Whitby Keystone, 9 Mar 1905, p. 4

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~L~L.L ANTED!-. muet 1'905 fl~*k1IS BEETS PAY, OVER 800 GROWERS HAVE THUS FAR RE- NEWED THEIR CONTRACT'S -)FOR THE GOMINO SEASON. WRITE U S FOR CONTRACT FORI ANI) EWL L.SEIKI) ONE FOR YOUR SIGNA- 7VRE2'<R, SEL-' 01R CANVASSLR lIN\-YOVRDs- RICT ANI) HE M -ILL GIVL YOU FUULL I NFOR MAT ION. PULP IS0F VALUE for ýStocL-f icint nd i-ý ixe to iiîeet ~o esl rur tron to anotit of Betisq1x--. WE PAY 50 CENTS PER TON ru berhîi ifor i U1p to tîîx g "v\ c w (loetiotw pu11p for hi- î f ON"l-c ' for sik tch:î BEET SEED IS NOW READY SENIi IN VOUR CONTRACT NOWX. THEONA O SUGAR COPI LIMNlITEDI BERLIN, ONT. ALL Iron, Metals, Rubbers, Bones, Tailors' Cuttingg Hors;e Haîr, etc., etc. Highest Price Paid for these by N. COHEN, Brock Street, W] Spring Goods I~arx bî~cs willlit m- iiiii itijat ll e;î iv 1u ffé inii N t "< I1>'iît t t Gleanings froffi Exeia#s LeJttfrtorn Ou'r C e tspondents i 0 oogu. PICKERING fisthers from suo shovehling, if we %re- kMr. Janes, of MeMaster University, Mrs. Peter McDMérmaid, is serionsly k> jîdge by the moountames of snow on will ýpreacli in the Bapti&t cbiurch next 111 with a seyere attack of la grippe. the walks 'n front of the preperties of ) Sundy, aa'ci ith.Mrs. Enos Renuner fell on the i wo mmbers of that honorabie body.- * The at Miab1 metin frhi 1sasnfew days ago and sustained injuries'to ort cl-r/Observer. of he oiug Popi's nio wa hed ~ber arm whièth is compelling lier to Iay The Cheniical works at Longford have: the Maqonic hall1 on Tuesday everring. !off duty f or the- present.benetoydyfr, vtalosf Parlor ga-ies of -ariou8 kinde vere ini- Richard and Harry McGuire left on$3,<. dulged in for about two liours, af ter which. Monday rnorning for Cteveland, Ohio,- pysters were sprved. A large number were! to niake preparations for the season's A Mennonite convention will be.held; i present and ail enijoyed theinîslves well. dredgirig operatio-ns. in Stouffville on March 21. There is a Thee iil bea eguarmeeinr>fth Frank Sieep slîipped lis stock and'strong Mennonite settlement in and Mno eTesss sV.Jda night n.P. household effects to Indian Head, N. about Stouffviile and Markhami. Mesrs W -.. -ryerft E V.T.. on Tuesdav. The stock is in care'TeCakbr slco a Scott Nvere victîmis o? la gripp)e for tbeTh lrsug pf.coha passed last week. Botli are rîow iiinch better oflaiAînn r. fromn the hands of D. G;ihlies to the iMrs. Maurice Lo%-e, of Duke ýSt., lias Thr1sacnieal muto ownership of NVm. Watt. *~~~~~~~~~~ benrosviitmto1at~~~S sickness in this locality at present, most- Sen serousiivoff ttheaslawoofe the Perv ti1 oof thne latig grippe variety, many o h On Tuesday. Mardli 14, a Provincial Mrs. F. Nils, who bas licen withlî ort' cases being verv severe. auction sale of pure bred registered cat- Prvfinds <tring tue wxinter, lias re- i R. A. Bunting lias purchased the tle will be held at Port Perry. cotiîmpnc-' tumneýd to lier bomne fere. Misses ('Learv's vacant lot just east of ing at 2 o'clock pîi. wheu 24 choice T%-wo eaîloads of turi ps îvei e suiîîlîed their residleiîce. and will begin building animais will be sold. from