Whitby Keystone, 16 Mar 1905, p. 7

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- -, 1 ý. :- 1 - ý - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U ~; -.FoniTea Plantation to Store W-£ WATCII TEA. unsieepiag vigilance selects the TEMDEREST LEAVES, scrut- Inizes every process of their manufacture and cf refuIIy SEALS thom in LEAD P-ACKETs to PRESERVE the FULL FLAVOR. No wonder the BEST is BLUE RIBBON TEA. TRY THEf RED LABEL. - The Unllnown Bridegroom bELAPTER 1XVI 1I shold hwn.ie penliaps statesi le- fore," Mi*. L iIitonu cenît nucrd "ltant tag' âoon as ï %vas aible, i xvourd ai' my rî atler's affairs iun SidilI-y, as -weLIi l na I f.îulul, and thiinstarti-i imm diatlily for Loni ri, te aiscertaia wji-ai s E --t 11 nL .oil mak - t.-e-c I wnae-i iîdhy 1< C(-vcd by thle (il-ni witii whîom w-eliîad b, ern dol iîg, liad at long taik ,%itliithîcîru, t4tiig plaini- ri.y thrî2 çrediea,,ment iii w-idli I foriiii(l ( yIri, -ncil Iriskiriug fot-iroiir fom-be:i i.- --acuîitil 1 j ld iniJto eucovi' f iouu in' 11-in- ~fol nul tire ili maîit Ihlsrtiarciiç, w-mil urîlîtor Lori- donl,'« îlifumirur il, ' -nxlnin , t iiidicatiuig by a gvmlureI' le miii-rir-i g- (-[-lw-ho ont u-i'cd xviiiliii-1wu Il iii,Lw5. "T'iej Loiiiîuî,èsc[ir11uni' t0igir te nierea an-i risc. vtnr iri whîit tri tcouihî ialieo uxitî un ulîNt,'uw tr 2iîrincli, gît îg ine- ir tir ms or lniio- ductioni i-il i<iruu--nt i tri thbm ini î-icut i-mg-m n- ho tir tiiuI bvaliulu- ill - tîltt tiry hiir ri t tlin' -rriii-inmiurit( ' ri P l"n mrut l -rl- st~ xe- thel--A i-au OiA- ti-rtiy1r iad niîîtheu irutr- iyrrulni. iu uulmivacin, g , 1 h l hnuti Lev urris liir'taicliiruim fthir t l îiusu ltionsformedr' p.tiii( Ti,. ideui n-îî. I týoi, h i- ll oonuu'nî d t i lii' r lii, 11linlu'1 (lartiv a liiic I irini lut eknî i <.iti f o ie- nitni ( iIrNut, Inr yoni" iita-erA il yn g im uxiti fhor li Lorii rut fItiurnn tholit onfunvr-its inercu * tnîind Vîr11-.1V1o - un -L ti Ili it avf Itillriligltn t-e baud(et ailîV uI ITa' r Ile nîki- of iui r 1i idTm a d -ii~- tio imîciMis -inin A- n "I rcau'led tîrnt nI-î rnisllM- prnx m, )lved eeurririles mlLit d tuil.î anlîrl ne e tuînmg 1h (1- ktheiren -aur iid tarti-sifoin r tri iiunk iii t <riP 'Nli - -dny luisi b-i un i Imnntly i n aiit1i"arn' -,nas stil Ilrr a nni ire-- i K i id, lr- i i ts ni-t-n)I(i-t i ni e rir-n ei i-i-nil ileft-v te~ rA iuy1 ck il tlinuterui [ln ri ilrg-otiigh i: un P)It(i-oInuits r 1 înIi nc- alii tf i iu î'artk aLi hî'u a hnoîse, I-ýIiiig thet ux uu mui' v 4-11dti ansiankiiig Iiiiiii tridivect vo:'li-t-- 'to t ld uiyviwy bur t'Ih u,,v îî I linAdpas;s--si. My îplan xva-iu1e r' id id îînk nim cai, tîmem rtutrnr ..i ti iy inui-se, catelulime tizain if 1 iiidl, buît, iii cri ne' et faillire-, rola lin ,ir î'r foith111(I iglit ur nA goiback le t ru- eity Ilairle inueiiiag. -Thc'iiu nagavi eme nîlinto irer- Cons irti ,dAiig îml rtîad and sikinîs- t - lusisesitUat Ishmorîhitrîko liii- i r-icklîîtotrhi alrîug, as I1 xas s-u r'ete -lr a'xàîq-ottiimg before I coîuld get ir-k. I1 staîuted, brul t hgr-cx-s-id- 4 -il3,-tel-y dîr-k anmai re hlong Ixwasi r m ' Io -Ate iud 1 I Aloi-til ry w-ay. Itiýras-A u:i ck, r-it racesi a port ion - i f hurt di ;trîmmcc, anmudAfimailv founuud ury utIfunimuiou thle rîglît rîlasi Buii -ltn th' ~io'n-afearfuil oee rai ci- 'ni Vuî;teî' Juan I, anud ut erlrok n-ti, nîmsi, aI it-Iart-a a luttle- ilihagu- I 4ýrhsir.,e-rx d in gi",lui ni. sriahi- ( irir-chi bv tiix i ronisi4du I t srccirr'd Jr mi' timat I mi glul - .u siichttr-n iiuiii il. nu tii thi-' n ý1:burt fuor s n -u ineîuîtn ýiv(cd jr-t imA iii îtiuhî-xi A ig j 'a ty v.