Whitby Keystone, 23 Mar 1905, p. 3

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A NewWoman!ÎO Taswhatan woznan is after a bot cup of FRAGRANT TEA. It Chase$ away tbat olti tireti feeling anti tilla lber- wlth new [Ife. $0 DELIçIOIJS, TOO.t ONLY ONE BEST TEA. ( Po (1'.tîa1 'I-t1t-a'm. y tit'-sî-f tlaaa1t -'Ill t4-î,11 umîum u j ilytiimug '7 -rse yti t ho-- b gaua i- 1v , "a'î tt ti - ini t11-1.g - tapldhim i tua irîty au t the 'tttihi. "':i-. uy mudta"e atd ha r't . .yot-rag Leut,' oCtus- nt -ai(, ai ai -taimai înig ton-e ;'ja eamr' tuatlitt s iup foi' guttu lim4l 'V tt'NV - t' - --", ma-t s, Quick !" And tho officiai1 towerea aIbov.ut inu menaocimigly- O*Wcll, If yeaî miu.ýt k".ow, th-y ar( In tt i fc îinthe i.brtmi'y," t-aetli( sailicitreply. OAtid t1w a-PkYF, t! yau re se"tail Mr. W'e'liaigte.a, corning forwzaid au( extendhuig talas hantî (orthn. T-,,o dp-elbaronîît 'liasht'uI gu Uy criluasoni ns laememt lta attot ne'0 gaz2e. "lu tn my r'ght hîrap Praket." 11e mail ter~c-. but quiekly avcrttng bis eyci BLUE RIBBON'S IT. The Unli Bricd lDu-ring tlieý voyage Mr'. Mcmiii 9howed limoelt quite an adept luntir-_1 ranging living pictureEs," Mi-. Lt'li- ton continued, witlî a Scomufill carl o! is lips, "anld anîtsedIbitant-ci!1bil-1 enamie occ7agionm by cle'tcnly repra-I duc-Dg a tabît-ati represemting tuie isecret marriage -avhiclii1Iiait-det- crlbedc. Ahi!" lac Lnterposed, witil a start and quick teck aI I"'lortni'uu- "that atas '.lat causi] yonn' faini.inag tu-rn-it nçover' occumreai teilait- iiti tîtîs niometiit !" "flot-v stratige'-! andi I did not cici- dreanii, tintil net-, thtîa'vîuomc km-ta- tht'st-cnt-t o! tiat the taau" l' aim' girl mespuniicd, '..'îlh ai fIalu aa id- ai snî ile. CILI TEIh XXX\NIII 'Net-, ladies aut getl-rat-IMr. Lil'iglitcîo t'n it-t i waitia a -t'. -îpa1t glatice th liiitit'al lira%%'tild- aîmu -lence, 'îutail îîi]îd,-'shaamaa i tl' tIlai 1t) Irîg of! t', -' var'ds '.-hiluii i ttt as I <-ita-ret-ahie rnclui Ia1ss"tl tiattif 3Miss 'EIhilrai--cmi ta a it- f -la of auuy une, -tue t-tis i ît - uît sît utltînomîam'atluti. uiuui-)i- tas -t tlie nrvaciI aare, ui i1i au 'ta-ttN' -- at'ply m'igt'î'i.lî'a i ruy t-alaaî te in lit.1 II o ltti ui-' '-.ua l"t ut l c v 'tiI,> alai tî-'uy ul-uaamî t'i] linau- lJu)uh-m' ha' turm i-it t'îaiIuZl i tlua gr.-aat t-t i'aug l a-'t'aa- !i iga mt1 tirt-1 a l'(ai" l oIt-t a ua t mua s amat' , ia if I tC0ua1111 - tt' t1 u %\,'t.i) t tlia u fa tuu- t' I t'ut i tt[ ul I oa,, "u e-taiag ai tbI tay 1,(qit-"-i i lu l.i 1tt11 i t- lut t o lÈ ; IIu"- I mua lui ' tlx' :I t Ila at1,ta ' t-a u a 'o- a cl'iutlitt -lu tatIs liai-- I : w' jlu iiauu t tula ta-ta ta-tIt) u au 'tu- a-ait ut ai i- g. I'-t-a 'i 1 I g ýt a ia 'l: g".t t i tiait i t -a' i - ta a- a- i t t'. 't't y l'a-' Il ', ---------\-iy'fora h ii i\ a ai L4 \V -A ,t1 jr ý1 t'- ia'.t f[()1a111 'a-- a' - a t I tt itu a t aic ea I hai- 4a1,t S atusutît maaa as Jt-11 'a s a N i l-tt'1,yi"a , Ia i.l'f O-aJa--s ioi1- l ti u tii- ua'. l Itt" ut tu t u y, u 'q i ta ttî a tuoli tu tuinof hti rit t-,lt-i, j'I a:"'-m? g al, Itmrli al ni tI-, I îat fI '-halid 1huitlttlit Iegroom hd un anotA et' minute the offîcer lmad p-'uaitliim lai the lawyer. ' il-,1ay !niends, 1 believe aur story is ah blld," sutaid Mn. Seaver, geaiully adodrersatug thee cmpany. '6I 'egrft bluat amuytIli.ig unpleagant thiotaluiluhave ar'àt'n il) connection wtliyonîr'iatit te tihe Towers ;but jui muit .licuit-ted caut tathe uffeiide-s ortu heut la'.. . Q!ficer, yaua n' tnsonetr en noe". le renatvcd.' .A,; thue mar i mamcxh(t-d flue enîprit trntumilue rneamaie t'turned anai cast ue- deostiii g glu-i mace- 'po» ier-n bilt Êai îvaqpuuekiy suîperreded liy amui or ia ll t e, as !i. a' su tv lis cotiit-ln î'oj -e-.ema u--'alut-riiiau i.confldemitiai imatai er l'a t u miii in t t- lai t-n lue nais tlu i l s 'tva:,>' .y Ltual au, I ote prit- 01i- Tîî'c huuutits alte ne-a d iairny ' eny s luddep mt'i. mly.thelacSca-a'm %vttluMa' Luiglatumiand iyoaîmîg Su m' \ mlair ut tait htii- attormneysW'--- 1itugatuma &. Maux 'fs. î'cuaimîiii.ing un tht' gîtaI1t I cumsi-.. Tht laaIci] liaad beeacua 't'auad'mimg it-ifu-muîr tuu a1li tlat lait hua' ai id, aintuitle faut't tiluatt lac w'al titi lor d o of ittumt lai ug 'To ve'ras t-vLailu - nmcst maatur't- tllia e lcout'camiieimapae- -Ptotu't oit uaata t aliis gm'at t biug la iu,-; i ý ad t-. «nltig iii ita lîie Iaîumsu'-u aid catm'aiagu's, tatar, aane aaauu- mu-ulit aîau ' "ft'iuuîstiamattI gr'avely. tul it iit--ui e isi rhien dti'ig a tuttuat a,.taia~aa naui- follY ta "i-t-.t'iet tiig tlaut yom suefaor mua~~ ~ a'-. ,umta u u, hi-tides au gm'u'at ulati Inutaatv ;a aind 3'ca -re a.a'. i- -u 'tr fu!a- ' irmatusir \ai' \i r s i l:l i i - :î 1 , ~t i i h a u t - d ' l 'ta )% auN'vit itcuat t'a dut vt-tl a t m - a ~~'t-a" auind w il il 't tua u'- uta ~ ~ ~ ~ t tu aa aa. utiM-L'5ttu. 