Whitby Keystone, 5 Jan 1905, p. 6

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LÜTONE,, WIIITBY, THURSDAY.1AN j; assatano fehlw happée V- ntu04 .BU n stêd r . SpongËs docjuro&w 'a - trou5c.to $.OOarinationp fracturer. ~Iwas t fiubber Sponges dwhesehnine, a r [50C. to $3.50 each ~---------- - Rubr Spngscs foe Bandmftaster E vans Hon but wcar longer than natural hrdyeni sponùges-Se thcrn. O Turdyeveig, January 5,t rumbers of the Whitby Citizens' Bar We have just reeeived a large with an equal number of invited frien quantity of fine mîied Toilet Soape s smîdath RolHoefr in Heiotrope, Carnation, Lily of ostensible purpose of having an oysi the alîy, Forooroetc, a supper and an evening of music, *e0 thi ley, Fbox o 3 cak es tc.,0e. 1 and speech. At nine o'clock the di cake. Also flne imported Castile. tgomdoewr pre n guests sat down. Extra value in Hair Brushes t After the eysters, fruit, etc., had be( and Combs. [ put eut of sigbt, the programn bega with Band Manager A. H. Allun in ti chair. He-eaid hae thougbt that wa8 good an occasion as any te taJk plain J. W I LIS the leader, Mr. Evans. Mr. Evai arose, and to his astonishment Mr. A Druggist Optician n produced a handsome seroîl, and b( gaîltot read an address, and while th Medicl Hal surprise on Mr. Evans' face increase( Medial Hll ) beutifl sivercornet, mounted wiu Brock St. Whitby. gold, valued at $85, was landed to birr IThe genial bandmaster was ovei _____________________________whelmed, and bis few words in repiý ________________________ jwere broken with the deep feeling hi e')uld nDot suppress. The address wa County Town asf1 os îîtse / I-app enings11 The murberso f the XWhitby Citzons' set-vices for the past three years, bave On Tbursday, Januatuy 12 tht. Lx- thougbt the hresent opening of the Newu bridge te.-m wîll play. Vthutby mn tht. Yua. a-'scmtabîe opportunity te inake you latter's tee. A good garmie Sl", 'tol.aw.are of the very highI esteenu ani warrr appreciation in which your services as Mr. Gamey Coming ta Whitby. lcaît.r have al way-s been held. Mr. R. <Yamey, thet» ban froni MYatil- Your uiniforni courtesv, patience an>] touinwhobaslooodIar-rilt,ît kindriess, as much as your recognizcd public oye thait Mr. Wbiitney hinîseit skill as a musiciaui of talent and refine- during the past year, is teoa at a ment have brouglit the Biand in a coin- C;aldei.r meetuiiiuthte Imusic hItiJ icltre paratively short time, if we maay say so, un Friday nlight, January t;., If f'tr 10 With due rnodesty, te its pi-usent higb üther reWson thi ttat cf f troityttrt' state cfof ftcîeîîcy. wîh obtes e bggah>rîî.As tînt years pass on nmay tume teal ElecionProcamaions , iglitly with you and yours, and îîîay the ShujifPatun asB~tttnin ohicr rythru cf your life flow on attuned to for South Oîtarlo ias - t'dttjst TF,'< calling upon t.l CcLOrs peeutn yuwthtiscreta; appea at he ('uni-l Chaiher iii tîe s a n o n f the affoctio niate esteerninir town of ýVhitby ont Wednesd3tay, thme Iii daY of January, to tioninatue anditdates Whieh you aré helci by each aînd every for the P-rovincial Legiçrsiature, and ifa'rete atdslogsyoli0o pol is dém.auded thiat it be bultio, <.t i n i~ t tue stratns tOf sweetnes j Janury n you will never want for friends amoncr Changcable Wcatber. Band. 1ýuring the past two or threu - ek8 ig on beltaîf of Biaud. tle weather bfas heean most changeable, A. H. ALiN, Manager. *oft an-d cclii bave folhowed eacb other Then followed mn hour or so cf rmstc with celerity and severity, anti the. coldj by the orchestra, aide]tt graniapholte, spoli h cibtcegaît ou Moriday night bhas amui songs by the quartette, antd Messrs. Leen very keoeuly fuit. 111 the optit couli- ELuis, Wîlkiîisoît, ".