-The Lafger Prayer. At tiret, I prayed for Light; -Coulti 1 but ses the waY, iow gladly, swittly would I walk To everlasting day. And neit I prayed for Strength, -tijat 1 mlght tread the road, Wth f irto, unfaltering fi-st, and wln The heavzn's serene abats.- Antiuhi-n I asked for Falth: Could 1 but -trust my Goti, i'd ive enfoldetiln %Hie peace Tbougb f oesa were aIl abroati. flt ot0W I pray for Love. D ee-p lave ta God and marn; A lving., love tbat will not fail, ilowever dark bis plan- Aîud Llgbt sot Strengtb and Faith Alorol penlng everywbere! cut only watet for me MI1 ,1-îirayed (hi- larger prayer. D hny -Bp tieti-15 Ednab .Chny -Life's Changes. Eu dvry tlay Lririgs somietbing ni sa' sint' change witcli heurs an -infil ncc ol cuir lis esfoi'- siai or avtd'. N eposl'i)Oijil- tuits, it'wt i<yspei lia îtest' sorrosi s. 'Ne'w kisîelea itiît't't foirce thetut' ceves tiptui us ; als î soute gain. salit-- tlies Ici-s. True frieîîds amnd faise cie Oui' pli t l, biî Igloe andii feti -! in i tliir traint, One- dtîv 'aitll lt; tif tic si dost f 01rt'iii riuhlî'. tl!Ii î-\t huti t- litetfi lte Nwîgiit o i tîe.( i-lied lu riV- Uit as-at a ~Its ifris eutfor-, liscd gtulaii, sîlien t :t ats Witlitn otir graip, ttiting w r \itîx it ttlite o\0andtilioli r-i ci it'lfo'. \e n 1s11ifl\.ts ibia t euh. ii sti:1 l vl iiîg. a hltlitg ut -atec tci iiitî ti i fe, andîlwî' aimv'tii- suitt ti- Siuxtîîct-tlit-til uil tît ilt t!i tise. i c-con lietir lii - <"lia îîf tasu-til dont. t'Te iu)owli i-s iiiti\.v onit li u i- '1f1ei 4T'155. Paitience' tOt î;1-11t('ii -tlh d'it t it Iii, -1c tl -tit. h ii' lie bgliigîttse tif iItît \\I' s i i i îtuIi t ut-. au iîîî cît.ig lut it trnu"s nit i f taI tfui liuukili',ig î u îtl- e et i Ci i- -Iot > is c:îîîlt'untd 'culs tv m Ite n Iti- flîglitt eIt r11ilt ig t~ --t u tliniîxgh 'i f lI-dIoid -iti r:an-it-td i tu 1iCitx njy 1)v1),îîi g uli w t up -i IIl s ii lîit i îs i u tiittt1(1 l ir litlta lt'-5 ) Iiv >liv i-tg ii t 1) lît tlt' :Iilt lio.l.' ru i i. sti-tk ii iL îî i t\ l a Ofe- tif(,î a tss iip 'tlht îui.b. 0111vu a Lilis ' li! t.u c li - 1iuî - %i s- i:îi s" liiii t Ie iii t. e' nu iî Iticitllîg.i iti i I ýI s ,O ; i td - --' i t--i -. - Fi-ar and Love. ,lit if t l 1 u t i -i t - t- "~"l- i atl nitttil. -awl. i u - .f G i usiiiu siollut'iîs m Ilt it tî altîlt iuCt uitIi) lIs su il, e, tii lit- rIlli ute tf guîtî 1it-1se. Itosu itttliuOteii -ru nitt-t-e.îuv t 1h fiii uts andufoi.îîîmi. îîlldîî'uî t- i h tse edulof tte tus-t utIuiliuuiu itutus. tI-,ti m Illicte"' ti t ttit- i t'i 1:te s 1i i i tt'aîd ui-f u:iti-t blit' I ii . I ': acu1itsîî jliu ti i ii" uI,--ii. tsui i u-t r 1lu i - 1i d lu tii îîîs t- I ii ' uut-i'lu 4 111 1ý' i St 1 ) ui t-it. - i * su 1ifiî. , trF o tuf\,11 (,>lu';t' i t- -i s'- tII i--t-11 l iove tulr muorai-l:iiltud ul it able 1s toe oîit- Iitlyandîîc tfl.If, itisx - et, îlîe tenct--,tif truuc iilg o lits i îu'î' tu 4<1'uiîu'ttuIin titi ttiltillits- il;u1 -d . icsuMit lu a Lofs i Gmu ibI îie ýoiuiiîu h andiuttis- :îtlu-ioulum-î'. if I lt iffîltu - and giîu-iuims (1,:l1uluu i st lti ; 4 -lIt llu1t 1 r î'uuw.eta i. l: Ititi lt fi-:-t a itI ý i --t o !oui Value cff Temptattout. Tliui itipilt h' ati il 1)tt1-s, ul I wIe f.utîdîi nil\ uiu, Il ilr ut- t' t- î{'ithu utl uii tl ;i-t \\ (' i t t' t liii. it t M il, su 11hi l the t'u t tutuut:, il l îuîki';i -av (<if osea pi . - x'u hu)11It Gi îtf1i',. n Riltt liptut u-u ol li' u iiioiuirxetts Wutlii'ý( ilm ut-et-ii u' tflNt bcuitujutil (;<il i llugiis lliftVlg-i't. s hîîuuor - She Kept tht' Secret. Fhe kit it siý-net (tir a wi-ik: It t icket Per wbî'u sitel/tnînd t lteals 1;pinu livrt- luroatitît luurîg abOut -Ant fuity ulluies lut ni-ir et ppe, eut Shib,i--uîi ilit alk, noir bn-alte. noniretuig. l'or feli-tir (tpIsit auîîds;uy (t tb:ag - ohut utli iutg luiugeaslup e aunet tauny. - t brPe dai'd nu I itt it byý 1' i -[ tl(u' si-crut putlle ant i micc t i t gi-i-i t aut!i llut; l.to ttu i sit \\ittu te hr r Pnitst ut rtugu'tiluitu:ec utfl ht t- rsrtiaitt aafiti muti. 1:ii-tc iittî aPiu )ipt'. ald lil,"tut. Ait I nuit I. 