r "MIl n'glt-ttîuît ii just 'ylat I x"i mt Yco te t&o. But i1i0-tV go ix-i, Iteasr'f-l xvà nîît te huezi r more ablou t tlscsr xx.iui4il, tit'lt nise ani l thui Lo.o,u4rqrî'rtr,-sa.' i Mr. tt'axer, ~t tlung baick l inriticair. .. W'11,tl înroi, flot muchu umore teIh, ou ty t tt N xxi t iii' licouse- koeetr pounices-I ipou tcLv omg-niisis- imîg iiris-xvl.cse îuumie, bectit 'thea, t-3n nit Mary, but Jaetl hoseck of l.- iut'-eicjîg s'ti'oritl to c'enibli'ton tino gocîti w'orkt.u tIDr. FÎt'ln luud blue i dti. ig, andu i 'lii Ltuin'( unUt 1tit it t elu-"cl.TIlo ucîu su-bn-tler, i s 1 ,suLLl, tcîk lir'>'htmilai'xili liinr and bergami te quîts ;trii ]WIt' abliu t uur'r- sitf un ud itbuechi'li. Ja orw couitA c:- cutil t e't'iu ig i r tip le h lii tuient tîmut -sl-' rt'iilthetnt'gu'trttuil u îls-t'mi lîgt i 'lunsi tIir w-itt lutin- bm-uate fcîr'îîîtîîix-vlint ,Iiuni l le L) milier rec-lit, -utii' tIliat al xxuî s ut blunik uit quito rceuitl.y xx'h'u:gIiuxj:,s of '-niv cciulit îot tlîiuîk ciiuc-ccl mg uniattuîI- t stt-li uut tile-y bat-c bon eii îre tîvo or' thlr'ee titis t L st-, ek i r3 ie'uililg' t'e luisifr'wluv di-s ý,1xwt I1 ma-o lit--mm i lit of tcxxuî, cit' i'ettui-iLmig tiit ucr-uui. 1 liutI i1n'iuc-mi MaNîry or .1 tie, ta giett- deal, fir-i. anti latai, askiuîg lui-ýr if tu-c' cenîhlrr-umnni' uaiiy ttuîîug aboult Ilictig li i aru>oftîl îr-îîulicu' utor t>utt'y. t Imi-mu lii'nd i. îuî'x x':il t uIt lu1g ,11- inî Ite ui Inn buxa 1 , titulil k -ni - h (u--u Hictîr oui 'the cîbsiIl(niu:-'rkeepec rît ii a th , wiou tumt'I uaitt m w tn' ttlin'ig :Ihinit 'die b ix-<i iiusiýite-I rip- thîl i lIfiuu I L)r't i ulie 1 . 1-r,îk, 's-i muni - i- u t-uituui'xxunut ruitl-uut tiot 1 itxlut tIl1t tihii'v iiitn l-l unI -ut 1)nu 11 n hi .t"urc 'gllt '1n thîc iAuii.I (),tif tic'-' 1n"' ili 1110le {iXt !'ili -4urr I xx uIrIt -tlîý-uuî iiig.r xxcti m.utri Tr 'iiitiuitttu I l~. Jlc lyc- I. l l.tnt h %-ai" utîu a i nt<pt wi'u l-' x L'h t i j." x iir' ;I uri :ird t t rîi titce 11,1 s t a t ri'~-'t'Il <' u n 1It 1 el i' tN uts t ilut, ill u r ik in'i , xx'lu-nu li, i ruts un,-i a1i- lt' ifrum'îîmr--nl tliutl it1w - 1u101 fut ir' t lx n'tiguiiiig hbt- r t- le mu. -tii 1\r ' 11 îu't goîn-sd b itisi i i '141 riU )Llt lut . 1 , Z - ,piuiratliicehluie rie duil'ung ii. lirii- êiity. Ja1-u e aud I1xi tr' evin nl I si ' l i mm i i lsr' , i cti oli-I ut' --J i dît> tt 111b-, 1Aulerilt oix' I aîl ud',-ut ut gîltai x- it-illie ti-lihodtunud i:t's- tirAlice abtltimiJ animes tcd leg.i un id 4lfouqt, foi'Ilit' wat, baî',fr r-e ted acoud hi:l'-legiA.alld 1I tuis i iuuu the buty 'i -Il,-'uIl lî'ut'dfu!thbe uuytnn-ru- or-.n,.itttutm'utmlde iii t lui'cbuid and Ilus mn Mî"-' aîî uit pî'olcb i.IN, uicIld nut - ruig tinis andisitai tngi'tii'i'-'ai- 17u1119gtIli e goo! tlul(-In r*x'a ut i lia t.ilho iln e* uiîu 1iui-l c'uilitituuucidr'd xwuti l xIr:Itt li ii kNru, lîr duniîbtICcrs tueur tirt li t uciurti tlait li' xx ns tili tt> bai le ii'.ai-Ai tliai ;1 t tînt faut - iti-nutd i'îciur' u ux il tu' x rlli t'b timmucisifîîîuulthI'lh -ymudit-u o mi lIls' io îuucglitifuceitltrrruex.li I1lu inui t -;,)iii im lil n'jc eyr i xx hi t ;L î l-id li '1 -i'10 -s - ri -tliu-nul ia tt-re-îciîr thIe paIl:1 4)-f kisi- (~ .utpiug Jarill'ii', ur1 m'-nuunmmn-n cx flitaruig lima âi hi i uux liri-te coii finmisiail 't, 'silcà WfiHhi lieN' xau i-si(. Il(e -.crili'i'chcd lit> u 'itut ýLîii grnnuîp ci ruiRin xx hî'm", 'mu t t' u, i(ýt' u un tO imitili, I fr'iuidlisi~'. tt1l ilsiik t, un mmd ho - fiio c i ir"xtid it 'xxas Ici-r siuuyum'l xî'i ai, is d--', t siî-d iîî i etery -vay posslible. r He etanl:ti8 a tory craity, liririn . pl(d fl v, undiI Leamtiljý x'ti Ilat I li nonyer aécptes lis Initaution to vhsà t at the' Toî'î'crin" lieo bserved, witilb a somewbat de- jectesi air. -!-Oh, pray' do dot say thiat, whbnn yo1l' vlsIt 'las reeulted lu se miîcb good ; but for It Jamie might nc-- cm' baye been released," elclalmed Mr. Garrot, earliegtly. '*Wetl, Igunu rather lrritated to be.' under obligationo to ouch à villain te have *partaken o! thehoç,piteity of a Vman aganoet; wlrom I muest give evidence wbicb whl >ýdoubtlew» doom liiinîte ù convýicta f; ate,"'l'the laxvyerJ gravoly ucplie.d. "lI(do liot tlîînk yolu ahouldi expert- once thelie ligli tcsi txx'tge, xx- uclyoin ta-,ke iinto contsiuderau.iou (lie good yenl havie acliievosi by gotrîg id Wortbiiug 't'oxxei's.," thle ,y-clIIugiigniii -'urnnd, xvittî consisir'raLiri' spirit. 