Whitby Keystone, 2 Mar 1905, p. 2

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THIE KEYSTONE, WIIITBY, THIURSDAY, MARCU 2, 1905 )1l j .» - -I,~ ~system, and tlîe decisiontcfthie lrivy Couxîcil hlad Ibeem giveni t haticpnî (,ree. ilege or ighlt had been wittd(rawru 1) y the aboliton cf Seprt(choli $1 0.00 asmuch as ne local systein existed1 wluen Manitobia caine imte the union. t $10.00 seenied certain thuat a satisfactorv set tinent Voul be effected, and( thele v * S pa at sc oo b ild ng1 t k1 over and utilized ly the Public shools. MNr. Wihlison ruaiutained tîtat nowhere %vas education provided by 'SP -' arate sehools as efficient as; the P>ub lic schieuls,Iandh nuamî liutanCattuohie y:conditions cf elemuentarv Cathiohi e(clucaticut iin tiis Province. The futu re (_)vrcots, iilFkily V st-img the mahuy natioraities ivhicli compose'1 the populatiomn into common E Canadiamuat eitizemusýlip, and 't was vain te argue that suchi a process could be 111(r. S el fo, e.serve I lw a sihool svstem wlîicli teuîded for separation ratIner than for union. a The faith Nve clierishiel ivas titat a-.svears passed rich imi achaieveinuenit and t filiiet tasrt(1.. Our' $1.).00 taininent, we niav licar everv nmai in our ewn toungue Nxlnere*ini xw are borni SuiletAtsî ' anumade to Auri ptea-iier cane te a niailIint bis The len o f Mr- andi'ul rs. (. hoh iusa z i i uuu~îIeh) lt, iltiiuale t w.v: om (ditori (b)n ot tell tnîîtlns. re ory f Markbnîîu. was hast w euk tîn ~.PlCIf yenoid 1(y)ouî e(îyl ot live; your ilews- scelleenuf a pîcasauît ev elthit i thïin n tke OU(OlW îgî îaer m-ould bc, itailt ireý. Tie edîtor eldest datighuter. TI(rii~ce, j .. %vas unîite lit ~< . . ;'..y~:) repliemi Yeîi arer rilt, and the iiimiiis- inn miarniuit .W1.Ewîn >f~ iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ter wluo wil ut altite 1 ite vîh WleeN. \.T. Thti ceriii W d wfoethcw, 'itr-l mot occupy the piihpit nmore thaîi preselice cf omuiv tuie îieurest rekî,ti,,t imine SIiuiav, anA litutuho will findl a Thu bride xvas tatsteftilIvmN mI ii i wlit ti î neves ani lt et ~th I ross 1111d tîte piipit go biaud iii hid it-os es. After pattkim,g cf asieinhe t1 nwst ad1tjC with rvhitcwash i rushes anîd pleasaunt îvedinîg i" p->r tnothe co urt hc ,t Cenur (&5215,bu wuvwrrds iagify«iig intle irtios ito b - oui thm ei gtrain for a sort 1în nev uîm nuoîe t ~ ~tth I Thaeston: are the gres-, aiir t hennaking WW Tley i.tei f ttt siomulxfoi e lio Oe tobuy a t le éýtinînclirate. And tIno uiuistm-r %vent A awy ooking very thnoughtfil, whtile tInMoo.Grve f-lltt o.,hdi ÇaslîStî .editor turned to lus vork amuitomd cf ln efk l a mnimn roculitlr' the surprisiî- beauty of tîne bridle, wîîiîo1 er unjttbointt atî <d iii fact she was as îiomneîv as a stuinp ws dr*irnungtîeu honme oiu the istaîu1 fonce. hutte'IL, and he tu e ri ywsila 1e theottïe rami nortli and nmet with ait tu- The Stouffville lfi robrigade lindu a gine. and (min iccoumtt f tino ie.