Whitby Keystone, 30 Mar 1905, p. 3

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thé,>Mëdai -'té - She also rec nd rew.rvistoi who elved letteri SàLvW that tlireè tboûsla beloved,ý Queen Victoria, nro quartervd upon thë iiillabittantg of Nieolaieff are tpl.llfliilg t1w town. Y D A Iord A-berldeen. She leav a parade the streets, t1il-fratening to xvreck À T O R N A D O IN A L À liusband and family to r kaji ro to Nlancliirria. The bravery of Abig leverything ra.ther tli chroiiicled in a ballad pi The Ciovernor has tpiegr aphed for retru- lar -troops to chtfil the disorder. Ontario high school readel OR' NINE LIV S L STO stirring verses running tl TO RZSIST ADVANCE. For what to de but plu -out on the sinking bill She toil'd, she ed to Re. The Russian Army Expected to COntest dived, *1 He May be compeil Every Inch. Seven Negroes and One Little Girl Kilied and Many him- tire Into Siberia, A London cable: A despateli to th(l 1 She found and clutched 'J'imes front St. Peteri;burg gays thut the Houses Destroyed. She climbed the reef, SI ]Rttsç4iitn armies are concentrating and re- organizintry south of thangeliun. It Ils con- upf Japs Engage ChineseBandits fidéritly élaimed in official circles that She laid hiln gasping the arinise will conte-st every foot of the Womah Who Dropped Dead findl)Vas Placed in a Bniit Illich the fire and fi reiiiiiiiiing 150 miles to Harbin. If is Stemod by and waved hf to Aid in Pursuit. stated that the food prob lias been Vault Believed to befAlive. t(illll)Ol-iii-ily *oIved by the iZeipt, of sup- FIGURES MADE 1 pIie,ý front China. btit it nttlé%t he con- fe-ed that the optitilisin is not M'ide- The Corset Expert at Dress, All the, Women Ordered to ý,I1réad. Mystery of Mrs. Stanford's Poisoning May Soon tion Tells How l' There waq a %pontanflons péace de- Leave Vladivosto-ck 111(,IIl.iýtration on the Nevsky Prospekt be Soived and Arrests Made. Chicago, '.%Iarcli 27.- \\'edilts(Liiy aft-prnoon, 500 persons corset is not the thing 4liotitin-, -Down ,,itli the war!" 6 A,Çjeiisliti Pass (.aille: Geil. front is stili in vogue. 'j'lie st, Petersburg correspondent of té the new coniiiiaii(l(,i,.iii-chi(,f of titi- tlie Telegraph affirinî that the Czal-'.-; Roanoke, Ala., March 27.-Reports have reached here of a disastrous expert's coinforting wori arrny, to-djiv tile, inembers oi (letcriiiiiiation to coqtinue the war is tornado which swept across lie southern part of Randolph county, laite Mon- men. Site goeg fartlier t his staff. M - day night. Eight or nine lives are known to have been lost, and damage wotrien, niost of theni, mi iiii(,Iiàiii,,,ed. The 'ý\Ii,#istvr of Finance the Nliniý%tei- of ,\griciil-ture have Chinese state that the Japanoso w start- long-back, corset. It is 9 treinelv stout