'tamyu a 1u -' rat' a-t s'fum'u , i mu nr ',t lau o - -t rta i ul t tu u t au tu t au a 1- ut I illiat s ir t atatut i-at,'. " tii 1 ( Ig lattr, I- «\ \il tt'aaaa ut- Ill t' utýftalat tufa .. IotI[>()" li-- taut, Luiglttui' .1p t1 it- it- ttusau a'aaagtti, git-it'.tda tl at tutu luta t.iaconimumtteai tiai'diii?tuf 'o'r t cuit-cf ut'somuîsIi4Žmi t..r flis rîign, lie tw 't11-Y s ilierces ne semisu' lun i ?tam't'-i"c - beat i il g a blt itlac tunsi.' a iter- 'rlit iaui- til -utraaipeî I.ualitcul i -_\r. S4at\pm, ini]bis bunut '.vay. '.tiie'.. andal alien scattt'red tlaein brou I. Y tii'em-t nak an g a fai r i it-cm-me al- cai'.tt lu)bci-scnimbieul for 1),,, tue C a1 iv i in 'otar biimie-ss tirl be 1'r1utvýd. '[lis entertainîîamît cost abo 'tttf a u !t e xy and tlîa unumu- S0000 .ag iumemi t cf lI'.a settatAe Nvii, -îa't tutvtu-n ulglis lat-isla expen( - is mu iilt t le iiieurit a meaof ltur tîart. lite tandluctedth le finances of t oî'ta ltl ac na's uthli mug te luira - atuuiit .n" tj iul1ciioiiýl-l t liait tllie treasu de -u i mug a -L-aldimag utaS t-van'iiiamiutbetter conditioni tvlîen liei i il i imui i-hed thlai mi lien lue necvived it, aý X, ulacr-e~ tln-u tvas t-itioîit exce-sivetaxto e!fbt-lui g ai togreo C'a gamurdia n," ouuure'.'iomî oholis smbjcet-From T sai L'arroi Leiglîtera, taiigiling. iaj MaltaI. by AuýisLt.iCook, in Foi Gît>, I coulû LCe ograib3 iciugiif "rack News for Mtea -' thePre venî 'tasia>n for it" ret rui- ai Ln d tic law'ucPr,1 with a laurnero'i-s THE CZAR IN PROVERB. t'ikle in Lis <4'.'ts; "but, lnt Voit In a recent nunaber of the Paris FigE ai Fly w),lC just break lier were fonnld coiuated -orne characteristic pi Lo'i tu tli uti u ot-akttn-and fumua mut-h torrent application: 'Y ena' ami;!1 'ave veuoaci' ,rhtre ' '?X'luen the Czar spits tituo a dîsh it brej yi "tctci 'u'ally nauaamî it W'oiid into pieces for very prie. toagave- ? ',ir etraseui;t te am iimaud- ' The crowii dues nvat proteet the C, froua beadau-tae, - at I muuniug tlmcdt la> lt i' rten the latgs of the Czar cannot bl t-ligue-1 ' -. out the tir g " ViIalu aull mra110:'at, fur JIIm)iconl-- Tta:' ('air'back. toc. mwouid bleed if aoi fideiL t laat utvuuul i lue ttebu.t -tlii- were gashpd ç%-tt tbe kntout mlia - The Czarur -teuu tü-t red with boils le ilfou'- c' o ut ,'Mit - S'3 c'gaa-',l1 e- clared ta be ia good health. ' PI'l- Wu tue Cz.%r rude-s behinai a bi 1-14it1it- u nutte-r 'iv a-S set tieti.horsýe eut t'r ieaua harged as a liague. ():ý1vtii-, da.TiteLeCzar jutait bt'a cusain of Gad,1 t'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~1i anItat i- a, ei:ait a i-brother lue a- met. .- muai ji'-l- - Tue Czar> arm ils long, but il car, eo 11i faul lotran.- ni-ii iagthe ivlaolu roa(-t-l b aut i. g paty m-e'îuairod te Lauuadout an'! ujiýý 'Neithu r taaa the Czaia 's incgar m. lefIluitii-car et îteanything sw-eet. Tctvi r.- was etin-ic r r h 'The banad of the Czar, toc, bas oalyf ii 1.('1, anm-d huuuîekî'e'pva' a thIe- former fingers. ~ ncjatira-r acat I t t'a tht-tfart Iltet"The voice of the Czarlitasaju e-ho ea lie rî-e 'lut b ai cuit-t hI i -ai delto c t ua hiter,,- aie tac t'îtatutaiaa ntu t " creu g .1 iti - -t dLuSa bit-I tii "htroikua tteum cf three luorse; abreo eip - tl11're itý0 '"i> IiOfl'. of the Czar leat -s a dee'p trace be'auud it 7h' 'et nau'iimi e aîîît lr ext na m-rt'la.tacý it niiire dafflu-nît fuir ieaith t10 is hr-t ai fat Cztb lantra 0cuarry aaJe:aan bcg ad elatie t v' >thý,t' tuvut îunu -'s, 'baua'(uu . The tear!ira te eye cf thc Czar t- b- i:-: _t- Ilau-at Iet'.u tvt-i-c oiiniit t 'i tabisgcaîrntry nany and may a haiadkerel a'v-u i tia'nt - lii onîa wu'ck- lau- 'ialte 'zar writes vters.es . . . id au c f 't- i. u lut lu i, as I o one U) i lot i 'i--tlei tac (Cza r plntyr,, his M alenter t i ly- 'nili iti 'v lu ut 'itu"lI1 1t)t t1 1 ' ta 'Iaim oiy oee ce anud tOn a-untrvriten are bl for ii'- tue avv'siis udu'maandetl. Wlten "ht te Czar cauaaaot accomplish t th~-n ci-e eu-ut t-i i, otl 'iereCatEven the Czar's now rannot bning a las foanmd gulty aîaad sI eîîte d -Kiug te tblrag cise loto the wortd but a calf. tv-ittY, A i-fr"t t fafé'-u t4 ca ý.rs ""Wen the Czar bas the amailpox p) n 1 ei v taad". C tml Kig 'ivas cern- country' bears the scars"- u'r jiý tce'mh pnlliaitte a onas - % 's Carnegie, wife of the million.