Whitby Keystone, 30 Mar 1905, p. 4

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- ' i -i - )- * 1' i "'i 4 ~THE KEYsrONE.- WHITBY, THURSDAY, MAROZI 305 L905 Reporl of Surgeon of House of Refuge. 'To 11, Wardenand Counicitof tIre (ourty of Ontario-: . ent1eien,-I bave the bonor to subnînit this, the Second Annual report of tire Ilouse of Refuge. I, paîd 103 vigitsq to thre Ibrise during the year 1904. T he food aind clothirtg have beer i al that could lie desired, wbile thie heat- ing, of the building aind tIre care of tire inariates have beeri emuinently satisfac- tory. Thle average atterîdance diii-irng the year was 33. V'ie numnber in attend- anee to-day is 491. Of those at preseit ti atterîdance, it is interestingr to note hlow ageil tley are. Seveirteeii of thieru are agred 80 or vver, orne being, as old as; 103, eleven mioreo f treur are aged between -,,. anrd go, while thre avera-e age of thre ihole forty-ririnc is a little ovcr 7. 1 would dr-av tlè attention of thre (ounîcil te two of tire maleieinitaes, Tiros. Stevenîsont, rgeîî 3s, aird Frank IHarris, agred 34. Botir are totally -blind, botu ar-e yoin ug. r'obnnst uni apîrareit ly i instrions. 1 t hinkz sorte - thing iat git 1oLdeire witl tiei if tîrey were sent off to anlI astitiste for dire bîind t10 to i carîne 110t rade. Tw~o of thre iiiates are irisane-, srnllering. froins deientia. Four of the <dîners are iliite simpîle. As long us tîiseoaie liarruless to tîrerrselves and to r otirers, thre Ilouse o f Refurge is thre very Iîest possibile Iroine for t hein. lt is nit possibîle iii a Esliîrt report to state ail tire irrerîcal anrd surgical Wvorlk (f tire ',yar, loint soiue of it hiaï;1 en usï fol Ina s Lxtîru(tinig teetil, ri-rioî'irrg a cvistic t irrîrr of t lie fat-e, ,aiirirene of tees (Ilire to frost bite a11111 snrlîsoilrrcit oîîoratiotis, orre casýe of aIIoîîle.Nv, erre case of [rneunninia, ,.crie ea si oftt ul)irerslesiA. erre crisdof lrilitisease, severa I cases of dropsy arnil leverai.vages (of ezi-enia, ete. 1 append at list of limries, ages arnd ratirs of cfath (of tlrose Nwlre lied dil îriirg thIe year: Il errvt iii~, aoîlS-I. oit. I h .W ilIson, ael77,'iinrrera lui 11,fair- te tirel i s e 14 sn 14)w v tiat tNVîr el tht e oe iliia rlvnrgci'>t- ditioni 1îcî itiî tl. \ ii \iriiÇ-:t îi'j'itil ti i 1îiirrriiitwhleirr rliîitteîl andti li l f ]s- tîritn tii ' lii- 1 cis i ain Wrt i1w lait stagjes liiieririi fir w%%liemr îiit tel. uani lji"1 iii ri'uîiri evi it'k liii'imii\ rt2rýIIrur iii im ite <if tIre lIouI-Is îî % lio d id %Nats11411-yrr I ) rtarî.î q. 1 It1irirI'. t1ir t sul-h rIx Ilruiuttlit'i*revrunIa, til- 1ri114t r1w rurrr'Iii:iiix.1. rrrtty ic ý,tot e u' ruii' l. r flintilien thnrt tire 4iiiî'I re oriliig 'r t01'lîvrîîIiiîst iirif.irtiiitî i i re N1i uilnigslicili ruIL N rIl -nlo nl a i eruîiti ! Iirii- iitbicîr rîgo l le r. r ~ ~ it by F,1lriai y ir1' Report ,of the Commissioners of flhe Ho use of Refuge and Industrial Farm. 