Irch Clearing Sale. i8ational inducements to shoppers. loi.', Sets )ining Room Sets Bedf Room Sets Fancv C'halirs £and Rockers Ladies' Secretaries, Morris andl wire baok easy Chairs, Spring I3eds and Mattras8es, Screens, Carpet -Sweepers, Window Shades. ,Anud a store ful cf usef ul Christ- mas presents, etc., etc. AT-6SENSATrIONAL PRICES A cali solicited. WM. mJLL & SON. . .6- 6 n lgia-e ie 2 n ep Te BnetM o -ikrig Ont 'N.40 vol iL. WHITBY, ONTARI09 THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1905 p i neNKeystoneý THE NEW COUNTY PAPER IitslMtd cre-ri l hîî.uoq uîuî tli ili' Teucu Hall Luîildliue/,,'jocîk t'c WHITIîX'.i-Nt TTO's. Going WtL. 11)îu tuîig The 5.42 ve rîitr ut~ - iporning. Coinmg N'rtli !1. 1 2 tmu i'.ig .tî 14C40i-j.îî 1 -A ;l ru. Pi" . < Leuuvcui Whitv ii r t .,î i utte . at.tiil 4 pin. Itra .aii Eî6.4r ',rit. 'r 4 9-30rt à uii i n< -t iiiii. 0-11 h -ta .lu Il tiI-s i itixtt PROFESSIONAL CA RDS. IMEDICAL Dr. Meldrum uf Lod ch(h li, ) i.C.1ii1l" LEGAL 0. Ormi6tonq B. 1%. Dow & !McGiliIvray j. Jt htOV It T. A. \I l IKI~ . James RutIedgje Office.. iioi .",I t-'I.I ý,1 h l John Ee Farewell, K. C., 13a.riturî, C'uicy ( 't mo n .ttuîiîe'. nid -of Court Houso, \\ lîthvx DENTAL W. Adams SXDentist. .... ..i i- l' Open ttnir I v Dr. Jas. B. Johnstone Denfttst. (rI;litît . o f ( i t 'l" li Iuî .Surget4)n, , T'xiîitu, l ii-'k'r i:lIitit,'t'Il 'versity, gradiutto f t -t'g" 'l 'i: - . of Iit str.(1iiir Bt-ut:11ti îtl CHlURCH DIRECTORY. Preshyterian Church. S-'umb tatiu t-'tiit"-- ut i.nli iru 7 t ' In -t s ut t Methodist Tabernacle. day Se)ah uJ i tc t - ur m -1t 7 pt u ititi tM fay teuuig .ît s ii Ail Saints,'*Ch urch, Anglican .o'hoe: ItuuiiluitPruxit .t7. - kt.. t -i ' i îîii at 8 P. un-. <'e11)'"i,(lFtcti-sel'ici i u imon, 7.30~ St. John's Church, Anglican. mip..j£..('. BVIWIU.S LIN 'IN CijjIjitE. SeChool at 3 p. u -Muw'. etic <oiisiu at 7-) p rn Baptist Church. m R.. Il. I NdIM.Si'IUIE'NT hX"<TtR. %,alîbatiii aIes l.. ii.tand 7 IlIlrut - ll'-c i :y Xtîbooi it îo VekIy Prayer Sc i-ruvr-onru 'tir't- day evening t F lek. St. John's Charch, R.C. tpAà RISHPRIEST, LLEV. FATIIER L OMALLEY. i$&bbuth feerieg'.-O aarn. auîi Ila-un. aiteruateiy.- juadav School ai 3 P-in. vorIing onIImeIC Y'Laws. (ti M ratepay( laws, ea The vo-t( by-law Ienday of this week the cers of XVhitby veted on ach te grant aid te an1 te resulted in the camryil tind the apparent defea tut this was iîot certain Ilgr Owinuy te sore iic passibit, iVotc. Beiuw is biN'UV IY, AW G 7 - WiNIIM iLL 53 ;t; ti 51 71 i t wiil lic t-cou tilat the voet the by-iaws ivas l)ractîeaily utloti cujut Ilithe soittl waru], No. 5' i%- vote agrainst thîe foiîdry by-iaw cd tle voeoiin the other fou The south ward pCCop! eî'iLcuîîtl, ivajt to soee \Vithv îîoslîer. The public rp feieig ldlit was thE lurgest oie.tii