% .h -pc i v.lp-regail ia t-y ni(a. lette n though the dauglîter of on aid Net-vE ýj , -lard famîly, lsa.ma grcatly devoted t - 'he very day timat ber father was Scotland as ber husband. ifie take 1g -e;ite;iced liiez d'asapt'ared aind lier great intem-est in bis philanthropie eauaoi-taa iever s'-itv i ai' liam'd or!lier terprises3 and does a lot of good h'O - ~ ~ ~ ' 4ia't..a'li M- L;tii'iamt iaad paon ln ber o'.n unostentatieus 't ia f,4 't-ua t" lu- r thle-y vent ta Mrs. Carnegie takes particular dcl, ()utit. Ou yr - - , -ltomîî at r in giving a helpingr hand ta Struggl 8el 'A' is-ja bua i lmsineswas set- artistea.nmd studenta. that I was Thexcusabiy presmlflg ftled#! "tbere wu:S'a; doublewedlgat in 9Gong tlirougb that ceren>onY wth -the LU-ngballn in- Portiauti' )iaEce. 'cu 'Are you sure that you for- It wasa l ieyque, u vr ,e give me ?"ý- I gant affair, thocre -fing only about '11ave I not assured 'çou that tbat twenty-!Iie guest>i pr-ýent, and tbére act %vas m3' sâlvatLon ?,, s18 inquir- 'w" inot ttlie sliglitest badow tue mar ed. liaif reproachfully. the jey of the young- coules, who "11) !4 % ou are very good ta say 90 soeinly' yet joyfully plglîted t1wir thiat," lie eagerly responded, "and if 1 vOxvý4 heleathi au e--li'tite arcli of but dare ta hope that i mighit 11e îite lîlientiier. Uble to contrîbute toivard ýour f u- (To be continued.) turp l-appiness, it would be Joyb1e- & yond expuression. [Darling," Le Nvent BLOOD WILL TELL. on, emrIendly the flash on lier chîeek, while lis noble face was full Or' lassionate yearning, "I have Rich, Pure Blood Wiii Drive Out the iom'ed you ever -31nce v viewed that Most Obstinate Case of Rheurnatisrn. womderful sunriffe together f rein C rowing pains, achiing joints, stiff- thte ur-per deck of the German le;i ened muscles, tender, swahlen limbls- and, once since then, I have been that's rheumatism -a blood disease encouraged te hope that yen were and causes ceaseless agonyand crip- Det indifferent te me. Love, was pe uads. It is acid iif the biood there any special significance in pe hua Yeur act "rhen yeu laid yeur liand that causes rhenmatism. Liniments may li mine as vot.a ba.de me 'arewell ease the pain temporarily,-but they the nighit before you -started for' ne-ver cure. To cure rheumatism you Switrerland, or was lt myv imagin- mnust remove the acid in the impure ation that made me think se,?I' s liod. Dr. Williamns' Pink Pis positive- there any answering affection in ]y cure.rheumatism, acute or chronie. Your lieart for me- deare" They directly on the blood, driving the He held eut bis uand as lie eeased, aeid eut, Thev make mew, Nanm, and Florence, as if impeiled by pure blood, and-send it ,Vhrobbing some Irresistibie influence, crose through the heart and lungs and and stoed befare hlm, and laid lier limlis. This new blood banishes every Land again lu bis, witli thte same ache and pain-liringrs good heaith eLonfiding gesture that character- and fuit activ-ity. MNr. T. H. Smith, ized lier farewell on the night o! Caledonia, Ont., says: "For a num- whichi lie spoke. ber of years I was badly troubled "Ahi' My belcve-d !Dlare I 110-P with rheumatism, and wras sa crip- thiat I may daim it ?, the lover pIed up I coulil scarcely do any work. ex-Clalimed, witli a ring of Joy li 1 tnied quite a numbler of medicines, Llis tones. but they did not help me. Thien 1 6 4It ig yours, if fflou wish Itr- sat'. Dr. Williams' îink Pis adver- tha t wonderfui saunrise meant as tised for tlîis trouble, and I got a MUc t lu as t yll" Forecenumber of boxes. liefore the tîtirti tvhi-,erc{1, anid the next moment bxta sd onlmsl mrv iwas folded lclose ilu Ler compalion's ing. icotisîetl t o ue theluimrog- ,strouig, levimîg arms.1 otnidtusthplstru,,h 'But 1 neyer eau call on w0aîter," eut the winter and they have comnplete- tl.e fair girl a tserted, wlîen later, lY cured mie. 1 got se tlîat I could work after ti.ey liad becomut a I.ttie ac- on the coldest dat' witlu a coat and nol cuîstomed te tî,eir nemv îîappiness, feel a t\vingye of the trouble. I hav-e talc and Le lîad chideti ler for addre3s- quito a fctw of miy aic lbors abotut the imîg hlm as '.%r. Leigliton that pilis. and uuîey are a popttlar medicin( namu- tt-ill alwavs l-e liateful teonie, liere." becaute of mvy cruel cvxa erienre witit It is beratise Dr. Wiiliamrs' Pink tlha t irnliuutter. May i eau yen pui1Is imake iet'.'