I -c k. f THE, KEYSrONE, WHITBY, THURSDAY, MAROIL 10, 1905 WAN TEDU 0 "iJ SUQAR Z1905 IVJ B EETS PAY OVER 800 GROWERS HAVE THUS FAR NEWED THEIR CONTRACTS FOR THE C'OIING SEASON. RE- WRITE U S FOR CONTRACT FORI AND WvýE WIJ.SLND ONI()N FOR YOUR SIGNA- TURE, OR, SEL (WR CANVASSFR IN YOUR DIST- RrCT ANI) HE WILL GIVE YOU FULL SUGAR DpI DIS 0F BEET IUL IVALUE fùr Stck fcedingand i2\ nto 1bout grow\ers in propor- tiente aniouint cf Be-dhvrd W E P AY 5 0 CE N TS P ER TO0N ini Berlin for ptilp, te anv grûwur wh3 iloe; ot W<liîV- pulp fer lîh o: ls t~ o u e fei: SBEET SEED IS NOW'READY for ' o'.e~ and w .viNlî:,t gIl1erz lîp:. SCND IN VOUR CONTRACT NOW. THE- ONTARIO SUGAR CO., LtMITED. BERLIN, ONT. SAV ALL Iron, Metals, Rubbers, Bo nes, Tal-lors' Cuttings, Horse Hair, etc., etc. Highest Price Paid for these by N. COHEN, Brock Street, Whitby, The undersig'ned witl have a car Ioad Letters from Our Correspondents COLUMBUS.1 part in the service. The deccased car- First sigu of spring.-A Mr. Tramp1 ried insurance in- both these organiza- on the road taking orders for Doless tions. Deepest sympathy is feit with and Seemore company.1 the relatives who hava Ibeen s0 suddeniy, Master Russell Richardson had a and everely afflicted. birthday party on Tuesday evening iast. Rev. *Wm. Walsh, of Brampton, The counicil is selling seven trees south preached at-both services in St. Thomas' of the village, opposite Samuel Nance- Church last Sunday. In the morning kivefl's farm, oni Saturday afternoon at Holy Communion was observed. Both 4 o'clock.1 morning and eyening sermons were much Mr. J. F. Plowright, our enterprising appreciated. miller, is shut down for a few days nxak- A party of church friends gathered at! ing some needed repairs. the residence of Mr. H. M. Delong on Mr. and Mrs. James T. Birchard, of, Monday evening to bid farewell to ftMrs. Linden Valley, visited a few days with and Miss De] ong, on the eve of their de-: Mr. Samiuel Stocks. parture for Uxbridge, where they wili Some of our boys whio purchased wood: now reside. Rey. Chas. Adams acted as to the north of us experienced quite a1 Master of Ceremonies and in the course tirne getting it borne, owing to the bad 'of the evening presented to each of thej roads. ladies nientioned a handsome chair. Communion service wiil be observed The wholo affftîr was a compiete surprise in the Presbyterian church next Sundav. to Mrs. Deiong aîd lber daughter, but Preparatorv services wiii be lbeld on was none the iess appreciated because of Saturday afternooil. that. Messrs. Smith arnd Richardsonl, Ch.. Mr. Ed. Scott bias decided to go to Hepburni andi Dew Rtichardson ship- soine point in i Western Canada te go into ped sorne fine horses ',ast veek. business for hirnseif and will bave Mr. R. E. H:odgsoii was clown to Wýhit- Brooklin at the end of this montb. Mr. bv on ýSundav las t visiting Mr. Charlhe Scott is a highiy respected citizen. ain i Lynde. wli(î