Whitby Keystone, 16 Feb 1905, p. 6

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t.- t RUS gU Lt RemarkabIe Ac hieveme Men of Oyama's Foi Made 'a 250 Neile Information Which Aid Batdle of Heikeutk 'A. Ia ocmbî Itn i nn V-ite Batt hi of 1 I ikt'ýutnui, il . thiat 1ield Mmi sua i &yariti 'ct ev ,uetiii-1vîvar<luhie iiifo ertra t nia a rentai kabnh eottigix i nanded îy lieut. M il tiJm. I h' t raape'I'srtut n ouuDeeiber :,t by "ce. Circuit ed int isnd fik- I1, anid, jienutîa t ng Vtle luis-- m.î n r<'s i a tI-8 circuit tif 2.10 uriler-. "liie I' tiatii ed sfcv arîx- iniiu;ttri - At vrirurur jA, ilîres tvy svere nsitin 200 y3ards of itIe ci, Russiatisanid lrrtd -eoverslIlîarlow cs - c-, calpes. It is probablîe tîtat L'ietît. Mit- M isut rs Nil i rec etint' caseti'd kaijo,ai' (), IiiitenuIa 1raisi', Ifor t'- ii~ii ' ii r- Ou1'ý t% tb MUTINEERS MUST DIE. t Insubordination at Sebastopol From Bad " Food and Treatment. of par is calIe: A.kIîîspa-tchtii titi'E'clîo in de Paris fronti St. lI'ersbuî g sa s chaitc; theic5<1 Ierrss luo iiiut ini i-lAt e bas ta- p1 li lun 'Jan. 23, w eetriudhi-il in'day. id 'ihirts'of tsthi ruere suni'aii-nd to utitt 5 tnd ti atîts mrsi'i i iirit>i ta eiJti T l ies of s a r3iîg re iit ' i 'leiteîîti tut t- rs. -i rii lis' bythie i-t ig tliat te sailors mrr<'e h lyfî'd, as-et i- mor ckei, antd îunhî'î-pnîhi. anmurie abouîrt t ta oe senrt to the' Far' La-sttitiiout b-' îîîg uloî 'iu il frri'n'ieillto thirîrnIa- ai t irvt-r. .ftvr'n su t ii. <i-s <if tii tir n si s rdî<iuinin> , turi' jos>r in ImNoit' ar iii i! Pdti leuisessmasil hiii rode, -tu r:'.îs tIrie <ffîcei s' quai tier-onîîshoire' iant iLt t Vhlîîun ifin -'I i-rule iamlsîîr--in t' of surt ha" fines ru tIre Aduuîiralty \'uorr-.P MINISTER IN JAIL. p< Rcv. W. Calder, of Sydney, Charged Vitltf1 Assaiîlting luis Wif,. C b Inllfaxt, l, uIi. i13.-A m'aurnt i r.- A;ut eà'd rmts iliu iitir t rr <ii bt ra M il t ii tiihir 1i' ;-iv'n-liauit u :1lrti ' tritit. t 3' tusi -iti of ir i ii'Sit 'i inuit0V. ui i'ulnuriî r \unI; rti.ntn' 'l'iru 24ilriays, rriruiY la't-r n -trI unid sM I.îi'i i ilaiuîs' tii si'!iirui t I. l i t i Is'w r angît Y"s ur- tri irii Tu '-irti' ii n ruitr s'nî iiniii i ' n u M I i nahu -s wmuur t t il1nnrer e l."tr tiiIlIrius bliili i.r itSmn;' - I " a ' i. a il dalu-'itn'u <if th<r' Int' E. i -rl" tri mneiii itt' 1n' (1b-mn- im'NsruSimii llir:r-' cf .\-r-' ut' IT ISN'T A CRIME TO KISS. If thme Gir ls s S limi You Have o- So Says P. Judgc Wbo's Hil-iian. r Plt-Iu1inL. Vl'.r 14. -- ,'-. iul, 1 '. I-i-idlis' s iri -:vr- It' m;us inulttire 1i- t t uu<'irIli ti:i I <.<-r asiil r- .1 l-r a-n1'l - i i . ru k l turii irl - Vi <r 'LIt li ýa- it -runo()Il, ;,*'- ( 11<i u - a sil. nu trIlsriu ii N di . ' r ilo it ' in it " i rîr 11t li.ur--- nl~ tat iii i t ii t i i r Ai i luin'. lii mi li rrt.0lut. li tf -iii th I t n , V NU kint M tt' tir vI l h rii' ii -- m"r' e waurill s' tI I ný-n-> tir' ut to- i \tii0 11:11hrw- uîrre \\tir trr u 'l 1 on ru 10mIitt1,'ih tri 'i hnt ti-i. unrr1- 'ook-ren li1u1îr'i " e- 1. - ,. -M;Q c0 thir n juit'ii 'r\;Il <.<iai ni .nui othe r -ci'firtir- ju..ltun , rîîtd dîi in.inm' .i r r- ' r pl Bosot, rîlîr Iliii ii 1 -tin- sien Nstiîmitt r--itia-i'i . - inl. 1 The mil u rhe!i< i<ti r 1i , tor Ziitor. miii îlut 1-ilomwî '. î i1 i -is fractu'î'i. An( li' 1w i-i tn --hin- jur'ies. IliitiiKirii IP. ii i r-1u_ t u - ferirtg front irsand'irdtrerina i11111u; and bis reemîver- s' n-<hurbtftrî Tîte fit-sttrasinrbI i l lin in tithie 149Vh street sation, su lien te 'sucond train roundcd tee uue and tiiiun- to it. '-The menuariar fi thtfuust train Nvas ifted up ten fiet iîtotVire air, and the motor car of tIre secondi train svas tlrown on toip of, it. "ire tw'a rear cars of that train rîuîîi lite mator car of the second wcre cnrtirely iv':clkcd. S apdayScI4oo1. INTEI-NAT[ONiAL LESSON NO. 4X FEBRUALIY 26TE1, 1905. - f j M< 7. 