woman, tearfilliii, bosoli lit the czar to amounting to thousands of dollars was done to property. The tornado recruited iiiiiiiv Chinoi;ü bandits, ittd end Ille callipaigil, bat 0lev inade no ed at a point near Double Heads and proceeded in a northwesterly course. The residence of Mack-Carliale was demolished and several residents of with a long waist. The thàt probably t1illiy are tiow able to ill)l)re-i-iion. cago wortian is ilot stou colint a superiority in (-alt-alry as ilo-11 WAITING FOR THE COUNT. Ro-,noke were killed. For six miles a number of houses were 1 demolished woulil. make a perfeet as inlantrN. and thre negroes Were killed and several were injured on the Wilson plan- The corset expert is 'J'lie Japartese arc folioltitilig the liu,- Sakharoff Cannot Send Extent of Rus- tation. ropular featur(ýs of th Finn'r(-ýar-giiiii-ti, NNIi(.Il is ino%-iiig north 1 1 inaIýers' convention, w, sian Losses. Three or four negroes were killed on the Holy Plantation near Rock terdav in Ille Fine Ar front Sariioupon at tii(i rate ut Mills. At Lime post-office, a store was wrecked and a little daikhter of a lias ýnnoiiiiceil that slit r A St. Il( ' it(-rl)tii-g cable: Vie G a - inan frre of cliarge ý,tN and a half milels a dit%.. ()II blotti iiitillýs 7.0tle of the Prefeettire of st. Mr. Lucas, was killed and her mother seriously injured. Details of the storm illustration foi- the cor blirg eolitailis Ille or- the Japiiiiese are olairating a Nvide turii- are difficult to obtain on account of the wires being down. fil-st of tite4e lectures ileis froin tlie generai staff to Gen. ing moveinent, but the Ftreiigth of liv, ellief of tlle genvral staff of iliglit in Millisic 111111 flank-ing forves lias iiot Weil detillitcly tlin..Nlancliuriý,iii arinv. to givé as qIIi('Iý- building. -1 Ç; M Is She Alive? sil\-g to-dav: It is jilill()Illl(.ed at police 'J'Ilere are to be Ill. IN, possible colliplette delails of tilt. Illissillil lol in tiie (Iefeat, at tli.kt \tlithin Ille next 48 ý.N%-Ilo will delllonstlate Il 11,1 M - liolirs tilt, -111 1,01111dinir, the pres- of tl At a iiiiiiiber of places along the rail- leil, Gen. Sakliarof! replied: *1 %N'i Nliil.(.Il '17.- A despatcli to Ille l le liumart figure. oiil)oti and Gungliti ( roui 'l'ell City, Ilid., SUN-S.. il rt will sfio' tlle dictailq by toilli-grailli fis ',(loi '.-,iisliii 'Sulzer, \%lio il'ýI)ftreiitlv 'di-0 11,11(le of i7 the iiiiii- corset expe 0111 front fille chief oi I)Ved cr-il Stanford drank "4t>s tl"I 'l' '"Ils N%"t" -as receift-e 111 1 inav be overcome. 