Whitby Keystone, 23 Mar 1905, p. 5

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TIIE KEYSTONE,, WUITBY, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1905 Spring 2Oth Contur A Sugar Beet Factory Possible. * D URING the past two years TEiE KEYSTONE lias constantly and consist- D-uently advocated the establishment of a sugar beet factory at Whitby. s u -i Inseason and out of season we have given much space to information of ail kinds referring to the growing of sugar beets and the manufacture therefrom regarding ua et.Freswot yasaorduldti nsr, ~~ to-day are amongst its warmest advocates. The sentimenit rcgarding the establishment of a factory in this vicinity lias fluctuated considerably. There have been tiines when it seerned as if a factory was ini sigh±; the n-t, thing we would find opinion set against it. THE KEVSTONE lias be1ieved; ~ * j *t hat this toivx, forais the centre of an area the superiokr of which for tEà 'y ii 0111n ggro:thiof ::gar beets is flot found in Ontario, and bas continued to have My C othing ope hat omeday the factory rnight corne. To-day these hopes appear toé be within reasonable (listance of realization. Last Saturday's meeting of the Town Couneil and members of the Keystone Sugar Co. with Mr. Fowler, the promoter of the proposed indus-N Stv l, fit flniî aî1 tryv seems to have resulted most satisfactorily. There are' good grounds for 11 hoping that the proposition now submitted cornes within reasonable poss-. point to one moral: If vou ibilities of being acceptable to the town. An agreemnent lias been entered I)lIVsuit ieue'<o witli Mr. Fowler, representin io te Kevstone Sugar Co., which ivili in: ~O1I a'I al prohiability lead to a by-law l)eing submuitted to the ratepayers. The' vut wi i urn aaiiiforpropo-ýitioii eonteinplates the giying, of a bonus to rlie Co. of $2_5,00 and VI1ftîll Slisanîd New> \\e e;der t o i w n i I)ltuLsu. \\t h ..o anv îîew~ patterniis t<) seect froni, miîe C-0111(1 (.100.se bi icdfo <ci iaIi4 iîot mlake a po00ol' eio 01)1- stouk .*>i.. Nw 'vîtl ill the nuw (011 Jlet e Ideas foi spi o~ f fiî-.liîis la. ttttt.tde- Cl(1. $10-00 Tweeds,Wo'tl> tiis i ii Os. -fin ed SwveI1 tiin -sfor w.l t t -.. ( )ur SI , ;1 1. c o Sîîitt..are îiadle tî< inua-ure, ixadle to lit. ami iîiIade to rnak. e V>11((mII *îiH the iîes.t aind Iat4-..t th Ceîîtill-Y b-îs. uit urge ~ash It< oie t ya h $1 3.00 osa 1 exemption fromn general taxes. The Company would ereet and equip a fac-' tory wbicb w-oulîl cost probably biaîf a million (dollars. The plant would be' assesseti for $ 100,000) for sehool purposes. The expenditure for salaries and wvIges Nvould proball amount ro $5ü,0ù0 per year, wiesoîne ý30Q,Q00 or over wiuld be- paid out ro fariners yearly for beets. The inagîtitude of this industrv, witb aIl it %vould mnean of benieflt to the 1 town of \Vhitbv1 is net easilv comprehendeil, but this wvould he far and aw'av the înost x alualîle propositiumn ex er preseîîte(1 for the aceeptance of the inun- i eîpalt4-V. lIn du( time the <atter iii al I ifs details will