Whitby Keystone, 9 Mar 1905, p. 8

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THEKEYSTONE, TRUSAYARCH 9,10 f - O' -meydn sbore Park. - IIings are'lookin g iueapromising for An aotiveseason~ of excûrsion, business ML i his beatiiful , wnumer resorti. Neg-otia- Naurafions are on 'vitb a view toieomp develepinent 61I1be Park for that-purpose. e Chbief Engineer MeDougall, of tuie Toron- to a d York Radial Railway, wà,s in town UIJUII5Li t is week lookiig 0ove!' the ground for thbe I)uildkLug of the electrie railway frein thei Irom 50. to $5.00 town te the Park as soon as the season opens tir. The annual meeting of the ubbr S ong s ark c:nipany is to be he]d ini the Court- Rubbe- Spo geg il Chamber on Wedniesday evening of neN NvekMarh 5th. As business of &500. to $3.50 Cazh the irst importance te titis worthy enter- Rubbr Spn~escostîïioe, prise Nill be considered it is desirable eliititat evecy shareholder attend. but w'ear lon.,cî iiarn ntua The New- York Tri.Weekly Tribune. spongs-Sc che'i. or those Nviho want te -eti the New- Wro have" just rci Yalrg ork îîeNvii;aral news of thiugs the world quatit offie mllo fict Ol age over and donit vat to spend the nmoney quin yo H lnope lCarntinlU'%tSoý or timnteuhying and rending a ietro- Cariiaî lapeïseven days in the eek fThe tho ýV.tlley, Florodioro, Ltc.,r;-W-l1 rihlute l Is thxe bill. Lt is l. ,a bx cf à caks to 40ce. P' selon Moillav, \Vcdiesdlay and Fni- caiex. AISe ft'io iinportcri Castile. day o f evety week, a-id coutains the es- SettcC of Thle I)aily Tribune for the whole Extra value in Hair BDtus'es vk To those whlo are iinterested in' aud Cmbs.thies of flour, graiin, NNvhat, cotton, ls'rtook, butter. cheese, eggis and other fa vi 1red ts suarkpt t eports are in- i r 1AIIIUQ valualfle cause of tlieir eorrectncss. I ~ lit e, ..5~I a year. For at free sample ~ i 'W IL.LIU eoneid a îesptM al < to the The 'New'- rugitOpticia n Pubrlic Llbrzv r At anicet:nxg ir 0tlu L;oi Mnd M e>dical Hall eveiîîitig, opoeiet f trst interebt te iier.Iibers ('f thlo p* :1 rary were Brock St. NNVitiby. decided u on. F.I.r . iione, Jtle ugit %\,'ts t ip:. s,, a r~Jdi expressiu)g tho _______________________________________tlia:.ýlis of tiLe Library to the \Whitby _____________________________________________uid i I~ A- i iato foir t htir splendid k ýi, of the LÀhrarv. OUfWjWpelgs Band Ccrcert. Ba'ii oii t, fhtt-sibî:.