-IN' f og $me3tin last week ini the fine hall anid the driver did lnet see then i iii $130deeided te lîold their aiinual sports and eollidd, 11iîiiiîge the mi tinte1a2e couîcert on May' 24th, as usuai. Meet- Tmwo fines ocure recently îîear Good- * ngs wiii be held on the flrst aind tliird ocre * \eîhnosday cf cacit monti to maiko an- wood-ono consumed n small dwvelling 0 Srangenments for that daiy. the otier a barn and contents. Ieo1\r N( What About the Dy-Law? Promote, and the same Co inei1 fails te use t ie enly paper that Lias fought ____treir batties during the past eighteen months. N Monda7, Mardi 13, a week from next Monday, the ratepayers of In the town cf Bowmanville a by-law is soon te be veted on te nid an . htywill have the opprtunity of votiug upon the two by-laws that industry. The by-law is published in both papers, thus affording very are new bèfore the censideration of the people. Up te the present date there elector a chance te becomne acquainted with its termis. In addition 1. his, is littie, if any, interest taken in the matter, either bv the ratepayers or by teo columns of well-written argument are published in order te inf4, the é their repreettvete ouc. There is nothing surer than that the r.tepayers and persuade thernite vote for the by-law. To l)e sure t'... sts by-laws will be defeated if an organized effort is net nmade te carry them. the toW~n a littie money, but if the by-laws is carried thereby it will on- A mere majority vote will net do in this case. At the late municipal elec- ey well spent, assuming that, as in our case, the propositions are wor- tiens the by-law te aid the Farmeis' Co-operative 11arvesiing Machine Co. There is yet time fer the citizens te take united action in a ý1ng1 leF o I'a I1IF was defeated by the apathy, indiflerence or lack of information on the part 1 campaign te carry the by-laws that are before the electors-but ther . ne of the, electors. If such'was the resuit of voting when there was an added tiue te losie. .Z id(uceinent te go te the polz, what may be expected on March 13? It =~y be remembered that on Januarv '2 the votes polled for the by- Mr bu eaaeShos law fell 54 short of the numnber required te carry it. There is a possible MoeAotSpaaeShos vote here of 450- 0f th«e at least two-thirds must vote yea, unlesa the H1E new Bill before the Dominion Parliament is the most talked of sub' vote, in ivhich case three-fifths of the total vote are necessary to carry the the speakers and writers are numerous. The soberest opinion seems te be N by-law. This nîearîs that at least 270 votes are required for the by-law,,s on that it is lamentable that there should be Separate schools at ail, in the new îe Marh 1, o thv ~îIlbedefate. A tu lae leeiononl 21 voesProvinces or elsewhere in the Dominion-that there should be but one 1 wore polled for the by-iaw. school system. aided by public funds. But Separate sehools do exist in the ~Sîubdyxus o oîetatlisligbeoe ndo Nncb1 i heIolder Provinces, and at present exist in the Territories eut of which the new 111iîev speît iLa holding, the election 1-i 110t to be %vasted, anîd if W'hitbv is Provinces are being carved. Thý point at issue seenis te be the clause in:f iiot tii lose the opportuinity to se cure a good industrv anfd al'so lose the îîew thc Autenomy Bilmuhipss eaaeshosupi h rvne industry sIte 8o receiitlv secured. whether the said Provinces desire te perpetuate theru or net, and Nvhich ap- It should be borie Lainii mid I)v thte pî.o1ertv owners tliat they have one prepriates public monies te the purposes of aiding Separate schools. vote Uri each cf the, by-laws ini cadi ward in Nvdîieli thev ewni propertv. At,1 We subjein further uteanet the press and public men upen the1 vote, thereby losing for the h)y-lav quite a niumber of crosses.FRM'ETOOOST. The Ceuncil of Whitby appears te be supremely indifferent as te the Thscolarne ntmlei185oeaedepat col un resuit of the voting. Up te now nbsolutely nothing bas been done te ac-Tconditions f arrangtemTerrtmei. 