.pure, warm biood Cla rroi 'tîtat tht-e latesicua grreat power tU -A~.tlting ye Nve4tttetleart," cuire di-eoase. 'l'ley posîti'tely ctîrt i.e fondIly mtunrne<-1. "ls.'lac add- niacummati-in. ttat t.meuralgia. st. t-u, grav-el ' . "1 tliitik 1 itrefea' *ou Vitus dance, partial paral *ysis. kidne' SILu14 lomut ceuh nie(-Walter, for ant i lier troublles, anateia .land -the lemi-fo t htlait naine eau unt Ihili ailmients tvliclî tvonîlemî alome stuffer te lit' iulaumt aseciataci't sfer f rotta. The pumrclaser niust lue careftml botl hci'rmis. 1 s-iitI i- l' ncie 'arrel10e see tînat tume fumll nanie. "Dr. te Tu-Am'tlauir ; cuti I utter get a-i 'ed Wlliamnis' PinIk 1'i1ll; for Pale People* tote t c liangut, i wemiilvr ""lue in-i s prînteti onitlmie vraluper arcand trtslsmiimg ..and tse i, will each box. Sold luv ail muielic-ine deal- aiîl bu-iii hai'met-iiy if t1uil(art1el,0 to ou."cr.- or senit b ' y mail it 50c a bbxor te t U.six boxes fer $230. lu'.' wnitimîgtiith "t'airrol." saiti Floreaice a f ). ('wnî Mdiii c. rc ruoniemit s la ter.-1" i iimu t t ' ili a-u 1)r lla i' -\e (-i C . l3o that suuu'ltW, jate l-'iui lOtiiul 1ill, Ont. te 'toea t r sjawtatt-stoo i toget.en' ignicDm attlu' au tca' ini Vi'aetaII itti. AGaatî Dm ku cru, cf (tji-'etliat ittV ar-a muet.a Upn thue Taînga Parla River. naia li-gat Ini- utnage l u-i t f remua t lai'110mile- cslet. ini text reine we-tern cornei maîî.îît tliat 1 lu'; ki im ita> to1r'y' of Br-ii-h Ijît1(ik, ctwtn-ti ohas liee )ma-t ht-fom'c 1 lue'.t aca 1aui-iu"..Ilegaii onai.t aciuiemidcis daim. This rit Lai 't efel t 1a laat, - t rua mgia't aig lu *ou 1a1, eet tlit- receait t' ctuîtricteal Au W(".- atai e.'t'su- n, cl-aali ttÇ)Oli ýoiaan dam i nhue Nule. 'l'lie sources o' mn e tlutI*cal net- i umot'.'off ', thle 'î'in.--t îBardt. are ina hue weste-ri "Ti-aiI t'aî uetfaroui o!lAi glats. andthie coiiursc cf the river is cast Vrai t e- lau I îa i. t e laii n - eI v acrci- s laid a, fl(it u -agfouir liimdre- .\ ei c mivt'.ia" t-ai te ~ taig uaile t mli, e cai. 'Tiei'cuite uf tluis pro mumauti, t-ual. rit.t1t hoccm ta, t ubii eariv a iir ua'l h aimai -;() gladtI tat ht ltj 1u ' lu i lega.1, urbx er t'tea'. 'ac w t> sttt> lesIe ii' t ia t i uataliie1-0etc'Ir i1upa' txithelx' foran uuuatlt " - ,tu' t 'la' l m1oa La'tu g iula iii.-lt'iia r i m a t';ut iiia tea i aifr t, "a mal- la t I mutl l i au luIt' tu> fol- uuau of t lal. i-ap )ju-(ttsuietwuu hamiulrr, faî îup - 'va.l.'s afaî a billiounu clilie feu'tof t.ar lcd fiti Mr.a-nLu- dm--t'Iem uru- t-en .tiuuuuc bIcle oÂt f theu e sp-ann r numîlI. ga'atafiu'-l wavl i iifoa,1mil L 'tN .taa aa1Iud t-tual Inuj irt'a 1tu abtli thrî AV u 111.' tali1 t Lk '-- r-t>t>'. - tat- u ia i ue N i' i ît t ual te-k onuift i-m muall'te î'uai' 1i 1 t ~ mu i 1im u cr. fle et-tcft1w inujeetis at' - uu"iee .' uvi laug.-m1 iiu ' 1., luat it ofg tt1ic c\toei tft iýe ir -r t- -i -t-V -e if 'ie a ng ail- tais cf -us- ahe as- çyr Out iii- mry ne- and on The un- -aro aro- tioui ak s "ta low fr ut de- lt nen fiv e cr- -t) t- (.o et hlm tire, Eng- 1ta esa t- >the- vay. igbt gling Cane of the Milk. If the cet- be h-th ean and tha miik be dranin ut cîeaualv maiauaîer into a pall by a dlean persan. antd rcmîîovcd shlortly after si.raaimig froua t.e harn, tîtere us ne neascu tvlu'.' vinher milla shculd have a "-ce'vy odar." This 'cctvy odor" istasuatlti' causeti b'.-filtla tvîich drapa intathie îîihk tlurnugthe- îuilh-iug or is absorbcd bv'theie îîilk froui tht- fotal aur ta the sab le-. Milk ahîonld lie rernovcd from the stable before ut cools ho the- teraîperahure cf hhe stable air; othierwiàe ut w-ilab- sorb tamins rapidly- . Aller straimuing tue milk dons net utii- ally reqatare auŽ' speciai catoling other thlathtlaIt-t-liclî tah-es place from tlie celd air,- if it be stirret! îueasicnahîy te jure'. crt ath -rt-an-i na'inug aiditi lainsture ainiforna c-ealimag thurouagîuml tle w'iolîe mnass cf uîiik. It la aise iieaue-osery tol preveni t hu it'ilk fneezing in onder ýo eh- t-aimn tht' besi. ret-s. If sent te a tvimîher creamiery, hiOt uhd lie dei'.iret!. ut leaisi. tiaret- tiîtes a w-et-k. Il mtantiatctuireul tou t.he laarmn, it shenil bc matde iuito butter us stuen as posasible al- ler it is rawii"tu frouai tue cc-. Thbe longer thul îuilh ira helat befaîru' aiag niatde iuto butter, tli luutim er tt illhe thet'preahuaut. AN AID TO NOTHERS. Iterat