'iiterm s,iutti tkinuogitaudti tirota ,ýt AntIti 111,11l!tçd Iii tu-i gýtîs[uutug sigli-t Ari U i hrtý, ,iii tuud ittr l 't' ye'- lit uu TIlu t- Att b shPi ttit ise ce nt titu'ýlt ttIt('lent g lu uiie t' il t)tu I ut ut ti t> uoltîs behîi ti ti' lue k tihi uufe pot stitepoutreI suI uttusv stir uLlS ui f-u win fili lej, Iitil itilx d tu irui- n. : 1ii ;iuu tt , '(- ee-ou' t ,lu1 zh' l13 "t nutt o uir ieltef usii , i -11u1ttui- l.i- Thoi 1 - ile-huaird fouruiles tînuuutt A rni-tititit. îçpli-.teur.nug 8souattul Ai 'lafti Ill u ss asa s-att(31î'îodtte-O. 11,ht 1je-sly tîttut lia-Idount iiwot'-t :ibe kotîç tiu e t-u t '- huirsu -l"rouni t bc t,. tunci l lutte Noupari. \Vliit e lies are tit- fasi ioîtaîlC Slînde. A tla culofappreciîtiutlitle exera.îly duo te a -rck cf menit. A Nvontn a ili seldam propose marriigC uutil siteic catislied (lhe mtan Nvoî't. AX goldeheularp in the ht'reafter is aul 'ritglut. biît (lue avenrge sîuuall boy w'ould nuttier lauve a mottiiitî rgan ie'tt. A manrisj nea'er (00 aid ta learu, but h- may be too youag to tlink i-o. The p"4t whagi-ta hic verses ack meets witb reverses- A ra.bbit's foot is s4tppoaed to' be hi&îckyÀceptt ta the- rabit that lai-t it. 5% I -- UNLXâE- SM IAND) ,JOWN BULL. Ka'igliali Naval1 Officer 1Suggests Allianc6 in the Interest of Ecanoiny. in twd1ve ypars the naval expenditure of -the United States bas trebled, while thatof GreatBritain has doublecd, and under existing conditions the interna- tional rivalry for supremacy on the sea bides fair ta necessitate stili further in- crease ini the azunua1 outiay on the manu- facture-'of fighting ships. Lieutenant Carlyon Beleirs, of the royal navy, pro- p oses an arrangement abetween Great Britain -and the United States -which would enable bath countries ta, effect vast economies by curtaimg their an- nual naval output; without impaining in any degree the -guarantee of their na- tional or imperial interesta which their navies are intended ta provide. These patrons have no intereste which conflict in any matrial way, their poli- dies are identical an dueither power can be successfuliy attacked except fromn the sea. Shouid they jointly agree ta corne ta each other'. -assistance in thc event of cither power befft threatened by a coalition of three maritime pow- ers they couild each afford to reduce the rate at which, as matters stand, they are compelled to add yeariy ta the strength of their respective navies. Says Lieutenant Bellairs: "That population and riches arc no match in war against such careful or- ganization, Nve have seen in the case o Russia. It is oniy the knowiedge that the sca barrier is impenetrable w-hich will effectually prevent the cxpanding Teutonie, Slavonic and Latin races of Eurzcpe from contemplating aggression on the Amnerican continent. If unable ta do sa singly, nothing but sea power will prevcnt themn fraîn frying to effect their purpose in cambination. They have combined in the past for the partition of Pohînd. By the Russian declaration of February '26, 1780, Russia, Franoe, Eolland, Pru-isia, Sweden and Denmnarkc, combincd ta rcsist the right of searcit and the same powers Nvere acting togeth- er against Great Britain over this ques- tion in 1800. "In 1807 C;rc:ît Britain had ta break Napoleon's coinpulsory alliance, framcd Liv tlhe treatv of Tilsit hby scizing cight' een i)anish andl ciglît Portuguese battie- slh ip, a nd 1 vblock,ýacling the ruissian bat. tehp. Thuis a fresh uinion of over 1401 la ttleqlaîps w-as nippoul inuthe bud, buit sti-lt ie ctnfion could nrot have hen (, Il aLn lî:îd not Grcat Britain been in tic~p; ftle of lier naval strcn ' th lîilî)1Žbtlî(-slups. We lcarn that witlh- iia a poriod of twcntv-seven vears there ivr lirce Fuiropean alliances of tliree or niore great paivers against Grcat i3ri- tain and ail w ere hrok-n up Liv the op- eratian of -ea pwr"Nrl American Revîcîr. 'o' ' cu-re a c-g.Wc t t Il a ctîughi holding on- w~ en cv ri-tu ese has failed- IC n, Th L cuinourany t1j3gzirnted oclr.If it Ptc's Sc. C. WrLts & Co. 304 LEAVE BIG VAULTS ALONE. Coustructed foîr froro $1)000 to $15.000. it is the burglar-proof ste--t liuiug that brings thue co-it of ',au1t construction up to the six- figure mari. Tblnk of a stfee door wetghing tweive tons or of a binge alone wp'gblug cote ton. Wben tbat door cu-ti-its cf ueu Incbcs cf drilîpruof steel, plate lapped on plate, do you wonier that eveti the nie-t darlug burgiar bas never attenipted it? S1ucb a great door usually has soite four aud ta ety-twe or titres inch steel bolts whlî-b shttot eut autounatically in four directions as s-toit as the door is ciosed. The eutire closiug cf the door Is absolutcly watî-r tîgbt, The ci-loing bas actually bei-n teste i onele ntglitt cadir vwatcr. This closiiîg 1,3 ane of thte * tutgup and groove - ariety and groiive ti-; kei wth paî-kiig. Titis forniiîtt.ihie door t; (onis-bcd atit a tInte lot k ttiat t ait bP si-t foîr auy numiter -f heurs anti tluit i an not be opeund until the hour foir wtt t Iq set arrives. The doir ts furnished %w tt jt-rbaps three dupl'icate 'lutt- er.