Whitby Keystone, 27 Apr 1905, p. 6

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.Man KiIIed,,a74"Sever I Iný* - ured at Kingston. Government Steamer Scout Was Als0- Buîned. ACapt. Allibon serious1y Injur- 1'ed and May ie.' -A'üigstouî treport: As tha' u'e.îlt ot aui iRx'piloaloliof uLtctyient ga tle thue buoy af-flic uoosraxient »tt,:àyur s cout uaaslweing lfilied nhortly sfter 3 o'eîock! Joek iw.in ja deuil, unol lOdi <CanidJ ore 't' iai iî' sfilly lîijaaretl. Theut'alllit ,Ksr iv- a total los by f ire, and hundrettU I ôf dllar.' verth of glas la brollln tiiroutgbout te city. The explosion vomi Mlgtjy, sliaking le-ery building ln the. Cit.>ý, uîuîs.l bcig ithe nature of anu earth- quaWt..s*ineo îa en nrisiug ini the vefnit of thse vutot front, and investi- gatIi; proved <t htthe explomion -hod becu dlastrouâ, resîltingitin lots ofIlue si%îî.vero rung lui, andi medical al4 inauli abulaîîces tsuiied to the. itll.Maotlîer goï buoy, aise loadel, -.ltuattid near the btýrnuu.g ateanier, and l. v as foared thiat auother explosion %vouliît occair conselquently the lcrewds -vure kept b.iclas znuch usapoMbe. Tie tie îwga4è arisdprm t,and soon 01 steîn twat5 piaying on the tire. .-The fîremen tiaere badly lbondi- cappd h4ving te aîght the, fianes aigaînuta tmltf rese. Stream&s cf vater hnd, lttile uffect,, nudthe.fiantes shol hiiglili the air. Ah one tIno ithe allumer %Vasxablaze freinstemt le alern. Tii. dead mnuJesFrcd. Muloen, IVel- ]atnd counly, finIt mate ef the. Scout. Iînjired-CaptlAison, Moî'isburg, gso aericusly injured that ho may dle.. $atnîuel e laney, deck bund, Prescoît, net badl1y burt. Citterdi Tessier, Cornvall, bieva into -h~ water:, but suffers only f nom oir 1 Illim i înters, -badly buruol. Ie sitonthe *harf. ther inemberso 'e. crew woeo: Chau. rhvaett. Farrcu'm Point; Peton Boulangr ('înwail; W. Mlehaud, Pr.'seott;Evn CiIhuvd, Mris-iburg, aIl of vies are mate. 'tewa rd'Macpheragn vas away attend. ira tunerdi aIt th.tinte oethie acl- d en horsud brother nesiils liec. 4e vas akarrîed. The. uniorhtil vn r an fs blovu comp1 tel, off the nt lote cqtay,, sd astle;'liyiu tç'nfr~o~ o d,' wlobna hn. tWÏ<tity toest' et' more. The heail wu %Vi uiét oyere4 item the body. Tii. skia itlacksec sud burutlsud the ou ho-tlatP lscloîhil gloftIvsa s isal e f tt nsus undergarmeuhs stick- }ÇIhervoiwee about, tveuty phiyailass o,à tliesacene within a- short tInte. Tiaey r4' eo evury «asslslance possible'* Iu aI i g thle laltirel rellevIcg tientomui- r ril suid aentiug theuoff te thé lIOU«Ihlo itaInambtilg'es, AM estho windows lu bohouMs snd fae- ntônm. eud -thiefore. eof tthie explosion 'casîi aisgaltn'pr Yty hilua vs- etitg "Of Itiý' il.' aI spane aitRglass -i-nalalu thia locomotive vworics lie- 4cerneal orks and the . watervpnks pump- Ym ~'e ayearg ago tie Seaut wse lefgt- e'oed In lie Dovis dry dock hý7ro Tweuht f"t N* ~aite lo Iber, ts eol à 1040,6 The pstamner wiu # 1îîlt a a dl aî$*60000 IUl"I*>T£ TIE OAI - rittmblirg. April 24,-Wbpn '4n a I JalWamesI.aughlln, cf 1h. Ai ohey Bu. ,»Rett o!flBetith" llu starlingltmcmpag 10 eleal t.149, it> cf hlurnitng*nuo, or- Oomietr.