-- .e i irrî;la 1i( i iy a nv tiling r '~"Th(- a1faîr w-aý; ver * v frt-ey 15- -rniS-.armA il w-drigradimiiy muiifuuis- 1 md t e i that Lmnyl cormrgln was-rahn-uu ln Amenlea, masqrreradiirg li n ii' namo. but u4tiil as grurat a -tiliain as ever ;- that lie liard wen the affec- thono of mi ioveiy, innocent pgil-ixxithn a large Yrr-une,- hasi per-usiadesilieu' to consent Ire a secret mtariage lie- cat.ae lier friends diRapproved o-f hîlumîr end thesre minions o! fimbuw-cri' o r-e- oelve a hauudsome meturun foi-t lieir- "Fh1hed witty Indignation, and de- ternÉnied t-o UDiDtIElthe Pretender i ransi savo the poor, misguided rUl bnidr-, if I coalsi I steppesi forth frrui iiy place oîf conceainrent, -vx-hin 10 uny ariareirent, ihey seizesi uýou nie as ^thie belatcd bi-:Aegrom, ansi hîu rrrc -l ie inside the g100MY church, aînd itraiglit to th(, allai'" 'laiut v-oui! I sl-i-pýeteui as imach whlen I folnnsiont !"thue prisoner hene imter-poet, but rbrutipty patîs- t-i mind uirolpa-A into his olsi attitude. "It w-rs ail se- qrickly de)nt-," Mr-. Loiglhton prc-ce-dued. witiouit notie- r ig liii- lltrriupnitin,"I Lad ne lime tri rn s-n elearIx, atirA b1ufore 1 i-Criiî(-'.1-07111e,(idi-A Tuy peSitica, tire t r-un hli r g mt le burldu-anid lier ai - trnmdnînîrvt-re stanIdinglies-lAc nue ansi tlîn- iu-mgxnîru î n hîrj Lgnugîî hie 5Ciiý vir-., I1t-tuid iA nt Ais-tiriguiil hrtir-o fi-nu t'xi-s of î-tlnrorît tht' ladies. mml ' -iii ini uttrritiinmg nttmi- ti-vrlgruuruin xînt-i rile 4to rrppl'ir n unriy ýnusta.mi t h xv1 ts lîoîing ilhiniignaitinnn ii nqn- ttilr iuiimrulti Un h-.:inr uh<' î- uiini nid so I ni-i nitrii-n-un in rie ftr eeuni- tr i1- - ii i <'inu-, niuul thlu tît tu' h (>i-ru t h l r lu. un L- i al i ni ->* t'u--ai tri xi--hauit Inn- ivgln t nnt c-in' rt cou" ."( ->Ilrlg m n ui-uiîii thiis-Came '-um ru iuutrn -ns u i ilu at -1 iliIui-iî'~ liin or 1nu--i Imsiî-rnu-ulfuir Iluiimnn -îrx in- i lîiî mur nu'Qrr n-ii ni i il gil ii vit leur lui i-nrig Lri r l in-i Ve r n j i i-ii t1w -nl yî r-- tuf-Innt CX Wh '\unît -hlnuîîi1uchi I hu irît- r-un I tmuc ur -u- ilinuimu1oilI1 stotil h"i 51ricetum andîuhrr- and -"I Inîu [Iti ~thinug Sr-h o Wil' Mi n fmuirru ~lw (î-tvn Intle iL ' iLurn-cit - t!WuifiQu il trough ix ln u ri riil, -,[liui1i liat ilui 'i-r-huit :Tirre w-n - n mg : Du- irîî t-uîli. îhesuribeit- - n-,'niili -h n i- il -Ii ii -- g l n nugmuni i-,Mss Roii -Isir -har-t- nr ls at >ni'linu-iînlelh n-'ni lluvr niiitir- affnii-, smru--î- tti-nru-4?stirn4l, Iî'lcraikl tîgu-îIrî-z auroi nr-tun-îi xitlu nipra i ilnt<î iuft<ui -l I,- 11 nr(iurrn- mnîu--n-(invrm'l-ri ioro vîrugrnî'-uii. nîuiitl r- - s ig nul vx - We u'hPe-' Lt ii n gi-ni tcny uinticlr-suu gî 'O rA tuu nv- W-uit' a sL.ort tinre lis-Vurnî 'is < -i . h it vns- a recuia r r-elle thIait intid . iliiilier fuimii foi, mmurr- ,buaî iliiiiiiroui yearms, anîd sinn n -jnu'-t4-il ni -te kt'ep t antiPans., ýt îhtutvru tri mtsomu ts-.oruhi J <ir- -XI <ut 'hif'l1 lm raiglaîl thîrt h cr in resiti>rei tuut m's-aid 1Flore-nce-, ut-i file' vnî-voilv y 4,-,tî- ndi-ui('41 lo Land'id.rmh, oruîunnrhimg , i Iii l it tlî-r l.ug inirni ier hmli. Tir- mrîii îrt li>s' uni I hun nwtICtI abhout tri tmg m-pfugp n- itheii- surmcii bv,11 li'ne î-Ke tutut n tmîustf - tic sn-;truanuigo marnge es-ovonîrrauns Notvi lfor ieu-, amil, ski I i nfnîst4lr- riug g1% Claein Mi îiuut lcnu- m<-k - sun- Luad -Lnp-u tint-îring fr-eîu il ti vi-- turrinià oiii inr '\i I. tl. :N .stui-- 'erx- ring,' Ie rîauru-h rs 1hi, t-uiîk Eifrein ier; mn- n t riuni iil n tîr- A Lini-i g htlauugh 1Vrom Air- innu ~ ~ i, inl-iui ît tis 1uiir 4Imniui curîc Zinî-- s' c jLIgta'rl, nînm i- A- 1i, ,-t A î trougu ia-t i-hi" -lmi Ix-inime-i itti surIdu-ietînOith'- I tni"he irns î iihn-Ame coin stuit- ii Vx '(1t 'i ,Ia rnuîimr e t tie Towe rs. T< I1i mi- --l- utin uiî idnr il(ut-i- L.sh -rS cl'unrI 41t>%,Iri-ti niAnîuna, -Lave' x crusiutics ring litfore aurA eil -x ou t--h i un na lout il I Tioi'glu-i -iii i-resl aga la. - "'es' s-lui, -4ret or t eul, N*t i an Inn- piruhn t. to;s- of luier ieaut; Iwînus hiri.t-immd them curtains of your bed oner mor-uhig, ariA -aw, you iookung ai ilt. Ieihali'îil may lbe' irteresthng to, tht,.. conlan *v te know Ihat 'Mism RirLirdsoni las wiora h t'îîon a chain- nexi lier hart, afs a treasurn too- 'înîcred te be trus-ted anywjuere else," the girl coruldsI, uvth a titor"s laurgt~ that brought the hot blecd 8,n quiok fIood to Piorencels brow. WJ.ereulponi Mr. Seaver mrarckied 'strai-ght, across the room., to3)k the i-flsiting muid btILie ai-m, witli a gi,ýj, thua iadtlier iwince, and led 1 -et' ou-t lînto the hall. leave th.:m bouse -imn3cdiate- lv" -e tiîundered. "if you s ,.ow yorface in my presence agaifi, I %vil'iLave vou arrested as lihe acco-m- cîiîr of tL.at viliain yontier." iLegil waS thorougiilv fr;gl.tc'nd, and wieil she mtg!it b, ?, for tLe man's aspect ,a-,ronetl»ing terrib-le; andi, ivnr-li-en paid ber w.aga-s )nly tbr,; day-. belore, she hiurriedly packed lh -r trunjk andi pr<c4mpltately h(-f i ic Towvers, neithier 1Fiorernc2 eQI Ili4- Seavers ever seeing bier agaia. 