'Phiiip as Ou'ed Iir 1<sci :l that his aîîastîî's ucedl111rsnufait anul this muiraei'rtas as iil liei Inenlef it a s for t. lue boîefit cf tir'lu u Iuilttuile. 'Ts mi Iurîdiodlp-ni\tii Trrho riiirfslti t ccii mi. a m of thre ireud i i ui-i-i'-vt 'i 1wii. thi forre, ai, rit m:2. "1h1,11 a L',t 11:1 iii"ii mull 1thrn ut lr11.-c l rn-I lnIl 1 (iscr-iphis tmie ss iii tir fii :ir-. i. >Yiîîii.. 'bisarîlrlint rut t-:r1 t ieiir. rvoîtld ri OI n.utiv i -pii -ý it il 1r il r ll .riuî 1n1:1t tii tir11 t 1 e - t r' i (rrliri il 4 \\rlrItir lun C . --t t in iit in U til., '*(i- mi-,i'rmi'c-ru .1 aild iris uii'[.i'î- -i ï;to a sd\ uulte:: (Iroi li it tlii' i.a i" -v, nrur-m1! iC'n t i e a<<<It If nue ar lr I' , r. (î'- 1' ' r-nu ptl. '(ili' ' thuirurin, i-a'vr Lii. tire npsttî-s lvir a-k tiiuii.S- 1wimd ?Jîsus msi'ilosv - url tb os- (i ark)' and \ulrs'sai, l'usa-roai scon;%6 ri4PUe h ut -The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishos- job n 6: 1-14.. IntrodgcVion.-Here again Jesus is ini Jauble during his second year, w-as a lie hèaling ot' Bethesda. His ministry in xalile durnng his second year, wras a rery busy season, as doscribod in Matt. v. 12 Vo xiv. 12; Mark i. 14 Vo Yi. 29 ,o ix. i9-including uaany miracles, Vbe ýerrnon on the Mouiit, the early par- b1les, and the mir-usian of the tsvelve. lobn omits all iese er'eats, as weli as early ail the Galilean miinistry. Tbis is lie first narrative in which John ibas cen parallel toalal tlrcc of the missioni een parallel toalal tlîrîe ef the other ,ospels, and it Nvii îîot be so agarii ntii the triunîplîal entry. (am mnttr.-Thle gatherin- muiti- de(vs. 1-4).1 Afler these Vings- rho evexîts of tie year, but particular- y the report of the twclve, the murderi )f John and the report that llerod was ,quiriitg for bii. T'ie twelvc apostles xho had been sent out over Galilce e we reaching and heaîhng the sick, w'lien, Suddenly, like a flash from al far dis- runt, clouid, came the ncwis that John te Bap)ti>st lrad i)een belreaded by llcrod îitiprîS, ii n Maclierus castie. Tiie dis- .pic-s lastened ta Jer-us, probabby at ýapcrnauîii. ru, clîrekens liasten ta îtlîeir -otiier sslien te bawk hovei-s near.' Jver ilue sea 1"roin Capernaun, wliere >,e apoiisi eet Jesus on their retirai. ,) boat, privatel3 tao escape lthe crosvds (Mark nI. 31, 32>-Gc'ikie. 'llîcvall mc- ired acriiss the r-ca of Galilc ta tic [noiy plain aitue foot of teIhi s near Bethaia J uist outsidce of the daîi iriions f lleroîi Antipas. Tbcy nceded titis me- Lreinciit (1) for piîysicai rest, (2) for istrniction, (3) for commnin oni wrti t!i ýod." 2. Multitude foiiow,,ýed-Tbe peo - le canie frein all directions for at tii; LInie the western anud noctlîcrn shares -cre popliîus -w i tll ci es a nd vi llages. bl'e1n'crn of the apos;tics had st irreil the w Iode countr-v, tic newvs of the tria- tec etnd of .1oabr, w\lia was w-ciiknorvn ln all h.lad excited the populiace, anîd he nu riacles wbiclî .1 sîis liad ryroriglît hall filîcil tue people writh st'-onîler aîîd anil curr(isitv.'l'ire ci iswtl I lle aiiîgo esus across tic nortlierii ends of tlîe lake. an ariouudthe îîortlîîrîi bhore so i apiil tiia coioding ta Mark tiey "tis< lit' ie ioat auaine uit t. Xuiii uî- sli ai 11'lîgî rilr ua 3. A wuIIiýilI 11*( ila- i'lt -a 'c t 11>: 1il a, ts l ii I t nie. prenduis tire i.1l'e. -at wilih -rcî b- -a Mark 63032 l ireirler <ni eit, aîîd neporit tiore irtllv ~ r liex' bail iliuie on(itr e a toeiui'ui friiin rviibtire v laidju--t -trîd mtuid taîL oNu<'nilieirplans, s uclî- - ueoss, their ii-tb' , 1ii( ceix i tire iii- strutni-ic thev' w Iwirloî'iiars tiit1iii'trii n at' of prca-î-ling "ýt>re gnr-jîr ii li'0w riir and ras ta tire grlitirer -nîuiluai-.