Whitby Keystone, 16 Feb 1905, p. 8

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i i i -Sponges tfronI sa,>to es.OO RuperSponges t5Oo. tor S3.50r oaGh - . .Rubber Sponcges cost more, but wear longer than na.tural- j ,. sponges-Sce them. -XVe bave ijuet rccoived a large -quant-it-y of fine milieti îoilet Soape - j 'I in liotrope, yarîtaut, J-a*liy j the Vailey, Florodoro, etc., at 10c. a box'of 3 cakes te 40c. pet '.cake.' Aise fine importodl Castile. E xtra value and Combe. in flair Buebes J. Ec WILLIS Dru ggist Optician Mecticai Hall I Brok$t.Whltby. Happe~(nings, it is expected that pastor Biinghani Wil 1 *ccupy the pulpit of the Maptist ýchurch next Sunday. Children's Knit Jackets, only 25 ots eachï-- A. M. Rosa. Owing to the storni on Sunday al the churchesof the town werc poorly attenid- ed. 'Ple Tabernacle services were. held lu the School-roorn -both i orning and evening. Bench and Bar Dine. The membors of the Berich and Bar - f the County of Ontario hold a dinner ,--neTirFhursday evening in the Law, As- sociation Library, at the Court House here. Chiidten'e Knit Clouds, a half dozen only at 25 ets. each. A. M. Ross. Success fui Musical Student., Mies Aima Rogers, of Kinsale, a pupil. pf Mrs. W. Ayres, passed with honore the primary piano and theory examina- tions held atthe Toronto Conservatory of Musek last week. * Hlave you noticed the Embroidery we are offe4ng for bc cts. per yard for ___ 'days on]>?À M. Ross. S Cap Lost. > At theconversazione on Friday niight S a young man from Bowmanville lost a Persian Lamb cap from the ffrst dresse. ing .room. Any one being able te give -any information as to the lest cap will kindly communicato with the college safthorities. Remember the Old Girls' Entertaininent in aid of the Public Library, in the Music 141 on Xonday. eveniing, February '2th. Admission 26c. No extrra charge for re- served seats, at Willis' Lrug store. Plan opens on Saturday. Pcb, 11, at 9 o'clock The Storm of the season. The heaviest snow faîf of the winter be. gan on Saturday night gnd continued al day Sunday. Just whai the faîl in inch- es was, it je inmpossible te say, but it muet have been nearlyn foot. The roads in ali directions were pretty well1 fiîled u p. 'Thetemaperature of the past rnonth bas beenivery low on the average. The win- ter in proving in mnany respects quite as severe as laet. Death of Mrs. Ellis. -In the Sot-h ybrar orf ber age, 't-hoe died on Saturday mest another of Whit- by'e oldeet citizens in t-be porsen tif M:Fs. A. Ellis. Rer maiden rame wae Eliza- beth Omerod. She was born in Yorkshire, England, and came t-o Canada in 1834. She had lived at- London, Markbam, Pickering and Whitby. Twoj sons surv-ivc- &ber-John, living in Troy, Ohio; and William, of Whithy. Tho funeral took place on Tueeday t-o t-be Engîi8h churcb burying greund, Pickering, Rev. A. H. Wright conducting the service. Balance of our overcoats at cost. A ,- 'ew ulsters at- one-haîf ceet-. A. M. Rose. Death Pt Mrs. McLaren. The romàins of t-ho late Mme. Mc- Laren, widow of the late Rorbert Me- Laren, of. Whit-hy, were brougbt hoe freni Winnipeg, where she died, Inet week. The body wae accompanieti by Mrm. R. H. Smart, of Bockviiie, and Mrs, Harrower, of Montreal, daughters,, and a son R. C. McLaren, of Swan River. She waO8O years oid, and was fot oome years a highly respected re- aident of Whitby. She is surviveti by râ famiy -of three sons and t-we daugh- tors. The sens are John MeLaren, of j3an -Franciwco; A. D. McLaren, cf C.. hicago, and R. C. McLaren, of Swan River. The >daughters are Mn. R. H. Smart, of Brockvilie, and Mre. W. R. b~Harrower, -of Montreal. The funeral *Doii't You Think 'Jhat we ought to be the most likely place to get what y ou i$eed in the spectacle Unie, - when you consider that w.4ote our whole timo te thiu alonq and guàrantee ry pair u8 d<eot. Eu nJe,. PEFACTING S.Wei, TOROIf TO. wu annoned teo b. held te Piceria 'cemetery on Sunday .afterneon, -but 'ôwnin .g ýté the storm the. burial haïï to. be *peponed tilI Moniday, when inter- ment took place. The funeral took p1açý from the- residence of Mr. D. Gaibraith, Poi$ Whitby. Reduced prices on men'a and boyb'- old pante, see theni. A. M. Ross. The entertainment on Monday night wvill bc unique. Working Day and Night. The factory of the Co-operative Ceom- pany is now working tilI ton o'clock at night, and adding te its staff, in order te turu out a large number of machines by a certain date. Fancy Dress Carnivai. The second fancy dress carnival te be held in the Whitby rink is announced fer Thiursday-eveninig, February 23. The first cai nival was such a suceess that a larg'e atten(Iance ie assured for the coin- ng01. Oshawa vs. Whitby. ()n Tuesday evening next the old ri- vals. Oshawa and Whitby, wiIl cross sticks in the rink here. Oshawa can turn eut a good team, and Manager Burns expecte this match te be the hot- test one of the seasoa se far. Thore will doubtless ho a very largo attendance. Hlear B3engoogh on Monday niglit at tie entertairiiient in aid of the Public Library. - Accepts CatlI o Whilby. Bowmanville, Feb. 15.-Rev. D. 0. Crossley, who has verY v ýeptably filod t-broc yenrsI past' " iii the Methodit' cnurch here, ha:5xeceived an unanimeus invitation from the official and truste@ boards cf Whitby Methodiet Tabernacle. te becomo their paston after next con- feretice. He bas accepted. cm DR. A. W, CHAse'8s -CATARRH CURE... dLU0a partb by the improved Elowerp Heals the ulcers, clears the;sir passages stops droppîngs in thre hro an d penn anantly Cures Catarrh and H ay Fever. Biower fe.AIl dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase edimcine Co.- Toronto and pwff.,j, The visit of the Bowinanvil]e team bore ou MIonday night resuited in a keenl and i tere-ting mat-ch. Those who saw t-he gaine say titat ne more interesting gaine bas been, plnyod homo this i-eason. The nligbt- wvs coId, and less tîran Iu0 persone sawv tie tussle. The sceore wvas 7 te 3 in \Vitby's favor. At liaif tintie t-le score was '2 teO0 in favor orf tire visiters, but in tire gecott(i aif t-ho Whit-by boys let- theni- selves eut-, and witlî a resuit- ns stated abt.vo. Peterboro' Beat Markham. Markhnm, Ont., Feb. -14.-Tho O.H.A.1 gaie bere t-o-nigbit (seîîîi-tiîîai), bet-weeu i Peterborough, winîters cf groups 1 and -2, and Uark ham, winners orf greups 3 and 4, proved by far t-o be t-be fastost gaine ever seen oit Markbhani ice. Markfinmn was short cf their regular rover, C'. Sullivan, wbo wvas %) badly injured in te Orange- ville gaule t-bat- ho vs unahie t-e appear to-night-, and W. Nia,,,well t-ookIlis place. T1'he Ueterborouglis are a speedy buîrch and plny a four-nanu speedy cent binat-jon t-bat got- tbrougb t-be trong Markbam de- ferîce tiirue and agairi. leterlroougb seored t-le iret-, t-ird, fourtit ant i sxt-h, n-rl Mfarkîtam the second and fifth. Score at- baif-time wvas 4 te 12 in favor orf Peter- birouglt. In t-ho second Petérbotough scored tirst in eigbt minutes, when Mark- bant came back wit-b n rush and scored four itiqrtick succession, but they could net- stand t-be pace and t-ho Peterborought teant placed t-broc more in t-be net, rnnak- ing t-hosecond haif a tic, 4 aIl, and t-be total 8 t-e 6 in faver of Peterborough. MNarkbam gees te Pet(-ýborough Fridny for t-le eturnigante wit-h t-wo goals against Uxbridge eeat Parkdale. Txbridge, Feit. l0.