5tleae eart colsuo quaint the ratepayers with the advantages te be derived frein the carrin The schcel arrangement made in 1875 enabled the Terrîtories te însist cf the by-laws. The Council has, we think, been penny wise and peund'l o preperly certiticated teachers te control the text-beoks anid goyern Sep-, foolish ini this matter. They have tbreughi the press the means of reaching 1 arate seheols. The school arrangement made in 1875, bad as it ivas, left the Territor- all the electors and in1mn h1uc h stain but they blissfully ies with s0m3 rigit te impose standards of efficieney upon everY seheelshr ignore the press. They spare ne pains te save a few dollars on the adver- îngy in public moniey or public lands. tising of the by-laws, net -realizing that by paving a fair price te both pa- The sehool arneetmae in 17 left State aid to Separate sehools 9] a pers for publishing the by-laws they would probably receive several times conditional upon the etliciency of these schools.-Toronto Telegrani.I the cost in free advertising. To save a few dollars they give the l)y-II1ws te ieeaetepit c u eaaesho sseniiteNrh st the paper which is andý bas been opposed to aIl the sehemes advanced for Trioisa tbseitdfrtit er at n steT1g~ o the upbuilding of the town. In other words they aid a press which devotes summarizes it for purpeses of its own. We accept tliese points just as they'0% th,- aid thus given te epposing, the very schemes whicli the Council seeks te istand as defining the kind cf Separate seheels that mav in fairness lie con- tinued in the new Provinces, and which in fairness cannet be deïîied te those - - w ho si tutninift ew Proveiep ncesifitey are te continue the ex-iu K s o isting systeni which bas worked satîsfactorily te those concerned-should - .u s certainly nt exten( the rights f the minoritv. The wole Nveight f Sr 2eTe K j*9** t Wilfrid Laurierés argument bears as imuch against extension as against wîthi, e s ir in u ldrawal. The wliole moral force cf the Governîinent's contention is tîtat the, exiîsting rights cf nîinonities shîould net be extinguished by the bills now he- fore Parliament, and( the whîole moral force of this argument woula vanîsi were ià preposed te extend the rîghts cf rnineritieýs, therebv extirîguishîng some part cf the rights enjoyed by naorities. We do net uniderstand that the bills now before Parliament make al] these sweeping changes. But if~ ~~ ntum ~ oth there is ariv reom for arguing tliat tlîey do anythîing more than retain the ~ L O4~ existing ,seheol conditions the Premnier, Ibv luis oNn counclusive reasoniin, us,%A 2 tu Cen uu bound te accept amen(lmnents thiat %vil] netlie a mbigueous.I The Dominion Parliaineit cannot pass legislation guaranteeing thit the ~ fitfinii Public scbools cf Albierta and Saskatchewaui will be se conducted as te be~ 4h-1 ft iisiandl(1 acceptable and inoffensive te people holdirig mizuority beliefs. Miniorities i pvetherefore, desire thie riglît te estallsli, if they id it necessarv, sehools that jiJe poit o nemoal if31 will respect tieir beliefs. Parliawenit cari give thein this right, hI) this - b)uy vour spring suit here, meamîs guaranteeinug thuerritîte religieus freedomn thiat every nia.ri Nants for~r hisl.There isc fair plav M iitis.There i:sbroad tole-rance and çgeneros-m1r Ful particulars and copy of Settiers' 'Guide and "Western Canada," f rom