-I. T4ii.mportance et abidIag. lu Christ (va. 1-8). 1.L-Je0SUs. Tiie trie vine-Tii. true y v i Christ 4 tii. living, sbidlag Christ,' Who ra1e dos blie inl every trie d Mcple Thrughout this lat, dscourge u-i 1 et sai a man abcbpt te <ti, butwas'a lv- Ing Christ torevezi incarnate îqluii, h hoarts and Ilves of lus evu, living on -in tiie world with znightier sud Widor influence, and in moçe intirnatt commun- ion sud companionship with Ris disciples alter Mie crucifixion- than beoee It je tuis everliving uiunhst seproduesil la&ail lii. neiabmr, and sprcs4#Apti,.r the. whole carth, tilat i e', n, i contrait witb the. oid lsval, whleh pror-t ed te b. no true %be.-Abbott fbs bandian-ThIe owffet'o! liasvl*7a4 the. original p1snits,j %Ulie. d ce tivator or tie iuo vln e Bâ'leurses t of IUmselfo.a thé oub w ot Bis lathelt Caanud çjvt@.0t* 2. Everr jbr*wth' là ts.4fan. 5j su1>5 13tà1 6i94e iàe;5-*Od1lg1 the opinloôs cf mnu, W$ bav o 1e in the vine. JIMptized, ýprsfeàslng, parti-. aily.bcfiiovng membM »q 1>0 b.,Iowisi19 1 abundance.le taketh *way-xRmà ei that the vine may net, W dardaqe(lh as. putation, or the worid be tme'upi by empty p rot cegors. JII1EI M 't. I eth frn.it-T-he fruit or WSpiit --c love, joy, pence, etc. (Cal . 22, 231. AUM- manner of goed vorks. Purgot1ài t- Uelansetiî sud pruneth, strippiInt, p the hushandisau dmo, ;101 batevr A dank and ijuri5t-a t pr oiote* aAu. fui, but ne les. nfuui eu c'PefM 4n3 tii. nitural iiusbandy.-J4., Y. IL E More fruit-Everytbing li removoâtIm the-brandi whicli tens te divrt ti. vital power from the. production of frult.-Westett. "Christ cleanseti tiie &oui, 1. By the oporation of lthe law tait rlgbt deung develops . lit feelicg sud ope-s-he-heat-te Igii er influens el.0 theEoi Siri, iaIla qleste e" &OUl lu tiie nîasui iswhldt,..it proves Itself werthy eouf lllyt rehve lin a DY 'tho discpioa. Ilt which la tih lmanifestation - of <old'1 = 1a love te tie soui (Heb. uIL 4),The obee f ail tus redemptive werk Mlelu order that the. seul mîal brlng tprth1 mnore fruit." 3. Nov y. are cieau-Ys *e this disciplinte cf pruing.-B. Conscieus of thoir Imnpertect ; late attife, thein wealns, fetar lest thsy vere branches o trut vine. Jesus emforts then wlt~h tii. assurance tha tbey i, larlag fut tiieugh they nsued f urtiier cle sing laI c;rder Shat they nxay brin# forth more " f ruit.