Whitby Keystone, 9 Mar 1905, p. 7

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The, Refýes.hing Fragrance of a bot -cup of oteamilg TEA is the comfort of ail tihe women who have trled IL. TIRED NERVES are soothed and tlred muscles INVIQORATED. TH-E FLAVOR IS rIOST DELICIOUS. ONLY ONE BEST TI3A. BLUJE RIBBON'S ITL * The Unknown Bridegroom k 1____ it ilt f ttî-r I IIn: vtIi-- x-- t h -c 1pg t tt-ttI Il- 'C t t ei-n it gr h r tt-ta ii ni,1. 1 it i e-iw,t aIL fo -I-t a r"tut:tu fiTh'- nt w-ut-tittt îtumri - -r - yr-t t MatuiS !Liiior i :-tî' cutorit-uht -mtni . - 11 1 1 e 'tu th-n, n l ir i i a ni- i i ior tv- r bfrt- tro t h btii ,, IlmivJI r I pi-a!t' l- tte puoî'htu-t-. ali tliter' lie- '~ ~ ~ 1:f liA t1lnt. Utb":n tt'tlalà~ ~re uî. -a l-ls feet t1i tit legs Ilite hi e-il taur5ofthseburus witicit n tîit-i tmu li : (14 1 Lns oi-f th lue trenti n. e N 1- the-1-o c-t-ni1 beuwe-doubt ihat i tils btli c wt- tt mir 11 in clire lrtn 1ina-te o-f a Lotn- jII <t-t - # O tiSe - ll-' a 6 t,- t -,j gtuîîun, Rt-o-nnly thue uunique- na-mup ut-. ti 'J'ni (ut 1w- 'î'ockt-rv Crate,' a-nd iiij recentiy by th1e- onie I bei;toxýveil up- tti-onlu uit-1 -utie- 'am">-it1iir A rthuur Vincent Pfage-, anti flue righrtfui beir he bt t Iragrand cétle, w-li-ltbha& e- x'nCtLy bue.u iusur:od by a bc.-Id ire- -.Neverth1elesis," Florene-e distinct- ly reafeLrm-ed, sl4 te girl cecase-i, "Lin qpits of ltee oiences ef limat iloicumuunt -wJuchî you lia-ie flu-unt-et o3e conîspkiuously Usfore these people -1n the Lace of ltete-stimoîîty of -tltise -uitneisesi, wlielixave beeîl -ituit te tcriuretlhem,-elves, 1 stili tde- elare:, Walter I Llghtori, Iluat a-m neot-i ne-tu-i.l-as yo'un w-te "Ma:thee-r uIDIlius'-s xvii -tyoîi haves lu-id n1ue-on t1itpronunîl se4emr youiîg rn-it, xiri a fia-tht o! autger. -'1 ;Iippos,(-) oîu w-il harthly dult-u1w fu-r'h tl-t yotx xsîî t it ho-ttle ela--t- v,<tlitliii, itt-uLionuut t bu -cqxîîfýlI;ig y wife." (k) o I be)nt OîlIr vtIttit fatt' w-iîtht - itiliiig Hp-s. "Yod c i-iîo t t- t1luil yîut .SLtOAîd v -' btlore lt--cr IL gytit tri,- . iii li tw liprecte of! lies-' wlrtesses ? "Nu, 1 arn otîl,-e 1Iolt idiiiit; ail tlit, ar-ti y-eh I dî'cluîuî, rtnul .liilaixuys tActlai-c, titI tt-îînul y-ouiiue s;t(,adily retiirusŽtIl1 -i týu;ttlu-s-sîtiul, w[tit lier de-t ant -y,ý.i lxed fîiil tipi -TlItcn, Li Ille it-tin' -fr n tliî:t lusb Ohstiiitt-a-rut! îuYt- t -uiuîIt-z, tvtî()SuI, % sA ut-it' toui? t"'lii - n-Ltri iockiigiy de- M,1P if sUc i,4 lut-t -, if'utf -tny niatu. -a t lii- ii îr'p, Itiiiýýve -e-i ru c wti nl uIi mtiiiik- sttltt'd t-is; e-f lIt- e c-exîpfri d, utt ii t- ii tit i . liit ti iC, w-ht[ctixas Si:'t I;. -:' xvlus' auk luail ia xxi-- I- I iI- tir Il r tit: w lima t'-' r t - f - -tt ito i î liiit,'î If etI tia tuti iIli :m t l( rt'tl mx iWI t ltul e- - ilj.'cl ri-lu-ititil1t-vt1.11ias- t- ulit -- x iti-1 ita 'h -1 Ili)'tu -l t ti Iutl tw -t iu-i tpii-t i-ýr ndcvýdl i-R, n - u - ir i ii ti x ic ttt:i ik- j)ý- iiH,îI w of-t ii -:t-r t , ttof,~ii li- Ili.nui - fvio ' xxfor i': lîîie ' ý St. ti -r. h tv- lt --.Iarl- 1U'et mc. au h i, rt'tIli nit li- ' iat--,u-R u 'otir t lu-bt-e cxva ii 1 - 't-thutte i xyL i-, r-ii tii u I Iii h ivt' L Iý.4I R i <u pil It lin t 1Mu' ('tîrro, ut-f b î b1)e)iltuufi:-"-~ ue i' iisuhuta ît-me îr i t- - t ît u.nA it, tîux-isJ C i itu ii -ivtty - 'l I r-nilgeni -i","lern 'xli 'it I - rt-n' l ;r 1)t- 1ti-i t t i ilt- ;hI:PO't I 1 ittuil> ii', ut1.l1 I , p. ta tuIfI -:1; ' or'[tt sutt-b t 'i i îti[te'.L:(,, l It -ril roi i ie--s'xvî~ u a lIo m i. f:- - th-rt-tl'bu - fiiutIslt- lte-t o-, J tIl gîttu lii( b tuxii rýr i' it' Ri Ib o:vnttt tii l The instant t-lie boy espieti Mr. " Carrol lte gave a shtout of boyisb de- Ilglit and sprang toxvard him, dling-c 11t'O10 lm witlî trembling bands and bo aIiosl sobbing joy. ki 'VILt, Umîle Currol,-Uticle Carrol! « I titougmI I shouid ns-ver ses you f( agutnu !"t-e cniet in cage-r, tremuicus h toi.e-s, a-nd f inaiiy brea-king down ut- n terly%-as tie yo-tng mani passed bis d arina 1 iouindi liaadJ iîeid iim in a lil tstrontg p-ioIe-ding cbtusp, whle te-ais il stoul inI lits olvui eses- Il "Tui' Io butquilet, Ja-mie-, le- xvl-is -ri."for 1 wantî yoîi lulieu-r vlî:tt tirat mari ls retiung t' and, ai- a- xvttix s(>ti deit tu bis frientis sligltt- It t-st xislt, thue bo)y iepresseJ lii soUs I ti u-t-J b isieri. Tie xvri'ant prove-il lu Uc a- revel- atiotlLtîtt strti-R kexePry one speech- I icss witlt- nîhiglil ti nittzement and in- IÉ uitguaion. t chî:îx'gpd the prisuner- t Williain Clark Atr-valias Sur Watl- le-r Leiglt-ln-wilh Uaviîîg fais,-lY ciaines to b U lt-e son o! the lute Austuabian w-oulinlerelit,Sierol Leiglîlouî, wlîuse -vifte- ha.d be-en 0w-n cousi rido lt-e lite Lady Lu-ura Vin- ceeft Vg.a-ni by lthme-ans e-b- tuiiig possession of tîte Page titis u-duîtl t-tie. Il ultio -cletrged lîtun witix h tat itîgkidiiappi-Jand iJiuttîrisoiwd, inr mniii mu li- g m-itiiii-i4i11. liii'son andJ licir of th Lu tt -Sir .