-, Ii'b '1 ii assisti-ti ly lIent Hivv ifTî Enitentaîi., utc. This xilIl t,, i t l- c&tOit fthe soa soit. Lecture ai the Colle ge. Uot. C.Ni. Henuursît, of l lii-ay. FiltIîi eeiit, Natlthe, . tlîjutreoI " A Vi c-k -'tea' Siiven cille tîu dlefntsy expiliiet. Celebrated Uer S;rthdjy. - sai'y iiÀMis. Jiii:. Luike 9S i i ildii ýi, alid hor Suon, Alul. V. '. .Lth' Ou ris. Luko, gaie a puvi't ttceirtt)if Illeu event. A iîtîiî lur of treiiiata at -the lhoue c1f NIMt'andl Mi r.Fi xihere t1lîy spel t tîe'eiiu4 îuiSî'- joyably.Nlauty hiapplutuuti'i"s. -Signs cf Sprinug. îuakit-gItîîtifurn aime yr e uhu î' l s i cases t1wiu ntat b iak ig la tutu lu t u se fui t ît lle ite rtoit.ss ofn îiliu has hurt lîegatt. Theii' tIti' lutaiui sti-tm ig fui' twNy' iitît' s, inuaL illî it î(- tI it pas-t feu-t tiay-2lits lîî oî"i îo<ii-i ut ~ ite. Th- tiýglin'LýIttcitug iJ'iui.,' î'tuî iii'> tiitniîie onuthtîto 1î'N't' wut, aI:i1 111i. be appuAd. t ttiirA iti'iaitus US cl Welt Ca1'ed In on Digger. Att icî iuit t ifuli r. W i il iluy't'- Vittly, nit Tliursiia yu' .-1w " ' iitg utt a cil ui.": tleititi -Y lct' Kîli su-dltt'uy a lti ) tn()a. i 't in. ftîîlitig uii t m'. flue. .tî 'irii dang.a'u iis enusluut.andil 'ta'toi Io n-le ne lo 'ie 'teisi mth ' ttutIti u.ci'. Found a Roli of SOls. lier biilhher uat Nlis-i l .'irtod '.ta fitte ut. .of'tits iL ut. lul'-'Mot."l Cei'inatck, Ni'110 iai1libeu-lts )ii tf' rt liti roliandi temIlstwtuu haveui t' uî'; ' senioui o ne - ' t )-l - itut i-. ' - ,îr'ti i i;u WIrs it tultIlte îa'u-W tii uît fîtî soure di slouimt i p u ti, Mi'n U-. uutaek xioultht iuit'c iiartci ifo'rstii1 uou.12 Presentation to Rew' and Mrs. Borlaxd. 'lait e t -i e' iti aml8îok iî t ,O1 1 îe - 1i1 a t t -11 14 e i t 1 1 11 t., 1 lecoplo ut.1 t" itou o" N v1 l i . it 1-1t ig NC' \ie tltoîito îîo - item lont'iiII ii-N week : , (-iLHN t iler.] yalto VM Il I t il O Vtwi. i.eit.I Ntt L tiidii*'Of:11, u vert'te,îsevi M! . an"[N - I i lie,,ui lheir Nt PIrx et .r iiHW , t\ i .'Ciy i isa illiltiluj-' f îh, r1017 sptocî1xi trie uay e'<C1mr'îî.îIî, e.tra elceeap, to . iiI M Ion t.- o oal .Springcs, Denîver lehti, Bihta, MIont Ogduîî, Sait Lk -Ctv L ail Nueioti Rosslaiff, BJ.4- Nvaîo Wash :Poi- land, (ire-,on ; >attie-, \'aisli.: V'ZIîitl- vor, X icteritt, WC.; SajitEraniîcsco, Ual. *AlscD special trous b c)ail poinits lau î- tisba and Catiadian Ncrthwest. Ahio cheap tiekets tea aff frmein Egland, Ire- Iind, Scotl.inîl-aniywhere, ev.eryvhere. Chioico of best ecean lines. 'Sue Step- hienson, opposite Post i Olice, \Whtly, *for all tiçki-ts before travelling. nADACHES Delaysf'ard dangerons, sure- ly, wlil t'Ou have troublek wiith yoe3', 'leo. Vy fot be relieved froroi that paiti in your heç.d with a pal, o * ouir glasses *Fs E. LU KE, LEFRACTI Mu OPTICIAN. il -King St. West, TORONTO. atu i L' 'alîerosuiei , weO a p- Icîintu.' I iL..f- i 'utittalle nesîlution furî tranîstnî -- t u îJLe (Ail biOs' atî oni' Iltit' îîîîîtte book1<of tue Lt h i NThi oi tt 'as ugrced that thene au uil rt' " tr iCe -c ' -tii' îtbue Li- bî'.i t'; lîeurs ta vtîfte clîibc,, uts'oc ':1. c i -vin 1utiis A ti' 't . )- t t .. in iîts iit'kitoxv tI Oit ' ii -iii iii cf iî'À u' îîacut t Pot 1 . Mun. buh b.: ornieto Ibis Teiephone Co. 