-. si t1 t tif tire -hould failtot work th 're v6tolti thtPcon(, ta open tht- door. Inittc tic ir - it (Ittîr a nuis-ive grat a g ral-itlthe lay grati' gives aici-se to the vautît. Ti týiit tctaithefr. w ii-h. w 1th Its four-irii-h watts i-rdri1! Itrotif ' 'zz w ortity of iii hite-el f. ,ilv the a- t si\ i'fc! o f the ha- t bas -e ertr--- lt-i- are te teiler< -ste-., s heret ti-yý keep the rooney for thte day'.. bu siie s ilert' are hagq or gni..00Inlaearb, pile-i Up lii.c s-o niany - 'cf iîîttouis, eacb t-o g; b-cîng i-e -ur--ty tC-i1 itiî-eaîd. lier-'o - isî3(kages ci f bll- e' it ii p like bri k-;. TPýe cites anid tsvos lunt pa~itckuages and the t-iý aniti t" catios In 2-)) ackýages, TPe b:it lu ea.h cf titeç-e uts kazres bave been rounit-t, tlcd up auîd seau-cI by two personislunte pr'- Fe-e o f i-u tIctt:r. se that the bank ean guarantpt' h ie autounts as gis-en on tithea ' ihîtut re-ouT'ntLttI-liere, inside the telItr-t F;afts, are cotepartrnints wherc tPe cop,1t1 Tht' Most for the Money. 'lite laser cf ugloid Watihor a valu- ~ç. ~: eral received for loans tç deposîtora la kept -.. Butthis, la. only the 'esgter diiin --tba.- vauit chamber; beyond la another maissive gratlng dividlng the vault Into two rooms. No 'singie officiai can penetrate to the tuner shrlne, and ans of the two officiate nece-s- sartly present must be a director of the batik Here la thre holy of haltes, where repose the resýerve tunda of the bank-sillloxis of g'sid and paper money. The reserVe funds arel kept la safes on which the locks are tlmed to open every morning, so that If necesaary the bank teliera could have the money at a mo- auent's notice, The. two divisions of the bank form reaily one chamber wlth walis of drill proof sttrel. The walis are drill proof, yet ais a inatter of tact the'up-to-date burgiar does not worc wlth drilla. A f ew sticks of dynamite, some nitroglycerin Ila sbottle, with abcobol. PUttY. candies, wlrea, wl-e nippera and an exhaust Dump are the itrIncîpal Items-in his outtit. Wlth these tools lie otten "makes an impres- uion- on a amall safe. But a single charge of dynamite lies-iy enougli to open the joints of a big vsuit would wreck the wbuii- building. Unliited time, tbei-store, In whicb ta work would be necegsarv totahle auccesaful wreck- lng of a drill pi-off -iault by explosives. For It wouid lie necessary ta use a long asicecea- alan of smali charges, to work Datleotly at fflate after plate. and tbe conditions make this absoluteiy Impossible. Tbc i-cacons gi-est nains are taken ta inake ail joints wat- er tiglit la ta guard against the Introductin of nitroglvcerln. wbicb bas about the con- alateonc- ot honey or rnmmon els-verin. Nitro- glycerin la flot effective unIss It la Inside th#A sate or vault. The entire gi-est steel room le made f lrt- proof by bcbng snclosed in brick or tule or cernent walia, between whlch and tbe ateel wails lN an air space four or fîve lochies tbick. Air leas nonconductôr of beat antd be- lng interspoeed between the brick and the steel wail prevents the later from becomIng overbeated. Sa ni-rfi-ct la the protection (bati i-yen wben a building bas bei-n destroyAd the, contentq of the waila wlthin bave re- nîxuined uutchau-ged. CAPTURING COBRAS WITH MUSIC. The death-dealing cobra Is passlonately fond of muait, and t I tlathrough (hie means that its capture la often accomplisbed. Tihe men In Iodla who cari etfect tbe capture af tbess deadly reptiles muet be possessed of remarkable skill or their lives are tbe for- feit. Wben a cobra takes up its abade It the nelghborbood of a dwelling bouse it ta customary ta seud for the prafessioal snake charmer. Oui- cf titim strikes up a tuni- ni-ar the place where thi-sitake Is SliP- posed te hi- located. Na matter wbat titi cri-alune may hi- dolnitg.I 1at once it- (racted hi'te sound cf nmusic. It emerges sbowly fronti ts hldlng, place. and strikes an attitudi' lut front nf thte performer. Titi-e It Is icipt engaged wltit the music witile lthe ctier man creepe up beind wîtii a bandrul cr dust. At a ronveaient mo- ment, wheo the coitra Is standing mottitn- les. titi-muan suddcuiy titrows tite