îitxirt 1>Lt-ge- after f disea - ttigthie cliilt Is iii' tlt t in 1 ui-rt luiat lie-ii ig it iitat-ltteutfotr-- i'txlie- h ix fm:eîîi l't'ttxt ilgnoe i t "'sh-)ti t-- 1le p fît rm- -YoNit ct-mî' lt- îu, utlIt i -11il- tt ts.blut 1i diuuttutJ le pto()f '11 îttno Iîy oui Iipt'ttx t' Ilth I ana I mit Wate tr' s-tglitoi t t [te st-t aof Ilî'p ineî-;ti, liiixvtfe- t-titi :ts four tiu litsi- uuxaltuikilt i 1tg l u hîti x\ i 4 m olue l cI I -il n-' 1c ' x a i i t- i ru- çv -or-t six t- i- b i s i x i titx, xxfoi-e h i t' lxv uttîuitx-Itil ut'uttt til lIt un- i' pi t i tut i i't1 ii t '.'«i'çti', lut tii tvsî,xu-Wei-lintrttttu& Uttyts, lit --i-illt rotti "t--- x'fotl- Itmit l ixIti t tli,'r g-~u-xn v wurmt ,- strrîgî-es lutîttîist out imsp Ipri-u---ttt too <lî finrttî, 'l'ni Diii, t.i -il lxv i-iitit, otf et in w-tas f attote 1<Jb y Ittrris, tito buttler' wîto sr-'uiu-îlitntsmtuli t-ap)y in iile-r I-ts- " cau prix te'11ail atmnorn thit- lta s bt-en e tiiiet1 irI lli lu t (b-trx ul "i ii]li_-at xvlIlSe June-In -L fir d'tuxs, -foea prcîpîr tribunal. laiut, te'se-oîtpsitt astre ne-cos'- s:xx t "tliiuisi t i.-m-t-t tulliteir lît-n ~lthte lie-tue- of liii atcustors. W4,vi- lte c-nif- prepare-IintemaRe tliern ttîud I[entlfy Sirîr t Iîîîxm inee4nl, .o111y lix irig s-tai nulli-ir of lte bt kiiivl\t-ll yoîir stoi-y lu tit-ese p-o t, -i'lttta4lriepv 'nciie.turne' îuîg t<î lit g(rtlîlmn. Atr41Ile Vyuiig mi1, sîilliholding p .J1t-iducilos-lt- vivitît-in Ii-î im'onîg cm- Iltti--rein te-il lthe chilis xivouderfîi 9 Iltt-as at- t ir-Il i hug, . uiani ietai-., as xxý i- kttv t but as lie tolîl litixv h-lrýi(h totîttithe boy", a-t(J ea t1ti 11 t>r htuix-lie lu-Ja Ut-r-t tsred-1 iiu'v. ,nft(,rxvaril, lie hî:îJ Ira-cecI,st-pý p 1.",st(IIc-.lis lit- iîtîil liuegb Tunt I 11111s accornt icarridL'l a Iso a bou t lt-o iirse Imn lie- liesptai, a-rîtI luoxe lui-til gratdixally uecovt-ni-Jlie-r Me!- Sel pe ýe-r 1v i -t. 30 îàtatr. It Bee1lipa lke the very] moek-~ Xi Of' f ate, 'tihat ho sbould have biea -uaPxd. and beld a prisaner la bis fn h-is>orttue mn lWho ba 'udulentl îattenipted toi1usCp Lie, Wy!Uncio Carrl.do you mean e?7" jaxule tere pip'edlout, whîle 21regar-ded bis f riend wond.eringly.- i.e%6, mvboy, 1 meanl 7ou," re- lci, the ejounlg man, smlingc-r fond- "d£'n ait inm; "j-uare no long-i rPlain, unknow;n Jamie &Uarrol, bt lùttle titled gentiemian. 1 would ke to, ald,," Mr. Carroi coitinued,' ter a momentary paulýe, "tbat bis man wio lbais called bim.sQIf Nal- rC. Leigbt-o>n-iwho bas recentlsl Amerca aG the son of the late bler-wvoGd Lei±glton. and bas as- red to the lîancd of Misa Florence icharidson-urging as a pica for bis pretsumpti>n that bier fatber nd bis planned their union when bey, were chldren, is a raztk im- )ster lu this cbaraeter also. Ris eal name le NWilliam Clark Andrews. e le the son oif the haU-brother of 3e late &-erwood Leigliton. Hie r&s 1 oft an orphan and destitute ,t the age of fifteen, w-hen Mr. elghton took hum into hi'q famiiy ,d bis o4fice., provldiiig as liber- ly for him,. in every way, as il be Lia been bis 0w-n son. But his kind- i&sýs was met by, the rankesr. ingra- tude. Fromlthe fil-Lt the boy catis- si bis benefactor only, trouble and nxiety. iSeeral timeu lie became ini- ,olved in sueli seriouti difficul)ies ;bat Mr-. Leligliton -as obliged to ay large, suis to clear him f rom lisgrace, and save linilurom a felon1ý eh. Thien lie wouid promase to do etter and for a l'une appear to Leep bis -word, onlyý to repeat lis >fftnse later on. lils l-t act be- .ore, leaving Austraita w-as to rob is employer of a large amouiit of aoney, that had been collected with lifficulty to m.2et a presing cli- .gatLoa., also) of Nery important oeu-meiits, w-hile t1ie nmati ayl dead ýn lus l-reaxvaiig burial. He hen absoonded for parts unknown. ilsoni o! isi beiiefactor aliso lu-y iA deatli's door aIt ile sanie lime; lie- PitýYsicianis Saidtiliere was Lno li'opo for h.iin-tîtat i less that ort.y-eigbt bours afler lis fu-tlier',3 [enlise lie would be laid beside Ilim But the doctorc, were imîstaken ; lie son î-ecox ered. 1 amn Ilat son. ~au- Walter Carrol Leigliton, ouly soi of bhat mucb-wronged mu-n wlîonî Vil- bain Clark Anidr"w%%s robbed -ilie lie~ jvct lu-y unburied