1,19E KEYStONE, WHITRY, TUURSDÂY, MRE2à i [905 ANTED!T I1905 OVER 800 GROWERS HAVE THUS FAR RE- NEWED THEIR GONTRACTS FOR THE COMING S EASO N. WTTýRITE US FOR CONTRAOT FORE AND Wl XII, T MND) ONE FOR YOL'R SIGNA- TrURF. OR,5V U CANVASSER IN VYOUR DIST- RICT AND IlIE' WILI. GIVE YOV FU5LL 1I NE O RMýATI1ON. TP ULP IS 0F BEET UP VALUE for stock fei, al -'i.ntc'iet rs-cr propor- tioli ts t'O s-luist of Beu-. A îu WE PAY,50 CENTS PER TON pinP3 fît-isiý uwii t-o-fuîoe.:îcir fc-dIl" -BEET SEED IS NOW READY SEND IN YOUR CONTRACT NOW. THE ONTARIO SU-GAR CO., LIMITED, BERLIN, ONT. Iî'nMetals, Rubbers, Bon-es, Tai1ors' Cuttings, Horse Haîr, etc., etc. High est Price Paid for these by N. COHEN, Brock Street, Whitby. The iiiir-sig'nec will have a ca of e~ic Fotatoes thie Iast week, Parties needing supplf get thiem a a"b iclose pî'ice off the car. a a General hisuwance Agent 'l'l Vie j1and 1Lonil1alittI ( obcluits.(. Thu e Iiisiiallui- Co. of ot>Aî-i-î hIe I tl ( t--dialC o. of Fuîiauo1. 'lTe .)11u îsî-aî-o( - 7f1 (al(dloî il îî 1 -îii;îîe (). 0 ~etll1 'lic abo v çU n- wer(- h eid bv thie bte Mr. -W. Il. J ohîîston. Tour business is solicitede After a brief illîjess front pneuniomîia, Mrs. J. H. Madîli, lot 11), seventh conI- cession, Pickering, passed away recemtly in ber 52nd year. l3eSi(is the ber-aved husband, thero surviveoune son, Fred N., and three daughters,.Mrs. Diîîgman, of Whitby, Mrs. Ham. of Claremont, and Miss Kiito, who resides at home. The funerai took place to tho Christian (3huréh cemetery at Biougham. -'1 - COLUMBLi5. tir.\\ lot- h\hl -h.mil 1 P'lls i s.îiui" CIi. tAur t' lutuunt'>c Vbit l i .uti'îu' -'l, ?;Itut Il 2-UIt. qi î Au i - til --'t i- la" 'ii-li i la-t it Au. -i - t i'- u, ,i 'l'u1.t, 1a-, ' i' i i e'-r i;luiti, e 'iwui '-i - t t . ' ' i - lu)-l M k;t i-rtt t'îî, - t- i'- ' Aut'-c'- î us u iI i lit of t nli'e'î hu. f îi" is'ioi '5 - l '!'i u i -q1ltt- t es caïn iii i» tcolt- g t, tIlîl. ii1 k-i it-let it -- aa ii'. (t' m tit lcui- -Ol.t -tiîui:'ucld t~~~~ I t-u'-u-- - L.- ti Sut- ii- t h -'tu 1i' 1iS 1 il y Iiu ln -lit -t iltue; l us S'a-tii' r . 1 >. I-uI t lit> e- 'c't'el a ii-st tua(i hi tu i i (( tiou e c ir tii ulatiiui i' ig t to îpîî- titt tii t u t - lcri-111-J-i't' i b. t of W. iei- 2t ss T- heii ntîni ui- 1Kweru at i 'icr s ail uitsi 'ut'liie-st s u-cift rms -Puckeruîît.:. txhîrtîlgt- Ny 1"ltv, Bt-ookiiîi., i BrOugîiamt, n ci nearnmigibors. Miss (ontie G(ibsont cf Salem Corners, visitoci ut S. E. Disnov's oit Snndav. Mn. i'ît. hPilces, cf 1Port Penny, was mî1 our bang rneoithy. M r. Jamies Ledgett bias rented tîte F. L. Gneen bouse, south of G 'eenwood, which is beiý]g vacated by Mmes. Ben Meen - Mn Wm. Pengelly lest one cf lis obd faitbful herses omn St. Patrick's day. Mn. Alex. Moore bought twe cf Mm. NVm Fowlie's cattle at hie sale last week. The recent ains have put a finishing touch on the noad8 for a whibe. The 1'1imlicitor t "The îîew Tory Li- cetice Comiiesi-unens for South Ontuirie have bot nameod t C. W. Scott, Oshawa; S. H. -,teplienson, Brougham ; J. M.