utieuantI rf thtet'-Itnai lautr lt-etel s as u-'~ta'iuefuor auuut of tlle ailieii t'hataiff'iat iuf.uits andtilvuaitg eli'altlen. lFor nket- inîgthle t-t camitac and hotutti-el1s onuît'rnotaiîug caîn a-amaîl Baubt-'u'tnTl'aa' Icis .tl l.i-t i lt t'chlu iia-ma hlui t luhîai es t-vutne lc-' 'iatllets , a ne ised aime 1)arighaI i guito ( itl uim l r a i1a1l11 P; 11tla-v. 1.tr Q. .10 11îiî \ Va 11aît.Sliaulev, Ot..'A saNx' "-Ihate useaiBaysO'tn Tabiels for ni uathut's i ua-e lier canlia-rat unfanet-'. andta v ate Icfoul d-tlem tluiha a meduinie that inett'ts allihe aeuol f utIle cne-;. Ihe'hante khe1t mx' iII île one as bri-lit taaud leaIeuiuv a.; Cali he'1 l'ue('Ja."e- atre t-tui amalrai "'airaitce ta cmîtat t' nuo cjuuale orn utisouruauu '-aotuug'su Sciai b'.'au l i 'i tiriuta 1er-a, tan ht-iiiail ut. 25 «a'u'îtt s ubaux lut-t-t--itinaagt lit D1r. WiIlianaý"MNedliacin lauo..Butht uOnt. t FODDER C1IEESE. the hour immediately foliow'ingbis riorning, bath, which, according to an English correspondent, it is the habit of fie ruier of the Russias to devote o mieditation. VieNwing himiseif in bis pier-gliass before he has be-un to d1rcss, ie flounts himself as "a, iank, skinny, pider-legcd. libel on the, image of God,' and confesses to himself that lie hundrcd and forty millions of bis levoted subjeets do not worship sucil aspectacle as that. They bow down to the clothes wbvieh cox'er andl con- ceal bis uncomely nak-edneszs, andt to the hifrh sounding titles whichi give xaeretricious dig-nity to actuai1 nonentity. The imperial soliloquist e-von despisez his people for their loyalty to sucli an object, and expresses astonibsment at Lhe plea of the rnoralist that it is -t-'rong, to usýe violence against himself a.nd bis Familv - since. beingr abouve the iaw, thev are outlaws, andl out- laws are a proper mark for any one's bullet. Tbe soliloquy proceeds: -There is no power witboiut clotbes If, is the po-w'er that governs the bu- mani race. Strip its chiiefs te the skin, atni no ,tate couid bp P govenied; naked officiais coubi exerci P no authority; tlie-, would look (and be,ý liko everv- body else-coiimonpiace, inconsequen- 1lai. A policeman in plain cothes is ona mnani in bis uniiform liu is tu-ni. Clothes ani titie are the' most potent thing, the ino-t formnidablte iifluence,. in the earth. Tlielv miove the lîimiani race to willing and spontaneous respect for the judge. the general. the admirai. the bi- shop. the au)salr the frivolous carl, the idiot, duke, the sultan. the king, the eiiipxror. No ,reat titie is efficient with- out ciothes to suport bt. In naked tribes of savages the kings wear some kind of rag or decoration wvhicli tiiex make sacred to thiacnseives and aliow no one elsc to Nvear. The king of the great Fan tribe wvears a bit of Icopard skin on bis siionider-it is sacred to royalty; the mest of Ibim is perfectly nakýed.' With- out bis bit of leopard skin to awe(, and inipres the people lie would îlot be able to keep bis job." LONDON'S WINTER FOG. -,li Monreil PrduceAs-bav-e been bottîed, analyzed, disseeted, In- nug'ation being sohicihouus îtt prîaunotate quared iDto, and 'sat uponi" b>' endiets cern- irn't reha f hi ngiaacd mutht Iair imu incttes, but ve still kuew miemore about îrYtersts of all ngýi-ýKl inthe Dir n-t mtOast frem 1the aurera boralis. Ouhy duslrv lun 'anadatvhellaer ns produacer a acopie of yeara age tOe London Ceuni>' on nciant, du-tici". tu rî-penî andaian- touca ckthem in baud. A cemmtte et exp)er*ts was formneaite linvestigate ahe phasîze Itie objeatiomis exprt"sced imi for- causes. tune, distribution. and all atier t-c- iter cîrcamars, t-iz:T, a matheiiematnttfac- ceuatriaatues cf fegs. Titeir repent stated luire- of fotiden C'lese ira,- lt'nitmalIom that fegs a'euad net be traceai te an>' tpe- the nte est of all and sho ld.be is- CatIlcaity. that tOc>' seemed tole lmerather hueinhreîs f al u-a shcthalhe is the resuit ef general atmosphenlc condi- continuca. tiens;a abat a London "'pentlkler" was usual- 'lb e experience of the past lias% lt-' y formed by sucking in suhurban fogs and 1 týatfoth( niot pat mde fOim ixitig them Up witb tht- pallof amoke tbat tltt firhuemo-h iat tlatu-.e ad frmuimvariably lbangs ever central London; ibat fealden milk, is riat cf a (>oahix' ged fogs- naret>' occurneal wben tht- temnpeu'ature caîcugl toeeuhiamîce thue 1reIititilmîof Cati- watt over ferty degrecu t"., and Ibat the>' 7 wert- ment frequently afier a night tee de- adiaut ciecese