I - SSUN' 1 Hel i'S ELESu (Ne" York limes.. ca nin The next observable total echîpse of a Auld Lang Syne. the sun occurs on August 30, lquà J. tT It ingeth *iow in every heart. s enakbitcl statThad ,sP We hear it. each and ail- looked frard t ellth geatd iaduste Pr(t A song of those who answer noThooed sbrard path grat sne-isePol Houiever we may eali; Tej h -vpthb Pcatsnrs They throng thse silensce er the brea9t, south cf Hud.,en's Bay, enters th e WVe sce them as or yre- j~-atm - ' t The brave, tise kind, the true, the sweet,--Atat cena, a obiori dsance flou js Who walk with us ne more. of Newflounidiaad, crosses northeastern w 'Tls liard to take thse hurden up. Spain, northeasterfi Aigiers, and North-s- p When these- have laid it dewn: ern Tunis, passes ceutraliy ox'er Assuan m'a They brightened ail tise jey ef liie, on the Nule, and ends at sunset in Thiey Bottened -every frov.'i; Northeasterfl Arabia- 'fie duration cf ceO Dut, oh! 'tis geed te think ef theettht ntiecat fLbrdr ai When we are troubles sore! toaiyo h o fLbao, i ha Thanke be to (lad thuit auch have beeui. Spain, and at Assuan is txvo and one- i 'rhougus tie>' are hiere no more. isaif, thrce and tiiree-fourths, a.nd tvo if More homehike seems thse vast unknowti and thrcc-fiftiis minutes respectively. le Siluce they hav'e entered there; A nunîber cf eciýpse expedit.ons have g-i To follow tisem were net selisard, teen planned, ansd a.nscng the foremost se( Wherevsr they mia>' tare;r3e They cannot be wherc e d tnet, are tic Creeker eclipse expedit-ions, se' On any' sea or shsore; cailed, because the expenses are te lic d P Whate'sr betides. TisY love abides, dcfrayed by William IL. Creeker, cf tic Our (led, for everasere. -John W'hlte Chsadwick. Californiui- Thc-c expeditions are to fc lie sent f rom the Lick observat-ory to ai Sevns-k hit Labrador, Spain, and Egypt. A plie- gil Serans ik Crit.tographie searcii is te be made for t S>rvice is hounorabile. The mncto f ec intrimercuriai pianets, the sciar corona- tlic 1rii4'e cf \Val s j4 -1clien 1l-camera cf fix-e inches aperture and -uit. ' 1J 1 lgiest diity N c du n, fortzy feet focus, and spectrogra pi w h Lu e eve o hags ati pctumc tesu -tutr r imîxjua ~mea enirbe used te obtain a continucus record d fi-iiitt thouaglhiUc vrluts t rvater anA cdge at tise ine cf second a-ad third sa Titiic', Canii' Lu tiluîs xx xi ,"î-il dtmuck contacts. - t "iput ll m'the foiin of a servant, ud Tiiere wili be ne special expeditietts 0e xi as miade Ii lic h('-- olt nuca An - f rom thc Yerkes or Harvard observa- l-îgfouind lifsucu : uatletories, but it is possilhe ho-mxeer, that Ci liuuintucle 1imseit, and becaune choîicuit some of the observatery people ma- 5 ilito iittathi, ex-cili tlic Acathi t.the g9e as3individuals at tlîeir own expense. Pa i-r e- s. ' uîe y P a sig ut tu fil th e T h ere is a p ssib ility f a n ex p ed itio n i jumbds cf men Nvtli wolffi- t ence UChrist i being sent fromtthte United States .ti~ts, xvo, ei" ii li tmruî c (dNalval Observatory, Washiingtoni, D. C., thuuutlit iL uot rclîbcrv ½ bu' e(uîltid xx-ah if Congress itis xxîntcr appropiat'i- uu, iervingr. W\iic mir Imnlt tllat %-mect-ho necessary nosyfrcuyn u iiiit bc servantlitske tuitu Chriist. lie, thc schieme. If re, one of the N,ýaval ms 'cair rent cxaiple-, stariis appjruux cm Observatory, Bioomitigteut, Id.., lia-scr- i i-f (itt the Fallter. Ail liait ile ever ganized an expeditien te Spa.in. Tbe iidrteck vas doncect.xAm ieH neyer members cf tliis expeditien are John iii iîîi Nvay siigiiteul li-mxxmNinithe A. Miller, Professer cf Mechanies anud riuct(rsiicp ai Naizarethl. W\Viiitii(' Astronomy-, W* A. Cogsliall, Assist- s t111ic-camie 1or lilîui te he abocut Ilus ant Professer of Astroncrnv; A. - F -:tmrsbusines aU tasks vere faiti- Kuerstcilitem, Profsr c-ý4) f iRenia-lice i fmilynut ousccut uuîsy uii uîîueu. ii Lnguages. who us nîuuinlaSpaina si - i. unique ini tii-fuel , Lat tit giJ E auez -iuingSpaniard. xxii 'iiitdini ail 1 Imu>t. uNams ve mauie. et is a studerit in tl.ue un î-crsià tY.v îs it ioit ~iIn.' uimuuiuu uuîî-i. i'me - gcntlieei mr>'_11ii menuibers cof thue Ius- lui i--I theîcap~pru ix m 0ît il \I llx-i uil u'Nxax i Aana iiixi i ' 'Plie uinix-rit y hums lumuht -dofJh, Poa r 11 sunsed respeuux,.ibiltv for tic exped- e Sul -iiixvuuii mut- e liîul'ac'u' dritica, huit it lias been aideti li gen -fi ,1F0mkt ni itu ii u'u'fu i, t >itluld ec l' eih'r crous coitiuibus t lonus from '1The Irnd.ý-i.ix- s'u-h sci-x meC u m itaI xveii-ja.viîi'umt apelis NeVs ismi Tleie ,alier Mm fg- ( Ii-.a ipuîmu ti u>ugti l;n- '~n uul t izinc, pî iilcl iil I ndimu.n pclis. siuumxx tiixseif a mi jimu i unutul ý Nid. ia A plioîmugraplmic Iciesecupe cf cegt xx ll-ikiuajit tiimit iieet" l u i' tti l 1)(i'iti nciaperture anA abotut 70 fcc7 focal i- r -g it lii - 1u xi tii lu.'