'Noxx, xxili y'ou Crruuur_' 'xx'tli une tue ske MeliuIg tolI "Y' w xiti 'aIl nîy te rt, e'sp-oed- cd Mrî. Si-ax or, "arud i ht-no xxilire jrust abocut touie'te otlirni tluis story, I1t tiinuk, be4fcn'eourrtiainl hix s.' Tliey ý-went o-r: t iu ursiatl Mr. Cu:'rril fin-st ksIlrîuu )inueiig tii' oh lirru;kc't" atuid rurs' Cutuing a ruai'uutgo', tluey x-wer drîx cii direct- iv to 'Lu îculit's Iii u, xx- lui-it tiy xx':-e firrt o îua t e cruouglh te finid ho tih uîî'uîî- lit-riscf tItue firî'îuîinîîthoîrr fficr'. rfiiex 'oîmcisiv ystatcd t tîtir luxuesand t.o li stuîud oid taxx-i'îs caiIdIlrmdty1 liaxr, liecîumucre tstautiosi uanddaIrIz- c.A if ain liiib.sliil lulcte-xpiuidrd ut t i' 'f:'t. 't"iiey Fsut itetuunlty speechi-i I(irisisandi ipvI'ltiriaiu x-liith.le usocr- ocr'is lot xxas in!til:det iei. Btt tl mr'x frruiîd tht-il' tujilrus 'tt iau-t, 1 ut uu tIlie fourînîr uî'u tulkî'd aid cîrui- pman I-'cd :telu; IIuelt11iiL 'tvias toc i ( laefor Mc. "r-axer te cat ChIl tho truain r' Iriciiut'ii-nit>tako( uîîuîl ti.it. xxui, t(Lirds tiînt it xxînlc i uuÇru'siur elu rriuig .aaiY :)tit uii',tlu t. t- Siii '. u'-tî i.lien i ltr tht:uu _1iuîuît, as tlxi t u - ieil cou r -hi r rîî1- i x î t nZIt Sur Ii t l-1,1uu onu'i r 1il M Fsr .W' 1liii -,tc '1h y ssSt.ong - l - T xxî'î -t ni., utiul r' n :il i lu u- î tunu .uru: clu' itr msa -r if i -'ti t. ncucî~iur il- ri oc ~ ' ti -i lct'r c t tîiiety , bJex mi\iieilx:y 1it Ilx Iý'-, t Ituuy 41.cli ilý . , 1l')1 M J.i' uir- i- tr ucu'iirjl uy hIIl. uts it r-y luurt tur ici , cci I l tt ic î m t u ill c'-t t: t i r I lI 111 % ' xv 11nu t 1)r- t - l'y 1i1ki' - y ji- I r' - xxlit-lu hi - i i't 1wil x I llei 1i- 1,t>txx u lu ami-i gir r o n Lii tjr m -tl' xx, ingri ciul' x t ;i1 t111- lrr'c)lnt'r' <i ni i-r-0 ýll1' P l ' 1 'r' 1 -s îLuit', x\V; I. s -tlu114 x l t (1 i-.np- - -> (i. r i, jti ý r ' 1y- - 11ucr, 'W . .( -xi'i ri u il: 1nt[i t nu t Yt - ur' .1 i' 1I - 1ic t. 1j uni lI 8.1sur Ixv 1ir' xx su >111 co t, n1 iim'inutt ilt >r ', xit i un r ut,1- hi"s ttuat lx1xi (I iru-', t )il:It'- fruL je I nî? i i h t Io It e lu '(iilllliittl xvx'.' ha it listuxrii'itt llt- 1h l.rx'-i--r,x'tnt unît aui itnit .icrîurî' lce iii ' t.-tî,S fou', h nys t uiIt l"i't t-ý),iH t: c i, uui, ési:pî nug lit-- lxxru-îî th ' nx s ir a.1 ýf funtituil u1ttv lu.rt'-u.'-snitig lii tii.tllit' -wtili xx'nuh ute gr'i'aLt rur-ux a foi, liii,' g-iý4 xi- t-' Mrc. St-uluI'lu uuuk- inn s4> t1w lc iixy 1 --tii tnt-- I unIfun' 1)1lui mîçr>cu lu.'r1tc'ixi o ftu-ýi l its îvrfu' v in-I 'lxx > xwaîro intri as at4' of ct n -I 1- r- n l Il'letiia y. -hitxx- i b'rruueuli-I'r ttnt hs-ti Fl r-i-u.i .\lî>ua xvi ni doxx'î te hrirn'i-M'cs Seavtir iiuucî:lilrg et> jua'il xx-t'I .-ýliii4îî 1m r Itîî-rc-tt fer ua xx'd-il -u î cxurilu tt icanaî'Iîg- lieu" M iii ('a tvas s Li'itii10t play au itt ni (IIItiiiiiii it fou'.t)luer' ftiWi gruesus,, xluid tlîau nîrnîug re- axts u ie'.'8'4>11g, unniïii slî' tblg- ngly sutt il rxvuîat t lie p.auto ticoi- w y ix-th i4tIr- coînst. 1'(,xv miiimu-n t-t uîfit' cx-:urdeInu- ere ni t--l- iuiri,ty cott, iitî'riing l ni p xupst airc- tic>lier tecin antitiJumie. AXs F!wcit'4_'î'cis-d Iltlui li, and ihad atm -'s t gui imoL1 theit stuni 'xay, slu o bc'un ii da toi s'vO c ' mn t ic' ves-tibuuie -r tr tcI-t-r-t iîm'uu audif xci ut i cîtiy frr uuîll ii muî tou' t-nb' i'cog- ui 1iiti nu.eu-as t1s' mat> xv h ud 80 ru.4lt y u st-]hu( r inn Li)n-ion the previum- fail ;&ne' knew, aiso, that lie nmust bliCtarli R-ing, an>d bad domYultlefs comm' vrjtii the Inttentton to compel Mon'ca. to go away wlth T7loe fext moment she *traj.ghten- cd lierself haughtily anid Iooked hilm steadily ln tht' eye. "'I duo not undeu-rstand you, o'r," Ébe Ieily returnn-d ; -"you bave evidentiy made a mtstake, and do( not know i-om ybu araddrer-atng." '4Dyn't 1 now-realY 1" tlhe ln- trudBr sneered. "You oam't play that Bridegroom I o edîxptaîîî our' ttkenes to eacb irtier. Wt' are ceuts;ins-MNonica'si fa- tlirîw-as iny niotiier's brother, biut pe '! K0, ihseeIini ~vecy strange that Nvo slioul'd resen)ble ecd otlîer more ciosely tiab' oine twiîî sisters. XWe îîîet, for the firt tiiie, oi )! u li%,wn[Lvî freinItîe dis.covered our relation- sip, andi 1, after lîearing her stor y, iîusibited timu.t she sbolîod reomain with nie and sliare withiînie, as a sistt'r -ai. least until lier w'rongs coulsi Lie rr",dressedj and lier owviî fortune re- itoçred te lit'r."1 1 "Iîîdoed! Iî'eat11Y, -!xt1; Richardgon, yuu are decidt'diy ind:'Penldent and plaiil-slokolri for a yo-tng wvoman or yoùr yers," sneered the man, lus fi laking w-lui suppressed xvrath. "lTlître are timea xliiîi plain gpeak- ing is n(-e'sda try, " retorted Fiojr - rîlce, sntentioustjIN. "Iliii rpl i Lo >youarc' the girl 1 sa w on JRe(getit street tîrat day 2' King musingly observed. "\\'eill it is ne v-ond,'r I rnii;to-.