Whitby Keystone, 2 Mar 1905, p. 5

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i - i - i -~, - - THE KEYSTONE, THURSDAY, MARUR 2, 106 -- Blths. emàetery beside, hie brother, 1d~lk * OHÂDsO.-At the town lineWhitby, wlio diedgso me monthàe agç.ý o n. os on Saturday,<February 25, the wife of was 78 yeëars of age, àànd-waw resi4e *3~~~. r. A. W. Richardson of a daughter. of this section he greater 'D n-o i * DOOthS. i life. ursorne ypayis ie-wa ntel a an actioneer and bailift and Wa~.nao JOUNSTONi-In Brock, ôn Febrrxary l4th,. the best knowxi hara,,teW,6f tu e--t Garald Johnston, aged 0-months. tion. -In polities heW,-wa'nu~c~rs day, February l5th. John Gibson, aged ' m ortantmeetings wilbeed *o 83 years. byý thé Farmers' Institiite as ç n DOWNEY-Jn Whitby, n Stnday, Fe- nucmrt naohrcouu h 0 ary 26, Marion Elizabeth, young6st co-operaton- of tbe Fruit rwrse 0. daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. J. 19. Dow.:- pecially aloDg jthe lines, of packn i I,~~, - i marketing ofi-apples is one thairqre EY-1 Price lber, onTuedaywellas argesboulwe ple9-n anddaynev dinghtMar-fhJ1hn aub-eMar- R lîad beetoipresend ti-s xvi th gaess fry -ed8notsandiep1t x*0 (ls station ietfatheetiva and ouil eiralctea h-C tran hie alinonte cingA Wefa ren Ross hat been s t-iid uuith a coi.s-eil onya hl s tnc h eît iuees.Tiiishtxrl saoneds e 10--vs uvvo ,1 M tV \lcrl' li Idntoti].ce tch M.pp rtacisnox-ltitW .(hi5le then-fili (E < i C h a ' xî.ai " ____________________________,____i t r - lt uLea h a n î -i cy u -M<-the c-îil, ii iî su-I u i- ( nt-ele of il train iiiii-i -I-.-te to hp"in, lie L t t A c Pigeons Wan- W n t itt hi ~ Admînistu'atorl s Notice b O reditors ]l11,lI.tt f thetittett rk Wîllî tnt h îhiltii~tî, ef tîth e own of XX ltbv, Ili t ')IIt oet îtîit f irîta rie, IIn 'iita ce qt - i f ( Illiiarti ) t 1-ý17Lî-1iitîttî-r 129. - iont w 3,,5 111t lil-'fi -i t1- tiT.. tl 1t t l-4 t ru i- t ilts -t1n 1r - i a tftfe t i -f t îl! 1gliti-t tjil " thitttit. îi t t-tîîît i i i it i . %%t I li t-i l î tiiti or- ifh i- tit t- Il tý titi t iltra ii. 1 \ ' \ti l t ý i jif l t - -1i \ iirtala- t ii.tiî it1- ilitî iti-t t11hv to i i ttir l itti titi- ---t i a:î ii-îîît t lr- it i i r i q t- Ii -t-ttiît tii i -it-si lýif t :ii ti i i 't ,f 'it- -1.t1l i ir i l r t i i a i i l ltt ilri iiliw .;,,1 t - put-u î ;- r- I t -f ti ti i a ,-f hi r Ii aii I i t iut ii t it - 1t-il tii -t i i i - f,1 it tli e 1ltHENif TOIRON O i NR)fTUST 1 l t ib t tý( - tt :t -,torîtIl- f- ii i- t i Ž ORVORAIO T~ Y GIoriýÏ, (Mnito i ii \ îll îît. t it A t1-1 a-, h- St- -ltlun u t-t-ir It -naiîy tintw. XXrite foi. Xv. .1. ELLU - t: - i i - I i - - - i : < - -t- ~-< - lui ~ --i i -t ---' t-- - tutti ~ 1- t i - \~i -- i i - - i-il, - i t. I -it : -- - t - i - tut xxiii: t ~: - I t ~i<<t i - i l i ti ~~ 1rt rt1) r. t--t C i 4 -1--- i i i ), o M B Tod Ili i utJ) ri, hn-(" IDGN'T LOSB THE OPPORT1yI Ti C oîilit, atiî Lii L - i d~, 1T1tronto. R. D. NIM,14O, Principal. MEE.;TINGS OF1- THE ýSULT-TH ONTARIO FARMERS' INSTITUTE \%'Ill be hcld in the TOwnI liaI], ( )sLaAv, on Mli -day, March i;th.i, 10-5 at '2 p.n. anîd 8 p.nî. Fixe Ha]]ll irit, on Tuesday, 'Mardi 7th, 0, al '2)p ni. and( 8 p.rn. Totwn Hall, CJartimnxt, on Wedilesday, March 8tlx, 1(Kat '2 Ycloc-tp. fcîîîp(t-rnce Hall ri, on Wednes- day, March l, at 8 o'c]ock p. C'otîicil Chataber-, Whitby, on Thursday, March 9th, at 2 e'c-lock p.m. Grange Hall, on Tlhursdlay, March 9th, at 8 1)i.. Mr. A. E. 8crntn Walkertor, \vI!]atedt]l iiitcetîigs and will dis- cîîss Cit-operatieti in I>aç!kling( and Mark - etinîg Apîtleti. At the 'larexîtont, Myrtie, \Vhitby and Graigtî Il ill meetings \V. L. Sinîtti, edito r of the Weekly Suitt, %ill speak. Meiîers and larîners slîeuld attend tiies o ilneet],i n o. 1 () TT, lite sitl)jp(-lts Pinil miadie sittalile te W'iu-la.X. E. XVEI1{, Presitleilt. S3eed Barley, ;i r ilr41 ini w i t i l r] t JOHN DRYDEN& SON, Brokliîn On the Brink of ihe Grave' 11RIF()EI) TO il ICALr1I -iti1iîî o-l lîi. i d ( l ~l tîi- T 0 . R. KIDNEY CURE w¼ith iîiî-ý*iLls. i . t,, itili i lît. I 1- a il , lt-t- -l -l iiîuutt uf o i - 1 fi f):t ijitv-i l< a îîîs - it -:i , Tie t-el (. L1K h icne -o,- (mitu i a e Ii-e -] Svt., 7srît t o, -lu - Oni ti tît Clanemnt twill lie tue hocalîty. ELMER LICK, Secretary. Theot-ost of Orlihlia's concrete wharf lias 1)îcen ý8,3s89. Note l'tîtîicitlar 3peoiple îite- fo-r t)t ilt lbtsinetss xitl titýi-lhomite duî-îhr, xxliet 4litttiit.?i lantd riîî tire the stîuî- iusitlts, thon- te xciiir stiet ii ii -rît giods li:tx-t-iaci-e ut 11S iisl- luIt-s, nttttitiltss tir u-în-itcîttirg-u atnt] xit h h t i-i (J> th e ~ iBi cciS '- ,«tt, W hilb NesàlîeChurches St. John's Church. Tu lc-. tr.i- ii, of 'tVycl]ffe Çiii- le"(" , xiii ethtîitte otitiflîav îîext. -l y tuiînnîînitî tIll lit-a"liiîiiistLarüd at lite t] ii(iof thîe xterixîg rvicu-. tEi 111i11 tttor I}raîîcli of tteWea Aî'it:r ave a xery suc-cess ful ] At 1ît: te -- te thuienogrteiTat lotilandlfriend s tnt M eîI;day exeli ng Ili t ho baseliient of thte cîturcît. The rooni wtîs decorated xith plants aifl ags, wlîile unit te east tval] were seexi the vaji-(tis articles of c]ittliii, u]iiîl1ts, etc., " -whîch the busy liaiids of thint inxbürs had madie. AXbouit .S dcltick aIl were called tu erder M NIr. huAre-hitocctp ing the chair. Numierots recitatimîis, nîîc-h euijtyed by ail, and sttitgs nmad il upthe very initerestîig pro- rtt tii i11.After tht- progr-tînaasocial lîctr was spelt tii(lames, atîd la9t. 1itt ot least, was the excellen.t supper wltich tht yiîtiug foîlks hati prepared. Miss i sluel, the Superinitendexît, andti Mrs. Cerre]], the Assistant, certainly tleset-ie grreat credit for the woiir1ctîat lias b)een accomplishied by tlieix- branchi duringr tlin past year.