'l tif and goi, (1ellid ten duys ago as site Nvas entering 1 woinari and Ille girl Ni lit Ille bottorn rogiiiiviit il, the of Jkiil. '14. at lier ('ali- jboi-Il ling be il -truct 1 Illiti. lla\(i betqi soived pole. Ilrol)t»i-Iv cors(itu lier 5uille in ('aiiiitilt(ýli and %\,Ilosc bodýI1 L 1 illade, 'Ille (-orrr,;I-Yoii(leiit i-ý asgiired iliat Ceil. lorin l( \(Jiii-oi)ittWin f-eilt ri(> ( ti ild that 11 e o r 0 arrest. peur pluilip, roulid blièt, it is (luiII)titil Geil. 1- wils plall iâl tilt> \Rlllt tw( 1 t w Il o-tc. 1)111)1i'lle(l. ndi 'ilint ilie d(ininii(l-,. ývitch will iiiitke li -,tiiiitl 1)4.fýire lie ')('vont' dalis later, is believed bit. illany persoils fis the :IlliPiri 41ild C'tialitglit. ( ;1- al Ille of front Ille rolil- to Il(. of ilif. ilot(iutive-4 J110 Foi. t1lose N%.)Io offiii. Ile is aille to lifoid tjiù hile of Ilie and or(lerr(l IiiýÀ rocall for lit eitl - lier relatives convinrrd ilint lifr frolit 11(illullilli Ilall, blieil fili-d of il!ll)oý,ýiil)ilil tilt- litissiiiii lio.,itioll \,il be sO i«ý ilot eilil and a. from Cin- N\1111 IlIv giving lit(, re. niait wonders NONN, thlit Gèn. Kolirol).,Itlýin cinilliti bais been suinillolled and an ! 1 pý %%eaký, strategically, that lié, iiin.v be voiii- n e d ( ; fi il. ileh%; itritiN-. Iipý_,aIioI1 w ill be malle. Duritif, tlie lime :IlIt (if tliéi'r iii\e-ti,-aIioli,ý inio t1w dealil 'i-llit lali;e ilwa ' v frolli pelled lo 1.(ltil-(, of Harbin into tlie fore(,,ý)ii*l" Illat tilt, (if "il 'Stilliforil ili Ilullohilli. 'l'IliF, ro- 'add to Ille loilfriii o ýlas bueil in tilt. ".11111t, il 1 port s1low - Ililkl. the flulfýctIV1111-b 11111(le P r. CIt iý 1wriu, (Illiling to the filet tilat ws tio-y ap- lo ye.1s,111*0 t . lie tif filillilir, J'ils Niril and li()11(jllllll, who mas il Ir frolit par-11- iIiiit (if Ille fille tif jjeý 1 1 lit 1 \%itiii)iit iiiaLiiiir oiie fil -1 lipit ri tl-.t(li(.t 1 -ut sigilla, of life luitie )(,('Il (Ile fi( charm. (4 ille elf oli W ls tilt- raili-m id, i -w ir the dangtir -es (let vit u(I. 'o tilat Ille w olililli 1.4 tilt. olillil I-(.ý of i,ý of Ille sole liliv of collitilli-.11- '-ilice lier siil)ll(i'Zf' V \V011171(i cli'tioli are iiiiablir. to at ille colluilit.ý1011 Blit Ilow ilbolit, lit( Tile WARSHIPS LAUNCHED. 4,11 lier iluail Il.\- ille fail Iia,ý (,on- lillinier ()il(, iiked lier. (if tilt, iýohtli0Il of li Iýl(IiNost0ck- illust il- tilille(I to bierd iit inturttals and Iii-r fa(,(- o ille effeut lilial ýlII iliul, iliffl il, i-, illi'f'titIv Leaves the r(,Illiillis filisil(i(1. A fi'\\. (Illys ago .1 lorni illoi) ot tllxi(ilis Nitoille r Another japanese Leviathan il )II(i of Iw r filluers btt. (1111-ill'r illir, ()Iltllllr (ileut rio 1 IgIli e(i Sl)(l('i ,4 0 'tilllll\' Ille . 1 >t(iiiiI Ilca l-t -'loils Pl 1 - j- Ilo pýIlt M ood. 'io t lie (IaY gli Ilui. ;l1l'i 1 Il(, Il - il If I)III( In, letit tilt- tilli (b v i-a rs. 'I'lle T\\ o litilit . 