt u od n'itlî weTi'feigned p!nyftul- mission. ."Joking spart, lt-s t-be queerest train, ani be Ltlîer. after taniding for a ni-- t t-art ev-ci- voitruade, old feilow, and, minute, absetIV sîattohing tà e Axasppenr- "'iot- ain'tt ina t4*1 IS t , - iak. mv 'nord for t, miscbief cf tmre ungtioc Pôe-r.aeanilftth Itita ~ ~ fn NIwhbto a~ bo srt or cirber wii renie of if." platfit, and strode testantI Newston Re- itl s iPte?, cliroct-aess; t"I)on'irlicecit," salA 'une cooly, î"ad gis. -lî-'s ulin artist. Itts-w olît Brown take if 1 dajl. t woidn't sliake me. 1 know With long. regitUr ut-ers lhemade' te- nir 1t1M-lItuiRalot of thiags eut of ilis tat- %-oist ihink. Chari-that Ia a n-antI the-u'illage. big thiltk boots rînglng (ant. Il(.,A antr lt' ittle tout-lied.* Doi't apelegizu'. It-an'! on t-be frost-burnidroad, Uste amoke fi-cm 'UArIl 'tirt !', eclîoea atinl a tonse hlp it if vois do. At leas!. t-beres Rmre big pipe leaviag a tragnant track beluind (If 'ttv(i1îîiiôis disii pjîittttifrntand si-uthmetiroil lut ay imadie't- ou'i admtit hlm. "i uîîi-hetuti'îpts'tif liai îatd sid "a tat ?t'"Es'ery noir and (lien &orne tetîcu may- cillirti"ie-ig,'v"('onfolinied lit ile flint 1I sce!" nauttena f'irer pessetdm ind gave hlm ,"9004- -l.1"(l.rat!fit'?toon ataird ai't iri, tlîe otiter, dist-oteute-illy%'. "If v ou isunt aiightr" and tue grave, musical veice - "Fnnt"ni(iiigto-enn.--s-yrrt --- turned flac greethng courteotisiy. o'tr tliuking pnpis cîîghi r ctail !' aul "WNiltih1 Ido." duî>- ~IFor a man si-liebcd, os lbe scid, drain- At- lntiglt'd d cnlit'îlfiy'. "hUa[ qutie toc "If yvois"'uit re-st, wy i nlîy utai ed (hodrat:ght et life. ha va.s ratller au:it'ting. An ai-list!'! 0f courge. wînf--tî chanige " sotung, and cariled lis voxit. nacre in the n- titixki cf i, if. l ]ie nssthe ngentle- 1 aniscIinjr *o.*'talinaa-t, liUie figure t-lot in the face, nrît-linitg ta Regis for flic isititer." "Ili! W'lîs dont yen go ta Paris- for t--bt î'a s lighly serions antI irg- Jofannce suis notlting. liai îatareg andti o Es t' gai-J. thniitgts is Iin(ilsdot-p mb bisgîokt'ft. "1't-cbeen. Dont ion mec, tbat'g just Est-i-yte p lie to-k - as ciloqîxnoat f u'uld se in nnothopr ehîcrata onf yt, i't.i. If 1 couild shiake titi-a off by trtoing thie grice wiit-h llongelt ta yaut-h, sud thi' ParI: tnt-lies take tlî<ir deparfîîre. about the continent, andI starning in eut-- tle clas iitoe birthrigit ut* l a -omr- l dfraîsa tin long lbn-at hi. s-ri-u tl- of-seasoniates or climbing the .%att-er- mand. As for lui-i enutwavd man, ît vas Iitîilits in q lwliitlp. nillchliures týie jos-'borai, l'ilgo; huit I ean't. ýNliat-I ina!clat inla astout, oer-irieabl hc heting 1> to'j1s t>f liti, îiil'"i)re-nke~oin" la res!. There's nrtret te ho got icîamb. jacket of à À li-kmat-criai, ie more A zTt 1 ondilueis, fhi'-ve otît. 0f ai]l intifs pthet--Pyraiaidit, o.-yaivning about soU t tbat, und his nether limIta vere (10u , f'-mt inlii." l' ni sit-k cf it. Vct a t iaclre 1 havnt' gAiter'sadtick ,ui,eful boots. 