- The Tabernacle. Rev. MN. Gttld wîill occupv the pulpit at the niortiîî), service and i ioex. Chiarles Adamns, of Brookîju ii the eveing, the ptîster beinig absenit. Mr. J. M-N. Denycts xv-i]] takçe the servico at Alrncnid's ini the afternioon. ANDASHA w THETHER it is the xwtheezing Xv and desperate struggle for brcath so characteristic of asthma, -the -,oreics-q, t;glitness in the chest ant i Iaid cougiting of bronchitis, o the barlcing cough of croup, DR. CHASE'8 &YRUP 0F LINSEED AND TURPENTINE affords alntost instant relief an, timely cure. PclTplc naturally andi correctly rea ;0tot v.î hat wilI prove effective ii such obstinate discases m-ust be thi i bcst t:rcatment for ordinary cougli- -and colis, which are the Start1in point of consumrption andi other luiT trcobles. -Dr. Cha-ýe"t Sv rip of Linsectl nn - Tt-n-ntne,2-7) cets a bcU4-Icifanti]v 5-7e '1ý- itit -,t~t hGcc t-f , a ]! .ai l -: To lirotcct NtCk <-t:-tirnîtati- i h - patc-i ~ n ttai!ji 5-u:ce of Dr. A. - - , -t t.otei- rrcc-ptbook autb.c- PORT WHITBY. - Miss liena Sleep, tif To route, ti-a honme ever Snly Mr. Frank C. Sitiitli lias retiîoed tý titi- city. Mtr. fl raiîgir, tif Lernetvî]le, is r-elît'Oý iig at theî stattin ewing te the illnetss c ~t .T. Ha:rwoed. Mtrs. (Mîtrgoe tti!welvisited liei in tiishatw a ist as: h t ce. MisM. (x,); xxiiax iva ihointe -r Suiidav~. Miss Lati-a Eraitces, tif lire ikliî, wi thc otîttf Ms E. R.. Blow fur a feu vtiis week. M ss Sitsle rovt x-ivstu-tl Miss 1Ma o]rigtitis wet-. Tie ceuitcil tif tîte tlîog f stotil1 - til i e lîx t1tit-ir Itantis ftu ll t thli prescîti titttt- ýItitte1rs tii] ie i.ics t'O rc- the traxiiietît tr:îdtrs lv avci'cles. in( i-iw, t:tNîtîg c f tobacco anid cigax- -et te sei]cs, raiikag tilt hiotel ic-Ulies. Tîteoldeltisating nitîk at coliapsed last txeek xitlî the sitow. Stouff-iliI w cglît c Mlt. M 1 t:î Lm-au t- Mr.îi tihiyXli. iatuoc- NOoititet lituiîhiatîti:tt- aipg blinitadethe ier lutcieciarei ltt"iextoila- 1I-toilt ilie îmoîtion tteleet Xl r. MXllartl tti-etvere yu-as 6,i xaxs s-Lost. Ituiontilei mtotion fuir ti:e cie-cttiof Mrl. (ibbsij5thu-ru- vre vu-as 6, iays S ('11c1i the moiîtion fuir lthe electi-on cf Mr. (Carntegie tiere ttc-ru- yeas 7, ltays .