-Peloubet, Tiie0gh the. word Yoit are siresdy lesnmsd front past in, tiiongh your s.oeptanoë ef &ad êbeffies to My word -AIM-tl.'Tii. word ef Iý (3o4 l b. pMuulg ui%. I la as shre and ct deeply latqtohe lisat a#4 C"a.i science b e-1 saebu rthi. Christ b", I yt kopsa,smîîteî th"it h ornw aI the. thoîght-pf Is 'depitur% mude Mt,1 thar prude lutO u)i.y..Pst îo 4. Abile ilu mê--EPtM fanItaith «sud& ' good cnsciences; lot mctrlIls hum y. aide from t ti trutb. 'Y& absIl isesi1 every help s&" Influence trois'me t=a4 your ouli ana rquins la ord« ho ÎnIe serve them ansuare them teOtrua ide -auks. Lot ai ume etroeb, y0*r, 'wmoyour plami, rour hope. dsew!dý ou met as oule puw 1>7 eotet lh otiier seul& ne s lPr adfosl ulertlias spirit wltii wheu ws cous' M Jlto tUCub sud tias more thes -poits.et91ontad#4t'ho more fise sud strong -aêur-giOw l Lii. khdi. lite,,love iswakeas lave 13- t< ru orès 01,d o sîf-d0%4Mvol u %= t. «So th th l oug inhes ud#srms llke asblI t a w1a1 l pro xwt tia w tfj o u ssila, sV rocd. etwmay v. *bId -a 'a m? <iM flh; ~(2> -byOc!2! s1os îi.1m 0$ par, 40#0bâ hII (b,MotbiiAU IPre. atIN'a o eaa'la sd tboeuslors tls# 1515i sud more perfect heir suces..tu iaý Mes troisailas ors" c"la4 -» ed. -sosha y.b. ilyfrtha tue *bide la hlm, liat-thefhavulSWrsed, seenmt tIbesna rtu it l1* mails lu a test »I dhmclplesMf. IV.rhsscsuadast( 12>. 0. As tii. Fatiie, etc-.9iv T JAMwa consaèlocf Jass ii heobjee th ie Fatherl n'mlfin b love; boehW assortI that ils love te his dlselpt.er eondsU vitii fhe etensl i ter'love wo -hlm- my Lordt 'IOve f lknit rhi '0te Mouutains, I1esM pm ied on i likieuit t4é is 5galest lu Ç= oaon!yeny: J '"0 the xi$.,*, ).fte4gftàs ct Io o>srLà' nimber iis.'suithe îu Ch ist lg full erousa4ita ne 111 se t te~bk l« tarate noftii tit ý nn, iii.el*391; I.1!f IL the methoid secret, tii. muus, the proof of ahtIngluipove Pt GiLt. Tihe obediene bers descvledlalb et came of love, but the powen Ila ta n. ei to -continus ho dwell lu l. vne love, te abide lu tiie fMI eunymeb'ofV Il. )ty joy migiit rm -Ailiougb wîthka a few hours cf tho ýcross yul Jeans !li..k f bloyW. liUS vstie jc.tbal menint for the. pocf 4tiers. Tii. joY cf perfect faith' in Id taul leo ent- munian îth i hl.jAe hie discileswere te have tihem. kinil cf joy. .0 * * fui-Tho Joy et the Lord f hhe soul. A èoy so loep thâI neo rwenu disturb i . SRue s oonditlon cf c au net b. il.torjbedg-; It ia4 b.ex- e««ed tobe us ntoe 1~2:- Om ois eut tua loe ase I'csutusudn I cf m1 ~1ev.~ ht.cois ulue$t l~es al othore, As 'i hanro lvel yOu AVt 10i ti o nly pneseher Who fufly anlaitpll1led ln bill own lite the perfectonhqMrac *u. The menssre cfnv lloee oi theis l bis love for us.-, A GLASGOWM TUR.PHOME SYSTE%. Ottaws, Ont.? Apii 24.