A Mgust," Mr. K,,ng observ- 'the tyoung m-an aîuproa-ciied - li e eed hlm keenly, "we to think that yen. lia-Id laken - $.,,éTg road, for we iost suglit r1 enrtiiely. What deta-iîed Jo>! the traces broke, a-nil we ollliied 'co stop to menU it," t explt.in ed. - avery fine drive over the - otiDo'w'nr -h ?_'cent hiueul lis e11PROYea. "0f -eourve, you iiotices!j Wo-rtuiurg Tonvrris as you lua.nse il t", "lYes, the driver Poiiited wut te Ùie the Inans.*ii îa-nu grouîîis s Onle Of the finfesî estates in tlu1i-eu ruu- *l' adPose, tiein, lue tolul s'u Ilual sua-taw'te belongs te tirwutiteir leiton--tlie yourig bai-onu-t îx'Loru ý'u neî iùn Rome T" - 'Nu, iir," August reçlieul, Nxitli ujome show o! intei-est ; -s tia-t s " 'lYest and we hasse-ýiluhiin ociiciii 'W'aY *,you musî t ha-e nie-t 11,im1aIse," Mi-. King éoei-vet, a-nil Stili earru- aià sly seaj-ching the face o!fhis ri- viats, aeeieta-iy, 14' a-ndic ntzw-e-both sisî<ciouis o! tql",ÃŽove o!thie yooii nmail '11m- Monica, and fcult t uitt, if lie kruu-xv - 8110 iIl 'u"ni tue vicinity, lue nîts-lt ho enuîutIo te ta-ke up Ii -ini lier b-iha-if, anid t 1le-r--z-ittt l-e wo(ulld be a feriuiiututriatage- "We 1a- aca-iago wit su-t-irai Peuple rh it jutst tuîrîuirg iitiî 1h grour'd, but tx-o xx->-ru-4il kviritL~-e rnjuidly te ovel-ta-ketou 1 ý;iu flo"L observe iluenu pa-rltI'çxiîuu riv. 1I c--r- ta-i-niy di litt soe -v i- Watt-r fLeighi- toi]," tii-e YCVuîug rin ili-i'tinl-l but w-,tIou ý m-a-ruifi--uti1lus-1a-yShîe- euali Ifterfi-,t. In t brea-tliessiv fer lis ruv-)ilY. urttered a s:pi--lo(f ruuhief. It ie a- W*-tii1-:Kding cIi t ue iglut cf rIs 2itiithiïirt'ar- x-uru- initheii deuhT' s:î! Alilst, suîîîu'-2 lW a-tiuiffe-rritl.v. iii t t c- -ti- V1r-rcn1gu- xx'a-;ujst tillililils-ilîto 1 gro rnîds outf-To;- ri mut' oitn tiL<-igitt s. 11. la-- >-lTrf Kr. iChus-. - 'ui* titi' to iai--fer thie tniuu't:a. i a-r m) l-uand 1r'li-iiuk Ixxiild liheto get tii-gtiii-l<ftru î iiz Auut?" (luiSt iî'ýIl Mu-I.. KiTîs-. il- ibut xith a Piitspiîiouis gla-tiîi-. "'ll, it lue not altos-.- tl- îthla-t, 19I-,bu t 1 a-tu hi-girn iiug 1v)fe.-l. thi 1 i-culti likc te ttrik(- ouit ini lîcîsi- rie@ïïfor ilunself," ttu yîmuuug,- 11i] u' f- -l-naturedi - ltîigliid t leic uuil- I g-enatîghi,tvhuy çdidi - t t ui-:t - wifore i Ytîu'x i iccikii à ~t [îur Prix' daugtLter lin fine 'dlia-pi-,antd '(lu î1îc a CIptop flna-iir, ta-hue 1 xhen't cu-t t on muc t tebhouk oi ug -u if you'll stta-y offui til us, J'I îot '-11.1191îidoubings-your xaBr. - Tharil<yoîi, -.,' s-l Aits flItushins- C i-r lus rvo-klis'; -îus-. nient o o! luriçî iueîîi-. 