's A.inual Meetng. 1 t-OIl t-tig f4Ithe lttikhtîii Wou . ii x -îîiîî:tî ytti- l'v( T urh ni't. YtL 1u' Pulrt l i uTiti-Ci'tR.iBefu<li i o lt'- e u ' ii' i a cltiil' Ib--'8'tihiix ii ' i a .int h- NIl luS'Oi i tuile-o î x 'liiI S i' > atan î' t i .'l4 <1-v.îî I t'i u ttusîî-u.~<<:î; ' t'vivl. -i tî ' U<sou re t1't Ittit'ni f i'tt ivos uN li'Ï71-111 'îi"tot î1 urtii tlI-" ('-,i i l "1 - etiýni01 "it i L.Ui 1-tSiNhoa t 't e li-ti t' t. tt to -I- i-t entîg tfl i-ptta u-d 'huit lI't yu:t'~ Ceranielin's Cough Remedy AL'1 Ir.1YSCLURES iP-'asirnt and Sale. On the Wing zt 1 i t. 1 1iil eit'folli-1 ' I ! i' L îu . 'I . f . 1 l luOIph i~ ~ ~~~~' M i- i u" . Ent 'Nxi i ii l <. i. I »u attiiiitoil i: tt r:ii11 N, î' ru r iai'c 1 . ,:" . i ta t t.a-'o Il. lo t I I ttt' . o i itSul t ia .-.:i i. <s 'u' t l'iii il tl Ï) l U tr k )uîu M t b;-.i dhi!.,s et u le atîuIe(3te gu ii t. kîn 17Nb -P eî r 1 S ue11is1ueudet 1 . 1te e- M uisE(litit J()hiis'-oui L1 iii Uet- iî. SIih'tus been ini'ulî'îl tht-e ttîmu' .tîs tict'i'Ito'd lthe eau. "I be quat rîî n' boatrdi ui Nlttnkiann tireu t has luîx-~cilt-tlie s I C hhal,..,Of Utile. ( tlia, t>cime tliMi ki i.M r. Do(),- s îî iS 1 ii of ias ti c.-ve r, sehuo!alai- iiihiben. to iltoîii n uuttUtproeeat nor etiti suîccessor tla Mn. '-iutiî DR.ARW CHARES 25e Parts by the Improvsd Blowel., Heats the ulcers. clears the air passage, stops droppings n the Caiarrh and a Fever. Blower re.Ahi deaimr, or Dr. A. w. chasg .Medicine Co.. Toronto and -ltUîfkL2 Ye,ýiüthe Dth of Mare1h- o ""J'aMvenonlO. Mies Ârkland le visîting ftii u ~ - ynwiJllhave spaoefe tn -; é.bwe I emain, -~ Yors tiuly, Littule Miss Emiley Foy le visitin' er. 11 'l.STML aunt lu Booklin. 'On November 22"'there .wa's soni E m a r i e rIlMr. E. W. Evans is inCl1aremont thiis the City of Hamilton a -siali ] kn- week on business. nidel of îa boat driven l'yhyrui iMrs. Fred Hatch and sens visited in propulsion. It was given -a trilbfe Toronto on Tuesday. several reputable citizens, andtcit È m br .dor Sal ~ciythpress.' "The;trial was very s FOR O ~~Miss Laura Barnes is visiting fiiends' and mention was inade of theineto o Miss Ornîiiston entertained a fewl àrôusêd here over the invention o friendeon Monay eveing. - se with neighboring cities,7 hoeer'I Miss Victoria Tamblyn, of Bowman- and a ively interest taken inite ot ville, is visiting Miss V. Barclay. 