ihome tliis week lv MmI. Vanatter, Or' operations as soon as possible. A Checker Club is to be orgaîîized in 1t1orJ. i has sent awNav a good The svndicate that Iost the threshing Markzhamn. sized train load of tumitî)s fiouîî here taiis machine bv tire a few weeks ago has de- Thr eeir5 apctonfr i %intr, nd iaspad aoodI)r(-efort idedon .purchasing a new nmachine Te wrov -0apitonfr ail. sîc art .ene etr1d the position of policeman and inght- N.r. LE dd-. y,oil IDenver, cahted oný iia oteoedsrvd rîîanv old triendai ore last, week, ail of Chas. Downring ieft on Tuesdav for watcnnr in thîe town of <irillia. whoîie %ere tteli,,btedl to a-aimi see lier. Indiar Head, _N.W.T. He lias taken TeOihaYMCA edasces 1MmI. Ni. FoN% lies. sale is billed for the wîth irîîi a carload of first-clasa horses, fui and enjoyable banquet receuîtly. The 17i lhî s? . Nrs. T. J. licoliîdav wisell equai to thîe best inî thé) country. canvas being, made for subseriptions to ber fîirîitture and lîousehoid gooods oni W. Miller lias puri-hased W. Hl. Rich- c e uligi en eevdwt MNarchi-2s. Mi. tGeorge Jacksoni, of I'oît ard's farîn on Kingston Road just east te-erv cri crigem, i en u aimos thi l>errv, vaili coiihit hot h sales. of the village, and lias heased it to An- cnt liasnourage subscid oto ffce 1The sideîvalk on MNLili St. lias lîeen drew Forsvtli. arnd euip the building. buried undo(fr several feet of snow for- at i , . 'Sp ar k s, h is emploved in thie' least gix Nveeks. anit is stîli being left in Beninett factorv, met with a v-c'm paini- Mr. John i(ý'rav. tif Coidwater, dieti this coidition. Noi street is iistd lmore fui accident one day hast week. WVhiie hast week at the age of -.1vears. thaîî tins liv peilest iarîs, pielîapis îîone su iutù;i anti. it iii cortaîrîl ya. 'cmv unat-wurkiuig arounci the machuiiery. lie ac- The James Bay Raiiway pioraters iv ai Srlj;s,îe etl ouh d mal îruarsaxask the town of ( rillia for a righî of h~~~ ,bn xi cjn î ik tlasî le I whiclî lie did tiot krrow w as ilffmotion. w-av throuI h on tto soor - ~~~~~~~As a résuitthie flesliv part of lus baud ul ietiî,sa~ugerd jIt îs niicmei tlîat an effort is iîeiîig as liadlv cut anîd houes sorîîeîhat in- and a bonurs of $5î>0 muade toallectta uioni(,t the WVhitliv anti jured. Heom-111 be mnable to resunie Hotel liceîsé iii Beayertsrî haie heen *Brook liii Baptist chrmlies, iundier one ras- bis îvork for soinetimne. r-i +" (- o<îî J tor, as wxas thîe ase about tîverty vears Jaglo. Silould thle uinionîît ake tîlîc, thle congregatioril bre %iil liai e tiroir ser vice ini thle af teriioori îrîstead nofiioriiIiigarid evrrîras ix -. .Mr. ,J.- B. Iei-i ofilM r. A. et- chen, itin bs i il lai4e. las i ci aîîî ijto supjeiinteud ciit or a i ar-go arin ocam Pi'li- adelphiu, xt a -.iav <<t plirxler aiioni. Mr. (;e..IleaN.o lit-i the iateriai boere foîr the bliT ho ioli li teriii iliirrig. andt interi s te stamt Nxonk -n it :1- soorr a.- Ifl il)i1e. Hi- e-ecots it, tnriî ont is., irst batcli ii'<-NMav 1. NIr. liea n Iha,,;the me- Imitation c ofing a lîr-i lt sbaker, atid bis charn-es tir -it-ppýallîar t' t- ex i-el lent. 1 bie oft dbie 1--1l1-i'g- ain"est mnîcar i-I l'ifoi 1- a gp'c't, r oflus-t hom els. If voil riltirhe ha1ppy îois- 1sessor oit sîlilail 41i' l t't i 011 ili 'roativx irîllrlivothe etîî(.