1 , rod illoil The Stamfore Mystery. gilllUi. lit figill pal ed 11p(I 1 1'l-i I', lier (leaill. M iellis front il)u Ilow 1.11111clicd to.l1il ilt tlle Eb-\%icl-ý shil)- >i1ý 1 il Iiiii the 'pecil to illill'f. it IIloýý4 )Ie foi ille H ll mliIllýý tif 10111(illi- Ill(' Ilirseilco of B kiloil --ýlI \ S: -'ý (f\\-, 1111-rt Iiio Nýll\. \o . Il sll()111(111,t 1( of Ille Iviople iiii.ýiin(Ivrimiii -1 lie t1irir factI- reil il (if ilieir Im ir t1on "Ill. \0 111t. illo-v fin Ille iý, .\()Il illiglit look 1 al, di-o re- iiil, gi-oilli(l f, (1. N\()111(1 br defoi-Ilw il I 11ju., luilim f-il frolli tc) 14,111);11 1 lit * \illil 'aid t1w Map;IIýrs,- - Il 'l'IlV Ilici Ilf (,()I. N'il \\lIý il 1 hf-111. IýllI, .-, ('11. Ili fli'l M I illiiiük ql:l Ili i l - . c il (Il liw il illi(io 111)lt il tilt h lit 1fillil, t'ffici, 1 o n Ilio soit \\1-1(' (Illu if, lit(. -li: ( ' - - , a lld in C()111(. illio lililli l'a il 1('11 il f (if tlie litcro N\flijjjý il 111;m .1 titi! lit, 10 4- 111C (ilýII- lo IliS Ilet-d', illid -fi ýýith cobillu-t 1l'I' lilf. lui t-ool- 1-1-p li t I lilit il t i-1 - lit lt-illi il : Ili, Il. itro l l illit - ile in Ille lI.Ijlifliý Ili t1w \\iil; Illit t1w 1). D em i. M ýl 1 ()III\ (1-ca ý1(ilia llil. : Il *,.ý lli;it Ilw m il- 'il 44 ) Ittitfiq-il. .(.Il Ill. N% Iliýil a b ill il(-- ( Ild tillit.. a li'l ilfii'l' -iiio n -tiii fil(ýi1ill"Ili i-f tilt- I;týý;t to a ll%1 1 ril(rp \\:I, 1,\ Illo jl(llico, a lid t ill tiffl FAI, dl-, tre 'il ulit d 1 lY C 11., a t'-Ný 'o l fil' tif il l Il t. 'ch . illi 1 12 1 lit. 1-c i I (..Il ln -, CROWDS lfll.\ ;III ti- CO)ýE TO CANADA. "'I*,ý l- ý o .1 DÃ""ý'LIXE. DOGS.ýý The Murder of Peasante by,.,TTOOP'3 Russian Poland. ýVargaw,, 'Marcli 29, 7 P.Ul.-Tli e j$lloot" ingof peasants at Lamenta bas EttVuged inlense excitement in the whole digtrict. The action~ of the authorities in shoot- ing down unarnied peasants is au rily critieized, and a deputation of; re2ents ban (.-)f Kutno'is proceeding to Warsaw to, lay complaints before the Governor-General. The troubles began a week ago when the mobilization of horses was ordered. The peasants refufjed to comply, and on March 21 about 150- gathered on the road near Lamenta, when -the Chîef of ri, iy r y Police of Kutno arrived on the scene with a compa-à&.y - of infantry and ordered the crowd to disperse. ne people re- iused to obey, and the Chief of Police ordered the soldiers to fire. The peas- ants, not understanding Russian, remain- an ed in the road until the soldiers aimed. Thu then broke and ran. The troops fire three volleys at the fleeing crowd, and 50 peasants fell, two of theni dead. AU the wounded were shot in the back. ted Po- It is said that the Chief of Police re- fused to allow the wounded to be re- ,ontains nioved, and that lie finally ordered thein ®ry. It tij be taken to Kiitno, six hours' jour- -blooded