Whitby Keystone, 16 Mar 1905, p. 2

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~~~ZC I ANY WAYS TO MARK 'A ThUNKI b ÂTwW'W'W~Wr -Yet I Know'. "An ~ 'dwero te God?" the doubter asked, -I do not Bee hlm i'aywbere- Behlnd whst -creature hs He muaeked, Iii ses, on ea.th; la clauds, lui air?" "And wheme le death?" the moumnersl"i, '«,And yet I know that lite l near; There lies mny dearesi fr'eud thpai died- Nor voice, nom !ootsteps, dld I hear." -Wbere are violets?" asknd the child-, 'I do not see them; yet t know, * Aiihougb the winds are .. owlig wild. They- are alive heneath the snow." -Maurice Francis Egan. Pentecost. -.Xneutdoes not stand off byv itseif, q)"aî'ate and alune. 1'. is nut ioIated,~ sullt.îe iii its solitludle, a îîd îîîysterjous infl its iieelliaiit\'. 1'.i-î Uic cuiiîoatijuil uA bt: is thîe Sumiuit l a it:' faandittabi- er'naclc n xd ni1)Cand uit leŽ bi-cun lire of the c'hurcb liailti1îiiîî-r'ad: alîcI-eil t-,tîn'eiîiînd '. ï- 1, iUtheattesia t jin uîî'd seat (if tIJîc aicieîît éconiomis, tt salon- tIi-h iii i glt'ii errii. 1' zi dt illr'lIuî,'.t ii Oit ti u lii il l 'it iof - e' '1011 l>irpose, - Vi nl ai l irlill( anti uîuu t i l îiti t îIl.t1 u" 12'll'.I 1uit. ci<f lili' iuitîtp('a'e tq) :Il I ti' iit .fruontilhe <i l ii îu r'o f îî i q 0t.î - uo fil i i u ît l t i t' of ii ir ttr îri' u.iti t îîig <il l s tis 0! Tii ostailtî< so-wn l i ,i o îtliaîî giîîOf tif il.- i - tit utaVs at-I tii <'i f'.t" i 'i- t 'airs. '1 4. ii j;t--1 i.[ i 1- it-it v ':-tti, lit titi., a lit aS-.uiI tut' li a1Il tiî 2'lu'. o:i~tf îif-'uitî.~iîu-lai The Unx'eîledl Cross. 'Il t r- tt ilt l i u u'ie titlx' iltti i l ' t t! " _11 t ho ti t 1i- t x lt u'11 . ': t tit tsaittat't 1iite-ui tIt I xi' tI r a 11vai 'iat't V . Ifi-it: l --i ~->.l 'r t, nii iLt. 1--1 i ' i- i: I l,- * Vt A Thitusa:: il xc'.s. t-' '-i f)1 I C t - A lxU t i xi 'i 't'1tloi -- '-iIli.-' ' ' 'l ft-f I tu- -'ic i. Notesl.i' tii i - t-i t i "IYii% 1 Lnow," said the trunk ma, 9»lm paorie think that everybody in Mne-as his-tmunk markced wjth sosue sort of a distinguishiag mark-a reda Une around it, or a blue stripe, or a ye.' low diagonal stripe, or a star-9to that itc can easiiy be discovcred; but as a mat- ter of f act there is no such customn gen-x erafly prevailiag there, and neyer w'as,i and f suoli a custom were general it1 wouldn't womk at ail. Let me ilustrate: "Theme was an Englishinan once who1 conceived the happy notion of s0 mark-i iag 'his own tmunk that he co>uid identifyi it anmrwhere in any pile o! baggage withi cetamnty and despateh, and he had1 painted ail around his tmunk a boadE black stripe. That w-as good and greatt as long a"slhe had the excluustve use o! the broad black s5tripe as an identifying mark of his own; but he didn't have itf 10 or. 1 "It struck other people favorably, as it Lad t.he original1 inventor, and other people had their trunks marked thatà way, and fina.ly a London trunk maker put it on trunks ia stock. Thereforé that 8tripe wa- only a confusing'itisteaci of an identfiying mark. "No, the custom o! putting dlistingruish- ig marks of such character on trunks has never geacralty prevailed in Europr-. The common cust-om there is to letter tnîînks, as we do here. *"We have lately made for a customer à, steamner trunk which lie lias had us paint in English vermilion on either end O! th ý lid, his initiaIs being lettered on 1t h a ted base. Idear in mnind that the Ild of a .teauier trunk i3s iallow, t.hat its end-; arc narro trom 'top '.0 bott.om, and 1imlili tell voii the rest. "ln Europeo it is a couimon custom for hîotels to paste their labels, like steamer labels, on '.lîeir gueslt.' '.ruaks. if you keîc going- long eaough in Europe, and stopping a'. ho'.els, you will ge'. aur triiiik cuvcrcd withi tise litel htIb.ls 0o! ail sorts, t!ili-> bcing a -cîstoin Lî t a.is 1noxv fitlhoxx d inthis coilîi'.rx also, '.0 a gre:i;ti'r or lcser extit - "Lt is -ieuis '0li a-tt ti-olabels on thec &muath, ¶ lat eut I of a t riouîl- nuitwi'ti t.b-eui a î ci. 1:)( t 1i. ct ' ii i '1.t 'ou Jli'itA 4-uxt"-l ut. -r t:t i' tierc in't r-oiu: uirt !'