-Uxbridge junior O. 1. A. team defent.ed IPrkdale juniors heme to-night by a score orf 7 te 5. Tire score at- baîf-titîre wns 4te 1in favor cof t-Ie boite toam. This gives tite Pnrkdale team t-le round by '2 goals. - - *o- Oldest Man in Reach. The late Richard Watson, who died at Epsom on Janunry 2ist, was born in Moîrk Tryston, Yorkshire, Engiand, ir the year- 1808. With bis parente bie came te t-hie count-ry at-t-ho age crf 18. They lived for n time in t-be village cri Pescott, whore ho woked for Jacob Hicke, t-hon t-boy remnoved te Markbam, wheme be married Catherine Seol Tbmoe cbildreîî wero horu te t-hem wbtle Lhere. They t-hon rnoved to Reach, Tbey woked and cleared t-be farm eo- wbich t-bey residod for about 57 years, with t-ho exception crf a 5 year's bease t- James Hilisen. Homo t-ho reet crf the family were hemn. About six yeare ago t-bey eeld t-ho fan te t-be youngest- sen ) i ) 'i A TREATM EUT FR CCURS *%A COLUS IS i mecessity [n every home il consumption and pneumonia are to b. warded -off. Judged by resuits, there is no preparation which can rival Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed anid Turpentine as a claimant for your confidence. OR, CHASES OYRUP 0OF LUNSEED AND TUREI IIN E la entirely different flom ordinary rcough mixtures and has a far reach. Ing effect on the whole systemn which not Qfly brings relief but positive cur for colds and severe throat1>ronchial and4 lung troub1bs. Sold by ail derniers a 25 ceataa bofttis To protect you agalont imitaions the poS' trait and signature of Dr* A. W. Chas., the famous recceipt book autiior a0 dm Svcry bottie. 77,-t laê mucli bustling by some t-o get dlean Indigestion and Hoadache. Te K Mr. Duncan MePherson, Coenti, Ait-a., writes :--dI wns for mnny yenrs troubled rived ne relief freit-le nîany montedies 1 nsed. A f iend ndvised t-be ise crf Dr. Cltase's Kidney-Liver Pille, and aft-er tak- cu jrg four bo'xes t-be resu it is t-bat I arn once more iri t-le1, fulli1 en 1j oymext cf t-be On the Brin k of the Grave! RESTORED TO HEALTil BY A Wonderful Curative Liquid compesed ocf bealing Gume, Bnlsalmns,î Barks, etc. This compound is called THE O. R. KIDNEY CURE Miss Emma Moriro, crf Trenton, Ont., enys: Il1 sufl ered for a long time with nervouenese, and back-ache. 1 t-hon got- a distreseing hacking cough, Icret flesh, and felt very miserable overy way. 1 consulteti twcr doctors; bot-h eaid I had quic.k consumptien andi coulti zrnly live a few weeks. A friend, who lias useti O. R. KIDNEY CURE, saiti she believeti my trouble was due t-o weak kidneys. I commenceti its use, andi, before I hati finisheti six bottles, I feIt like a new girl That was t-wo years ago, andi to-day I arn perfectly well and happy." -The 0. B. Kidney Cure ie eold by ail dru gtt 50Cpeboterr write t-o the O. R. Médicio Ooznpay, tnltdToronto. The.à R. Medicine Ce. Lmtd 2 Qeei#t, saât-, Torente, Ont eystone Ibing List THE KEYSTONEwill be clubbed with any of the undermentioned papers or magazines at the following attractive prices. Most homes subseribe for a city daily or weekly, and also one or -more good magazines. They must also have a good local paper, and a saving may as well be effected by clubbing as by taàking ad- 1 anaeof bargains in any other purchases. This list of papers and magazines supplies excellent reading: Naine of paper Begular price Both for Globe, dail y... ....$4 0<) and KEYSTONE, $1.00O... ... $4 50 di weekly ... 1 00 161".. .. 1 75 Mail and Enpire,daily 4 00 cc9O ..". 4 50 The World, dai]y ... 3q 00 ... .. 3 25 Evening, Star.....2 50.... 3 00) Evening News.... ...12 50 ... .. 