'The enquiries were made by cptlse o o Mrs. S. Jackson, of Port Whitby, feli and when the invention waseplid MIN ' ~aid severehly sprained hier ankle. te t hem, a companv was quickl ore E ~ ly,30 York street, Hamniltonch n Sce ouïr of theIayaskOrilyb windw a~d crefllyconsderthe(1uaityandI)aterl ofEniboidno r s W.ard an fTortwo, hidre t rough it. tseemeto spn t Sn day indItia th rd moath ersrne telhin ofthe beoiet. T ia on, iaothey ns anceutat tut o~~i vis ited rea-bersho o miMidndaversun iead besing th ongheoefrtl lai w o 5.pu ad.'O da.iagin asstiro is natualft, h 'See oui ýSou11 NN-illow ýjlldcarefuly consiedats, uanitybadspbeenn of EinroddteMsh W T.arW.anuttenshidboatahousehinlifersblincon- During ths sale an for sometimenspeiainpricequoted hoe. ' thestibepoo f 0 erie-, therin cliplayc-, and enienier tha for 10daMrs.fly .oM.an aibyliaviani rec DioehythisrsFor theny).LeC.!s JobanDudloinsbase del o vo~ tne bisanttention t rcandica mt on Bleached Cottons. -fier homeanin iy ateroonrockuns, a en astheîcinaeveofsm ln Je patten ter Toroerte forcltheima uetioncf yilranae ou l sint Mn. WmlAyssriasil Mil.s ior soi c 4fo ote'.'now n ail lebtJoDu- - as, an iio en onk.d to lus Te uttin tedsot.. Th e , owsf i, n 111 Vîntaean a oretn Pspcalpie ute oey. t'tsiied a r> f. at 0a îateaatr 1'M.. bywEl ectu tis F.ormay éasJobnun ftofl calt buret.l-îlîad)gs tented seant 'sikotv v C is i ck-) Y tŽ e ha-, go ii oT rnfrt heuesr tion o hydie aL i sdefln .1 ew la , p evilis to -011(rto ew raced l siloic( good] he t auy o .0 o r ai îît-'an-I'ao b c '- ii n to i- ' Thu( , a ivti; ut'ru]" fritius i't N u a y'evîig nisotaor cf ho w' niat in t'fillures bic pomse Pigeons Wanted E. \V. EENNETI', Administrator's NIotice to Oreditors tn t li t u iil"'iî~ l u o lý1 li I'II- ii< ill i -'[ ,l ,1 i 1'.i - ,I l I t l i i i i k i i u THE TORONTO GENERQAL TRUSTS CORPORA T!ON Spring lerlin from AplyiI 3X Y, lil fol yean. \i.u'..uîiti"- i tt l' 1 i l 'e. NVW.ilE LLt1IT, lai I BOYS ___ IOSETH OPPORUNI I tii l ',ii 'i i i i i l MEETINGS FARMERIS' INSTITUE Hai l. t tilu on \V'dii-ý '1.1'"xi II -. I t iiut1 u 1h X a s )C I ititp. i11 . C Ittui - liii u t îiiTh il 'irt'. 1, IE. Sliuriaîcîti, \I'u'liktrtni (t~~~~~~~~11 n:iC. lhut.i105W L iiiiii ti ti n t ftu' \IWOW iMyr' It-îxi \Vsîîetîk. Niu'tillîin atld Fau'mleut sltîîîîiulattendî 'lT-e 'tiîjut'bat ("luretiuint Mililbu i i e-le suiîtaiet' o the lu eti tîx. \V'. E. \WEII11. FIXER IC lK, Nvews of the Churches The Tabernacle. 1v.E. IB. (A .ciyc Jun H~~ -i1I iî-cupiy the Ttî)iuace puipiîrti- ttî', aund eN'î-ii î. NIr. Lu'e iiîy i d o i Thte Baptisi Cluurch. i-v Mr'.\\'. IL. ithex.-f Nei't- ' li -ufiti uP 1tttii' 't th iisse ii.'