Whitby Keystone, 27 Apr 1905, p. 2

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4a1rqure4 ho du lith arm wye- nad. hall vedrIheb.crops $i year intheb. ortn. A.é4 large. number of thece mes $1b.ê Éawn IronsOlit lo aîidtbhMer _annc, sd utanyeoft hein wiU ltALe ep; tlie1r abotit hhete 'l- i drain gece 0,4 ea*c1ry -yeii 'âyltho mreuit Ibat the. oMder Privlnoee are beetming depopulat- ýdCoutie, tevas anti. ilaàge de- pojsng in fladItlen lattesd eftIneruei- - Ing. lrièci liWlnats are te nome ex- tttst alcng thair places, but ;it looka&sM if titi oldr Provinces will ihave W o aite b ohii eneifgetie action to Mgkkc U, the population thus ost. - Miere 1qte bc a bg czoâus trom New EûgIInd te the Canadian. Xurthwet'tlilî acasen, and tie Boston Transcript cou- cots i.sct l Ibe fshin: It îvould, bde, er,;'bc a itake te consder ihemu -Aincricajs liu the fulil senen of the ter=-. Bany eflciîn hall frem Catnda or Eng- land and hiaeconite ilte ijniteA States %wiltsne particular succe"s. To tint can- a«da le fot a foreigti land, and thse change ef ailegilanceP 1 change tiiere be, comeq =orcý1nntîUrall, Ihan to an Ainerican o! -t 1everai generat.Ioni' oLnelitig." No detgbt Ztb saine reinlarLe uniiglît lice pj.ied ho »in y oft thoae coniîig iii frui, the west- un u tites.Yr ýTiere ta one n ii M Ne-wYrkwho -doca îîet belleve li lkanishitig chilliren ftm hie tenemniit h fca ie. oWnc ane l anxily having lbas t' itn tbree chiii- den-'"tlîe more thcernerrier"--nnd frec *te cat4 the dog, and oîycer doinextic anitibo -willl bc elcoîuie. Thit nman isa 364 iionaglian, jerk inthie Seeond Di- triqt Court of thte t Anî~ iîd li2 lis becou iidticed to do v% lie iî doing by- Lb. pîtîfll senq3 he wiint'-4.ed in jus Capa* city as court donr, flloviliîg tleîc vttions ci familles ln whielî tif-esvere tue MaxxY philren. NMaîîy iothcr.. %% ill riîe up and Ca-l lui blesued.1 inl a letf.er toe cpi-caS, MNr. J.- J. Kelise, th e Goveriniemit Superiîîtendexit ,ot:Neirlectcd Chldren, sae. that -Tien [Penle4.agI refeixnatery *boys lhtve becpt ati-arge for cicr a year snd net oe e l t-o-doY ini M'y p0'iioi te niîy knowl4e. Pdweny ofettcm id len arrested six, eigha lla ten tna b4tfoire gping te tint lntLtlitutlii, and. %,ge consicred beyoîîd reosstIOn, but l4a ring heet put upus their hor r d. tsly truste4t thy bae. Leuloyal o teh ilr word, aitheugis otten, Delà- benupted t fait bock." Mn. houeo #Yftm, i puiltg btoy Oten do*' Onro bain t-haïit ood. ýArret» tortvv, l'offencese wc are -satis$ed,, h*rden. ttc-. boys andi iae tbem ted ai Iftbey did" M nt arè1 ea",tbeydid 4boy lW &*me-' t itamI tey tiui +abltte r i cd ou 1%ek. hn opsue-yoi, s s ter ha ien yiw ýtva, rvýb a ehlm, ûta -b oor wqetitia Uoosedeit sîros haro iroaoê and i teçte 0' Lt oeipeet fa. prci- 4. uâot, hagng- e givee tart, ot zcpl bre of4,icp, ls 0<U3 fu the thsiagiqlu, vite la gelng«; tu"vibere lthe wvll4h.eta aliound, wjlier l1ee moiC- ýýertýo 'te mois»taini fê feeom blais"i Iu- du idea rse the aumdwof vlilet meibt a afll thvenlmr-n Jo. ids On alsp*id an& emuuuyai- turdit lets, We Lear ameh et the, coultret*IjotuMaandi eupoe as touching thse e0 fi**ryin te lb.;The.are wmolmo " te, selishl eactng bau> fktomely.n sû* tb w de yUW lnd nàî Who eoneu te réal îterete 0f thoe iwhovork tof thimô but 1h la ho be fêai. adthiarecêmiparatleely 1ev *ho cirry tWer ubojrdnatul tbelr ebeach 11k tLê e hri<et la te lb. eh 1ev tar- uled, vntt eIupoathic bru*4t.p&te <vhcbleatasf rm ie abýmeudrt, reci.