'Isit t -ik 1rkIvixîlgoha-clý-. ta'Anui-niva, i ý .i11t1tail h tc li-t- rrioui -~i 1rt cit- 'i uttrostuîîurîhx ocl 1 et-.'4t14-M <if the gi-iiiî-tuui- ti_ (yu i jt %V-io lllills- te 'su foi, "het lini go, dtd"wlrleî'edl tiié z, wlîo haLl i-ils-id cltse- ipub-lîimillii-r fa tI.,nr ' 11il t Ix fuino i m . a- e x 4tns, geils- to i-it a-y(ci tins tileif rY 4t -4 :'-V [t'u-glihorilioed te iîuiîi-C t jjiielltiîd t-bey fruuIa- vcy-y M c-IaiiiinglttI4î riocîtîns- pîtîtî ~ha%.I been ca-e-u for the otaitui, and mat,y <if t; e bhil, eif et iJonci 4ays wei-e devoteul toyactng (>1-ier 4anys weluu giît-& edrivins- az-o-,flid the counîtry, vlsiting t L1-1 gi-cat watOrlns- Pince, 1ioca.ted sitta lur tliem, auni otiur ntenesin i-cti '- ities, wn-ie thcIr eveninigk were une-t dellght!ui1LY sIMI.nt a-t thre Tewci-rs ,wltjl muà slc. daincings, or some enter'-1 UJifnSnt Provideil by thesir awn tal- .eut. Kn>JL a d reo',ered almo-t Ilin me-1 .1. diatelY f rom lier swoon a-f ter reacil- iis- tue Tuxvcrs, a-uid, iupon being djues'- tililic-d .1.9teoits ca-use, ua-d coiifessed lta-t oe eof the occupanît.s tf the tliegctai-t, wliichî had p.,mtd tlîem juist at the eitrauuce te Suhr Waiter's grourtds, wis Aus-utst Castaldi, xx'lî atioe, plie bhiui-yu, ta-ilthîe poxwer te prove fiter identity auid beip ber ta regain 1]]er fortone. NM-itîner Mi- . -iti-rfier Florenice lati i-c--a- luiini lNst i rct y, consIteul 'it ly t li-%y fid îlot î---ogtu iz(ýI- lîlîtas itue mii tint- rg!jîiL cof the ha-I masque ini %i-. e-v-r st h i- tx'-witîiiiinstittute liii iicdfit-ite - bii i Wortthing and tît Itil -u tid sec if lue could 1rlu-îî -î l a a-hi)U t t lie youîig îuîuîîî ; ha t thi tti î i t' -ttî c r-t y tt:îy '-X>full tiit mo cu infud re tuas- ýte cxuv-ttîtl,.s puipoe i utuil- îiîttrly t xiv x ca -sliaid cxptri-ýd, anid tliî titi- t uî.l iii lt x t si-- i-k'-1 lis-t-am ne te- huiii n toî'ey uiiixpsctd tanil u li. 'L'-t:ru' S-i--h xli. un Ii nut wti 't sur~tii5i~i-s ul ul thi-ir- c-m a-I a-ht te 'i"x- -u fob ini uiistt ilit'firi 1!u,(,Nii t iy tî x- of tlie ijio elîoltI, xN'aîs An it:t I sî.,1 c--i-sformter ma-id. T ei s-l i c. 1 '.e llui-i-si-f tus « i-t-- j ye I te t>ew- ui rY( ouns- nu ýtAI--Ssi- igain -Iiign.-'ntii --ldini ii. rhetth, atui laIiru- i t itiL t tt'tt-s-USt 1,-ux-uy of "'Siîl, 'ttt - tu> I'- u-'r ctulei-tht-ne te týuttt.s iuw!iutî-l xvlitleslîe txas « li! floi'a- iYltaçuçs--lîuiv -cunieP y-u u It o bu in lIn giule (l ui-st icrui-i l î>-enco, xQute liii a-- iuutld,1 tinr s-ri ; for Annua kni-ixx o tui-h tuf utcer-ta-iî ~tiutyil-ru-t ted i- orns-c liuri uft, te o buci; i.a-leu- ui.niy fat u- ax-H s aul iîs-Iisli- 1 x-ît it xii -aî-l-' uîîîd oî t'-îîsins, nid, u=.slui-k xt-inidlillnîî-it, h ýit-it Sir Win usi ii n.ti> one- day, tx-li s-l (,1<- t l nui' 5ihîxx îe ceîîuug 1 et mte i u m. i ii. a-i Idbu-g-iota- vi» ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ îl lgirlx -it.' hî s-li sIly iii h-t' j ()ii uIiike yti11 1--I>1-ctc t i.ii lukîslienr, a ni if s tII i > i ith -i-s . i-hi>' face hi- ult liuti-î it b-l h k-- irth t Su- tt Iv-ii-Ie un umuîue u act-)e fori tx't e-t !tfut .