<u xmas- k iîîIt ltS~iui t'a ftet'ttioii t'lt'fi i s ltutai io-" ' lu u'iliti t uir the' t-t i'îîPl'i B 4r'oý,l tg v '< a- i 11-c it O - JiiîvîI'î wii ' i l', Iblt ci cw aîeni c-it' N '1i -ti ïi; ieils, wSi i (uNe ili l i iotu î - ar il 't' Iii u tu -()th tihl t ,)X ît eIe'. hl- -t litwti , )v iîu li)'2 h;,de t.'tîu-.""ion i.tiiîî<.rai1 e ittnu bu' tU' litrî.îî-î eîtii't.tîi lcalueînuogli t' tieI.a u rtih D eafth olf E. F. C!1a rk.el,M. P. i)ti I'itiiN' e 'ttiti. lii t-1. E. F. tClar'k'e,NI.P1. fîî'r '(t' 1li' tt l ited s"dd Parlh-ix' fIîît féiî'-. 1-ri:mule< Nmie' k' s ilu'.a i(0 lîuîk oe i'i ui- i l lhi îi'UWUHituutibUt t MiS t'Uttt'Iitsttig iie uwlîi-u. îîîttîîît wui'titîg.hi,; ieart col- iipseîl. '1' înîîtîuandutihie xiItuli- Duîuuîi- î'stî'îuîîi 1 aul i ale.' îîulic ritat. Mnr. fiounr teîstt Itilis -lu tiilier tif lte I'u'î u iitiiLogoi tîttre îttitil lie ebuise te îiit theiob' jui oticîîlci'tuY lte l>qiuuiii Piai oii foi- sut-rai tenus; o'duitn andt lin iii rutut i.f the Ot itge Soi ititie i;autîl a g"eutloi uututi f kiîî J y iialiiuii'tand in tt- [cit'egnaiuits t:îuleuiulnces p cureti întîîtIthet-cravedtoiîtc î'uîîîîail pants e e d.. ~~~~~ I licu t.î t f)nfthia,'s couienute x'louf îfCaintadau;1'tiuihlu.ijîtei1 'e:u Ltct d B atrliii'i i5 ietuct , S.lîib<cjit ed tl ii que-n ti, îî uîuyeu Utitia-îIttr JOHIN 13HYDEN & SN On the Brink of the Grave RE-TI)iil') 11 EAh'IlI Wolideî'ful C'-a V( -it uitl ciituipotiof Iît >G (utti s, Ilia tI us, TH1E O. R. KIONEY CURE Miss 1-tt1t11 NIauM0t1,1cfTuretotnt, Ontt., stat I 1suflt-teuitîîr a lonîg tinte wuti tienx'ousutt.ss, andtibtck-cicbe. 1 lIn-n got a diuutui-essill(g hac-kliuîg ch, lest flesli, anti feit x-ery mniseralîle everv 'vay. I couisuitedt t iii huitons t botit said 1 liati quit-k tetîstitption andticeuiti m1îv liiîe a fexv wes A fuietti, -w ho bau' useti 0. iR. KIN CURE, sa i l slite eieveti nivtroubile vas (lue ho weak kiduievs. I com-metteet ils îsaînd, before I lîttulfluisiteti six botles, I felt like ut uexvgirl. That -as twc yea rsago, andti o-îay I arn perfechly ucli auJdltappy."- Thet.<i. u. Kidriey Q1re -is sî1ui tusail utrugitts, Wic peu- hbble t or write tii i the 0. R. Medicnie Company, LimitecliToronto. The 0. R. MediQine Ca. Limited.t 2 Queen St., East, Teronto, Ont ax' tticlu for SoIcttîitity, fîor t iiest f îtss, fuir inu'Iire-setttlit-eitess litas tieter 6etter Freight Arrangements. O(Lt a îty itst weeklti ît'eiflucribiai Gr"ý( nait ti ui)k cifIit-iais isitetilthe bu-it a11tIitn a venX' fexx' liut-s fl'ectoi.1improx'e- îuîcuts ltaIbtave tetli iiist-artîestiy (le-. sireti bs tîtr busitîcas menu for a long tutte. Tiiey xx ere District I"reigtît Agett Dewvey, cf Toîrontoî, Tntîittuttuster UCyle, of