-ungth xvilie usecl. stountcd her-.-on-- \"i ia in Cccl> .t.alhv anad fed l'y a coeloskat, tic tuxrrer - - et xx-icht i- fuîi tcen niches ia diametLer. Life's Hardest Battics. Five expesul.ires vmlhl e maide xxithiî u Tih-oremae iîimuvi ii' mi>'iiîuîx'lei) v telescope. 'llie negat ixes thlus obtaincd. S il- <i i t(ir lix c t u ii>. ir mi tt >-- x1u it i1ueu-l x ii gVu- soMnc ifrm atul ai îîu x il I ung ,t- i i fior it. - it tht lre t r'xard inrg t hu-su i- t ure cf inner corona. - mia ruiui' iiutg muf:c-e lit>' tamîut i Fouir et et -xnm '.xarvi' in lafouai auit 11 ? -viluiit i I 1lie a l'fui(-s tliengtli from iglît te si\t v incias -w îli - mu ru hîmu ibmtii cliii m'r tiliaîuiiuh" xx c be niouînt cd cii a pela .,r axis. Thse equ ip - mI xtlii uididuîumt' ,tivelimeiTho istment for titi-,xmeuut >uu xIhial.o li- m ie mt 'tlu> îtle. ifp>.iuTh'lei-cîtude a battery cf fomuircanseras of cumillut x- i tculîum 1111u'iuîut hi>'fuiglýt three ainA otim,,laîf luelus aperattimc ansl mllit i -,se(u't mlmmthI e sniiu.l ofiiuuu r- cievea heet l-.l eumtm1î tbxltm t imu h u1it tui-ui' iii iii iîhi itiu i 1 i if tl e )il-'- pietcgr.ipli-. xil lue ii uamie eoxerîîg t lic a1utumul- uîîd îluît i-m mil iaix rail iii regien n la xlimhî thueme tumîx'be auî intra-1 f i>',-isis. '1ii'ylv a"' trnemi lu xîiîu iluemercuriai plumet. lhietues of tbeu' m-o bliffle a limeiteiuutertnuofcft uîginiilie gica xvlucmc tue sua xx iii be at tîat tinc l- ou- uuf t heur 1)ivxine Ailh*v. \ Af.îi Im mc ill lue mamIe inInudimnapolis, iii cm dem tu(,xitli s iiiiultuj--uimîtthe tîuto compa-ri' tlieni xvîîms 1mîotgraplus îîîa-u.C 0 rum1ue cf letter tiiîgia ,beiumufuit at tAiehie mf 1,tc le pue- \Viiict1tis cx- mmiaItcitipt hIgui ilis gxciui uiltu'pedition xx-li gou te $1aiit. the eact le- l1fi' 1eriiiit toutt ufi, fl xxuroe'r th(l ici- cation ha-s net',et liecus definiteiy decid - uuuit tuf uicuuî.(Iuuui imaux'.- YNi (. 11 m-; vtiî- cd.i nuldîuilt ~ lmiilm'-tmi'g;u"lmef-mmtîmu j -'r\V' -iplcv cf Clastcnliury, -ena., .I do not knaw ueiere 1 shall lie Whena alt My'worlt is done, Beneati wha-t stretchisoe arciung sky, lueneaLiswisat smiliiag Sua; I enly knew tisat b> a-ad b>' lly ha-yen wtli bu- woal ido net kncw wisat bands shahl close 'hebuse weury eyeî -r tm-in. re who shail place o,12elitte ,rose. Tise coier at new winu.. Wiisin these ba-nds whea thisy repOo la thi-r la-t rest impute. I do net Iînaw wba-t grass>' s0d, Sisa-itgrcw aboxe MY bed, Nor yet wiuit pathways 1t muit pied. 13y unseen purposet, ed, Bcfcre 1 ha-ce tise tismene af Qed Aumi sue ils preseulilutdead. 1 de net kacw isow fa-r h-lt are on lifes ensisrouded way, Nor yet wisat burduas 1i usist bear BefoeitMy ios.tng day, -I. hnwçm tiaesu' s ewisere, Thlic Ca-uadia-n Gomemnseartla- ar rangeA for an eclillsu- xpeditien t-o le sent t-o Labhruador inder lieearr ectren of Wi. F. Kin,-,, uel a-st renotitir cf tise Dominion, xviile. t-ucBritisht As' trommoa ical Socie.y C now' aing a.r- editions te Spain, t-e point seleccteN -leiuig na place tlîirty miles nortis of ;Valu-aia- . is Muuv Pro-t-or. da-ngh- ter oh t-lie iitîmutel '.giisl aslrononîm'r, IR. A. Pnecter, is aise erganimiag aux expedt ion fron tItis country t-o xiew thise clipse in Bîurgos, Spa-m. The -mmbers cf tise expu-dit-lens wil libe ma-aulx'amateurs, --mxe xxill ma-hea- i 'pcia-il-y cf tise pictîrcxslue j,tisyr than tic scentifie details cf tic pelinse. rltrest me frorn tise fraY. ' Minard's Liniment Cures Garget lu Cows True Cisristian Fa-Rh. _________ 1 have î~Iunîîiix-1 t-iuusmngiu at ali cf tîu'îsu-e FATALISM AND FEVER. rigiotns couil uu Ilaist ixruile cisuc, iitu, Welsh Custom Which Helps to Spmead ou V01u1; illidl 1 mtîui tuuuu-l. iuut u fr il. D sa 'lefeliî mu(hnslix tulatIi uust h IDieae 11iu', leuisusei il1)0t, 11'0r1t1it vrughut relit An epîdeniiof scariet fexem xx'-hi3 x-iiit hiG-1 id ui ' xthi theuu' i t tlen ragming a-t Goginan. îuem' r Aburystwyth, Al-~' ite1uimî- -and iml i um tt unumuix Iiuulpiue r. Wa.hu',u, oxueS issucli tuf il-svirulence ho tic q -irusi l~iell . h uu' mlisxiiiut iit- I mtcma l it11- pirit sîf fat-ai-m m xî u-hh rx-ais aniso'n- unt u iuf tii ;11u1tirut lîmug iuhI'i i - tsi' '<Vos-lu. i-mu.At-huit- xli 1I u't îii-t (tri-dia-tu 'flicpeoplle belleme that if îhîu-ya-me i ai te hu-ilîuuui, 1îts« ci ui t lu-'m1el ateA t--o catel lte ever rue precutuas horliltluit 1utS 111svgu1imu, ini li" mihsuutue wiil sa-ie t-hem frein it, and t-la-t on t-le of uttC liglut . nit mi ai ttt tu -iill (()1 oliser ha-ad, th1ev