- ed on hlm h athe b.names of lbh. Italve tribes ofIeu L fNov, hiatb .piture vhk bjob xfvec 1s bur.etfvial Gad-lmeingn, 1wo ïadd, Wh"aamameought te bel lot ain q 'i. vialt wc tbm conelder- aLlen which laduect i hm to act. klndly lbâ hie ervante. Waa It nol liaI Le bixu- self bWa M auter? in beaven, md liaI ha lookel upon Uod ai hie Judge, te whom lho wuse- accua"aie, anti vis voulti ose day tise up an tiiathm ? Asti for this reàsuesho. 411'Bot daspice tLe cana. of, L4Iservants, but, hic. a guel rmter,' vaà IlIute hai eïr arguamens; nar, cran teirantestions- .If tbh yad alurden placed upon them ho dilsot manifeet >sarougi and imIr- peroui besring, butaovieti then b e l their @tory, and, te tir astehbisy ad rIghi on their sida, vai preparedto te r- drece /their grierancea. HEkte, tLeunwe &ve tx.anexemple oet&Il maler. ho give theu servants equalty-- tiat 114 te treat h hem as they expecl te b. tre*ted tbemieelve; andl to b. Juat, nt only in tbe matter et vages, but alW I have bien- led'Iito ibis trin of 4hongbt by tihe metneholy tact vblcb fWev eny, liat thia "Juet and Oqual» ricpedote, sot to-day enter suffi- TôttiiUy £clipsed T"ad-trtlie, uieWa.bbe.rd.la taIUycL*,u c4 ;Mand éa"rey 4>%îledh Mh au thse'& to au il i.blt 91 w9ty0 eclsesal liadasc*a uit vhom tbe-polase d&l ees. I& practime v»a litgà broka up urng tise 1e renteM, Dut It sents o Lve ,îevtva nurL*bé pi va a-eted 'theIb bg~tbea tic*putblO 1lciarse. l a 9brongit lecourttc* eilsJle beui Inipreseeti tit6abellet la bât usé- cencu, boui paies te naie pa-emi as bbd li4e prutb, lie employec. de- urlgl tt v would.vo*b i or ls sëbéèly. t makté se dlhesa Ihat lb. rlclalu ista " aambappeMud te lie' a cloied, girl;IL tmar b. aà youn vitegirl meatlimne. dOece. l14 -I. vuib isa o" lftly a" put-up jb, u»Ce te bring dmmu p i e prje ton ert- sevemt ect alies epicalt. ot,= ,s of thie caraeter. *7poliemas guut.y et iuaking anu Meptan sd u=IWcle-hor arreet for the sait. of viat tsera may b. Iu il -for bis ova etchI hoffl1b0 diletlei4 fron thlb.fores isaty-L. IWe' Weeklv', ITCMUI BUElIIO, CMEEPIN, LCEAWLING Ski s ses 'reitvetInlua f ev miautai by Aguevag iaimant. >r. As- mes Olsîment releu e istaoui uécures Tetter. Sait Rbeumc. ScalouH& eil oma, tTleas.Biot",sua" ud s euplluofetuhi SkLia. Ila apoZblagbsti qita a!si iret timSap or Riches during beetatxig cisse as cent. a bx- Signatures of the Future. Ibo ttîe viiipnsibwy core tien tha maturaI signatusre, the impreassio!ofthc tb « orfl i p, viii bldly mud let purpeece etltient-ifimoi .if '-ie tisausb b. Ugnly precaupea 'a .urfaos menael ithLprlatinsg mLandti tew partlculr Iilvztna Who movin ' e su- ber. No tvo tisumbe or lingerasa-re ,.ike luth.arrea m otof turu'llidb cm isc lie;eacbt)irehore, lca aiviSait Ia uniquse anti aa eil vwhiic asuelmd- lItt be nussiltor bIt. Ticeuci hpolie. -M». tii oht-g msur,.e ete*o et lis Màeatil;7 ofhà a ar; but curey ,lbh systeni coulti b. inuwfUly axh«eii A i.wPapercoerrespondent :Who rementy $ssdeti for. -c ne cencl«of ethte Ilsunit rk test 51.1.4 thut once- vina ubroatib~e l'W gmt-etrélta for iuoa-s. 