ini the home w-bld iaid s1iellered litaii for ws) in a ni ,5ýea rs. "- Tis unlookcd for anniouncemieni crealed considerable exc.teîuetil amrng te yuiîg mau's, listeiiers, and confused iuru-lurs o! ajLtîîsliiuent and eonlde-mnaton Nwere Ibard fruim exer»y qt:,artur of theo rooîni. Floreilce iiix oi:t: îaiI.y s tai- Le-J froin l(ir chlai r, a low, star tlI ci-c brea Rt îî1g froli ir as Ilke a fa (A liît1 ie eoîuIlre lîeliîiui thec su1 tiattlin, anîd ;,!l ita i t iui'd bil ý'r a Xx1ili 1;i îu iîulc oun [t : fnce a lutider ligl.:t gleaxnîung l i iL exet w~~~ h t-.uia I vii blu;il it ci t:: si.ffus.i lier face, muid Jic SauR'icPz agît-tii11-'o lier foiiîler pttiml toit u-a t.Iig -itý a wili, ~ e o anid t î of iîîftîltc gIai:d:- xxe1' "(L)(îi -go on '-dMr. '.- dv x'v [m ~ sav l1oxveagtiiy Ue i-y ut 1A. I ltQ ld yeu'Mr. cai-ro de;1tli ati le ttI:1ý4%of 11Nîxfat-;r* deatl[i -antd ii s uligia tel utr-laL-iý ab1jculIdod, buat a Fudd-kii andui peîdclaligfu inii ity LsYnuj)it iiiun coux-î Ti2.plyttcaî ')Iiiet - i lt' 0- cil --n tl- in 0Il a. se Boa-rd of 'frade ou-t lUe nu-t-a expendi- luire-s oiltse lcadhmîg pcsxers for tUe la-t- e-st avaîlabie -year preseats inleresthng figure-s. Thle report de-abs w-it-h tite year eueding Ma--ht 31, 1903. Fron t-ha exitibit il appears that ltse Uailet Kingtcti sj'ends more uin ils mavy Iban Russia, fiernuvanti France spenti ontheircern- bim:ýed f! haIs. The Britisht na-val expendi- tý1ne is more Iban double tbat o! the 'Unitedi Sta-tes. Russia's naval axpendi- lune f or ltae year named was f ive tines as large as lta-t of Japan. IRussia spent lesa titan 6 per cent. o!fiter revenues on her navy. Japan spant 9 par cent of her revenues in tItis w-ay. The country whieh now spende meut on its navy naxt ta, Great Britain is the United States. Tha Biitisit nerca.ntile marine axceeds in ton- nage that of Russa, Germa-ny, France, lIta.ly, the United States and Japan, putt togetitar. The mercantile marine tonnage of Great Britain reaclies 10,268,604 tom& -Phils.d4phis LIMgsr. fWIPENTCU-.I 'he Pennsylva*mis, Dairy ad , Food , Commissidner int his report recently pre- sented,- says: "lIt it asserted by emin- ent niedical authoritiesthat f ew, if any food preservatives have been diseover- ed whih are entirely non-toxe, and twhieh do not have a naarked' influence on digestion, even when taken in small quantities. The people of Germany de- «tt-, biB çrnf;.agzalosi. er vili. and #toen ohe lrnew sbe was dolng 'NECrINuII~ C NSUS acquirk-d etb a rpower ever ber thatf- elle eonfflnted toa ctclandestine urar- riage, ao hil sbeen beretofore e FiateY «gh:veret'a re.I a Figures for Canadian Ilerds-Some Sti-k- 'yoeng maa e this n3f--, on[as 11-e iturned to aier w-ýth a very -tender, s n on r s s synip-thetic eglaace.. t -Pra.y torg.ve me for aliudlng te »epartment Agricuiltutre, anobth'e lot elt wenty-three yielded Ili- ti d*,@greeable sublet," lie observ- At theEasern ta-no Jairymten's 2w f<,s. The d-refiitey-the pothe ed Ili a low toue, "but/lt seemaà nec- nedfo nwigdfiiel h 1ow essa ry in order te explain w-bat 1 Conventio Mn.- F. C-.Mlhitley, Of tihe ti<o oof i*sh ndiuidual eow. ferci It my duty ta reveaL" ]Iairy .Comntisoner's Braueh, Ottawa. The a.verage -productionf per C0W Imuet T:îo prisener bail been eitting In ffull- ile ,witli brut lbepkd and gave a very inteye9ting acount o-f a eow be impred by weeding o<ut the poor cringing att-,tu,'e, sin -e l:aving ben census whieh he oonducted i hev 1 - ih. ones. Fiught fgr es, wbhbeewin r'educed to the lhumbIatioti of hand- o-f Cowansville, Que., during vic UAnt ihfrthuhtrdfguetepo cuffs and exposure. As lte cauglit th~e s? iie duetion of 'but-ter in the average fMm low wordeo spoken, lie gla-nced up and of l90. IUtier his supervision eeventy- lierd ca-n be incret-sed at ièast 40 be. ob3erved the look tlta.t accompanied two farmers kept daiiy xilk records of Per Yeaffin five yeazs. It lias been d<>ne theircowsand tree tmesscoonest-cfktimes. [t is iafe to Say ths.t themi theireoIs, and tree timesiamantix tookalmost every fermer ilking weuty 'Cnîse ou " h hsedbu tircesampies for te-st-ing fi-om the xilk of co-ws has thbree oni which b. loses mlofley. whisper. -1 cou id eut your heart eut Z wit!i a gocil rclish !" each individual cow 1.11 their daiie-s. lIn Untii ha keepe records h. CannlDOteltl Mr. jgai-i-l. or Mr. Lel ghton, ag be this way reasonabiy accui-ste figures -which tley axe. R it nb pay hi to fiud w-il 1eiceforth i e known, turn-ed were obtained. out. upen b:m, bu' gave him o ly a girince For -the mnonth of June the gen-eral av- Tihe wide variation in the