las beeiî dangerouslv iii ut there is maich regret feit ini view of his is hom-)e. approaching departture The 10.F., is boolining thiese davs. îio A broken m-heel sent the passenger less thaii 30 applications liaina ibeeîî re-, coach of the nomi train off thie. rails this ceived. Mrî. 1B. Lyiide feels eiated lit side cf Myrtie. on Ttiesday Alil the, securing su man11V finie vouing iie.A afternoon trains iwero mach idelayed in Pleasmîng event xvas thie ovster supper consequence. aiiîd presentation on the occasioni cf their Mr. J. B. Penigell. cf McMaster Uni- initiation, when Il. E. Hudgson wvas versity. Toronîto, wIli preach iti the Bal)-' preselited M-th an i) ibleriititi locket, tist Chtircb niext SUnida,MIarcbi 19. and Bros. B3rown, N\iýleoxsoii, McNalv (One cf thie greatest 1lîlessirgs a iinodest ani Hoar witb souvenîir pins. Thé' manl (au it fori- 1 a good. r-eliabile set of presentaticui was made by Bru. tG. H. 1co-welsý.. If you are nuloi e halppy puts- IMitchell lit a few mvell eboseit reniarkis, szessor cf sucli an ontlit youi cani great lv settinçg fortil the great goudi the order iimnîrove the etiieincv of îiîo,:e vonlliave ~vas~ Luh ftue * Iv te t l (it' (i oI IFois se (of('lia ni herliiii'., ws(Io 1iitg. E t» uf te iciits ru.- tomîac h anld Lier Tablets. 'rbey are ple i tti ixni.bu e.I pea.s.axit to take ai agreualIfleiit eftut. 1rw wi as muech apprecîated and 1l'or sale 1 l ai i duggit->. hrc'c L f~ïthpeu uf atîhîtt. ineCLAREMONT. host und lo,,ss~wetc Lt»udh tuast', MrChs bloslistT- drue ing ,ait I risi storv frumn ic r. Mc- r('s.ibo slart:rodtT- runitu te work. Nal v au' d ailt iîîstrtiieî taI piece frontî:i Roer - -ai iitt'd tl,,uQticeen. lias hetter Italf. Tbi I v sînoîî'1b 1-the rs. Rubert Brvun j iiiUig v cii Munand sinin"uf ue îatoî~l attieni NIr. ait« NIrs. t'4aiter lBastuit v1îited I-cie ofth E.tonb lihtl1 I'ý. on Sîîîdav hast. I irouglît t u.' lu a tîmu- itng Iy ob»e ré, . i eftltr e" t, Nlr. NVricn.*~,~ ~ t'î ,dcl SiîcppartLi-oii nctliret A Favorite Remnedy for Babies. 1 l pieuîsauiî lasie uind prompîltur lia% e lutacie (hîiîuiibei iaiui s C ( ' c1igi [-tedic ut lut tie N\ thii thie uiw it-rs tof sîîaili i tiuilc lî. h i uuc -I llîe, ttut cîtigi oi 'iucii (.icti 1'c' Ii-lt tci I t ui 1 c it 1 -(lin-t- 1 11b cit N\ i(I ]J uts t -c tcii :t li t -ic Voltîîiuu:i t ilu. l ÎS\-itlt icu'k li t~'u i ii' GREENWOOD. MIr. NXXIlu. ' Wu1,r.. Ilýit-c NVXILî:tulniei liiithie c'ccîuîî teustuu MIr H t-art- Sieti Lts mhuito îMtr. E. Mi' .uF'. fuLtt iati-u î- H lt , ,ie l Mr. I iat I >iit ' il - i litu uit' ts îuiuges- 1lii. arui oi tsiuurt-s. Mri. Ate '. N i rt- .. iha>c iuire lua-e'ila fitîi'ci in roi uiF. I n t-i' Mru 1 . lusîc'csîjît- ttuehit- cctgiîiieiisli'ui:tuii-tt 'i-t lcur'c un Nl-îîi :' u inutt ti it îîîi -ttui-u wfu iiit itt iiiii i1' c i tirc utMtrî.