't: off t S e '~w~wss mm..a un -01, ta jo a ap<ande n4 mat- bfl w ter bô Ld w-bu oflt~ mnembrafles, eturicb he lat e eaw7 e~at-L 11004 snd v~~ Wa L aaers gante w vs Mnc7 .tfrein uv., but',e'"ngr.hl ~ *..ué . e't-*p tint ve're for lie, -Rnglleb .... ~ l -,Imm hm adao bock, sud that -if ~5corç km tçon vo i givehm a llft ïa h ts grat bue wonulit any etus wltb moditi et 28 uatsuh a~C~ICY fiïm lm ret if ît*s a argbt duel is ustsuc iL#shd rdlyvanta ho do tise rigis It has wonderfiul huhtt - liiug lY ii. liliaI bte e a ao 1 I et o. Bu t ts anything ae", Le sud ourihu l": te hokeep bis eyea pecleti. Remves the ctuge cf W.'vs a ebittîhâti "y mia Who t-lu vogh ad ~tries tho unealey-vit-h eur mother longue the ýo an thcwhpe Ïrglteal purpocce legelng 10 gel St system à g;ve' Iail eek 89 lise *got eernhng te su'ngdi and vigor .. . é 0aid ttaure va uizse usue #ad w fu ju» er apIta ai lu a»y olier neck &edfwJl.u iuglh ehbbcwode s ite counbry, certebsy SCOTT & BO VNE, é<i-.'eu 't staud 1r yhi tig the w4yjout I vIMWehier lb .~ ~' ~W"* labshg e 6 erhie htair of 4a poli.- tleigahes- r t-be perfeotly lovély re- solutioncet!thb.local Councli of Woman, XU11 Na a alla T«oes. e *vent Ilkupt taeilt- sud useI viti- lamariseticostratillion, t th pe mtut a'marks on tue deak, asd ti vmI asomenam er tth r »~Lver lacis fora gng o u isckvguys te cOI pkofteputaul he tint Itnlt get Lth ord of lb. Mm a einuto out14Perieti l 0 fohr 1 gies, pure anti udefflied, anti eoxaprei tthie previene year's )>it- t-uinpli es 1LThse tttil iuniber eh cases fer IL mis Seaeet fRepouzbily. vitd Sttcs làplaced tSOlou Marylnt-leats among lndi4lduel 13 <Vabiamsu tr,) recorda, viltls nerly m T «Mquqto me enair.0 uMid thé tiasa rankU second, wtb semethlng o -or Cmutawei nt.2 amavelÏ160e ounitt me00, «Newd cvJersey tkt i reporter -- If X; ba4 couSus!yeit te itour IMmke bbc paper vouidat'bave coneilere 80000 on. * ~isarticle Worths prlnttts.' i. I [e lis q lis b bée@e@@ g\yus s- L1p as *.il as autisoril dlffleulty froulti ah oses oies LX. ~;7Iurhia lm of face are ha-î'ca" outet tir. "atiose a suwge 1 tih 118lbtherle.vu pronus iWhat shrunk your -Why did holes wear sou ni o~u. ued commlorlr SO8P. "/elarnp llà brulug i- lisr ae vs acy campiior," mcalt i obani. the,' id ittif, 'Here Io a lump. Wbatdo y u w t lt 1h , gIatoet thullumit jyiwer light 'he reom. ý." "Camphor lilght;a room!l" Re unscredti te metcl ponthe mnouth of* theIi.mp bew., V holi dropped the Piece .1 camPhor *i*to the- oi. thse effeet vas remsrk&Use. 'Ti. IamPý Immbudately, gave 50 Per <ent4 more lIglt. It as as thonij auothe Iasp Lad been brought It te .e room. «A place o01canphor, droppeti SuIe a ip% reaervolr," »Id the us, mly blasle cotited on to lecse Ilie gt hal asmucli egab."-bUadel. 1-à A PLEASAIIT DurTY.-«Verl kuq «mhag Wort th o rmedatiea, 1 on-. i aidr lu Mr dity btn t.i,- uay» Rer. Js. amuroek. et lnburg.Pa. Dr. Agsevs Catarrhal Povtier bai cure s! C t amb 09 ttre ystre' standing. St lusa WjY maglciltu Iîlet effee.Tho. ktira apl- îios beunflelme 1l" lYemnutes 60Ot" PrincSa aMrgaret of Englaut'is lai. most a year older tut'v ber future bus- band, Prince Gustavus 4dolpbus of 8w. den, Dake of Scaia. Ntt belsg a daugh- ter of the. sovoree nor1even of thh lr apparent, thewc vDti net e ~fro theli nation the. dowry of $150,M,0 and the t urtlier annutte et e0,00, ebhli* grate Ht heilti.dauglitora ofthe laie Queenauictoria on their mavrig0. ilut for *11 tuaab@ cil iinet b. paeionees. 