'l'l.fl-ciare. noirn't tir " An <dot-?!1iiîiglit go ta Afi-hus, butI don't lie swa,% Uise rt of man Vudo net sttI-t *h-uîîgitt'--ie t-tasa etî Inma.care a bittton for A.in-c andthie ne. posa wmtltUout rmentali co'raemnt, anA as ho. ilt(tî,-îî inn'r3 t11> lus s'e - generttiott of fIai iegi-ces. lieides. onè strode/,aîong t-le rondtere vas -some- i-ns-.n ft- '<-a otis n't~io t T c cuît gi, fa Africsu lnîte. amd-forgis-e t.in'a-boîît thbe gait and bearing wbiolu i l gai > nîicii - si-n a maît-loîjc,î titan : meî. Uhîrlie-I sîtunt ta be gane.- mcde y-ou uuconsciotisly li-t-en for te fit isitlnigtI lî t->' rt<Ilît4llfiteitili. nets- 'flThetaintiilI lic biere in fine Min- click asud ring ot situer, bis .tep wau se .T.-'îrt-'liles," rrlorts ("harll, **and then s'eu firu ansd emnsanding, anA bhis face sei 'T'ifhl' uil--'-, ntI ' nfh i etiden îsiII le Mssoe. And caudidly- . oltl felesi, cheanh> and c'ieaniyeut tbrnsivi n tpi-f lier i ftl--lit mnrioi. 'rnt'>- m 1 k> yen, i couldu't stand t-lis As Ie entered te Vilà ageý t-lch u fî:1 itrisç. aîi- on t iîîl<î. -us if throîs'-'itole." sinkhng beitind t-ebeilhl, ani'tîumaiaig t-o a mt' n-ff a î1qe v eiclat. '*lt isa't a liohe, andI if it wsere. neorma!. paule pink t-lie snow lylng ou t-he fore- "01.Oit.ilî. lîîî-giad 1T st-an t e>>'s'eu.ter. ut atlit4 mue. 1ivst a ngood, cern- court-cf t-be Gate lieuse. ThiAv' ss-n-îîltie -v u fn-r nn-lhie fortable touaItfor a tume," Hot, flusbed, panting Jeannetu& asfI>. )îoîtn. 1 foe ig-I if Ilbail h-cu chnzr'd. , "liv .leî, yoî've g-ut u'het yen vint ing before 'Use toc. Titi. Ii t ls 'o ottf /'îî, f rpatti-."ît-len!t" et-oris Ciarilac ooking aroîtui, Aite laA feught iard and long; Lad i('n-întv" mî-'tliai. *,.%,nt innu- j "'t-n ashuatder. '*A urire lèa-ad-dallve conteeted ihb'vinch! et lier gratinA; n-litr miile' n-t atnge eitîisto fil1. and lîlare/I tucier wîPilaire se-Y j i%-" scovered witIu eno* frnm beatito - 1<-t -'-"I liLe t," elsponds t-le otiier. "It foot, anA bsud narrowvy esespe a bhack '~lr. ieu!."stinck tai flicumomnmt-I gain lit. But,.lio cye. Quick s sbc 'hati een un mauufac. M-~î.~r. ludt iont rbehir>-for eut' juast, tItis Iin't t-be villageof et Newt-enturing lber annunit-lea, anti denteri-nl n-fr ber l iottier. r4t's go and have a l5egia'" dlecarght-g !, Hl a tt been tees pover- Nnbail." j"Neivtn l ggcna ibis cempan. flifaeber ;and anov, îr4h ber last anov- 't 'nnie on. thon.' cri" ea Tnne, epring- ion, IVtuese-en irarid 0f> it ?' lItotebai lu Iner baud, ste fîcA Vit-ltfav-like lnjt ta the cloor, lier. iaireiy sert-neet--ainir a pek of l'Olinda ms't-hhn t-vent-v feet tierces t-he f iôze nl*mnn, anA tavard ligting up and dancing. "M3inA, yoaa are miles; thacre isn'f a Accent lieuse lu tb<te shelter eftheii. ld ohm- that st-ccd b. tri play tain, Hal," place; there'e a dit-ci-a riv'er, t-len, il aide the.sm.atil jato at thbe bick of tie «AIl rîgît." ho respondi. suat-chiag isup y-i ike--but Voit t'at-fulit lat-be bouse. lus. cap. "Ccrne areund Vo t-he f ronir; miAule et t-hoeiintca, andI s-laat ou éartit Pelirlug alte-rlien, as )tôt andti iusen aitui!tcrti '! mc.us frornthe kîtchen wîn-are youtatedo vitia >orsdf, Heaven enly aisiieriecfl, liipintecd:. doit." knows!" - îGîve min!)Dom'eut gÃŽ 1 e lu, Jeu ?» ho .Jeanne hooked arouaci engerh>' for lber "f shal leeP-rstst.» eaid the ct-la-r, eriedraisîq