ca-n cerise Is conta-ct mffu mmiiIlieusioni'. Im i rime- 1i lustu l.il--it- with mmpunity if it- is not. t-uir (at-e t-o le itifecteul. Troubles Ordered by GeA. j This 8pirit- cf fat-aiismn, sa-ys tic Loni- 'l'ie vor o (;)(itechv,; iqflit or oni Expresst, is slxoxn by t-le Weishi cîîs- 'flc xuîul niCou tua--lus i-mt-la- intr otî f holding "xx'inaait" or prayer- truuuiuu'. Ne uitu'uuuîclu lumnce.I hm metings a-t-the hoîsse ofea dead pcrsoa. lix~~~~~~ ~~~~ c-TiEheul'îi ui .5i l< ixmiig 'lcfriends of the dca-A crow-d unto tIlie ,lo-m- isd i l ., geid îu's it & Nuo frit - lii'meSbouse, a-nul romain for ais heur or txx'c e- tot slit mus wluulyecmi froua d-gardiess of t-le *ca-ise cf Aati. treý su ussuffr thuit iaitmm,'svr udit- a .sA At t--le endofeh tle service t-iey ma-rel hum ete fr urseives. Notr, if t-hem' ivere trn procession round thie coffints t ta-Ne a- ciîcose a-st- loek. net for 'o<murfinxaugcl d, i Gmill utNchoosu Ait-hougis ministers cf religion anA Lieu forus.-I1-ritA nA 'meîiyer. inaembers of public bodies have ut-tu-ru-A (JLIPPED.veiemmext protests, t-lia cust-om of tise "wy.noS&u" continues t-e fiourisli, a-ad A wuomnan risoh is jealous le alm-osI a-s i more tihan one- instance il ha-slieu-a exaspu-ratilg a-s a lmais wlîo isan't-. çM'ved te be dircctly respoasible for t-lie Thflifcow xxhe pinys poker shotud ipread of tthe infection. bau suppiitd xvit-htthu- èrureppr calling i -R al ca-î'ds. ~ Robiert 110e. thse tamouls buiider of printing The girl wit-istise twin lire-hem 18 ui, presses. isabs for bis favorite maxim -aainst it when it. cornes t-o concealing It la botter te get tehind a thlag and push ag 1tatter than ta get la front of it and drag hier uige. m.-"tter 'ou. la et-ber words. ILt latise work. mnwho ha-s been married six sttb a.tisat siuouid attract- attenion.' ma-n rbjU expresion of reserve heips e explain -me t m na-y st-h seek the seventh hea-ven wby It la that Mr. Ho@ In noyer Int-erviewed of- la the neWepaDCrs. He bas an air or cie- s oiure, but works as bard as an>' of "Ilf ail women are alike." agkg the cne lye. thomougly ndr>'ni eynical bachelor, why shonild a ma-n mquy dotail of bis vant busines. commit b1gamY V" Ltartcd tlue ss~cimnttc ru-arIng cf two KinAs cf spiders cf tîscir xcli, a-nd tise Bard cf I'made Ioiirn,'l st-a-tu-s t-lata- spider xxcb factory i-' noxx in sueees.fdui juperation . t'ulasMmuin, nr mî.ris. xviere relies are made cf spider m-eh iistcuimiemifor blmllons for thue i-rencb uinilitmirv ai'runautic section. Tîme idra-ru- arruang-minl grouups of txvelve rubove a reci, uioî xvliiclx tic tisea-As ire -mot:nd. ti,1-luvno ieans ev ork for t.ic spiders. for t1icy are isot.ruluas- -ml tint il tlmcv have fuiiruýid f rom t-bity y-' ardls te fummir v' uie mards cf tliru'am eau-i. 'f'lue uveli imwusuu andl Limas fred cf cuter reddhulih and stieky -o0Ve.r. Eigliil cf te uvaslumA t-ieads are t1'-n tmiNets toget lier ,and cf thisiatiser stron"' -man i emruli are xii a t-mih mm stronger undniitchi iigiutcm'Lha-n comAs of SilN cf t-lue sa-isle thiekiîus. Fmirviile, seput. 30, 1902. C. C. IiICHI.\ttS & (0. Pear Sis-\ xiý-lu te inforiin von) tliatxv we onissi'ervoie IN iS i MLNT a xcv sujermurarticle, aami ýwc uise it as a- ir- mu-lil-f for sore throat anad cliest. Wh-itn h t-Il vmitu I xvouix iont le %itliouît il if tio 1rice Nvas one- dci- lum a iottil, h1mea-n it - leurstru. CHA.S. 1-. IIION. SETTLERS' LOW RATES WEST. V-ia- timu chiu-mugo miiiNurtluest-emn Erm, e-er-" dam huînti ?ii(itL htolu ' 1m-)htl1u, 1905, suttl('rs un' xi iN s-emuIxII-cRîsstce etsi a-t -cmv lummir.mtmusfrums imicago 10 poinît-, in CUmah.Sîuulmu i Nuxadmu, Ida- lie, hret-'îun, \m-.mrgtmmImitunim, isso t-e Victouria, \accux ir. Noex Viestîsuma- ster, Rossmmnd a-nd othter pocints in tAie Koctcnuuv d-tmet. Cern espondi'ngly (-)Nv ates froinu llpeint-s la Canada. rt for full parti*cuia-rs a-nul folders to B. il. BennttI.Generat Agent, 2 l-Nst- 1iag stru-et, 'Toronto, tint. REMARKAtBLIEPROORESS. The Manufacturers' Life Insurance Co. During n904 Sum-passed All t-s Previous Records. ThlicManuifacLurer,; 111e iisuratce Co, x-ixicli pubtisites ia audhier lplace, n titis îs,.uic uxmepur t oluitis pmuss îuinig 1904. i'crt-ainsly gix es evuicusi'iof a v.er,' ,hca-itlîy Avehopmenut. Txvo cm tirce points whuieii emphasize thus la-t, sucis azs tise snxaliness cf lt-s Dcath Chouims, t-lic Acru-a-ccf ils Exuenm-e IL.tios, a-ad t-le licrease ia lt-s Surpluns te Po(liex' Hoiders, a-ru- sucî a-s t-o rueont' mnîai i stiongiy t-c probable lasurei. T'he report t-bis yea-r maNus mîsei cf t-le laut liattitis is t-hic close cf tise Lenth yeam under tie present manage- ment. Looking a-ttic fig-ures given for the tu-a vu-amsxve get sumi' conceptions cf t-le wonderfuul gmowtix lieiag, ma-de la our count-rv, xu *t-s linan-mai cor- porations ca-n a-Avance att-le ma-tu-tise la-nufa-turers Lifu- hua-,dccc. An la- ereasu- lnton m-cars cf$5,261,023 la assets is cerlaiisly noemua-n a-ccoinxplisb- mnîstt. Wu- ienutily eoagmratmlatc thli Muntfactutiers hile on sucli amtnunîifi- cenit st-atu-tent. Making Preper Ahhewances. (Clu-velta-ad Plain Dea-ler.) Ftr 1ryi5gha-vu' 3-you g-g-got a c-c-couple et houri te s-s-spamu, T-t-tisoep- bon? Thompmon-Wh>-, I don't know-what de -moc want? Sîsirncrly-I'd 1-1-like a t-l-ten-s-s-n- ut(- l-talk wutis you. **.: Bp...... e. .e*:esecs; ---~-.