* Real, (areeiihaîik. Everybody on bethi sies of politice appears te ho well satis- flou witi the sslection, and se thoy sbtni dho, fotr we doubt if three botter mci cituîî ito aiutid in the riding." A Favorite Rerredy for Bibies. lîia sý luth-I 1 tl1 i' u t'.- t- .li i l l'i -itit' u I -I il 1i' lu" 'I - --; sl 1i titi i i, i i -i\ u' j 't i t. 111 i -;Iti ' i\ - '%ti: !i l-- , -.!î--u .-tl- t'i' u 'i --- t GlIeanings froîn Exchanges, i1 t' . î1 I-i- il u t'. 1 i 1i ;t t'-' ut tt t 1-- 11ii u 1 Ct i i'îi ti - l~ l-itîl tit tti't'-' At - - t t \..' -tit v t --i i 'lu lt 1 il ' t l U r W i I'L'..S' t r.'i J uil . - 1 - t t '> 1 1 1 - u î - tai i 1 t i. - t T , t i1 ' t'-i l s ' ', it vu(t-o ' ti.' il i iI t' ut ' r ut ,t - 11 )t O -' tut' 1 - i a it u . i 1In 'i - tt 1, - T 1 t ), 't, i. 'ih i l tutu - t l' l1 t-i( -i' it l t» t it 1 '> 1 1 ti 1ti u -,h 4 -S(Oi U 1*Jý1 t '- T 'i t V.].. %tlu' - 1! zii. 1 i c '1 - t t i '% u - -< t t 1 - - t l - t u it li t 11ý u I ltî stu 11 - 'îtu 1 il ' li» tl di Cýtut 1 u-'a s-Il - il t a- v . g it t - itue tu- -lotuitt iP)I 1g S i t Iti t 11itid t J'ai 111 th 11 1 t.uiijr.( i il i ', t'i usIil -I est blitlîliîugs (le h u it-tltiof Eiluil huui Ili thlut-Ditit' oif T -r- î tie uand i s vU s-ry p)ietty. 1 oith iliide l ai i ti tiii. 1ut ivus stli1uiiiuIi~ îuîî'tiiithels". Theogtaîî, Inflammu.siory Rheumatism Cmred. \'îiliuîî ttit-il Iia 'uiktiuii ('t' I c iîi soli. i i. x t- 'iiît' tii bis li C i . m St-i"t'ti xxi-il w xitIi1 îîliuîîIliîîîatîîo -i lion iiiut isiu.. - etI mictt r-îiît-. i e - til- --intali 1 Isenl t M i'tc'ttw s tîrii Stttrc f-,r a lîutti- of t 'Iialiiit-m luîimi's l'ain thîtttuici W -iji ti tit' 1 wtts isîalt ot>tise liaiitt or ht -tîuîîil iii oruitv iu'utilii- V is a tilt't' t ii i-i) .at î w r- , 1ap qy a.sa t-lamît.- Iortache lît'al 'rggs Orilila, Mardi '20.-At isoon to-day the wanorooiîs cf Tcîthîopo aiji3 Ce., car- rnage atii liitiult dealer-s, WXest St., *were tiîsco,,erecl to bhoti t ire. Flames wene issuing f rom the doons amîd windows before the alarma was sent lit. A num- ber of new rigs ansd f arn impiemenîts were in the building, but were gotten 1 eut oniy siighthy damaged. lit helping te remove the rigs Alfred Raymor, cf Marchmount, got caught in a eudcn burst cf flames and was badly burned about the face and lande. He will me- cox'er. The building and stock are fully in- sured. Jw SLetters from Our Correspondents Mr. John Pile, the mail man, used the W. T adMrz. Richards and family wheelà for hie trips to the station for left Pickering for the 11orth-West on the first tizne on Tuesday. Tuesday. Mr. A. Ketchen lias been confined to. John Leslie continues to loose the lieuse this week by a severe attacki strength, ne hope whateverqis entertain-j of griD.1 ed for lis ultimate recevery. Wkile working near the windmill on R. A. Bunting will, this summer, the Dryden farm on Tuesday,- Mr. Roy orect a neat and modemn residence on Alman hadl the sleeve of hie shirt caught the lot lie recently purchaeed from