îqmIf' ii LI4iise onlihai e bv theîaiiuî-I- rthlni'mao pîeant tii talle unil auzeenaIîle Hlî'it Fo >e aiho lu all'mgrt CLAREMONT. Mi ss Reuviid S. if(îf i!.- j% iisîtînîg lier aurîit. Ms kBi Mm. Wnrî. Raxusci. i 'f Miilar. 'i hure- at preseut. MIr. tbetCarîîpl'iic- "s vI-sIt I.g lus lii 'uic at Nii.tjI * The i îmrri - - ii g-t irf. was ch- seri ecilit? i vtlxtu i- iiîîg ut tîre B.p- tist chitrcli. aiitirt i - cxpectt t ait -11 be epe-*teo ti ithiieur future. The ('zlmiciaý-- lad ai i cii oxale tînie M til ext-.HIii .Whl î iost of the inriber-s iero'rosori t a n i totk-tpa r-t iii îa'riî its gaines. 'lie- ladies btipirer- hitby.freshiineiits. Tlie vtinrk if hIli o a publhie concert Iii dît- Ocam fuiture. M r. Jaures Miî. i 1 it niaet uîgi i gai-e a conxcert last Fridux- eieriiii Th bu 1k 'f thle ci-rti m intuasfir-i o l)v og-rîa1a'ihntMr îdei'i sîngîr:g is the tmr that t'- iii u2 'cdI shape. a t tt :î-t Niss Evia(i rî etîied Satumiax - overlirllizfrori tht - exti, %Wlîi ei -h is leiiCouf'r a fou - tekLwitiu 1: r si-tom. Mmi Wirhi- 1t t( i)(i.- -M tM uIi ils a i i luin n i-v»srit 1il~ t 4 I-- tii i-t - SPECIAL NOTICE Oil uttI uf t(-.1.\M urç-li m'u-îe-- i a Il i- i t1ttal <--. We want an unlimited quantity of Butter, Eggs and other Farm Produce. Highest prices paid. W. A. HoIIidlay & Co. SEND THEK-YSONE To TI'IATI\i II{N1>(>V of' ~ I<1 TIleoi, ta (4 fa plî-t iit tti ciuiu-cl a.kx ,r a-m m lx ai-t h Iihti tilîîîe niîî f ic~ un, tiýt- stIutîs if thîrt Ctiiiiuu riicnusti'yuc-ijl hurt- dîgi thiisucr tian itiralxthluî.î.pru i- tiniieryîas, itun'otrl i upeurs tii lu-a "meut yti soeess cuits plu xlimg lti.(ull(l. 'r -Tt iclscuiltu cuidJ iAsi 'lutthi i gt'a loîti-the iitdýicite. i'î1' Ou tii Viimes lay xiiim.Fetu. t.i miernbierýi of the Whlitova le Lîuîlgo L %ithiuthîir ladyx frienîds t, 'the nrmînbîr of aboutt fiity- tii-e 1IiirlI. asseiiled ut the i:onîe f Mm. Tiltnîti Llîemill, Ced- ai' Gr-ou-. for uni cuvto r sripper. Aftt-r iîau-itug cisiei cla sritticierut c1îranîtmt of thîe bîuh tue gîîo-ts i veny picasarît- ii- spont tie menainder of titi evonîinîg iii gnînic-s aut uonversaticon. ('otrinti Constab.e Hebstru ami-stoîl Mm. BxI n u xrntîam oui Tiiurm-day- Jast t iii Tr-mnt HIouse, MarkIdani i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ll r i t1qn.T11arre'.t wvas i. e iv fa tîeZt;i:I roi %% LUIllti o ;i><ske1't ioutil the î,ext (la , staide fri n Uîoee M r. Bnrîîhaili, ivl o m lw eý a 1iue loîkîng mail of sixty. caltie ta, 31arklîam ie o tst of Febriiary zas'a- genit for tlie HitlîsMediciî& o.,of Tir(iirt. ,anîl lî(urîloxl at tho Trerniiort Hiouso Hie ixas of a social disposition, '.ery ta1kativxo andx of geîitliîailv- de- leîrtinexît 'X:e tohd scierai parties hiere tliat lie lx ed'crear Port Hope where lie wIOIafar. and spoke e connlections utt vPerry aîîd Peterburii'.