î < 4."lie 1aîso ir ît (t. Iie <<'a <ru mncîtiiiner inh irritr7:1 Jutir-r-did rot att-îîd. T'11<1-iut.r!lis- t1Onl'.r'ii a veare efore hilu-r i1. oa-rt<f thr 'w1Iis v- r-. ý tS teil < I ll te 1iritrifit (' r( rit'. til t i i s o M <I 1r. mii ug l- i -îi~ i ri s ar tr-arr -- ire fanut tlir.t Il, ['rr-l ' s îr1-zILat 1u(1r , r-r i tir la1 r; i i iri i t lui e 1l 11 t'.i r t : it irg i t 1t- iuliriî't' tii l'i'isl> ni arerîiltlid 1ie îaib n i Iriroliii Pbe'ir;. piu'::i--ril ilii î-it' trc e <i Ii nrrllt ît.ule.---- i burnt. Il. Ji'-;':- -irfm'î-s -s tr ii- -ri 1 rS 51hr. .-. L.rftun 111) Ilî'r < r- In' - ii Ire ddta-' ),"air tiiwî.m ra-' i lui' r. 12 Iiu<' 1(,\s li1-il tit\ r i-" <i -. 1t frrr-t hiî--,nrîr rut 3 ii'tl-. Unr' r-ni ;1 (1 <<d(ock- L A gr- <'at c(IlrI..um3 -l " iraIs cd S withI oip. r-ra nd r. n 9. A lad nere-The multitude had not thought of their temporal neoessities, so T eO80g e o s n anxious were they to see and hear Jesus, O t o e o so and hs lad, "who had- charge of the- provisions of the company to which he belonged," had ail that could be found. h1 Laoves ....... fises-"The loaves were rotund, fiat cakes like large crackers"' IBarley wvas their poorest food, "flhe fishes were smaUl, dried or pickled, and were caten with bread, like our sar- idines," Ill. The multitude fed vs. 10, Il). 10. Make the men sit-"In orderly ranks for the convenient distribution of the food."1 CEYLON Te& Is a saving in time, labor and money. Every infusion delictous MNoark says they sat by hundreds and fifties. "They appear'here as heads and wholesome in use, because it is abso iutely "Pure." Black, Mixed, or Natural of families around whom, in many cases, Green-. womnen and children were grouped, Sol.d only in sealed lead packets. By ail Grocers. tbihtemnaoewrnarnc r Received the highest award and G old Medal at St. Louis, 1904. campanies and numbered, while the wo- men and children were served separate- --_______ ly. as Oriental ctistom required."-Lan.e. Miuch ,,rass-The grass was read o fivethosandBesdeswomen andci eil- dren (M\att. xiv. 21). Thore must' have been ten thousand persans to feed. Jesus ]lad arrangcd themn so they could easily Germany Gets Contract and France Closes becounted. Il. Jesus took the 1loaves-"Thus act.- ing like the mnaster of a family amcngnMe r Money Market to the Porte. the JowNs. NNho took the bread int-o bis hands Wa -ive thanks to G-od, before anv Constantinople, Feb. 13.- Germany's armament with the French gun factories, at the table were permnitted tao eat." victory in capturing the contract for the and the complete satisf action of the Jesus had one loaf for a tJîous-and i e r, r-raeto h ks rilr Frenchi demands regarding the railroads. besides the wonien and childrcn. We These erms the ambassador declared to mnay have btit littie, but if we wiîî ýi%- threatens to result in at seriaus disturb- be final and not havingr received a reply the little w-e ha-.e to Jesus, Ho will nui- ance of Franco-Turkisli political rela- l'eb. 6i, the ambassador informed the týj_?! it a tbousand-fold and pass it ba (,k tions. The French ambassador herel , M. Turkisli Governmeat that ho rcfused Vo to us, and grant ils tho privilege of p ostnarpoc t3easCosani continue the negotiation, adding that the in t mt- o tlîo starrovingtosin-burdstancd-French market was clased ta further 7multitudes. (iiven t!ianks-Jcsus tllus nople shortly for Paris in order Vo con- Turkish boans. As a result of this noti- sets uis an exampie; we should never eat suit with Foreigna Mixister Deicasse. Ia fication the Ottoman Bank withdrew its ivitlhout first thankýin-G Uod for our fa)od te meanwhile the amnbassador bas in- proposais for the projected boan and an notified the Ministor of Finance, Reshad asi71 sbisng pni forniod the Turkish C;overamneft that Pasha, that it wvould not ontortain the tribiute-d t o the disc(iple.s Tiiere bas beeni nuhdi.