'li titre \'rurii-m tr i ntîîîril of tire t nriiitV i(f <îrr t iileiuriri. \\ , o. l't1 iîrî IIiij ri ers 01if t liii llo_1ri i arr llr irl lirlu.s- t Frai1irili, lîî'. h-rn P' h' r i-lu I'.'. 0wîinrg tt ii î rit,'j'rrr t i'-intr'llIî tire Ia~c-rî u l rîrî.î.îd tr " i leh, it u i -littlc e. ti uiilosiîi- t i th. ' l'r liie r dmng il u goil a iiik rrr;eL <'ll urn r i i iIý i lrre 'vtuie 'iitiouriiit p l ie -'. i-velou i 1tîr tire lrr-t itiitiiîir to iiin it si'c5ih~ andle-rriiruui N\i v iîiliiiil iiiiit1uni t ii'unnI m l riirs 1t ir î il ai ndu L r 'rurri 'L.e mljt u (ie Nus-st sile iof t1ire lrir . tlire 'arilils Irt-s )Ii . n i- mn tirlct - ; t lie. T e l<l1 îiii !t loi t n rl*- a no-r t piu 4o'i un nu - . si) reqirer'sril- W\ No atînnl l ,() rîrî iiiiiri i t1 ru a siire fcirr-u 'e i- i I ni iiltri ot ii tire frriri, tire- iii uit fi-envv - u-ui î i rr ' retr-Iieit ininreivil and amy iV C I ;LC i ii iti(' (t'uirrg rIIket r;I 'A fIl i 1O i - 't iiIil 'r enir-t R~eport of Governor of GaQl. 1lii \'rNVarleIerrilri t lorr- i i L irle lorrn' n ii rtaiiî ('ocoltleriei. '11w- rî iinî l i t '1 -r Irg tir l ttoîn î T heiinuriiir t I ¶4 r.->, ot* r i.on >ýt)% ;ti i ,) IIL - , .1 if t tI-r 0 m ta e o -nî "' rîlt '..1 r n ro rni- ' 12 I <- t ir. Iotei iJi-2 sI)tuirii lu tin. itîrI, Ilti îjrtu iit' ii'rrî' <it-r i-t. itriri. If ule 61 sifilu i ol'a nîîîî tiu'îs. 31 \uw e ili- lui1 urt ui- Coiîrrnuttillnrt itýI-r't ir. 'io e rlbil ire (l1ý' i o- I i- if-u ir iiim t' r1on n t I miait- f r ii- i , \ l- l t l' i I1 li "I i 'ili i 'aO t I l oi G Il! ... i I T ot t al 1 I i oi r iu- i' ii t Ilinlr t jlI"i* t'. Avrîi.nrie tii-t i(ofcaoI- uI inî' 'rt t in. it> ii Oni riirisiI. t< ie"-r l.rui! -irnril! tir li ".e ( r0 o Il(I ll ai r i t Inn v' ?.'.V', Mr.A. Ketelirir is coriinieulti i tse lieuse bv ru badîy sirrainerl arrile, whicll lias caussul lier issucli suîfl'rirrg Mr. mni Mrs. Blair Ketchen are nra-,i- inrg a faruowoll visit withi relatives hierse prror te tiroir departnireo fr Philadel1uia. Mr.J osepli Bariit lias arrived frons the erîst, anti uili ronsairi on bis fariia nearlisero. Mr. Eli. Scott liras genre te lauliais Head. On Thursuiav evenîirîg of last weeki ho was presenîteil witli a Isaiuisorîse gold> watt-l by iris Breiikliri frienrus. lTIe gaitliýrîiig rt wlricli th-rerntato wa iriruoivrs ielt rt M r. C. J. p- pencer It i s nîrnî redti t mt M r. J. -C. Aur- ru survll shortly udisporseocf lilslirarrress Irtins- nros Ilitr-e itidgo tri Brouighamrutir tuku- charge tf tlire Irel tiero. Thie brai rlauls madue otîn t-rtutrrlntu ut tine Etrklrd eerreert ratiner srnraîl. Ilin steati of boinrg theoroiginaliEelkard I'nrr- ily Co., as the purbliclirait trouni lu ott- expoct, and tire oitoîtril lili (ivilh a rruu clilit-i the i ostai la ru. M r. . Rsei i Rckliby -.I'fTrti. vite rrt-lfrieu idlivreo ii-rl ii im 'rr-attetlrunncle lit thliticrtî'n i- - Nirs, Htdiift.r'8 g (1î11 ruTru-sI1lir a r- eiîr'j4e eniiiirium toir urrutdt. pnt> -i- Ia c3 -UIl t- ra u1lV. pr-nsnnrg i1irt-krrî-ss. linI t1-, r r-a-r-a fn ir. 1gomnufl- iwini"itil car r dg-r- Ii I 1 TîuI- Irri1n. f nr- fl 1'ir -hnri t un- srîîrilt is.i îîîn i-rri Niil.I. iiniin 'i stiLr liit I rJ.tIIIre-v t' Srr1111 nrîlBrui(.