(k yoir for Moîîîc-a lit I1 orls u-; t1i ko U) gtt Ili',pa.xv on tii' felloxx xx-io gax o ime siîr' a pliiîîiger. \ollie vO:îtîîrucu, tnrnîn.g wxvi L a Scowl t() Mi -na now tlutt tlic i:'ddie is ex- [.iaiîîts, anid I lrax-e it'artiied u oua at ast, ý ou xxiii justiîiiarclt youi'- sci! ouît of tIis inudoulie-rluîck tinie. v>', 1!ea r? " 'Tarl Rnig, I sîtl,1iinexer g) anyv- %viiu'i'e l '%10 ag'aiin,' sail uia il. a 1w'-%vbrUtrSOIluto toîie. "our autlierit.v overi'nie ce'aseidou ttat i.girî xxlien &0onsocî'uet'iy coîîsîgnoed ine to thiat pîlvate iînadiiouse." "Siîut up 1" iritoî]p.oseltlie mat>, f ieccel « , ansi, stcidîîîg angrity to- xvaril lier;'"I alîîi in i mu niood Io bZaild ' VWOrdS xitIl: ye)IIor takce any of ý our inîpudc-ncc. Suay tlbat I have uneartiiesi ',o, nnd nowi- -you are ooming iwdtii me." Ftoî'enc'e verjy deftly sILpçped in lie- twt.en ber cousin a.nd the infuîiated mi an. "Don't preEsume to lILY 00 much as onie finger tipxn Miles King," slie ex- cialmed, wltlt liaughtil.y uplifted hcead and flashinig eyes; "she shahi neyer leave thls lbouse with you-she shahl uever fait1 inta your powa'rn.gain." "I3,y fleave-n, she shnhl P" snarled the villaIn. and ratstng a lteavy band as If to sweep th.e dauntiess girl from lits path. littia g&mre on jne-yo've -trled once or twice before witb Inez, but1 It won't go down wWti the uid man.1 Ma.rch, now, a.nd pet cn your ttilnpi,' he can tiinued, fiercely, "or there Il be a devi of a row ; for, by Iloaven!1 ycushali not givo nme itlie slip a sSecýnd t> me-." "I teli you, sir. you have made a mistak?-you do not kr.ow the ladyl you are &adreseing," Florence per- s !B ted. Tbum-tn sw,:re, and grew rA d n the f ace. *'KZne>w yoti -!of course I khno0W you, Mon.ela . Ring ' "I ar n ft Mo.Ca Kin,-. I arn Mise R.chard&,n ; but I îîowv recognize ,y-ou ais the ma~n wdîo once before in- sist-ed tha:t I was &,-me onle yoià knew ýWLo, Dn Le , in Uit d m 0 i Reg nt street in Lt>±.don, nearly a year aga," Florence und.auntedly re- turned- "Aha ! and 'who was that puppy, wbo presumed to meddie wîth whiat wais none of hi@ busness?-I owe hlm one for that" thle man retorted, flui8hing angrly'. Fieorence deigned no replyl; but, turning with amn air of proud dignity to the wide-eyed, wondering butter, she quietty observed: "Burns, I th.înk you had better cati your master and let him deal with tlîis man." "Don't trouble yoursell to do any- thing ol tlîic sort, my, goo.d feiiow," saîd Cari King, and gîtîing hixn an ugly look. -1 dont xant anyth.îng or that -- baronet. 1 have -iimpiy corne to take away tis young lady, whoGo guaxdian 1 am ; and if slie won't go -wittî tue peaceabiy, 1I shall uie, forciabeie asurýed." Exýen as lie spoke a perplexed iook begazi tu gleam inl>iia cyca, for the glirl ur1yd:d fot act tîke Monica. -VoL are, flot my guardian," 'said F-lore-nce, 'tl relterate 1 auim .iss Iil'ard6on, 'and the ward of Mr. lto-beî't ýeaeý', of New York, United« 'States of America." "Ltosli"' coarseiy retorte-d IMr. King ;",yenican't lbol ime with any such trumiped Up story. TIlîi8 iiani," Pointîig at Burîis, ".lias just told nie thlat Monîica King 118 in tliis bous~e. low is it ?" lie tjueHtioned, turning angrily tu' tho butter. '*Isn't tins vl: n g xvoînan, Miss Riing ? -No, sýic tlis Li Miss 1lichardkgon, Sir, reýSu. ded Burnli, witIl grax e He' liad learned to dirtingrlisii the Io. adieýs by thieir dress. 'TIiien whiere is Mi inig ?" dr- mldoýd the mtan. "Yot. toid tue tliat sii( w-asliere." '1-ii'oxtis'nile, sir," starumer- od the butier, xviio bogan ito fear lie Ilad umade Fsomo eciî:biunder. But L(,e onai; lie 'spoke the dcawîîîg- roem (Jor op-'t>ed ngain. anîd _Moni- ca Iiiself app)ear-1 î:pilituecelle.' 011,- 'Swvif t gla nce wn as u.fficien it Io sli.exvlier xviii xas tliure, anîd a startix1 crýy ei;capedL lier ,l.iien, witli t io 81 ofeligli t. &î!e u:tcred tu- xx:clhestaire. le: t tlii: ima nintecp ol lier be- rer' îlioc uîld reaui iliein. -'ty1t)liePexvers!" Ilie exclaîmied, as hIlghin(,~ f roin lier ta i-rî c,'St) i l hl cl, ire two of voil ,Well, this is, Ii,, h ibggost s:iî-pr;'.e I x eî i n l mvi tif:-': Ircat ti'ýctt îtnd yîuiare :îs aI1ki' as twxo pia'i-it is lnui xvn- di'liiz w:1;foole'd liruostepîe-d forxvard and con- veryo. -xiii s;ti'p intui yende('r ce- roption roui0, sue a éaid, înlWatiîig , 1 Iiii' lartiont xxitli ani îqe'cwioiis geistîlc, -1 w iii oxplain this 8rîddtoi to .yoiî. Meflica, go ipstaîrs if yoii 1k', ani'l 1 wili couilc- rrpcem*,tly,"sl d dedc, -tuirni1ng te lier c usiu. CAREFUL MOTHERS. 