.li.o ,r ii. xxîiildi ii'.t bc 50 r11) on it u uit 'it't, ti It' arrow 'iii, cof tliti' id of sa .ineîr '.raxk ; antd il'ias long a-t t', ro.tta uicioaerLd, îc ii narkii'g a.,I1 have dcseribcd uiiglîit lic oeful. 1u-r 1 agont'r.i i iii' -in li11 -e:'lihood of Qlicr uil ti l, '.wtitbe difticut' if ilii'ot inpiuî-iîYe ta de: r-t' a u:ark 1that cc tu li i1lî . an u mol'p1ied. 'AxIaua xe hîtîl in i tît cout'ry' a littit' ýfi- i ft. aî ' li: _t, i t~ run u*t a -i I t1iti -ia oi f a l t i ued i Souuîc sol (if tt.~. ~ - t l a i i.iutondî. \xii il ii) utatitit ': e-o ix ?'i - tln 1ý ouf Au ni: a a ci-1 i hi r t wi tc & 1 th ga tr ai ti ai cc liei'cnrîxing fP;.-tv it-1uîai,v it ~tt -lu rIulu, xo ttttuhu otf au t faî it t ' t'ati, Niui-auic t ir. - î-t l t- . -a lid \tr iic il. ' t- É Ilit e-t u sct4 The ihr are gh.uîîi' ig -;ik 'uI-a1 4u,~tttxactl'C ivhiîttit' stiixxx e tOutouatu. h0Kia Citt1iit \\i11iaut y o i tex' îl'.x'îxs l u' ithexîitu (Jo-t îîiittuu ail. oLaepavSO id- at. itîtv 1a-"' utc- theîccanthbt' tîî.-m tindîi x'. ientîiot i "iin- t'.e do greci.' il'iisptittk gi.t --nIt, and suf fer nulle strmows. (if tilt-teobscetm eroe-s, phcaph-iîîers anti ma:rtyrs,. thue greater patt ut ilitxer1bd knuil n il t at hour, tv-i iiily thtat von.' gre;t t.shah be suîîi.andxîtii' ai(- u g ma t.('humles Tihiepi-i4nait'f~ t i tt f'utour te- Corn- uttrIph u ri-, iiiîîuuul nuit t'i tlt' t xxhiuu ('( Iaï luthiii teii l om ite i' txxo ttalcts, tIiir 't ti i li î'x ci' « I t't'. ît ittîke n- tug ' i -o ira utn '\'i( îu111:1y hbc ittie 1 b'eht- îow ' a it ii', f .Nxe e uuîuîî'. I' fIItin:lui iîlyhuock- tati-i Aget-rh -.Wc c halui t e î Iiiit'ii ttHt l- ainls t LIIPED. mlI iflre .\-A iieu lîo-v. ,\ifen ahi a tt-i' iii Ct, tu c ut1 no uixiithr. titti tl the tu liThe htizx menau- i ', u - i ti- Iw r.'st tot huis lauri'l-. P, 1'.doesi't. îuk.- 1 Iu-t .c 1t inotghu n salo-tiIlui iituioht b u t- ii l t tc- .1'e'-î i t u ' Fati t erai.itl anîd. she xiii (-inîiith"r ii at i- ca.- yaî lit-e. 'u OxîipalivIylit'ketl'-. hit tIhue foui i- hiî bi the it'corîxersul nI lu.tt'liamis ait I M (s MgI'u twî. iosa". -eelui ta keep up with ic'e gossip o! the uteiglu' M bonitaur. Mrs. l3iggui-ti - No, s-lut sel- dom goes' to hclîîî'h, yvoit-ucu'w. Tisat fe(Wttiwere itinîhe ta w'alk xt.tîî - Ma-y easiiy be shlow'iu B* ýin a-crowded trolley car. Please walk upon youar ouin. Tommny - W111. yaîî answer juM.t one more question, Pop? Toiuuy's Pop) - Junt one, my son. Tonih-W'ell, theui does a ship have a pluîîib er ta pipe al baudsu où deck. Ileariag a noise in ttue pantry.' Mms. Jeu ms opcîîed tht' door softly and wvent in. Hem %-oting(,zt sonia vas standiui on ai cliair, wîtht lus ii ack '.0 lier. helpingý lîimsýelf ta tIit, conteut.s o! a glIass jar. "Wl'iat art' 'ou dîtimig. b'iffoi Jt" asketl. ('liffordtl t trnetl armiui. Iisfituce x. .tt:r'Ifrouti cliiuî ta etieekbotie witlhi :ti'.tuii îtcpî x-antiî d:trkl v et1.buiiitte iigl itoaf tru t h silîoîîc ini li-' bilke o - '1 canuiot '.011 a I i-,wim uEO1I.' hRaitd. 'ni eati'.ugna-pl)cie: rc jiti."Cii- g Tr ibune- I 4 IDo y.ou catch coid easily ? Des thc cul2-hagOu 1?Tri JFhî1oh 's Consumption edom T'ieLu'xg "SRYED 1111 LIE" the blood to the neighboring parts, chief - ly to the regions bordering on or ebove the point and to the lateral wings. On entering a warm room the abnormal dis- tribution of the blood becomes intensi- f ied unless the veil is quickly rmvd A delicate skin and a catarrhal, state of the nose act os predisposing causes. USEFUL HINTS. A i3nall teasponnful of pulverized bor- ax or a teaspoonful of ammonia in a mashbowl of tepid water inakes a good cieansing bath for the sick. It is said that thin siik stockings, if worn under the ordinary cotton stock- ings, wiil prevent chiblains as weil as keep the feet warxn. The various brushes used about the household and for toilet purposes can be made stif f and f resh by a thorough wash- ing in good soap and iqId water, and then drying, bristies downward. For the finer bair brushes use borax instead of soap. W\Nhen bnnshes are hung up let tbem bang with tbeir backs to the wall. A good old-time housewif e of fers the foilowing ruie for starch: Mix one table- spoonful of starch with four tabiespockn- fuis of cold water atld pour on this three