tota yields calrn contempt, u-nd then res-uined era-ge o-f aIl tVh herds tested was 652 of butter "by individual animais lin4the I is narrative. - - [h. of milk, yielding 25 1bs, cf fat. lIn sa-me herd [s even more a.ppaxeft n-the~ (To 3ene liued-) one ca-se twenty-lwo cow'vs, ha-d a yield rec-ords for longer perioda. For four for the mont-h of 17,845 [bs, of milk and months the cows in one -herd of fourteati liEALTIiY LUNOS- 722.5 ibs, o! fat, an average per oow of vari*ed from 40 te 114 lbs., te bet cow 811 ibs, of miik and 32.4 lh[, of fat. lIn yielding neaxly tîhnee ti mes as much as DependUpoit it ed BIood-Poor another herd of eleven ecows, every a-ni- the peerest. nhe average for te herd DependUpon ~mal w-as be1-ow ti-e generai average, the was 81 ihis. per cow., whule tîhe general Blon Mens Wak ungsandrange beitigas low- as 280 lUs. Vo 805 lUs. average o-f ail the cows tested for four FatalConsupt tOl~ ofmilk er cow, and this herd consisted months was 98 ls ol e hsmt L'very trop cf biood [nIte body must of Jersey, Lîuern'tey, A.tiVttiit unu rlot- ne uotr c L. ii rneLflZ À o ; tu go through the- iungs. That [s why the stein grades anad nativeýs. In contra-st four ce-tis? An-t-Uer herd vaxied from lungis arc- heipe-d, andi hîaleil, and t-o titis, another herd of 1w-eccxx-s of 51 te0 127 ibs. per cow, with an aveave strngte-ied xvtl tU ge-a biodbuid-sirnlar hi-esding yielded front 830 bu 1,- beio-w the census average. Ili hpro- er, Dr. Williams' Pink Pis. T-fle-vf iii 115 lUi. per .tmox, sutlUal eve-ry cow in able tUa-t bot-h men think they have Ite veins NviIi pitre, rit-lu, rcd blootl, that the herd wns a-boys the ave-ragre. This pretty good cows. gives -leallu andti igor luw-e-aR luigs. 'shows that thle fIýow of nmuR d-'epends For a perli o-f five montlso-ne dairy TUI shi-wa r.Wilars Pn Mb upon the individuality cf tàue- ccxv madie tUs cred-itabIe showingu of 190 Ibs. bra-theluîg l the a rovloiafsUrnchiis evn more t-han upon their bneedîng. of batten per ce-tv, more than double the and he-avv eoids. TuaI is the way Dr. t In Vhe monîl o-f Juiy a herd cf ave-rage of some cl.her herds, a.nd weJl Williains' Pink Pis build upthe Ilte wenty-seven -oxvs,- Jersey- ý,-Ar>hira abuve t-lie cemsus avérage o! 115 [ha. per itîigia! -e- aut ttak o lagri-psonllolst'inana-d Shorthorn i grade-s, gavýe 13-,- coxi for f ixs montUs. Indeed, every one pîtnona ht sIi1ayD.Wi- 760 lUs, cf milk and 4-3.7 lU. o!fat. an of lUs tw'elv,- cows ia thsi herd exceeded lianis' Pinîk Pis have saved hunireds average o! 509 [Us. -of imuR- and 17.5 lbs. lue cgene-taI -verare, ranging frei 147 in Canada froma constîmptive.s' graves. No cfftprox. This -a-s lyiticai cf se--of the txv-sccws in tits herd cxceaded othe ni-diirt dus Iis x-ok s sp ed-siai herds consistiig cf iixe-d grades. ing. This man's record c-an b-e, a-ad ut' and su xvell. 'Mrs. Jane A. Kennedy, The average record per ccxv is pour. nu- siuouid Us, equaiied o-n a t-housa-nd faxrnis Dioîîgastoxvîi, Que., stxvs: "Nl sister, a liceabiy below tUe ave-ragecf lthewlioie in the next five years. Such results are col wliux atttt irl, to a se-ve-re 1,120 cow-s for Julv. 'J'le- b-st sboxving obtainsd Uy using t-be seales and Bab- c' -ýsex cixtecîx vetirs oltl. W-as ma-te by a IloIste-in gradte, wviîose cock tester bt eteet tUe robber ccw and Notiigxve (111 for lue-r se-ente-d lu do -record [s more tiian double titao! the gel nu of lier. Tbeti, by t-Ue use cf a ttny goLi. anti xxe fcancd slus xvats going pcourest ccxv. This dairv bil five moe gocîl dairvUtret sire-, and aiming a-t a [uC rosxipit. Ufc fe ai ccws t-han t-bat firî ne- t rl uX yeî -standatrd of, su-v. 6,000 [Us. cf miik ai-d intgll ould gel t: iotncafrv acse- ifpr-oduce3 4,000 lUs. iess nîllî i[i lIte-2150 Il>-i. of butte-r per coxirannuaiiy, a t--lue itat s1it bit-si thuriîg te nitt-bî. -'n Mîîntiu. Anotîter Jxilvrurcîtri hî; tdgaot erd can speediiy be- graded up. fritulsîung vurgti twlu îx- lert-la-I o-ne lie-ni u six caxxs gave -2,515 lits. 'There- are iindrets cf tairy fa-imers Ili', 'Çiiliaxttr, i'ink Plilis, and xitliiiia cf ntik, x-tile-anot-Ier tlairx cf lx -Ix li ave- hhîus ruiset butter production îitnthfrc lIe ult sle- xa beun hieircows gave- 8,020)IlI>-.;t lxxicc tUS rtt:tiîv cfe irnitertis in a le-tvyears from 150 îx~e, tlieliai atti-t ecoe Zc lieteall. cows gave- ove-r hitruetinties 1tîs nittci I or 175 lUs. te 300 lIts. permanitum. Under thie coritiîuxied use cf lte I'iis slitemRcnSp-îue u'lto mtIy .A i-ui 1:5 noxv xeîî anti strong." tliree coxvs gave 8,120 ibs. oif n-ilk. t-nil Pu-blieatdon Cieik. Dr.