1 The' hilîle troubles that afflicî chil- sinon ceint' toithout xx'arnmiig, ansi thue cu.rt'!ul inothuer n-mold ki'rp uni hand a nuedictiet'lerelit-ocand n-une tht' ail- ait-ruts o! cliiisiliusud1. Ihmere is noe i-j oint' doos thuis se sjieediiv ansi tlmoronugimi- Iv as Ilabyls Oxvn T'let-s, ansi tînt' o- thon kunoxos lns medinine is saft', ho- cause Il is guaranteesi te contait> mo opiace tir p1iuc.ctirs soolhiung stuf!. 'hlîeso lbe u cuire cohie, indigos4tieuî, constipation, diarrliuen, simuple fever andi ueethiuug troublles. 'I'liy break ump colsis, jieteunt croupî aud brn,- g atural sleep. Mo-s. Ma\ry I-air, Es coul. (Oai., savs: -I havte tîsesiIbl s Oxxn Tahlet s iitît tIno t-env hu-t restuits andI toulni not ho wtilhonut tîmemin im te hoose,." u,-,1(1d1)iv ail ui'uiciuit'dtualers or senît b'. mmli ut '25 cents a box liv tî'itinmg Tfht o, )r. Williaîîis 'Medicine Compaa; BroiReville, Omnt. A Clever Boy. A\ritation aga inst fu.: ru Mpuilie slinools continues w-th great fort-iiix- York Cii v. (lue futlîenrtnclaros bis boy is noxiwnemdv te Ire grunuheutoui, bnît loos net kueowthe' naineî o! a ,ingle generai xvto panticipatetinit>thue civil- Nbar, thet'it'e or p)lace o! a sin 'gle îratctlt' ither in the' cliilxx unr or ret-ointiot>uîy -%var, the cap- itals îuf fivo stites iii tht' union, ttme anme o! n single nreîmiîen of tht' Presi- denî's Cmutinr-~. the'noute o! a single trunk ine nunning oumt cf Nex York, tht' mames cf tiii five borouglis cosuîîuîing thie city iof. ;renuen ex-Yitht' leeu- tien cf the capital cf thue state or the nianît'o!fte presont Covennen or hîo'.vte rencb lHobokenî by ferry. This prodigy of ignorance ]ives in Harlein ansi passes for a bright boy anbong bis fehlows. Piglieaded in the Extreme. (Boston Transcript.) Hiowes-You have no cause to be angr wlth Shedd almplY %&cause he disagrees witi you on this questtitru. Every question bas Its two sides. flarmet;-I know that, ronteund 11.. but why cant ho ehoose the saune one' that I have chosen? He could do It just as weli as not, and ho wouid it there waa any deconcy about hlm. Bt sho neyer flinched a' hair be- him. She 'stood her groirnd a.nd hlË4 hlm witb lier blazing eyes. "Mbonlea, go quickly-go to your rioom!1" site ple.aded. A Iow, cohd langh. rang tbrough the ixooni. "I wilh, Floy, presently," sb.e re- plied; "but f irst I will attend Carl King wJllhbe makes bis exit. Now, sir, stand flot upuon the order o! your proing but-go P" And before the man reýalized ber it'tention, tite girl bad leveled a smal silver-inount-ed revolver a.t hlm. CHAPTIRXXNXV. A startled and wratltfui oath leap- ed to Cari Kixug's lips as he found liimself oovered by that -deadhy toy in .Mjnrica's b.and. He sitrank back involuntariiy and Paled visibly. Hie knew 'chat the girl was an ancost unerring marks- mnît, for lier father had taxight ber, years ago, to handie firgIrms, for, in the rough and uncivTiled couji- trY w-bore they had tived, it was a necessity to know liow te defend or 's self, and lie had often seen this frail girl shoot a liawk upon the wving. Hli as known, too, that she huad long owt>ed a fine brace o! revol- vers, but lie supposedi that they wer botit in lier trunk, xvhich lîad bee,-n in bis possession exer since the nigtt sa> r tat'ium. But the presefit situation proved titat suie huasi dtermined to seli lier re,(roxýered liberity dearly, and b.ad ac- cojrdin)gly provided lierself îvitb mearîs o! soîf-defense, and wittl a view to lust such. an emnergenucyi as tlîis. (To be contînued.) OXFORD WAYS AMUSE. Holders of Rhodes' Scholarships Think They Are in Kîndergartens. Some of thr bave licen valedictori- ans at Anmericaîî colioges, like tlue en- engetie 31r. Nixon, wbho is iexx at bai- Ilici after a sîiccossfui cancer at \\'es- i:"ran : somie ef then have licen teacli- ers. like Mn. Vernrr, of South Carciina, xx ir i', at Chrit (!litrcii, anîd at toast one', Mr. S'-luoitz, bas licou a coliee le tutrur i lî: is fîttiîug liiiiiseif at \\ orc(,s- trer fer an imuportittctair in the 1l'ai- 1' ' t Iouht f i a t ur' nien, o! tilis crdr'r the rt'strilig inîfluence's of pater- nual goetrn:r'ut uîutust lie irksoaîe, Somne if thieni sav ttiat ttiox dîslike the ro- stichtion, n srruthtir i 1h'tv, but tliere us nuo' Li:: th:ît thu- art' soriousiy irni- tri r-- or unîîrrvd. T 1ur- are quick te ratcuh tlîtIiiuuof tii ling and te de- surit>'e cou-gos.'x