in4 lý nnî. hic! (it ina!t-bhe present- moment iying witb a Rge insiile. "Beaides, you for. "Ne-no!"', Is>. pente&. lu returji; ttnder t-be sofa), asud lu lace of U, sle g-t; 1 eaus amuse nxnself vif h n>' îmuab. "vait- .utuMi1g-et sîotiber » cacs-tpa dark-bluae siavl. IVit-l a There's t-be @PU. t01. vîthin a couple cf ltew asamomn' iene i t ik eko! thte lit-ho urias, mite tics mlle-s, t-bat vilii nake mvors, for thebeth starteti. tiisc aruk o onsd ilt-b sboundcasl," otit-eps sounded lualii. rosA behuint 11a ottin t-be open .Air, anti the nent me: In"in uter! " net-ont-the otiter, f iising th. vall neu Mi iteh, a&M breath- nli-nt toi acrapIBqg up Vbeisv. tit 8w5atonteuîptauuiy. "l'au basth.evtor »ilait-viit t» abecries, mà uppresa- eMt uiiliganwpleres and ' 'j t>î. iiîi oajs L -eti cageruesa i jyou sahA>'ou tnoIAplay fr"My. oanimats t? 11up-e "M"u Jeêea. fair-wait Vill 1 get beut-ne-fiVO 1» for Yntr nmu"tgo -W i atti ud l'I Ilet's cul>' repi>' te hér appeailà la*around ai, dostt knOW-I tio't eft.! rin aut bfl5hyen. Amat>'vli b. aup>' vitiýý _,alo auov ululit fi" a at lber h" a My n>'mind avuw your- cittinie>', a" nau. as yon are al aven w. ,',gl, thn, hee " ndraislug ber that's a ftaet. erisî vheayou un j» "Soarst yen,- iret le ais, *e hurla ch çkdefiauee. 5a ui yaur Christmas 1k. sC"."y«e eWathe vra ff ît. _aot- Fluait d v ititex ltentent, lte luI baot 4044 W" YoiIIik% ZU e M erYenr liI"' btood of youlb blatiug ia ber eheekas, >OU 45 t" él aie m T#aves ulg, rç s è bftem r dancià gà -nhor oy, thelà &anA »«É%0 J. «rVanuta ho buledî"w bres lu 616. Jeaien; msis . IfrLîi[ - sessd shortý unarp. c - -ý I~ vaned so %eS inute. té l~ ~ . blnieë frthes 1 mb.nemaira 'tAi ih.d stsd, upright ind ereet, witiu 01- aapisedand body Ukea bowrjeady 37 te derliits *jlow,, the o W. q. oùn., trIcdtaTit-2fflriU,.tiJFarrn, Otv& I*ound more c ________________________________ i moment-.sbe l is f &Ãœdthe eps a oe" ar fr- estvi. ro p d U Stbrown *Ith ail haef@l'e trnMe vadt81 0 ~ Yte"là ef.atamwbftIts 5lways, royed e la poductive. r. arm, izsthrough haïia~daibt .e b" es oted at IIalOO n~oIsi uatOrax in 'don the neck of the pSSiiby. lm 1uno s e _ ~~ ab. Otbih 8h.auit Anintat, us lng ceu. untform conditions 8 posible. Every 118. A, er>' attractIve berry but a lit. of 0118 l to eeber vit mlUi ne and put bie year ny nMW VariéeanSteoffored for tis soft 1"bn ùbscudoivn which the Sd me, smet lre« eà '-9.G«vb mp. Tidu varw ule a 4, s0w isIs fsling onto his baeik; thon te hSale sm.te r>' 4 hs:a01ý*»sp«nv Poutv ul n re turne; and pushes the door. aideo iot rvanetiesa Md fimÃ4-onÇtýi.bêter on; acunt ofi te goodqai rh But, alas! in ber excitement ah, bas tho'eY "rtAi]>'gay battê .7 lufulefr o~ rea mat- IL puledIt behindhler, MndbeforO.shsem t"t,sie to syt.othe 95PUII 0?t 1Wg tunis 1 tutu the handie ber victin bas btmseif vareisintrod are or wdc.sa1,moderatelyfr tra turned, and la upon ber! Witb a iapt ferler to tho butd e s b-rJyearsagonmdI b* alf of cismay, baif of laughter, joe i ltadt. uaitgo 149 IMYWD, inemthe. ane of gvn More auitabe for néar than tor distant struggles w1îh the handleand looka the"se nv kinds a esa-cul and fairt. eaL ti ae