E_ tq RBlow, Canadian -Pacifie Agent, or C. e s ~B Fq7Eh, D. P.A., Toronto., ~IBF~TE. R. Blow, Ticket, Telegraph ar.d Express Agent, Whitby, Ont. IN OThe-Hickingbuttom Far-m H 1 N G ejýI e Parts of Lots' 2- and 3, Otlî con., Fluker- DOW & McGILLIVRAY, nting eriThe Domin-ion Bn ~y ith USCapital (Paid Up) - $390009000 ~Reserve Fund and undivided profits $3,634,000 SWHITBY BRANCH S ene-rai Banking Business riember Transacted. coi Speciai attention given tu the colcion of Farmer's Sale and other Sà ;lIeeDEPOS1riT5ceve of 81 and upwards. I ~O 10INTEREST allowed a. Higbest UrrenL E. J. THORNTONy j MANAGIM i i h. e, 6 N.., WHITBY '*ARKETS. GRAIN. WVbeat, red. ............ e 90 toO 92 " Ilrite ...........O0 90 teO0 95 spring...........0o85 to 092 0%.»- goose............OSO80to 0 85 SBarley .............#..... 041lto 0 43 IeBeans ....................O0 50 to 0 75 #ioàPeas .................O O 0to 065. ~> Rye .............70Oto 0 72 Buck iheat.'........O50 to 0'52 Oats ......................03J,3 to o037 ci n d s Al~sik, Noi... ....... $6060 to $1- 00 No. 3 o to 500 SRed, No. 1............... 650 to 7 25 SRed, No. 2............... 55o to 6 50 Timothy Seed ........ 9 o12 i.,Fleur, per cwt ..... ..... $2 -5 toe 00O ('boppe-d Feed, cwt . O... 00 to 1 25 4%j Cornineal.................-2 0M) to LI 5 ( .~'Bran. per ton ...........OUOU oto 20oUw 'Shorts, per ton..........420) OU te 4'),500 NIMEAT, POULTRY AND PRODUCE. SBeef, by quarter per cwt $6 25 to $-, 50 Cattie, ]ive weight, but. 4 00 to 4 50 Y us ,s~~us~ utton, per lb ..........O0 O0 to O 10 La (\rb' Laînbs- ..d............ 3 OU to 4 00 Ho(", 11E: ..... 4 OU to 5 10 cm u ewL ogs, light fat .. ... X> te 5 OU m uA Mfles, beavy fat ..... . 4;150 t( à 80 Chiekens, per lb.........010()teO j12 N uDucks, per lb............o11 to 121 Geese, dressed per lb. o 9 teO o10ý, 12 Turkeys, dressed, per lb O 1 L)teO 01i uà Butter, roi]l.............. o 18 to o 24 Lard ..... ............... o 1()Lo o 121- SEggs, per dozen ....... O 2o teO 027 letAA A Potatoes, per ba0....OOUto O 90 ~1Apple, per barrel ...........1 OU to 1 25 bu.....1 00 to 12 Hay, per ton............. 8OU0to 90> urStraw, per load.......... 2 OU to 3 00 HIDES. Ilides, per evt .......... $7 50 te $8 50> 1ý. Sheepskins ..............i1 OU to 1 25 120Deacons ................. 025 to 0 60 î%.Tallow. rendered, per lb O O41teO 04ï iiz L>Wool, unwashed .........O0 O 20 14eLamb Skins...........O0 to 0 90 ~Pelts......................O025 to 0 30 SSittings of, the Division Court. ;M' COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, 1905. S WIIITBY-D. C. Macdonell, Whitby im11Clerk, Jan. 9, Feb. 2, March 2, April 5 41&1May 3, June 6, July 5, Sept. 6, Oct.4 Nov. là Dec. 6, Jai 1905. le p e s s %@j OSHAWA-D. C. Macdonell, Whitby, SClerk, Jan. 10,1 , March ,Ma3, AJul 1, Novep. , No. , Jan. 1, 195. PORT PERR-. W. Bu, rnm, r ~ eClerk, Jan. 1 March 8, May ,9 0 July 11, Sept. 8. Nov. 10, Jan. 13, i9Oiý. SU BRDGE--Joseph E. Gould, lJi bridge, Clerk, Jan. 12, March 17, May S19, Ju1 14, Sept. 15, Nov. 24, Jan. 12, CÂNJAbNIN-OT:DN -George Smith, Canning- toClerk, Jan. 11, March 16, May 18, July 13, Sept. 14, Nov. 23, Jan_~ 11, 1905. 11 BEÂVERtTON-George F. Bruce, ýBea-z ~ ,vrton, Clerk, Jan. 10, Mardi 15, May e t s1 4", Sept. 13, Nov. 22, Jan. 10, 1905. 1 PTERGROVE,-R. L. Gaughan, Upter- grove, Clerk, March 14, May 16, et fit o. 1.E L, Clerk of the Pe&ce ,ues j

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