&-.c->ion a,.;tda jtist lbowvt-ho iir- the Fec akti loc aayfehapplication of the Government for ad~ aile 'vas p<rforiîed. )hl the' bread 111,71- Turkish blan. vances. l'le Deiutscbe Bank then camne tipiy in the barnds of ,lesîîs, or in the TeNvfik Pasha, the forcign -miinister, Vo the Porte's aid with an of ier Vo assist l;and's of thle disciples, or, as some tiiink-, tidacoposehe atrfein h resr.Tle Germans are thus, for didthediciilcspu. ap<ee f beadtosettie the Syrianl railw ays question ini the momenýt, in complete possession of r id fisih in tie lîands of iose wlîo sot a maniner satisfactory ta the French the financial field and an irade bas al- at thieecns of t1ue ranks Nwith ordprs ta claimants and ta purchase military readv been promulgat-ed ordering the gise ilt.to their conipaniions? 'Ilere is equipment Vo the arnounit of $2,300.000 purchase of ail the new guns in German * ao doibt but that the food mitip'tin l' rance. Tbe ambassador, howvevr, factories, but it bas been dcddol <tiI aiong the Une. Jesus handed out ta dernanded the e\peniditture of $6.000.000, to re-armn sixt.y batteries at present, in- I lis dî(ipý(ies; it inc sdla their hands bcing one-third the value ai the new stead of 14,2 as origrinally proposed. as they lianded out to the muiltitutde, ______ and as it %wa- îaî. frîza <mie ta ain- "ntemri- o ither the brcad and fish continued to MORE CROOKED SHOES. becs, testifîed: c h orig o s~yll ii îjer budsurîil iic ai hal .annary Qtbi," said he, "I noticed tracks <nough and t4) spre. The fishes as mucili Judge Carman Could NoV o it On i e slno waoutidc o. folbose. h as; tJicv 'vouid -'luis dops flot inean that Such Evidence in Bec Case. On1oon Zs 4sn.Ifioc h tiire asa car-itv f fsli bt tat iltra,.eks and bey indicated whcre thc atlereoNs nita sýa(î-ofilbt thev areltl A 1-t. Crttlririic'n report:" cannot hive had been lifted over Vbree fences, acii,;;inTh asn ts g atbred u s-.1, n iîprtn in ithe crookcd finalîy out on te road. There 1 saw 13). brplae miark in tilc snlow. as other IL cuttpr-track lead1ing up closec to the' 121 lie o... sc-eSler ioc nefence. J)ead becs Nwere strcwn abolit ont 12. ben fiielIlcr 15Ofl '<irorses in te stablelbail slbocs of a siîm ,-snw.ieniicî ic îa(îsi a1(!e 4,f our baril a t t c-I ribv ut so lIc.î4ie he t 1,s ii h fi' 111-;n ctlcuai jla livtnr.ou iti> a-' P* d.1ile;i-ian d snow ta sec fthr 'a nviï1 eu Pe1r-ax:--.----lai ke. N o'o ane necIe r wien Vire Iire ( i- taor3 oiirlg PeoOplIartîat 1 couilî sec. and 1i not iccilthat 'a\ e t 'irs t a lie Iiiin2rv. lie hieJohn flisscii. .\rtinrr Xii ý, «an1l tire girl t lhosla fapecairito ark, t' osatisfV- e'vNd(eiail (o if ari] «<il ,sie 1-iierîiraui. a1îpea-rreIl Iejýore hIim ns tihe cockon its shiop iiad lien turned iiIi.lte is Ilie bread of life. )oVhIeîber fon a charge of rtaiuga lii\-e fulil of siçit ivs. I tvcnt Vo D1)innville, becau-ic r r î~:ai.r" u tc r(i. b: it i1s an .'a- v lces fiaur ltire i(ce liîirre <if Enumeron the t ralcks pomnted that way. and at nattrfoîr (iiiit 1(o fiflli-i. '1 liera e ti irir' fIaî~bio.a i îh lb Eaîts'-iiverv I was.toid tiic tria -. ti~ <<i-i11111illir\e tliat orît' o f .1 a tira rx- 1< i. 1l1-zlii inr Ji<a rged ]lad a borse wliieli1l"iai the cork of (,:I r. wlii <t n<; i iili-tar.I. -'ci- tire l1iri-iiruirs itiiiiit -aliing for tuie its 'bec turneil. EN-an, tla i e that Ruis- 'lrele . 