-.-------------~---------------- * QUEBEC CABMEN. sample free. 91 Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on die mwrap- Per of every bott.e of Emnulsion you buy. Scott & Bowne Chemists ~ Toronto, Ont. soc. and $1;Ii drugg is Ruling the Weather. In thie vixiexarol region «of France camion is iusd tu Iroteut the vin aaiifst hall. and l tie x iîe-'çrowr.3 ecc sider t1 l.3 i ethb ni a s101 ed~ilce Many tbiouiailo_1 c f tlie-ze are ri( iii use in 1 irl>, Ijthe lc u ofidence the viegu i i t1i>-r'-ýults obtait: is al1uiost îînbeîîîll A uni eetýir arce behd for i1t e Ie-i xrpe ouicf ceiiug thb e l (.ui ta effîe-1aCv Uic-e a an n- aiii i he.e per t-ýslia beeii of xsue'.i a iiui o>tiat, frm îl .i to tinie, the iui:i:lr f noi auiinilias be iucrc.asu'd, and *i the niiI ,îlf iii i plan lh-s g.iiued 'i l-' it, unaiui açiproval ui thle \Ille rj(iu\tq*,, lubel tleir belief t1at. t lie t iriii- oitf.a. gmtn fore a cîniai 4e1u. usiî te clouls anid x.ar off tbe daiiiage m'a. tme bail doecs te the \vines3 and fruit. it liaýs long buon a belief amoent, CouîILnt.r pu h f Frmnce t1at a co motion in 1-Ac mtiniospliere wuld d pate al c -rianud for înanv -cr ;ra7ýctiec w.Vi kptup 01rugn beils cf ailltlipe r-l î\iîe t- t ue alluro (if a storlîl . Althî- ili- ditf*nirtIr, ~4tdfVt>r ini ts î-xlt- dii slbakle tiîcir falit!i m]rible tlieor v',; -,ve, - - ;tilllfii ii Ii t bei r iaf t liat.,1 t1iirehbennu c)rîtîgîuig c(f blwl.s. tllie A. &-e woulîl liav la-en great cm. bruni thse Tr4il c)f thie Traveller. M 1-Four-'ir: News for Fba-y Some Long Walks. utuit 1mev lia-A ,îun- ha a-eN arumitînl ue a ilitx t x'fi c tixuuu-and aiinl' theBtit t ylureP rmivoa-t1isa ntb lias a-eeuinnspi1,11icxi t-lis fba- witiolut real- meus andîun n ni"-'uutmr a 1atd t-hcme -mums a p 1u-tiiinu xx li, -mmli-n hlIi' mmiretire'l f rolls mclimu i r mmi'.lmumicmix>'cmion hiis roumndt m; dsa (uuomf 44o1.0100) amihe..'lis onmg ramnp o-cuim'ld ffy gi as Aitl hur 1îuust u.an. iii Scetimmnd. xlm e tiredl mftî'r t lirit- fxur 'ars of lot-tu-r r 112,h1 1 'î -cilh10,000 miles on f oot. l1s-i rieadu 1iru-scuxted hutîs 'uiti a lua-nusouute suai cf unenîcy anA the stili more a-1propriate gift cf a-n ca-vN chair. St li antothuer po-t inamîu, xv i haml transpe d the ronds oh Yorkslu ire fou' more tuan a quarter mif a -i'uiry. cornpli'ted1 a jaunt f 125.000 aillem Aîîring tisa-t t-me. It is asîeaiulincag w-a-t, distances emanlie covemed l iv isu-axx-uuare by ne mca-ns pedlustria-ts a inthe orminmmrv exercicu- cf tîteir ca-iiings. 'f'lie orga-nist oh a ciurci in rural Euîgiansd xii(lieda 'ifeix'vears a-go liaAwalkcil 50,000 ailes uîsemel te play bis ergaux very Suinuay. For fifty- une m-cars ri l ad '<bac lu is Sabbat-h t-mp. fmilitig unix' cnce t-o put la an appeirmnsce, maid nu-ver once beinghla-te. Tise Smallest Camnera. Tîte samaltu-sI prai'tical piiotogmapli camnera vutnmadeu, minA jnst put uîpom t-le nmarket, is t-le size cf a man's xxatcuî. Il lias t-le sua- and appoamance of a - 'uat-cis, tee. Th-u lensu- is la tic st-cm, se phaccd a-s te give a foenîs cf about tîve inchtus. 'flicfilins arc la t-ebe lcAx o)f the watcis case. 'Plie plîctograpi1:iS a-liut one incli by t-lrcu-mîuartcms cf a-a inchinlasizu-. ý, IsA HMtfBUNE c. P:R. witli Dodd's Kidney Pilis. They Brouglit Baek Mis Strengtis Wier Hie Couid Neitiser Ru-st nom Sleep. taN a - ' i -m>i, d tui i b c u>, tit-Ya lemuîquI uf,.muti' a botse x (k. lue Nihel-lu and tue iri cta-rsaet isatfamoirl rud. ud anlv .sfoieuug beTed x-.mle hmuuukthexrui jfrom six toe cumlit xctxvueuty or tl;irt i fe'- in hbu-ti -ItS surmuce 15 iuitul -%Ir. Beau Bfafîorty, ledl' cii Nîuîvîu C. P. R. englacer, xxiios.-e ihoume is a-t 175 Ma-pie street-, i o'ne ti.pg îmil wlso sxvea.rs by 1Dodus Kilîicy lii. 'JAi.urg heurs on thl ii tîiui anA lie- aienta-tst-ma-li hmîîleedcvii i iiv conîstitu- tion," Mm. taflurty suxys. 'Mv bac,- gavxe outnI nt irely. 