livv. in pensant,,' earts, with the restilt t h à t oNvin- to lack of niedical attend- , north- anvt ( lm ýi(rh of the woiintled died on the 0 Young %va v - and the doctors report that nine and un- lire in condition. Fear- 1ves. A iiig a d(,1iioil.,ýtratioii nt the, funeral of ;o aban- tllv the Chief of Police request- "' 1 Iliv to bliry thom during-the om star- 'Illii, the pri-late refused tio, (10, .111(i the to-day in the he diary ý of the (-viiieter v- at Kiltil(-). The F;t-rvi(*!Ps were veyan, is atteiidvd 1)y un iiiiiiiençw. corienurse of ved here ;1 1 t 1 le Ny('re lie vatil illa'se, of , . . , Jiabasca, and flowers. Paul Izo MIGHT SEIZE WILLIAM, ar Fond- ý children And Hold Gerrrianys Emperor for an last 'Sep- Enorrrous Ransom. Paris 'l'inies -%vires: In For- )ed on cil-elv, liert. ]-,Illl)çror W il- .11 e l'anglei s re i . tc nn tr) - is - n i &(J but ,ý-itlioiit 1 fall and ýir It is tholiglit to ®r five o n 1)oard, b0t'Il miiit-ri aien to please the fired two («(Iltiiiiýil pari * v ili ý;f.1-ll1any. lt rnay ,ý aniongst bi. ilivalit ti) iiiiiiiiiiize in tile eyes oi ihe vahiv of lier recent treaty je( f bis v.ase no npgotia- nother di- exclialimid on ri shore of tilt, t1le Gvi-ilian an1 at tlie Quai JJJJ)t,ýý.e. if concluded CI ilitended Illerf, (.111*io--,itv of th(ý ,-. lie bc- r(ýinainç; a in, wife, simter lit ig expresed [id Iiiiiiself chief. nia.v hore, leav 0(»Cîl-i(1ýi ig) (,apture Fi-nl)pr(,r ill liis be- .111il 1plii ;,1lýl for an enol*illi)us ý landed on Ra'sult, tilt. lill- loi -dii- -' 1 (1 ind siý,ter, 1111,; heell ap- M beliind Ils disýrivt. me a little 1 Tilv il(.\\ " v the 1, il<,e(l two Tlie appoint iiient r, tfip 1ivpiý and propert.N. ÇA 1) )r .1boilt I., part (il ýl 1; () Fond- Yl abolit 1.1 IVI fJRE T'HAN 1;-ALF THE SUM. r the flrî;t lcft )WI' 1)e- Big Subscriptions for Yictoria College [)lit food ùr allolit i 1'11 dreadfui 'i«ý,.,iiii-1. illlltll' beeii la- i'l il iýaiiilw d 1,4ý1i1i- 101. ý(q1lv tiiiit- oil ý1 ilit-iii lier ;1 I)jý" -clit-ille ti) the -el-ted illeLe iiii-ili i'l ( fillo-gg. bY lake shore. ;iiil ii t1w ti) 1w by Ille t 11 g, la i t.- 1 -t ai t 1 m -' illý\\ il!il llfl o. 1, l the 'rv- t1lu 1 lit, front. of Cull. ý\IIIhi1L of The >t valolgiol. N\ i-illii 1 loti fi 1 ýI il i i i Ill IL o 1 Tile back liq) 1. illivi Iciv. v\ (.11 N\ le for 111(iiiil)t.l.s ý\ ý \gg a roi i- (.1(.111. a t1le 11 il rit i il gf- i- Iw ld M :1 ý1(IU 1 liatc-11 lit Illi. Vriss, III mlli'-il WAIL BY A CORRESPONDENT. li tif it îI- poilit(Id ont tli;It ililless 1,1111ild i; 1- '-ilidderil.v. ll>()\\I-\ill*. Improvidence and rnal --------- ' 1 Inte Dicorders Igiikil 11w alid sit .111(l Iiii- > 1111grail Illic-, a 4cant 111111 1 Ill(. dvvd li;il-ljiii. can be liI,!