'Ahl! uow it i,5 easy to uaderstand lioNv A LÈv.e s wa.s ena-bl -A to dcscribe' th<- rinîg so accura.tely to you,' Mir. Ls-.ightotu observed, as tut- two dirs- ap"e'ar-ed fi-mo the ioom. lihe cil, havin-g s-een it in your pos.îession, couisig1ve him some idca of lt, whnvir he miusui ustantiy bave recogized it, for Il-,, bad -,oeil it a great many iesupon my mioth2r's iager, andi kn-ew Its history. IL înust liIive b oni nuitr a rrvel ,-tion, a - w,11 ia a sîo-,k to lm, [or it doubties-s explained to hlim at onoe the mystcry that Itasi Ilîttierte suri-oupnded the ceremon.y tbthato0k piteelaRosýedal3 cliapi, and toîsi h[r w-ho the ,ti-anger ivas 'ç% ho had acted the pit o tht- groom "Poil tht occasion." Hc gi:ncei at thb maiai ho ËpDke, airA 1t1I4- guity color that surgesi up to lits brow- pliriy bctraye-u tuai iri4 tsuî-niises w-t-ie correct. 'Te go bartck 1 that soe ne ia the (hi ,' tu, 1W2oung mar i e-umi'd, andi ýStilI adoi-cS--iag -11910 ec 'w-heu uiny flrs--caille .a Conitact %vitithtlis ring, I nicclîaîiicaliy di-ew it forth anA i iss-e-I ilt ttir -cil rgyma il, w-o bi-rt i, 1inli- hi dsIi- C r(_ 1101y, 111d stili Ili' mhii; Lîid. g. oim ad fDot Coule. Iu-- pde-vbrai w-ais iî~a ~-hiî-l---o~jk-î{-î Iiat tUic w-ho1,C aiffair lîad bet,îr bat, a -ac-r4,ligiôn>3 far-e, :înd ii r t11Ol1fr mmi- siull h:ive -f eme1 h-p rt' hai 1 lieid 1p1yt.d -but %o0 tr1-1-oiAia Iy te rut- and b-gtIto beg 1i1,,te take ,yo nli oro. Ybar citreatie05 îuceabruptivt--i t Aw-t1h a ci?- of t<rie:-, j i st as a foarful ciashr of foleriida t iOnSZ, ruiid you feu fain Liîîg ilîto n~-a-u,îili tnld-sIto sýavj, yom I c:îrb-A you quickiy from thî- jires-4rîand jput vonilto 1ti4, car- riig4 , tehIiiiîg tjIn' driver to g-t vou 11oîuî- w-tIi allî9shiîdsau Tliir:I turne<1 bick t10 bave it )it w-tih tliii iy-rsom îvho m-d acte I r .s I)ost mann. 'Iloiî:îd just seci'od tire ('0iii a rdel i t or Wm, for I kri4%- tir rtI nid i J î ', h-' r-unti in-s foi- t1lie fi-1im- lii1.1,tIwii-i sUtai ger. H' lias gveativ dhisttirired foi an iii- stieb- t h-l,, rn7u-- I la toive nme ',Iti cnîrdîrg ter- n!îî tî, itlIougiiIl rioý--e 1 i iii t Cedocir, dt niaid(lnA' 3ydiir r ifli. TIio Ilic eiiided rue, ~-~riugimioi tli cu i-i igf- ali Nwas nrtiri-- <-or- I c l d--iili. '1te-r4tmi'nrltir th ii' î-licn, to ii 1 <i h- lîrn ii liini.tot( ti-i ii- niatten-r11)ip iri Oiig 11111i, u.tlii -\tiitoit ii111-' uýlirii genel- hîvrg1<-flby- tiî r-cii' door, I ini- foihow lira l Ii -iltesu 1 iii- di iO 1ý Idii .krut v-lî 111:1,a sivrî i 1t I(>m i d 'i. frim )irit of tiiî:i, tii 'i ilieo4- (r r "e:ti -ej W i;' t atj 1111w.'. 71Ti -Z 1sLI 'vriA-fi-- t ' v point arird-w-as neye- r aid te lh ai-1 thle ideitity or lier w-lt1i w iioui I weii t iiioiglii tiiat fn c -:ri t r i t tl- ge'l-eut nrg-îili, nit lthui -mI -t <-ni Lu ~It t le' bu sirine.,s 1-ii I iîroruliît me 1<) Amer iica. A fti, Il toxv danys-Liîr' N--Y or-kfVr'ni lîforni- cl n- ilîri- haut (ihi-eldîdto i C Plthli proîroIt jr> i oft îlo Lorifiinu, -,iid, thn-ý malter s-i til-I,1, Iulteîiii d t n-ruil for i t-i nl tl:eir oilo\îvirigWA 'n t iilue-, 1 Aiînu i;L 1 w-on i e1 ok rip A .ifidrcw,- aîiri îlî-iid of ihiii thi papi-r.- w-hici I kr -xv lie linad Kteir-ii. 1I 1 tii r01 4cit -.c of hîîîîî îrnti lt u,.- <mv. b-for- Lxu:î-Io n ail, îvhi-,,i 1 1<-.',r Il th h t i vi VL- o n",t i , er theii l- iiiii i i 1 i -l i vilicu-M--. Siý- an haurcw, ~w-ris oui. liaiI 1 as di- tî1'niie n cî ilîmi, ru id ini i d irponîau :rtli ng liis ni-tr ru-lie fouir il ile in lies rculawlieu lie caine, andi w-as "'as iitart---a as if Gril- lasi ud- sin lyir; s-tii V i-muri t lie do-nd tefore hlm, for, îrntMth lat iuil-iî, lie liad( belloe(d nue tp b9 doad. We liad a storîiv int r t lti-fuioile r- fusesi te r(-store lie papers- I de- miansi 'si.aîd w-i(n I taxes i hm xiîîm pal mîrig liiinu si-if o f as my Vatlier'si gon, adA tlir-nmten Io (1expose Iiilrii, lii-toniy suîerî-d rtlile ataid ~ttIraÈ -oIld be, a dlifficrit iruitLI r. gnie Il( liasied ytimgto pr-ove býs pogi- tion, andAI v1 nidoîjiix niak - ýiiyself ridicillouis. -1 renalze-sitlire trir tIr of tii, ansi digueistesi and ditcourigi. 