kidi:h'ratens for itrilitSCloruas a:rutiiO uris 10 vxtîtt r xkxanugrrxr'iur'-(r-anîd murseniuî ds. Itu' majo rit v are a niru SedI and in a toci- r-raîu1t spiint tcu-()iiiiiui4late theiuiseix-es te of lu: fti'tiîeitherphrases amcuîg îhlîrî:îis 'p:x igitre ganur'." Ilev Plumne tlioîui>oIxr" oni ilînir shl 1in adapiting t nn x t'sto n exxrrconditionus anud put- iiu: uî vxith r--ii i l i ru, xxhirli 11ev coii- -Lin nniicr'-:irx-a ndli eeathlutheirndi,,- lutv x.'thu r' is srrîîît tingi, aftor al lin the .'uurrîuî t itu:-' f lt'\iblity andnac-1 r-'imruudrt ioii. \\i :-tlr rit T5 inic-ht' l- i, oif ()str l, ril x tii-hi the classical uiits i:îx se iuicn' ii v hr'Ie dotubt- o-1. it tit si,.;in the lr' iericuruu hlood. Thue I-ngliusi tiui . xtri lie travxels uxirnuax'exluii-:t is (,cr-it's un con- ui'i:iui vtlr fia-, irrîlux rr crns e ire. îuîuiîiv ex-erv h uig imnrsuu:r, frcuu tire inu- cf urn o.tr tthe'c:rckîîg (rf a lr:ftokte the uîakiuî of a lied on uhle sage, whln'i slîoxxeîl tire slaight. btîsked fronit, o! verlv oH w mnrIas draped CroFs.xvuilo oVen ncirl' i f tciffcîas oui- broident-sinlupt-trIanl seqilus. Tlitre tins a ulaint'. linooî effeci o! finest wîhîite îuîoîmsseuiîo. iuntn-laccd xxitlî hum'o nilibon. "ie piffi' iotosomdeniabout Imialf tIax'toe Io lloxi iin rîniteni fnilîs of the Vuuluuiiumît's. 'l'io description uniax-nol sctind plaini. Thnis is mot say- îng, huxnx<r th iîuîuth(, dntssu ddmot lock so. Il apju,. roui elalioratel.-f ret' froua frilîs, crisp anA simpnlle, prettv andi Velours chiffVi is le o b worm far n m the spring. Alu crialinniers are agreeci tînat uliis unatloic sinouunibe triîîîmed miuclî lesa uluan c-nope. de chuene ansi simi- unr faiis. -As for otînen fabnics, they are em- broideresi. These embroidenies are neither higlîht non henx'v. Thex- are richîlv silky andi tluey are sounc'.haî eni-ichesi with jcwels ands paillettes. If tlîis glislening partI of thet' timnîing bechueavy, ho'.ever, ailj chic is losI. 'ihere is julst enough to emphasize tht' patten, and te lighteuî it. L.acc appliqueos are too dean te the livarî cf La Parisienne te lie dispensesi wti-h, w-hile mîousselinie ftoral enibnoidery is relainnl. Tiny doumble roses are donc beuuitifunly. So are bud-, therco being sofficient foliag tri sruslainth te design" ARCHBISHOP'S RELIGIOUS DOG. Philadeiphia Students Have Educated Mgr. Ryan's Collie and He's Wise. Tue famîîous St.,lBernard do,- tnained te a show o! religiuma4 practices by a Pvmiicitimo umucik lurs utritvtiiin ut coilit t)xv'mu ix'Arclibi sliop Ryn, cf Puiumldel- pl '. le tuillie sî i uit- up an acquaint- armne Ivi ttnt(, nltrcipont' day xvhile Iln' was iakiung luis custoniar.' xî'nk in Fairuucuint Parnk. andri tueroafler stock closie ne the licols o! the prelate. even to tht' doors of lime eîciscoîîat residence. 'irgn 'coniiandedn tht' arclîbishop, xViii> tis afraidi ilat sonie ont' înight tiiurk ho xias tnying le smuuggie the' liutudsomie aunimal imite tue hotuse. Tlie do-, wx-nilslifoopisliîy cloxxn the' stops, but, u'utcliing sigît cf tie arclnhishîop's kindty lok.boiurl iiu)l luit în i aggyi>g lus taiu "\\'elI, cCuluii, Ilion," surisitlhe promît', anl the crule obovr'd t ihli a boond. Since tuai day, ut yenr ago. lie bias lioca an attachme o! tht' anclihisluop's lioumsehold. lie kunoxvs hiowte put ilisi îiav-tc's tcgu' in iiami attitude o! prayer,, lie '-siuigs, tiîr rps the pinoxvith uîis bîig puixos anti exlîilis poniionceof mis- illi-ivi. 'lie students around tlie nrch- itpuopu esidence ihav'e akea the great- est pains tvith lis eligieus esiucation, andl the' collie %voeuîldlne more think of harking choning retigious serxvice than hie xvouid cf tryving te pick a quarnel xîitu tho, scuîlplured uorunnl on tht' lawn. During religions processions lie assumnes of lus ox'.n accord an attitude o! respect, sitting on bis hind legs and rernainiîîg inolionIcas until thîe procession passes. Thne tog lhan mol boom long la the possessicil o! lue archbiop bofone ?rhgr.ý ivuan discoveres tuaI lie belonged to anotior mari w-hie tos much chagrinesi a I ls s. This real o'.xner npproached the, archbishcp, as he nnd the colliewiere stro lling in the park one' day. 111 beg your pardon, sir," said the mati, "but tiîat's my dog." 'Maybe it is," said bis excelency, laughing. "I neyer xvas sure lie wasi mine; he followed me home." The stranger caîled to the 'animal, whieh eeemed delighted to set' hlm. Then lie showed the archbishop that the cohle had a pedigree which would Brous, THE SILENT SEA. Terrons o! an Ocean Where Lurks for Maniners. Disaster 0fah l t'e mavigaîed soas cf the' .'