BeHl-evihîe, anti Tnainiîîîîter Jî'xvîm, cf Liundsaîy. Af ber calliiog upoîii the prntci- pal sitippiets andt reccivers of freiglît tliey tjtickly satîxhe sîvecl neasonabie- iteas oftifIeir 'ivisîtes. Otulens xere'issuetl foi' cifeet thtat îluy te iîuing lthe maiti hune freigbt op Ixtoii Inlthe morniuîg by the enîglue if bte mîornimg traiti froun te îorh. At tîooi tite saine eîigino takes the cars for tbcexvost back te tîte niainiune anti ah six hhiose fer lthe east. iAs quîckîy as pîacbicabie tite records are te be kept at lite up"tev'n station, anti iniproyeints madie in the swîtch anti ishted accomodatien. Aise a f reiglît bouse uts te be estabisitet neaî tîhe new Junc- lion station for thte convenience of sitip- pers ah lite sentit entiof lthe town. This Iwiil vety fiiily triot the iteetis cf 'bib- by. ber giiest, Nîrs. Betrul. Its (jUiti iî onuer ien- ta slioxvei te Siiv t tutti the etige 0f tht ec'!kte lie noaii1y for the tha;. NM'. E. J. lÀiugbain%-vas il)ti toNv on Sltturd-ay ot itls vax te lîreok-iti, w'bene lie preaclîcîloit Sttuihîx'. NM-. Browni, ltohi- i f tue î,)iieeitîs Ho- teli, lias moy0eu lus farîîîiy itito th cCampt- bl-l OiHu iýStilii vi u treet s'oitti. NliýSMat'gatîîa Ii'ttiîî tela bîeun t aIhomue tiie lat few u' eks, re- fitl(2 nucl tia xeek t'.-t. I atlta'iuîus. Mn. E. andaiss-iL. Etat'- aa ilitt NirN'tttitti\ t tiho service '-t tue iî s à i of-i u= 1 fI 'ft"' Sundatitax t feruuoct . Mr. J. .J. a rXx' î »întîe' tridttoîf 1TIOs l tau ihlt prt'-ut ttt itheIR. t'. w't ie l t'r u to, lil T. I't l~ci.as, gutuit tt-; :i.'i -Jeili 'i iît-ids lu i ettiatin. NIns. A. 1). lievenctt h :ýs gcie t,) T ' îito tutm)attaid mi "î A'let u "'ci b.tly ithouîîiien NtIru. \V.t .. uu -ý, -f J ant- liitî'iîu'i' thttu ui'.n iati l étiî, Wiht itizetis I tit. ahts-eu bx' Niir. IL. t' He i. [is tiine tt' c reit MIi s V'. Ileii l iit ettaiti tiia uuîîî- bertuf lier veîuig friniutus u nlîiday ui-iiig itiition îîflien g'uest,iis %le- Lu uit Tutulilvi. Nins. Yauen . xv ialts heu t vitli uer ais- te-r, sns. J1l1it1ilysiop. sitikt' bt.ufiire ji 'ta îît-. ncîîîed tîîliernihomîe mit Te- t- itîte out lidalv. Mr. E. J.-Encaui.îa4îiin tif rooký- ]inti a1itist î-lîtrelî, \t-'Ilt icclipv the pl pib oni SIiuiiay. Ili tt tth îUlilîi"'a o"' seri-ice xvill lietlti. A.irinîbvr of lte exii's peuple tirote oven e ut ltifeil. *thelhomne cf nr. Jolhn Ttt'eeîlie, (ii Fniilax- e ciiii"' Ah report a veu'y pieasau'it boîte. Clenk., is ihi, autl itasnuit iut'eît at'h is of-C tiee ftor soniîe tiuîte. Miiss-N-Mary 'Mac-c JoedI isluomeît-freui n - ont. Mrn. J. E. -'t"cl ii Wausligo titist wi--ik xvit h a euîuîtitee of ttei'.tiîittyï t.'uîti cii uîusîb i gif t