()lii i ii ii- n -u îrt'i ri I Iiîl11ilIlîîîtrîî-ii 'tn1i-- li gin i ujt r- fI'r un I l B i glinr r r1 t.r i r ing)i - it 'itn i ul-irri tiln -,lv 1r în'ii' ilîi- i-rj i v,-1i'il iirr i--l re u'ii' Nir. Cihas. NýViite is nîîou'inrg ttr MocoE Jauv, sulerolic vill nmauriage Mr. Robent Ml>nsfarnu. Mr. Wm. Luse, of Ux- lri ~ e, is 11101-inr- cnîto tire farrîr suiidis Mn lieis iernyinig. Mr. Josephr Slack întends trios-inicu' te Monio Road next Moîsday. TNIr. Slack, svirîu lias been runnîing an ecles-ator there for tire past seven years, lias purchasedi a good farin and leaseul anîcthtor anti ms- tends carrYiag on farnrnnngoil a large soale. Mrs. Isaac Liintenu is strfforinrg fntin tIre efluets rof ruparalytru strouké. .Miss I>rinrgle, oif M at-khair, i-i uisitinrg friondîs here ut Irseit. \Ve expeîct tivo munor- famiullies tîr irovo iîrto r vilrlauuge, su- idi ili tako rii) tino last hlise sue inaye to spare. Mri, Spedtlirg, of lBranrtfordl. caloed litre hast %weoktirou asitior tiho rdtisabil- uvy if cin u-eigbrisin e,sslin.-re iii tlie hi'ntngirie. M r. Tîrmniruis t (Ibln'us 51-rs lî ll hie uoo lB.Mir. Panr'k arrI> iitir ()iIl ut Inflammatory Rhcuinaitisr, Cured, :1 i l i - -'Il~ ni-n r-i(ij li ii ii i n iurr f ir iihî-as i..\ -- i tii irti\ î îi it ,- it ' ttnt'i i u h 11a% it t - litin it-r h n' - irr nihî' îr-'ru li un unu iuiixr-in!tiui. A(it5 ii' t'iln irn' t"ir'î-i uuint1j t-n-irs I *irntn-r. itm u r'i ir'ug trn . 1 i'mt~'- inrui nullu-i. i-ittik it 'A.\.î'ni'i n- lt iitit nr lu imu' ~ ut un r utîu-: u untir' 1î Nrurît.'r.r -m-ie - u C A Nh Ils G TON. i 'i n ~n ' i ' l'ut hi -' t:.. - - 'm m l in r-n'.. '-r i -' -c - - - - - ' - - - - i' - t r t iii. r - - i i n i I -n-inn n t - - - - r i - r I r r - - - n i - i - - i - -' - n - - - n-"- - i -- t r - '---inn - --ni h mi S' i b'-. r' - 7-' -~ c-rt cf Prrcrrnncnn. - - - il - - - i - i 't -' CCL lK-i33Lu]-. r h t'i Il n ni ' r - - - - - - ' - - il .i.ii i. - ' ' h 'tii un r i i r n - un - - - ' - - n .u - -i r Il -i - e m Vi -- t - - .i.i'.ii'. - - i - n - - - - - - ' - - - < I n - - n - - ' - - -- '~1 - - - - i - ' r , . - i i n - - - - - - i - - i -- - - ' - i l t- -' - - - - t r r- - nu.- - i '- t- - - -- - ' - -i - - -- - hi -- - - - ' - n --it-' i - iii -- i il i - - c i - xl- - - - - n- - - --i n ~- - - --i' n -' r - - r-i ~i -- - n i ' ~-in 'lin lui r: i:-u- t i n :'.'.: inn,-' ut' 'i I i- - n 'n-i - r - Ni i 'u n'- r À i Iron, iVetals, Rubbers, Bones,. Tailors' Cuttings, - Horse, Ha' Highest Price Paid fc ni.. i n-i. r'-- -i n n îîr -- i - - -- t -- h.' - --i - i ,- --- ni , n - . . r - i - r i - - - n i -n ' î I ii t.. 1-.hmn r-i- r: :ir h t -' in n ---. b - I-n-. nîni \ 'i .