rounid. Man>' lunds ae disearded at tbo Farm 10. Daniel Booxie, inp.. This variety d, Look@ arritînd. not to se@e the smooth, ever>' yes.r, having hemox tested long apfrraadentieal wfth W arfiold. r pal face and % e Yes Of lIr. Bell, the. enough to Judge of their monits. In 1»04 1 oward'i No. 4 m. fm idcrate, beaming roproachfulîy at ber theri were 196 vaiietià ested.as tb productive, mediumn to fate varioty, with Le through bis pectacles, but the handsome avetago rouitaaremoe silulo lp.: hisI. notM - a so tranger. ai a ai~&r of dà tk titha .sfrom aaeg er, te l va ywhe 12no.,cl te t Seyes gravely regardiiig ber ina il thoir lewing vitieties whieb hav vrae etni oe &rvehbsDoFrit bvde alit xzaked sternnes~. best for four year are, thoso wh~Iciite la.rge, rom&". do ed iin ui Jeanne gasp4 for blm=-th, ana ln her Veuld b. likeJy to prve Most p nde- ity a, u t de esso m e-ai amaexuut nd P~cmfture, leans doé-,1tirewhou the conditions are the aMeM di. bhomtldb ne oo etasiet>me fiantly &gaià t the obstinately ciosed as at Otta1vtu oubig id a d for .hpin 'cn dIanecbes. vrit door. I baw mot b<ang in M<$ltu, For a moment thcy regard eaeh othor Tu m1tp Wdu tiveolio varbcties ïsrfedDmt h lhe Walrfieid '0 in silenc, shenmeetiththe eentb, allordet ofs 'roductive- inslnet.emeig i.sen a ordot cf menit are thée foflowing, with Dmi tbhtna>' liaore Uth i tucv sarcastic gaze of the dark eyee; ho tak- bri«f descriptions of caeh: Alt d ilE"Usive Mtaraetical h ing in comprelleu-qiveiTthe gracetulfi- p .MlPrýÎqj od f6"*t b*I tm lace L tire, like a %ta;: at bY, teboiz1od 1.MlP0f-hs saw erfully i he SieYîty ThWafodsou a.aeofale. udth axaed Wdoopn be rater 0t Ofthé ver>' boit of thbe older varleties, habir, from xhandthebe aeba whidonis net highl>' reeomiended. Fruit abybO e big v« , odutvad fnatac mediumn size, roundish or pointed cent. tivo, deep glEosa e cler. It is one cf cal, paie but giossy rcd. QuatymdubebtvieLfranng Tof- (o bê continued.) 2. Saa4îe, lmY.-.Tho alîmi aunmag th e 1inet fr ani ngso 1%8me foi.e dtoubtedlY one of the but commercial là somewbat againat IL. Quahit>' mcd. air.PEPEtrawbonies now on the matket, It jes mm Beason early to eim in shape. -Fruit la-ge. bright to ruthor are Marie and Bedon Wood,, the. latter deep, glossyr red, snd moderatoiy firin. boing one of the beit all-round earl>' Nee Ne B10J n Srin toSeasen medium te late. Quality mediumn. perfeet vaÉoies . For house use w. Nee N~v Ioo inSpingt. 3. Buster, Imp.-Aýhough net goner- sbould anggost. Bubach, Greenvflle, Loy. Bring H-kalth and Streaigilu. a1y known, the Bfu8t r _is axiothor fine Ott anid Bder Woods among the best Vret>' It 1s very po-uetvc and te 4> a"---U l dista ro n oe fniwbieh la large, miantains its sizo th*ii any othçr varfet>' fro g itan Spring blood is bad blood. It Ji1 well to the end et the season. Th c r shipmont, camne koth i the four yoar 1clogged w it h impurities that maire cf the fruit in pale, glogsy red, much average. It la on. cf the boit for tis- themaselves Icît 'in mauy way5, such as 11k. CIyde i' appearance. _Modorately putpose, but vo abould 11k. te oemEn. pinuples andI eruPtions, peor diges- firm. Quelity aboya nmedium. Beà son b anco