1 iti- ahyietliimu, w-tilit v-"n ni-fer- ring to t ha Icald-s ii.iinrriage id taxirig hl iiiiht r *irg tri d" enioan innocent gilas I liasi fuily iiitendesi 10 si-. I Vîui:rd 1 i wv- r îlçr- legrs, at that tino, te proie auiytliigr but I ri-soli cd tUat as se-n as 1 w-as flrmly re-estabuieshed inlabusiness I -wv-orlîIdid ma ke annther effort, and, linekesi by the Loado)n fîrm of San- ders-on & Richards, w-ho has iit In tiroir power to identify, me. I1lie- leved 1 sbe-tid be able to ehove mny cousin up as a rcgu(3 and estab- lisil y;st-if ae Waltrer Carrol Lëighb- 061Then 7en %wouid have been the bait' tb tit-ig r;tIttç,. if the pon of Sir 3ulleu h!nd never bpen d1ceovereýd,"1 1 sl-îcgitiv .-and iruioni somme sections in ibis Abgoluteuy Necessary to Health, Strength district thon c is a supl-ly o! very goosi and Comfo:t-Good Biood Banishes sced. Discase. Thie con-t of lime small quatrîily of sou-A l'rnJil utiir juh, r'd beuIdo nt - t ms rcqnuiror to priait an a cre, i0e Ifo (()Il o -wnte. \'Iii-ijfo r mn comparimon ux-iL îthe cosi fuir habor ie ai-I i lii- i-i i-il x hnlr 'Ynub and lucuhivatiug ariA Laudhing andthe imun- ourfac, lii àrd iiziei sacr timate valine per acre of a gond c-op, tuar tri bîreauv piiu-liul hiis c r-uioulA secm toîiate il clear tluat the bent tainr s io i u tirai vourtir bînrî is thîia anA V01,Ci intrcu nin.ni iu-n. \oiir bhood accus available suesi of tUe ainsI satisfartntrv irirhîluigunrivirîrDr hlinrns' inttype anA variety sinouid ho obtained h .i't Pihs. iîv lnak miit-bhcosin tîeystan rrt-reasonabie e ci. Ih xvuldlie ami-lu file tît- (nt-eiian hua. Thieyretbiood etier for tnunadian farrrrers if thev w-en-'- un-v utheuir ulaestironIrTherr ins tlo rbl bobaai i l pies of seoil -ni-a nu i-r un tuit iîtîr umAi ront irîge l tno os-rtinot- wiid imniri-plIm iýw u iins Ic r es nu i - un ires vn]rur a-, înpp da fuinttnoo-iretng .Vu lui-n t1.. inu tire ar; tin h r -.nzu'rfi h njuhave a tair Si~L ha-nia.fixhume n-rn n'n 'Aixonul a vear ago :uni it- i-mm h v u Mu- inhs ano siferet ?ri u I i srjtA v a urylîfe ni1r mni I1m( blulheranteiip - r n I rilda nul go fe ;fetsi o iiln un-i10 Xl\aslýH arin- 'hnuk 111. Iot sixndlfimin prrnilî'for asigi ortractuuuîuî tir rire i(,- vcicîrlin liii f-ioubleîr a ur-lu strnrcîn gmno uiii rto ni l ua-t pr cntr u. umir - goun-er muni ut Ii 1- uni u n t u x 'geoîn -ernPir hiu- mit 1r un'sli d doctorraoli tli i ncurie Te tavertas et.lie l)r Wi l hi ir u - i r li l i--nane 1 a Ier o f uunx ier u n t h lic - n oftnnheipi -,eods t I li dop--in-n u NvunIr1 ii- iedInhiel ub .id ei nu u-it uis î nmtnei- cs l:-uîi-uilDr. i Piliilk c mut wlr uigu't s îl sîn frainle hnn trn.wt te Ip-li ii inl b r-u tir i-nnml nn ilth- untne I il mn o i I-t ln ur'(1"(g' ft aluonm in- n-u i ri uv s Fntj it fcnbiela tire utimalili'gat si-et-Ia 111-n 1 îhn' n r' irihifo-ih-rn. irlan inth l ralr (-- Nlic-rh îti tie I lriý-$3. t00 -0 . longe un nu- nI -- nh î u i - u. i oi ro;e - rublet ol i n ruuth ni t-io mt ire bur i-ge Drn.u l nu 1imunn i i iý r mhi--luamut ht tt-og- cay l CoiimrrinîIie îiIltlvta s t--t -inîunu hnu f1 ii lns e s 1-o lenI.i Ila 1,qa ai i hn- i In t miii. - be-otI ý.cIii m I lle vîu n t-hicIh Inni--r D ito t.o lu oc Ktîin tati C Innhne o ixît. uni ,o)lhs î nuire-ut Ilne fnllîm . ' i o- -n u i a hrn rg t rs 1t-rboatC inur i mi is t--n'I'nl' co ie, ut>fe-s Isitncîmeieat Derodi -MIull cncostee- -\-luIVli utmu ini' av rnuii -r ici n c' ari d tSoci ;,te reN t îi -hii t-m ehisxu a tri-i lt ii nu-iu-n' iinîlu; i- seatownésx. enpob-t't1an mail he 'N rhei ai ru t-î -linix iii ofi-t lt-r-; fr $5 res c mm n îueir'i iat i Vi i i-!u iii i s'. On t ( - N tli-bras-i oie lnuii h'Aeu'intl iogr tan A i-att eTak wthe Plac et a $Do)ooooc --nKlai ad(;o) oit Br]\ idge oonte be uil in. APes"tMdciDrh.hA htirm Whit bvon dnulil tio ar-es Wih Tl arge adii oa unr ( '[h )ie eican vniw lon isbex.mie l dli v m gl iici lut l'De rutroi ri tu' în he -s le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~( tehtesvuPaife auon (ofipin - in'lar ulire ith nirhii 1, D-tri luT r tr ue In'-lMedicinniere littias-lro Sniilini 'lme runut is nut smin îm o i bnlniruî mu D t ui nlîîuboaat.ig r-n B1 otlrge h iil ft-I unhuit aiAAias mi e -t b'tri 'M i cne ch Bru. N S, eys nuue a tnr-ni miîe t 13 lotc t Ht- tuvr on - î Liez i l nt-t- nR buusi rî t b t ferrvboa'ins fie wrrybna s langer tîîauî cold cuti-lfi-ail Ihmoa\t' ui rb wLic Ilie S t- or tien l ie-Rairoaîxies n an 1m wn I retirh Tgei uni winith on" SolA.