\îunnMih .'t . c-1t mmi' un i il i' t n--jIl ru - nuti'ut. ilrh uul' r;i I i> etcJ. , etc. <uuttli r u - lr~tg inuri- )rthese by If yml pus i', iit " , 00 1 E Ni urou u io .uiiuo 'Lilot s i 'l'ut- .v t Brock Street, Whi'tby. 1~ i nk inltgeaueiiîu'tt 1.un 1" ,ni ii rt' i : i i iii ii11w ut i-iu r n - 2 t tri~ ~ ~~ o ' 1 i.zhtlcnn l- mur-t rn-r-h. it liai--u i ii , 11e Ii qn t n , n t li i.~Iin-ur M .J'iini . tlyin.of ',litktrinnvasniu AX fea' -frn rule- tteridutitino hachie. IiurS' blnl rt Pckerinrg roootntly. Ni r. ChrarlestiLedgett iras starteui work fuir Robrtt Somers-illo. NIi r K. l3eoivy lias bought a fine dniv- nrug colt. THEr WITB N '114 Mr. Wm. Gibson bought a fine horst from Mr. Hooker at Myrtie. Lettrs fom ur t rre pond ntsThe road commissioners have beeùi __________________________________________ busy opening roads lately. BROOKLIN. CLAREMONT. friends en Sunday. Deepest sympathy is feit with Mr.I Mr. Wm. Graham of Graham Broo., Mr. Tom Ledgett's driyer is under the and rs.Elvss i th deth f thir larmont brugh hoe wih hm fornveterinary's care these days. littie daughter, Mildred, under pecu- Scotland last month a pretty Persian Quite a number from here had quite liarly distressing circunistances. Whilei kitten, three moîîths old. This pretty! a time getting to and from Geo. John- returnîng from schoel on Monday, short- breed of cats is quite the fashion among Stones Sale. ]y before tihe noon hour, she and twvo the smart set in Grea.t Britain, and the J. E. Disney bought tliree thorough child companions went to the edge of fad bas taken stroug root in New York. bred cattie at G4eo. Johnston's sale. the creek, and while there she fell in Mr. Graham ivas preseiated with a pair' Mr. JDohn Seldon bought a fine horse' and was quickly swept away by 'the of thtrm before he Ieft, but.one died coin- froin J. E. Disney recently. strong currerît. Nothinrg was said of ing over. They were bred by Lady AfefomhratnddM.H - the occurrence by either of the other Aberdeeni, and accompaning thern vure den's sale last week. ebjldren anrd it wvas flot known for more certiticates of registrationi which show Hwt epW I than an hour, by which tirnie search was pedigrees that for length and choice T hbseortosotep Wot hyi i beîtrg madie by meinhers of the family, breeding compare favorably wihthearnoepnddliidrghwtokp who had berome alarmed by the absence; best of Graham Bros. Clydes&nle horses. epewelî andi pre vent Berious disease. of the child. l'rom that tune umtil dark Mr. Geo. I3rodie and son, Harold, ar- DjrChase's Nerve food was prepared with1 every effort wias mrade by a large nrumber riced here froin the North-West. - Har- tbis object in view. It is niot only a oure of nmen to find the littie body, but with- old is stili visitiug bere, but the doctor for diseases of the nèrveis 'but also a re- out success. Early next nlornîirrg the is away for a few weeks, and will thon storative to be used wh'len vitality rurîs search was renewed aind withi lower give ue arrother cal!. low and the weakeured conditions of the wate inthe ree th desre f mny Te fnera ofMis Katerio E s ysteni