givcn a furthor trial rhtin, occsioxuail ad* ees, ines o medium Vo late. Folage ver>' geod. Strawbeiiei suteed beat cxi rida, weil rbematax:, Iiy eelngin homcM- 4. BÃŽSO., Im:Tihis variet>' bs-s been druined oi, wbieb vil netbh ah' ing. and a strong desire to avoid cicr- i îst algbt cf te a largoe etent owing to Thoronghettphaltonesu iica y nr tien. Sometinies the nerves are unatrwaggos a~liaAm uctavrtsdvr-1lgviigivc ratesuiandScen, If evr. r ou f eei dulI anid depresseoi, anA 701W eties beiing gavon aucit promanence, but it ar-o straviierrle. toi licavily omnured. atrength iâ siippiiig Bwi>. Yeu eau is'oeeof -the mot productive anA band- There aaro maxi> systouis of growing enly b. put righit b> enrichin tbe blood someat bernies testeA at Ottawa. The piaula, but fer iboan ubo are not stra-w- and drlving out the iinpuries ug. fact that it stands fourth, li a fou-0 eau ber-y apeciailats, anA qven lau most cases tives %vont do this-they oniy mako testjcf muay variettos shows that i t la for those Wito are, the matweA ov la the yeu wenker. What yeu need la a tenie, joulanýk>supericr to many othors.Fruit beut. Plant e&tlvlu sprlng when thle and the beat tonie thut medical science 'lrge uauh, -brlght ted, moderatol>' sol la rond>, sett g the plantsfe in 19 lias yet iseovered la Dr. Willîams' Pink zirin.; Qualit>' abovo medium., - Besson te 24 luches apart i rav 3 1-2 to 4 eest Pilla. These pillsa actully make nov mediumi te late. -apa-t Qive titoroui e ultlvation dot- ricli red blood, brace the nerves and 6. itlton,,mp.: Cati sec e adlfforoxice lng the growlngaeason, Thi le m«tIi bring iiealtb and energy te weak, des- betwen titi vaniety and Varftolel * urfaae olis k. ptthe bbtter lbe :.snlta pondent and easilv tired me n anAd W'- <0. teven'ý Early, inip.. Appe osa d- wllb. lceterannera If Ii men. Mns. Chas. Blackburn, Ayiesford tical witii Wax-loelei., se tlut tlie>' vilhb evoni dlisl?ued Station, '.. S., Says: 'For the pait ton 7. Glen Miay, pedt. Thée Gleu Mar>y lia Ilie row. if tIà epiaula are képt a# years Dr. Willianms' Pink Pills is the oxifr bls for yeats neen one of the mout pro. Icast i mb Icies fat the resatî, wII medicine I have taken *ben I found ?L ductlv ariettes et the o e$uraI pel. u8904lyb. better than If eloser. Miuleh needed medicine. Last spring I ires bel, mental ltasi.ftMolane mtpo Mo- - Jtbl uât, befôte wtnter sets u ' lng poorly, Vas veak, casily -tired :and i ci iitvi ag ix f ut b alter 'lb. groud là , trie; v ith t cearme depressed. I got three boxes cf Dr. Wil- frusit lteI09 ig tai-o ilt othhe . . tvaw or, knà beay. Freqnet Ii liami' Pink iflUaanA tbey nMade.m iBiLii7tvb>lirp, lribmJ.¶u-1sT v a the.plantas in vI utfr"th' feel 11ke- a nov 4xprson. The>' are the best l bc rga en51i nle grond modiin. I oefai hexithe bloo4 As moi.seuihey' woxnov. akiule out cf condition." M'r. 1téfut ...teba pmv m ',pat If yeu neeA a meic&ë1 tus sprtng afau V e asI' be0 t re Â2 anA there are jew Peofls vite do 1 &t et y irienms , rw,ï a bëtet gI, -tako a 1ev boxee of Dr. Wtilile 1ýu1al Pinik PUis, and yen vill intisAanuin '- -- - proved appetite anA nov heaitit aÙ& > :i4 ýj, ail strengtitsuehý as ne otber miedletoe, VyV I mahe Lou. isel n ietteure N TE O >t il 1 "p ecau h:f&; (b uef have te bul ni , "Dr. Wlillianms! S,8 »R85 ?