du-t os-er ltehi- ad and eycs cf the suake. In- naedlaii-iv titi- obra faIts lIt iength upiin titi greund and r-mains (hi-ne for one short second-but titi second sc enougu. With a move-catn like ligiutning titi-mnu seizes tite body cf the proslnuîti - crpent lui-t be'ow the hi-ad. Ia gi-cal enzer lthe cobra wlnds it;i-lf reotnd and round the arm of lt-i i- ter, but to ne purpeai-. for It cannet turit Ils hid anti bite. If tht- fangs are la hi- extnartrd at ronce, titi- capter pr-,scs hIc thumit o uttie titreat of titi- cora aind (buis cotoipels It te iopuintIts nieuttt: lthe tanza are titin drawut with a pair cf pIutcnrs. If, howeven. li-e %,Ihs to kPeertties suake lut- tsi-t for tieti-r-sent. thi- muuhl-tan riomPls tn hiu hint, and fi-rily unwlnîis tthe c'ilq aund plac-s t1-e. bedV In ihîut-.al] 't lthe henn. w-ii-h i-i firmnly itliPvtiti other rnu. lie' n"-qcesde-w-n 1-liiiVolte prev"eit titi ribra fre'e es-trinz..'-ind etd-l'lt- eint or thruîsts the lucadi n auud hagsthe iii. A vrrv --pt rp trforneer ist -riuiirc lth, ,naki' 'OnQrtI inll tttt-ueh ti-t ,bizhiv drutei-'ti N'tilc r1iy iln-'w1t iuuncrieoha'aui hpi t.itrea" tlte dî:'t 'taae wi<h the- uthcr, -md 1 rp -tiirt ,flip ak-with (ho t1etas- ci- li e- '-t iieilt IitriC'rewliL-t ti niito r-it 'h mi- tto-skf' w'riuttdprove ftta le ~ip uti-ate A Spring Awakening. It needs net the advent of the spnin- paet ta rcmnind detulers lutau anedîes varietv of the' necct.-.it is cf life titat the backhone cf the wiuuter is Liroken, and tîtat asithîn the next cw aecks there sî'iil arise a pressing dt'uui:nd for goods lthe sale Of M-11('ieiilsb lîc xxtta stcand- still for six nîontlîs or a, vear. 'llie mer- citant Ns-Itse lîttiu is itea tr in tîte ness's- Spapcrs. and flic locatilioucf -w'hose store i i 'luuu i 'tut U )ýa ol 0 itl% jEx-Reeve's RFeumnatism Cured by neyer sePeke t. i le cn h Iie propf. y ,- ~ sending eut cireians, or Iiiigsandw.sich nten ta parade the streets, or piastcninr. blank svalis as'th flaring posters. lie ads'ertises his b-es in thu' tde,%,papers. Comman si-nse tellesluinu tliat lie cani r-adi tht' greatest nîtmber cf people avit 1-ast expense iii ttat avas-. lu i-s for precisely tîtat rc.ason titat the' newspaper us t the et iuaas cf commuication Lie- tas-ten praclocens and distchîttors an the' int' band anud eonsîxtn-rs axa the t' tîer, It gives te advertiser mare for' bis maoney titan lue cani oluain (braugli any other chauuuei of pullitfv. Glass Skates, Tite- yuang manie skates svere nmade cf gl1ass. Tbev glittered like dianioîîds in te coid wint-r sunlight, cave tlee'Minne- apolis Journal. Ile skated ixîton (hem verv skiliultv. "Glass skate5z," hi- sail, "Licat ateel cnes. Tity Ija lp alang Letten than st-el; vou can skate on rougit ici- btter ait t ie m. Ancîluer alvautagre îî iluat thev tii-uer nceul siarpening. Gracînc sharp i-n Ilite beginuixg, titi-a keep shiarp as lonîg as t hcu'1 aiit. A tîtird advatunage is that Tte ' ae s env expensite. fihouxgh. Ta niutkite glr-as-e liard enocîgit for skate i-un- lurs x ilt t1'\ept'llsivc priaicas. leruce, tilI th Iturlit i"s býcu'naesle-es coatly,, glass sk~ate-aswou't Le conamon,"'y Minard's Liniment for sale everywbere. Touima - Pop. avýhitdotas iltoi-an finît richîes bas-e aings? Tusitita'a Pop -At utctns titat rîclu peuple eaui fly fri-ct their poor reittionr. MairetI luifi-' niat hie anc grand, 'aîeet ,onZ, but it lent es envoIle that can ing il. NDIJRAILD FIBRE WÂRE There iunathing lunlg. muk.8 app~h~ the quaiity of E DD"V'S mke of thi. wam Sm..that EDDYS lb. boctom o01mach pII &" lob, Was sa Crniý ;it d that He Coult Hardiy Get îAround antd could Gi-t No Relief front Doctors un Medîcines. Dre îden, On'., March 13-iSpecial)- "Dtsddýýi-x iii- Pilis cired.-Inue cf Rhèua- matism siick tai-an n M. W'. G. Cragg. the' aaclilakosva inueni-httand ex- reev'e of t.his p.ice. sva ti.i e pe-aker, sud hi- evidently' iiettut ev asmored lie saxfl, '1-twas e ii itfauuitct tira' iîtd cf Riteitîatis Ilui-d, ahiii k cnipiuied 'ie uit se that 1 cotuîd hardIs' get an uîînd ta do uta' wýork ii ma'steanu-. 