the in the wheels and only by a suprense ef-' Misses O'Leary. Messrs. Robert and, fort was lie able to pull himeoif free. As; Gee. A. Gordon have tlie contract,which it was hie aria was painfully tomn. alone bespeake permanency in construc-j In cennection with the closing of the tion. The building when completed Young Peoplo'e Association meeting for will add matorially te the residential the beasen, arrangements laye been appearance of King St., East. made with Rev. C. 0. Johneton, of To-; Mudli sympathy is feait for Geo. andt rente, te give one cf his popular lectures; Mme. Mutch, of the hake shore, on the home on Thursday ox-oning of noxt week. death cf their son, William G., at the No admission fee wili be charged, and age of six years. Ho underwent an there wili ne doubt be a large audience operatien for tonsihitis several days be-, to hear this talented speaker. ,fore his death, and was apparently me- l'ise iew bake shop is now under way, covering when membranleous croup set and will ho ready for business is a few in, causung his death.r week s. Chas. Davidson left oit Tuesdav te Quarteriv communion serv-ice was held1 resumne lis duties in the Nortli-Wýest. Ii the Pu-esbvteri.ms churcîs hast Snndav-. Chas. Bradford has bouglît the lot on comducted by thse pastor, Rex-. J. H.which the cheese factorvY stood. Mr.1 Borland. Coxvan litas torii dewNvilhe buildings andf Mr. \Vnt. Tordiff wms kicked Ibv-a 'is iov-ing thointe is inmlner resort. htorse hast xveek anid severe] v i*in i-ted-. On Montlav eveising tise ladies of but is iiowx recot-ering iicehv.. Amîdrexv's Clturchel gave a social ee Mr-. \\ ii. Fowiie, i.r., itas matie ar- ,in, te tisecorîgTreygatioîiii'ildt- lecture' rangemnts t'e enter MNIr. E. Steiuhcn- roulsof tise chtirchi. soî<As othice at )i), itbv-. t e aris the t oie- Thoj cotmicil is imenoraiiiiig tîse gox-1 graphing and express businiess. eiiicnt for a snibstaîîtial granit te The puipit ôf the I tapiuist clîuirch iili dredge anid otiierwise ihiprove tise Iic-- ho supplic(b on Suiday iv Mr. E. J. ering htiarb)or, thîeî-by providimîg for eni- I3iîighain, the pastor. tralice anîd exit of largers- hiipiîligt-es- sels titan caiî iiow hi- icconîmniodated. The Proper Treatment of Pneumonia. iicîvii-iet aseg-trtcbs Pinemlillitllia is t oi) l ae ru i :-i easýe btee seî-iouish vfeIt lsv tise toîwnsip Iii foraîi-t tu a tteeî pitît oto r Iii îiîsuIf. thsî- hast. tthtlioiiI~ilie iiiav lii% l c r p rlle ila i-fird J 1 s dit at !aîilAj lia itluil atay iiw',-re greatty shîockedto ,li-ar cfriter Ilowvr alt-i it 1shoulîllhi- l,,rîe e.stoiî, cleath at lit-t- hoîmiein i-cola,N.Wf froîj ta (-utI 'tîcîtfrin a)21 tat-I1oftiie gri1î Mrs.C- toiuîhixas thse secoiid dauglîter of t)11(il1lv t1le wi-ri-r t rt-a tieiit i e-( i thie bate J.