invite attack by foers or conta- watr n he rek hedesreofmay Te unra ofMis eduîeat-tin dsyss hearts was accomplishied. Mr. E. Bail- wood took place on Wedesa oSt.r UBID ey located tho body, lodged beside a log Johis cernetery. The furieral avrUXRDE neot far faornwhiere shie had fallen in. largely attended, showiing the high es- Last Friday morning about one o'clock Thre funeral mwas held on Wednresdav rtf- ,teeiin %which she was held. an alarni was sounded for fire in the 1 Opening We have mucli pleasure in showing our Spring G;oodis for 1905,eto wbich we ask your careful inspectiop. Knowng» that our friends look upon us as the leading stoie, we have made miost careful preparations. The class of goods w-e lave thîrt da cftisefrae buldig oftir wa we havte e(JÂond1i1L4i(-tf ,- - UxrdePaireCo'y proporty. 0Fertua- our business for the past year, snouldiappeai to the intel-st ately it was discovered ini tinie and put and( common sense of people who appreciate v-alue foi- t1lîir otbefo.ne anîy serieus damage wvas done Lt started i the iiiishirrg rom, evident- money. A 1)ersonal visit to the store will tell yoti mou-e iii ly from the cil rags which are însed in five minutes than w-e could tell you here on a page. that departînent cf tire trade, and first nsticed by a aidniglit straggler who was A new stock cf Shirts Nvill arrive this week. You oadepensi driviag Ihome te tire country. Tire tire ors sty le aund fit, prices wiii be quoted nsext week. brigade responrded uery quickly,and soon - Ladies' Print Wrappers, prices $ 1.00 to $.i irad two reets enstire spot, but their seri aisCiaSi luealclrs pca 2O vices were npt required. Tis is not tireLaisChn lkBoealclrspil $20 tirst time tîrat the factcry buildings have' Ladies' Waterproofs, in navy blue, special - $2.45 beens on tire frointhtie came cause, and ikPin )aeidifrtcorspie $.0 l7-. for that reasenu extra Lrecaution. should ikPao rpeiidfeetclrs, rcs$lO, l.. ho takeir te preverit a turtirer occurrence$20,2.0 of tIhesaie. 'fl becof the buildings We have a newN stock of Pritits, lsi iliks, S1nrrtunngr_; wouid innarn a set-ere blow te tise cern- - Flarsselettes, 1>ress GIoods, our prices.- wilI help te ei -pany as weîl as tise towrr.lo ilCoh _5 et sur ad Me-ssrs. Dobsoun & Crosby's uîelivery lo 1 its hcnsasur ad hovrst, wîrîch was a nîew crie onutire job Ouir -tsck of Clothiuîg is selected froni dependuble inatc-rirul- rani away last Tirursdnry afternîoonr arnd anuithe firsest w-orkrrsansiip. -No need cf worrv nabout caused iirie excitornienît on Brock street fit, aus our stock is large enouli to suit ailH a.s~ for na few mniniutes. Mr. Debsoil hadm c piircliaserl thse herse frnns Mir. Lye tf NcrsSuits inn fine blac-tweed overpli ii iitîr uviite Stripî-., Eîrs,(irn, ahiout Irai f rani tur itefere threLiate-.ýt style iniater il ando work, siieciai - $6. 