be laid before the rate- ipaver.. iii t Ie rin of a lvl ,ani tlîeY will see just ivli t thieproposition iivl In 11t:îiwav ef ex penise, as weili as wlîat it promises inian jidustrîi t- av. A HaIf-Hearted Support. A Ttlie eieveîîtlîi outr the ' olîîtuu.a,ý the preseý i onDoidas street i-, I a. coivr-rteîl to tue t..upli irt of the WNiiîîdînill aîiui Co- operative l]m t. JU>t t lt (cclix cision wiîs effecteil, wlietlîer h l noei -~sliamîed" i' -luit î,ch ror heliî i ruleveul-.ute do 1,v oîn f its ilitiiiate frieni, 1,f it. t i te imîîportancie. The faut reiniains that after mioritbs of si- lt<nce or velled liostility tli(, Ethiopiîiîtliuru bis skii, ani gave a lbalf-lietrt-- et suppo rt tii rle lv-aos veli thîe 1liii.t tliuec-lieaded c'Iao <10w see tliat thiet failtire of thie cu-e-eerative hv law rtsuiteul frei n îglect te iiiforin the veters as (tlîte oîrîi f tia- propiioUi n. lii thîe iiiult cf quite a few there wmas f lireju, ieagaîiît-t tIiilu v-I a o oluicI i o u t arranlt eu I luvfa tst.Ilt oI îlv t eî1uired thie propîer and( persis.tenit luteseiititionof uit fcts. andl argumenîts tîu un ~ ~ ~ ~ a iiîu. -'iuIiitUi ,it-u i iMut uc uv-huîw t1loui bu it~suîîîîirteus A 1- i uliafî.ieetfuîîlx-a fî-.îvite.. o ouui1 have resuilcudl iii arry-iîîg the tl hîo t Wolli lt. paîliciuter tii lîtixe lt-it a ftew uluiiars is uifurîiig (tile i-atîuavx do e i- l tîii i tut- chii îii îg Il ti x utC.te bdfhai t jiito :tîie îiuîu iît ii r.ittili. tiit- lt-î..iaturi- tue uuO tlu'î itlu t î- a.,at..îc it*t 4 l',-t Lt it- tii 11) , 11 IiI t iîi Nît îîit, i(lît lu' tIi - itt l u.t uuu i W l iC 1)e t;tik <i l4fil I i : iIi ti' Ii.'ti) el .t1iiuitt, ti t. cî~:~îiiii lu1wlM h ut tia Se parafe SCMools in the Territ ories. T 1tut klu'u llis ti ,1 ..C(a)1 -,i tt,. ul..uMceuîiu î the uuliu' u llilul iii II)utarii taoi t tii ý t..îî,i 'uuv )»(ýiuict- ýcoiceriuuiuig lle ulitîracter ouithti ec t.ejuttultti -..uiliu>u~~~~~fit-. ltu 'N iutIl-o euýtt - t'u -. li uitIrit- t,ît Sepi;iutî .'tîuflait' ut-auîi o ur-vt ftuitil, t:lt(i ~judIge cf dict i cbar- lr#b .u'teu' li ' o liat xi'o I i! lý îli tre. f ,1 I 1tItîluîarIl(î m ever., tîlat tluîLru et-a r tlîat as .it fila v. hl uo ver. tii" Wee'tk!Vilv uu xurx ..îu1li.tib v ta vs that \% hetlurercP ar~tc t-cluîul- tti-iiiit-itîti -ril u tt, tletuuî,i>titUtuu1%tî on t- i oi . e J tuet_ aiii ui non-ttilt-1ii .fo'r tIti u îî-:tIrt. L' tlit~cuittuîlot t - u luit Pt.rnuuat thiu Li rrge.it î1i-l ui uii"a.ur,î-( f 1ljiuitri v tt(i lii.l t e t if Ca u,la , eý o tlîuîil i iloull1 bu iuettu. li (iit ti lt -ci'îiîe- .etarate t-i ooit- 9%1è. the 'Ferrîteref. t -I t i-i ngros->ii tr]iisutite't p--îu tl ti lt . 