3 00) Canadian Baptist ... 1 50 ..".. 2 25 Canadian Magazine ... &2 50 ci fi..". 3 00 The Presbyterian ... 1 50 "4 c .. .. 2 25 The Westminster ... 1 50 Cc c" . . 2 25 The Weekly Sun ... 1 00 dé ."..1 50 Farming World ... 60 ci".... 150 Farmers' d vocate ... 1 50 ... .. 2 25 To out-of-town subecribere a ispecial rate eau be quoted on evening papers. The Westminster, PreRbyterian and Keystone for $3.00. On the weekly papers or periodicals théý,balance of this year ig iven free to 118w yearly subscril$ers. "W 'I ' ' go t-o t-hb lumbor campe a for werk for The Metropolit-an Ilailway Ce. bas farmors, some soul fish and et-bers take'ndded a special Tbursdav night theat-re campons eut fishing. Some seil a lit-t-le! car te its service. This car beaves t-be fur sucb as mink and muskrat. The 1 city at 11.30 ev'exy Tht-rsday night and womeri make baskets and fancy-work of' runs te Newmamket. There were 26 j quille, bîrch-hark reots and peel harki passen gers t-he firt trip made five weeks 1 wbicb t-bey seli for medicîne.' ago and now two cars are needed te Stock and Implerents-Tho stock is accommodate t-be traffie. faim. Thene are very good herses, b)ut____________________ net enough of t-hem. There arc aise some fine cows and a fow sheep. All1 KId y i a o testock is well carod for ; t-be impie K d e Di as ment-s are aise yery good. Theme is n herse power tbrasbing machine iin good! and Rheuimatg' repaîr and sufhciont waggoîîs, sleigbs, 1 ploughs, hnrews, buggies anrd ctters These terribly painful alimente fer t-be neede of t-ho Indians. Education.-There is agoed echool on -are thorougrhly cured by Georgina islnnd taugbt by Mr. H. L.: Dr. Ohase's Kidlney-Liver Tweed, wbo attende te t-betuerai train- l Pille. ing as well as te t-be educational inter- 1 est-e of hie pupiýs, and dees hie beet te 1 Since rheumatism arises fromn derangements improve t-ho habits and t-be morale of, of t-be kidneys it can neyer be cured urîtil the t-ho shole band. or gans are restored tohealth. By acting directly 1Religion.-Tbere is a MetIÈedist*cburch on the kidneys Dr. Chases Kidney-Liver Pilla on t-b e msorvo and meet cof t-ho Irdians cure bot-h kidney disease and rhcurnat-jsm. 1 are members ; t-bore is at loet une ser-i MRS. MOLLAR, Newmarket, Ont, States: *vice held eacb Sabbat-b. The attendance 1I have used Dr. C'fase's Kidae.y-Liver Mil lis~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~o gedat -ocrde cfth nin h idney troubleý, and would not be without »is e dadt hrhsecelto the Ichurc h donfor a gretdeal. They have certainiy Whil atchuch s ecellnt.Thechuch oneme a world orf good, and I would flot is kept scrupulously dlean andtiniiiplon- think of using any ot-her medicine for an aliment did repair. of t-bis kind.» Tomperanco and Moraity.-The "My husband is troubied %with sciat-ic rheu- great majerity of t-ho Irdians crf t-hie mýatisnT and is using Dr. Chases Kidney-Liver Pulis. They are doing hirn more good t-han any bandi nover drink liquor nor use bat i edicine ho even used, and~ we bot-h heartily re- language, but I cannot say as mucli for commend t-hemn as an excellent medicine." ah cf them.Thee jeoneoltimanand Dr. Cbase's Kidnc--Lhyer Pills, <lie comfort five or six young mon wbo will -drink oif old age. one pill a dose, 2.5 cents a box, at al every time t-bey get a chanc~e. dealers. Portrait and sigrature of Dr. A. W. Genemal Remark.