-(pcal- Dr. (Obhs, c01fleltwer, vat xauised ait lhe Teleplac comîmittee meeting to- di>11 gave a description eft he rirai symbésu, bet.wreen Berlin, Waterleo, Pres- ton sund lespler., whlch vwas started iii 1601. Tireyear%,datter it, vs #»4soldt th.1Bell Comany. Tih e l vas net giv- 4u avryged'Xq viw a~ ,oppo.ltion W55~ ~~ otc~.XwIt tV*4 huspeovetl, suld «tdlalm r y. ~ arinrer (boenuben e veu , te lit, ah t% e4ch. Couùclîlor WVihienk, of 01.4*0, Seot',- land, vas the next viluega. H. a idliat thé cdlty bo «,'ud £-- 0A10eOlr citai- waxhiatalhi n M ' s lia fs 10 for a e o aitOm- lraloftlorandl for oresa Àbh oMles oSide lbh* "Ii vaa *ho.MÊA g. Tiers wa* a r'tba.tc e hhan il£10 17*. Te N*tiom aa4 ly there.. Tlcu-orpomatou,.barged £5 b.for su tauled orheiidist t. Ii. Nq4ilonal al£10 108.1sud -£17 1i.q At ilaf, 4 ~ps £»0, Dow .onset for Atc fo tbw-aiýd the gs 4ôublsdah £, aO.lis so Os om-u t14 wllb tko Inter tbtEét -aIâ!porWt ilitiet, e e 4» - imtw AW# ~WT. y4~~ lelUsl l'n ýO5dou Cty Coût si trwet aléai ràI U2 IA m U OnlI 0 lodu W e wegbàng,16% pounîs vas lsUgltIb lte ýThames at Loulou. brohe c ti.pestmaater, drepped dea'l. TÉ iuKigten Street Raiiway bond-' heiders effer te ssii the. read to the clty for 4125.0mOO 3Mv.. Mary Grigor, a vldow, wras fo'iid duad in tbeYard of à Markham street, Toronto, bous. TWO es« >f ineningitis,-onie cf whicii wIl probablV bc fatal, are izterestlng Teronto doctora. The Northiern Elevator Comipany.-wl ereçt a big fleur miii la Winipeg this year te ceat *25,000. A WVest Palm Beach, Fia., despateh may8 tliat at 9 O'ciock to-day tiere wau 1liO mateInal chaiige in the condition of Jesephi Jefferson. Tho wlntet ahipping busIIW58atStIi' fax wae on.e o the largeat ln the, ports Ilstery. Wiien the vesseis now on the Way, Arrive the total number 01 immi- grants- for the wseasoîî will amoant tel 18,445. Miss Janet Carnochuin is at Ottawa te seek a federai grant towards the crec- tien of a suâtable museum at Niagara-on- theLau for the iiousing e many Mas- torle collections. A grant bas been made' by Ontario. Mrs. Bell, wife of Mr. John Bell, K. C., (J. T. R. selieltor, died at Belleville. A conférence of 1>rvincial Treasturer 1% -beun arranged for, with a view to tue gaUcptîoa o01 rnqIortn succession dutîca. The. Unitd Statés will send à iquadron te Prance 'to bring back the bodty of Pauli JIoues. Tiie by-laiv forthie errection of a new Town Hll ini Wroxeter carried by over two te eue. The. Aluan turbin e liner Victorian made the trip fron Halifax to Loch Foyle ini seven andi a quarter days. The litigation bet 'veutiie Centre Star andi War Eagle Companies, and tiie West- er* Federation cf IMinera, la over. Toronto Street Rallway Co. vas flnod $2,500to-ay fur not haviug a fender on tlî laack1 oftit, iiio lîl. u a# bacIlg. The Brlti&h ambassador at St. Nters- burg. Sir Choênes Uardlnge, starteil to. diy for Eugland on a inoath's helidas. Riclaril B. Cochrne, a mlnng p ros- pftter, lias lisen mîssng fIrm hl*homie at Sault Ste. Marie. Ont., since Maroh 31, sud la now practkally Sven up f or ioît 1by