or imareuie ils acuiiitpian gres cotder thani the- preeeding day. 1 bave lit- t-bePrit ishItpaublic. -'unthler. ira liais seen estimales which place the direct and luteut baund tmaît on th(uea'rnt hi (juamn- indirect los ,te Lendon b>' fegs ai over r-7uiOt0 a year. One day o! rt-ah>' se- til-'a! hese nolucd uanngcui gas vere feg will cause Ihe nuetrepols o cou- éseusan is abliat as much pra cai e sumne enough gas anal eleutrlcity, la excess etunsaumneda t lances profitablt- to tht-of lber ordinar>' requirent-ts, to svpply a tewn of 50,000 for a whoae year. Mort-oee. 1trrdtucer. e a fog meaut a ht-av'> casuait>' tist, The 'flacAsciiim apptreciatcs the- fae great feg oet lSSO intaneaseti the mortaii>'of tlaat hhe uisposati cf aîilk produceul ho- London b> 2,994 lu lhnee weeks.'rTe feg ioretli an afer he los ofwblch ended en Januany 2, IS92. after en- fum th- t1umimugaiutiaui.t lte Ic-e iisbroudîng Lendon vîtbout iatcrrission for thue cae seat-on i-a a vert' Ina- a forlaight on endl, causeai an ex--et-s cf pui tnth aulesica, bliaitlu iet- f'Ihe im- 1,S4deatbs tinont- week.-Ilarper*s W'eekly. 1ut" ued uviauhhuîutiitrmoduaiii(,lin heac muta mua fac-hare of I luitl in rt-cent 'iearcs. andtt In Russia. th(e suiperior quuhiv fnwlot- 1nuiced froni Inluthe- laud cf itilicuutefft--y and Geshoot- fautîle maiikt-t 11 inceat-ut uluuaîîiuit omnde',novitcli, forcn itt'ait- Nvitînic-a ue erandocattu W ire tOheîpeouple-aadltire government le 1,(nlinl'ailP )rc(ý. ll Aqocaton hat'vli' sat-tu a h ith ~-tulit'ullyreauuaoiuaidtbat tvluene'ter Ilat's the tplaîcelInaitua-laiing '-h of. AIU pa)ý11 t--unrlat tonr slailti1w ho nnfacma reu(l tîth tue 0cy y j uta t-ttc lTV unen ina.î'aalcfdae-eulintî ha'tite' e t na quatrotf a a ne wcuidn't 0 ston. or saut'V rnnutlae 151h Nue' cuaataa'r tt 'Me four gela' tOnne a mnuate on a transat- J. Sl"tiîahv Cook, Lest atue life t've grotieti ro fen do! migfmt 1'tua' gav au' m ne teliteIp. Suarelu -y. AUtîî ia' matît-s t-au'- x, eirau'au'îttanre lias *- retalteila' ait-ua Pitc- THE NIMBLE SAILOR. Ilia lite lauuîa of milemeufsuuy atidt ttcahtem- Adtîairai Dett'Y, ah a dinunen in Wat-b- If I utv-ed li KiIlc'meff-tiuy or tioshoohetu- i aata jucaL-'lt ut itl t ua-ndu altht- duuwjovitcýh, oafaiiaa's thue tîeii truaineul sailur. I'd lieu lanker to be iatualsemiie, famomis, "Dal-voua evur lueur." t-aid Adial 1 ppurorrit-ha J'dL, brd tidwtt a yearniug te 0e ab- Det-v, "cf the'tailler t-vho tunned t-hep- 'r- -t as coulal be. lut-nul i,'or u'mtnet a drop cf umartyr bieod flows "eit-lis ,salor, w-cunying cf ithe , aunt'1' veijua c f 1tue, In 11 m-ulud eut th' fnigid climate and weu!d bieak, ccld sens, gave 'tmp lus sluip, pack- wandcr for mny bealth. cd bis kit, and journevcd into Scutluîud; Feeiang that my mere existence was the fln- fonrlais grameparents iiad heu-n Scothishu, te est form et wealth. lieut-br ran u bis oulal neyer final me figbling fierceiy and tht- love o! t-bhte r a nhs te the final dlteh, velus like wlne. 1 Iu the land ef Kllemeffsky anal Goshoetem- "In tht- tot-vs o! Scotiand tht-rt-w-as downoviich. littIe te do, but lu the country, lic was -A Song of the Average Man-Baltimore Ltold, work t-Vus pîcaiifai. There wasa Aeacn demnand in t-be country for good shcp- lTme ahi Georgian mansion ah Turn- lit-rds. hurat, Staffs..,'ituere James Bnindley, the "Sa the saihor went lite the wiith. for- great engineer anadsceemer, %ied the saken Sý'Cottish Iftl&ir. mnu nh the farms mat seven years o! bis life, wM htfbis girl aiong t-le way be sasked for a shepberd'm aife, and tht-rt- died, bas been converteti pla.o. One farmer. the- feurîh uen-eead- ixito a workhousû. The Philadelpbia ]Press is oftende afr t Caniada. It says Uie States irnoprt- ers of tea'conipiain, "'with good reason," that Canadian tea dealerýý supply tee. to American grocers at eut rates along thle border, 'while ail tea from the United States is excluded fronm Canada by a dis- ITEPODUCTION AND'-C ARE. eilaoshepher4, ankl h okdtes~o 0F MILK IN WINTER. -"Man,' he said, <ye're bonny and (9ress Bulletin fr)(ni the- Ontario Ag-ri- .rn nditlien n i ta;bt cultural College, b Prof. H. H. man, whaur's yer sheep dog.' De y. "'I have nu sheep dog,> said the seq1r. Canaian ean. to ave es-'I ar non lumbering hibber that mnust seied tîmeir efforts in the production où. 1 can herd sheep wlthout a sheep dog.' winter milk; consequently we have a<j The farmer laughed a. dry laugli. shortage and a period of higrh prices. Not "'Ye may have a