([ Clog Efforts. Il (in the ('1111(livil, N\)I(, hild ABIGAIL BECKER, HEROINE. IlillliV, ilvu Ill \ ý,t. l'et i, I.- bil ril (I \ il(' 14, 11w locilil (11(- 1 t m ill l'e (Ilft>l(.Illl tg, illilintain a po iIitioli T lir 'N ()il ii. ol)(-ii 1.1lace. fî (Illi filit-Illier 11;Ii-lIiti. wlivre, \\i!lt toi \\Ill Il 14-111.1rk- 111(l ý\l1II 1 A Notable Canadian Life-Saver Passes I\:Ill illilli, filil. to lier R ew ard. 'l'ilu I \ loi- h o. J'Illi-It v . ;ttli(- rigiril on Iliv (,IIil(irfiin El Tý1ill-oad. Ilw Ill ilict uf a tlirniti,, loi \0 bov (ir girl fil to Iv vitilin v ît 'Ilriny C),000 kil) I'N 0 1o bil'I' ;!I'. dit-il 'tio ri, m iql i-I)littt- Ilw IIIý . fi il iftti-ilt)l)ll IIIIii il fro Ili Il(-1114, 1- to n io r lti,,iiiii 1 il d o \Vll ýl l'il i Il m i 1,iýI Iiiii. Ill'ill ;Ilit tilt, i,)Illt m ith \0 1loi-11 lýii>-iit :11 Ilialch the 'l' IL ioIl4i(Iiý l'il 1 lon. I fil 4 )('tud 11.0 of -v ailt .1 Pl Il le war aTid 1 lier ý\;I- M ilitiii , ( l111(l (11>11i-cil tuliiii(.111, 1 h e ttl(.-(I P li, IlIii Il(. lftllrlli.(l liv fo iin d In -it m ille.. pf lIIý --lit ail. iic-Iii-1 ii-t- il ail 1 site it titi il) Ill' 1 a r il i lit." if lis- 1(,l 1 1 1 lif)tll. of 11,1,01111(l. ilnd Ili, Ïw a(I on Ille -t(,l lifP to a lid lhvig'. il'. if Ill. Iiiiý (If 111(. lit, IIIIl o f vu t(e lit k T ile loin - [il, 1 II,ý ll";l 1 ýIcl, , rui 1 1*0 111 Iliv rlIffla TI-ý I i v I.(ý \t. il I lit Ili f-, loir il !il! NN cil il w , i IM il lit (lit lo ir I)c Il t') q it, III (Il 1\.(. I)r;l\«fl v ;kIlli Ill!! j -M ýIil l'o. 1 1 IýllII illu, il ilil -u i i-tiiiiit-i-. li(leil p o 't 1-41 N\ il il k il( e t fill im i. il t il- -lit Il hie ()I(l viol iiiiw ill. lit «Ill'i ýIlI g u ill 1 il; -lit 1 t. :111N. \ý li') 1 1 fl(lp . IIIIII on Iiiiii gra t a (fiiirili tif ('1w 111111(il.t.'l f wa-ii Illi' 4.11(.11111 Ilion lý e V O Il il - IijlIIN\ - (.1111(iluil lieifig f log 'l ' il Il\- 1'tiffal WOMAN'S F m lit Vllo New k l'if(- lialill-111,11 l'lit Ili 1 Ill Rescued Her Hu \ear. old, iI, it-il 1114,1al, illill \I, Ili 'lir (Il- ;t o lit, lu i 1. 1, 11 \1 1 fi L ;I11il 11 l". 1.14 , lit 1111111-1 Il , il;, :;011.110 ll ti icle 11111111-11c 'ý0 1 00,00, AR C TIC VESSEL LAUNCHEDO 1.ý,r-4 I)f il p ill. fi( lit f ýli11 ;Il.ijIl 1 (If f Steamer That is Built to W'.,thstand a gil r a n 1 t 1 1; 1 l ' I' ý ilu i. lit il ilig GREAT WASTE OF GPAIN. Squeeze in the Icè. Enougli TIirûv-ýi1 Away to Cover St. 1 '27.- -Clomi- ers ' but rallier 4luirp, tlir parti- leillar Iligli rak- witil tliv Paul's edral. tlie IliI\(, 111:111Y rilli-i- Vobor-rt exl)lor- bviiig lier Il g. llkl\\ 1 . 1 ,(,n(,r,,il Cath fil, in- 11-v, ýIvrn iil, atioli licie 10-- w (i(ll,(ý,,iiý11)(, lit t1lat lý-,Ilil ldl 1 1111(1 Ilo id o f lit. il.- l'l Iiiiiii\ day f3he nllIý lwc lift(,(l il.(l(. if iiii t(Id in the ,jia ý;)f Ili.. '- ijiilliii i il 'l'lie I'vilii. ý.