- TUe olaie rnifers otrn a vrage b-varc il ,;maedr r ieheNs or by îîih ie trins tterl., un\e ,ibaearici nflot vhnnsi-Air-imOl u' ('e, Bru-'l"illst On largo. ait-ovuixliasoreled fod gImt cnrsdaisor-te as hrigis fer-I tnist mips nîunring the - rlly Enteara en t Thforaithan l Gîve tx-t-nlv-fuîni- lut ns (iltvi n ioîL e gimît W.oo ian lh itie ro uiriinc. r lu-gtu c tnisbu t a hi ispower.oio;a'J'l A it' r nei- nt ortaui( nint or a i-cIi ils ou ~~ ~ab' or sît a r-n iiins iln' tuuînonl no r-mu- .s a n e t ra iof rn, iu3057-n s; w- n -hennt' t Tnt-ihns Da hi b4ini fue nir rIs')afilear-u-Inî adalias a ae tu imi îcufi;ai etir eu ir-n -l un nu as ieabtasah asih--rosiý elesh bc ie ar c m bTh e dtuxu cx gnc ixxor u2,00f)ar n'l l 1îîr in a trh e c 1. hee 1.' i s nuc sio at is lis cousi hnil ix it rcuureo-atheU ens ca e Ei - pins trnîi rz Smnuit i-i sh o f n hemî iiu e-m ii-ts am u uvindou 1-dra eresof m- T- he an fit r anesfer-,o t-t-tn averauge- v a lgi-n r ied nue earlotrs or crepe ipope ten ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 miueb0mieatpec wy vh nî o etoxurlie, tietDre. cli fmem sh0 t iii i p ( Ne r-lat i siutr g l ie ts c a lt u iiiîafo u dl a o se e p targeatiearii i ai-i d(iifrii ar s i ae tmoip'ol v ; inu fa buli tatof-n stir le tur at imr- oiuvr-v mittîti- if arenFOaRhnST. ipaTR- ' D - tîxails orna hueaascii b siortmlit,;ebuai- as hniitu i bas mrian mmmtips Tinc rinnis cfhe uîr-t, ant a t n ven hops a t vîiit crepe 1 îne g- f tienv oatiur 1-s ic in w-av qar innie-rcl i fiesr-cu l oitr dan of Unis tr n ter b o papi r-, t e Stivi ti ic k'ihi hoa diia trackfinis-hlte tire-nthelepcsteoretabletcentre. Themait1ianc î ned g r-oea anA w-ile chsandofaper, inyr furn t-cni-y Leaix\io b te t -IL one tlll(>.C)r xric .-;e caborb at i sala snovh re, Anhy xii cr aranyto fotrtai a incan sointion o bae poiurn; sspnon lu bbc d .i frginLe t abl f biri ep a mle n- len gihi oua lA b t o a ire. Il ecption o mie e. if r larger n a srios bstcl tonaigaio. Hw-ing wit iie dreses reu e it as Fia wee, a i u ,umerof s rx-eys havecentl% tcs o-y o rrstelu, im bave.jusi been orwarrledinottueWnr ch trings Depai-iment fou' examinalion. leodngj"lie maids who serve nt tae door or to the plans salilti, the bridgeii'i in tbe diniug rooni shouis w-car dainty 4, 6,800 feet long. Tbcre wiil be a drauvw t'earmncsandA caps, éach ornamented 29Qlet whde ha the clear on each aide Ithagrees ru«bbon box. Tih. men cmn t OR SEED CORNe M±r. %,av-er here observed. as the n"Yste oug Mau replled, "for' TIE U IA K F It ias my mother wb-o wa.s sistel, to______ Lay- Pag els rather; there le not a drop- of Vincent blood in Andrews' Mire difficulty of getting reliable seed 0e 1. my tretu--it 0 NýW York,- cor-n of desirable types and varieties 1 Ofl the eveni i~g following the Inter- ýduringr the hast tw-o years and the ex-1 view ivîtb ktJ-' 1 fouild, uni pensiveé lessons Iearned by many corn. glancing over tile World, the names growers w-ho used seed of uniçnown vital- of Mr. and Mi-s. 4z an ifd M"89 ity malte the question of reliable seedî Florence Richards-in as booked to1 for 1905 of more than ô-rdinai-y intercst. 51all for Eiiropc upon the same 'team-1 A surv' of the available supply- of er i wlnchI entcmiatd tkin northcrtt grow-n seed of this important Passage. Now, I tbia-lht I would fodder cro niae h- h ifcl have a fine opportunit; to ascertain tesof ndceshttedffu- w-bat th e daughter of my fatber'aes getting goodseed will be eveng former partner wvas like. But I i-e- greater this year than during the two soilved tbat I tywould not force muyseît previous years. The best varleties for ,uPofl cr at alI; was poor, she fodder or ensilage purposes, along the was rîch; andifsh1e shouid learn northern limit of the corn belt in Can- wbo I was she might be embarras- ada, are