'ferri bIc -,harp, cul- tiung haas hcx 'honu- utumut lui-ntili I lult 1 wtas bi-irgs1IcA a-w-a-y îecertea-i. 1 xxoxid erne lut tireui te i-at ifrontau il. 1ilysoie mesiru' wtuilA bu- teget ru-st a-uà sAiroep, anAdttev wcme tic very thî1ings Ic1 ci ldnul get. hixalyIN lia-A t-o ta-voff rork. "'fîen 1 started t-o ta-Ne l)odd&s l'iu- au-v Iitls, andtAt-le fir5mtduighît a-lt-orus- iuig tixeni I siepl ,iîsuliy. Iii three Aa-vs I t-imex a-wav'lie bu-lt- Ihave uvoma for yea-rs. Dodd's KiAney Pilus cîtred ine." if a-ni tise worid were bru-ad a-ad And su-a-s veruima-de le drink, This uxci'id wcutd bu- a sandwich A goomi o-m(l. toc, 1I îiiek. tien; Anid a-tti. ail s w orli -mmi ee Tiend hvea iii lu-ht 10 mncis And atg i-ce iheu-su-ri00,a-tsaI.n And If tise suis wu-me ma-de et bru-ad Iguets we'd a-Il geLha-t. trse L.ever's Driy %,ioa-p (a- powdem) te sash iwooleas anad annels,-you'Il liku- From Tmee t-o Newspaper. (Editor and Publisiser.) A Landais writ-r sayst tia-t a Germa-n paper manufacturer a-t Esteathal bas ititt ma-de aun expenient t-Q su-s iscwrapidl>' ht hi possible te transfoiesa- Ires mb oa ncwspaper. This ee trees in lise reigubhoau) utils famtry werl eut downa a- 7.ý5 intah-e meratng. Tise>' weu- lnstantiy barked a-ad pulped and tise f!r.,u raIl of paper was ru-ady a-t 9.34. It was ltte. tnt- aan automobile tisa-t sîood waling naf coaveyed ta tise machine-rOOn ofthtie nea-resm dali>' paper. Tise pa-per being airea-dy set. tise prittng began a-t once. and b>' 10 o'cloî'k precieel> tise Journal was on sa-le la tii streets. Tise entîre pmocess ofet ransformsa-tion na-d laken entactly two heurs a-ad t-wenty- fîve minutes. Tise strike of Chica-go. Ill.. union machin- los, whicis went hale effect Ma-y 24tis la-st bas been expenaive to tisa-t organiza-ti. Out ef a- total expenddture of $161.009, durtng 130' $166,000 was used tn supportlag strîkos. Theu stie was caused b>'t-be refusai et tise ena ployers te lacrease t-he minimum scale wagu froni 28 and 30 10 3211j and 3:51 cents min t s e 2 anAs cf bird-;. IlIu'îlimiumanel, if sitel cumn be caliemid x.iîusfrnîmi ommecsidet thie otlu<r.tutuimlis uotcms umupletelv %vx-it u-v-rx- floode. lh-immm' cviii thle bu-st piloI rîuuî iirugnuî lx eor tlii mm-i'tnies a (lit. It . isof euuurse aiumx.llletiiprme> Ia-h ruigIt. andtiticil ul:1 voyxi\age eumnlc- a-nu e'nd xherxu tmrkite:s uhappmons1 oxertuuke ue. 'l'liehucits niose i. sinsmy ni npluuuriîp on theii' mik, t Ixxînen lh' outt andîmldru m' x.aIke, Imu w liîlute nsum faist, a-nul thume \cmmuarc'foum tue nigl A vcry' sinuutlu-andeffect iveisutiti xvitliuut art-. osten'tion c and reqinii verv lit-tic N-ncxviemig cf iiathicuiatic It lias also t-be a-vantage cf va-riet -Scîusctiirues cime firtîs u-e'sself alone b iteathlxt-le \wm-idn'l il lgypti au nie( liglstiag up t-li river, t-le distant clif a-rudlthe sutî'ut , î'îî i1 lauini. tir çurmm one st-ohps ca-r som-e ut-le native villa, la xxiieh case t-le hauuk is lineA xv mih'nL , trjîius Ilig urvs. wluuu rcieif hoxîrs xxrmihpedit i eir wiite edot-i cm crings. ()ime -wchum1 up lieside a- ]one brick kila. Tic siglit 'iNiva- awiurd oc Th lie d fiame cf tic fuma-ce, fed xx- sugar cane, ca-st intermittent flashes iight ml-o t-le niglit, la anA eut cf xvi iixuiluua' ixms t hue cI -miss tar-lit si cf Egp..liiO ClarNke Robiusea jMinzirds Lin ment Cures Distemper. J Mam ied Another Man. S omue -ears nec tllue liiuuis5of bu- ing for 1uursons eCIvd tlm Smvigs i3n of Baltimocre Nva-s lut-mat-u- anA t-li onu-umihe a iîliiit if iie'li ilupusit s vu-ry largo. -Now, It i.; salît. tiiey hlu liei se mmmiiicî'îllixtii finmming uuft pu-rscits catiticd te t-heini ia-t the t cu.uint cf sli C ti('Ilits ilstheu'Sam-r %Batik cf Baltiuiru' is.,itil-abcut l a(000. WHEN A WOMAN RUNS -r Skirts Are li the Way and Influl- ence Her Gaît. Profeser Masen, of Washington, de- ires thiat xxomen is not built fer rua- ag. a-ddii.g that -'she ma-y walk like goddess, but suie runs like a hen." icre is geod rea son fer t-li out-spoken -ofessor Mason's remark, as ceaitem- -rary observation discioses, says lhe o'tiand, Oregonian, but one cannet istiy attribute it te any more deep- a-ted rea-son tisa-n skirts. Dia-na, who luid ha-rdiy 'give unto the flying hart -a-ce t-olireatlîe, isex short se even,"p 'as net encunîbered xith flapping petti- ats, nor did Atalanta outdistance lier .nting-if pan ti ess-suitors under tise and-ica-p cf ex-en a rainy'day skirt. Nor, magazine illustrations are t-o be lie- 'x'ed, do tise yeung Ama-zens ;of the rIs' colieges ruan 100 yards la eleven econds or therenlicuts lu tise garli they car at a dance. The "winning vxe, eserving note in tise tempestueus pet- icat," hlas ncthing te do wltli winning 'eot races, and Professer