uisfallsu' à Berlin despatch to the. New Yi4. Harald says: A despateh front Bt, Ps. teréburg states, tWatBaron Roasa le, tuez Iusalan Ml.later tojaa #,W<I eeed (CouttCasalul St waal,1tos character of th* 11uui4er Bay îrug ies, l 1 d t Ilubbst4 ie»e. Kê4W« a. 1bh ail killcdSMOdm jandb eds o! other ganse. nu' .arj day.os pest lu the *.ipleySIumt0 teHudeBy Comipany, & sserai ag alt w *ouI4f l 14* Amtb for MUIÂ* Qspport snd BLAI Simni! Be on DieoralsetofEqultable rite. N~ew York', ApniI 24.'-Attea' a session aI thie BoSsai Savoy lastlngfor nesrly six heurs to-day-, lie tIv u iureil odilmn- aging agents 01ftheIi. 3qtabie I.te A>, sruoSociety frOnt au b# ak01 ho 17nitud shateadophe elffosl t& tefwvYork State Lg4atnreto exie1 Z = s iepieuse-y povens by enactiD lm altndseut ho hioclohies'àensi, tilamieiilmenh l'ogive lb. poIiioyhoidens Silumion le lite drectorale of the. so- Th esSolttion 4tse rvî'1< tint a ceunmitpe Iconalt ng of eue manager front @Véry-StaSellin lie 'Union snd one front Canada. togehher wîti all managire -'l ew Ye ork Ct ieullleuTn.l see Goveenor hliggiuissudSuper4uenlent ot Lsurauce Heudnleka, inu sueniloavor le aâiuure thein asalaane. la gtlug the '1' latue set. The agents Plule thelr '<uû allfle4 support Fte Prealdnt Alexander, sam exprssodtieir "enlire confiee laI tic presideut vili contI» ni.talt.riughy snd finish tlb.' iretcfmnUtU1Istion tbat he ha. go courageous ein." Thens vas no efeeenc laaux - etfthe résolutions t. Mn. Ilyde.' A4 résolution of ferod by X, 0. Wood, et' Pittsuurg, girlug "unquahifed'appre- val et the finis stand takuen by VIee- Presideut Tanbelilu '-is support ofthié président on the mutualitation lsiWOue Thé çWAvIagmof- £vala to-.41y show au inereSse. wheli mweker, wltb salas cf 100'busasols0fof ÏIL ât&$1 tl $L02, aud ai M0 busbklsof à'eosp5»t ?17 toe-Ocarlsy ateadyl M bushels 'mélu: xt4Se a bualiel. Oh.Sfflay. S0O buihslm;mellhag emi47 ta, Dalry produco lu ýSeat! upply snd prices steady. Cholce 451!Y butter smdalt! a26ita 2,e er lb., sutd eg at 16 tei 17o peer ne n iic BUPP1>'. 5< unchanget! prces; 30 10d84à i -a.t $10 ta l$U a tan for tiw- OUI?, asud"at $8 te $P fer mIet!. Strsa soI4,t itô.à ston for buadled, asu t h$7 fer s lest!oet boue. Dresset! bopamar steady, wlth sales at $8-U5 te $8.75, tbie latter fer a few cliolce llgbt welght3. Wbeat , uew, buihel .. . 110W te Il1 02 IOu..1 redbushel.....100 te 10os DO.., arni busbel - 0.,95 ho 0 00 -Do.. #nese. bushel...... flta" 0 80 Qats. buehel........... o o 48 Bye, bîshel......... têoOQO00 13Yçawtat, b ......oet' o o Peut, huahel........ 0 t*. 0 "0( Hay. himotby. per toun. .10 00-,teui11tW) De.$- mlxet!,theu.... ......800 te 90(M) Straw. per'ton......10O te 10 59, DIessîd bou".....,.825 te S97M. Appes. per bM.....i1 W0te 2 76. Eggu. per' doeoi.. 