f thie k: ini the tow Inmiitwýo -Vusrs, atuul it luts had goocd îesnits. ()i11v') nIt a few citizetîs workeu lierai buhaif if Lhe !uy.laws. îvih'sui Sut iliflerent tuî it that thev oct tuo'uu on thut day seeuuîs a gr tiiat theî founiry bl-aîv shioiui two o t1'r îtuvotes tshort ef cari it is prîvî'n tai butshrt. îuuad-c tut iia- - u'Lt'isiatîre - the' li-tî.it ctîuuli e sheîviî tiî Wct mali nbler if îîursons pr' 'euitu Heydnshore Park ProspE uuhit, v.. I '2att.iluil iv lsc itiiceis aiii liu u-tt'tictîtu "i tu I"rui l H-h, .)Pr. lxcGtiliiiîray, j tandîT.'. hiu iu]i-i, the urusI iltl tlu iti'IPark tu Itîcet tii,' meii ts "f t lieu-iirtiui î iiies thlicgii tii t:uatice"f tC1i u raihtvtu b lig inii pratiuîîi lttt' t' utui :îi a li iihe ra k tIilis - niLI.I it' iuu iit'1 at igth :;icifayo-ait î-eived. 'flic anilager of tht' utuethtu!it'l-)t'tt 'ild gtvt', iv' luu-îiî.g i;al îlihi' uîu.ny IIiav î t fuît!-tii lu trafli- hieri' if theîiipî ai- ui;ui. -betk'iuilIr iti k, tii tiititii't Ill îtih 't vi u 'i linous owhu hlit'1tlu t tu theuWtt i'tmk. NMr. ut tu 'Hu Sîiltiari C'!., Niurtlî 'l'îiawaidti. muitiutrtisiîitt it-r.f' it'Sunlie nix t ttu.r.tît attfistw \i 'mi, favuî-nld1 t rop ) i oit tutut t' P'ark itti <uTi!mu-- t- pueti~-ti t 'ixfLt. rvu!: (..aitihy t-e.Gi-t uî:î uaY uast \veek iii thu inturest cf the fani - eus1 piekie utaketrs, the 1H1. J. Heiriz C.. qualiiied the ' tifty - t-uvul varieties Il otuse i tîve by- that city, with te) yiew Lu hav-ingti imdustry. ceuîibers required for their i'apidl ng cf oe e grwing business in Canada growî ii at c)f the !and arcund \Vhitby. It uppears lxij i at tiîne Annes sonie tinie agu luad Lriedj to ge taity as ,the CO. irttciestod here, but tiicy favere( tîîe t ute a trial ini aiotlîur beality, whiclî las nc inet tlcirî'eqîuirem:ents, amud tuo' the, tire îviliig Lusec o lat caiu bu ulule hurt I'crtmiîatelv, the favurableu cxpurieciu i farmters have had in gmo-iiug sugar beet- - i' s h-rglît ini une wuit,1u tiîis cucuiuber groit 2-4,'S 11ug.rli Miclaîgan, w-hure the lieutsigai ii iîdustmy lias lîad thec greatu'st ileveoip mîenut uinthue lUuitedi Sta,es, thetu Hic; 47- '288 piekbJe iîdiistry lias aist best snceeels'd 12- 2S file eticnumbems are plante-Il in J îuiu' agaînst prefer-aly oui lui-cm and miuestem iaîuI.u L, haîî aie hracticabie '(er )lue t i-, a i (1th(i ie t} e îikiug rof due ocruit isn iteruf'ueIi ,,ex o te- beet uavest is o , s' thleru is Ic c -at- r tvarts. with thi came tff de latter coup. The y (i) ilot big jumutits cin the ickhes iiaku LY j t. iblu to securu steaîivbu-i p tlîmuglu the. a<t weuk seat-on, si the faimniem is reaiin anîuatcas- nul hel uer position iii Su tir a s lait'r i s -îicet <l'îibt- toi tI aiueuis wutiut'rie (uithu"dt-mrf :iîgp day teetoup h cally Oncii at huast 200 ars divided uip iiitui tue nter