-er1fy, and short try thu wuather bhas been ftee, fori speeches by Messrs. Colw HI, Lk Cal- addd t a evre i-etlias bet perilg -er lvy,D. Wilson, Mowat, Luke ' od winds, which bhave cbilled te thîo mar- warul, anîd oodfellow. Aln Xod row.t The cveninig was a inost enjoyablo Sale f Shathorn. t rue, and] '.vll utot Foon bo forgotteni by 1 those prusent. Ona the Ibth cf -Mat-ch Mr. Wun. Iljoi- jt Cîen, cf Coiumbus, will i ol aul auctîcît sale cf bis Shortiiorn cattie- and Îarrn Don't impletnunbs. MNr. Howden lias cwu 40l and 50 hItati et registered animaIs,j whielî wiIl be suld witbout reserve. H 4a preparitîg catalogues, which %-Ill bU printed in due tinte, anti which may beo jo had on applicationl. 'ru108 wishing te purch.s ýShorth>urtîs cfgood bro>'-diimg heiw :ýhobld attend tue t'aie. ed3o zOU Think t ouglfht te bu thej ely place to get ia den tu o spdec ja ,Icit(sr, W il, )tn your coîe rna e.ttadsuWîè- PersunaI Mention - Junior District go.3 Miss Maggie Burns is at her mother'. r fllwneams coue Xa1 94* Miss Bell visited the city on Monday. trict :markham, xrde 1 94Miss Isabel Jenny is vinting her chedule of games is as folloî mother in Toronto. jan..5.-Markham at Ubrde Mrs. Annes and Miss Maud Annes Jan. 9.-Whitby at Marka sp ut he oliaysin ortPery.Jan. 12-Uxbridge at Vhty spen th hoidas inPoit ~~"~"'*Jan. l8.--Markham at Vhty aking your "selection 'of Christm as M5adyrsTheord s pns hockeythbc ' F L ~~~~~~~~ M r . F r e d L u k e , N e w Y o r k , j e h o l i d a y - T e f r t h c e a c f t e s a o tËi do flot forget to cati and examine ing with hi mother, Mrs. Jos. Luke. was field here on Thurda, iltIB o Mr. Geo. Hewis, jr., and Miss Sarah, the famous Wayerley-s of Trno on oui' stock. have gone to visit relatives in Sarnia. ing down to try conclusioa ih n' 'n)Mr.F. Pirie and daughter Jessie, boys. The crowd in attenac a id)were in Brockville visiting relatives overpfa cuidein taiter wsonnm the *fandkerchiefs, 1 & ., 152 18, 20, Tray Clothes, î 0 and 35c. Sunday. p ra tp bi etn n t a ilt terd 5 0 .M s M a n M r A r Br c , o T - T he visiting team w as ne e i ii i i h it h dHDd ecnf , ,g 0 F iv e 'clock T ea C o vers, 50, 65, 7 5c, an d $ 1. ro ito, Mw are n d Mo .n A over uce, aof a d the W itby boys, for from stria i i h [i-1 1 tb d a d erhes, 5 M 0 otw r n t vrndayan our lads payed ahi aroind th stra he kl 2~ nd .3 c La ies' Golf acke s. O M r. Peter W ilson and fam ily, of To- tnusual record. The W hitb u i r C 'e n tres ,1 -I e ro n to J u n ctio n , are a t h i e fa th er's, M r. a p e r t ba e e t e, a d i t e y k p in là.- _ c Pillow Shias, 50, 65, 75, and $1. A. C. Wilson. apat h hv m tle n 'a ' L d*os,5, 0 adMr. and Mrs. Geo. Mason, f Wo-up the pace set at their firm ac ;he 1 ofsWood- w0lla(Io$1.lj as Lalï*s' ls 5e pwrd.Gentlemen's MuffHers, 30, 45, 50, 60, 75, and stock, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Lindsay,Jaîii3TIice Markhr ok as adies Oc pwad.