'it le true thaI lber fatheýithe11 Duke cf- 'Cuiuiaught, Masy -net have been ables b mav*'me niuc the te lioNrsnc ofet$1231'- 0a year which ho lit eeco recelvIig ýtrûm the ngtion ginee hii marrage, te >whicb, of Courbe, muet lic 4Mi4cdetu $0, 00 àS aalary »ew 'pal to eliia upect. or, geucral 91 the Britlait lir. But the Duce"e of Conuïeugt Ictrit. id a eoonadnrble shaeo-îL 1)aa lortune et ber ftlio, Priéc ereick <tbarles et Prueclo4 the Rek Prince> ccii éue of thi' richestroyal Pýrs»Vos, ff *urope, besidle wkeh Qu>îeïnrietoria iad: 8peial -pîvitot tog(W Lb. obuidr ef t ofDeetConnau, ht4, d tot otlwr 41t ber lgnaudteni îso t L1 ne.ti ihtedt l ice.Ma otviibvel du ber..marriage au ullowanotoet'ber ovin aisouating to about $2DA% a year. -Ber suiuaband viii eventu~xtl b4 we&l- Lot -Nïsu Whobo ad a Ad-t je Utii. at are 4 fl for viusat'ri d eouaslera lnlueU i Mu. u d i o»be .jbip lo .hWRai WAuun~lITwlIURE»- USTLERSI a~npe. e.: nDocuvautag gooti pay. Suu 77 Ktnq Street Onlt - *TOonn.' AW FSURS! WANTE.-- We are Payin& 1b New Yv ork pricea for a&l kindu cf GEM BSING ROOT.- Ewery man living in, JU tbe 4ountWy alionl baye ai GEh SI.Nu PATMItit viw u abetter-tin anY other artice growu. We soeilt 80.4and Planti. Send for PartJeIéc*rs. Senti for nqw prtil f at DEAR SIST : 7« oWlfl.suq me aur lame afl 19 m'oeO Fate cS andC'o The. "no brgaiu" fid bli unabout ai lois aiîe vreheea.hfait, andi whii. fi: la not ticud yel. fI =&y Le asidtia be pue.- lut. *rguuente thatbo u cewho neyer adopted the mot[onxBued- art circuieted W' those vbo ado te4 but trina;of It, chiot of wlcb la t e pii tem requIeém oe eu-tb it ar btheiong aii-ulght'fuit. But the -dotat cithout" habit ceemsa te-b. a tht»;f e b eut with thein.. By slow 4IIgVees tbIecame £bout. them ueal uuuaUiy T-utt be- imailest proportion beiofé bengletMealtogether. Probably. thie vitakie *111 n4urc for a lime andi Ihen the. goIaK.w'ltbolIttinoel!cuk it viiarise, ai- ter wbicb, perbais, liese seekers afier htalIt viii em* bock lmb the ranko with the Creaf maiorftv andtIlire by the * thrqp çquare" riml* uo whlch aur lceéstors ~~U k ~ ruMdvt eare»We"?dýy the bM *mwaae ua. 1'goa CoMmatU * A , ï hov r foc" fleauG;w To help iudr nothers lIrdeight. 1iueyre neyer croes nor meau. Tb. 11*11e beys tire goqd to4fty. -Tbey per trotnor frowù, Tbey octetheir'motion ery. w"Y' >Tbics le lu tovu; Tbey vmentin, watch -tbete ndnkeys Play., Ther vent te mes lb. clow*.. ft "ema te me lth9t il veuiti pay. euAi be a blcugm too,- To bav, a cirru every desy V«r ýboôe lvpill Ib-M an rviles ober U 3T WKAT YOU LC.Gieti ,ituoive oan e ue>t Ud b e of the huiauanagiem7. tiuitTthéew's dcii- et1. give tb*rn flic al thst Dr. fVa taits Pineapple Tete ý aura aiu«7nu e=, eu ËQn 1 W140fh tba e wbelot- cl aietablet- (LéblOa Globe.) -I pan aga rami wit] thir eeed trali .iap. 'çitli (Iven Io-ci ~1 lu I 1*11 -t lait n cesse ~,\usw Udu. But, A ters i-efc1r the 1 10 I -It iý wiat - ranit iànei mnust Tlt 'withé loth bont pthi ore the T Ge-i

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