- andi M1rs. H eag-i us, fcurînerl% 'iSU th rltti oi lttai. ofi t,-iii Oii f tIiis y1iîllgi. M r. H aO - wV s ( iusvý lie waîil-î it. H tei- 110 tiiti tuîIi . tagenit,- aîîlafter lits d athi Ylrs. Hua- w1w îtiý -str ai-omît t li , a il ii- ýt liei' i liit t genls filou lt1lîe sa1lue îDuttî hce-tst-d si-rai-su iotre ihiat (î'ihî"iiil-i tg u ~ w'-iu uîia d fat'iraîîlv kit iu ht-n-. lu-Itr t--ut l ('iut -ii'~t*i oî-.i il tii f l - w I, li-Lr ot e weti-it. l-' iui ix slltlî-îilt, îu d 'Ila. i ' 'iî I i îi-tiiii.ii'tli le t il-lt ýa - iý1ti \ lu(J î griiîlu -uIi lu rui t~ ~ -li't i s-u- \ i tt- - - - \ rt 'îîi i - f itilit i- iiî --s f tîtil~~~~~~~~~~~~ t' '1i t .' -l il-li- t t - . u u u . vt. i i . t i- - M ai'-aI iit t-a lace stick)f 11a- dîterei t.ttvlt-,thristies amnd $1 uu,$l.U, :2.(0tU, 2. Men-ss'f w oct-,i Puit,, tbrgtu Memî's Liire.i-.puti 'u- t ut li x-î . Ii t t dc>zem Ut-loias. prices .-Ajc, ic $1.00 59C 45e l'o ~Liht-. iiii ~eîiii.iit-i.-A't"s u iukii~fi'r agui i iivestinert?, I 'iv"u lti ext- st' îiEtledUi ou r ssimteî-ii s--.Yi 'n viiipr-ofkit 0(jper '--mît. f -io1 a re ii - tr mii-it-v siPi he rt-fnmineu. He TWEED and WORSTEO SUITS EXTREME CASE OF Made to ordei' at special prices., IERHUS PROSTRATION Astoish~g rt-.its obtained by the u!iico of Or. Chase's t- '"'i ---i ,i-,cof Dr. 1- l" -.. t-'ti Mry Lui 7'.t osr r- 'n bSce dt-nil i e Ji ~ ~ ot t s al-er a n d 1.uif us l-.it- , u h' -. I t O iJhiil - t atuil thuttueus ne- Il M. Il Foi- lat1t11( of thee motti w e w-ill tale -oit eî-s foi- an t a a dliscouint of 10(tfu-onithle re»i'la- pi-- Wu s tlu'- pec-iai attenîtijobn t olie t-tlish eV. A. Holliday& Co. KL1IN ANI) AS IIBURN kisî f pltinbiîig. uti dguanaistet- sutsfactimi. Are you thinking- of fittîng up a Bath Room ? Let us fig'ure it Up for you. Wce will ie vonua sati.sfactory job) and ou PRICES ARE. THE LOWEST., W. Me Pringle* Corner Hardware Store WHITBY SEND THE KEYSTONE TO THAT FRIENU 0F VOURS IN 1905 -- i -'---,-.-;~,i~-~ i Bôwmbà nvifle, Mardi 20.-One' fthe. of its mout exteésiree1y known business T mH I B men of 50 years ago, passed peacefiilly to reet to-day in the person of Henry Elliott, J. P., of Hampton, five miles north of this town. For many years de- oeased was the village postmaster, lead- ing mnerchant and grain buyer and treas- ure o th twnhip H w110it active -up to, five or six yearz ago, hen lie gave up housekeeping and went to live with lis son, Henry Eiliott, jr., the preBent postmaster, merchant and town- ship clerk and treasurer. Deceased lad Philp's Building, Br ock Ste rahdaripe age, being neariy 9 years old. Ho was a native of Devonshire, Eng., and came to Canada when a young sunan.e Hofsaatveibe rtagnchrusf and always foremost in every philan- surporter f he.Bibe Chistian dfahrI S p r n pi ofDr. J. H. Elliott, superintendent ofri gOein thropicenrt ork. Heisgandfathor. Gr lavehfur sonsumtand anihtar ._______ Heof ahesfur sons and a dauter.cin W aemchpesr nsoin u pio passed away fi Cardon, on Tuesday ofj for 1905, to which we ask your careful inspection. Knc n last week, in the person of Mr. Noal i tat our friends look upon us as the leading store, we haveé Thonipson, at the ripe age of 80 years.j Mr. Thompson's father was the crown ýimade rnost careful preparations. The class of