Mason sisould ttribuîte momcn's ýalleged) isealike ait to thle fasision of clethes rat-ler ian te t-le fashica cf lier making. A Boy on a Man's Errand. T'he manufacturer 'uvlose preduct5 are Îtriliuted te censtumers t-hrougl tison- ands of small retailers and Nvho depencis ipn t-hein te acquaint tic public with lie merits cf uhis goods is ma-king tic Id mistake cf sending a boy on a man's ,rra-nd. Tise iit.tle feiicws ca-n a-t best tmnula-te tIhe demanci cacis in bis exvn )articular nei ghliorhood, wluile tise ma- facturer, lix judicieus newspaper a- -ertising,cati eduicate a xviohe nation minsist upon lua-ving lhis specia-Ities. l"ain as tLie proposition is, tisere are toc tan m sanufactuirers xvho do net seecm '0 se that by lîelping t-lieireta-ilers t-ley c-ulA be hefping thectrselves. Spider Culture. Co*nsumption <jThere is no specific for consumiption. Fresh air, ex- ercise, nourishing food- and Scott's Emulsion will corne pretty near curing it, if there is anything to buiki on. lVll- lions of people throughout the world are living and in good heakth on one lung. Ç Frorn tune immernorial the doctors prescribed co liver oil for consumption. 0f course the patient could flot take it in its old forrn, hence it did very littie good. >Tbey can take SCOTT'S EMULSION and tolerate it for a long tirne. There is no o11, fot excepting butter, so easily digested and absorbed by the systern as cod tiver oit in t.he form of Scott's Emulsion, and that is the reason it is SQ jhelpful in consumption where lits use must be continuous. ApîîlY ir s ie jstockasndeus wcnt sropti er SIro ycur ar topngisaIaide. atnd . w a tu-w passes on thse fimiimi:e sidaetoftise anik -trop anad ycu wl have a !irst-rtas;s edge on ttI ' be,!tne-mer Look lise trouble to get ua ,î LSscuiuniific expIa-nation oethe"virumes cf leil xvt1txu eod ta tisatreuspu-ct.'"-i t'OC a nimber cf siî-lsdhc;osits, Cs noi- Iuint- ing for t-lic eirs of George IL. Richard- son, te ixitse,-cru-mit a-bout $601) is on deposit ia tlîe Savings Bank of Bauti. more. Thie informat-ion citaincA by Mr. Tyson is te t-le effeet- t-la-t Mm. Richardl- son lica-ae caga-ged te marry a- girl ln t-lis city a-nd weat te t-lue gelA fields iii Ca-ilfena-t-o make a fortune for hiin- su-tf a-ad lis prospective 'uxife.- When lba returned t-o t-lis city aftur an absence cf about three ycams lie found tisa-thIle girl who had eagaged te marry buhîi 1.d mnrried a-net-hermamn. Then Mm. Ricis- ardson disappeared anA nothing le knovn of wlaat became cf him.-Baitiniure ,,un. from the outsiýde '- ou inust cure it through the blood. Consumpîti1101 The LI.. Cure on. is the only remedy that will do tlia. It gets rig4it to the root of the trouble. It is guaranteed to cure. Prices: S. C. WILLLA & CO. 312 25c. SOc-. $I.LeRoy. N.Y.. Toronto. Can. WVhen -the office seeks thse m&n ft la a good bit like a game of old-fashioflb& blind man'* bull. Covered Sleighs for Invalid&inh Stormy 1 Weather. The cabman of Quebec city is known at ail seasons as a "carter," but in win- ter he drives a low-set "cariole" with a fur. robe hung over tiTe back seat, al- most touching the snowv behind. lie opens -thse side door of his sleigrh, and tcks in hs passengers, first wit.h a Snlgt op wiI otnjr blanket, then a f ur rugy, and plants hin- yu lneso adnten self on the llic, narrew seat in front. wl aete ot ht n Ci"d in his big ceon coat, he makes aflev fine shieid from thse wind in that direc -__________________ tion, whie the higli back of the cariole, Sad Resuit of Indulgence in Jimson fopping our heads, proteets us fremn thé Weed. rear. A covered slcigli is preferable to A Mrs. Marshsall, of this city, wili be a thseoenoesfr naid i toc littie more careful in the future as to weateror or prtyapes inêveinghow she takes old women's prescriptions. wcthrorfr ary-oesinCvnDl She had a cold, and Bill Smith's wif e- dress, but none would choose it for a everybody knows Bill Smith-"fixd" up pleasure drive. Thse motion makes some some whiskey and horeisound and gaýve people scsik, and to e bouned up and her a full dose one day last week. A down the cahots, slowed around the cor- very good remedy, perhaps, if old lady ners, and to be apparently on tie verge Smith had not mistaken jimsn weed of upsetting every minute without being for horeound. As it is, Mrs. Marshallils able to sec where one is ging, are not very sick, and for hours after she drank enjoyabe sensations. The drive up the whiskey, etc., it took the combined these steep icy slopes is fearsome enougli, efforts of three doctors t.o kccp her alive. even when one can sec what a grip the ",She is now like an owl," said the physi- sure