quarts of boiling w-ater. Boit for 20 min- utes. Then add one teaspoonful of sait and a piece of paraffine wvax haif the size of a nutrneg. Stir untîi the wax is dissoived, then Icool and strain though cheesecloth. To add lustre soak the arti- cles in this preparatioti for six hours. That sait possesses tonîc qualities is w-el known, but it has rernained for a Nvoman sufferîng- froin nervoum prostra- tion to use a dry sea sait rub with bene- f icial resuits. She soaks a coarse w'ash cioth ia a strong solution of the sea sait, then dries it. After ber coid bath each morninig slie 'vipes off tlie moisture with a towei, then rubs witiî the saity cloth tili ber skin is in a glow. She says she bas found this ta be far more in- vigoratingç than the usuai bath in sait wate-?. A4New eorgeWashinton, 1 cf a feiloxv meeeip'. cf a îitiînlev Of In'titis h' in fiuîancial mou- Ionlent'1 rîeeided ta lii i.t-. t ui Ott . t~ ~I ti iu.î f augtsand cod.. . ' oi. I cuicl î:îi' (10e. -1 ht-turt t:.l. - tutun t l;t'i u t- i will rfb 'ct.Ifor iaxe for 'ilxx -~ 'iii ti" Prc,: S. t'. WL-ici &C-o. Z03 1Bu'. Uic it il' t 5. ut" f ~"loN'Y. tîot.ii. find an-t'ri W ~ 't t ' xut ." ~seau chîcd fo xnl~~~~~~ tu1111'4' -tt pi tt Ilyt ' ELECTRIC BU LB IN HJIS BED. îii-î'. iaxu' tIi t'ic -. i or 4), It t -i i ttI Princeton Studen'. Improvises Foot- -luhh rld t-11 Xiîi xxi i i 1 '1.tr Il Xtn-iuirmer ou'. ut Li£ht. (î'rcul ttis 1 lu' ui t ut -o ' ' .îî u-t i. t 1 'he ent'naiu t 0'i rt e - t , ii- litt mb li t'te (tut.the vi'. t i illllult'- ut.t 'î.i:î i,ti i 'r tv duriu. tIi -t î'r ' i litt l-o, i 'lit tt ' i ut t ia uuîV- tnt. ta>tt par ha.i braaouht iany Luew iar,- il truti tl' i t' ' lu'-"" tt' u titi" ultice ot tut a un oî grouds and i tuuf iou"i.c, be~uttjfg i' ;îtî a- w-elt The un-U~ 1 ji 1;,P- 'i; ilt RE't [S uxtii .îî~i iiii or i I It ý;l ) iiu ut - ut it i oluri1.g :.l--t uxicti a.iit r t ntat xii labzla 8et tititi l--'bel titi ttiit ' ii ttmn cf te i r t' itu 't. tIi" i gnt, -exrc iugitlix l-eat.ru c - t"tii nxtit i '. ' ti, l ' i - i Iput o ut 'i1il ' butiii Ut ir other by thtt ouid aoo a'.hr je t ir-î ng utiof aa f-e. 'ittt-u't. was ai- Dd' ' e~ttxs~t~2 tut t lu -hxe;c but, ait i alli t rti' uglitia had niaie a -hort t'ti ut. -tubii ho groat '-aionît t xxuld tac plaîi. telt ttitpart cf lie icamxpus lii darknt's>' Bond - i coiur c teoutîx eauy couxi-n'. Thtst audit on brou ght a i-pries tof rau hi front the etratan anti insurant'e tgent-. wliu usteti 4)ff i.itndltag ,,and idcii'.ifvy ag lg ~-t sommer gatbered i ll anlvele(trit- f:îuxHis Doctoi age is3tet .Aîniican haggIage checck ;Ss- t unnected with the power systeinin lt'e eai. Thisis alnecdy in uo on vt ctusirudes'. and nuoxi dangerous fashii. Titi-a Hope foi runk hue(-s la thxe Bitista Isles, andt tîox'wiurdte enn. c tirbei a p Wel-iî -peine d: Iastead cf fan,_ water heauterwn-tre re tryîng it un sshunter Iiiine., in the COu' lntrouced. Shartty atter C('bn uas uune Mt r ja-nt. No dout' the ture xx ill.coice yoOng mani, mur.dtuuto! Santa t'liu'"b'a'iu' - taetîi in aIl the cauintnies of Europe hag- foi lmechanlical tatis, laid out a miniature A oi uwewl ecekd aqi slettruttew syi-tP n l iýs roont bomhood ivl tg xM i ecekdjus s - in- The undergradusiu' daïiy pnper bat carne Kidacv i' > nd Llhn theme will tac ia funthr nr'c tot the assistanice o! tlescutiegi' 'h the foi-pls.lta ,here fr paint n tiiiks wî'ithba ia lwiuig auiuiiut'ttutent: la l.- i here~ faIIx'iî 'W hether Printetorn undengradoattis are ze r'î, l, i nd strip-i, s.a jirucittuc ex ci iix n.fl unac-cuttorned ta etetttrit' ligixte. onr whetlii-r " ah omîtton.- -cxv X'ork Stia. the realîzaati o!o danger duci- uit enter hito llte'P 0 their mè:itat makei'-Up. i- a queý-itOu we wil, - leave ta thers ta di-cide Il 1' t-urtain, bau-- tt.'aing pli ifinard's Linimenit Relieves Neuralgia. ever. that the electrle hîgbts haxe been put stages cf1 -~~~~ ~ta same strange uses, ihereb-y hnvuîx'lng nao -sn i smaîl danger tu the tOnix'emsity buildings-. %*snoh Foghoin Melody. "Iu silence and patience tht' euratar saught ta taki' D( A nvelcoutr,,yof he èe aspai 1"11yeut an-t desgtnoyed ibe heautifut red tls3ue aL tîxenty rerAy nave out1t'-uGriet ythe ' ai'aid î':ti-- paper ebades %hic'b the acihetie but weîî anti 'nserayby it' nisbystau tr fir8y-- tbuughii'ss ttutdt'nt hbad rcare îutiyv ptau.