.orld the niost dreaded by thie mariner is the g-real soolluera oceaui which strotches bctxvoen tht' Cape and Ausîralia, amui lies meanesî te tote Anîîarclic circie. A ionoly highîxay is Ibis-fan froun the main ocean trading routes, and but fexv suips are te lie foond in its xwaters. lus 'cîxfîul solitude hias given il the' ame of the "ýSilont Son." The terrons o! this ocean, allant from itis loneimness, are nia ny. Il is subject te tht' most fear- fui hunricanes, xvhîch break wîth handly any xvanmng, and tlîe w'nves o! tht' Atlant je, even dunin g the most se- vert' atonals are ns nothiig comparcd '.ith tht' hugo relions that rise here tîben the '.-tathen is quile normal. Mer- chant officers are iastnucted to koep constantiy ha touch xxith their baroin- cuers ight and day, for the mercury, frore heing quite steady, xvihh fahl a cou- ple o! inches in as many hours, and un- lesa tbis w'nin g is heeding, tht' saie tak.ea in, tht' hatches battened down, and ail procautions, tht' final burst of the stonun wilh meantht' destruction of the vessel with ail on board. Ont' day last nuttîrnn bret' xessels, each o! over a thoxîsand toms burdon, '.xere posted as missing aI Lloyd's.* They lad disappear- ed la tht' Suent Sea without leaving a trace o! their fate. W'oe betîde tht' sbip wihicli springs a Ieak, baces a spar, or meets with amy olhcr'-serious mishap on this ses, for she has practicaily no hope Iof assistance, and, uniesa she can offect her owzi repaira she wil lie aI the' mercy of tht' firat storm which shoulsi arise. Yet anolluer danger on tht' Silent ;Sea is thue ice, xvbiclî, breaking away from tht' Antarctic cinche, drifta northwarde into tht' track of navigation, an exer. prescrit perib 10 passing vessels. Rt'- cently tht' 'Loch Bredan,' ont'eof 1he f inest vessehe o! ber fine and well-found chass, w-ns postcd as missing aI Lloyd's. ler captain-one of tht' most expericnc- esi mavigators of these seas-hasi been ia bier for a groat numbler o! years, andi was mest popular in Axîstralia. Tht' ves- ce lo eft Adohaid(e, South Africa. on Sep- tomber, last, for Pont Natal, xvas spoh-en to tht' souîth cf Atistrahia, on the' 151h Sepleiiber. al xxeiî, andi bas neyer since hneen henni cf. She lias simply disappear- ccl in tlir Sileutt Sein. A x'.eek ago an- olluer x'ossohtons aiso postt'd nissing; alie, too. tnvs lest in tht' soutbenn ocean. Amd dtîring the pasltxvwelvc monîths there haxve reen at lt-ast a dozen such disap. Jpearances. A Test for Milk. "This us one pla * w'iée you are sure o! geluing abseluriely pure milk," said George Mitcelel, às ho stoosi behinsi the bar storing axvay in the' refrigeralor a number o! botties o! tht' fluisi. "There are a numbor of prepared. or mixesi drinks in whiich we use it, and milk thatisl tht' base bit impure w-i etrdle tht' minute tht'e.'.hiskey or other alcoholic stimulant strihes il. Yq>u may be sure w-e neyer take amy chances, themefore, and are certain Ihat every ounce o! milk w-e obtain f nom a clairy la above tht' shigliteat suspicion as toi its quality. If you ever have any doubt about tht' kind of mik you may be ob- tairiing at home, juet tesk' a smaîl quan- titty oif il by xuixing with whiskey. If il doesn't curdie it is ahi riglit, as pure as milk can pousibly be; but if it dos, well. there's something wrong about lt, thats allY-St. Louis Globe Demooeat.. [~5MENTCGMMEITI ACUT IN IQESIONthe envy of. hall the blue-blooded doge -in 1 "'Tve spent weeks, hunting foir hlm," A T rouble Tbat Causes Untold Suffer- resumed the stranger, "and now that Canada. The archbishop offered to buy' the dog, "Isuffered so much m-ith acite 1i-i but the man inslsted that hie acoept the digetio tht 1 reqenty wold alkcoihlie as a gif t; and hedsd. Every môru, diesfotio tat hfrqe ontly woul xçidking now the cohhie aceompanies Mgr. theflor trogh hu ongnihts" sidRyan on hie wahk through the park. H1e Mrs lhmasVinent reidig t !)' knowa the hours of the service in the' St. Peter street, Quebec. *'I had been af- cathedral and can be usuahly seen at the flicted iil the trouble," she contiiii-1, aide door waiting for the archbishop to "for upwards of twenty years, but ut corne- out. Wnýhether there ha service or was only during the past year tilat it not, lie neyer tries to enter the churcli. assuned an acute form 'Ihere were The dog'a value is rated at about $500, times when 1 was almost distracted; but five times that arnount couhd mot everything 1 ate disagreed with me and buy hlm from the archbishop. the