-Nearly ail t-ho Chase on every box. Indlans can read and write fairly wel; Pain canuot exiat wli4$ Dr. Cllae's Bac>. ail of t-hem can speak Englisb, but use a.0110 Plaster 18 aPlOed. t-ho Indian language at- all their publice meetings. In councîl t-bey diecueal questions fuily atforê deciding . them. S ee ci 'LP1e3P Such meet-ipgs r always quiet.B a Y. ATE, Idia AgntÀ quantity ef -od, dlean seed Barley' for '-~'-- ----'sale no-w. - Pares -deesirig sanie;pi es. LJxbridge bas been eelect-ed as- ttle, iave rer iedia;tely. place ef the County Orange Asuôciition - .111<ORYDEN& (K 12th of July. parade t-hie year. rcki p c' blessings of good health." 1 rh UE I u iIu It!IrW eibI IM.5 .arry Wiieofl, A:rt néad1905 of moeêth noTdinary. iit<é. o W ~WW. Soharpe, of Toronto, were downto eru grown seedoet his importiif-d1 tLhe College conversazione. - copidcétee--,that the" diffiùIteeo o ~MiesEnid Whately, of Thornbury,, -getting g90 eèý wf Ibeee grae *ho bas been in attendance at, the O.L. thie yea- than uigt twôpreiu.- F O Rl ., bas severed her connection with that year. The best varieties for jodro ipstitution for the present, and has been ensilage purposes, 'along- the nrhr vieiting in'Toronto, Whitby audBrook- lii . t of the com beit in Canaa. r olin.* undoubtedly of tho ".Flint " typ.I Lo~ ne ime inseats or thethe latitude of i Ottawa only a few pca Loe otie nreserving et frte traine of the I"Dent " varioesgy O i ~ ~~~~~~~~~entertainrnent on Monday night, Febuary~ oc eut o niaei h vrg I l '~seats at Willis' drug store. ye y M u j j -z> Unfortunately for pregrese s cr 1 0 sI j1~r' t~read~ta esnraising inCanada our supplies cfs. o Golden Wedding. have been drawn froin the conh.t golden oteatuethandishavefordiso Oneof hee rre an fr tatreaenand varioties that required a longrsa weddin*, was celebrated on Wedneeday of our best dairy districts, uhr h 0 of this. week at the home of Mr. and corn crop is most needed andmetal 0 See our South window and carefully consider the quality and pattern of Embroid- Mrs. John Allin, Base Lino, between uable. We have a numbor of veyi o -~~~ Whitby and Oshawa. On Thursday, men who are making a speciiyo 01 eries therein displaycd, and remember that for 10 days only you can purchase any February 15, 1855, Mr. and Mrs. Alln growing crn for the purpseofso o began life tegethor. To-day, in a ripe along Lake Erio, and who haveaImid 0~ pattern for 5c. per yard. old ago, surreunded by family and quantity of goed seed- for sale ti er friende and in the enjevment of many1 The Canadian Seod Growers' Asca cemforts, they are quietly spending the t ien bas taken up in a busines-l! a Duriflg this sale and for some time, special price quoted eAbnotfîlive s frhiende ofguatig sup- Abot ify rlaivs ad rindsgah-able seed cern, and it may hb sie ta ered on Wednesday afternoon, and cle- the future promises for apemnt I. on Bleached Cottons.O brated the anniversary of their marriage. basis of supply of a high-cas rtcl e o With the exception of a f ew f riende trom and of varieties that are exeteaî the town, eniy relatives were presont. well suited fer ensilaze and fode pr 10The home was prettily decorated, thero poses in ail parts of Canada wheecr ïoI being the dates 1855-1905 in gilt fig- cari ho grown with success. ures. The dining table was decorated The severe frost during the erypr A nr w .o s oin green and geld very«prettily.