\\illiauts' luiR ,l'ils nol onlx maR-e iveait lurigs stirouig, buttt-y cutre ail the south li ve-e tte- older portion of Ito regard to iquid refreshment, but here again troubles tinisiîirtg ioi- a poottinor de-ficie-ul population bave notbuiigbt verv - indtis- he bas cunsidened indivtduality oftlaits, n - and penhaps this is most curieusly exempl!- blot eittîyst~t~' natuniîtdgc-tu-e ne--tryu-d ageîxagittiuut0i fied in the case of a "cocktail" of bis own 101 [eu-t, llt ~i -rît- ieuallgua. gene-rai whieli u base tliuir coîiputuitioti. About invention. This is made up et a lit-lie i-y xveaknee-, t itx<dancîe, lieadaclîes, 30,000 pensons couifessed to beix-g 90 or wntsev-, scmse rusbed te, a smait square -~ ~~~kde, trulepalpita- ove-r, lite Nwoxieii being predoutiiiiuiitl,u-îcfpe-psatetleopea e mii bîtk,îlîe.ltdtex ttttibl-sdraps ef marae-chxnu, dittu cf champagne. titati of Illc-lwit-intdtîtip ueical st--net it ih funthen îiltùeuin- tlunote thaI a dash. cf Augostura bitlers and powdered n iliittuni ' tf x -t-1,ti ir l utixnien.Ii li- Ilie-e art-ne-aulx a tilîiîouî xxlIo lia-te sugar, sufftettol bring the mixture ex- i --tmt1--u lteiz'it~e i Itthe fuxll nu-ite n-cbed tlite tige of 73, iine.s itot se r'- actiy up to the rcyal require-ments. 1)i. Vitliar' 1'ittt ih-,for 1l'ae cîsix-disjtuted-. BRHA FDCES I)o el arro i uu tnuiici 'Elte- ceisus figxxircs showx ltaI if ;ou BRHA FDCES ',Iit it[uti tioh-) x-n-carut gel oven tlite lls cf lifii oey o ltv i -r Uinititaiutr-t a liox, a fair oft-c tex i life, utI lItI wlen Were- He Living Now He Would Be x ~ ~ ~ ~ o lt~t IIi t xiii -ulia-t e _-vota If -n lxx o eans vou are INinety-tbxee. I i li NIil tu fiM- t ti- e- [net- Ie at-e-nge tif tie i-ace il! titis cout-ttry- t~~~~~~~~ . ý . t ssc-ifgn- te ieexxhidli naRe Boys anti girlsxvltolia-te nead "Ihe 4.>- î~~nsuxrtnce i Isii't nrf 'fiî-imî' Wii ld's Dreaxu of a Star," lthe sîcny of EPOCH MAKrE-RS. - as nl D r. Yr-rmg reutrn, - tie-n bmnk -Çeli DvdCpril(,an al trien niortal tslthe-fact uIe ell D-i oprii, n i I~ an lt t.ita ad at o ltaI figures iiîxbttxv near delth is the ia-d dealU o! 11111e Dornbe-y, w\ill liRe iakes totr lte Iutîtfit t-f ttic anc to reenil that te day is lUe- birtiutay o! Dico.om lut--titexdefo urr t-li iilixL? ju or-tct Engli-slt autlicrxvhîo produe-et tA i., aan conteulttn.rry pubîti-tus so:rte- tit-rtc. xix itiit4-lubtuttilutt tu. aiçiot utanit tuven A te the iifigruies art' itiipt-e8sî.[lte-se iiteïý-jii sioies-Chales Pick- Lui-,uts -iuiuit-,t-e- îu~-raî Put-nenn- ubixtt 2,001,000 lt-e xx-o men-n-cis t-1i,itss itt w :1--u 1,i ttt xauutedeuer-e---1 iislMisfaîlien, John Dices, v - 0e11111hit enxiitiili t cuiiittrx <tt>intîng flux Cuxerriment oiffcia-i xxo enle-re-tinex-%ý;- Aiutirturti, t't Uuti ii--------------.--l..taIt.e.t- tit0Gt ii Iii'coutnlv. In pape-r vonk. Chiarles be-gan -wý-riîinr for IAntri baruttin.r, is titut-t ..----------- il Autîit ttit-s i-uit) i ..-------.. itii..il- ..r htrt1 ta surpilu ii5 i xunen tite papers Nvbcn lie ta-s very yuung. 4Ancu unifr -oirfst u cd------------li utti nitt--tiiirtti luit iti lS eeiltt½, But scon lie be-gan lutvrite bhouRs, o ti.UNV Cdt'iUt--I tu--- - t-eILIteso rla- ruate- yerfore:tlooued tu xhil hoehtisx-itnimore tban moit iBvut fins e-t---------------------- 14U bttttenic rtîtl. tue w h-eteattracî lte authors. Most uf tUent are good bocks. enbu-3 ,rt applietl.. . . .j,-j it, i atr aei hresDcesawy ol esite t, ilaroxacter----------------------------il bi o!flthe-pe-ople tvhcrrxlhe Ihouglît needed 1aoLtrue-nu.ti t lol-.ia:t.d -- .teti? Lite uiaui xho tbini-s bis 'ale ntay ho Uc iîelped; arxd bis loue-bingstories ltie-acýbtutlinun, Nur-eaburé;---------i n-t bu ail he- eti rt tiitCtiaof ile amiong the- uoor o! Engianti r. 1itiînd, liutnI stbotiut neauiirig fur istu shim chance- cf - ttn nrî:ilur, TUle xve- vue- Ienea -tjtu um-ywh BridgeS, finît il-on inLu Etglitt.d . --t.veId h ralc-&ton o a- tiuk-,tiaitirmua aou - .--me-n are- -ttîxn abu oo.Muewoult nul otienxvise have R-tva U ow che-riy, iN t e-rî-e ut.boutd-..t.- te lteto 1, lie- 1.111tihLe countrt- sceceo, oi - . . .. 'l oput- leli lnltbe o'tUe othen folks lived. tbE-ui1etry, -cite-ice-ofuL. uuuel.. . .ix pre-lty xxcil tiiruic'b- theur iniiot n-bu It w-as afler his lu-st visit t-o t-ha clto-olattt'first kaîîpcttrattteluta Eurolie . i- utrel cf lime- n-te-lin-t tue- ti"e- as'n'o ierSelsi 14 lat kn Cotte e, ttuv-t uu -at . envt'nil'ft agnies xxitix xxiii('Ii te carry Uie ttsi S2 ta ikn Caftec, Ipitroute-d iu 3Aru............. 1ý,9C-utht-) .ipoe nnlte eain wrote lte stury, 'Mai-lin Chuzzlexvit," to e lue ý a Cut...