$ 1.25.oRb. ey Club phayed,'he-re last nigh ndwr i'y O ais - OGovs nl 1pe ar Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walters and child- defeated by 1 tèoi . i t wasepet tho Lde1nsca $ e ar Gentlemeen's Gloves, lSc, $1.00,2, and 1.50, "en, of Toronto, have been visiting witb 1that the visitors, who liad G.~wa n L a d e sà\w fA r o n s , 2 5 c. p e r p a ir. S a u n d e r s f h s e r s C l i g o d t a Ladies':, ~~~~Mrs. Southwell.8ofls er Cli Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, of Toronto, Ofl, wbut ive our team a go ho0 Ladiés' Col ~~ -ro ns, 5, 30, and 35c. Gentlemen's Ties, 25c, pwrd. eorgte the lno. Tey wer unaboatodd anr dpu w r s o o eAnderson. t el n. T e e eu al tb Ladies' CO"d&ht Kid G lovesGetmn'Mtt,0,0,6,ad prai. Dr. and Mrs. Fteiga and Miss .hing at al with our defanc, ic»e M.Gnath'si .s 0,5, 0 nd6cprpareertainly putting up grandhcey r1n - ~in g M rs. G e o . M c il iv ra y . .ng s c o n sta n t a n d a c u ra t e i t n Mr. . . Nd aster (,raydon Good-' cuig tevsneggoltr ts '-u.m fllCapotpsnayan Mndy n iely a pin,.. leMs.C A ndyworry. Hie bas scored goalsi eey ~~AA ~~~Toronto witli relatives.gni er'ti1wntr blocks sphendidly and clearqie-y~ Swea andcariga iakat, al szesandpriesThe MUissesq Palmoer and friond, 3fss MýcGxrath, in goal, is as goodc Ye,î S w e a a n d C ard g~ a n J a e k ts, a l si e s a d p r c e s.Irving, of Toronto, visted th ir aunt, The forward fine are g od aE r id Mrs. Wm. Slnith, and also Miss Stewart, play zood comnbination. Thei eks ýoof Oshawa. work is their shooting. (3alhaga nd oer Sear-mi 1woba ee his first appearance hast night n ly ~~ ~ 1 ~ ~ M h o ' - -.pr l m g L in d sa Y s recen t v ctr ies o v e t es e u. a f'lte hin.of his liaremîtsdago(gaehshotntrif. hurek. arvd "_ith ~~ hS d their smnasbim1g defuat givent ak o p&0ra 1lao1le the e lito r nls ghm tsa pt ______________________________________________________________factors for tbe chamipioînsbip. Teta h7 7 ast i tek co îtai nied qevera ] inaccuraclus, w h o ii g o h p o h i l s M1iss IBela Jo hinso , of B3arrie, visit d I a d he -intelligent c m v gue l i lg od s ay g forr » M r. a n d M rs. R o ss J o h nlsto n v or t*Frer s' j" Mian ()l0 f T or nto,- n- c o v er ointh t ai other. The c.orriect ditem sbould bave boro'. ida' en ilb - ol holidays. Frrae rs ar aret Y u],>, f Tratb ý- poin y st 'îeny, Churches The Wesern BankSale Notes and Mr. John Yule, of Wiarton, spent r1-in:rvr N e w s Ie e s e r 8 n kD i s c o u n t e d C h r i s t i î a s i n t o w n w i t h i M r s . G e o . u .l e f t w-n g , P r i 1i h t i g a l r ICollected zý The Baptis Church. t!u f au .I- pro F. b dngi tehait ofburch or-ln Inorporated by Act of Parliament Se lTHE:i CAEOP TUE rce i. the Baistglîarn, cf Bro-n, mcAttention ta and evening on Sunday, and gave two 1882 pca very interestin- and instructive ktldress- i us' - îr r rI es. The choir tan g sev ral beautiful_______ S anthunis, anîdMs Laura -Evans san'-aE I f th e p a s to r is w e hý l e n oa u g h l h L, w l h i a k n Bln s occupy tho pulpit next Sunday. '(1r'.:'ot-tIvt1lt t r -cthl t c mmi 1t t~( Gleanings from Exch.7,~ Ail Saints' Church. X Utt\t-,î 'o d " 'c- The~ 1ley. A. H. Wrigh,1t, of .Xl.1 S>îît-..s' n'a<"' '$5,000,000L i~- $ U~f- t l~t' sih bei-r t t-W.11"n Vuvîc w ill preach in S t. John's ch urch on s uin- A-'e1111,t >1 tr >~ i e tt l> a e ~ I Vi î n s Th d a y mn o rn î n g( n e x t . T h r e w i l b uý a c u l -A u h r z e C a t l ,n a r a e ebration of dhe HoIy Corm,>izi»11 l tr'uh zdCptal,$,00000O 1p, '>Ie y u d r ' ter, -,\l-vA~1MAi the [or i ng l-servic . P i i ~ t- ~m !