-"l 'ax- tvbib put itt the bai' for shelten froua around the li-itricliîgbt buIbýq. unmtndtiit Dodd's K ý>e strong, westert' gale. She bad no sauner ufthie fact thai It w'as uienely a question o!ered nie. ai.-btured under the mee of the Brlg. sudI timne bt-fane a fini' woutd ut-i-or wuuou- round wltb ber bnad ta the wii-Iu Finaily. bowevrr, tIi' iinit of the cura- ready ta han by mnenas af an organ pipe arrangeinent tan's patience m-a-u rpasibcd mwbeti s student day1 nii lier rens aett t-tt -.udw-sutdisrovered xx bu bd a long wine frartx \la'.v L.ag Syne." The lune wss almos'. admîr- the electnit' light la bis be-ýi. aud was accu'- easiiv c'.îî ablyplaedand hraugbt scores o!faok rua- nglin pthyed foreebone and clif tops ta mue - tomed an i-aid nie lits ta put the 1gb'. I bedl Dit-case. 1 tigate the s'.mge occurrence. Attenr a shourt wl InI re oke i etwrD pause the sîrea broke Into "A Lite a h is owmCIth~woî aeeautiicr tî Oceaix Wave.' Ibe hoast mcaawhiie pinthe betore a f ine wooid have occurned whi lioîln't thon' ai er achorwhit ihuderoi -- wouid baie -exarnned the enitine persan ortbte ete l dashed uver the ree!. "The Bay a! Biscay" ingenloos taveuitar xe are nat abceta i-uni- was nex'. rendered. the uteitdy later gîvîng pt plarm la iThe Death ut Netutai "The- nuIl Thbe quetitan ut -stahtishitag -acaurse ia satute uof the' tawa wa'i atknawîedged by the t'in use ut electtni" Iightus bas be(na euggesti dlprtig otftagq. I tc I.n luthe afttunruî>:4 . but w-e ttlieve tliai iheneu'e'uLIt'y i-an bu' Golf hi0 eteanuer obliged with 'tt'Britannî-. 'a-iu, ' t' 'v iith-'7 o! a i-miail amnoîuut ot t'Ud Sax-o the King."îîtîî: n byio nerdut'- - agax. Nec ark>~-~ -caiied " Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruf- Death by Pantomime. suits. Li a-0 - Arnong iuivri'ctîîtîLIatlîs certain-t in extruici Women's Red Noses. h- tius'. hb lutîît-ttlia'. cf one Aftibottie grt T) i)ctons ýare cent -tatîuîIx'teîlliag ru-ulia--tn, iliuuuiNx ii'lt ocuîrmîd re-ceit'. n i.n ahu netcti thte Veilvl i îlix voixei ha-t;tut i .ttîdttîx \%hi,- lie xxas attoadingapat- nttia an-it-cm for in nffi'ctitigthte ext-1'o-i t itinit- ptfo ttti itti lits aotlxcr-ia- squar-es Il) cilusing tictueeeah o grox iix iîlli attandchîldren. \'îjluux, 1 .ius.ntaewm buit. this is xxii'. thle 'wtourst effeo(t; 1)u. b tiia t xice înarniî-d . 'l'tlie fis'. xxife dîî'd, iL-ck. Rttenhiiiii x'lo iiis ixeu îutct îuî t nîi nî stesconxd. nf'.-rna brief oit %'.iiiket- the o- it f tn lniîtliîtuîrîpi-n-i-,t uî.aîpyunion, lieliîad sepamateil. l't a'. i longI eut rt oet f thie tip oi-t '.1liti-ti'"lit-s xl.- exen h cars n-agnudIlle txxo had t'ie niode out thte s-tautiit t ilitt ilut tutu110'(ta0tt' - ii't ic'.since antI. so fuir a-s kunoxv, the anL easy ube of a velTii-t condiut iin f cive -i' u xî1î1Mhad no re-grets for hlier. At 1in' j and the EJamn v îonI1 ' Il patomxime \\iMinxs sltcxxeii aIl theîe '- as would baaz:1l31icate cOwIiu ii'x in(jnti ro os prcain ni u-bucli tîxît ameng piuu-anl -, 1ut lusfe skiîu i-ý(t iii'. tien1" bis attentiona hecauxe fixed tîpon ea atlloit-vM10 f th 'Ivl 1an îîicolig esilîx'affectecd. TIhii-tBeinl lien 'ntnoc tx xuxta uthe chouns, Inla îîr foind thînt the itt'tiii's-tvwa- t mot.arkt-it ie otecS1 aim'eavu d that ho b' ii 1 when thîe Veil restel cioselv agrains'. the thte second wife. and ie nppeaied ta [ils nost. Wben the veil w-as atuandoîued tuiei son for confiration o! his suspicionl. How edacs% in most cases di'îappeared. AI- 'Ille boy gave Uie identification cf is In adx' thoughi t-cils are seeuxiiigiy soft.ta thie almost'.forg'otten stepmother a dublOtts 'îiiîe toucli, the tlîroad-t soon beconie rotaig-i confirmation and imuxediat-etlv Williamsi axt er,-d ad ae cpabl ofirrtatnry thtirew up lus arms ,and, vithil a single uted 2,15 sensitixve skin o! tiî" no.e and check cry of "My .v %vtel"'4ieil over dead ini bis o! the 'b against whifh tlie %vcil rtbs. Ia winter seat, Thse chorus girl, it tumned eut ef- lic Bhes.s t e evaporatian o! moisture frone thie terward. was not te wife, -thoî4gh bear-- States. nase is apt t6 neoiten thse veil, which ing some reseb uf2sto h.cr. 