0 ...O16 teO 0i1 Butter. dalry........026 te 0 .7 D)o., crosmery........O8teo 0 (7blekens.............. toe 0 14 Turkeys. Der l.......01 8 teo 02e Potates. bug...... .0O65 to 0I -m Cabbage. per' desen...... 6 0 ho -'4 75 Celory. par doxcu .........O 0'teoi 040 Onieus. per bug .. .........200 te o%0 Blert. htedquatheru.....8 WO'teu P95<> Do. ,forequarters.....5 to, 6 e- Mo.. mdlm cres -..50 67 Ituthn, per ctm"0 1.80- e 9 50 Vs.).par -eet.........8 11 r"i)7 Lanib, Der est. si..à--00 to 14 W L.adlug Wbeat Naîbsta. New Yerk............ Detreit .... .... .........1.j»% .1 St. Louis........1.01 Olt:%~ Toledo........... * .58% Tormo te 1i,5 toek. au 'Mo you refuse t10 ira evidesos tôthls1 case?" «I cannet anssvo."'- "Have you any reason for' not givlug evideuce 7' I caunol anaven." -*'ave yeu any eousclentioiîSs scrjlp 1canuot antwer."1 «Are yen tg hotaie thie cati An ti@ mattie -'to1 1h.King vs. Wallace Mea? "I casuel anaver, "Are yen a Cithollci" "I cannol anse RTnglisb Chureh 1"'¶Ilcnuot ausaser." 'Are -yau a Preabytenian?" 'l cannot "Methdit " 1"1 cannot anaver." 'Mo your priniciplsfhbd1o h ake thie oalh 7" 'l cannot anreit The. Crowu Prosecutar thenn akel tisaI the. folewiug qucstion b. put te rihueïs ; "A. you oppose to e ilg swrveluthe. case eft b. King va. Mdluse?" Mr. Ia- flammeoebjected te Ose Crevu suggesling restIonsThi objection vas ovurtuletl. The usticm vs t*,10Mvm'Sceater sIc hereled l inte sam f onna,#1 cati- Thé. Cra-wpnoseteîintovd' fôr tiie commlttio! thee uafor ccuntpt ,of count. The. defunce enterel a fonîpal proleat. The.Judge thon commi'fl Umv Selatertlethie 22u1 Instant 'for centexuph et ceurt. ?TO SECURME EKIQANTS luil Their Roneteas an& udAdîsues Thona Noaey. AN OBSTIKÂITE WOMÂN. .orning Pott on emigrâ"Ab"o a ioelon- "Pl - ~~iration KiJe Coo"aale ut ilIs I Tlare Times Commithed for Refusai b 'oteltouui for thi. DomintinGovevnt fen Give Eitenet«<o h.ofïunnî a4ti84 ot e ras "Faim by Tir Itivers, Qlue.. April 24.-Wliat In forer l. nllUon," witiloît msking ste O te b. dons vili Mms.Sclàher, tolias ni effort ho eniilepensons vîtboul capital aTm vihuema Ira 1he casao e; acýrovU v, VI.- ite take Alvanhagu of tIse off. li HO. - e lace, Mua,la10 hie quelaio that la gesta titat thi e vrumneat houli flnld ewt ptiWzing the atiorities -I;ere.- The.vo- vork t4 ng*iàt tuen tho sellAs os tie lai P" man absoluteiy r tais o anxver un- 1>y bui1dingý Shoirr heinoestis, end ad- bel der cath, and Ie-day for lit, tldrd lime vauelug ,ueîery vhen nees.ay- on 'tiihe-w 9 vas ccnimitted for ecnlemaph cf-court. cnrftyof Iii. land. Tî'w md oure -a 10 Melta s u hiarged wvlhthe, murdeir of. goîîhiual streant-cf able-bogd em uio . Mn,. Scaho'. ina An tnhie back- graîuîs frIn 'titis eountry lnoiteal et- ay'- Fi woeu settlemout nanoti of Tires River. ing ho go iniote McientaI l ugiiwsys M! muremli vuekis ago. The cme 'vas