1) i]ie' i rlii 1 ( renî-i a ilc < foi- w liifi'îi, i-c. ilin t bat Ql.Ki-k onu the girl 1'ricsiian, liad 'r -r.' l \ hia< i' in- li lî~t uemivuhing ii'(iit\ lîd etab îL iorse outthîe iriglît cf lanuacv19. i~ ~ ~ ~~u te!i'li i riliiL i pi-rý'!ci.bî.ii rr a\ýqQf.<i-ît 1rît Ile' 'rrîiwe \e î\îiitire entier ani founil dead r uti-- Ih tri - tr.n'-kru*,-; - e 1 )r, inn mr'.n3'thet' tu w lusnbs ro<f Ce ntrr "lu 'J-il-' Wh t11(-Y -rnt'i'nlon Utirr Ui 'ir h l i -n. .-it et iitiivý inimîîu-ni'liiitiPe r'ui1 ttn' ninie m- t nri c it s ru-. tIýth i-e ur-d nanîrled A i. i i inrnrrr' g'r-u mî i1r 14'ý. 14. lnu tiloa'o niei--rnlli"ii 'n I . V. ne nînnnr 'S1 r' tri n-i1. lie Il'r i . lt 1 n i t a n'ui \ Il rr hi i . --r-t ur-. uii' nr-i i \ ii i tri i' t inn' -l'l unr' n(.Ililii' un i li t hrnît 110 - t- thne 3îi lu th ir1'ni-I lu t tir che-In il t l"MWrt inioti ltîe rnrIr - îr;i( -u. - tri 11;u lui';' rt iiiir' c lipd i tir .ie Iliii ir i-. nc aiia' e lJirînmini ng,'ra . 15). WiiAT THE WORLD DRINKS. Eume,(p-nn People Lead in Consumptia of Bee,-, Spirits and Wiae. 1ml-Ii n1-I aof tîu' i< vri- r o'f mi-iil u', 'r-i*(,'a-t (r--t lh rr (Iteir -S. i rr u r-t" g mius ma tut' înnr i rt if11tlui u u- n î-nurrIpt rut auf -h7.7 at ltu.. lIn 'tii-il <itn-:li'nr vqrInng 2<e i,11 -'0. gallon-. \u ' in'it ir- I n-t Irîr tîi' lu-.t mr1111 <.4. Itn 1Il hu lt Irîricî ,(l i' r tii oiintirn-ii ut -l- liras uic r îmuu. lin' ni iu t îin Ilit unle 1i 1uin Si iti r- unît gisnut), burt it isý -tateil t-r llirî ti-tuu-uoi et-i thmîu îrre tht' tui-rt i.r-gdîîîi. i lII îegauul tiiti' rr-1 -u1rwi'15 furîtur mmli~ ~ ~ ~ 1! 1 rjeli',ue. iI iitîr iiig "n'. 'île titi ir-t.- - ae-tSt 9RTu E OF T HE KYTY D. rn-il r'c.urI S.Eîr-î....1.,at' C 0ouI t s. v e r I- t1 i n t ' I I t r n n ' îLi tt.u u n--1n -. 'I trît -~mîr u'h i-s.' ir iîrni huf Un.1 ueri î 1 v.1îtîI n t. Eu 'li i-e, wlui s overî!,i liii f fnîî.-. t'ir- 'S-r 11 e.l ie niii lbt e S '1., ir>' p ah r-t-uni' iuonl t lii:. )sirui. l'.iiîJgi'- lincn 'tli-i the îrunu i uît t un de'r lb1i-tr - i - rr- u r -. mn <of - a .mile '.ittit i l td;iu Ni tt io\ the cas-.gt-' t he '.lu' di tsi' huaf\îur n u -- r- h n -i- - r n-n-t- - "£luetie mnitiut'at t Siettan i nr- fla- ten cixtr rtu ifthue ntium"r' j quaters cfa le rIv sît ('ttuilurr tnî ie s fmes' onsIcreil tIr andssai rrrtin. ous te as goV trelast îrs f t teit ii ttih' .ahnt iii rnt'- ('(1 of W1.l> j\v' i-b ocentuti .1 \ ii -a u -ruli Ic-t tie tIre 1ùiu. f Senator Lodge and Premier Bond. Senatons Lodgo and Hale led in aup- port of tbe ratificatian of the treatv. The opposition rvas generai, and la the extended debate. covering nearly tbrdé& brouirs, 1V svas difficittVo prediet rs'bat 'srould bc the auteanre. IV is said ibe tccatv nray bc ratificîl at the present session. PREACHER COMMITS SUICIDE. Rev. Martin McFariand Hangs Himself in His House in St. Louis. 'St. Lroulis, Feb. 1.-The Rev. 'Martin ?sbcFanuatd, unîtil six montbs aga pastar of tIre tChristiman Cbuîrcb at Granite City, ]Il.. ruas fouridba-ging titis afternaon by a thîre uliarter in-hi nope tram a rafter in tL- Lar-îetît of iis ý ino-uic, 4,417 North l'autecîrtîi tx.eet. The discot-ery ssas ial irrth ls'Iis sonr-tIre Rev. ]nigete 'T. -Mc- I"arhmrnni. asten efthtIe iaarttiiChristian (*hrturcbI. at i1,f501ernsestreet. 'l'he body ruvss ciuld. An oveturmned S0111) boix rt tire feit rIio\vred tlita-t Mn. lic F'îe suti ur i -t unI oui tire box tO as ten the rip' ovritutiere Ct fer. piaeed a loop abotut ]IrIs:uckand tîiriîtkiekeni the loxur-mfitniuner Ir tii. ibis feet wre a<bo ut a fan it feoit1icne fi aoc. Di'-.manibii.'v i uiipnîred ta hiave been tire' t:a-tu- o f t1)i' -u.n BEATIULCOLORED PCTRE DAN, PATCH D FREE er PIiaNTEDni SIX BIVILLANT COLOLS. BIZE 28 BY 22 INCHES.