try ' at it if ye like,' Smany are in a position ta avail theni- he said, 'so ye see, on y6 moufltS.in, al selve s of the good prices now offered for the sheep like littie white bails o' eut- dairy preduets of ail kinds, and espe- ton ivool? Weei, man, I1'want ail tilal cially for fine butter.I sheep-an' there's just three hooniderd Essentiais for Economicai Pjroduction. o' them-brought into thae pens ibre by 1. Freali COWs. It is unsatisfactory, six o'eiock to-morrow morning.' Can ye tryig t prduc mil wih aher ofdo it?' tr CDt pouemikwt hr fj" 'To be sure I can,' said the sailor, cows mnost of which have been milking adwtotwsigaymr od durng he astsumer.At eas oe- he set 'off for the mountaixi ta herd the haif the cows should fresheik between sheep into the pens. the first of Noventher and the iast day of "Well, at six the next morning, wheii February. the f armer came ta the sheep pens, he 2. A nioderately warmn, ean, light, expected to f ind them. empty and the welI-ventilated stable is a great aid insaorgn.Teairtuhatn the economical production of winter a fenoe smoking his pipe, and in the pens miilk. Cold and badly ventiiated stables a great multitude of sheep were gath- > nean added cost for f eed. ered. 3. Cheap, succulent feed in needed. "'Man,' said the farmner, 'ye've clone This is best got by providing cora silage, weel without a dog. M'I coont 'em?. inaneis civerhay an sutabe mai. "Hie counted the sheep, and they were A very good ration for a cow giving 40 all there. But a big, brown active hare, pouds ! mik aii, o maingi -2 t.o wild with fright, hindered his counting 2 pounds of butter per day is 30 ta 40 somewhat, it man Bo swiftly ta and fro. pounds con silage, 30 pounds mangers, "'WThat is this chap doin' here 1' the 8 to 10 pounds claver hay, 4 pounds bran, f armer said. 3 pouads ground oats, and one pound ail- "'Oh,' said the sailor, taking the pipe cake. If possible, eut the hay, eut the roihamuh'yu ean hthti -roots, and mix the buiky feed together brown feller? Weli. sir, ta round him for a few itours before feeding. Add the up gave me more bother than ail the rest -meai to the bulky part at the taime of of theni put together.' f eeding,. The foregoing amounts may be _________b _ -dividedà into two "portions, and one-hahfMakT inothCzr Ibe given to eaeh cow nighît and morning-.MakTannthCzr - The cows should lie fed reguilarly, and The Mardi number of the N.Lorti -each animai should be unider close ob- American ]Review opens with a grin -servation by the feeder i order ta note and saturnine criticismn of the Czar, kbler appetite, response in iniik flow, and from the pen of Mark Twain. Mark's Iother conditions. If the fee(ier finds that pen seems t-o have heen dipped into d the cotv can profitably constume more vitrol for the purpose, and every çthan eight pounds of ineal daiiy, thon Nword burns. As may lie iaferred froin exramei na b gvea.Caefl ee-the titie, "The Czar's Soiloquy," the cr hi eihtu ik rntechcW criticismi is put into the mouth of the k wili soan learn theliiit of profitable "Little Fathor" himself. The place td feeuing for each anlimal. Iwhr h oiou--ocr.i nt cow 1 w.ar's dressig o o and the itimei iuglit ingt Can iothe Unisted tesyh listo aa y10pr cet.heUitled aty tias toen rong0 terocnt.ny oher ty.Itn ite royitfconîpan thtu 'itafair discrimination." ht points ont at the Canadian Pacifie Railroad igs a large quantity o! tea front the eif id coast -te the United States mar- tii the cash, w-hile United States ads areuniable ta carry a pound for Lnada, be6ause o! the discnin-inating 4y, and it. wants action taken under Lt, provision of the Dingiey tarif! law àici authorizes the President to im- oe a similar duty o! 10 cents a pouud ttea conuing frem, anv couîatry that scniminahes ngainst the Unîited States. a' t il aill vcny f unny? Motte Yankee ,f f sharp.squeuls -whiialue is met at sowmy gamar! '*Yes7,1savs lImhe Buffualo Timies, avh-ih Ib te point of the joke, "-Calada, is t'reisinz tmnfs.Ii'discrimîination tua tarif! attera. Afher stiffeig fî'oa unfair uciiiinahian ah the ianils o! the Unit- 1States for veuns andtal îving appoals )r î'eciprocity hammnied de'.n, otarnmeigh- Drs tleteruîined ho giv.e tus a doseo f aur uma ujelicimîc. We domî't. likýe il. - The ultuat cernes from I ean.st1'ania, ltananvy aller coniumwealth frein higl hunteetiaun, is tht' lattiest and amical--.,gon- ing cf aa.' It is alwat h Ie "tay; the auuain layis i-,te ocrer -ster.Can- auliauta'.aircmidi.squeuaiin'g