\rt Li( 1111), o f -W York- fiii-liislle( s for lier con- il-(,. She is built, of white, ak-, t lie Ill(, lion l'i' 1 1 Ille filli(l, -il I)v \aval franies treble and close to-ether, 011, S with double flankiiig riiaking Ille walIR t ri, titi. 1 "lie Nv as Iw Wil - tioli tilat 1-1 Il(,.t t il'n 11.1 ý Ill il, 1't-III paco Willi 11il froni 24 to 30 inches thick. 'l'lie h-grel bons in illie G Il(,.\ tf) Iiitii(ll(,. Yqorý-. and i s con, rrd thir, inost pl but false keels alld hillit, \\as 01-11 or combal 1te tion o i(b groi for ( Rill to lit tli 'I*Ii.ý L N ï,. wi-v r( not Nvitli fill and borst eqlliliped vraft f -1--onq forin backborte six feet big,11. bers of tIi Inir col, 1 Iole evel. built. '-ile Vie 1,;11 (q1oil -,Il the 11-iliv. Iý if "\ illi tIip rialion. ling tlie Arctic 111A Pritire lengtli of the vessel. 'ÃŽlic. bow Ille gr il i 11 1114 011-imil qilit- Ille as "A thrve niasted schoonvr- bv 12 f(-,rt of solid dead woogil. Ný,(,rp ft)lloýN-iiirý bidv t1il of ispi. loil-il riyged rtfamsilip, with auxiliary sa i 1 Fer origine' and boilerq will develope the animal sild ligortation to qt. paliVI; foi. iliili'l.\ of ilIi.- 1liliii,.(l-(,, and, cali- rower." 'She, ils IS3 feet in length, wiiii 1 li.(),Il to 1,500 liorsepoNvo-r. lier of tl Cathecir:tl. tiiiiiing. ý,avýý: 0. gross tonnage of 614 tons. Ilerjnodel vost when ready for sea, will bc $100,- vice. killing Il The Standar(I's Odessa correspondont "On the *ütlier sile ji a nation wliere i» isimilar to modern built stearn whal- ON. meinber of the t 1 - . 1-éý,IV in ib(l de- I'F* lit, 1 lie Ille bl'illgi lin of i,;ý t i ce . 1 TWENTY FAMILIES LOST- [TROL. Guianc Instead of Were S nt to Dutch ing Company So-,-.th Dakota. Twentv. :11111011110. ll*()Ill 'UlIllit-I t .ý(qi'I1h of Ille Lake of -Ul paSý;(u1 Ilito al- 'l'orolito 1101lert -Moi tyll. ud. T\r- ( t 9 1 (' t ,:,toi* Mackay, en N lit Mat litý',OTL .1alor Cox. 1, 'a l -tl Ala-od for Ille j'\ýo cil' t Il ]"('4' :1 gO r \v i I-ý ui c uit, - 1 1 IIAI frolil .\q 'lit-il Apwrica. 'l'lit lit, ;1-i v. lit Iiiisl):l "(i l'a Ii(ýpI1 Pi;:1111 Mur- "1 1 iil Ilore for Ilign alid 'Illo'o \\![(ý vill ýIw!, h;,ý\v .1ot p 0 C A"P Y rS BAP'rl"«'). SILVER. n C Y., i in Af-iiýa. ,u e Wzu Aban- 1 ans. Whilo wnlk- . tif ý.ý 11 v Lak 1 v 1 1;14- fille upon Il Illuil follnd \Il- [1111ci. ilivvstiga- F, W, ï; (liiýg ()lit twen. IMIFIIP, of (Ille collIll (If ili Mlir, ,r over a. ton in 1-vvvilil-v 1 ate IPTIry W.4- Mliul) vilimi to Mr. ý1IoItz. C ago of mie hiiii- a story of an en- '(l Indians, whieh 1Iaý4 t lirt tilere toi, iii- t 1 v of 'j'ippecanoe, N ti%% t.,lIlt lit, jý.I_ lý lake in a single Iiil-ý,ioImI v , tilig silver was ed into the wat. t- 'c. Inn

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