- t' W 1 I itu it-t iîi t n\'l; Nu. e.Onye.tticn'uctc int of choice Potatoes the last of the , iiîitc ut îuttîîîi'c 1 rouiu'crtu.u-c week. Parties neecting~ supplies carin Mî.t ff, fik% geTL inem aTt a i ciue jpJice oii lune ua. Hu8, MLN General nu Laondli Ac.i I ci~l itv ittci .tk- ii c ~ î'u. '- tt t i» i-tc Th- ui i-au"t !- îîtiu iju-t- lia'I ~n'amî i(i C o. ttîA'î -~~ . 'I t , UP lt1 t our bus;iessiÜ5 oicd The attenipt of thec P-1i Tnt1pl(1u 011pany 'tu drive out of isi înýs Ct depeuident conîpany'-tiiiit e-uijst, private inie couitie t ili g Box edar-Uroî'e, Lociîst 1-lli, tîe i id Gregei River is înnîttfiiu. idications are that tue Bei) tmpiiia aniiotis te witl1îdî'av fî'niiîtie îieigii- brhood. It put in a numbier cf puu1 die ations 9g'ivîîîg the agents l'se of tule uione and a percentage of 20 Per' cent. i outgoing. business. The Bell Coin- tily e anxious for a îîew arraiîgement nd-wants toecharge the agents $20 a XX cil-H t- ' - ta .~ uit P 'i i:- ~ il! 'c u-:î-'î il-h -'c', u r. î trti11twruu it - I t uh >u ut iti. c. ui. -Mi i o--f Inflamn,,tory Rheuriatism Cured. 1c iit1itt1 i~~~ i1t- - i l-c v. i a ci ut I- -lut a 11t 1- -- ' i-tlii -i.iti. -ttct i itiit ii ii It ititu- 'tnii i BROOKLIN. 'tu -k t hi- lut u nd vaui 'c. t tknuii - u t,4"1 lit ~ o1] tili cl cuiuîtt It- )lev i-- -t 1'l" 1!cliu I., "il ut t ~u c~ uc. ~of Jlits f-tii. ,ýtt h-tn ttLt i Nînt-. .tuiiit ulc ir. l il t -i*41ýl tt-i T r uitlXi itu t 11iutt A. tN-Hi ti(L'. ue. Nr i I'icr' tus bltc-en ic-u"u-iiuiw.icttkeuttiu iltn tht' r-tilwtt 'fur ut Iew'-tyuuaandwtt'tîýt- tt-litl.ta cnt itg buîsiness. Th iii i tis tl, eir-(calsletvwlut ut- unt-tClrs t eaueî ta 1)( t l 'c' y ta stuttîti ILt)n.*Iof i i ii en, ti l te Ituiccr i- tttg sIilfte(l Stulset it-is ti tht iudc.;eîîtttui lui-s uu - the t-irsvere sîulitted. 'l'lue litl Nirkand1 tatrut(' otuities luok upenwa îrîuuthuetu X ic1it' ut titis îutttce-nht of th(' Bell lis anu iuidica- the fîiîer ai, hl-hcniStituntittx-.wuîs 'cer' tio tuti it tlwyîev ir'tuxiouus te w,.itlidIra.w. har-I v -utteriltltd, tîter7 e iug uttt les"s The .-refusail ef thte tueluIts toa acept iîuy 1 so'c-ît-î'ce tteriite newi teirts 'couI itigîe the Bell a geud:. ext-ise Mttttwltle te iîdcpeucntSioli t1îtt folhtcl tto riuaiuts to tute h ii ue itut rîiuîg l f the 1tdep Uta. rtd'V-e. T1hie -('i'-icce was corutduîctîtl lit Rcy. J. H. Brtild. A uitanîber cf nieun- 20) pieces newv tapestry carpets, direct- bers otf the Rtiiiiî'ay Tra 1iîiti*es Uuiiui, fî'om Glasgow', Scotiaiid, front 25c ho 75C f'rtî Linîdsay,. atteuîded the futuoral, andt yd., aI XW. (G. W'IVters'. the local totige cf the A. 0.U. W. auohock t-ast to reilie ocii a sectionl. -Mr. Eci Evcans, tof XhttlVà es 11i i U'larenotcît last 'cveek. M r. Fred Jaumes j i> uitiuig '. Wuu'. Dtwsqweil tliis tctk Mu.Htiiui (i reggsç--, brutiier i,,, visitiui.g lier tlis w tek.Hc lia s uit beaiit u ii uieilîhtlu oi c' tlui rty va'-u s. iltssrs. ;regg antti Uottes i tiuctda cuar cf stocek tiis wî-ek. -Ni . Freti Fti-r ii m îtIhflir a tLiv irl titi. s us letutt'fi- u' ui (.11 lii. i t.l' titis r. ekl. Lictouf sir iv 'c ltorth îiav-. Peu- pli re iîakuîug ils,- uf t1t-eii' a',îthieî gumi tici siiinu- tuînu s tiiuiiutg Lut Pro per Trealment ouf Pnleumonia. adhig heipv hv the îitt1.r rtn-t' 1lii t-t4ia t'i (.1 .1ILt.