andultiou acre ccîtracts. lThev pay ut m i f GO cenuts pur bishlit] of -il) 1W. foir cuctuiii. itîat pity bers uîuut uxceeditîg 3' iric!ies inu leiugth bu just anuui ccnitirug iiet !les ztiîaî700 Jpick~les --ilîg, if tii tihe busiiel. Fur larger îpickles su- U- bie fer puuekiuug Lhey luiy 15 cenits ptur iiibeu but-bei. lue ternus cf îayiuetit arcOnu e'Mîîiî Sciîtemîbem I st ftur uîiî-haiîthue crou ti- ut tlîeîe livere(lul to L)tlittt iilu; thii'balanrce ud frîutîul witliiii a fuit' uiays aftur the ciyeuouf thîe SeIastulu. ( tiiu ifai-uers gî'î uit'aiytthere fri't10 t>ttLu200t hbli'is per airi. West- ects li hiil ue 11Ii n )iFSci-, iut'ou ti ' est t ayui lg (i* up-. A.\tile try fîîr îvîtrkiiug the îick. t tu, b rllay inu\X'iitlby'anildte He'iiiîs fiÀV 11ln thuir wiy- fr eery thig, îuut utlîîus sul tiiet-t'ike- a ciiieruîiui tiît s-uiulii ttei"tIi ini Seeiriufr' 1(-.dtfvo n ex cu ~ t(uf t1ilu r fi11-s ofu i' tvirai \iitliy îîuthue isîierttiio'f tiis mat- licc' Mif ter liv our fani- frieiuîs. lxMr. A ues qwu'u1i. o uuf t like tii kiîiw as ii:ll as poss- buu.( tl î *- ibl hi e l tu e r o r tiet t hle Jpru oup osi tiio n i s C -t.îîefav'rabiy uubiuîr i l ariuers andu tr 0 thu'îs whlii 'iil luigri)'v ick les, s -iti th aaîge fuir ta eturnu uf lxI r. Cuitau ii -1- l a dcude iftue W uitluv luicatiun ojctuid st- *iy romfily dhe î.1inuWeîi acirug'e. t! re i t-til ,i ii iits t ua rr ueception at the Colle ge. Tlitelar" -'7ois'iof Trafaigir t'-i git'uitutltui tur)f the 0 irîuduittt t îf i:îlss. Il uVItat llo une itsuîIledi te aie diies îof Xiitluy, (tihaiva, Ji rcik11iii aundl Port l>crny M t-sChuîi, tiî, r' rsideit i.if ciat s, rite i ti 'l wîth thîe Ladit rinui cipual. M1is(s uittherbu'iuigî, Laîiýeiey',DL. Coin-îî îiazziîuandîl.Reî--e gaie Pianouu lo-eus Misses t rittitii andtiE Heiuutzbe'gem dle- Another Hotel not Needed. of fev daYs t'O theteftiuiect that aiy ad- dition te the -uînîber ')f drinking places tends ti o rtle -toie of the lcteis :al - maîiv liceunseul, becatise of thoeuffort îne- cssarv te ilîcre-ise the drrikitîzi usages, su as te miike tup for- Lue lcss (if salus cauisui by the addul heense. Now, if tis is a fair preseîutîneîît of theu Case 'aithough by noi nc;ns uxhausti<-e) wuubld it îuut be citiîat îur TovriCouîiil and others cf ilnece shoutld tise tilat- in- flintce with the unîîssuuto weigcyh tutu niatters iteli, beuire dulinîg as tii thec pru i}u. tse cewal or graiit ing a ticw lIceeîse ta t:î un e iseiu'itiminei. erttrtiiy Hockey. Whitby Girls v's. Oshavwa Girls. * Aitl î-si , g:Ille f h 'Xe-y -, o) pi0c Siîaw:î i st Fi lay iîighit be. tweeîî the'ltî grs f\Vhltlbv a:îý! t)itwthe ltît i.tiî lv2-1. A lar:tre crîîwdl of s; tiilu (ut *te lu p îe Iille. [Tie score at iaif Limle waîs i-(t., Ml or f \\Ii:tbv. v i,. toi ýt e Iu rist time thuev ever ()i.vî n -t îîu i l<iev,'itl'they ,'put w-, how ntîtie llionx*i,'tthir 'îî;îiIeits "'t-1.h. in t!iwa îîîlc iile iL t cua dual of t1w fý,ct t~t1 he t >" SIlîaiva irls liid prie tî ceîil iii i fourît' or tlu vu t1ilis. Thitt, Lb.vewvem. on s a xuedllss eNsplanu- tî.ion,; it. wils a >,.If evidluît fact that tli(,y ii:td t> iiîti'tg of tlte-ireubx- tiueir uitter îlisi-uard oîf ail r"idcS. T1he refere. lxMr. irenlîî, îof ( ts1awa, tut >k suelu ail ii '" igli i tculi t part III theu ~tiitpAa m iî'uianitnîglit have it-'tu'tt c' fstîli t1liîl,ýs asoffsiidle.,, kkitt t'th mick lîgeai, sliiuggiçr, etc., :111d twou le liiiself was Su'ii tiisol t' îîc-witl lits foout wheii the \lib g1- swere iîiî ' t ulaIl the je. AHii tu c uixiuts]v iuîokîInt.ý forward ltu) tii, vtîirii itîtutc- l o ll oi bu îlaVuîl onî \\lîî'liCt., m(l it is liupul iiithe iiîeaiîtliîîîti )hio -irls ivili leariu the iltstiniîtîîîîî ueeiiî shîrîn.v ii lice- key,. and tliat Fi"îne wieoiii kiîuuly ex- 1iii îît' \Mr. -ruiiii owluat ai l fsîulu ii. Wlilvtemn iti neul î11) as fîuhhîwS, ;naI Nit R os Lts :ypoint -P<. u c ver i it -Etuer (t kîti;centre-E. Wi~ii rive!- F. \riî4riîiT riglit tii -13 Deverei lft Pa xt I u i,. ý1 fl t i -..i a -The TabernaclIe. 1-imii' vtiî rt- u t vti o-ii:-andîl tîlvtuw.-U-- M c .ii li it»~:, ' Ve'i'<'r t uit-ut i iite tîu ini :1 ;t'Juî v- :ir.r'.' ut-ýJi ii '.r.t:1Ciitcu-lr-'u t'tutruia ?11(""- t. iit'ul ttirts (iuu the îî.îtt. cf tIa i 'et' rtpu, ! t't ,'il îiipuu'iun lut-' the suIt'uiariy plu- fur-tht' fuiitieritctilt uf o lit-vt- t"eatul (SI t -t tîi'iitAiuliieît-d. gou, utndtuiftr thie rel)-tséun ui itr -tli- The Baptit Churcl;. j'rutséli'-of ixitat bLitait " i , h .iuiiuly ri-ctu iibetliîmoral ~aintI.inti-tu., ' a lt- iizt -i'tvi - thtit is %vatiIl( )t' botrlln. 'lh wu pisu f v ir. . ît it2 lu theu ihii ( d -'f u-vt<'ai tati 'ici v ik-iuu aloi. tuthua vIlk h l1îfiiL; ii~ s f ii ut. It -îu niic tu t;Ali utîu-m, andtiliisut- tu.-î '- tiK tiuîi y.i-î' it ln i 1:-SI slkc'Iy tu abe't iira; it \ ti îîuil it ll'Lut- ail.î vl~i. h ioid uirdul I'au1-in iîu r.A.lhtt(1, dUti- ' i e ttlur )tiu h e t- l nîe iîs'ak or îi veîî cd, ! icuyire at im t - i ng t hîat ailceftort is îtei iig madute tu a v ai-e M t t ii t ie îî l1ii'l'it S u11llu t the. licicîsî' fi'r ale ui'f uuxu-uttuîig churtl'ttt i < uuf'in u"'tiu atitr drinks i'estiîred l t he -mAi e u"t.i îs H tel. \ut i t liaî cI i.,iluut i I t'ite uk i tii aîîî Thue, iice'îsu oas, it senîs, Clt-uitfutiast eitiih cl tt' up utc î ha N'arbuaue hellte hd lit hePr che ut c1i. 