-t cuî t i Ina li-r- i ns tci gi--t O1the iti vo - s -tl Il W-ns ut--11!1 siu ie wero tlie 1,141Y ilobf -C o T-uta-s-n-, a-lu i oii> plan î-tm sstanus-lloii. lui xiii fi-i îi-tts-stid tint Sun Wai'- 1l nnîut Lhi' loverlled by hyis 0w-il juihs-usiuwt--slne xvtlis Oiily a- g1ui-it liviî- hlii f n-aii l n:di1 ut 1 iiIcipabe ofi e !ii- îmu-rll lu i-h.. tit- ulicr îuîiiit r tuf lii' îîuîny, uts if tin' ttia- ini ttcus uufi-i-rsttuiiul by t ii -iut uta-s' 't lAit v t!ntt lifti thi'ioahitt o s-ct i-ni l tht se muat- t c-G s, i uiîiF oii- (,uî e - chiu-,ik s xvuuild 1- -u uil 1i lu utst it.s> imtua mui l ia-ir, tindil ut fu->i.ug tf -ll -ut 1114-,1t a-nid iîlis-na-tioli urue' withîuu ltr \-i tlude' ilis' tiil-I liiru -if ti -tt Ie 4 ilu-i(tue-h1Athuî-v xxuru ahihuur - h Iuuu-Iîî x ii-ii- shu u-i- tiguMr. ht tl b> Olet1.11Jat1l- '1' - :~-u y. il u--t cu-.1-!- -tI of n i- l;t t - i\v -t lt t ls tii7 ga t - il t . ýl i i n tonahit'ein- u- oI-- tjii h a u tmmuuint e liers-unie-f llu '1'- -ti - -i.-. nu liî.ealicu îî st -<tI qp Flw- fr lu-In-.-ie1k xt-handhi a re-i ta- hu-ltih ar-îu"J lhopuiyou are 1 St - iii lt ill.t" îtu: htr' fx lu r.a m l n e u I mspiing l a ir FieeNuIe" lie"Bu- t> t> l-renuit nu' liiitg ioiin - li 'e iu-'U i s-jyo nuaddf«oi-uthietahileletnia-le ik-I- vout'j fuiru îu-r hîuîîu atI Iru-- 4t-:hitiui lus oni-m 'îiip yooai-e leut d f heu you g g'aili." ".no; lI luv-muus uc<t-himaI Ions--s te Florp ececîuuyoursgefta e __il» eelz __ <a- Wýaîiî-,r calîîîiy replied. A gi-clat t4iiack agîtated Florence fi-nu -a-l1 ) foot ut thie assrticti. k;v li!, iuiertod hy Anna unl-ci w ;-L a-t tue1 1Tio à veri, a-n'd a iiiînibî-i- cft tiiîigs lia-d receritly Oc- iii -r--ilte c-aii( lier to feel tia-t thle gi-I N~s va-tc-his- and spyiiig ab- t, ili- gor ardian a-nd lus t?-ife, lia-d hui-ci i 1u-d to visit-t lie lIlls te ian lid lityp--d 1lOLt UiC'undi-r ii roof, lie- cccId brin g sucli a prepon- deraiice - f inifluence and e,,idencp te bear i pon lier tuia t lie w uld lie bre't h a-te<n i nt c su bission tc h is lJ lic aretic-se tîis, ?" she ih)u' s Al bu-i-t ll;tydeni-t he yoinig iniali -v licdrcx e yvou otuic- cliuirch: t1li - ctlu-r two .Yoii kiiow th.c-rn we1l -aro- Addiqi T Mei-rill and.A n n a F() ii' C ii "-h alir, utietly. Nu- la s ii Iccc d'lot iden tify, foi. 1 ul:d u¾t -n ave1ug1.iilpqe cf hi - a s ,a 1 -b: ;lI tins fi it vaw n ru- tlat, luel bI1i- M--il anid Aina knett- t:lo Ij -i l- rî tu "Tii ,' ll ail s'. --a t t the fac-t, îî(NEî-tu-h ss' - 1-ed lier coin- [tT 11,inia a-iî toie. tiiar - t 'coIiliit, A-ir XWal- t er Le glu toit,-su e shoct ùack--i t h -c-rîfîti -uipi: -s"f-rM r. Merrîli ha-s liilînseif tolU mne thlat lie kaovi,; 1. i' c iitC ir- ha lie vw-ould 9WiIte t liifa-mct 'XeTed li; as cther a cen venhent aonsciiencv, 1I adlllit," sa-id tue young nian in an i ndifferent oe-Tle i le anîd altvays lias hou-a], On uîe lp--,okot for the îuterests of number one, d there migli tla-xc beci crconisttanices under wlîciî li e weuid lia-ve a,;ru n you assert ; but, jus-ta-t presen-t, lie gi pri-pared te tako bis oath tliat lie îWas? one of the three wxvi esiess te