alîhueugli our meigiicrýs lt-at- e ven shiatvîtatix'great leietat treat ais fuîinlt in harifl mat- e tun.'teiîaîve juiaytett iiipour huci seme- lt bi att-. amitlve hgaum prtig t-t. --e -t- opeu tu lbaae titart-la-re of faîma tat cf if hile atIha'ýt.l. A leulersh-s -t'afruui r . ' e intag îaatuunaute'. tliat4a Raissia lis :act cit wela coniditliiaîtaae jropesah-. lbutlias ton(- r--tt tari'ai '. ItiettIeieleutlthaut lt-a-ta'ut Iiih i1e wottal i aigree tho 'ecaate ut. tithi Le eaaaaeeptitia tif the jaleuaL- libe pai,', 'Pi flcsn'is n a uah une.' ala- laoughut uay have -cuie bat-a- a .tt. tu'ita hu'-i 'aiaub r'eyt i'naMa;sCe aainfrouai tt utti -la - ai ta'. ta "sat- eihuer iaiu -e shue aagk -rua dv I umt-el1 iuttih. Ilaure ij- iitu- '.utaa- 1tttrtanuýe frein litle fietld, a'ar i o u~f un- arcîtu anrnet )utiicîtpretxil- i-, ae eap- itati. An ecir ecace t h.uît aa cte aIlLI I (e-'e Ilais-3aunant'te()cauI t rnul te ua- l.-- le uiaaat' tc etn-idernnut i. "\~'lhis a dtatager ,- siys Dr. LYnran Alihatt. Wei.l. £tie avera i'ju %'t-t ukiug> uau"tvr-îaîîer mîan îueven flinchaus bel are Af avaîYcfthiie utfferinq irajatry frou iti. t~ ~ ~ o tIuiuim lagtltlet' ieuct et-t', the Gloibe fut-ors abalihiataItle taule that n. iaaa canuaot lie tdred a st-rtaa i haue fer tha sansae a eaci-. Tlhe till' laa îîo'.ed apr-etf r sai- <tait-It imaaitnintue cases stnin Illte t-tacf ut criialtuati". îuaîish.- au-mat. iaut i t'. aube! ittia n ualai opentthe dol ltatraaa 'i utui't's til tue tîhale, t-te faw tu' Ii'e ta1l1 i- ut guitd la'l. Slr.'as-.ie Ciadwick lia' beenfound tiw Umiited 1)ts v i)n cuiing ýthe cer- tifi a-atiu a utOfe' 011 .t1 a at b ia i ik iii Nvaai-li iue bail no fumet uttlber cred-it. Su"~ b Aa'utll um'i'.ed. of ecc-urýe:,but o if .l-ev wlc a,-Lted lier in lier fraudj-, ft luet' -are to reimiii ti pun- î ýîc. a---e hud't a iîacdal amnd be lu'popilaticît of tllie \% t coin po_-'ktd naiflx of 1kunaves auJ fooL, and inostlv fot,. aid Juilge -Morgan. ini dis- psigof a fcrttune-teliugc aýýe. When p1tp-Le vit to get rid. cf their uney in 1hii' miaiiîaei' it is verv di ffieult to pre- 't aut leiî' 1 d je muraalipruobabiy t l i l l;::if e iudfertike ttî legislate toi~e fou~ls aaliît t beir' aw'il fu' 't '-le l itt t' to a.t-it' cl;irge ~our ru uaaa.uaa t-ta- rtauluatlttt- ual a'.il~~ ut ai h uuau't-' lsluitad. N. '.m.. l.tt' ttt.ae - kit-r- lut- lau,. air'. îre t-t-ait tut ut iuet lai' i 't'thaaclî c z tuk a b;a~'kw;u n dive ~i' t i i t lac top aýL;u'l tt -«hîe\hbttiuli'.to l'W, l? A C : uat poinits ut :'. t 'iat 1U)O3 as fill f Sîut;xs s:r: ii ends t lii t it tt ttr .'t las, tali. i tiîha'. -tl'Ai fiteSauta lits, aaîc ias.î Til tt-msaine cf thte Ru. a ifleet for fiiagmg iatht- Dougger ltaanl t rat-vensis I getitl.'.' t'taîrdoa , li ui uidh f inal. A Ntuira -'touîuaîîultam<lut'rui seat t-i hubanai. Aitl somîuthoalxsatit thlis wits un ug:e o!fyonaan's righîts! A live peusant luxium'iating ami black t-w breti5 is tter tuiait aded grand d ltake. t 'i a -ut' t t --a- ti-.rt~.-t '. ~Ik~2L - a - Il s la le 3e le 't t- a tilau-t butt utas ti uteav luiha I. ut! ,ýr*t'le Lutile haai-a'aî-t!lu l a u ut tai l in' iiai ia a I t i ti muta.)o ta- t.!a i-t lt' t-ais tuila i au -tutit sla:a r tat-t2tl] iauttailtlae alatk tuaitii îauuk iIiliit', 'twir tai M u.- fut 't t' t-au4l i li uti tuniat - t- iti aug tut d al (ýwit 'aa-'ui t-a tii tir' celini t aauls, rimmai ilaasattbei't'tt' v t i tut, aitdti a-a.o tut-uint aîuuvtt gaIt ' t otî 11 t 1ia 1) h ýLtu uy, lt-at- aut i - illa\ Aiguist attiti N tti-t -Il Sa- ii' tut'11w tujiscttatatandti ti - t l [,ýiuu' -a uid M i-- Lui«gitamu foui'1 tI t-mi s l el tcs a t ait-. [h 'a' a lie- lia s1 itu mtu-'t tilue ' ntaima mta ms tye wt - (liat fu tliag tIt-l iai.t lutîc l itnagui lana ('ii l a n ad lier'm' pilsuas Iuall t-i' d tpult'ku'u i lIa t l-lumHigas, 't ai- ttt'. a tlaivy sat anAu-ai c-aici ttsmrès pre, t-tri-e, il raltmmtst futitai a)lier aas e ueauist ru'ntdt-uve-.?'tlicnglit cfl Cluart, '.ltlcla. for sa lonag liai] bau ciial>-ftor himii ai LIPrt'evtialyth le yomang mti artuse uar camem u aidstooti befoe iear, lt-auai citelauai uaptutulue umatîl ucar itvu "Mas% Richuardson? " olic. ariAn a --loit'-hrnl>ilnz <'- 'Ou -a a ver'y strnargo c xpxrti'nce. and 1 te Sta lut cou tha brri Pac roam Cai duw Lha wl- pom on dis, Isr tai lih see ex( lilla e d foi g aid d 1 1 1 St '-i '-j set at libertv. siatutt, aiid law di.ýpartriients.

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