undoubtedhy of the "Flint" type. sed by, my pre-sence. Beiides, i rea- In the latitude of Ottawa only a fcw son cd. sbe miglit passrbly bave met special strains of the "Dent" varieties the man w-o ciaimed my nDame, and give good resuits for ensilage in the av- that migh.t occasie)n unpieasant com- erage year. plications. Accordingly, I ;engag,,ed i nfort unateiy for progress in coi-n n-Y pas-sage utider an asUmed 'Lam e, raising in Canada our supplies of seedt or rather by simply transposi-ng my have been drawn largely from the coun- Dames and eaiiing myself W. L. Car- ttvt the south and have been of types roi. Miss Ilicharditon and I dÎd Dot aîidvareisthtrqirdalngrs become acquainteu until the voyage sndto atuethan eqiarded lneroe was neariy over, but even then 1 sof oratbrt daistafricsdereintuem neyver dreamed that sire w-as the pooroforb.tdiyisic, hetn Little bride -w-- liad stood beside me corn crop is most needed and most valu- laRsdl hpl hticdn able. W\e have a number of very good w-asbecoinglikea dram o me* mn who are making a speciaity of grow- and Ibe4ived hat o on w-oi ng corn for the purpose of seed aiong evez' discover that I had been con- Lake Erie, and w-ho have a limited quan- nected with it in any way. But 1 tity of good seed for sale this year. The w-vas desthied to be diSappointcd in Canadian Seed Growers' Association has this, for almost the first person I taken up in a business-iike w-av the met on board the steamer %vas Mr. miatter of creating a suppiy of i-chable Merrili, Vonder, w-ho iîhad acted as seed corn,. and it may be said that the best man, and ive instantiy reoog- future promises for 'a permanent basis 'nized cach other." Of suIppiv Of a ighrl-ciass article and of "Wbhy.,now I undrcrstandj some- varieties that are exceptionaily welj thing thiat has aitvay-s pczzl(d nme.' suitod for ensilage a nd fodder purposes niurmure-d Florence, as slie recaiied in ail parts of Cnaawhieîe corn can th,_% s-hock that bad quivered through be growvn, with success. Addison MeI(rrili timat meorning w-hKn lTle sevore frost dtiring thie cari-v part tht-yv had encourrtered Mr. Leîghton Of lasi autunîn rendored the builcz of 0on tl](, IPPCr dcek. lie (crn ci-op in Onatario ab-sýoiuteiv -isc- (lu be conlirn iîed.) les" for tho pturiose of seed. A beit -- about a ruiile- in Nvidîh aiong rthe North- iRICH. WARW 5LOOID. ein shore of Lake Frie w-as affec ted ceniv ivear gr-èen tics ari tinx Irishr flngs in buttoabholes or tîypir-al Ir-ish Cci ranceeaui lic hircA aI tit- costumumrs. 'l'lie stores are fiiiliof siitlihle cuonîîelr, foa s pot ato bonbon buxes. emnîx pipe:s ansi Bai- men liais iii Iris-b *ajntaiiigr carie and i o- omf li su imîitailion slrarrroct. 'lI'li'mu inc lcarryvont tiregenerai Scllenn-Sîrirnirli unr gi-t-n vegetalile col- u)iiigmumwIIrrodiwre inn 'xvsluade desired, aMmii aiimnnd. pi-utarcInialnIdimnl Ha asidesi mu rrenais amd i r-ies. xviii produce 'var- mu-t « - wim iheniinn ii-s,. bnbons andi evrs- taie otfîlirigo miii adA daintily te the Sumurli r-rip cakes on cookies iceA with wh ither-ran Le dor-orated uxvith citron shuni- rockts. Irai sand pipes. 'fle lai-test citron is lu-icu for thi-z, aurA afler cuttung lan thin slicesý. lay iijrmst enotîgîn te coi-or and n-linier until am nt rauw- xili pierce il; drain and mipodrv; thuon cleu-t tc shape with sharp scissor s or tite. The bats are eut labo txvo pieces, ans it is belter te eut patierns frear stiff paper, wlîich iay on thie citroni slmape. TREES BUT LITTLE KNOWN. Tropical For-ests so Dense lb is Difficult to Explore Theni. 1Accnri'-îm luan expert inu the bareau offorestri' of lime Deparamxent o'fAgi- r-rilai-e thuere iïs, conipa-rat.iveiy speaking, lithta n-tun cnacorning trepical t-ces, aznd tîmis despite the fact that nalturai- Hict aud bebaniste ai-e coustauthy expior- iig thre regions ne-ar thbe equator. In- de', lucre iasI be nany irundreds o! varicîles tIraI have been litIe knowunand that are uaidentiiedn by name. his carious fuel is due to the excep- tional conditions of bbc tropical foi-elas. In teaiperate zones foi-cals are fairiy open, anA, geaerally speaking, include trocs of oaly a few vai-ieties. Thus tbem'e ai-e oak fon-esis, hickory foreets, etc., but rarely