1 lîthe tit- hst doctors ar.d *vcnytlîxxîg in liii- lune of unedicixtes 1 coulhi-ar ao', but nothingyC even u gave tme relief. "TDien I trie-il)eddsKielae"c Pille, and ,ix boxes t-ut el uine oaîlt Dodd's Kidtttv Pxi1e cure bheîtmatism by ctirii-tg ic,' Kiuîvs. PRbeutnuatism is caused bv t rtc Ai-id in (lai bicad. If tht' Kiduacys aie igî they wiii straint aIl the truc Acit out sof lte itucd aud the P]ieutuatiuut u liigo suitîti I. - Mm. Witte's Wîte. A stona' le ciirreiit ianLun i titat the Czar i-tu't M. tt'usIfe tof coas;pir- ing -ttuthtetItran'. _Mmte. '\itte a netan.ikabüli typte ofl--ua Site niar- ncl a tradestuaî and arn-at ci St. Pa- crsbung. sub(7e- Vittt' isas Vlier, lien hiue- Lian-el vas utiiut'td bt litus'hi-n b ge-t a div.orce, aiti,i Wtte afiier'vtrd iaarried ber-. .ter site sas ceýneenid in lte cnaraaumo u. uus tuf AI- ilph u-- stein, lic i1' ta hi'i1 1t~Itîkc ]pusrýiLtt.anttIorgai'.cnof *t it i ltuuo-t'lin- se jlataL. and avas lNdc i-tuti Lu;ssia by tlhei- Czar.Slite (hntx' I ii'Itîna iirs have becina2creLtîtI.Lttit.,tt iMti. \Vitt.e bias beetiitii.til ini t hic' ;tit to shake cf f lthe nîîlcif aut tn a1tî Itei-;in part rî-epuinible for the' prcsu'It turntuil in Cuned tht' Baba'. i yr.utd Ms. tutica z .apiliutof Beach I treeit, Stapl,,ten,. t-., lits e soc -ted witene Ipitysiclans fart -t -ir gti.iunlufaut sou, James, jui t it tcsi.Tbe cbbît born one year ago, wî5 is a -v pony baby, sudthue attenuting phy-titt t-! il-ti-edthtti paranrts (bat it coultnoct Y - Wben a,fi-w nxaites cuIt. coosumpîlout dýeilpet, and trie pitysu- clan sald that tPe enly hope for it was pi-lily or fmi-ah air. In accortan,-e wbub titi-sla- stnnîctions. Nis. Mant 'ti at once hegan the fri-ah air cure D t t eatu night. , en n uring tte blizztard. tti- t- ilui bas hi-en kept ilutei crut on titi-porcit ar titi-Manion boni-. borne. 'oi'enet up to titi chili with blanketu;. bctng taà ken in1 when te famils- were abut to retire. Titi- ni-uIt 1lethat ltse chut s aow atrong aot nobuçt. lt- cortumptîcut h-i-i m-isappearet. and Pit'-sG'huutts unis.ay it,%uil l iva-.-L onD i-ee '- J~WHEN A PX ÀRE I LOON % @nu« nir JO eauzadd# snogna Blaoi ng Water Plants. Amyone wha lias ever been at any of the lakes in the middle and north pi the Umated States will know- that a certain ime of July or August they are said to "flower." Fisherraen are particularly well acquainted with this f act, for at sucli times very few f ish can be *udce ta take the hook. In some lakes nothing can be scen when they are "flowering» exoept by the natives, who know from the appearance of the water. But in Dther lakes the Wýater becomes quite thick and yeflow,, seeming mauddy or tawny ina somne parts and clear gold in others.1 This "'flowering" of the lakes is just what the namne denotes, althaugh many of the inhabitants of lake shores do not know what it is and cannot explain it except by the vague scatement that at a certain time of midsummer the lakes "sseem to wark." The "iiowering" is a, real flowering. It is due ta the blossom- ing of a water plant, which lives under the surface ail year long.-till the time for flowering, when it riscs towards the top and throws off myriads of smal golden yeilow epheres wvhich f iii the wa- ter.-Baston Traveller. DOLLS IN BABYLON'S RUINS. Children of Ancient Greece Aanused With the PIayOýîinzs. The f irst dolîs of w-hidi tIi-ne is any knowiedge were found anion- the treas- ures uneartlîed from the' ruins of Baby- Ion. They are small figures in terra cotta andi ivory, beautifuly carved and must hav-e been fascinating plavthings for the littie Assyrian chidren. The littie girls af Svria lîad mechanical dolîs. The arms and legrs uere moved by pulling strings muchi after thti faah- ion of Jumping Jacks. The dolîs the classic Gr-ek cbldren plaved -iith i'ere made of awax and dlay decorated with hight colors. One kinîl bad mavable linîbs anti it,; clatîtes avere made ta take- off and pttan. E-erv doli iuad a Lied of its awu. Tîtese dalle represented gods and berces, buit whait- ever the ' meant to represent. tbey avcre dresi-ed -with loving care by- tht' little G reek s. As tlîe"e childrcn niarrit-il 'ip tbev were ver ' x'otinLr tlitev playeil wvth tîteir dolîs until iust lucfore their wcilding day. Then tlie v matie a sacrifice cf aIl their to-s-, daill anti clatîtes incltîled. Thev dedicatcd them as a piotîs, offcrinc taO -3ame dcitv. If tîte little girl died befor- sbe was grow-n up lier tîoîîs vere buried with ber. Thivtz it liappcns ;thiat tii kind and fasiin cf tialîs avicli cautîfirted these auîcicnt cbilîlrcn is knawn. AIl tlie speci- nicui-t tvIicli are kcpt w-itii sa great c.ue 1-clinil glass tlacrs in vartoivs niitettas avere taukcn froua snot;-t utvtoui. WE above picture of the man and fish is the trade- IUmark of