-hli Iiil boici 'lutlitii iici - lttc mt- it ttuit pi)et ititl i i cimatiN s i ltsIl fî'tî l at u -oliu- ttt tior r l l i li I. t cf ittite grill. an t I i cte :iut l t-ci titi. lu t ()iftil iu(l i -t 'crzs tti l ulîcti ttît i !tit of-rhui. 'mugit ciun - - -il.a- uc--i:th tt li.iutitt pa tt 'ciii"itht ( Sait--t 'ut -.inS >u -ci nu cttr. I î-t' e il tii i-ut-t-- tu t t i-- !~itali tg v ;i -îIn 1 -- cît1', v - dci.i' i 1 -r i t- i utr t ia t t i l t i \h l 1 1 (.!l it)uît -eil:ftu--.î tt NIr1t1î t 1sic l.1ui t ut 4t--uc cht 1l'c t w 0 a 1 ti ir tc t 11 i 1 itt- it IlI0 11 ulm , ~ iihîuiîi L v lm sg m p thi. Iw cu-ti ni. Nltit it~il 1(i'icuIeI- slii-tttiltu .\uî, 31.a Ar-tic t lîgcinii t ut' dtit i ter Nu-. -Ituir f i ['c Li' id ii îît M r>.tt rî i l iiiut 1) rue-k,1 it. W tt»fi l u il ~urueO sp iig ttit: f rcudx , wc sîtîts îwawaîts nu- rilisjec'tîii. lThe li -w >1i !(.s u' t i tu((-t 1iut V» 1 titai1. FvzDm "3 ed to Chair F3? Year3 a suerer from Kid- nzrydi~ceae Credby Dr. Ci.s~' It~i't'y-..icrPHUs,. ir? - - -, . si, Ii..- -- r. Cita-c i t i t u - . 'c - t 't uitlui f, r 'tars t..--wcuruti y t i-t uen iv huutd g, t,)tl-. fud and Uýary main. It 'eaut e'.ctn ot- ' f i-lt f;"r i MIt ~ uiL~7t lb-crteou thtir Wir -arnd citttt t i1 r'ei-tn lucrqil rl't'tdl rir Chgoçu't arkazi 3Plauter prontptlY 'w r,' tu xi_.uandircLcs IJNFJNJSIIED NOYEILS. TALES THAT WERE STOPPED BV THE HAND' 0F DEATH. Niathan iel Hawthorn e& Foreboding About "'The Dolliver Romance."' The Fragment That Stevenson Left. Thackeray'» Last Work. George Gisslng's "Varanildla" is a masterpiece that its authuor did notive te finish. One well known critic consid- ers tiuis taie of th.e Roman and the Goth the deceased writer's finest w'ork, and, thîcugli many may question thlis judgiuent, there can exist but universal regret that the romance must forever reunailiincomplete. .A greater w'Nork by a greater w'riter, oWi f 1Hermistoni," by R. L. Steven- son, i'as left a niere fragment, of whieh the lurid granideur proved that its crîeator w'as takieu frei us iii thie veilitlh of Iis pow'er. A.iother romance, -St. Ive.s, by the saine pIeu, w-as run- ninig ili ia înthly umagazine at the tinue of bis preuîi:ture d2ath. lere, hioNvever, reatiers v'cycl îot balked of a satisfuucto- t'- denloteineult, for Oie story -%vas rugtot a conclusion by _Mr. Quiller- ('îîclî ell lkîîewi nuîder tlue nm(de plumne of ". - iîardly îîw wat te say te the puiblic aboutt huis abortivýe romance, t 1ogaIpretty Mweih kîtow W'iîat the case %%-!Ii Uc. 1 slialltîever finish it," wvrute Nahhîaniiel lawthliorîie 'vith ref- ereîtte te 'The I)oliivc'r Romance," M'liclie luead undlerlaken te write for teAtllantie Mointlilc-Thîis