-Lest. I'po iteetmotiont for tlue elecîiiicf -Mn. Oristei, i-exvene yeas 7, iîays 7-L<ust. Titene h iqitgrtc ic-t-thiiitle < -jerk i-aileil fîîrniext oî aiit .t-t-1ti Nlr. Vitîoil, -etitl- vlxMri . Iurtis-. xitoV-ed thtat nr. (lthliceXVartlcn. Drn. l'aiser. sec-idu-lliy Mn. 3uliîtbray, xiiux-ud titat MnI. Iiery bu- 'tar- Mn. Tout], set-elui by Mr. MuMillaît, iexed that Mn\I. .1. IH. Millard lie WXardin. 1tr.ileit. l}ecnddbyMr roonifieldid xîeedthiat 1 Mr. arnegie ho Mnr.ltîtt-lîray, Sec-oxîteul liv nf. 1Bnooiilie]d, îioved Iliat Mn. 1D. McMil- _I . lB n-uit i iti- ,seooaîoî y XMrn.Crirnegie, tex-etl titat -Mn. Onînistoi- lice Waldni tî. Mn. Or)nîislcn, seucîtuîeti iy Mr. Moxvbnav, rîoxed tliat Mn. Thos. lPouc11% on lue Xarderi. Tli-eeeng ne otltiern tiiitatiins titltixithtlimite ]ixited by r-nIe lte tmotioni for ltee it-ution of nr. (Gibbis tvas t eiti put, yeas 7, nays 7-Lest. The mitotion for theteulîetiorî cf Mn.liîenry tas titeit put, ytrg ,t i ays S- -Lut- t.t 'l ienmotioni for the eiectiîiîtof-Mn. Miiartitu- as t he pt, yas 7, nays7 7-Lîîst. Tînt Itmotioni for the ciectieciif Mn. M(-'Nijîlan %vas thent put. lt-as7,nîays "ie xmotion for lte electicît cf Mn. Onxîiston tras thon rput, yeas 7 nay-s Ti i e xmotion for the elet-tien cf Mn. Thioxmas Pouc-ler m-as tlien,pIut, yeas' Tîtone boirtg ne election upen thîe pret-iuus ntominiations, item-x oitennatîons.ç -uxere t-aiied for-, xbeneuîpon Mr. Brooxîttielil, seeonded by- ŽMr. l'on-ber, nitox-ed tîtat the tinte fer receit'ing nominations feÏr the office of XValdexp ho ndueed te lit-e ittinuîte. -1 -i . Tltere being neolbjection te lthe motion. iltx'as Ilion put antd carried. Mnr. _Moxxbnay, se-etidetl by MN. Iîetic-iîo, moved that Mn. lleniry ho Warden. Mnr. iponi1, seconileil hiy Mn. Punvis, nîeved Ibat Mn. XW. J. Glibbs be Wardii. MN. Ileltlîy.-econdledl 1)yMn. lroeiiiioell, itnoved ltaI nt 'nigeh N. 'rodd, -tecoxidoul ly Mn. MeMNillait. nieoved Iltat -Mn. Millard be W ar- tien. M F. Onniiston, secendeil by N. Penchier, ittevedtl tat Mi-. Movbnay hc Warîlen. Iltexe hein- 110 cîber niations tuittimi thîe tinie ixed lîy résolution fer nomîinations, the utotioni for the elet-tien cf Mni. A. E. letry tu-as thoni- lait, veas 7, nays 7.--Lest. Thle imotioni for lthe ciectioxi of Mn. tGibbs tuas thoen put, yeas 6, nays S. The mittion fornlthe eleîtien cf N.fCantegie xvas tlien put, Yoeas 6, nays 'lieîmot4ion for tîte eieK-ien cf Mn. Millard tvas titen puot, t-oas 7, nays 7. id T'ietion for Itue elet-tien tif NIr -Iolexxbraytva- thleutpt, -c-a7, iiays - .LosI. n.1'htî-iebeing nioieleu-tiîuîî tîxx- ltrutiatioîîs txeno callfer, -t-lterexîjtoît 'Mn. Br]intîitielil, seocexonddy Mrn. ( trn-gie. niovedti iat tîte ('tnii-i djoiiriit in tiI e ea. i. to-nionnu. 