lit x xiii tebiuid 01r tIti awvty vit Ite Big Eddy vbridge. l'atnuiize bIte conucert otiinlMaî'cl I dl,E iin aid ti i te Wiîlît' itittui 's lii.iti Pnice tif waiîiîssi ti, '2 atndl35 eii Seuts teset-veti ut A. IL l .itiis drîîg stocle. Mns. J. D. VaxLoni, 'f Poil Perrx'. xvio -a s inujur-etl tt the J iîtUtitîn sitcti a fen- txeeks îgcî, lias beeun -înîthie stîtîtof $4311 Uv lte GLrandtiTrnîkRt Wtiy Cc.3Mis. Paxtont lias rettînetîcll lier honte. Something New in Steamboats.: 40>89 Tîtppoî' Street, f Nlottreai, FeU. 28, 1905.l 'IItilt Flitîr of 'IIiE i thtSTu'IN t. Dt :RSi -I encloseua ai-tiche ceut from lte lit iilton oi-u l f Februany i lithi, and would be pleasedti tehave ycu insert saute in yout intenesting paper. For, sitouldti iis tien-tmodie cf propehi- ing ve sseis prove successfi, witicb is aiîîost beyond tioubt, the Invetîtor lias 1 n-cIl aîîticipateîî the iteet of lte cen- tuty. Navy, commerce, ini fact al utnav- igationî xviii fit inti tis itarveilous, yeh sinmple, inîventionî t h e î-cquirenenls necessary foi- mono speetiy travel, great- ~.-. __or__ - n oi-uy iiin u a puuce aniêuel il Mn. . R Tiflît cfthe vas~iiwill Uc a boomtut humanity anti a neye- -Ni. W R.Tifinof he .T.., vasinlutloî totethe nmarine. town on Wedilesday, anti couferred wxith M.E tnut tnwis oe lite~~~~~~~~ to-iCucia aia atr.nas at one tinie in \Vhihbv's Methodist' A friand of te public library, il is Parsenage, is Vice-President cf ltet said, bas agreed te pay fer ten vearîv Company, anti a f ew weeks ago gave our tickets if tbey oun be placeti te gedti twnsmen atn epportunity te beo ' advantage. shareheiders. We bespeak fer IM'r. -'j I 4- i iriiake soiiietl.îr,.g of a revolutuon iin liew'nl of shua etbouts. Mauîv pcri'sis buve tnicîl varions ietiiotis o(4 't' icpropulsioni nder- lie nitnme o: je t î'îiuîmlsiotî wuth the ne- zit that thev hae cthen been faîlures br ave offeneti il,-)attantage exer the ;eew or padulle bocat. Within the last i'.ro tiî er-taifailtunes hav'e beeii ýeportei. iliI te thu Britishî gover- i.'UTit tooùilii . -îîiîîciple c.f jetproc- islo ut andti utter ,I.ýîîitg it a fain test, t-ecaî'dleul it a- çr-:'iload) ta. ci'1 Wlitat wz'i., theitit]iluse. Ini that boat 'ate. xvas pu ocl rhruglthe aides cf iî-' Zu:î a ll u' t t'iro ti l tubes In- lte stut-rii in j"s >weft ytraulic *tiiiiS ti"re1151 ii ,-,ittbmore buiky Mituler a i'h'eî,i i i atýt eqlual 'b that ml ithe padulie t oits n'as ;ttainelI. ttîttIiite Silice tttoît tnieti jet propul- ti.but the t'atbsbeeni uily pat- aîîuî4e aiîî'1i. lb Dîi!ev teck up t>" 111l. u;1 lu 0I,111 th'lat thle failure tras ht'ca1iS ,1'u lte w aLun fu uned ilthrouîlh hoit i,,'Ls atthe 'Itenti L:aîl irst te ho Vliv uit lN'tu tiz, e theîxater h t tlic tîït t, 1îtid p~ i t hy ereat- t :1.x'îîiui1 Thiat 'vas a bi propu-i- t ilu, lbu i it t i<uC tc.I«*LlIltUýl1aIt tik vas toc mrmlcii le oti c'buclî k iust Ïhc I)it-', 'td îîiet . an it i ie ilt5 .Cttiliadl to buie enatel w'ith a smîiil ýýiaii t of po'Nu-t. 