footed Canadian pony has upon tie can who gave us the facts. "She can road as e tears up bill and down withî ony sec ln tie night." The jimson weed unbated speed. Horse and driver alike had the effect of enlargfing the pupil of know their business. W'e may shave the eyc until she cannot see a wink in brc.athlessly close to anotier carioe day time, but hr vision is good at night.i that cannot e helped where the strets -Mount. Airy News. are so narrox-but xx e -miii not collide, -- >-I nor wiil we upset on the car tracks Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc though we Ekim across thcm at a iively- rate and at any sort cf an anîgle. Some' When a Reindeer is Angry. times the carter stops off anti runs for W a xvle afte a ihu a bit, nct te light.en the load, but te Wc had t.sra'e]ehaifantuee- ay itheut warm himsclf. Most cf tbemi are Frenchsaysresnih1~adwr einn Canadians, but our man prcaims a te for-et our fears at startirug ut, whn different nationality by is f irst remark. we sped îserrily down a uountain side, "An ngisb ldy ital et todaysinging and lholloeintr at tbe top of otîr said se xvas eharuned \vîd our white voee, aThd rangslidopa gien ul stîîcks xvorrId. Shuire a' if he'ul le drivin' ter, si pdlaortrt, roun init 0 lng s Ihav sle'dgetanA we sprair to our feet to sink waist ler f111 f it." r deep in tie mdrifts tlat lai entrapped us From the middle cf N,ýoveumiber till tbe Lx cyiuncxmiient of our bodiu4-s sank middle cf April deos inuiced mnake rathic us decuer iin tlic sourifts, and the in- a lcngtby slei-1i:ridcv. Pfic latter part furiated riuer iîii theniselves r-lie .heralc a etîurht un tic' hanukeA 11p)suîex, alnsosùtot cf it i.; disasal eIog,zh li tiiirhthexii c ure- upa s.an or loloxs betxeen tice dri fts, lave le- t e ril n ý p l us a d conie ssli pols.an Ii'e -rtxvbil xx utildlliaxe lx e i-;tae u:th bat for solid cotutrv roatuI, th1sic-iv a) befietimultmf iiI xhscn faNs hbave raisexi abuve t.hIcle vel uf ti t i i l tie-f-r , r-ihiiîi.ZI cular-iianA, hst fences, are tiiiemllite sleuîgbs cf île- ~ti'uetiieljuk ulssrn spcn,appareixtîx- bett.oinlcWs- Gencral trins.br ili iiîîî uýurin ver eur beads car v pri - vîi -nd siienîders and piimumed is omit cf sigb: ]y, for about a wen vil prllain ntesný,.C teair isbalnyanAdani tii in tueannothe the b,;a tuiv redin slik, -of W c li:ard tue beeofs cof Uncle lien beat- cr w a e fliig < vclea a e rc t in cr on thîe pîl; si,'.( as lie paw-ed uî t be first -lar spot f ark. uanip earth ' tîtee i neLse xvieei~i~uerslcglîtv'the' saexxiii is cffi)rt'r taget at us. an(] in thec region roiu ulund . la texva i if xvc liait nut lipld to thîe rapis and liai Z:is diffrerus The tav gives; oruers tîat nt kept te 1xîk ov>r tu lie ,vould av- hiticledes ut- laxc uP pveenstoed cA tlao tbe air xxitb one sxx-ee -leoeul Mit cftîîcir i-the veets li o f ]lis items and xemlist ilhave hli a, thpe fir t ef Apri-jr inxz re-bts ils bout witli uî-z, in wuli e wxoxesîmotul- 1 lute frisitmg of Api s ri0il. î ~~ hiaxe bu-en ielpleiCs aind euiiipletclv at 1tii ls]le î-'lîîî-ll ' uri tiii rv - ec bx-hm î uavr-tiue a ja mu cx . it-Isiibîirlgond For tlie fir-zttilit e b-elail occasion t( aux- itesfru1intity olixetu lîmugearund 0 V ies îIeq ('I1ý ia e o r - We sme:mt an exlu lu- haf euuur u ndei of wlireis te ru iiers, cur -e (1Vu1--:>. mît 1lie SCor. Nxxyork 1Aci u r ~.rattiîg uNe blaion Itue tîuzuto -mri re - anlienute mumtiifcetuoti-mt mms Pianting and l-arvesting. iil b uc. fr ueimuvluewiA xin omi - - >ùî~ upIl u -ii mmnw Iii tluciu r tv t- e' a tt i c1 fruit si ;,on a- flice Iof ulari mlu t i ' te txm i riî i-rl-ic li ie Aile hit 'o,0 uîi1 ii-u ii mui e-mI. it txes utm i 1t.îme iiiimi.mmx 0 Is ilîu s t b c 1 u 1 î i e i m f i. ' s m )Il uii a u i t -i t Iin dl e l ct l i l xi > k te i e m uiiiI - iii' -iîcrc it xxilgut p1xu-utv cf the lII1-m'1liIIe - t.Nîiu: . th 'ilean ie t ccc l m vis al t inar d's Lin ;mr e t Cures Diphtheria. ici the xu-ar roiiid,. Tlivri-; i- ru uire pro- 0s0 ductix c grinul four uis kini cof azricui-Botn o h il the t tire tilai thîee (olmii' cf a geemihlies otn nti ie ISSUJE N 0. 89 1905. 3Mm.Whwlow'u 'ootbInx $ru,, .4biadi always bo nued for Childr*sn 'ieptinwi. le, sootha the chfld, mofteiix th,- juif.en Crem 'wlle eollc and la tho bout romedv tor lI&Irrtb'e'. MISCELLANEOUS. LADES-WH ENJ NNEED. SENL> fa!itng remedy; relief quick onrl ,aeA. Dept. 100. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee. Wis. IWOULD LIKE EVERY 'WOMAN TO write for our spring styles and samplef of our $4.50 to $12 suits, ln cloth. silk and lustre; also raincoats, skirts and waists-. Write me to-day. Manager. Southcott Suit Co. DeDt. 11, London, Ont. D. H. B3ASTE DO & C0. 