'n lt I ;l e )îtarui. lvuinot-tretclîiid iuguîigîit tim A- tîit. 5t'iu'l ini tc Oia lue ulî-siguiatuiat- a Culi c uhtiît. Utuîiî, lu in the minernlîg tAIll iin tule fterîiuuuîtielt, îcolt- of tlihu ortIîii 'utetaî ililloriitii-iciie u.liîcî 1ti.tt-IYas îlvhi ulic t-seiuuiA are u riuutliteul. ' ict-chîuaut- îretatutlit lix a eaiîrcrt ilicýtued nti itholioneu I lustb r I î'îartuîît.ut of Eul(ucatjioiiof ti-lert e- lie tettuliet-froinuîthetsaine ttle ons a u s tt-4f U PIii ttinlU lie tieI-.lie tolluO tCe sanit'puftgrauintas is usai inuîthe lulilic sciiotls h i t-schl Ii s regu larny i ot-lutet i Icithle insfitt-u Ir iv i insjuts thelie i dic scîoulu,~ ifthe te.uciiiing Nocre ît-fitur-he ( >vruieîtcill itli- hoioAthe' pubIlicigrauîts. Si tliuruughîiv uiiliiîîiuuîl is ttciit taim riuotestauît cliireni tttendti eptîatîteilès o beiitlese are mnire coul- v e iein thait 1>ulil î t iii<ls. The iil- cii ivrî-ileige th at thbe Catîulic in ifîuu it v olîtttin is tiia thie teaclier lt- n Cathic, tandtîbter lialf-îînsîtlîree nîay imlarît religions instructiofi accordîuîg tethie teuîets <'f the Cathelic Churcli ho the childreu wlio Nwisli to remnaliu. Tliese are the facts, andîl Iose XViu) are lioni- estlv sefekiîig 7 lermianenttandilsatiistnetorx- so lution otf the vexed uuestiolis w iiarise un(ler the ..îtoîiouixlîilli cao ahufri lui admit thiz. Thtose o ho are merely detirous of forxvtrdiiig tiit rolitical uesgislu al)leltls te pas- Sion are ulfortuuîatei v st eýeîig 11 uiisl1eauipelieJui istort thie fauts cf the c as.ie. EDITORIAL SCRIBBLINGS. The Ontario Legis..ahure opened on'Wediîesulny, iecrmois 1en on a scale of pomip anid grandeur unprecedeiteîl iu the history of the Prov-i ince. The crowd in atteuldance was enormus, aud the seats of miany of the members even were preempted b,) the fait sex, thp meinbers grouping theux- selves about the tbrone. The speech from tlio-,tlîro"ne was followed by thîreeé formai- motions, after which the bouse adjourned. A state difîier ivas crivefi at Government House in the evening. The Hon. Mr. Fisher bas intimated tlîat hie is personally in fayot. of placing express rates under the control of the Railway Commission. This is taken te mean that the Government has determined te put this policy biite, effect. The equalization of express rates is a reform mosh urgently needed. The rates charged at the present time are robbery, and the Railway Com- mission could quickly relieve the situation if the matter was placed in their hands. For alkin ds a,. s,, a,. s,. a,, s,. a,. ~PRIN!ING. s,. s,. a,. Patronize 1h. Koystono Press Books Catalogues C i*rculars Letter Heads B 111 Heads. Envelopes EVERYTHINO Meagazine Printing a Specialty with us Always Remember Tho Keystono Pross Fnlv eai l wi u iucudjug.cookin- u iî. et.-o, l'ii.chrg. For use (1erat fe l'ertliha T im 1. jIf;1;. ii 't ! tttiiI frein :niv dan- A,) , i o:* r C. .iFi ter, O.P.A. E-. R. Blow, oTiikî't, Telegnajîli nia Express.Agent, W'hitbv, Ont. The Hickingboîîom. Farm 200 ACRES, Pzirts tf Lots 2 and à, Oîh con., Picker- ing, uan be purelhased or rented on efavorable terms. Apply irnmnediately te DOW & ÇILLIVRAY, Solicitors, Whktby. The Dominion Bank Capital (Paid Up) - $3,000,000 Reserve Fund and undivided profits $ýq634OOO WIIITBY BJdNCII Genera! Banking Business Transacted. I~"Special attention giv~en to the tcollection of Farmer's Sale and other notes. DEPOSITS receved of $1 and uipwards. UNTEREST allowed at Highe.tjÇeM COMPOUNDED or paid*o rly'. En J. THORNTONP -tu. i - i - e ý i 1 t r ý 1 '-WHITBY *MARKETge GRIN. Wheat, red..............