-..u..tuop... -.10-olihin aiibre-, lisýfand alz.o aa aceouxto!f w-aIliecsa-w toe-b-ouse, ftrst inî Loiiadlplta_ he-re. Iecaeune again lu Amenica 25 years Cucîta.tntruduce-d to uturtuope----- b later anti gave rea-ditigi from his worka cutnpttng. tire-tinta liiu-------u.. i KING EDWA1RD'S TASTES. k'ant iieinîdn Puadlha Catnpi ies ttetnla in yt"antiaium i ............uingPhladlpiu Clarnete. nowniii... .. ..... ..Ife w-s gîven gi-e-at bonor in Ibis .coun- utîttlitus. ue-tot of, knuwa finît.......J- Likes ConfectiOnery, Neyer Ujses Butter, îry. Hie die' i[n 1870, titres- yeans after I temnitiatste-ft, ueiug. .. .1.aand Favori Black Bread.Ilus netulunte Engiant. -~ ~ ~ ~ .. ..a .. ..... retbng* is t i-tn wben If Cli-arie-s Dickens wir-e living to-day t Ritlîttionti Pe-'rson llob-tuut. of Rissing fat-nuelina t-lidrest- e- a ltth r te thU en - bers of tie 1niît'1 Staîcess Ccmre-e- a- [ing Ilueu te supptîont a bill fr hue itutmne- i a to a: tul ntt om t ef tt a ' p ron g r a mmnn e xxlîiri i iiatriuRe thie h iteil Stat es- t hlie I-ttrat-txih u itnavalpotier ii inte xxrld. - A ntd ii-li îoe-s tii-t in lite iintur ,-i s cf i eaîce. Wi'luot-it sut-h a rut-tv lthe Ioi dtrin e canîrtl bu cnfun-ec l i ce -is. a ndt t aut, it t hue, Etrtpean îii xu wxiii car-e11p)('lutta Ifor t item cîxxN -- t 1 ut. W itlî tht-- g rt-':lee I tii vy tu .- d e-te-r sut-v, 31r. Ilubsmn iehtvcs lut- Urite-ti States coulcimn lte tenncstni:il globe lua suit iseif, I-o ie-. in t-met, lte peic-enitaa o! the wxorlti. Ke-anedy,'. io narroxviy escapeicoetn- tiemnation for te muurder o! It-lt- Ire-ne Cols aI Brantfod, amud xviiisee-st-ae is believetAb-c tran t t lavetbeen Jut l peu tir[s lto I rîc-ton anotht-u- ît-tnt cunîecut--t xx h thla t tltR iî - u , if ' i ni 1Ir iiut t - ti ja il. lI lite u I ie t u-x titi tii be guilt-v, tUe luxxatw Ltsnu ptmnizsliiuet 100 se-venu fr huit. W-nlsatv polie -vant tle-ir pat' mx- truaset î-omn $6 to $S1-230 a ncuth; th-e senaIe in 'St.. leter-sburg,, anti so tnue- tees guvenne-nI fdr a striR-e lIta soidier neonîpaiies ct-e-ry policeuman. frît stippose the soidiers hueR il into their lie-adi lu sînike? Dr.W'illi:uxu OsIer is appareuully a be- îuee-t--i nitire k-uitlits oa!'adt'ertisiuîg. liii st'ate-menIs hliat ut ma-a due-s ls be-st ti'orR- before lue [s forty, ant ilii pie-as- antry taI me-n ove-r sixly sheuuld be chiloroforme-t, [t turrus out, w-a-s oniy a-n ativerlisemen alceling attention ho lis forthcoming book "Thte Cils o! Fortv Years." O-ver £200,000 w-ortii of diamondg are stoien ave-iy ysar fronthlie Southt Ari- ca-n dia-menti minas. - i eut-t, t [i rt-itli iitistt-k ; but lu-ter le-arned ltaIt liîvy lîud ais-t beem itu e-n for a proe "'Anti îw, tiIé- YOIliig ail tt r-o-' d, [IA611ng andi gai:t-I ng rn grt fi t -urnc 1 couic 10 a soni (1, tl1 iCLtte port 0:t o! nîly [l-.toî- je1:4 tu,-:s-t- tuilietcessa ry lu relatej orter to il'ustdoCe .nt-ltrY- agt nîy fa tI [( iýt(I a a et»'ilii- v R. cburd ot- by tan i.I ~ii ()f teb-tus-tmîes-nîy faLt1iter 1t i Lo îo t14 t: ,.n d Ait-s t iia n iii,i-i s AU Iî iî-.r i ves-tt tro:tg ;tiff (-li i 1 î,xi-tid b,-twýen it-ii-r, iaI [it 'W ttir i t-si(bt ieu-nu-st <t-siri,- ,ti1:,lI the sol ri oL )!O 'lit tti-k- tlziilh 1erI tt ut'lie sIltutiI î-;îlî u:ti i xvomn f'.5 tst:ltetand I tiv bP, a pý shol I 1ai iîirv. lIt w:îts :1-o un,:eitct -in 1 dgru J t. ti it' liiiho .1 iot oxtiy-e:ti s igo, au-I it w-as1 w - u . it t'i f , w - l i t - -ýz h e l ii- tlrawn ii de 1 11 jot 1d:1ilu ,tit 'VIte' ýr-equ 0e-%%-iisi4r iipilv n, tien l I0 fo-ttiilat []y, o:- lî 0. tut u t j;l h t-c!b.irtL-t)ii wn'i fotl l u Io 1) - an tre.Wiiaiid e«-rit A tir o; flot tui!1 I -lt (,iit i t w - l b [s-rt ft-Itist:t Il il i t Iut vC fti- r aw-hureý, 1r dî-liig thu tii). t vî îttI11i it 1 effIltv'elr il 1j >-SS1 jeilet-n g.tn-,t Itin, UIe ttroIuc îl.ns -1!n W:ilte r C(hit-rl Llt -n 1. il,,tIi ,c-Jtriructr of tue ifi u mm àérrt-'sfirjuier f-,irtnî r -ýmohi (riL s3tLaI o'c-is -t llm ~w-irewwi-i li WTpI-TP'rt, fhatd t- foI-lun' ýo ,Metis It -hal(!5 )n. to ?agt ho ieeed 1to acquire . a 1 esrCar tnràueictt over î-er ; tnd hb 141t m' -ayli [ iIxd 1tg sessed streng hiypnotie powers, n-nu-ns of wflich l(e lia-lle-en kucuq I nay tirnes, Iot-lhu-vi e S v 1i iposeiv ; q.nol I [-avir"utrt Ve sI gUI ;doulit. a.! ter Iearnlng wîat I tu recoly t'rom Mr. Beaver, that efforts to secure the prýze which had dete-rffined to-wln. .8V, R ha r"'n berr-rl' haR' rt th.Jt @ho bas cîrti>a leled ber c I 1 r ;t- -s ti 1 1 T'i-baîeterioletist inchtr t lt- Nts-York But-ri cf 1lith ha;masutdicin i-tiîx -t iga:iiott t i oc. - i lIt the jiflutence cf coin 4 1t:ael-:t.tv tiron th-t ife of t-ipiti:li-î ba l i e t fZvrithet y~ç in- ctulgii s'i tt- îll lie-infutl-tIi ienmtt-el mes un a L -p. ett-t it- bill x- ýilîoculatcd dxx I I I- t'ler;a biefl-ile: 1VL-ttti Iltii -uc- a-ttI'lu-Ion, Uxut n'ît on tllte $!,Ti l Y u l i i , t - - t i-t c nt - - u n s r e p c : u I e - a n d i diphîbut ix e- baILilli xvt-re net-os -r-ed finit. t-ut-Lt t-Fl' -fte-r tu-teaiatien. tletu ffouir- t-e-i-tdots. tue-n xverty-one dam-s, anti fiat-ti lt e1 muntlu. 