Whitby Keystone, 30 Mar 1905, p. 5

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ÇHE KEYSTONE, WrnTBY, TIURWSDAY, 4RCH 3M 1905 Openi ng TO-DAy Mli yDress -Goods AT Ross BROS. New Departmnent in Ready-to-wear Mil- linery and Trim med Hats for Ladies,Misses and -Çhîldren. The dantiest creations ever shown in Whitby, real spring beauties fromn the Importers and Manufacturers Milinery Co.., ot Chicago. Distinguished f or superior quality and charming variety at one-haif former pricese * Exqusite French Millinery. Fussy as you'd like, Fashionable as could be. Stunfling New York and London Styles. OUR SPRING DRESS GOODS are now here -Mohair, Lustres, Sicilian, Eoliene, Lustrine, Cripene. Ail the latesi fabries for spring and sumrner wear. Alsc Black and Colored Silks and shirt-waisi Suitings. At the Cash tore CEMU M 'ILiiG I~>srawCAgent j Xii!JI- ri nt iii- iiiiir.rîiinti.-rtr îtnr T hu - i tr iii- 'i r-i Tour a-usjness is solicited. The undersigfled will have a car load of choice Potatoes the last of the week. Parties neediflg supplies can get themn at a close price off the car. W. B. PRINGLE & C0. &RAND Spring HIA NGING FIRE. W HEN a gu: hangs fire it is a mighty uncertain and anxious time for theuntr.These are~ anxious times for the citizens of Whitby town and Whitby and Pickering townships. The prospects of electric con- nection with Toronto at an early date were bright up tili last Saturday. To- day they are the reverse-negotiations are at a standatili. Last December the Toronto and York Radial Railway Company enter- ed into an agreement with the town of Whitby whereby the company were to give the town a local railway service for passengers and freight botween the centreë of the'town and the railroad stations, the harbor and the pariz.!m F oa l This local line was not to cost the town one cent, but its construction W .Jas made contingent upon the company obtaining a franchise through the toivn- ships of Pickering and Whitby along the Kingston Road. Within the pfA.. two weeks au agreement was reached between the cornpany and the Coun- e cil of Whitby township, in which agreement the township obtained every 1110 reasonable concession that thiey requested. The negotiatioîis with the I Concil of Pickering township have flot proceeded so smoothly. The last.i--1 meeting held was un Saturday last in the towi of Whitby. The township ile lîad secured the services of that eminent legal light, Mr. Vincent McBrady, K.C., of Toronito, brother of Reeve Jas. McBrady. The Council doubtless g.s 1ms hoped to secure an extra good hargain f rom the railway company, but as the result shows they 1,put their fout in it.' Mr. McIl3rady, K.C., was loaded' with deînands-some of them reatsoniabie, perbaps, others absurdly unreason- able, so the cornpany, Whitb)y lawyers, the memnbers of Whitb)y t ownsip N S'S Couci, nd nay the 1id-aw-e gentlemen, allege. As an exainple of, % the absurdity of sone of the daimns inade, the denaîd tiat the comipaîy Whien the 1.C. iîîsisted on sorne of these fantastie clauses going, intof c ;M-1-1-@> o the agreement, Mr. Beaton, solicitor for the coînpany, decliiîîed to continue &%&%** %*,e the negotiations, and declared themn at an end. Communications had with t, iMNr. Beaton this week conflrm this decision, the coînpaîîy refusinig to conisid. er the proposals miade. The resuit of tis 1reaking oIT of negotiations is that the construction zerp of tliîe electric Unie to Toronîto is iindfinitely postponied, aind the construction 4 ) of \'Iitlîv's local railway caîjiiot be lookei for during the coming year. It iregyrettable that the Counceil of Pickering slould allow some unreasonaîle P a.p Ue of electric railwav. Ami agreement that Is good enougli for Scarboro oni the onié side and Whitibv on the otlier should be good enough for even the fine townîship of >ikering. The Coumîcil of Whitby townvship is well satis-; ficîl with the ternis obtaînedi fron the compamîv, amîd it is mnucli to be llope(1. ýc ithat the Coumîcil of lickerio w'11 ver dLci le to accept reasonable teriu,andii( tiùus tiot loose a good l tinui]ii retard tlie construction of tis lUne for vears T ho K oy toTh cunie ; 1 ~MORE ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED.îl Ilproblein uof Uousiii- ld lotiati îîg populatio n iS une 'o I îcb s liîîî oRe îcr tte prueut tuie. \'e tire crihi ni ioi iieil thiat t he l1otels of thle to win are fiI leilrotu t i r ca acuty witli bî an hers, mid< th at tbe' freLluenitlv blave to turîî trtî i c! rs a wav. It N milot ununmnin tlmîîîg- for iencw arriv;ils ia tîwn tii 1ce1put to a gruoîl deal of trouble uand iii- u isvlit weel<t( ý\t' eVr;î ti.t ofiisuttlue kiiîd. aîliîi weare assum cd tlîtt ]B o okJ tlhîcre aie iiiil; . 111, 1-. aîît oî iitie iccar-ii)uI uf mi; 1ec 1 ttic i ii i toi; n. but ut zan or'lîuîrrv tauIel(. lîle.titi. 'o>lesîreto set leliere.141 theUtll,'tý111,L ll N t rcurizi n n-r suitile to lîveIii Fli. r eIF art, a h-w xrîiuîlhnît.s i.t uf tlin î riaand uuîattractîve. and ithme or ]P i twiiee]tiiiIV¶iirhiU) hite-iii ll"-r iii(tareta!fe1i unIxlix hvthe e or cr îîî. ilvtîî \ oli -ltl l iaxeli-tttiî acî(iuînîîuuîlatîiui i t t . I llou- 1') edtii tke rt tevcurdît lU renou auc lice-tii\IîŽtii-ily m nure îiî\ate lin iril rs Lars Xliii I i ilîr- Irai-. i~ ~~ Jiii \.ti 1 ai lri ~ i.j i.aci fîrn 'o tilrerii tH ii iiilrh-ritr i 'r.- rrrî-.i:.î \XiU~l tut-Il I I lLi ii i ]nîu-.r--.îi t > ii ru .iiI v iil.irI. ti rt'Li-\ il ni-. 1k INt-t ru-t tri -r. -tir i xiii- hî - gr BE READY FOR CROU'P. HEB11o11ow, cnoupy cough at ITmid night max be youýr fîrst warnmng, and this will strike terror ta your heart if you are not prepar- cd ta fight this disease. It may be of littlc use to knaw that DR. CHASEPS SYRUP 0F LINSEED AND TURPENTINE î-rî tr tir r- irr rat t lituu11 Gleanings from Exchanges. Thiii ii lvrsiIîirr- i i rt1w Ini,st o ut n r . tl irj rt u î toi \ tii n itirir- l rîi-ai,I I i tr ltri lth lbI (r rt o l mi lu-t te d ita- tnliru, irirrrilu optonl , t au ndi- l i ci n ti reiiîiîY reuotatrt cnii. ki i nkut-ii ig ai I xbiîdgî-townsiilîps. is a positive cure for croup if it is not i-ti. 'Neîsîni\ igs hulesiLiî iofi to be obtained at the critical time. Cl1 îleunîLîI c arcsanihlies uit Uli mon uti ntt i r la',nin a ahirgeu niier Most persans -ha have tcsted this of ltenifnîn1 iua IverOnutario. Thue treatm-nt for croup keep a bottie at a,,hnuis ocr1nith- p1ikofcun0it1m hanid, sa that by prompt action they andîhbighu prie eerahzd lo1 can prevent the disease fromi reach- head uttereni bningîîîg over $4,00O0. As ing a seriaus stage, the ist iiiîcîuded several yearling~s,'r Dr. Chas&'s Syrup of Linseed and \egci ogauaeIiisl nla-n Turpenine 25cets bole fmil sie, hemost successful sale of Ciydesdahe Trpentimne, s25 h60cnsenttsfalailefeniales ev-er ield in Canada. dealers. The poirtrait and signature "o' The Plank hotel, Vxbridge asbe Dr. . W.Chae, te fmousrocipt o -ksold to Joseph Wardman, of Toronto, at author, are on every bottle.j the reported price of $6,000. The new proprietor takes possession to-day. Magazîne Printing aSpecialty wîth us Always Remember Tho Keystone Pressý '~Sittings of the Division Courts. COIJNTY 0F ONTARIO, 1905. gý W'BITBY-D1. C. Macdonell, Whttby Clerk, Jan. 9, Feb. 2, March 2, April 5. eOsMay 3, June 6, July 5, 'Sept. 63, Oct. 4 109No%. 7, DeQ. 6, Jan. 9, 1905. 