Ù&nk U.l P Psa*r ie PNople »on the ____________ vrapper ansd eachb box. 8old ta* th all medicine dalers or by mtUaIet, 50 ow 4e lii, t. bwva tlthe Cents 'a box . ,or six bfofr U 'of dralnlai. o*Wts e. ol1s* by writing 'lie tDr. Willams' Mdciewst anda-_Jpafb ~$.b ma CO., Brachylib, Ont,. of, Ibï",Mt oItW ibohM tspç*ut,,,e r~DrEi M Z lt dryors e:t te.1 prov u* The acti>We Nqu4 Noam ceuL U-14. 0 Thou -Ko doit. so, ui*' 1ýknow Th eélit aultb. ýbbsan ra"e To U ani d. Tbj>axis mbcyr Sbedforh Th 1 u- evmry place; To -r» Te lr purpose manlfest.- Th&saslm>ejrm!he ».eOfls ]Ruat' From toilibd ostomlosseehmlud;_ ?rMM ValliPumIÃœt7-silbiartg set treemi Let frail snd wear, iortals flnd The ruti whlch cornes through férltb ln Tho And anser thieslsicerest requeat: Preserv_lnut the Dar cf Rut, Os. ýdaY la moyen Tby croattiros ued For~~ acul ensd be*irt*orepose TAit~~ laymy xo n Véry deed Tb#) 3 rmwchcoutentmont f lovai Our 0e pow mtie only atthe! rboit 0le Zeoierve thi.Day or ReLtI. Dalosvlie, Que.,. -05. oi As Otiters Se. Us. Whbat a îixan givees eut. net. what ho keepe, deternuinea ie a ppearance lu tho eyçà cf the world. l3eautn'. brightuess, coler, cons4Mt not in what li thîing keeps,'-- but in wbat It gives out. A we-cl Icioxi law et optit-e tieacheî ils that a t bing is accu, flot in tthe coler whiclî it takes anA kep, but in Ibat colon wlîlch itgie ba . again. The tlîing Ilînt w t tecl red la tiie one whili is ,in eue senie, blue that ia, it take,4 inîthe» bite v-airs anA keeps thetu for it9elf, but iaives btek the red oneg ini colon;- Gold-linas kept ail tbe green rays and gi-es back the yell'ow eues, me, we think, il 1W ellcu-. Tite ebjeet wlîie.lî vocali bîaik takes lu every i-ny of liglît and keops theni for lttsîf, and wc have atriklingk- cnou 'h seen iu it, the symbol o aiIl el-il. Tt objeet whlch ive cati uwhite keepuotb-' ig Of tlue sun'a raye, but gix-es ten ail- =out ain, and me have meen lu irthe eybo hoof al- good. 60 A, man ila 5cm. andknsmn, not by %%-bat ho reccit-ce andi keeps for bimseif, but by wbat ho -g1veý forth te ebtera. Thp nieh maxi ivitek-eepa, everythlng for bimdelf la seen anA kno-wn' te be a -poor unani. Tite vise Wni siho holda hiaugblily hie learuing toe ihseif viii, l i te 'juiginent of mon, bo very qpt Vo aeeut a prend !f ool.-Suinde> Scitooluies,.- Victory (Ont erll ',Thanks be te Lied Wkoh givëth.- Us tlie î victorythroueh Our Lord Jeuà Cait' 0 U hl J acur t6eoetesaun. baUd! it Vait art thou te the' <hrxlans -aisurance? "Great hIte -of answertot life's p'tyt;geat heur titt'sa1l break auden Uic bond oet iie!s xuytery; hotît of toisas.froinIl fo'. btde,Iot; locf _me. uin.vitt ti le vancti .n4 oa-St iiit": - ilgItty lîopeelîaste u te tiielift ilfiiiiat1l ln titeetl WVat Itinglng4, wbat Aspira- tions-nreathod ln 'th. stîli nig'ht bo-'; utl ihh uilfent. etars; wiit A-eiep n. ? tiens.,ofje>'; bat 'talovetiiiglg of nover eenieneed pur-lt>' and 1l* ssi abllt, siadowlngfortlia ïa - 1 Rpos l -,cittlà .tote ailm".1%a ta tbiiol- ensih tnation l i'c0 Odoit _ tite Ctà itlani' dsat! h at-vo'ttr c