'iaTejinut oi uuin ittue ut ti"uap per accommodat-u tionsuu ut1bil îuu 't le lme - resul tiiîiis f"minrg a bat-ssc(f uu uit'1ii-tuiid J. uutify the issue uof tte wlîccit, auldtîl ýtiey ivoere sibsei1iicitiv enduirt-cul ly tiie lioliier mferrudti tefaîlîçi ti) moti yt h e huirocies. A uniuutîiiiîis caul]Ihazt bcen deftcts. Thîis '<iii, cf course, bu reuuecl- î'tî'uu ii vIu i 1(t i clugiigItiu)uist- LtMrii. Personal Mèntion el Miss \. Alaid blisroturine Ifret ith e Mr. Frank Mathisuin vas iii tu o n oyr S-,und(ay. Hwe O Miss Adely-n Hvl returmneul tethe P R cutionMuuday. iFO URE ]IIS Miss May Davey itas gohîu to Newx Yor'k for a visit. Mss Mav Yule is visiting relatives Iii tswî iistIveuck. M r. A. (. Heiiurcîî, cf Tornuto,' as ini tt, cil un Mouiitiv. Mu's. J. E. anîd Miss Wilis have .b ee i e %"isituiig frîeîuus ili-i rutu. lxi s. ()litist f Toirounto, ,Jstlll t'r21 Itretier, MNr. L. T. Barclay. lxi is; iretie Hvatiiul, cf .Xîtîîsley lHall, Tioieteý, speît 'itîîuitay at home. -Mlessrs. F. G. andul'tewart 'iiîiti Ieft for Nlarysviiie, iB. C., hast week. Mr. Ccwie atl llMr. \Vare cf thte Demn G O T O 1111011 Banuk tpent -tiuday iin Toront. ciss Nuora Lawieî', uf the Univer-0 0 î:t. 'muiuspeutît Suîiday at huome. Mm. Fri-.kîB"vaiî aîîd Mr. W.G Wiuitems were liti Aie City otniMonday M MISS Ci-S 'mtil, of t ouitud, tvas the * C L A W E R 021i zuue,, cf Miss B. Wiýi ilit-t week. Miss -Nuilie Branit is %vî;u:Iiîu her sis- cMrs. Cha.s. Pa, toi), of lBmckville. ~~~W IB -Mmi. H. t. Hutchusuji, cf fort Perry, ® vas the ,iieet tis o-cek of Mrt-. Aines. -® MIr-. .Jas. Maviîamîi, of Bmîuîkiin, i s- t.i at the Iuîîint! (f xMr. <Ao. Lewtiast ee-Me - i t & -h VS .s, % - t.>1; uo)ul, uif t tSilitvi, o ire tiîc giests é f li u. E,.IV,. Feuis hubt %eek. lir. Aies.iice ate ttrtkv i itli gaul, tvas ini tcwuu tutli liluay t-îtiug fr ic Me I pie Itf ,[tl f tliîoTa rutîclu nmet at Mlxii . S ,Jiiies on u\Vi'tIncs- dai' ueeîuiuu'. liMrs. J uluti llciu.laî, 'if I3uo-uiuiuviiie, lias beuui visitiug îvith Mxir. anudilxirs. J as. t' Il lx!rs. \\îuu. Nîttuci ttutcmt:iiud tlîu atîxuli'ary c.f AIl] Sainuts clîurch oui Thurs-- liiss Laiura Evanra returmid cît) the ('ity Y 1)11Saturduîy îîfter spcuîdiiug the win- Mis B. X jxu n t'î rtainci a few fri'tîîîuis cii Fhurstiav i'îeiîiuiii hooi, cf Mxir. anid xirs. 'fuis. lîattcrsouu, of ('hiiru'tîîuit, te cru tliîc guests tuf Mrs. E. W. Evaiis foîr a feiv titys tbis is-oek. IliliMisses Bell, wlîc bave carried onu id russuuîakiîg lmusinuess huere ftor yeaî's. ieft oun lxi riday for \Wiuipeg, Mxanî. Mrii. aiiind irs. Scbciîieraft have moveti ttu lxatrkuî:uî iîilnd Ics. Irvuig intends ii iuu it'> the hiotuseî-îcatet I y theui lx!t- ~a INI -.j. A. 11awkins amni lit- tic' Soniuof 81 itilidu. v eru the guests (if Mxir. anrd -M !rt. \V.'.. 