pains in the region of the stomach _________ 'weer ainiost unbearable. When the at- HE WALKED. tacks were at their worst my head would1 grow dizzy and would throb violently, Can a Business'Man Walk 5,ooo Miles and sornetirnes 1 wo uhd experience aevere a Year? attacks of nausea. As tume went on 1I was almoat worn out cither through ab- On the isI ,of January, 1903, 1 con- stinence frorn food or the hiavoc it ceived the idea of walking 5,000 miles wrought when I did take it. 1 tried before thet expiration of the year. The rnany much lauded dyspepsia cures, but object was not to achieve any unusual they did me no good. in fact 1 got ,o' feat, nor to accomphiali any conspicuious thing that helped me until my nepbew promne h nelig mtv urged me to take Dr. Williamas" einicperforane. Tesunerhyilng mothive Pilus. 1fie had used tbem blunself with xvas, r ader, tensurcexa plan by which the greatest benefit, and assured me reguar ned sseai xruecudb that they would help me. After 1 had oiand taken tbrec o-- four boxes of the pulls To travel this distance il was neces- there xxas soame improvement and 1 con- snry te cex'er an average of fourteen tinued to take the pilla regularly for miles a day. Noxv, fourteen miles for a t aou trc moth, ndut heeni o day's walk is wehi wîthin the compasa that time I found mysel! cured. 1 coiu!dofterinyma.Iuanocsna ceat a hearîy meai and ean t lw'itb a roi- sustained effort, day after day througlî- isb; I slept soundly at night, my w'eigtuit out the year, is another. increased .and my constitution general- Let me ansxven the question placed aI ]y wns builttup. I think Dr. \Liliirus' the luead cf this article by saying that Pink Pilîs -xviii cuire any case cf dx'spc- u t the end of the year I had aompleted sia, if tbey tire guven a fair trial sucti as a distance on foot of 5,205 miles, or a I gave thora." i tlailv average cf fourteen and one-quar- Dr. Wtilliams' Pink PuIs cuire cases i ter 'miles. 'nTue stipuîiated 5,000 miles like Mrs. Vinconl's simphv beenuise tbev w'ere finished on the l6th of December, fiil tht' veins vxilithluuul ricti. rod blood but an additicnal 200 mil-es xere covered tuaI enaliles everv ongaui of the borîx' in order that each o! the fifty-Ixvo to do its xxork properîx'. 'I'at is tlue rea- xxeeks of the yean mighî dlaim an'ax'er- son xvlux the pilus cure nl lmblrd and a-e distance travensed cf 100 miles. nerte troubles such ns anaeiîia, neural- eI set eut upca my enterprise with the gia, rheuniatisni, hearl troubles, skian lnoxvIedg-e tuaI il xvas incumbent upon diseases. SI. Viles dance. Iaralysis andl nie te inaintain a daiiy axverage of four- tht' special ailinients cf grcxxinig girls anti teen miles, and I1n-ide it a ruIt', whea xvomen cf imiddie age. W'lien xoîu ask practicahie, cf keoigalioxe the aver- for Dr. W'illianm' Pink Pis se t tat -Ou - ge, s0 as lui bave sonielhiing ln hand gel tht' genîuine xvith Ilîr'full narine, "Dr. t te îo imtee tuiurgoncies xvhir'h xere al- Wiilianus' Pink Pilus fmnr Pl'e Pr'op!e" iiost certainî te arise,. That they did prinlcd on the xvrppu'r arouînd evc'rx .ariSo xxas shrxwuîbY thue fact thal for fif- box. Solti l ix-rericine rîcalers e v--toi- dat-s in the vear, cxvin- tb sickness, xx'here,, or ix' miail at 50 elts a 1)c x on Ianîeness and raihxxax' trîaveling, no walk-- six oxe fo $20~i li tît ig te 1r.ing-xxhatever could lcie idulged ln. 'l'nte W'illiams' M\edicirie C., llnockviile, Ont. inlutveuiietiseffends i vs e qual te a loss o! over 200 miles. Il xxill t herefore be seen that, unider the EVENING FINERY. circums±inces îiamed, il w-as imperative on mant'ocecasions to exceed the distance An Elaborate Gown That Gives a Simple cf fcurton nmiles a day, lin order to pre- Effect. serveo ire -rage. There are thue iosl e'xiuii-liïe ovoý-ning A-ýttheim bhginiuing of niy, xvlk m~ - - -weîglmt -xvas 19-2 pouunds in streel cloîlis, dre'ses;, wi ui s quuto nuurîal a lbins x-nl'aIt tieenora f il mx' xeigit wxas season cf lbigettutîiiet. 178 pcuunds. Thils loss cf fnurteen poxînds \'erx' Icvoîx- xas cuit',een aI a soirre, waga hntvancIal.Tt'aor It ýas f tafet soule n peve the pois losI xvns cnly redondant xxeight Il was ! tffea snupe i pex'eclî and I fc'lt, as a resumlt, more active. bluie. The verv full skint xvaus rallier -slrongc'r. antI larder. lun the malter of doepiy liordoerl vitlî nanroxx'riuuciiiîigs cf lirnllh. 