cour miariage-." IFlorence's lîeart sank, for a momn- ent, at th.is. Too wel site -ecalied her last Interview with Addison M1errill and bis parting words teoi uer . He had sald: -Mark my words, 1 wiil makc y ouu rue tbis day' and heur as long as yueu lire- 1Imknw your secre't, cven tho-ug7h yirox think you have 'guard- Pd il Po sacredy that ne one stSP-ec.e it; "il love tlit hiiurhty beggar. Ca.rrol, but lie «hall never win !yc~u; andi 70-r your, ecorri of me 1 swear tliat you Eliaii drag out your ut e0 lna bondage so bitter th-at yilu 'will pray to die!" And-this waa'w-ha the lhad rneant !-tliat be4ca.îe O-f lier rejection 01 !him. hie wou14 reven-gehimtteif Up- on lier by- cpousing aSr WaIterîji oause, and no reduce lier Ito a ter bondage, indee'd, by, sweffT'ling tPhat she was aray iaoe' -wif e. The fait1liess Anna, ishe did Dlot do'ubt, WOuld flot liesitate to per- jure lierseif for a. pro>per otide- ation ; while as for Hayden, the otlier wltness, aithough she knew nothing of him, alie prekucnedIthat lie vailey ,AMready m -on tecold 'i t he Ov erland express w s rocky apura ivasi'dariTh ~e.n the triangle of redk ad- Ina- t xxcnîti r th}irty ouf lui-ine'ighiburs t-o a-ot lt en-în-r rpe-i.' jouli hit it tt i i'.irl otua-t liîas jîroveil Ive hui-îi unning cnthuis n-oa--l onl- t--t-etrhuelt io p r uf i fi e i h i x l - u .b ef uri- to c f i Io w s kn i-xx a- T o n t e fro n u i t e m nd o n th e ca -npet hefo r It lia-s lu-ca uOmuîutsi-I luthe rconsuls Ia- oul-ol'suîiîhetIi- ri-ii-en-,'"a-nil 1tPe s-encrai superiobeclei reluîrne uuîuh il ut-n uioffic'iaul tttlis-s. ht- hutuitu'tuliRP's. tnon-sr. ile ]uever selttvtbngbscapMtt-e the t-work iof i li ohu-rutoi hirmuisntou iieilu tues-ar-uts tia-t, a-nillit-i-o'si cue lte fnnctionan-yof a , r i c i h t t i h u i uhl e - s , a n i ldî îî- i i i e o î î w i e1stI c a i l N . i n e s a l o n g * " l i e c a n f u l i y r c i c o l nm a t îunîxatc uxî'tImt unsO!fh f-' acli 'hlunrdet-chute lill otut," sa-id the uhhro li oup-y tluat a- luinute propouîrtionmocf ouu: coxîs tilt-conuluu@to-. i"uinn,'sa-id thue supon- kept t a-tuti -tm,-h1 î Ait e-Punîat ii I Toni tuihrns tua-he o ne rph. A cn-owdl cri-h.."'eur train tva-s fi cnuuuaian luî viiliiiuuzuluivfuruTui-s 'ia-n te al-rut tbout the eigine, n-iu etnat-. Wlial's tIlie fautti' t i t" ithlu fut1- a-- tlicý- et.i-t. lie Iuj - - t is un îhrs t ie aihxisa-biit v of '-fi-sI a- bu agît- a-b a1101ol tluii r x uw > n le urc, uttt nm-'îuIw i um pullina- t iii fî-uuîî hi.is place a-cintd uo a-nhi.'niphiclli -s l1ii- cutui n-x i li >uuhîiou f xed 1u-ithie fun(Itialliî Iu tthue trali. A pen-sen in "oti lon't seeni lui ta-i i tlieo-i tlintt-cîî1îm ilu-- uuýiaili- i, t-tîarkttblv wel-fitiina-ciotites noxt-Ivito a-oui. -onus t co vit-lt 1hih .t Ia ii-i u5 l a-r lthe îîuost lmipuseil îîus tt-ivlelte frnt. 1inninlnt 'in ia importnt ()ýe flat mi da'io- 1 ouit.