77 King Street East. - Toronto 35 years i the fui-.trado. FUR1 MANUi,'Ac i un. Ri $40,000 worth of Fine Furs, clearing 5* ,lowest prices ln Canada. Send for catalogue. RAW FURS. We are paying hlghest NeW York prices. Send for price liat. Something Happened. As littie Jim vas groing to bed, crawling under the coverlet, his mother asked him if he had flot forgyotten some- tliing. "INope," he answered. "Didn't you forget to say your pray- crs 7" "Nope, 1 didn't sav 'crulast niglit, an' nothin' didn't happen to me. I ain't goin' to say 'em, to-night neither, an' if nothin' doesn't happen to me to-night, I ain't neyergemn' te say 'cm." But lie did; somnething happened.- Chicage Record-Ilcrald. IJAN iU4Ç.JA dIT %nrrTr iI1mSIilorp. INIMJRAIED FIBRE WARE Thom n hnothing ita 1h. ksl pPr@BhiD< 1h. qu.aily of mm c tbb is . at" DDYS Ma l m th$ bothm oeto«Ob pail m dtb o-) 5Sportsmen's Show ha New York city, a-nd rthe otier of a travelling nature. Thse cexhsibitsxviiili e somewmlîat similar in letis instances. Thîey xviii consist cf tlarge photogTa-pis ideumîclea witli these shiown a-t t-le WorAh's Fa-ir la-st year, rep- resenting, seî'nes a-long tise une cf tse ma-îlxay, in t-le huaunts ohftIse summer stourist, and -xvere tise hiitîsman fîndi i lis paraAise. Tîsire wvil ah-mo lie movin? d pictures ilinstrative cf Canadian lif e, raiso unotînted fislu anud gane. 'fli Sports' me n's Show opens la?Madison Suaxe -Garchens, on Februmarv 21st. a-ad uili hast for t.xvo -ee anA it is expected tsat iL50.000 people xviii attend. Fer tise pur- ýt pose cf its exliiluit, t-hueG. T. R. bas se- cured .500 square feet of fleeor space, a-ad - 1.500 square feu-t cf wail spa-ce, setisa-t pi the pictures nia lue su-ca te the best d amivantage. 'ie trave-lling hiielmuire exhihit d w-ihl leave Detruit e;îrlv lhiuareli. a-ad ýe w ,iil open at-t ?iiix-aiukee on the 20î-li cf ýp t-ha-t niontbj. Suibsequioi'.ly-i exiibits xxill il lic ma-de la ail thie lrimialeties cf tise 11 foiloxvinz States Ws:nla Illinois, s Iuîxa, Nelirask-.t, -'iIissxiri, Kantsas. Ar- kmmuszas, WVest Virgniu. a-ad Peannsyl- O -ania. This vigeruu.; policv cf a-dver- i- ing mu-ans a, great Aceal tn Canada la r attrmmcting sumnaer vîsît-urs te lier ceux- r ilmes. A A Nortsemn Venice. a IlohA eity of (_Aiemit.i"ium is built g n otbtmentx'--ix mitsP.iheiare con- nu-tdA iith cie anmmt1li(er by eight ' blrlîlges. Tluree Iuundred streets and tiiirt. ptuuliesi1uares are centaincd un ktlieýe ishands. G(Huctt P fatîneus liecause IS luirles V. anmd Joua of ujauuit were bora tîmere. It uias been the .cene cf unane trea-ties, insîurrections ainAru-volts, an-I itx-t there time treatv xvas made tu-r- uinmat.lng tAie iar cf I1S12 lietween tic United States and EnglaunA. t-hWOULD PROVE A HINDRANCE TO FARM IMPROVEMENT. lie Jitlue efforts of certain parties are r-M'_ cm-ftl tlie famamers eh Canada -viii mie liavote face a very uî ujust and bar- ,il- lenslei-)e tax. A niuvonmient. is on foot id tmu havc ee ct vire, xll- lias fer a rst 1 îuuabc'r eh vears bcen admnitted t-o 'r. j1 t c ounrtry duty frceeput on tie Anti- :îg Cr ibe1'1.4-. Tise grades soughîit te be 7t ,iîffectcdl arc gaix'anized iren or steel -r-%vire N-,ýo. 9, 12 a-ad 13. I>macicultl none ef ..tdîcx.e are mxade in Canada, amA since i5 mnulonuuuîu qîranlities ýami'tu-ted ca-ci year it uni rcpi.ieing thec primtitive railst-rue- tmi tnurcs. tîi encimîsingý prairie farms, tise tii itujuiry lta-t a Auîy Nvetild imspose upon tmt li'mrurai coxiniunitv coulA net lic read- î ilv e-I iniated. ici ,- > u"lthe admission of -mxire mIinty free, luiCauami~uss have enj>mved Ilie lienefits te- ()f ci.umai fene'ng cf a vert' desirahle Pl"' kiai. 'flis lias flot only'v vatly les- a 1 îîrcoved lUicappearance andl va-lue cf km iiiinmremN fof arrt ieusu;.but IL lias - m111 imuuscno;elv tu te c>mmforts of mmi. xviitcr traxelltg'over roadi tua-t wC're . mg fcumnuîcriv very cuIten itu1a.ssatile on ac- esy. - eutiit o f snoxv llekades. To puilt a - i-lic-k tîpea this sert oh mmprovement 001' 1uv a tax tuat couxid xverk eniy iusjury ii t1 tlie rural population Nvitliolit bu-ne- fit ti a-ny otiseraciasm of IL'e people a -p -x'uml le indeeca scrieu" mtimtter. Be- ige, sides workiuîg an injîîry 10 tise farmer, t 'Aiefence ma-nufactiimitig iu try xxouic 10%, 1lic d.moraliz-d. Io ii(re'.sse tic cost of lev vire, bots fence pro(iuictie-n a-ni con- ,n.suîuîspticn xvould bu- reuluiccd, uane farmer2 i cx\-crv\vhcre tliroinuchlotittCdauimumxecildbu, c f liltîmîcred ln a -iug inssjîovenients upon icis 'eir fa-rns. mkx LeadPp for t-le Razor. 1 1'L'e1 d Pip ipiep orr-o ia i s i i 1 1 9l-e