'fli-tilutfolicît c failune, but eaeb ffiitîre ttiut îils le soti. tîiul the resu1t t fi)ensltenee and .ttrefni lt.vouidltce cf îa-sz flut uiis bnoîîgbt sîtecea1s. Mn. Ditiex' w'1s w'rkuuc ail tii- tiî:-e at the Haniiîîiuî Steel ant i on sli 'ii5riiu t'ti.he lie n'as at boss roi ici. \Vhctt 'Le satx that the fr.uits of I11if liii expî'niuoeuitg wer'e te bo nuaitacîl, lie lt-ft the Ucribit of the Stet'l lItil( "(I I t ocotpaur it>u.ixeber, aild 'u ber pýitLteiîtn clis ti'- iniui iiUnadai, the L tuiteil States., iga, dtuilFi-aimce, tîther coniie-s, lie put blis iunentton Uc- fore tIti-w'unid. Sit11ceù tien a great deal cf ijîturest bils beetilsltewuiiiM the illý-eol- nion. fIIlias heît uffereti $200.00 fer the cauiadiaiî paîtent nigbts, huti ef useti. The Aiian Une Steamnisbip cuînipany andl otier ateaisliip inasuîW the N'ti kitîg cf the tiiouiel Ili Mutîtread l, vhre the iii- N-OtiittoO'is. andilexpressed .the opiniion that -iMn. DuPleý lias a gretinvetncition. If thelbeat hit bei<g buji t iy Thoma- as Jurtteut ultes ail ils ltî;-etu expects cf il. Job Pdolet will bc the fatlier athi Hamtilton lthe lbotie c)f cie cfthe yreat- est invenîtions cf tU-e cs-iitnn-v. and there is evet'y neasu n îc ieve tU:ît the boat viii deo %vltat is uxpecteti cf il. B»asitît bius statetucîtîs on thte wonkings of the, various tîtîdeis. dtinuî h ls tîîetbod, conipareti îitb toiodeis cf boats tiniven by unîlinany ineans, Mn. Dudley clainîs thiat lils invention xviii sate at least 35 per cenît ini fuel over ordîxîary boîts, xvill nînke greater speeti and wiil nequire less erigine roem. If il dees ciettet inst on second cf these things il xviii be a success. 'Sonie cf the bit, ocean liners take oni ceai fer cach trip cesting $18,000. If tîhe tîei hoat uises oîîly ttvo-thirds cf 'hiat, as il is claimed she wilI, there is a saving cf $9000 iin a week anîd a baîf. That $900 represenfs somiething like 2000 tons or more cf coai, which means ttu mnuch meire ronmiror crc Thati- -1 t I.' TABLE PRIUE Ti li iutwi<e of i tt' iiîg-u a li î' îroîerly î't l iterself litpoil the sittiilî of tii' îalîle'. If lier iialîei'Va it 1 ilver se j a bo e(-iivsi ,ar RICII CUT GLASS 'i1 Is tone an i 1uahity to atxy taile. . . . . . Se ir aza-.sutnietit. Norma n Bassett, Jewelîer and Optician. Brock St., South, Whitby.' , 11

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