50 ucciIenut, arîdIis iialia b riniueiarouni MinsWnterprsîofs, guaraniteed freinsthte nuatufncturers. ru blocuk just tr o S hrruvlic wtuululgo speciai -500- whvisu 'r it ostr drîn rIrock street, mnui lrythie iinit 'Mariottut street suas tIetu's Iltç -a l rQstock of IL tt -ut n r tIli a rdrizu-i tihe tdrivuer, anrldashie-u aloi'g urntil lire î'oîulidiîu'îI-LrSetrîts IISC, %sviuern a grand1 muiŽnnu LooikIrlacu witth M r. Ntalioy aund lus hrorse anrd cutter. J ust wliat tetik pliace tliere Wî'id Ie very' liard t ttel, but tho u its soud citlurt Dobsoîr V t rosb> s liorse lia I*iiiil)t.(l ovor M r. MiaI h v's oint ilt bttweer t ho mors4e a id crîtter, lrreakig ftie siifts oA', anrd stop- pi ig fi'n îîetîîig r-anfriririri tlu mia rk et corne r. Illre -i'h was ove I- turirîd anid a few Sîîintris brokeii A "lii wofidîer ,ýir-tii-r('11mno ivîs Ihurt, iiî>t- aii abcer i t of al1r rît ter ifeu t. I ni rîediate - ly arnter tliv ruriawav M r. t)elî)soiitraderi tiu i rî brck, arn!l carlle to tilt, vlii- cirîsieri ilat iris (id i ee ult do fot)r riretrie te Corrie. 7'1 ,P i Constipatîoneand Stomach Trouble The most common ilis of lifeu are quickly cured by Dr. Chase's K.dney-Liver f-MIs. a. rPy l"n.-t1t- action of kidricys, 1"c- ;,rîrj bit'.!Y, 1r. LIlase's Kidrîey- h'.'.'-h- t-: re-ce\-ci'rieconstipation c:r I î:-e t , ro rîper working of the 0 \%. '.vr:'- C 1 - NI ,N(7 Deseronto, .',-:'~,:'1I v..' in torr. pcor irealtli -rIXI. I Ii1r. t îîtsî:idr-e e r 11 :i i -o(ils tCr (,ble 1 -'lXtr oubde r, I* cîîr.~ urcd I~~ .1r'Ilr 1, 1 bc«lrr.:îri aI r rrlared î :îî-l tî. î ': i l , i o : i' î This Spgcp loir Goü-, i, ïaa! ie s 't E WATCHES -Solid (iold iil- i( M'atcli - - ýS O Solid (bld, lreavy laies, ivatcîr, ordirrary sit ,.,oI w orks, $I S ru Boy wInetlney hust. l>uy nsow Norman -Basseti, Jeweller and Optician. Brock St., South, Whitby. -$ 10 , $h1. --)0 ,-, . () , . 2 ,. Nieu-,'luve' hI>unr.amnbmurr irn. YI rir-I îîirehrsspe-(itui. 1 r'iv%'r, N1ýi ul1 K iriuc ers, spuc'11t $1.00 59C 45e l'îîr L.idiies îrîîj <hiitf v--io.Xe \u 1îkr~ for a goiiîetrn I"U Y(u v t evr i u eed Iin Ou r w irter i hnes. Xou m111 profit 100 Oper ccitt. if Q- ' r ristn .tsati4afrctorv îiî'îpiev r iii lie refuir-r. H. BRE SIN TWEED and WORSTED SUITS Made to order at special prices. F ortlie a la n e of thle mon ti wù w iii take orAern foit.ifsa t a d1isuomit of H10 fr< an thle îe-ulma îi oif thu clotlî andi mimmuý. Thîis ~i.- a >-.1ld ojpoiunitv ti) rut tittdud for -i1iId hue eof ( 'd1L-s wu lI < ,wiî' .)i. aidI7~ W.A. Holliday & Co. A<NDt A.SII8 V UN At the Cash Hardware Store iuiïibin \\' inurr-nuiii-tîin-~- int-tt-nl r!rruiu'rarndl irt.-~'nînnniitt ni- -ý f iiaiir nr iil '.rmnn'nurtn strr(-îren r - - Are you thinki-ng of fitting up a Bath Roomn? Let us figure it up for youi. jobW anid o111 PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. Corner Hardware Store WHITBY à- SENO THE KEYSTONE vTO THAT FRJEND 0F YOURS IN 1905 - j 1sl, Philp's Building, Br'ook St. Sjring ) ý , .1 1 l ', ".% i ý .ýil ;ý ': !- ý -t Il ý 1 ýl : HI 111100KLIN ILIML m we me P '0 le rin.9 ýs AV 0 le

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