> tdl> ~ e ~-' o~ hh The aitnual Christînias (-utertainrneiit up, 4359000Ir a -uicittdn1 -1,it -101 t nstnas of St. Jobhn's Suiîday Sclhoo-l was held ' ~ on 1,îd 'Ay #iûriitt- iast.Rest, 220d)r- r? The ro, amdon c u istart tilu N C'.v \ 1 iL*toŽ lh t t tut.fl consisted of comie lanteru views and rih.'tiredI '1p11 n hîtesalnll*t d>crj choruses, after w hic b candiffl , etc., w e e ariil 'Zlt-îoe at 'CI.-îc Nifrine Aroo e i- - L_... . .ta wa-' ?ly kin b [eir I o lf )') trea d î ~- t. - yu. '-'î- r] 11, the ÏI rri.~ OrO.0-.- t t j w ages as a ,;j fuu z ' hs a R e g i s t r a a ' i a& oiL u isha a d S u faade V a t e r s . I Regstrttoneo ana guarfraeantee. eervWhat do you k o ? IWHITBY BRANGH' cuevpair as correct. ilow Mr-. L. 'r. litîrclay, as chirîutaut ()f theE.t.Wa re>M na e Board of Registraticon for the towît cf FE URERCIG Do yukîîowiivthait t r a Whithbv, bas iss'icd a I)rocîanmati'on giv (.E.>KE PTICIAN. Siotand or CJomrnhîcial1 course ing notice that on Thursday antd Fflda11 iKnq St. West. TORON TO. Wjti1 us Y x'otu sr-ofaîo January 12 d 13, a Cour,, f lZare sur" cf a p6 tration will iieet in the Counicil Chan j itonhaa t Santi rtp ti r~ ber, froni 10 arn. tu 6 p.m. A suppit. Annal etn.rot saMatr nntrsttgwilbhed thCourt House on ru.'sday, Januiary 17, T he amtinal meeting cf the shareholuhers '>eid us a pos>tal, w'. tl y our M .E.. a10oco amadameeting of ie I cf thte Martin Manufacturiîtg Cotnpany, nain,. and adIdress, and w., ,il] -a I ~ ~ m Court of appeal will be Ittld at the sanie Litoiteti, of hitby, wili Lehe]u at the tel o l bu t place 01-1Wednesd'Lay,-rjalîuary 1,a 0ot'eo h a. ni. NV.itby~, on M..iL ~~~ J"..'M.~Dominion Business College i > ..eek af Frayer. Ar-te. 4ý Thi, te tretwee inJanary ~ .~-at 4 o'clock pm., for thc eletien cf I)i- 4 Rcýh:uuond St. E., Toru)nto is, obseelil r th1. Pn Jurov ise- arecters, and for the transaction uof general C j L plgosrvdayler tbt rv'lc a usiness.J ar R. D. NIALMO, Principal. 14-1 cburches. In Whitby the churchest have uinted. in the Presbvterian cburch onFRDHCIMngr4 Tuesday oeteînn a union meeting was 4 led by P.ev. V. H. Etnory, of the Taber- 4 bâacle. Onu Wednesday night thu TaberOnteBikoth Grv cie was the place of another meeting, w41b la b d 'i i, i1Y ù led by Dr. AbrahamnOm Thrt;sday night RET EDT HELITH K YSNE'll(CUb(lWt >.Vutih the-Whitby branch of the Lord's Day RS EDT EATIiIl(lermeiit*oiiî,(l ppesor riiii îe~ tt u fui~ Alliance is announced to mneet, in the nv paera Baptist churcb te be addressed by the Xondedful uaieUuî 0 tratv ru-.M s on 8ocretary of the Provincial Alliance, ori- Curativeo .I..(-)IlI(1uore11,00- assistant Secretary. composed of healing Gum.s, Balsalrns, 111!)ly rwely lhIalt i( Imr 'Ou ll. ~ /llS Deatb of a Pioneer. Barks, etc. 1 ie-rutas hveago oa ae- 11( 1 ,Vfý' Th dat ocure n hevilae f This compound is called mnay a well he ecfh>cted by enbn as hv taill J>!- Dunbarton on Tuesdaày, December 427 "anta-e ()f hFtr1lîns 111 i- iv 4er - ofM.John A. Murray, at the advan- THE O. R. KIDNEY CURE -'- fPP'sa- wgzn' ' oed age of 77 year-s. The deceased was Missj'Emma -uliut r{of Trenton, a native of Itothiemnan, Scotland, and Ms rmaMno fTetn l~-( esme a Caada n 185, sttîig inOnt, says: 1'1 suflered for a long time4 'tYctPIr l"ul'tt:Ot-:t Pickering, but shortly atter rmoving to witb flervaunnes, ýand back-ache. i 'T1-c tasa ci 'a ln 1tjci e ii-----l 4 y niRYTN,~.'