~ Then Pictutre we witt send yenta isa i r1 crn1 ietuu t 'e ttv d-g . i rm--ed n u inr<un clos u.etteu at-a'vrl'ir' l uth f picture of thui fauouas paning staltÏin ti ..t.ance and un' wauruhs Nofa placeàuauiy borne. if you are a lave: ef horseb 3cnr wst z:t.n t ýIttuetjf--n A~LEDFREER% 0 pSTrAGE WRITE US AND ANSWVER THE2 FOLLOWIN&3 QUE-STIONS-- us,-r. How MUCH STOCK 0F' ALL KINDS DO YO'J -CWN1 2ND. PlAME THIS PPt-"l. ADDES TE OVIRSAT ON~CE qNTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD cc., romriIT0, CA%& " E E: 93F 0R C)N E F:-NT- DAN PATCH îR:ESTORED 'lO HEALTH IN SIX WEE-KS. [>-AN PATOIH QIVE%1UP To i'<HS ODEFL EOVR OMC56 of r eKanî.à iuCty vct.orl'iy <Sut c. r imiu i r-a t et r-i. T or aafm h in iwqgvnTrt i -7t- 4brm R" D N*-.t)i w, î<ip -,"< tan Fa-tt -i -mn lTn; k t) oiie *lit'rn',u'taif iel. kigNJÀ.]m F1. ha-Ai'. r 't)tVtPrIS. SEcS, rwsu<T. .M bl -nd(iDn <'ar-e' iotr. tme t m kç" Dear Mir; -1 t 9,t voe"r lot-npr. a' rtca boru. t-t i)nul 5a.m-. ru.:rnst ttni , n'n.iE-t.r .1tr Mpi-tn r-ta- "r -r- tnt. <Ifir-r er r- 't 'ru o iss. ie l ti -a.9 imfTeriir &PYere p 'n ý1, the ar'-11m- -'nctg b 1i--r-nLI)-. o: muy a m-t. err ittrer-là"r--1,itl',in 2-11..l'i4n',k.;r-ntaco itt ,*tf& creii liel Rii-1 ta probaly '-atusrtedîb7 -a-nz etc oi . l ttu Pt.,i-ra <te wns -2 p'r "'u' -an~<i --- i< r< otr ip o r-e nr-t ,tiue10à te,- etapetfr-i, rrSrt-dt peratuilr liaU The- ,-inr-r-irt' r-f ' osv'rt-pu1ar im ) cîr- r- . iit.r- n r-r-tR.iâ r- unir- &-ztrat I6 al fbiskrý i&kmn u t tSm- <'wan td t,' ra'e cuîn-uljW ..ri-ir. lni.r-<Poaire -itt , P.îiegar Y tfl t t e t-epa- u a nd sr- <-mrioetaitiqemuL b1.1'. a-mormna .--,d.lwa Ac&n perp< . io n -in rM--ithe nn' i>ÀI i i y rr-ct o e t Jr-c imita ii>il, ais W.44 Ri-'-ýt tr-ea 'o ,li 0 trriii Lnatmi* 0 Iaue4.,i. r--< jSya ao17 r-a-tiun,-n. TVe Cu-uili mrt'rniucxethIa5 e re-- ihir ir-turmt-'t. nr-S-.b iVi lntir, 0114 t i t tir-aJo«ii and4 teftel<iian4t m n Otd>~cftiiirK at h ig l te n ý- - w c L iý w d u id - o b t ýA o v Y t 1 rw O f t h "C - 1 0.t n e ý tD 'ç n >r 'L' nk -t'ai h 4 " tte r r a m - o n a i 9 tie k -C' Pi e' i' a ir d. v te e r w e b 6u g h t t n Inth u Nti - l'nte r<trariy. At thi ine oirrr rw - i U, ia mi&i" -û,ditin , i c i t Xr-,,e r-im ae roog a.t rtniwe t ii l5-tu£fant'. bis toen 'ti e-t u,m"siii r-xtr-r-n' - - t -utire PIO .r--Iin-z a qvery a-ntpvcrb'-%. î itin4 L- n <rn. - uie ui î:r n nr'tî'n.ttror w-icL o toaisunrnri r -ao i çym-ucn- t idaA a r-.8 lit r ale arr> liie r-a-n> ton gI-ad uttauyL pi,>C Yeter-'arianneirenti' no-r-nm, tinrtruly joum .10zy .-a. E D O O F E T Dean'84r; -itbanit Ymf rr-mitter m-mf 11wIr-th., isant l-.r r-ni <butr.Uh%4y%Mi fntn - cn-g 'mmat., brin.te "i'rn$ -M u oow eef le .r-fti. 1lfor boan lai a p(br r -rditiomi voe » t ,U n uVlte tue. liafOtO r b 2,1 am amaobii, ni i l elI îipjtve't St ,I.',e'ncim aoha a & pfM-eat i t2 OS i n ui g os a o f r- e- e 1retrnam"na 4ýu di 'r k V F aut t euz t he . tAmon-u"A&ri,. t-;. a(W$icii b4 raanmr-.d tn caS0et t e kk Pltu4 -1wffl e nrk.OuliIbae<i< da= a <tn ho te iSutte rennatuiag fOrIA mpdq @ad 4annoi- r or-n,. t-oneltphe ram ]-aiî.i'<ýed Sr .ib a ."Oed bea fb [ uî«iiq Bou 0 bma-in a ~ a sui tà«bwa d qal We V 3Ye 4mfruya.tuomo h1"by »auv; yvermuiuy. lap dwam-$r, Suab4nt~.<SF. 1i3o e= jý3r YOUR MONEY BAOYZ IF THEEY FAILT*O CURE 'qsu'ntloai'Prep&rationa were Dot Up ta the standard weceould not afford to cnake sijam Ws1.Ie hereby &£Tre to 0forSili$0»o,» fi IOutstfrtgolfStSck Food*, -Intrnastional Heave cure" "Inr-mnational H*Gof OIMr R*nelalsa ilver pjr-,0 flaig tntemastonAi Poeatry Food" -Intenaioal ColiteCure" "nQniuc Ptn.hIrn" <2senica uir.k Cleaan*a" "l.iternatiof .1 Lous iller" '* I ntirniti*ngI }iarnc.s Soap'< # fuen l otos ~*aI5~tzirCum @#Magatioutai Wom Powder" -irternat'niainPouRn.dy' ½sasnaémi r-t-.