1 foît rleridedly botter tinan 1 piaied ontuie aleciones.Thi co- had donp for severni x-eaîs. W. Alferd plaie entele alenienes. he or-Greon in Ft-briiarv Ouiii,, sag" xvhich shoxvoul tlIrestraiit usk g thiat xxiilot onî'Iîîmake tulîcu rtui-ed but aise that edticatioîî xvtici lrops to enable thoni toe anua i\ing-. A tluey find tlîit it pays. The aszassinatio> ef the 1rctratcn- Gentxrah of Finland. liy a voung îuman in officer's uriionni. is onue of thes),e crimeics tx'licli are proveked bix unliendlinil.! l- ranny. We mnay expeet to lîcar cf miole of the kind. Londotunii xxli'ii S-t-îriirisly Oljet'rt-'t thie :i.îî riucr'tiî. inatter laî îîiii -liit hb iiîN isof tri :cliutes,biie'- ih îî'm f-ii î - iîi:igLe t11 u i fîus ii tl or riii ir' ci ' ý ri'zli ox:'r xiii he tlî elî r iri-.It is an ierrestiiig fact in coin- iu'-teruxi' tilt, Ir' it.Itiuu that thelic r- vet -i rrix us ver ' littie b:'nefit frun, th r' iiint'm it sel f. andI a 1uca t deal froîîî tIl(' dcIiii54riI t herenie iîu thle fiexspapors. Lt is Ai\xxsîîapen xixîblicity, after att, to-_ ii ie'lîlueoorkhs fior î-csults. itmiX-iii::ý,oia:re cast cr one cf Ii-i laiglte-rs xita a $300.000 inconie because slie elrîped xxith anîd iiarried a inan aganîst the xvishues of lier fat.her. But ber other brotiiers and sisters haveý offercd to nzuke ýip the rest of the amn- ounit to lier, $30,OW0, making theni %hare and share aiike. It is said she has bad letters f rom over a hundred law- yers urging lier te alloxv them to at- tempt to break the will. How is that for professional etiquedie? NNo rmnwho ha lacking iniimagination can wvîite a good love lett-er. -lu-- Y In June last the Montreal Board of Trade instructed Dr. A. D. M%-artiony to inIvesti.gate Marmoreck's method of treat- in- tuberculosis as practised in Europe. The doctor devotedi two months t.o the s-tudy of the matter in France, and on Friday hast presented lis report to t.he Board. The methoa as described is ex- ceeaîing]x- simple, consisting essentialy- of injections of a serum in varying doses, according te t.he condition of the pa- tient, and lus 'tolerance 'of it. These in- jections are given in series, each series heing separated by a period of rest. la miltKases the doses are weak, and in seiriaus or verv acute ones th?-y are stron-er. ,Patients are flot requirea to romain at home o.- il hospital w'hile undergoing treatment, but may as a rule, occuliv thîemselves to a certain extent xxitlm tie'ir affairs. 'lle serum is olitained f romi a horse xvhichî has been i rendered refrac'torv to tuliercuiosis. To render the animnai thoroughIix- immune, it is injected :ît regular intervals with toxine iri exer increasing doses. Each injection -wilh sicken it, but as t'le quan- tity of toxine ificreases, necessitating a eoîîstantiv greater reaction, its resist- ance increases iin proportionî. Iii this xxay a horse conild ie nmade te stand doses whicli wou]d kihi 400 or 500 ordin- arv~ ones. Thus the first do-se being haif a cubie centimetre, it becones possible, after a xxhiie, to injeet into it 500 culsic c'entiîîuetres of the samne toxine in a sin- glcre dose. At this stage tli'e aiiînial's btood coîîtaiîus a haî-ge'c"',antitv cof anti- toxine. _A certain meay; e ef thiis liood is then abst.racted. and the seruinx cl- t.ained froni it is kroxvn as anti-tuber- culosis seruîîî I)Dr. De M tin-do- scribod tue bcneficial effeuj ts k,?taiuied froni the use of the seritia, seul as thie diininritirin of the fev-ci, tiie reIieviing of the cougiîing, and the lesseuniug and final stoppage of the niglit seîi~ i feit I)o-itiv-e tliat if Mariioreks iî'tlîoI ,vas airi)ied at once t !tle treaîî:i",i:.t (il ail the censtîmptives of 3lontreai the dih- case weîild, iii tea vears, lie as rarie aï- sinalihiex is to-dav. An effort is being nmade to cstabliMî a techîîical sclîooh In tlontreai, _\-1 Alex. -IMcFee, President cf tire Miuîr'ai 'l'c'nic'al Sehool Coîiîinittce, lias -ie Bitrtain and(lthe LUited btute': ini :ou- nr'ctioîî xxvIli the iuattcî, aîîd i.stin ougilly eoîîx icet tliat \\:ua :Il : I ,>'et be able to ciiîh:te xxti t 'i:.i\ai Britain in mianiufactur-es anîd t li ic eu- uni- til the -oting nion get atei:i. in-.Ile saxs : '(er;aix el, .sut- premiacy as an I.idustrîal euntu '. ' lier techaical. institutes, aîîd accordîý;_ t' a stateint made lix'Unîited S'tate-. LCii- sul-General Mýla:oii, of terlin, slic uc lcîîgrei- feais Aerrai indis tial coîin- petitioui, that tire failure of tdit- Ulie' States Io lead inaIllc figlut for iî:duuIii iii supreiiiacx' is liecanse they aie iî:t env îrroiîared ifu: the fr-ax-. ii !ti, îe- speet, (eriuaax-is fundaîuentaix- suje- rior te the United States, and lie statcs 14/ ut - -.--',- -~ i ' ' 4- P_ ý.4