'Thie mxtitnîxtvas lest. Nr M .Vipend, se-condiîl lM. tniiistort, xtîxeîl tlat 3Mn mnettieildlie NI Mn. Todd, set-ontlc-il lMn M-Millaninîoxed tîtat Mn. Millard ho XVan- Mn. 1 tlrî. seioîîulet 1,3-IXMr. Breextutieild, inox-edt] lat Mn. Carnegie le e Xanten. NI ri. Bouc-ic-r, se-uînîiotî y Mn. 1>invis, itiovedtl lat Mn Gibblslie XVan- s I Ninr. lillaiI secwitdod hiy XMr. llolîby, inîte-et at Nin. Tîtontas Pencher i le Wtt 1niti. - - XI Nr. f rxutsttin, seconitet Ipiy lr.lhoomn fid. îe-d thtat Mn. A. E. len- -t ry lue XXardnîl. -Thtire Iiitnoi VIe!- nminatîionus tituii the tinte iîîilîîltitY mottionî fi ftîntleTàcititin of MIr. lintoule lui %vaîs thlen lui t, yens 7, xiays 7.--Lest. Tite-ttiontfoîr Itle election il e r Josel i Ilard tt-s thu-iprit, vu-as 7, n îays 7-et li "lie iiiîtinfer the cleu-ttiof Mn. Gibbls >-sttî uît cs7 asL * os t. 'I'îe-iiltio for thlic lectiti tu f Ni. >ottcler xvas tht-tutl. -oas S, nays 6. (i. anieul. -It xxas Htenuoti tiiceil thlat Iiirotîghit nadu-erlonce tîent lau-twoxiinwîliens liai1 f h us-pliuit t otii f tl'thoit Io tiffle noitn a tiens. Mrn. Cax-ni-ge hax-ing ime-rtxîtîîî- uîîaîî-Iht-fume NInir ilttatlnd l>ttîu-io. r lte îîî c tu (tiunt-l tax~ii- it--l be ncad, the Cliairitin du-tils-I tha - A ~i*1st-i.-iiu'olloiixiîai-t th e tlt iuxL cf thte fastitoticuti. Mr,.I'Tiias lioiî-ietiieietl t it- he bssiîly statiîgtg lal jin-h lias liei tvtuitil tinsiti-fu to.(i-ltipliipoisiîiitiof Wardeit cf titis C(Xuiitt. lit- toutldiiot Ls thiiilktif e--t -t lit-t îpositiont îiters le hîttl It-cn deeh d -î'Ainix-and inluau- %V laut-xii w itti rîtles îf id te(ieitui tntd (xltnessteil lusxulit:es ua thue î-iitf- shîîîll t alsîu i ite onu-t- of lthe unominatioîns. Tit- iuiutil uîlic-th is he-!îr-:îltiif TFiitt utt mo tifr thle tiletcit cf Mn. Canui-gie xtas tIiinîplut, veas f6, nays '11 liut itîîtioifr thte elertiuiicti Nir. W ibs tins thi pi t , ptt-as 8, utax-s 6. htItittititHis imott ion, 'uMr.I oîî lr, xx luo liail ii uxowIliem ler-l ontif 1Mr. viuts tîî(l foru-Iiît, xx lit-lt estuitc-tlinut Xir. Glhilts let-ticut. (MA.G h I-mta-ts t-udlit utechair by tMn. lîuîihier totndiUnr. vxis, bis iXIn idiibi, tht- Xardnteclou-t, itauirtgsubsorilît-tIand takon theo det-lara- tient cf odù--s-. llaîtkedth le Fouici (etoi-te holior couferredul îtn biîti aflter sa nriany yerns serv-ice iii thie Coinuil. H-e statod that lie xxonld no denbt be, le contpelilteIt asI tiht kinilness and fonhoarane cf the Cotincil in the dis« f~ t-barge of his dtit ies, antI bu- tuas certain titis t-ould be accerdod te butn fromn bis acquaintance xxitbi thte îuetnbers. V~ A 2 1--t lu ---'s- t. i tt t-i iii' -t FE.LUKE, Il Kinq St. West, TORON TO. - a i -i lt lt~ &zn-« > eLmiLý ý ý . -K - -j2

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