'Sn-itl fer a feîv ulutdays ýt wit.t Mlxis l'uts L'iile atîd lier bncttt<r, cf 11tile wlti\Vst~ io liai-c beilu isitirîg liu're, lituxe bîeeî senît foi', (1ui accotit cf tuh' ol!ustf thuîir fatheri. lxi s. P. M1. Si-i-recuived liast weùk, assstulli'Mi,-, V\irgiuia Barclay, cf MiiI~' uits VIiiiiamiîsouî, cf (Oshawa,' amid lxMiss jemuîicouibe cf Bctx'iaiville. A fuît- cf cir 5c pur yard embroideries stilio, iuiind. Socuueson. Dirt ceap. Tlioy '<vili cet-t nctiing te kep tili yoîîivwant tlien. A. -M. Ruotss. The New-York Tribune liglîtt'ui the ladliesiuy theilr C'ctatiiiris. ail before a îîuîvlicenst cauî bu grauuteuî- t; u nîuac .ALu ieuîî ici utid MIiss Eilo'tints sanîg tri lier ustuaul it tlîe rquestion (tiuut a uîuîî iuue2 P; iii) t I îut i t. tlitt i 'riut ( fild Of court-e, it 's possible to wcimry t uluaruiiug style. Inumtue tea recun tue i uîîg to tueýmimîs îof mrnîy people, is tluus. v'.t bLt )o 1 J Yfor ()lthîntuti giu I ,i f'ithoiit k t'piuga' rbîu ttableti'cuuitiaisiere w'hite howers, ISsatnliîutel a publicîecsiy i i'guî îh. liaic'atyircicv i Ti une ih wicle the eiass ceicurs, criuuîstauiand goi, tut~eieciaeciinirnuidatuaui tlready ___________ .hîiileleoes L îituy For 25 Cents, a oc-e'-,uriliedlcuit in tictîers piacetî a- uxîstuuug t.uuîîîy sufficieuit foar tuîo i-tîts '-artîscubiatînumîiesyuiit ut 1 110thie Thel'fichappy, bustliîug ef ail Coîucunîuutl Has.1uY cOue beeuîDr'mdqomn. kreîî'<-marvehicus, uînomiît cf inforumattionî, furnsuî ueyun li1im inteih<xlit uîerte îeosiyofgîug eiere .Dr. Drnnnicuii, theu toteul Cauîdian L1)aiu te mntwlii lias it is an autiioity tirot-ses, min-ug about iua the subdimeîî îiring the clîtstîme cf tue ' (itous, Lîct tu1u1 mutuultrthte lutst iuterurc't'r tuf iii lis iiluhîIiioliod(. lHe dcesu't have light ef the tua roomu, aî.iiediluunli tc through ef liteol acccnimicdtPu FnicCuîtltueurtcistics1uI .Xni-tua bu "-gtessiiig .1 o "supposing 7abouit the pretty setiie. Thie recepticuis givun or, is theme aîîy iniuuediate iikeihîoîi etoferica tni uav. tVuil givrtiO 1_1 ug' om- el'etùirî pluralities, theiaiies cf Cabin tirst for the gradua.tîuîg ciass, then for a sucli lacui tertaîuniit iuu tuhe nîtsie haHl lure oui et Ministers, Senitors, Coiigressmen, certaimn nuiriber ocf tlîe stuuients, utîtil al 1t1 may safeiy be graulteil tiat occa- Friîiav î'vuuiug tuof thîs îveck, Mxareh 17. -Gevernors or Judges. He doustil laavei luave iiarticiîiateuliityu itecome quite a siens may anise(en Famr-day furi îstatîce, Rererveil seîats nîay bu ubtauiîetl tt te ruiy upolu bis îuuunîory whcn anything feturu uof tL'iift itu tht' Ontario Ladies' or other great days) when there nîigt 'iii drtîg store on pîîynîeuît cf25 ets. cmsu abeut the bigr eveuits cf the Cciiî'ge. . beo some pressure. Sncb conditions 1Dr. Drummutud i u netaue v cui omceîlnyer truîrLIont nam - - semettines arise even in large cities, but it is iliffleult to sectire owing to bis bu- i tir uîtvy, or sporting records, or, iii fact, sureiv that is a poor pie-a for placing an iîîg greatly in ciia.nul and the ighl prîce almost anything cIsc cf record wovrth A nother Farmers' Indus try. additienal