any f orests w-bei-e moi-e than three or four kiasis of brees exiel in anv nîna- lier. Tn thue trepics, ou the other baud, the case is exact.iy bbc opposite. Forests composed of -oae variety of- troc 'or ovea of ouiy thi-co or four kinde are praciu- calv urknow-n. Se mauy different soi-ts of i-ces gi-o-t close together that fr- uoniiy mi-e than 100 varieties may lie cuumutoui ulthuin ,i short 'radius. -More- ox-er muil timese grow t.ogel.bern-l greal contrition. Tbev tow-er toecxtraordiuary lIerilits - each troc il w-oild s500ai. 511v- iag its lied t-o reacb the sunligyht. Cen- sequucuîiv thue Iranks are exîrmecy long- and thia, bocause ecrh t.roc is reachingr to-et gl iîier I-ban ils neizhbors, in order to escape bbc twilihhgmlof bbc primeval, trepie foi-est. Louves and branches are s0 coafaced that in many foreets eunecr- an see noilîmer esiy nor sunlight for nulles, lime croix-s of the trocs intcriacing, anA furming a tlrick, inupenetrable roof. To add te the confuîsion greal vines and creepers anAdbriadrols ef varioties sut voeleabie parasites ovcr-groxv the Il. is salAin htit it H eil-niglî impos- sible b-o eut dow-vanauxeere for pur- poeý ef examinatiou, for tLe reason thul the foet 'mese dense tiraI there is iacttiiieîrt romn for the troc te fall, eenafater ils t.rumuk bas been cat bLi-ough. Il would ho necessau-y to cieur a gi-eut space, and that is iaipracticaiqe fromn the standpeint of tbc naturalist or botanisi. Hence bbe vorld is sàll lu comparative ignorance of the w-endors of thre trepie foi-est. There wa.s a good deal about lobig heads, in the foi-m of long words, in the hluxiey memoriai lecture, deiivcred the other night before the Anthi-opological Institute, of London, by Dr. J. Deni- ker, of Paris. The following are »em of the terleus sed: ~~fcvjle3 unless the conditions for etorage have been exceptionally good. The averatge vitality of seed corn, tested in the Seed Laboratory last year were, for corn re- ceived in the ear, 95 per cent., and for shelied corn, 68 per cent. It is rnuch to be recomxnended then that, wherever possible, fariners obtain their supplies. of seed corn iii the ear only. To meet the demand for seed cor-n ini this condition growers wouid do well to adopt the style of shipping crate that is used for this purpose in the States of Iowa and Illinois. This crate is two feet fine inches lonfg, one foot ivide, and one f oot deep, and is made of haif inch lumber three inches in widthi. Its capacity is one bushel, or between one hundrer and one hundred and twen- ty ears. If the corn can be planted in bis, this crate wili hoid sufficient -,ecd for fi4-e years. While it is true that there may be some additional cost for freight, on account of the weight of the cob and of the crate, and that extra work is required in sheliing the corn, these become insignificant when the dit- ference in value between an acre of goolJ matured corn and an acre of unsatisfac- tory crop is cons red. Seed Testint the Farm. To find out whether seeds are capable of producing plants requires neither ex,- pert knowvledge nor special apparatus. Satisfactory material is> to be found in every farm home, for making germina- tion tests of practicaliy any kind of beed used on the farmn. The simplest and most convenient w-ny to test seed cor-n and other cereai grains -and most of the root crop and larger vegetable seeds is to place a numbeý of them-say one hundred-between pieces of moistened blotting paper, canton clannel or cloth; set them in an ordinatry dinner plate and invert anotiier plate to rover them. Thé seed should be kept rnoist but not w-et. The temperature of the average far-m house living room wouid be quite suitable, but sonie care shouid be tak-en to -nard agaizîst excessive heat or coid. Ail good stroiig seed of corn, cereal g-rains, clov-ers or timothy. thns treated, wvill have gernîiinated at the end of tive davs. Verv smali seeds of the finer grasses, of some of the gardon vegreta- bics and of beets or mnolmav be germinated td better advaîîtage by sent- tering the i in a saucer (beionging to a fliwer pot) that bas been soaked in w-ater, and set on a cloth that shouid be kept danmp, or in a pan containing not mort- than