'go. Th actis exactiv like a wet compresi. Thse - A oped wou shape o! the no-& iq ikewise sliglitly Mineird's Linim.ent Cures Burns, etc. financier altered by the pressîte of the veil. The __11 culars on p ressure upon the thp o! tihe noie rendent The cost of cremating a body in France vemtiuing lh. latte r .ornewhat ana.-mie anddrivem ta où!>' three francs, eequai to 2à. 64. à amant] M a tue art . u tm Gunrkte x-hi selscaîtvri let rfronvi c ap w'cetoias ti t a p rma cue a bommo lu.o I aiuiîx's ietl. or 'tt rtuy It. hio ialxay MteIt ti'iliai pi-ic i; acor- i i ,,ittt lit lune Iiico'- rexti-e tlii t-uuîa 1 onden re,-( iu-i't1c bmaroît fofn 1. ii-tu, o' f x it tO bor w-lt oi ci ak ta'. te'\-)i\-Ill Iav autide frit-titifl oxl-r. (C rn xcotuidai" riîittaît'in uuî titi'ltter. lIe Or i'. atOtn 14 î' lîîtri t Iii- e t t'-' crixx to t i t inoigl ,i t lie - uirttltl it i. -'lîhtu iui't' tie- lie tii: tt' t ti 'f tii' hue on itti'r x i xNu'tilal di-cov- jc-t -criîit : 'l'uti looked ildutî anid Ilin ti's ' iit Iag lle cut-' ahit 'u itl 'î'he . '2-5. WIIT 11E SAYS Iidney Pills Cured Robt. d of Bright's Disease. r, e Who Said Thene Was No Hîns, Now Pronounces Hlm Tells Hîs Own Story. dges Out.y peapie ta tlîus cighi- lhia pofteopreuint1x'oneodd' ihs areloi thg Iae - ione cxli-' .tl taureul uu u n-oe spored it- atoht Botd.adiýPce ii xcobr oned. lt t od Mn. 1 out ivl t- tîv . 'xl-'- îxý-uu'aiu tamid 1I xin.tth tle las'. Biji's dît-case and tia'. there c) te1.on me.'IiueiîI 1curnxueace(l d-tlx"itinev Pis axxd îsed in yboxes. 'uow 1I t'.'u'c4i.sloop aînv doctor sap-sI1auuu uveit. îidnr -tI ills antd ual liag cisc Do)vi ouwouider t tmta tlxavs Sav a t'ood word for Dodàîs wilii cure Bri"-h' diî'(ae xviii re an-' othuen I mli tif Kitint'v )chds idiîr-x'Puis ý\Illîhi atyt- lit't îecase. -i lii' i rt e ttue etulita w-ill cure Itniglit'e SDis' butre vot gel Dîdît's. Dress of Golf. a,,lcu.t andomthitut, art te su-w tttc'colons 'ta it'chlitltuu îtillîaii'.y culoncd golf quares -ted anid pnin'.ed Inuiiatwlxxus ut eh, uoutate, carnual, royal, unubie cIleci--'. utlielîo, indligo are decidedly Liig;lîatîI. '1hicee î1eauîslî utlly--' il ic-hes anîd a LOUýeiy 1kiuttedi aruuîîd tise rs arc "out'.fai 1'.for field use, i lanuel tri-User s tire 1inefenred. telxxsvs cuîîxuîaîds-a free uuaimer ut dît-ss i-theii'links, dandy look!i as strange there a Fiji 1-lýttidcr oun Fi! tli avenute. îgs as patenl iathier boots whi le 1' itin tise counîtry are ns great gruity ns hobnaied boots would baIl mooxn. rJay Cooke Placed the Loan. epiaceldîîuriîug thse Civil War it ha'. the late Jay Cooke distrib- 50,000 circulars aîid 72,o00ecopies book, "A National Detat a Pub- iag," thmouighout thse United But tisat w"s over iarty years he art o! advertising han d evel- ttderfuihy since then. Noxvadaye -s seeking ta place loans use cir- îhy as adjiincîs of newepaper ad- g, which covers a wider field mit tr expense-Philadclphia Record. The tof Chin andofJapannt, howerver,1 in the quality, but in the quautitv con- sumed. The in especially drink the beveragre ha large quaittities, and alI day long and at a stnength w'hiceh would make the queue of a 'ta-drinking China- man cuni. On Sunday niorningo the tea driaker starts mith a cicaîx pot and a dlean record. The pot is lîuîig oxer the fire witlî a sufficieîicy of Nvater in j'. for the day's brewv, and xx'hîn this is boileci ho potîrs into it enouîgh of the fragrant lîerb ta pruduce a deep coffee- coiored liqtli(. . On Mondav, witliout rc-movting 'vestem- day's tea beaves, lie repoats the process; on Tuesday the sanie; likexxise un Wed- t nesdav and so on tliroiib ithe week. Toward the close of the soven tînys the pot is filled xxitli an aerid mash o! tea leaves, otut of wliich the tea is squeczed hi' tlxo pressture of a tin cîup. By this time the tea is tlie enlor of riuty iran, incedihix-l itter and iisagroonlile ta the ii lu(teflteil pt l'l . ie uli" ca-Il it "ireal gonîl al poi-und rails." tlip simili". lîeinra nbx'iauii urxxu from a stiff and ilanwcerotis uîat. ntircl uit as lbaving bacon brotîglît tto perfetinn. MESSISZ. C. C. R(ICI.