-fSrd Id aý < 8 tC se s?.t ýsL .m.Z.. iràý,zmdand.aie a-1 l traile at OtVaxs'a. Ihetail bîusiness huis picked rip somrnNbtat in tIre last week i n til lu re is a b e tte n V oie o th t' s'1o e- sale oiders for goods and sprintg deliv- -rs'. Ahli nes of industry continue faim' ly'active. --I '1<1 ni r 'i ru 't t- r'- ur iii t r' iii iii i n ur il - iii iii nu t i-il i rr tir E' i n 'r r m-t -~ - iii- r '- - ix-' I- r - mn' r"' -ii- o se . - Y . EU Cosby, a, neighbor of WinsoW, swore that on the night of January 19, about 7.30, the three prisoners came M arket é o t to his house and tbey played a game or two of carde. Then they went away,-OF- driving towards Winslow's. A littie lat- er, it being a clear niglit, -he saw them T e W c< drive past the house again, and they L _______________ had something white in the front of the cutter, half-concea.le d with the robe. British Catte Markets. The case took on a different com- London, Feb. 1.-Live cattie are quoti plexion when Crown Attorney Brennan at 8% to 9c Per lb.; refrierator beef, put William Young, foreman of Evans' 8% ta 8c Per lb.; sheep, 12e to 3c per livery, into the box. Young had the i Pound. tw o hind shoes the horse the prisoners T r n o F r e s a k t had used had worn that night. Both TrnoFres akt shoes were nearly exactly alike, both The offerngs f grain :to..day were mool- being slightly turned at the cork, to erate, wlth prices steady. Wheat is un- prevent interf ering. changed, wlth sales of 100 busbels o: "Have you other horses in the stable wYhite at "io t $.o8; and 100 buabels with shoes like that?" asked Mr. Camp- of goose at' 91 ta 92C. Barley unchang-ed, bell.400 bushels seillng at 511/,ta 52c. Oata "Oh yes," said Young, "that's quite a are f lrm, 200 bushels seling at 42 ta common thin-.r" Per bushel. Young further damaged the Crown's Dary produce In limited supply, wiUà cas b satng ha h hd fun dadprices firm. The best dar>- outter i;oî,1 cas by stain th t h ha f und dea ýat 23 ta 25e Per lb; new laid eggs at 30,- ~ bees in anather cutter in the stable a aud held eggs at 20 ta 2-,,. few days ago. le didn't know whether Hay in fair suppîy With sales of n5 this cutter had been out on the night loandsaat $9 ta $1050 a tan for tiraothy, an t$7 ta $8 for rnixed. . Straw firmer. of January 19 or noV. This closed the one load selling at $11 a tan- Crown' case.Dressed hogs are unchauiged, with salez "'There is nothingr to connect my hf $7.2fobeuan t- o$76fr clients with the Vheft of those bees, Wbeat, new, bushel $ i o t $ 1 0.1 your. Honor," said Mr. Campbell. Do., red, bushel 1 o6 ta 1(1 "I hik hatwa msef,"reured Do., spring, busel 1 01 tao L) III th nk ba wa r ysef, re ur ed Do.. & ose, bushel . . . o9 , ta o GCA Judge Garman. "The prisaners are dis- Oats, ùushel .... ta...' charged. Rys, bushel 0 O75 tao () B uckw heat, bushel . . . 4 ta o, 0 ou TRAYW SNTRTFE. Barley, bushel ... .. 1t TR AT W S O R TI IE . Peas, bu.shel . ... .. ... O 0) ta iIaytiînothy, taon9G..a l1)7 Opposition in U. S. Senate to Hay-Bond D., mxed, ton - wta o o Trat.Straw, per ton.......10GW ta Il GO Washington. D. C.. Feb. 13.-The llay- Alsike, No. 1, bushel ... 6 25 ta 7 ÇO Bond Ire-aty for the injprovement of Do., No. 2, bushel 5 GO ta 5 . Do, No. 1, bushel . 4 0O ta 4 51) Icommiercial relations with Newfound. Red claver.........6 Goota -ý-,GU land, was considered by the Snate to- Timothy............ 