goods we have patentee of ]and which now comprisesj always carried, thé straightforward way we have coîîducted the north-eastern portion of the village1 our business for the past year,* should appeal to the iinterest of Beaverton, and was bniried finthean comnsneoner&woapritevlefrhit family plot adjoining the Methodistan o mnsneo ep'w prcitvlufrthr church. For sorne tinte Mr. Thornpson I nmoney. A personal visit to the store wiIl tell Voun more ill has been living with a son at Mud Lake, five iue n e could teill hulere o ace Cardon,. ueZtn e o n ae A very unique exhibition w-as opened in Orillia, on Mondav, 2oth, and will' continue until Fridlay, in the forai of a missionary boan exhibition at which there will bo over a thousand curios from the mission tieids of Af rica, India, China, Japan, Palestine, South Amorica and the Canadin North-w-est. Special mnission- a.ry speeches have beeri arranged for each day, both afternoon and eyening,bv issionaries froîn ail the abové tields of labor. Thec exhibition is free and open fronti 2.30 to 5.3() and- 7.30 te 10 p.ni. Th~o solo object of the affitir is to stixaul- late inituest ini fo;7eigu îniissionarv work. Tlie (XýT.R. liad a staiff of survevors lookiiçg er tia- station premiises at N\ovicrecentiv wvîth a vîow tu ru- aril"nt hemi. <fit slbas been il! cui - teuiphitieon for' a i](11.ttieu. Tlhni - ai'elI(-f dea ti i îas c:îied '_Mrs. (.eor-c ('1Kuc ra't sympatlv p. u xe 1(1 t lie io liai 11d , ai1 faîîiliv A le it 0fe andlmothter .,]u w a- aiwax \S iii lw bathi-r Ilili(ls folii t tdo. w iexas ý (f zumlly xaobie aloi geîuîîî uialîties ani wa, a kildaildittîtîat îiihr h a a at(jeailer uT of t eMutiiudat cliurehi. A lissbaiIiail c1ýlaieii surviv e J( tWo 6oît1> îtl iarfoui.iîýt-rs.tlu edc-t t1e -Nortlî latilli. ' <'t aîtti iîuî 11:t:. ii a u l tii bvii SUGAR lBEETS PAY, j; 1 WATCH This Space for GodOE Values WATCHES Solid (bld Ladies' siail size XVatciî - $s. t'ti Solid OoId, hîeavy ladies" ivatc1m, ordinary size, good works, $18.00 Buy whiie they last. Buy now. Norma n Bassett, Jeweiler and Optician. Brock St., South, Whitby. t -- ~ii-i t,'-f- -, il-"'- I. A mîev stock of Shirts ivili arrive this week-. Yeu can depemsd on style and fit, priceýs xviii be quoted. ne-xt week. Ladies' Print Wrappers, prices $ 1.00 te o .7 Ladies' China ýSiik Blouses, ahl colons, special $2.00 Ladies' Waterproofs, in siavs- ine, speciai - $ 4 Silk Pianto 1rapes. utiriiffererit colors, pnh-c-s$1Oi, d XVe haVi-e a nm- stock cf Pritits. 2itIitSilkýs, Suriî- Ilanîtelettes. i)ress Uoods, our pricesxvili hé-Ir, tou-h Fleur Ou Cloth, 25 Cents a square yard. Outr stock of Cilothinig iL sehected frumn depenulable înatt-rial, ansd tuhe fit-est werknsianshiji. -No nît-cl of xxorrs- alout fit.,uas our stock i,, large ei(ýoghte suit ahICiitsfu-. Mei-is Suit in ietira-black tweed ex-erplaiil witii whFte -triPe, ltttest style- mnîteîitîI ail work. jiecirtl - $8. 50 Me1ui,\Vaterprûii)f. guartitteed fr-om uice- aîsfiu r $5QQU jý% !44J 4w BR S, IN 'A'q v A rot'atoes WILLING