- of last autumn rendered the bukfth Mr. Foster, of Bewmanville, acted as ern crop in Ontario absoluteluses chairman during the proceedinge, and for the purpose of seed. A boie bu 10g bn. OO O O O yO O ~ ehie splendid tat carried Vverything ml nwidtb along the Nortlenhr Anicely-worded address was read te' ad from some sections in this-isrc other beautiful gifts were nunîereus. in cemparisen with the costfolbr nephew. Following , the presontatien ultimate value per aèreif ago rp Co gh Re ed ONT OS T Ethere wore:speechos by Rev.V.H. Emory, would seemite make it-*clear ta h 'T LOSE TuE -Mr. Allun, jr., Mr. Bragg, Mr. W. J.I best available seed of the meetsisc AL WA YS CURESI OPPORTUN ITY Luke and Mr. John Smith. Several vo- tory type and variety should hbtie Sale.Busiess an d usines 'rainical numbe rs were given by a quartette at any reasonable cest. It wudh Anon knolewe gi aedthele. i -of nembers of the Allun and Bragg much botter for Canadian frmrsi *Stenographic andBsesTriningfa'milies. jtbey were able te obtain their uple * t-hat'e why we cannot supply the demandTh inrsre aaspnd e-ose cnintel ous for office hielp. Frîday, Jan. lit-h. mpe utie dn;h they wr gt ___________________________ 1905, we received 17 such applications. Vou past, and apejsiews o te the'have a fair idea of what h fer temseles. Tey thn movd int j (an enter at-any t-he. Get-our free. hand 'Te sre a podde fodcr nteer bywudto socatalogue. it- gives int-eresti ng in- good thînge provîded. tIng.Wbile in the ear, the dne r W P.Watson, roeerving a life annuity format-ion. Mr n r.So ef St. Mrs nuyte the vitality of the iedfe flnmnnn Bsines CoIe~etwo dauighters and a son-in-law from in- darp and its after effrcts je redcdt the bouse owned by W. P. Watson' and Doiio ins oll dian Territory, Messrs. R. and F. Allina minimum. Cern that is sbele b resided there until the death of Mme. Limfted. adMs .Aln ftehmsed n ahn n eti ak o Wasn c.22, 190,3, when ho went te [ neleato L- eBdgToronto. 1dMs .Auo h oetnad ahn n eti nk o i ek Watso, Oc. - M Cenfderaien Lfe Bdg.,t-be Allun and Brigg families from or more will selderu germinaemr Epsom telive wîth hie daughter, me. R. D. NIMMO, Principal. BoMwmanvulle were present. tban î 5 per cent. unlese the odiin Wmi. Terry, where hoe resided unltil bis I H KYTOE desires te extend for storage have been excetoay death. The fuileral on Tuesday. 24th, __THE__________________NE_ ________________alhogh heda hearty congratulations te Mm. and Mms.i good. The average vitality et se on was largel oy a ndat o g the d ay. Aln on complting af a cntury of tested in the Sed Laboratory aty a Rev. Mr. Wheativ, Metliodist Minister, For Sale nredlf.weo cnreiv n1 1 3. 11per cent. and for selled ceri e of Epsom, who often visited bim duing Promo Camera, wîth fuît equipment.cet bis last ilînes, prencbed the sermon. Cmera alone ceet $2500. For fullr C i p w s of! ' or i cen t.i uht e rc m e Ho was laid at reet in Utica cemetory.j particulars, sec or write ad Ii In religion ho was a Methodist, being 5aeIln.taweee osbe am ____K .Si.\,Whty their supplies of seod cern in h a a_______leaderinthe_____________Prim- Thtis eserve is situated in the southeri only. To nîceet t-ho demand frse itiveMethoiet humcbfor any yars.waters of Lake Simicoe, Georginia Island i cern iii this condition growers oldd * _______~~~ ISend boing fivo miles from Jack son's'Point, a well te add'pt the styleoef shippr at XVe bave beard of many ways and youI popular summer resort, wbero large num-] that is used for this purpos n h shmsfrteproeo olc i JWUM bers spend the summer menthe eacb stat-es of Iowa and Illinois. Ti rt schme fr hepupes o cllctngfrieind year. Snake Island is a part of the re- je two feet fine inches longoefo Iaccounts fmom thb public, but the last-sreadi wlemlsfrhr etwdadoefo ep n come te our attention is the following srand smlve m ilefrto akther shwdan onch l foorthdeep, nd s e o shpfinde it se liard te colleet his àc- U fh O ff- sumimer resort. The reserve centaine Its capacity is on.e bushel, or ewe shllo inMIler hth;i fon oT e ! s on 3,497 acres and je a good dlay soil and oe huridred and crie hundredadten k 1 1 J

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