0" OSHAWNA-D. C. Macdonell, Whitby, Clerk, Jan. 10, Feb. :3, Mrarch 3, April 6, M MY 4, .June 7, July (-), Sept. 7, Oct. 5, No>8, Dec. 7, Jan. 10, 1905. S BLoUGîH Au-M. Gleeson, Greenwood, ,o Clerk, Jan. 11, Mardi (;, MNay ,Jl 0 9 èhSept. 11, Nov. 9, Jan. 11, 190J5. S PORT PERRY-J. W. Burnham, Port SPerry, Clerk, Jan. 13, March 8, M.Nay 9 JuIy 11, Sept. 8, Nov. 10>, Jan. 1:3, 1905. SUXnaîn(iE-Jose-pli E. Gould, IJx bridge. Clerk. Jan. 1*2. Mardli 17. May S11) Jul', 14, Sp.10,Nr. 24, Jan. 12, ton ,Cleril Jan. 11. -March 16i, May l18, di.Jul1")1, Sept. 14, Nov. *23". Jan.. 11, 1905. M 131 x' EVPTON-(ieorge F. Bruce. Bea- iZ 1ertotu, Clerk. Jan. 10. Marcb 15. 'May 17 é Sept. 1,. Nov. *22. Jan. 1l). 1905. S UPTLRE ,lhiiXEF-I>,. L. Gaugbîun. Upter- ýNe grove, Cleîk, March 1-1, May 14j, iSept. 0..12, 'Nov.21. Dv Order. J. E. FAR-EWELL, Clerk ufthe Peace CANADJAN PACIFIC TOURIST SLEEPING CAR x t SERVICEt in<ot ,NJI ONDY ý, FOR NIXIE X;T)ESJ\Y NANC0"UPE NN E )m- ES A Y %N'ANC01UPE FRIdD4'> NNWININIPEG 'lMRS DA. Y N~\A)I UER ~ y iii li Iin un ite. l ise iC-lt à -r r iti.riii E. R. BIowp The Hickingbottom Farm 200 AGRES5 ui L n ;.9 i o. iker d\ua ! tu w i. A pply i îiimnediatul v ro DoW ô. Mcy lIuý;LLIN'PtAX. ~The Dominion Bank Capital (Paid Up) - ..$3,OOOQG Beserve Fund and undivided profits $3t6349000 SWHIITBY BRANCH Genera! Bm~king Business Transacfed. Eý%7r Special attention given to the collectiomn of Faruner's Sale and-»tjier î $00 otes. DEPOS UTS received of $1 and upwards. SINTEREST allowed at Htghlest ,urrent Rate& CORIPOUNDED or paidHaif YearIy. En J. THORIWTON, - - . i - z-, -, i - -.-. - --i. . - 1- kinds ornize tons Pross /1 o b 1 WNoITBT MARKiT5 GRAIN., Wheat, red ......... $0 9o0 to Q2 cc white ...........O090OC 05 69 Spring..... .......*o s5to 0 92 gcose ............O 0 àto 0 85y Ba ey.. ................ 0 40 to 0 40 eans ....................0o 50 to 0 76 Peas .................O 060to 1165 Rye ...................... 070 to 0 72 Buck Wheat.............O0 50 to O 52 Oats......................O0 40 to 0 40 SEEDS. Alsike, No. 1 ............$86 00 to $7 00 64 No.2 ........... 5O00to 600 ic No.3.........300 to 5 00 Red, No. 1..............6 50 to 7 25 Red, No.12................ 550 to 6 50 Timothy Seed .............. 90 to 1 25 FLOUR ANýD FEED. Plour, per cwt ...........$2 t7'd5 to 83 0 Chopped Feed, ewt ...... OU0 to 1 25 Coriîxnea] .................'2 ')0 to 2 5(j Bran, per ton ............ .00 00 to 20 00 Shortis, per ton........... 20 00 to 25 00 MEAT, POULTRY AND PRtODUCE. « Beef, by quarter per cmt $6 25 to $7 50 ICattie, five weiglit, but. 4 00 to 4 50 - lutton, per lb ............O0<JO to O 10 Lanib-ý. each ...... ........ 3 09 to 4 0 lgsbe eigh ... 4 00 to 5 10 110-os, 1ighIlt*f atî...... -L Iltc 5 00 Ilogs, heavy fat ........... 4 51 tc 4 80 11logs, (Iresseil rerl10011s 6 50tc -.00 C hiekens, per 11 .....O. 01<)to O 1 2' Ducks, per 11l..............o0 I to 12j Gee.se, dreiised per l1).. <J 9 to O IC> Turkeys, dressed, per 11 O 1'2 to O01h Butter, roi]......... ...... .«Q 2D to O '25 Lard .....................< 0 10 Lo <J 12j Eggs, per dozen........ O0 2U to O 27 1>otatoes, per ha,, .........<J0 09 to O 90 Apples, per b)aire] ........ 1 0O to 1 25 O nions, per bus......... ... <Oo to 1 125 ;Ha3, per ton..............8 0()to 9 00 pStraw, per load..........2 <J< to 3 Of) iHides, per cw.t.......... .$6 -)0 to $8 00 liC5ii...... ........ 1 00 t o 1' SDeacons ................. . o 25 to <J 60 Tallow, rendered, per l1) <JO4Uo O 4~ WNool, unwashied..........<(J 14 to 1) '20 Laumb Skins ...............<J0<0O to <i9L PPelts........................<J 25 to<J3 M Mhets )gues PHeads n - ()SS leads IvaLvelopes un -,Bu luar clam

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