fereboding Wuîs bthoo soon vt'rified, for the nu- tiior Iluad se-arce tilie to deo more tliaii lay-% Cie greundwvL- or Cite story' and bxîe Oi iitiM eb clters ere deattu At luis fîmncrai at ('oneord flie set-irce c'uîiii-eedniailusuiîhpt lay upon bis ('olhm. S>oa afleî'w-arîl hIe irst chupe aî; i'e i tlue Atlantic, aidt suibse- Su' thiy tle sec 'oiîd chu a pi or, N'ct-h li lie 11a1l but-n fli ie te rev'ise, was1,iblish- 'Pýipei a~-c whc ut1hiird ra. etrc'visedi a ýIi, utî Ioicl lle novetlist's mwife, w'as pitc1ini t ie pulîl islicrs hands. The cii uinia iilisurilct is i110Wpreservced lu Li tic CUonte rd public library. andi )îih wr"'ccas ruiiugiç l t1le ('oi'nhiill w-lien tule zoui iicress, NI u~.;ask lied. Fortuiîateiy the \t-%v'cas lieartng its ('uiplet toi), 80 11t , lî it i îoui itwa îot ac'tually fili- i,-iod Ii\'- thie gifled w'riler, the plot wcas siuiii'uti" cl'aî tu- hociable us to iît 'c îuare tiitan n sliu'ewd gucss at tU e îîtifiitttte fate cf ItUe ciatr and tu hak oiîtî-' cf tllitelîro fully îsuetof s . tti ei'i:L1ti titt 'vas beiug'cc-ite f(;:' Ille t' it»uîe iut:ttriî xiite w- lien ils a uthiori- lt -I q1- ci i rep oi - 'es"IDenis IDui N1ii:it-keray'. i:ici'uîi.1' v ouid- :it.'tt Iîrce «paltsiult oli uuîcI (iI M a hils I i e ndî'd ft l cfvi ruttl 1ýil -ntthi il îe'cv joiulise luPc lii :î1cir tt-ops lin his nionhiofMtty'? i -r ~ ~ it L)f cfhue Subseuîîciet de- J i-t-!.~ iu. gil-u t IL C-oiteouupranry. i~ ~~~~(id litl' -e' ,cittoo. u ian '-s Ici.' otil, lik -ZwattUad Icetiî but lin-i difk-u'c'uu' . lutlie shîîi-P uiuîlint-iin-'r-ttc tlitu wccOu:hic lieaI 1iutlîîut.Ou i Jîîc-S. ]C) t7 .he nuidtutmune, '1lte uîîî'îîinug a nd licutu t he afult'-uiof tuhîut day w-ci- ti- i ') '1- Iît Uittiîig lte q*i-"ili ifuni- c"ý ocf "ita I y-c-u of LliiDriîud.' i\ 1! . 1 -a"-ii . Frlî:u l lt ' uusie il 'c'cit c-il. lbut aftîr Iiuiceîhi sonie hotu-". xv t t ut i'ztinug c-sousuness, duili :t c; tUe îtxt tltt. '-1itthphuîti.; llshî hite lthti-c cCut. wîtt'iti i' u-t-uut'Ste'iut-.'*ontt il-it'xt 1 u-it:il bettin a new cvik ilii kur vtci tuute. c'lii'i.fiiishlue.I. Isîtiil Coniueîc 'Tii'i'with, fîeslî sspirit.-" Iiis iuow iv~u-!k li-t-re 'fru'eil t )AIth te tt ult-tu till eu e l îî tîtle utloule et wiiiit w'us cvt-îgiî-c-ui o lte 'vniiîtr lit reul Sntiof thleut ut iiirý,e(li hi Wti the iiutu uitl Tî'isi t-i utShîiat y"leve'r thei.:îc luta" tou111uistIltceh ttli uS;u' Phluip Sidnley eculip;oseih ut 1ur i louse, w-us nover couutî tP-bed anîd itu uuct siautll dangict'of 1.ttiiug ctirecly li-[ 1() futîure gent'u'ttlious 'c'cUeîil is auliit-u', h ccforo luis dc-tth, gave ouders fou' i tstc'stui~li );i'c'utcoIt O niatust-rpt pages ofI liiipuutuitt t.-u'liS lst îîîc'el, citlhi Ictu:ltPî' u-.tcy II)to t tt 'liust dozon iiti o f ut Olttttl'IL), 'c'c's uîllt!at w-usj w-ritt'u w teî Cie bril lialut w rit et'ltaid n 1te ' speu fou-c:cot. SirengîlisIiin Xtinbers. - ti lt 1 Wiho w JiuitIPs lias fouir Iidtto i--i ut:i nu 'vXtiL t o yo i N li iut u . tuîtt i oIttte Uc 1 i c!