Ioteinvite 'tii. surplus population cf lfor-:, brouigil lere fer triai, but vien Mis. I s igucmnîrluste sete l aBritmiol- Meater -vms plaood ou thi shaud ii. re- I ony. ' fusud4 ho pusvcr. slud W#ç sont to-jail. Th'liaset advx*týs liaI mors atos. Avéksierai ppem -pglu, 'b-atlion b. pll t0,emdcimblU a uauIeS 0 va s as blurate tas ve. To-day. fi*of etrisvlpgbA unemployéd,, thoughi aid x lie Ihird tinte she vas lwugiS t ' udse$*altmdcirnpgg. titans.. àmgbt mt court, sudthie Magitrt, put. thet li cfbred lo yotims vit lise.vesot wa astaer.hoemeloat a>i. Thacflb.mitsys '1Do' ycU belleve Iu a Buproe isBeingit "oycabelilve* y0u wold b.pu.WIniglIpgt. are, baring trouable avit lte,, -s1 'or giris faims ovîmideu ' r octrctrsand ast # mai bededam.4lem canant a 1 sr.1-,' et #sy- - for Té TEA let INC. IN of this F ~1 ""J Lecmlptm etai Ie steak imai.. rIt!sy ist, repontit! b> the -railwy s iutedt! t eau' leas. ccrisatlng cf 1lui estle. 14D4 MM.e- m a9,diambe, 50caives au&L The ,qu*1ity et ft atttîs vwiththe. ex- dbbb' ft o bl iw ,mibtg.Si!h 's 10 - .'1i. -bsn qlislitr luacuîert piursre tul Outdth Ibm agbuso te, Yb, botn bitebof8 nd ut eportera. ft.ponasvs-pvees rangut rei,1,6h 59 Id-a et oIt ldby Maebee.WilMa t i' 4 steena of omteelleut qua '- ,soit!ettse elw * tbmu 9k soId t ilOte 7'pifpr rt L Port bulle ah 43.76 e <o and' st! o- brt CmSa Kt $4 tge64.0 ur est, laitehee-Choles pýIcket lots of' bitehéré' Ifmrs sud t aIma I , 61te 8 Ibo.,, soit!at ILOPer, ewt.s ýlests atgod eahos meiu at -s#.ao te 15,;ecmnon 84W» tat42; crsah 30 lm.74.'per ~&et!eva-bolcs ubrt4ioep fmst!eru. UW to Olbs,' uab. soit! et $ $55 %pe«ewt. - ÎPA.1¶ 5 100 Ibo. -atb, - At8Mils te 900 to 10M0ibi.. aI $40 t* .75, t e 00 te Ne Ibo. Lt $4 l lo : skiers, Mo' te M 00 bit. saeb t 88.50 te u5 tock 'çslvs. on@eis IO1, 'go.te lb5o*h$teii s 8,0ho1760"dt!14 Pet ÇK,'MIXEO OR OENTA SMOL» OIX NSEALE» LAD>PACEETS 304 oc 4ec, socS-pu, lM.Bya&U Grocets T.e Frt Ot'a Wîal" ta Tus Rno To -,t;l," "Do! and ýou i lien and th.Ïe 1 (.eorgina. liai's face gi dread imtrickt'n. glatiI." as, -cia. t-;undertaker ' mow kind! " donntaIilim ag baby iniiut~, '. Jeanne. god-bv! asic Mr. 1Bel whî -er i.Prbaps l AMIl tlcy hotiu Inta'rest, "tue p * swntdigginic Both iod vit bas 1111 his *'he'is naia artist. a i s e -I a nd a * cart. lli'an-aw "An arti,t 1"1 - <~if lppi<ilioîîê d aS nîîîeh conta-ml -Oh. rcnlly 1 dear " appealini ouir tlîinking pVI elle lnîîglicd disdi uging, An a oane thuîiks 'of it,. inan domnig t<Q- limita i, hun aud Ra in anetl the Park ladies. Hl ai m awm1 mntrites in a ivin fliqsopiq ôf 'an Tb9it 6111 de. i'nîiii . e bothe browi-sn fter 'fisn Iîlîl'i sid lhe'u flint woldlhv fui arma. uprings 1jlýnr off t Jbupe v Oh la.",hoa lotipr I tee as' tl.atusp 1 for, BPt Jnneall.»"" -l 1

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