one-eighth of an inch of wat- or. tlîè objeet being to keep the saucer moist, but not wet. If such a saucer be flot available. a brick Nviil answer the purpose as w-ii. TIn germninating seeds in an earthen saucer they mav ho ex- posed to the ,Hght, but flot to the direct ray-s of the s\u. Coos Igi-cnt îndertakzings. lier naaîufacturiag capabilitios are to be meveloped, tire ex- tensive use of electricity bein ga.part of the schncune. Forcigri capitatl, is 10 be uvelcomed; rehigieuts ibertv is tb be sectired, ind tLe righîlt of forcigners to 0w-n lanid is to liegrnated. In ttne future Tapa-m viii mîore aurd more supphy her aux-ilpcople's rioculu airAf exercise a great influnîîce over China. Tnrlîucd w-tiour 'Western iîelirîii-;. sho imrau- becoîue the hoaxeii IntatuuilI uaveii-,lie AiatÀ"e lump pti i-r' an importanmt factor irnasi- -tarc-m~g civhiniinuî a ut geatitielA threi-thle mixiite inationmis liite miel lait mmi v 10c iinnhnl uuS Thii.tiiuîgrrl rurn inMinetý11inti nu*( in- i r dueullu-nute t-crufîjî.t. aînl tluvi,-lu' tt i-i if un-- tir--timiipota nmce inur '- ný-: .onr hiti t nig u1ri lie nis iMra tn ne-r u sîliil.uIlus nighi. l fbuk lias ln-mnIn-kCn unnnld îîliu-îh iniýl--b. nii tt-he ire- arc v iiurr ni\ nîl-u 0e ?iumtieni.l i-' illtf rtusi-u thelii\iri-i- euu -il nn> -1- min--do,1cint r-u ir eîrcrt- ir m'tife iati'ilmuunini I lni inlo u n-- -liai ut 'ni/rilotiki. i and sr-n-n La- t-unr.i uitiîas I iit--n itiu i la-r- t- irn flriiunte rnusinluet wunr - -ianîd tIriltue. jlirai-. n wvti- bo-ur - i-sI a frm oen turc lnitai nnriln --n.m Sliniiir. t iru'nut Iiiuuurj iselfcf - - amd t'iinliiu-neimirai lii nmile heti heA hini m nn i lias ltt-i uttnd til lu n nr ni luthe crg i main rn .ivrri f lef innotehri arof fini-inn inug m i I llmnt er-twvthn t h-o P i i nit-i Tx sv-r f-i i -t oti of Mfil-rui ;cu W in îuîni1k a in t rmiiiiuseTf urrlîri ed lý-iilt n rrmn havMe îrîbeihe e is- l îînhîrii oiiý,a i tit le f 100.000g iiounmreis xxiiiand t t iii'foes thîcre ism aedIf'roh hie ir.izi uruux-te lno tie hu na ns e Ie liio. but ifîrthet Tapnese ano, h s-1 hi~~ ~~ver1 imw-n u hvr e'lie Pas-s xi-ietli Rsee-t 'mle-rît aruiin. '.tratedlosse uunerrrirr-,hr-tir einte f 10.000 r-tili- ofu anis mieianor'p lra tiro,-ir Jurs o binîcnsI, luith te siapeeruea-Ai t&'-n iithe.r-ner uuervieo imîiîg tireniem t Le ('znirs armitter i rb.et i posiitosaipenioida ofnu-ote.bugoe Rsuhevei nes niai intfr liIt tie sii ha-tebe en teie- 1tihe dosier's aem theri- is aieat le b iri positio4-a1 a p- ysin fntli n npire,' xviti imo fouir of blniets or bayonels before thiîe. Ex-en tis conîcessionm, ai- tîmoui it gumnantees nothing, is re- ceived wxith joy by tine people. Father Gopom, uho led tire Russian workinen to petit ion the Czar has sought refugre in London. There he may eniff the pure air of freedoîn. - i 'i ~ '~ ~ - - ' r- e- -r i. - While- it is true that the, war is im.. Posing on Japan an enorînous burde n, if, is wondei-fui with what cheerfuiness it is borne. The people show great capacity and willingyness to sacrifice for the couin- try, and the officiai returns Indicate that the dstui'bance ia trade hars been much less - than miglit be supposed. Japan's exports for -Noveinbei-, 1904, were $17,- 27MO00, agyainsi $12,384,000 in November, 1903, an inerease of $4,888,000, and her imports -%vere $16,849,000, against $Il,- 078,000, an -increase of $5,761,000, or a total foreign commerce increase of $10,649,000 for tire one month, in spite of thre ivax. For tbe cheven months ended 'November (ail w-ai- months- but one) the total foreigu commerce increase ivas $35,208,000. Sucb a record is one rai-ely, if ever, equalcd imi the history of similar struggles. The Japs are as in- dustious and frugal as tiîey are patri- otie; ux-ste is tLo therîr a sini, anrd the national bionor is dear to cverv iîeart. It is that spirit thiat niakes for success. Japan bas a great progranmmre ia con- templation w-len tihe w-ar is over. She de-six-es peace, brut peace Nvith secuî-ity.-- The reformi of ier hanguage, inchuding a systenî based on an alphabet of separ-ate letters, is proposed. The task is a large jone, buit tUe Japanese cari accompiish .1

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