-He was given a proliniiinarv heariiig at Trenton oni Tuesday, and comnîlittcd for trial. \\hjllu n riiaî.la ho lie 1îîattcj"d to get irito ti-n i r tiree cf our mrîelants for ~~ods-uî.o e hc îfor aun oxercojat and gaurnthets. Pro per Treatment of Pneumonia. îluî a nivoli-to tu omIi't te loitoihnjlt althîîrgmhie irîll hauxvtthe- limier icilîi- lies ut liaimi. Atiiviiia 1 hotriîlahxx u i. cullel. It shiuiitlut-lie rie inii iiirnl. imxuxi-m. timmt înîemrinia iwayq resrilts ftr rra î-îîlîl ortini un allai-k if the- griîi and Ylivtii e tloiler tmi-i1l;eIlcîftilIre-t-dis- e- a thimAeani-h i atu- ofuitineiomîuiia iai le xxamid "IH. Thîcîu- norîtue-ioîn uoanst nu rrîuîîo t Ilii t li i'rniste irgii Utiedy ux-lias il il ni î-'-l.me hlio ct t learrii of at si Cai-se î"f a i-uuh or ut tai-k cf tie gip liai irez re>u!tti iiniîrriliuiinia xi mliin t lmi n eriexi ma- iseu.l.it is rîlsu r-i iii li)-i-ph îini thue tb ilrîrr'i m uîtriiiitxih the 4 i't 1 .i t. Ir. \V. .1. irtithr. tf Sîîuillihi-. Ua- it o-i>l-i a 'hi-îizst.suix- ofrit i1ibalxP- eeru si - pio..-mriiinig ilît i:'i î r-ut ii i-t li-he pas ý'ý i-oui-r. isn-cit iin iil- ofii 'tiilioli andrîlavtîe auxxaxy 'îutethe lm wsît reurit- 'i suie 1\lu i i n2i-- GLEN MAJOR. rm. onu MrsE. Pose, i-f Bmigit.mc-- conitîx vîsiteil ut Mrs. Svkes. Mý r. 1l11t(1Mmi. Wlii NMitchell,i'ftca MNIi s anttleh id !M m:. t 'brilt-ms if Dnîkti,. hav e ii a t Mmi. 1.B. - Rsu'. W. D. Pugli atrtl MmIr. Pi'ghu. 'f Charie- iii' 'rît, i isti t? atMm. lIisks (nuiFricîtu- M lr. lPresser îîruc-led heuSui'dav eî-iîgto a l arge-tiîxrgtin. Sur- vicre rext Stia v t-ut-nirîg ut 7 1p rui. A ilriniher cf the volnrg peup'hle sperît err crOîvahie tirmue aut Mm. Wri. Ashton's haSt Fritiax y eiit M)Ir Aslitori lbf? leoon Mena-fcir liii noix-homne nîier t koîwooîl. Mm. ai( MINr. Aslititi liai-e mtace ruraiiv frierrîs home, ant iliiliberre;ttl , ruissoii fmcmn mir inidslt. 'Ne iishi thineuo-ri- success iii their nîeîx honte. Inflammatory Rheuiralism Curîcd. 'N*il liamnu Siatir. a irakoîrmuri ofn >ni. -coii. 1t thihu, xxas cutiiieil tiiLis led for soueru i xx îks iit h iniuanirmiutiury- mb- matWirr. -I1riseul nîirivm îrt-ui ieq,« lit- mauL. - Fhna]ly 1 sen oir du rax lug store fur a biotule of t 'iruiiîelaiir'- iaiîî Batîn -atix-héh-tuie I1xmasirnt lie to nisc lianîl or tor, anid ini uie uxeek '>. tiunie xias able tir go tu xvork ne lruiîivas a ScIrnr For sale Iv aIl dmrgg is, - A Favorite Remedy for Babies. i ts lileasarît ta-ýte and promrplt crme.s haie mad-e ( likrrleialirs (Cuil-i einedl a favocrite xxi? h ile nothiers cf s us il t-hlreî. i t qirtk iv t-rres thieir cci-zgbs amîli-c, ui loopverits aruv lan;4or of plreiliruilîa nir<tlaer-n-.creîrrie. i t ilot ('111vi-tirss r oup, l'lrit %%liin grx e ris soirîas the c(t-ri otiîgi lîiir-i ljirex ont rime a ttai k.For -uIi 1,\alil utmîg- CO LUMBIJS. tM.r-1l. 1). Poweùr lias starteti to()ge lus tinîher meady to builil this sumnirer, Mm. îvaiter Meueri lias a xaliuable toarîr for sait-. Miss Minrîle Shirtridge. of Toronto, rs îisiting îxitlî lier father, Mr. TIiomuai' .stIm, r1o0('" train fî 'r Mrdlarîd, on Friday. puxleti ont froiî the depot here,- the emîgimîcer tioticeil a mian îy-irîg acros the track ucar thîe fcbQt of Collbomne street anrd tnt far from the Tait-C7îrss Lunîber Cos ice. He reî-ersed lus originle, appliE (1 the brakes, anisucceeti- cld iii stopipirg hefi 'e reaclîirgthicmn.