\llD.-ý &-(Co.: Crfent in. MN'.iltciillren were iîauurau-l' ix'. xxtli ilipiiteria. On titi aîxio f tori; tu-t it-tNxxife itogan thte i-o. of MNlAII'S LIIM xENT. lin tw( wO iotir ýt iie'v\i'ogreat lx'je x- .1a1xîl iii lix-e lîx(1:1 i" x"t, ('01utiplitlyý t xelî. :tuil 1I tii-uîl 'l ui!tx ' tutu' 'tuuiit 1t7ItfT I i t1'i:l of x ii Mailil 1 i)lu AliI.i tR Peuple Eatiag Lcss Nowadays. "Ili'ýýtîi'ti at-, i'.uu tIttittat. hut ctheir tiestit- t-idtîi ' iîî uui.11itul i a t i-hitiîahhle ' -- it u t - 'Lutit ht" i tii c ti.iî 101tir ur Y'-O u\\( -I'i Imx' -I-tI utoh iii'tt',.t-i- lui-' it. ~ go- *Ab 1()i tit' dixa x iit 'i-iîg tht' t-tre. î'n:sî take a.snactk iii ti' mniri xg trtit- nahvy a tîasted tasit-i' antd a cîip of hic'.à nxilk, anti a fairly sutastautialni uxai. vitit- ou'. tilt', late in theo atternoon. 1't'iple,t as a mxiii-, do net cnt ns ituxuelixns thev e did a fixi'v Nears ago. -Mtny cf tue ,dcc- t tors edvisc higlît cnt iug anti altthie hoak and pubhlii-at ionus uevîtod ttcheaitit and Y 1uivsicnh trainiag bemate o-l'rtecding. NVe st'.ihI t a 1k aouit a 'stînare mnetil.' ltat' 'vithu sotîie it tai; a iffirenctuxeaîxing frouui tîlut it onace la. N'vYork Suna. FACIS ABOUT OREGON. lioro is ati htt h-'e argouo! informuat ion1 about '.thr " Stîtt' tif(), ri î i ere t ho great Loxx'i-tandîl t'arkl, Expnioli luuil ii lit bell fuoi i'ut' ii(,\t tut iii". tht' b r: Raiiîi'ss -intuier.E u-lainitîmieals.t I)eoîîît-t uzoii mi nt.- Largues'. fire-st rc;ri-xiylin. -. 1,in"'.la in huncti' hr. Mouixtauui 5(01)foi'. ui'.f Larget-t fnrsh vter iiarbor uoniWestern con st. ()hv i1,671 utileq cf maihmttuiI-i. iLand amen. q4.5610 squareîmies. lias one silxtli cf itîx stantiiilg tiititecr cf tihe Ualu'1 Stitos,. ]lias,143,757 scioto1 -ehlirna lIa s 51-0.000 morei' men t liait xvi-lui'. Oal 'v 2.1per ceuit cf xînuîîîuil hd uit 3.3 per cent. of w-hutte popuîlutoit lxutIit- erate. No Induccaxent. "Centlemen cf fortune aI fors hiîttsolf form eiectiîîn nsiti--Lior ocf.suuahi tuiva, 1 xxicliî toud beatit hy îis vil to the jexteat cf 20,000 marks. Rcter'îce. etc." So nius the adx'ertit-cîat'nt la a Blinhm newxspaper. Ahi ,rapanoe i txtle stiiuetq from fiîll se-enteixyeans to iifuli fontvtire lhable fier nili'.ary service. A BUILDING OP GLASS. To be Built in Classic Design for a Na- tional Bank of Deg Moines. C. E. Eastman has submltted plans 'ta the officiais of the Des Moines Na aa Bank for a bank building of classie designi, to be butît o! glass, after his new plan of glass construction. The building. if coni- structed, would be mont unique and w.ould be especîaliy attractive, wltb tts heavy' col- umns of wire glass. The general plan fol- iows: It cansints of a steel framework, sup- ported hy brackets, attached ta the beamns of the flbars, ta duplicate, making two walis o! opalescent wlre glass, the glass belng setl in the steel framework. The glass wa.lls are approprtatety a foot spart, making an insulating dead air spat'e- ta prevent a ions of heat tn wintei' and ta prevent undue heat In summer. The nyetem of construction allows o! any alrngement of f loor plan, because win- dows are unnecessary; and for the same rea- son the exterlor will admit o! aay style of treatment entirely free o! the restrictions of fenestration. Mr. Eastman belleves windows ta be an Insuruxountable evil la buildings because o! the admission of air through them whicb ta resPonsible for the dust, smoke, odors, In- sects, leakage o! heat, danger o! falting out, admission of rain, fot to mention the dan- ger and aecessity of washlng them, iosof papers, colds froma draughts, etc. The wall is fire resisting ta a practicai de- gi-ne, as it han been demonstrated that wlre glass wlll reslnt a hot f ire, sud though ne- cessary ta replace it, the f ire damage wotild he local and easily repiaced. The Inside treatment allows of a marbie wainscoating hait way ta the ceillng witil glass over sa thst the wall space is avail- able for desks, counters, shnlvlng, etc., on all des o! a room, and at the same tille more llgbt is produced than wîth windows.