....~4 ' Dunhôrton where he has resided ever then got a distressitig hacking eougli, Who>,c nnantier , ýî! rd 4t Mai] and Etttîire,dailv 4 N -- ... 't.3 uince. Ho had a family ot seven chih- lest flesh, and feit very miserable uncouth, 4 i t (1r10 'I7' dren, of wborn enly two survive Mrs. every way. Re boaglît Durnlop hecI6, The NN-orl4l, daiy --: tc "*. Jas. Kean, of Whitby, and Mrs. John cautdtodotr;bt adAnd rov mays liv.,Eipîn, tr- t ' . j(t Bay, of lTaronto. Mr. Murray's death Icnupinadcud As giddy a iny ?.PIryyeou 'enn \t>17t -- - >t m'as caused-by pneumonia, tram which haquc '> ho suffered for about a week. ,~Hsfn nly live a few weeks. A friend, iwho DUNLOP-4Ç ('ndttî - 2iu 't"(~ t p eral was held on Thursday last ta Ers-1. ba e bed O. R KIDNy CURE, a""'dueThe l>rcshyriaiî fi - i-'>ter kine cexnetery. Mum,.Jas. Kean was at aid aeble.dm..o ...ede R BB RH E ll< .e:înzrr. .- 2 îb bedaide durng hie haut il.ness, and ta we&k kidney8. 1 commenced its Arch'he. tîk of cSon -- -...(.. as- present wbeu death called him. use, and, before 1 had finished sirxh arec cmot Irhe Us Tlgb.bottles, 1 feit ike a new girl. That At 10 ~cockT'asdy nght wileonwaB lwo years ago, and to-day I amn4 dAtw -10 ne frow do nt on .perfectly well and happy." Lrthnr~ ~ ~~~~t i.bdti itrue tafatThe 0. .Kidney Cuite iii old O hewc'kyI)lC>-&Ilpuîo di'>tu'lJIÙ- *6i a h ifrue bcprbte r -rte tothe o.R.yaIilsne~gp ' andI break hit.4ht. thigh. While pas- Company, Lhunked, Toronto,1%. no tp Tire Ce., UL tou<, gag op the min sie oftDuadase treet, oMedicineoa Go. Laem reitorie yel-edsbscibrs juit In front of Mr. Jones' haraseeshop, Tue O. R. I041t. hi y-'r s îvn r-c o ewyem-v ubcrbe-5 0(r. Eliu ulipped on smre ice and fefl 2 Queen st, Euat, Tarolâto, Ont. i Iorman Lassett, lie > z zn th lutitiof î. > 'nZ ni»~ ab('â oiist î of Je.'t '- b i iv r h, 1 ,1. t syt H on Jo n mr v don il b tfe'- If. tI E tis t. --t y0lu(- olumbush 1 Who h-av> etx f z Int!lîe<3t,,'r. -MI wouî lU- Port Perry wotrld 1havet.: t 'msnte 17- -XVhitby c~f (dons tif -ti.. tita d %tVeu-e to st>i- ;l" ml-lsr-. ta'> I18--Br<)kn otel kov1p>-- -: k tV d-up thel nîu '1 f t shtca a - - - ' 1- 3tkz rs u 2 0Oshawa -thcil-t-ntin. î"s-~>:gn--1 GOD SAVE STUlE KING;. VM. D A VIS, R. \V. U1tlERSON j I>res. S. 0. ýýocrLtary. Rcform Association. -- Cough keniedy Application for Divorce. AL TI-1 '.- uRR.s NO1~TCE is huereity given ttat ulir;a IiI<lvWc11 And is Pleasant and Sale. la-rmot, cf the- 1illage <f l'eut i'r-'N, in thél.1 îtnty ef Ontario, nia rr-jeu wcma i ii, uit apply to M M- 0 >tirlian ient of C anada. at the i-ext se sj4 __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ -refere for a billet Divorve - nmi liter huî-hantl î.g-Burton Mceinoe', lor'nerly of thte Villag-e l'ort Il>rry, at preutent tsi-ding at <'r nettr dt 'e' u Hag of<lu t u in, te tc lroî-int-t' ofBrifish C(7e -t 1 ii Ma t*ncher,on the ;rouitrcof u tery cruelt3 i I desertimn. W. A. Wv.RERIIT le K yt. Solicitor for Clara l5idwtA1 McD,ýrrnet T e si )ated atthe ctyof T<oonto in theProvincetof taria, titis Second day of July A.D. lfl 1LI hat- ienld of 3-Ours in 190 t" t sia- - -~ t ~JY .~Y- - --j k I .4 i (An e ' o (f disorti- tie partatt. ', for ents, pro - and r cf iling I -'i- ~ç-~ J'il pos'"ts by inýiII. A'bscý1jjt(' ,iucu '4 f . onu 1 - -- --- e

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