î Getting toff lie uiagged tlîe mari froni the track, dîscovi-îrîg thxat lie was urider tîe iriluezice of iqiior. Constabile- Draver- was teleplîtini, aI gctiîga rhg took the linforturrate to tl-.eiock u1î. Next ilav lie arîpeared beforeo Mac'istrate Booth, gave his nrinte as Campbell, and was tiîied $1 andi costs. -j U: 'i ,T;l,, . Dr. Drummond Coming. ýSliortritige. Dr. Wîii -Dmrîuiiond, thiexxeh-ion M r. \Viii. l'ami 't hw, I hirglit a'- hîuse port anti reatior. Las leiec xeciired hv at Mrteard ia> ia- t d thrreto). Myr- thec Facuit i-cf tht-( i!tarit, Ladi-ý- Col- tie cailnoi0Wlîoast c-f aBih ,Browiilego for artexeîfî otf readings teulic P>arrot giien in tilt- rîîîrsic hll on Fritiax -Mar- Mmr. Eti. Iimriiie!lbas irireil with Mmr. ,cih17. 1i-. lmn rcîî j-sù e l krioiin S. Robierts for a vear. tirutîhouî Caniada tha? xhrct, lie Mrs. Arîdroîx-Ltwrerlico lias heen lviigge ag re ii.H lu- tf late, l'ltut tbille t-f .-rititic is ml iviil be assi.steti 1,vi ccal talent fri'nitIre thre iieni. Mm. Fraik F. Hailet, of ()shîia, a. ss- ed thîroxîli or iilg o jFriai last, Mm. Ciîl- J.- Statuai kIras inovîîol îp ttu Tcime Hrilirîtii lie gets lus bouse ixed Up iii tiue villagre. Mmi. Thîinais Cook has lîcori on thie smck iist. Council îl ie - trionMîurdai- last. Glad tcî repotrt Mm. R. H- udgsor, us (il a faim roaxi te eccîveru-. M Vrj". - Gl (lîvrrrl lier son, Jolhn T., vîsitodti ie fîr-ner's muther, wlii re-sides ini Toriointo. îMrs. Jamnes C.- Maso a aird soi] Keru ucdx-, iof Ici-mio, are rîrde r the parenti- ai mî'î'f. Mm. \W. HL Scott, cf FolÉý-, bas the coul mac-t tii hîild \V. 1). Dyer's Cerniet wail. Messsrs. \ il,. Hou-ito, Jolhn Stair, aindi "Vii Cookpuocse eaclî lîavelir ga Mm. Fred Pi'îillip-,, if Toriit', is tt ivrth Mm. iho. -lhortri1d-è. Mr.Freti Pike is stili ver omi wcî. Roi - J. H. Bomranil has lico u isy pre-- purin g tlîiî rgs iii thle Iiaiio. It rs our sa( udtîti to ctîtmrle the tieatlî cf Mr-s. Winî. Bonid. at tic mouesd- enîce tof hier s',M r. Thiias Siituttiige. Det-eased liaxibt-on tInhem xtsiiaihealth, up to I'rîday. I)ealh ciaiîîedlixer ton Siattimtav afteriiooîiiut the a geo tf 79î vears. Tht- furueral ttîok plac-o un 'lues- dai- tiiEliluti c-cervttm. 'The- pull hear- crs weme tou iietii-w ixi thei- loieasoti. The serv-ices wi-re coîrxhxcteîî at titi licusýe hi Roi . A. C. \V\flOun- tf Myrtte.- IN DANGER? IS your chiid in danger fron, croup, broncbitis, vuhoopinrg cx-otor ches? coltla? Dr. Chase'ý Svrîip cf Linseed and Turpentinie iîa'ý tirne and again proven its righl L-) a plac-2 in vour home as a safe- guard aa-.t thcse ibIs vhicb th eatia ti îovîrchildmen. Ping letniî to the taste, DR. CHASE2S SYRUP 0F LINSEED ZXND TURPENTINE ns 'cl ikd by childr.men. A s il n-S pe-fcîix free frorr injurious AmxLIu;s (-f anv kind, it can be tised Wper1feCt !siiiety so long as direc. niarz foiioxved. r.Chasu,'ý, S:,rtrp 0r insxieui anc u-pe"îiti, 2 ceniis a baille, ut titi deat' 'I. Ta jîrotect i-ou air stimnitation! p.ct it aîid signatture of Dr. A. W. 1:10 fions reccip;t book authort i vbattît-. Married. Ross-Srriv-i.T-At Toronîto, on iSth August, 1904, by 11ev. Armstronîg Black, D.D., Arnnie