- N. Y. Mail. AUSTRALIAN TEA DRINKERS. Have Voua hourd of the New Centuary Bail Boa>'- inig Washin]g Machine? If yýu tuse it once yoti wouid ring this in on nil your friends. It is the acrieo rfs t etnder; sti etrweuite;- (s. if gatleîc lol eay touh .1 os' t b. re Ut l anti inutea o swt T lt o la n ('l oCI wlie hn-y rn Whe lir dtler itiproe- l t righte lie-t tii l escrVip lt ie I'luit o pli- ca-'.tin.te HE DOWSWtItt I i O . le-t; Jo-,'. iiiILMN CANADAtitiI' e ' o xs Tii-t t<i it tt'de ; ' ttoil ix' lix Jwt"'. o bei iitjîl (-iiil, i tii t )( iïird;e .1MIst rd)strLinintfors ae everwher Cust ous Feath ewofLuigfe t. Jut tlu e it'.ti' tt 'leî'lt i ' u'uuuLp î:xriit lus - ' x -II î- ît dtlt ut lier mnixtg iii tîxt h llA nd utui itit t e iuiu uita lFit lt -t- tith t u-t".n[d iv luit.ster dYr- 'Ellecmenîcucaxie tfrn o pp)site îinoc- t il is. ua n s a -,thi ey apîîîîî tîut iî'u eticli otti- c m a n ît i e m m t u t s t n dî i n ug un t h e o m ie n ivus suiriiuiltie huutîrmite af thie bhint m ie n S a y , 'I te l t . J t w h a '.t r c i o u ( d o- Mis. Wlualo'W"u F~oothtng ~ywuus .. dboaid àta 'l uÜ_ë b vr'4sd o itidrn Tehlg mOotha tho ehild snthe um,cures win eolis and. la the i emedre or Diarrhoea- HELP WAXTED~-"FEMALE. L ADY WANTEDYC MONEY MAY BE earned; artistia employ-ment at home gildtng tickets; write for particulare, Incios- ing staxnped, addressed envelope. L. J. Noei, 215 W. Uûbt street, New York. HEILP WANTED-MÉALE.. YVOUNG MAN-, MONEY MAY BE AN -Led; artistlc empioyment at home gildiflg tickets; write for partîculars, incloslng stamped, addressed envelope. L. J. Noel, W1 W. 125th street, New York. -That's what a prominent druggist said of Scott's Emulsion a short time ago. As a ruile we don't use or ref er to testimonials in adclressing the public, but the above'remark and s i mil1 a r expressions 'are made so often in connec- tion with Scott's Emulsion that they are worthy of occasional n o te. From infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion offers a reliable means of remedying im- proper and wcak develop- ment, restoring lost fiesh and vitality, and repairing waste. The action of Scott's Emulsion is no more of a secret than the composition of the Emul- ANCE CO.WPANV.4 Thae seventy-fimst. aunumal meeting of the sharelsolders of the Britishs Amenica Assurance Company w-as luelul at the of- fices o! tise coaepaxty on Monday hast, tbe President, Hon. UTeo. A. Cox, pre- sidingy. The s'.atem nt presented show- e-d tua'. t.he premii eixîcane for 1904 haul been langer t'tan tuia'.o! any pre- tliius yc-ar la tise compaay's luis'.ory. Ia canmmon wis t-liter fine insurance coi- panies the Britishs Auxenica, suff emed frai. the conflagrations a'. Baltimore and Toronto, taiut t-be actin o! the shane- isoiders la wriliug off a portion o! the capital af'.cr tîmese lisasters and suta- scribingy for noix capital ta the amouint o! $350,000, caupled -wi'.h the favorable experiences dtming the latter montbs af tise year, mesultel ln pltîciug tise cons- paay la a stroager funauciai position than i'. ceupied a vcur ugo. Tise se- curitv w-hichi 1'.off ers m'.s policyholders is, as shiown i-a the fianel stýatemnuet publishe-d la anothuir coluimu, $1,874.- 042.95he hourd cf linectars w-c uuanimotisly re-eieci.ed. anxd ut a sua- sqtueu'. meeting lai. (dca. A. Co-x was re-eiee'.ed Presiden'. and Mr. J. J. Kennv Vice-Presideat for thie ens'.îing year. Energy, Iategrity and Prtnlter's Ink. -ntnian ont'rgy. strict untegri'.y. tue j itea-manid juidii-iotis lti, ut jrinter's ,ink f-t hese are tîte fuuntiuitcrtah requisites tuf buîsines-s, anud ia aut m uane hias been s-w'-eht froux the eoniutut'ncial hurd a! in- dutî'ry becatîse lue ifauildta recognize thueir importance.' sal L. B. Freachi, a s'.icesstiii nercluant. at a i-cea'. meet- iung of tîte Salem (0.) Busiess Associa- t ion. Witb a fouinlatIo cf enemgy anud uuutegnitv '.ibere is te liîuxit ta the licight o i tie cottmmercial strcue that may I le Itîil' w-ili tiue nid cf xte-txspapcn rad- I vu'rtisiag. On tîxose rani' occasions w-hten ix bt-te-s ifice r-xxreui b-t-advertisiflg zttuîîîlo- thte flai-t t alîuoto. l.t ats trace- ahle to the foiîndi'.omt tMAPS OF NEW YORK CITY. Wri'.e L. Dmago, 69'~ Yongre street, jToronuto. N-tv X'ark Ceoutrai Raiiway office. for map o! N-ýetvYork City. Sent r