3Mderaelv cie-an bills cUlant-t fronu n chiealt gro-ent' store ]lid2,2-50 l iiuz bac-t-nia ai-ti i tî- bis 3.000. Pttaiee- [e-dflt- yi-26 and turnes 40. StiIli.thut-se figmruŽ-s xill net iictcn peo- plc froeai talkiig ail tlîe.v ct-n cettnitd iook'iig fonirtîîre. Eltt-ttronagne-tic chut-k...... .. ...... 19 he can avcld be-me- se ult sat-isfaction tii ttuîanie-led iclan hlentîn........ tIhilmse-t sud t-hase- areurtd liat tlis '\aiest Filest. fîrstinta use - - - - - --.. .. . ... 11, -'tre exttn,,i:zhttt'i, finît gacxmn---------.. -!u - > partlcuiitli-iY idvtdtualitn regard t-a bts Feit bats, finsitinr use-------------------o it-e-ts intfood, and bas marty pecutaitius Gas, for burruig in taugian-------------- t-ý',0 ietiireý-pe-ti xxblch ai-sRnuwuite me-w Gas ttght. ttrst plant .. . . .. . tas liglit, trrt In Germuany ..t- .. St6 eyoti-re is-tintînuate trie-uds.Says a write-r GLas cuui-rg ttai'e'----------------- t-e itaTit-Bits- Giaswindows, nlre-i-ty lit-w n "0 Te iti hvry fond of bis atterneut tIss wlnduxis -atute-d .... ... t-uin s Glass wurRî, fins'.ta in ugianti. ..... 157 ea, q-t-d haig a sweeet tutb i ueu Glaý-se nitruors, finît appearet ..t.u.. e o it-tuu"~a had, tilte-s ta sSii enfentiniery Coi Glttil i.fins'. made' un Nurembe-rg j110 t-be- able- imot Iti3 net su vie-Il Rnuwnthat Ilcps, raîse-d ini Germaty .. .. .. 8 20 lits .-it-îîe.sty -est-r b.i auY chaunýe part-Rts ilydratult pi-es-c ut-rantabb. t-.... S17ort bter, and itbaL, li-ue -e-ne-ver lydi-aulit- furging -pre-is i',nitbi . i....154 atte-t-te-a tu-ado vut th itu but' ia the Wi-te' ludîrîs. disruîerl'i by Courtois ....- . t-t- t t-ý,an tastumî, v-tiltit-pte-ce ut lemnon iît-ea, Pttt o-,bugltin ruruopte by trake 1 - iîttiar i -e ti,-; ttce ay t w P'iinîtiîg riree-stti- ----- 20 oainiite-Cotte-tor.,i-at-Ler. t4 is the way St-ii, t-ast ir t-tigluiid . ... ..... 1 oi it bs ownt arti-ulari- coLle-S makei', Ibra- St-arn hatttnt'-i iti - - - --. ....titi.a.. 1i-R,4 nd Tui-k. wiîb wb-iseikîli Ste-ar plais uttgiand te In tutmlts paritUitr departient outkeuit Ste-tere-tilti ii--t t nos-tig itltit - -l>w ii--b, njtp)wastt- -E)fins'.expert- -te-nte-i- iug' -Se--'rtOf------------S elitr-e -c pie-asedti -at I-e braught titaihume Th-esbirtg iittt-tiie veigt - . - ot)t lbbn ru- te tht-souraessabroat, Teteseote- tititi t- ---- Lt-u tii[utttiticid au ut tbcria nasebaild, -ie tatt i, ,airist------------------------ l11to f e denolbtig e-e-se ut Ibra it- t- tireutu nibes-%i tntia-.e---------------. e-.. ottee Su indtt-ptnaie bbi eib tire- frbe. ît wn in------berg j t-4ueg t-ban. i s cite-n t-ae-n ahi-astiwt- t'ute, int- init-t n tu'-nnbrg-- Iuiulu. lits xretîad ut maRing the Ktags AGE AND s.'~ i~ A ERICA. ieeC s a-, ioititt)5 li-st-ut alilt-be wattr AGEANDSEXIN MERCA ust botle-d, anti tht-n thbe caftes is put t-n an-i ýLil(we-d te -[mnuse.-- Ibrathamu t-bsn iarmis FgrsThatSo ore fLf in- again unt-it the- t-ufeetigrounds "rtse t-o Vigunesorce% o Lb the Lp, turin oser, and de-scend.i 'i'bTh- sur7ance Profits. gi-cunds amre-t-be-n atiawed to set-t-le, and tsorfitll y Ibrimi-ltpour-c ff be- itt t- It ia rqul-LIatiluti f i\E vfoUri-th of bis ili-tg-du-k arm, the cette-e. as It las t--ui-ii e ui-c- u'ns In -be- mnak-e-5 Ilbti- usipe-ib. tule tt-uuts-iittuittu aIýlîe o-îtetf tuttie-r pe-tuiiarity ut the Ktrtg's lait-e ;i t'le tiietît[tn-it cuet-[ret-ds furi- il-te --ntan bitaek bead. whtch it- Ut t-lit-e titiwt-ttiiiii IttIe-tit tu .1t-tt-, 101 kîuwn iais :b-bwatzbrot '. bai be-e-na Cu liNela iil'ii, -I lsl ffavorite xthhini tari-ntny ye-ai-i. but ih e bit dîtUtitiittiti[ otsu i, auacqu'e-t tats andtiie-d-nu-h tsi t ~ ~ ~ I lit--aittatit-ttifor tthtet. îsutc titet îat tleditrti f it -et-- u"f utit-ttr fi-tt-t--t-nwbu tates saytlit, he iteutr o ti e-tsts t r~r tte irtu.ime- tee-s t-bat- he wouid tit-.uub ett' tinttYIlt uie11s t-tue- very tevor care- te du se ae-atr Hawever, twe nUintlitibit i 'xii' tl i-te e-t -aihe-tle-s ufriehi-e-ad bake-d inncime Gm-- - C? e'- - - -st anitachian are- regttiaity cuppliet by a tu10u pitibai y iy hîn muticeul t lii.l a-mirle, (ermn firtun tnt-be citY ofLandau fer bis t-t \,eblwit-t e titis It t-leie îtsi tttle ut inajestys use.Omis variusty bas a large lui b leu ol ici ll at ii Une d.proportion aor 'ien ua fl ur a de- t t et-b e iy Tli s b e-u t a u i r t l lt hex u - n x u u î u e e - d1 t m e a t . a n t i i n t - e c a s e f t b i s b r e a d ti b e lits ve uni uait-ie veag age Of peeuliar sour fiavur Ih net se noticeable, aul te peuple- i the couâtry is (a-l sta--1 Begiminers who wlsb t-o trat-n thernielvas tisties as of l9CIlt) a 11111e lesi tUa-n 23 t-o ealing .schwarzbiret usually begin wih years. Tismust Uc ta-Ren lu ceuneclion u-. nul a t-s t-bene-ai - schwarzb'ot- t-he t-Ihiî gentiuie seur black bread, which most fre- %vilt otite-n statisties, w-hie-h showv that kuentiy t îids t-s wy t-o thi King's table, lte airera-g pens3ons bora lit-es b be 35 and bt-s maest-Y t-oroiighiy enjoys il. ye>ans, orabout ana-bal! o i e C)dne o! t-be King'8 favorite dîshes aIt-lia sllolted by Vhe Paalmist. piidIdnner table t-s a minutae chicken on a moreuof toast. These lit-t-la "poussins," Alse lte dtrector says titat elderly per- as they are called by t-be peulterer, yield goz have exa.ggerated titeir aga, se but t-wo or lhree mout-hfuls of delicate tta lte stalîsaties of centenarians ax wite et aI nd InhLg onpdonetht t-beyre nots.by unraliable. There were 3,ff4 per. a rare dahnty. Neverîbeles, t-n t-be West sons reporting theuxuselves &s 100 or over, of îrelaxud t-bey are sold by bai-et ont-ai and the director thinka this an exagger- peauauut girls, who charge oniy 6d. each for atUon. particual .Iyamona the nam fl te yabstenalousla MOTlIER'S ADVICE. «'I ioulti adviss metbens to stop dosing them ltlle eues wilh nauseous castor oul anti sootlîing stuf fi, anti use onlv Ba-by's Oxir Ta-blets.' ýThis [s tUe advieeoe Mrs. Josepht E. Harley, cf Worthingten, Ont., Who bas provet thie Ta-blets. The hest mnedicine in t-be xxorlti for t-ha troubles tat aflie-t yuung ehiltiren. lMNrs. Harley adtis: "My little une lias lia-t ne otite-r nedicine but t-be Tu-blet- sune-e sUe was two mentb.s old, and tue-y have Re-ptlber lte picture of guood he-allU." These Ta-blets are god for cbiltrea o! eve-y îuge, anti speedily cure ail stomach anti bowel trouble-s, break up colts, prevenî croup, expel w-cims a-ad alla-y the irrita-lien o! te-ething. Anti you have a solemmi guarantes t-bat tbero [e3 nul a- partieao! epiate or harinful bigin titis nie-dicins. Suit by all de-ai- e-ns 01.o sent by mail a-t 25 cents a box w-iting TUe Dr. Williamts' Medicine Cc., Bruekville, Ont. Expeases o! Great Naies. the upe of ail preserxatives ini a rticles of food and drink should be prohibitexl. He says it was discovered that, "the condition of the milk and cream sold lu son-e towns w-as o! an alarmiag na- ture, the use of harmful. drugs ha-- ing reached proportions liîherto unt- kznown. la fact, it is claimed that the use o! excessive amounts of such pre- set-vatives w-as direclly respoasibie. for the increased morlalily amongst smail chibdren in Western Petitsylvattia towns, w-hile in other casýes infants -e-r made iii and narowly escaped Jeu-tii be-fore the cause w-as cliseoveredt. Whltîe preserva- tives and antispeties ixiterfere xxitli di- gestion, e-yen intih-le strongest ailt, it [s t-e-y easy lu surise w-bat Jizastrous e-lIecs îiust fqllow wben adtniniIered to aw-eak andi tender bu-bs. xxio-e only food contsistes o! titis poisonous and de-atlî-dealing f luid.- Be-xarc cf inge food S.' Fi-ou-the xxar reports îîoxx uli-iltig in [t is abundantlv e-videut tutthe-lt Rus' sian army has met -iîh anoîther defeat. The, ne-xvs is ail front iRus-ian sources, anti applying to ilt te standard Set Uv past fights and for-mer Ix'itrt-ports xve incline b ilook for ncxvs ofizreat imîportance. The de-spatchies ter'l uf des- 1)erate fighting, bayonet ciug.pt-r- o\ylin (gun cotton) expio.ioit'-guemn. figiting and gre-at loStisllthe Japimiee, but they ail concede defetît iii thue end. -Large numbers o! xvounded are c an tii. andi there are manv iid1caiti' it- aI thlie battie w-as a sangîuîniarv ont-. TUe-internai troubles of ]lx--j:cnn- tiue-Ai the railxvavs but lthet Asiaii have bee-n piac-ed unider t:fi iaw. Sti-kes and riSings arce~ it- f rom Odeýssa, Batoum- Bakîx. i îI-z. :îrd otheor points andtihe Czar h0ne- aPîItIlP2Iet lu the Armnenian Catliolico-lt x-vcs bi-s ixfinence l e-eP tile At iis order. The prontisci reinforcetn-:t 'Irr jKouropat-lin liaveIr.ut yctl bet,-lt". -1111ant it n-tav be A-,pril be-foutr 1:.ent -The-re is nu evidence t1lat p- t- Pro- posais are L'eing sç,eriotetiv -n 1 1 c

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