Keninîedy Steîvart, to Gec. R. Ro»s, botlî of 'nty Colleze. Thit. admîissioni to all harts of theLA% lll iiiho25c. anil suats ni 1y )v rei serve cdat NWihhîs drîv store-. Badly Crippled MR. PriRat D'A'rmous. Farmer, St. F'lax'le, -Rimouski Co., Que., wxrîtes: -', For sevemal years 1 was troubled wurti a weak, lame, aching back, an d bad beconit x cmi ppled that I coutd scamceiy lift anythi.ig at i.. 1 atso hait pains in the arms and legs and bc-gari 10 consider mysell about used up a? sîxty-seven vears of age. - idehM 'One dav received a jdgâ!]02& book describîng krdney dîsease anîd its symptrms and found out the nature M of my aîlment. 1I eg - usung tDr. (hase'sKidney- Liver PuIs and notîced a nii a r k e d improvcment wvlicn the flràt box waâ trrr-sted. I continxied to u-e tîreni fmom time ta ,tinie and to-dýay t amrn eai - %Nel, entirety cumed oft backachrr a n d krdney. Kidnc'y'Liver Pilla, one MR. D'ASTO US pili 'a dose. 25 cents a box. To protect you againît imitations the portrait and signature of Dm. A. %V. Chase. the famo)us eccipt book author, arc on every box. Philp's Building, Brook St. 15 Days Bargaimns Our' winter stock must go to wind up this big winter sale. We have eut down prices stili further. Making the values offered the greatest you ever saw. The question now is, Who selîs the best and charges the least? The answer is partly given here, fully told by a visit to this store. Ludies' Linied Jackets, regular $10 for $6.50 Ladies' Jackets, iii rnixed lots, to (leaI.$2.95 ClîildrenY' Coats, iii (lifferent colors, clearing sale --$1.79 La1dies' Flaiinelette Blouses, in ilfferent colors, Clearinçy sale - - -43c. Bed Spreads, in white, special - 8e Meiu's OverGoats, clearingr price --$.. Men"s (ùvercoatýý, reguilar »$10 an $1-2 price to elIear. at - $6.,50 M\etu'.-; PealJaetket>, reguilai' $;-. to clear $3.4 5 ili'sHeavv Pant L e-.. t- liii ?e ns UrdrV e.ts. liined witli flannel, i-e- 1\lnYWmter Caps, SleCial 3e Meins IHeavv.-T-ecî Shirts, regulatr $12,foi- Don't miss this great sale- If goods are net satisfactory rnoney will- be refunded. He BRESIN TIitiu le- ied Ilhtj;i u 11:t4rileîed a c-arload 1of K11i\ilI i 1>rie 't ?'ll Sif t ills a'nd (j-roliîd ('ul .1< aî':n --. er juliji- fecîl will 1111(1tlip--. ilvaliiablEo 1111(i pi-otttaile iix-\tuî-e fo r telise. J: i-i, Ml)- led ii~i P14>0i.i sauks zt $20.00 per' ton,. Itinse at f e. W. B. PRINGLE & C0. I AI the Cash Hardware Store SKATING SEASON i s bore aid1sci art- o- Skates Skate Straps Hockey Sticks 1 à Duniop IeuiIlo:-scs-oe Pads WcinIvIte vou taalat xmn oi tc eo- -kee1, a horse sound in the feet pu aim « - )We Ca i-r x ami e Oue s thaok e x-ýe and. m.rak e bis xvorki Lp fe aîï(, Ii v a z id au j:- pri c s ai-e the bo mest. longer. Goad for mavicular st-mes riadb!aokuuIthîy The Dunlop Tire -l- on Co., LCortnder Hardware Store WHITBYE Toron-to, Oniarlo #4% "Q SUJGAR ~~~~~,1 SUGAR BEET SAVE with Lame BaCký Was almost used up with f k4dney dliseuse, but cure came wlth the use of Liver Pii8. roffl yJam NeN\ Flailliulette a", 1 , t . 1 ', M C) ýý t ý w il] (.( )III lulut oui, 1 b 1 )11 - LILN

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