i free oui reeeipt .qf le. s'taiip. Wîeetîetla- uîîî< u selli-vh' Siý-uam Leoncavallo bas sent thue Kais- tatie knx'utthe h î v itlu ti dias-tnnî' he r', nletter commnissioninlg hi ta com- fie -t-nt\is tatie othet iia i " î'tv'nt'uhof )ose the opera, "Roland o! Berlin," ta "13v~ ~ ~ an' liesofuî fhisttue u it use. 1 the Persevemauza neivspaper -ta mefute euBIha' th Si d MItlieo ul usiueSîgnar Maseagnis assertion tisat he w-as the t p tf the cane n ul-t' am an i îuu Itle Ili nxtelf fi ns'. asked t a, do tie w ork. boîîc" Vuiadei-ii Rcod Lr'ven's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectaaê, Prizes for CieanlinesS. Sar.p Powdcn dus'.ed la the bath, so! tumi in trder tia'. thte smial hititi;ltilders tta e watcr and disinfeets. o! Bdelfas'. auîvat'qikni'ut love cf itygieno. thse corporation liave fomnîuîatcd a Tfle nexx big Afrie " i diamond rerentiv sciemeofpniesfortîe het-kc' aises ifourni netîr Pretorita.i-t stfld ta be as big yards anud pretîtseý;. inuiiuing f'.îniture, as a msan'is fis'. 1' lias; been vaîued for fittiag ni families. lansuanxeo purpuses at £500.000. I INIMJRAIED ro There Lu mothtng in the oearket .ppztonchi:xg th'e quality of make of thhs war. S.. tbat EDDY'S a ies« the bottom of each pat ad tub.- 4b oh ROOFINO waterproof, fireproof, quickhy ar.ij very elisily laid, and cheaper than otiser roofing. ' Send stanxp for saznple. Hlamilton Mica Roofinq Co*, t:, Iebocca Street, HamIItum i J - -j -t a / -Unless the soap you use has this brand you are flot getting the best Âskt for te Octagon Bar. 245 "MY SON BILL." wi a!: sel Fi thi ta su se W, lei th TI o wi th y( Cil A ish Consul's House. The captain of a second-clas cruiser, ,ch an atey returned tai Devoport -m the North American station to p-ty Et, tells an amusidf- story' aginst hima- it. The ship touched at one of the Inch Islands of the West Indien, and e captain went ashore la due course Sreturn the visit to the Brittsh Con- Il. On his arrivai he beheld one of the taor petty * ofcers of bis ship, ta hom he ad granted eigit oums' avsprawling In a luxuriant chair on te veranda, and pufflag ai a big Havafla. 'ie captaîn curtly asked hlm. what he was oing there. The sailor, between the puttfs dbis big cîgar, biaadiy retorted that he as there o'n a vîsit ta Bill. "And wbo the luce le Bill?" saapped the skipper. -Why, he consul bere-hlm as li allow y0u've ime ta pay your respects to." 'How dare ru speak with such famillarity of one o! lis Majesty's consuls?" thundered the mptata. "Oh, il1's ail rlght." explalned the )etty offîcer, coniplacently. J{'s.my son." .nd as the captaîn fell back breaihiess with ndlgnatton and iacredulity, the consul hlmi- 3ei! came ln and expiained: "Ah, captain. l'm glad my oid mnan was here ta receive you"-St. James' Gazette. LADI ES -wHEN IN NEBD, SEND frfree trial of our nover- fafllng remedy; relief quick and safe. Dept. 100 Parts Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wtt. WJ ANTED, ENGINEERS, ELECTRIC- VItans, firemen, wlremefl, and machin- ists, to sead for Spangeaberg Steami and Electricai Engineering; 648Illustrations: L- 035 questions and answers: best book ever- published; 40-page pamphlet sent free. Geo. A. Zeiler, St. Louis, Mo.,- U. S. F REE, A HANDSOMIE FOUR-BLADED knlfe, or beautiful ring, to anybody selitng tweive packages of the Novelty Nee'- die Case at 15c each. SelI like hot cakest. Write tmmedlateiy to 'K. Colemanf, 31 St. Mary street, Toronto, Ont. D. H. BASTEDO & CO. 4 'King Street E-ast - Toronto 35 years in the fur trade. FUR MANUFACTURERS. $40,000 worth of Fine Furs. clearing at Lloweet prîces ta Canada. Send for catalogue. RAW FURS. We are paying bighest NeW York prîces. Send for price list. it does through nourish-t ment-the kinid of nourish- ment ehat cannot be ob- ' tained in ordinary food. No system is too weak or delicate to retain .Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. WC witl scnd you a &ample f ree. Bd BUT£ that thia picture lIntthe f orrnofe a label is on the wrappu of every boulie of EmuLnon you ~ SCOTT & BOWNE Cheniists Toronto, Ont. soc. a.nd $ 1; ail druggrists. USE MICA War of Composers.

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