0 Ota ý day in legisiative session. Somne iaend- Dressed hogs........7 25 ta -76 ments were adopted, but the treaty i- Apeprbl......i2 a 2S Eggs, new laid, dozen O 8 ta J il self mas not ratified. he committ-e Butter, dairy............ 2 to 0 .-a....,.,+,, iont(l.if- g îînderstoo<tD. o., crearnery.............i-4 to S. 1 Cabbage, per dozon , 0O m5sta o.,À Potatoes. per hag.............O0Sm ta r> 90 1 Caulîflowen, per dozen -. 0O75 tun 1 I O Celenyr- per dozon .. 0 ,0ta o 40 Onions, per bag . ... 1(rît ta 1:15 Beef, hiadqua.îtors . . M. 6 Ata 'sý Do., foioquarters . . i. ()tu -7.afi Do., choico. ca-m'asefil ta 7 1 Do.. medinum, cancas GGOta n - Muton. per cwt. 5i À)ta ;G e Xreaî. per cwt. -7 W te r -M7 Lamb, per cwt. 8 00(<Otao --0 Toronto Lîve Stock. Receipts of hise stock aithte city mac- kit were 18 carhoad., nonrirared of 154 cýat- tie, 433 hags, 53 sbefp, i na-f anrd 14 borstes. The rua was saunes bat iargew than ur-n ij for Fnfday's tmtarketarr accaun, of noub'- fng delivered bY the railv, n-- un uine ýrc tho market on Tuer-day. Prices vSort. uat-barngetatt round, bath for cattlo, sheoi nu -d hogE. Exportons sold arauurd $4.40 ta $70for cattle 1,250 ta 1,350 Ibs. eacb. 'rieer-f.e ne shipping cattle sold over $4.)'J per' cxvi. lian tuhere been a beuter quality of exparu c atub, penbaps they urnghu haLve breugait I moare rooney. Ltit' ma-ny of ihe expert deal- ers prefer ta operatf on tne C'hrrnnugu onir- kit, as îhey caun do better. Exîrt Juil-I r sOi-ý au $:,, -0 ta te -0J fer , nst. B3usI(tes-Tho boa-t but -mer-' nattIc vrr-:-e3 In dearand au $5ta : 'Jpet' est., ,Ijeto usieenothlaf a- da-zinbnought i une la-ko. perte. Loads ai grant rointa-t$:'-m > iný:irredruar.$27ata $4; 77: 1;but-Ler' (n ans 'aid ati the sa-y front $2.1-)J)tir $:,1': naanr a[t tl-i d$2Rt per5 t Tlint ulit cf i ni 1,t iet'a-.r' sien-n, aad brifers ssdi nte $4 mer s. t t.ders and S;toi'k't'a---TtiOt'O us a fait' Or-- un rt-tnt for a liriednt rnibet' cf geant enmrtt fedr ntf aibue faloite' ng rg u'n r Sbort- i-.-i"--uErr)te ti1ni0tOi-. inn b.-rFidti3 4- $,1.2"n-t feirdern.-.. tt7 ta1.7-0 Ibm. er'b. at a o$,.'On stat'o i s ar-n i hg i ite"i-- 74. ta r50 lbs. ea-r-i. n-n'.d ai $4-27 ta r L)'iuirre as'-151cm stockC' Er- suInt ti 24.Jt 2. Lpe r cr51. ________ Bradstrcet's on Trade. Maitreal temîde reites ti Penn-i net s >-IV3 rAs irmel itret îutnuirhr -Ie tu-mde i'ît tîteiîCer-'rrttîiertr'n Ir- unî't ma inn-murvs' siliti"<fhu- -'nii il]g. Fier-iig 'i<'3 n 1 <crýs are fii h r- r-i-ti-,iutorv. Dry"i-u tînclu. andtîl uliti-i;rs ime pni lui nl i tis tîmnie tria.brutît' [r uirrn iii tllier l tL fitinl iîiiiî-n s m rll it i ' ihnî-îr-nrhi Siii l ii iiit n'tii t mliil i n'lU't irI - rr- rîi< rit "- l 'i .t-rt r i-m Iin trat'-- ie h-r i 't mrithr. P'uiittnui'r-fn'ni t<'c <' t C ana cenite re frrrrran inta er- \rne n - cu r ail iut, a e r fil-truIl t11 r( r ne1iSi.i1i n -mitutu' i-of tado h si-riremlihît 'al- ithp r r riiik firepofrt i) . ntir inri'- t i' Ltail lcc 'isli t <rt' t l i t ii - .~ ~,a"'<~ îmtl rss bei'rir i ' ' -.I-i 'un a-tut'pr rous -e. -"un nul t r' 1'ril tt tî; repec pri-ut as -r Ie uriul hou-ru h5î'l' i hi -r i: t-ir uts'orlstlei t'îti' tI' ut . ni ues i'trm2unt)-nier' l ;i-r.111 u \\itunipeg anivicer- ir) ua-retsre punît. tuaili'getiel'm1111v i~tn. u-t r j 1 N - p rit« g nirî s i e -i neta i r-n fi ,'rr l O i urroiermt e. Inuittiu trîritrir Io saors aîrînh imi-.ernros'eîuent ut tIre inn run rture. 13' tj u - ni tnv(, e in rtutr se'l I ii "- ir. -uniritanndhn'.'iriiiuii ' tir catruei' rs miI iiltti t vilt Ii jýtuuiuled u.' r-tî'u. . i<ix' lile Ij (i lii (l119 i n rti i'- mar11, i ia rp u îrutttiJ i - ru-t--n r r-. tnr~ i t ior '.1 t; 4. i 'r r iutr- - '-is uni] tuiturn'n'p n -[ Trll lur' 1n1hs 111),qr«t'; mît ""t

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