and ethcrwise unnecesqary bu e-an comunand. Wherever bu guet- knuwing. If you neyer cxaminied " Thli ~ngî ee gcxin i lkey e u -u- aycf ourknd temptation l tethe iargost hlil is eiusihy filled. ln this' Tribune Aimanac :) just unvest aquarter Sugr bet rroingis lkey o b su- wy o ou yongpeople (and soi-e who 1 eduîcatiotial centre a treat sucli as that for once, aîd t-e how weil pieased you plemnîuteîî in this sectionu by anotbervcry are net yeumug) fer ail the rest cf the awaîing Whitby peoiple on Friday ove- will bu. The 1905 one was on 'ale on - prfitale gmicituai idusry-nrne 'yer.i ning should bu hundsomely patromizod. January 1, and inay be h-ad frein Your y, the raisîng cf cucumbers. Mr. H. Ant3ther thought cernes aise to the! In addition te Dr.Druunmonîî's read ingsi newvsdealer, through your local paper or H. Cowauî, cf Pittsburg, Pa., cailed lîpen front, (which the writer heard expressed. Miss Mitchell wiIl render a piano solo tdirect frein The Tribune Offlce, New the Secretary cf the B3oard cf Trade one by one cf our ieading citizens a' a.nd Michachis and Bryce wiII sing. tY ork. 'sTREFAMN ilit v f' ille. hv (ua itr liub yolu ;s-t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~udIk t r>rf'Il> .lit tit? ney NIC~HOLSON & SELDON srmtc e1 u- îh ' 'k t.v ut Farmers Requiring -(( l v rI it flitI et14ce e- all thh t ppe~ii id w tl, F[lk*l1ý e!I a d t ar »i-y'- To Save Money on Sh,.ii i 1Utichttcrz s l»; Il rylt0o ux tt-m at iXichiardson's. Our' stock- of Sehiool Booký., Otifice a-ndcl$cietv >Statioieî'v ccv- ers cvctrv know'î inake. ('onie iii antd look at our ofierincrs. have yon played the latest glaie -tSý-herlock liolmies." W. j. H. Riehapdson To Learn Easlly, u t Âd 'ýT -., t l t ti c ia t li orl s Brock iStreet, WHITBY i - - . - ~-- I -- t- t. - tt-.iî.. -xii- - - - -'- - ~t.t--~ t- t - f - '--t--- Stt ti. tShiL:ti't------...-..;---~-------i -- -.-.a~-.:.-t-sa.. - Par D ( 4~ ciller,la Ont.uirio(Couit y .'... *t iex- ()rIu llt" of 0W ti"of writiîi Ktty.stouut± Iruuîiuue'Of ttlt st 'iii'o 11ý ) British Eî,r" J -.Iae-l t,' it' utt by iartl THI& KE'l'Ts-ro s linil'jeîuiicnt in P 'lit i'-t.,îand 'wii advoceat e xwl~iat tc uit ju tue ià teli-t iii- terest. of tt' i'tuuiiîiuitv. The Subscriptlon Price iq tiii-. itindtru'ui ,,)fr fifty'twtî is4tiies, wlîen di n a---12 0 iFi umot sue pau!. juliiiiaiuc-i teî '- The Advertisinz Rates Xn' e vatuiitiî. ýanduwiiî Agailist be qlanrseuil on ajîplittiîiî. If Nî iuiuu tic'411t iean!, ayit throuigiî 'lufilu: K n r'i. Ohne f Ajstiu'uiit tiuîu r'-alîi t1ii 0t- fice not ,utc'r thtuî j<u'.i-u i., u-i irist-r- l"'OI tiouu in ie th irri'îu t i~u Afents Wanted ii in I i;tirt f t hlit, iii - C. A. (iOODFELLOW, RAILWAY TIME TABLE. xi 4' i-t f -4 * g '.1< 1-. fi I -v t- -t-? .SSt. t-bt- W k ,Pr are iiec c, s . WHITBY 1 Brock- Street,