Scott's Emulsion, and is the synonym for strength and purity. Lt is sold in alrnost ail the civilized coun- tries of the globe. If the Cod fish becarne extinot it would be a world-w-ide calam- ity, because the oil that cornes from its liver surpasses ail other fats ini nourishing and life-giving properties. Thirty years afro the proprietors of Sýctt's Ernil- sion founid a way of preparing cod liver oil sothat evervone can take it and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable taste. Scott's ErnulsiDn i8 the l)est thingr inthe world for wcak, backward children, thin, delicate people, and ail conditionis of w'asting and lost strenigth. Send for hwiraampp.. SCOTT & BOWNE, CH1EMI1STSJ TOBRONTO, ONT. 5ft. and $1*00. ildr'giss Elucidations. 1-'as-O liepi ple's hull"-lz. Allwat'e \sui of nioneýy w-e spei bcfore we -et it. 1'cssirni.s-.A î)er;;oii whio is porfectiv happy only when lie is u: ec.À iser- able. Iluish-ni nev fPiP 1kiiud+ ýît ttalks Most. A distant r -aieA rith one. Blar ' ain ('otînter--\ ,la c wlîe eworn- eni buv t1ilinis tîtexvj' t a n twli iuoney t' do10wait. Wcthr4report duie 4ha t ;-3flot al- ways verjfied. Hone :itiTi îrdbefore the lia' cI t v w ars ( ltd~s' Lw-st so long as faute.,l: inbruîs l mrr uî one v. 'J7ie i:nlelif-Tle ki~en' ld bv pe'ople woia;'Pcs t la g 0 1ich-uik echmee-,J T.O'Conu'll. xin \Y.tsouî's M aga zine. 11E iMrEANT EVERY WORD 11E SAIB NEII.1 LGt-îi0- A Letter Fmom Holme. ui sborg lPost : (Ir case tPe ct.lar idlea 1,ad t' Di-ar Jin. ticet î ts a ci t -11i, TPe culfitebtg e-îoougilt)l it 1i e tnitel cff bue briodIt c-ar.- Andt4 aiant gut butot une 'nutt:ow, 'itibesoses all te fat asuit st-ek Exeept chat Lobit e atlier-r-,jak. itu t il titat bsn t noth:in e tt'r, Weuve hbPi tgtount-Ly-ar I tbi:uk 1'1ilot tPe bollom fueldi lu cern and cals;; it omt-r yteid A heary trop. The landt:eiru-ht And jo-t tieti(blIng fi-r ca-s an I shah. Titi-e ii- nu ueas te speak cf, Jtat, uulsSceJoutes is josta- tria, As wb'-a you saw ber iunltse faIt. Titi-folks are a-i-ll i1gui-es titaalt- îlot stop. I 'utc-t forgot 'bout Dat t I 'xpi-Ct titi-ni-ws'Illtuake yuu sai. You kutea that fiai was gttttng cli, Jo-ýt 60 years bai 0Cer hlm oli-i. And so. 1inuoi-hregret te say. cî hloroforinet poer datice-tas'» Ardt (at's 'bout ait tht' ne" -znUtil t wrIte agitu Ycun brother. It The Candidates. (Chbicago ('brontl'e.t W'ho lail. always %'ears a sualie. And bas a look deroit oi gîîtiI-. And bauds tot tiffY aItlte bo TPe candidate. W'ho us It gees front place ta plutý-c W\'tt hope wrbt large upan Iut5 tuct', And klisesinfants atit gooi gri-i-? The candidate. Mtito l9 il bas a giadsomc b auti, And speecibfi-s tehi-at lte bautd, And eon bis rival loves (o land Thte candidate? Wlt-o is It mlxi-5lit tte fnav. Responts (o touches evi-rydiv. And gir-s soi-h bad cigars a as -- Titi-candidats. Who Is It gir-s unthl hi--e broke, And tinta aIt act lu Is no joke Wb'en all bis bopeqcs onclute un Eamoki-? The candidate. Minard's Liniment Relleves Neuralgia. Comfonting Companizcon,. (Washingtttn Stand) "1"Dott seul e-I(tulisît pedlin, these nonsensical (ovs ' asked tii-tian cf se-- vert' ideals. -. es," anssvered tlie sdccc fakir. "I feci ratiter fooliihi. iitt vluýt(do s-ou (1ii- ou f the umpeplue is-i1o1.%it"'M?1' <t hîtcst'gaulu- îreva:uli j a'l ong the' Prituili coa-'t-.. * - tii t- -id There are very few cleans- ing operations in which. Sunflight Soap cannot be used to advant- age. It makes the home bright and clean. l JOKINU OSIER. The Medical Record indulges in gyood- natured banter at the expense of -the distinguished Dr. Osier, whose recent assertions that men do their best work before reaching the age of forty., and should be retired-not chloroformeýl- at sixty, have attracted mûre attention than they deserved. Hie has merely pro- ceeded ta elaborate his old-time witti- cism, remarks the Rlecord. And, it con- tinues, the subtie humor becomes appar- ent when we remember that Harvey wa s born in 1578,1 and published his work, "Exescitatio de Motu Cordis et san.cu- mnis," in 1628, wvhen hie was fifty years aid; that Lister %vas born in 1827, and Nvas close an ta fifty years of age when lie began ta convert the medical world ta the principles of antiseptic surger.v; and that, while Koch was born in 1843, and was within one year of forty when hie discovered the tubercie bacillus, even the ieast appreciative of lus admirers v iii admit that hie has done