-t' itliw tc ftt'îu'u i- i o " fn'solve In (telVXrnng Place. Jl!t zilctiI t't'111)' tulu 't- thei v~ ~~~ý uit t"pulutieLtt. h! li- i-t iut' V ~~' 0 i('tutttui il Omuu'- l laun. o (i' ~.:":uuc I i-t' t u-Ii siutstj THE WHITBY IN Philp's Building, Brck Ste s pring Openi ng We have mueli pleasure in showing our Spring Good.3 for 1905, to which we ask your careful inspection. Knowng that our friends look upon us as the leading store, we have made most careful preparations. The class of goods we have always earried, the straightforward way we have conducted our business for the past year, should appeal to the interest and common sense of people who appreciate value for their money. A I)ersonal visit to the store will tell you more in five minutes than we could tell you here on a page. A new stock cf Shirts will arrive this week. You can depend on style and fit, prices will be quoted next week. Ladies' IPrint Wrappers, prices $1.00 to $1.25. Ladies' China Silk Blouses, ail colors, special $2.WO Ladies' Waterproofs, in navy blue, speciai $2..45 Sil-' Piano Drapes, in different colors, prices $1.00, $1.75t, $2.00, $2,50. We have a new stock cf Prints, Muslins, Silks, Shirtings, Flannelettes, Dress Coods, our prices will help te seli. Floor Oil Cloth, 25i cents a square yard. (Our stock of Clothing is selected from dependable materials and the finest workmanship. iNo need of worry about fit, as our stock is large enough te suit ail classes. Men's Suits In fine black tweed overplaid with -white -,tripe, lat-est style mnatelial and work, special - $6.50 MNeiit", Materpreofs, guaranteed from the manufacturers, special -- $5.00 MeusHats-a large stock cf Hats just arrivced, in a dozen differemit stvies, Christies and Fedoras, prices 50c, 75c, Men's Twe ed Pants,, a bargai. $ 1.00 Men's luîtrlaspecial, Boy's Naul Knickers, speciai, 59e 45e For Ladies -i Gentltemlen-Are v'ou iooking for a good investmen-t ? Luv Nyhatever v'ou nieed in car ,wiiter unies. You wvil1 profit 100 per cent. If ,oodýs are isot satisfactory inoney -il'ih be refunaed. H. BRESLIN TWEED and WORSTED SUITS Made to order at special prices. Fo,' the balance of the month wxe -ill take orders for stîits at a, diseouint of 10"- frorn the regua rc of the cloth andti rirnmingçs. ua r ibis is a Splefldi(1 opportunîiit to cret for' sprî'mg. tîtted out line of Caps we are slhowing at 50c and î5ce. W. A. Holliday & Co. BROOKLIN AND ASHTWBURN I AItihe Cash Hi \%e btave ua i-tt-aspractical plu ardware Store amtber anid are preparedtl t cdou ii __ kidt- of phumbiîîg, ai guaranltee satisfactiouî. Are you thinking of fitting Up a Bath Roorn? Let us 'figure it up for you. \Ve wxill (rix've, a satisfaetoî'y job and our' PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. Corner Hardware Store WHITB SENO THE KEYSTON TO THAT FIEND 0F VOURS IN 1905 -' . - t - -,- -'i- potat . Sali