$-0 90,t-o $0 92 &C hte.......090 to 0195, C~spring ........... . 085 te 0-92 " goose............O080Oto 085 Barley .............. 040to-0 40 Beans ......... .......O 0O0to 0 75 Peas ....................0 60 to 0 65 Rye........ .. 0 70 te 0 72 Bnck Wheat ............. 0 50 teo0 52 Oats ....................... 040 to 0 40 SEEDS. Alsike, No. 1 ...........$86 00 to $7 00 NO.2 ............ 5OO to 600 No.3.....30w to 5 00 Red, No. 1...............G650Oto 7 25 Red, No. 2............... 5 50 to .6 50 Timothy Seed ............. 90 to 1 25 FLOUR AND FEED. Flour, per cwt .......$2 75 to $3 OÃ" Chopped Feed, cwt ...... 0 00 to 1 25 Cornmeal ................ 2 0< to 2 5cp Bran, per ton ............ OU 0<)to 20oUù Shorts, per ton .......... 20 00) to 25 00) 3JEAT, POU WTRY AND PRODUCE. Beef, by qudrte 4er cwt $6 25 to $7 50 Cattle, ive weight, but. 4 0<) to 4 50 Mutton, per lb.......... . 1)00 to 0 10 LarnbsL each_........... 3 00) to 4 00) ~Hoslîe ~'gh 400 to 5 10 iH ogs, liglit fat........... Vc 5 00 Hogs, heavy fat ..........4 0t 48 Hlogs, dreýser1 per lot)ibs 6 50 tc OC ('hiekens, pet lb)........0 l0 to O 1£ Ducks, per 11I............on o 2 (eeýýe, dressed per 0b Ol to O11 Turkeys, dre.ssedl, per Ilb O 1-2 to O 1n.- Butter, roll ...... ...... .o(j20 t10 O25 Lard..... ...............o luIo O 1 Eggs, pe.r dozen..........O 2) toO2 01>- 02 Potatoes, per bag..........O0 04) t10O 90 Apples, per barrel.........i1 OU to 1 25 * Onons, per bus..........i1 O0 le i 25 Hay, per ton.............. 8O00to 9 00 Straxv, per loaii...........20< to 3 0() H 11)lE.. Hidles, per cwt ...........$6c)>0to.-,,s00) ...e...in ... .........i1 01) to 1iL)2. Deacons...........t 5 to O 60 TaIl ow, renderel, tper il, 0 041 to 04i \'ooi. unwasliedj.......-.<ti 14 to 1)'2 0 *Lamîb Skias...... ........ 0O0) to (-)9c, ..........................<(j '5 to 0O 30 Sittings of the 'Division Courts. COUNTY 0F O'NTARJO, 1905. WHIITBY-D. C. Mac.idonell, Whitby Clerk. Jan. 9, Feh. '2. MNarch 2 April 5 Ma ri 6,due 3 July 5, Sept. , Oct. 4 Nov. 7, Dec. 6, Jan. 9, 1905. OsHW \U. '.Macdoneil. Whitby, oClerk, dan. I10. Feb. 3, Match '0. April 6, .May 4, Juie 7, dulv i Sept. Toct. 5, Nov. 8, Dec. 7, Jan. 10. 1905. BROUGHAM-_. Gleeson. Greenwood, Clerk. dan. IL1. Marcli 6, mav 8July 10, Sept. 11, Nov. 9, dan. 11, 1905. PORT PFPl:-J. W. Burjihain. Port Perry. Clerk. dJan. 1:-', March S. May 9 July il. Sept. 8, No. 0. dan. 13, 190.5. Vxstîîtr- u~e1îE. Gould, IJx ibridge. Clerk. dJan. 12. Matchi 17, Ma. 19, Julv 14. Sep-. 1.-, _Nov. '24, dan. 121 ton. Cler.. an. IL. iNiarcliit 1<. Mav 18, Julv 18ý, Sept. 14. 'Nov. -2:,. dan. 11, 1905. BEAVFRTJN Gu(,rZe 1'. Bruce. Bea- u-ctîn.(.2rk dn. e.Macb15. May * 17. - Su. 1:1.' ,. a. liN. 1907. Uro-u .aux :-RL. N :ati2liaiî. 1pter- c rove. CIcr!:. Marcii 1-i. Mav 1t;,ept 12. -Nov. 2. 1Y<î'ul NJ. E. FAU,1EWELL. Clurk o47 the Peace ROSS

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