some gaaod work since 1882 . '1hese are aniy a few in- stances. The list miglit oe cantinued indefiniteiv. Dr. Osier states his theory, appiied ta a career in his owNv profession, thus: "The tcacher's life shauld have three periods-stndy uintil twenty-five, inve-s- tigati on uintil forty. profession until n-i- ty. at wîihage 1I would have him ro- tired on a douible allowxaxice." -Now the Medical Record thinks that rnavbe this portion of the address wvas flot meat for a joke at ail. "Pip last paragr.irph quoted certainly conitainçt the sugger(s- tion of a hint to the(, Oxford House of Convocation titat in fouir vears from row (Osier w-as born fîft -.six vea rs agro) th(, retirement of the' regis professor of medicine (on a douible allowance) wouiid be the correct tlîiiz." 'Ihat is probibly an accurate diagio'-iz of thte case. Lifebuoy Soap-disinfoctant-is strongly recommended by the medical profession aa &. iafeguard against infectiaus diseases. 2 Twenty Tons cf Klondike Gxoîd. (Detroît Teiuite Ts-ntv touts cf cal1 hase beie- produ.' by tîhe lRiondiki- pnr. fir te Id.ri-,niet ai a radiusotif fty unîtes ef Daa-son, aine-e Jaiu. tst cf (PI-t yean. In cter words. uPe output of tht- Klanidke -sticeth ie fîrst of tht' year laSt )0(ii TPe nuyalty cou-i-ted ou the goli Pv tPe CarnîdiLn G,-uerumtttfor th' ter b îOi7t Tac banne.r vear in lte u-aîrup a,-nlut ltGO. iîn titi- output a as p:c cd at52) )J ue titat lte cri-arn oi-t iche-.,t ctaiuît' Pis h-toinutak.-i aund loe-r grade ar-as are bcbng iionk-d. Dc(finife pinformnation 1 ta iband t:iat for lite a ppt'tt îî iit'of - i)tutliJa t cli. 'I faittousrisneliîg stlitî tti .unada tlitt- ai-tacr. La et s"<an *']):Ii P l'.î t l bose-l tl-i asorlîl sa-mi i-t'mn.iitua-sltl bs' hlxsf.at ?-Memphîiis.'1tlC-e', oo Theu iîiast r'î ai part ef tiis ;per- foii titict-t' ass lt ftuît as hle-llt usi tIliio a01iiîut-if11I ait lt', of fus anîimîal.S iX ss ii-L tnis tuu- - le ls w i- tk ita of tua' -uic-L Foid Fh i lLiiantu ltu îîuîr Ile ctîrî-fi catuni tf Mur. isug. îk ta tî,lie sa:ts qui~ ~ ~ ~~1 iksit tuixttcd-athe' (ornneecs- i-a rv y to îtrîi t li eit cf lasîering LItS 05511as i i rlcord. t lo-c iiivs i xi (i ttda silîlhe (,lad fa learnofuit ie panîîsîat u-e clîtaxace cf se- iniit _ tItis sý-iudeu-fti lttas. lie i-; a nîag'- nitcettt blatck. Afinet tion tuuinî cf lulIti tuit bu-hîtl lefr tht' asiig liv u'ftriner on slociiin st th tle Iuitti-iittian.uh S t0c k Food t'..'Co ' . and -t aItui tIti- niuubu-n cf hi-tu i stoc ic lie aPu- Louogiog Outside (hi- Church (Lotis'villiiiCounier nJ1ournal1.) Wýaiuixug 5-uSvain-Let«s saIlkdowvit t (lue riverani bot-k, Se-cendi Dittu--Gosîti. *Il take us ana houir, We Iiahult gîtot lutte. W\aitin- Ssvain -Yeý;. ave hanve. Tht' parson lias juuet said, '(-)te ivord înlore sud 1 att datte.' Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. Testiog (hi- Wedding Presents. ('Modernt Sutietv.) Peari-Xib, se hîad a- deliglituf îl sed- ding anîd reeusved so xutaui ss ir pres- ente. Rtxh-Tltat svas aice. And cîid voun father givs- cîue tiiing mu lit iacn. tuait P-earl -No; lite gav'e is a bull le cf acid to test tIe ti- itr pni-seals aitii. Ninard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Then Ht' Went. i (CPI-ao e 1ty News.) Titiy a-i-e Iingering n titi-hall. jor'(otîue, a lu i- picaded; tbea-i erguîedni-s-t' sakEa gins it (o bu-a. Maode. - - i-ucaiuî-pd a ho,.rsaý voIi-e frornthte hi-ad of lte itains. "or be'll szay (o break- -Mrp, Wiii$ic alwoy. b. -'eau oo-ths the cliii coUs and la thu HELP legufll% eu i-'s wiit v for Dar~~ I AD WÂ'TE; ~INEY MATBE J4earned; artistio empioyment at home gÎildig tickets; write for PartIculars, inclos- lng etamiped, addressed envelope. L. J. Noel, 216 W. 125th street, New York. HELP WANTED-MÂLE. Y OUNG MAN, MONEY MAY BE EARN- ed, artistic empioyment at home giiding tickets, write for particulars, lnclosing- stamped, addressed envelope. L. J. Noei, 215 W. 125th street, New York. NISCELLAIIEOTS. LADIEHEN IN NEED, SN fallUng remedy: relier quick and safe. Dept. 100. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED, ENGINEERS, ELECTRIC- Wlans, firemen, wtremen, and machin- Ists, to send for Spangenberg Steam 7and ElectrIcai Engineering; 648 Illustrations; 1,- 035 questions and answers: best book ever Pubiished; 40-page pamphlet sent f ree. Gso. A. Zelier. St. Louis, Mo., U. S. FREE, A HANDSOME FOUR-BLADEI) Fknife, or beautifui ring, to anybody selling twelve packages cf the Novelty Nee. dis Case at 15e each. Sel l 2e bot cakes Write imxnediateiy to K. Cn eman, 31. st. Mary street, Toronto,-Ont. D. H. BA8STEDO & CO. 77 King Street East - Toronto 35 years ln the furt trade. FUR MANUFACTURERS. $40,000 worth of Fine Furs, clearing at iowest prices li Canada. Send for catalogue. RAW FURS. We are paying highest Ne-w York prices. Send for price iist. Municipal Ciocks. An extensive system of municipal, insur- anti- sud muaicipal tîme for tite entire cîcy bas bei-n orgauized lu Glasgow. All aveu the city electrtcalhy oroll dlocks, regutated at sPort intervals frora titi stexlar clock autti- obsers-atory, have bei-n f ixed. A monster reguilating dlock, aisa ceutrallet f ram the ahservatory, bas bei-n placed it 'the (0w-n hall, and titis in tomn conitrais (hi-publirc docks wtthln a z certain radius. Titi Corporation hope ta en-ct about (bneeitundred dlocks at vanl- aus pointa la tite city, sud aiea contrai te timekeeping in offices anti large private bouses. Wxtin five years Glasgow trans- tormed ils tramways tram horst' to i-te- cric wititout additg s penny to lte ratc,-. Atthougi thtii- ares have hi-en considerably nedoced. tti-e arly profits have incr-at.ed by uearly $1-00,000. FEIJERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPA NY Atut tarca e cf busiiness i3ta tti- ex- tenu cf 2.1-4- policies foi' $3,01Q,499.50, and cf assets ta tht' arutnt cf S2Sj,_ 1dl2.iiaking, a total cf $2,14S.733.37, exclusiveofaiguarantee capital. aient' the' fi-atones cf tLe tsventv- ti1rd aitnual re- part cf the lcedt'nal L"ifc A'-r-urance Comn- paruy at tht' chareholilers' meeting la Ili Ilton on Tuesday. Tht' surplus slîown sias $i,0.35,S37.Sl, and the sur- plus ta policylîcîders, exclusive cf un- î-aiied guaranteed capital. $lS7î).S3'7.S'1. D -xr -gLtt' ear 82 palicies naatured ta, the amotint'cf $157,040, cf which $12,- .),' --) vas reînstxred. The campany's (unis. have been carcfîxliv invested in firsýt-ciass bonds. morîgagire securifies, tnd loitas ountht'e ctiiIpautv .s poiiciec, arniivy secîîred Liby~ rc l'or thet lia-zut55o ntonths flieitusintessdoute lias been in adsance of thtat of the' carres- ponding period in 1904. '-%r. David Dexter aas re-eIected President and Managing Dircctor, antd Lieut.-Colonel 17ennes and 11ev. Dr. Potts, Vice-Presi- dents. Tht' detailed statemient wili b. fouad in auother coluxtan. Salaries Paid ta Mayors. Replies te letters sent out by City Clcrk Doitî'rty have bei-u received, and show ii- salaries pald mayers in citt e-i x'Eout tite same sîze a- St. Titomas ta Pi' as foliows: iiraiitfond-$tOO per year. Stc. (atharînes-$300 pi-r ysar. Winidsor-$OG pi-nyear. iterboro'-S4n0 pi-n ycar. lielevlle$20 ler year. Citelph-ri'It) peu year. This hsbac hiu taid for tweutty yi-ans. pr!ar ta witi-Pi time :9pi-r yean was paît. MAPS 0F NEW YORK CITY. Write ILt Draga0, 6 Yong-e street, Toronto. -s' vYark Centrail'Raila' office, for miap cf Neav York City. Sent fret' on receipt of lc. stamp. Saw Whcrc It Came From. Nikola Aiexis'suavitcb le a 10-year-old Ruý. ,tlau who bas liued an Nortit Paulina stri-et abute hi- was 3 years oit. Last summer ha w-as take uto the couuttry hy the Salvatiora Arnty fer a ta'o weeks' outiug. Titi- arm'ýr. at wbcse fart hi- was stcppung titougbt (bat titi cîty boy w-cuIthi- glad la gi-t plenty cf tri--h nilk. but was utuci surprisedthlie first uuorning titi boy was tietin(o obaerve titat hi- dnank none fon bn-skfas t. , ,Iaon't vcu want came nilik?' a;k'ed tbei fariner. '- No," rcphii-d AIext-aneclteh. 'Yeu ciat get nie to drnk auy imlik.Wi-u I ami at home I lîke ta îrnk uaiik. but my moter boys it frain a in who rets it eut af a nic'. t--ant a. But you get yeur ittlk front a ulr' ad cita. I knoîs- hicaus;e t saw you do it.- Whcn Alimony Ceases. Blaick--Wýestes" seenîs te Lie celebrat- ing> to-dav". Ils hi- goý,iug ta Lie married \Vltit-No.Bls ex-wife ig. USE al a ', -kMICA ROOFING For Fiat or Steep Roofs. It k waterproof, fireproaf, quickly an;& very easiIy laid, and cheaper than other roofing. Send stamp for isample. Liamilton Mica Rootfing Co. 3:1 Rehecca Street, HamIlt%. Canada. t*~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- I bas-e liautilîlSIiNliY ii\?!I duaing the pu< a u.r. luitî lwasa ti fînst IMinenlth til- ed for b erne.aii ui' qtte'tiiinably lthe best seller cf ail thle diffîrcuit Litds eofIîiîîîeuît 1 hà nude. ,èb-db*loo 00 000 - Dodd's Klaney VOIS.