îhîhcl('t ta-ho thue a-l inipnia-t îut~ hîuî c-a-f itts oa-rUni 'S- eure, ena-lacer," sa-id hi-, "oyou nu-n t- -bu>-.- he îuibiilit iisi-nuttlîu-i uot"utho 1 a u Iiutiîînuhn-oîpassena-crsin coneucii-lu i-ru- tril ulîtsu nutu-tI l!i*of- 1 Dur-nscgluan-e-l ca-reliassit- Uox- na-d re-rctor (if bbcen-ca-i." Gi rhdulu-ait i a--mut 'initi-n h iiinutphueti i Iknoxx' mv litîii-cs." ta Iph.lie 1t(oh1f ut frienmubof luis xxho I Sbrangýer, I Icn't keep trauch of svery engrineor. "an'ca-n altendl liail it.u --lti uv.ri- pnodiîction o!fldu hua- t naN-eL et-en this i-ead." a-cv adice," hisî lu>l ui-uu-u l -.- i ii iii- vuar te $ii-) -- i nGeorge Piciaidsin," cocntiil lT-v og avoyuîh theii-,xt lti\t.ttîililýtia-h h.- P¶O -f ciot-se Ithie cari-fialit-dresseilnuan. "m.d a stock-- "Abolit fiftc',en a-cars" ter~iilhue -uî)ue. Iiithte tird ycan, hPolder in th-lie centpa-nv. hnless yoiî,stan-t xxer. ti-th cio-eeiiiili-n-rabhr iîighter. t1ue innnneiiately I shia-ll report your conduot "Tisa-t is tee long, mucý aver-a-ae o! Il-s lui-id îutuîu up to -'-60, a-nil-t-o tPe authiorities." sail tise officiaI, "I a-m in theu- -cur fhh tvig e$70. This tva-i "Tisa-t'a right; fire him," yelled a few a-uonehn-ifee. acceniplisheil hy rîori' ekilful feeling, b5 lof the ne-are-st. w-ili neceive papers appeli xveeding ouIt.minprofitablo cetvs, a-nil hy "Welh, CGeorge," sa.id Boiras, "tise onlvpeitnetotseS-( but-ina- fron-ecislitons betl-r pi-oducins- 1 stok I et-en lui-d was a nexa bra-nilel V elamantsr Ccxvi, of xtliee vai\-allithe ewnors w-ens - steer down la El I'alo. Just yuou w-ait business." igunonant. lotîts t-crî-t-uit. unabil you get to t-be autlorities before W. A. Cieunons, jyon report me, will yen?" Purilication CIen-k, Sonnetbing hn the oonident banten of A Sight Hi- 'Renexbe,"&s-I the tmprn."fyu________ -e engineer and in inM aysteriou:s sus- oehiladetphia Pi-e- are not a good --. Sita enu- ray faiti picion calmae-lthe indignatioln. Tee "I understanrd your usra to rin ye a-t5-- riChrisrntas.' w-es a miomentiai-y husb, and a hgtle. tgdnepaytisvn -I know," an7'--f-plthe prarîli-at chiid, - clnfirom the eleeper anddenly salI: hl'es "budnt T4-s -ia -- t irta. any i "Papa. 1 hea.n nozzai- traina oonil," -1t's off." nep'od the lion <Tn.- t a-t - ' -. <i P.aîy a-r wup the onyo un i.ndistînluncm - SucceO4 in catctrtng Lthe staZ.' The Unlçnown 4ir go itcb. nd "vas to glve !nlng," remarked uoesi -heon itkl 777=-V--- Iand be adâitress of Worthlnê-Towters. ÉaNy, <k> moit repuq»e mv," I- con- jtirnued, passionately, as shie attêihpt- Ied ito *v1Obiraw ber îand from 11. )arm,; "-vou are aIl the wxmrld to tue, my xlariing-I cannot, wiII not, live iwvtthout DVou, Tho one aim, and de- sr of nMy life]las -been toîWÂf!you, a.nd, daring, you- surely cannot have tlî-ci heart to say me na-y4 Youi have s-±,en wit I -have ito offer yu ail t1tý fair do-main, a han4-some bank aocount, à O tl~ wltch ih w-orthy of any wornan's acceptance, to lsay n$otliiLng of at itie, and a jieart that loves tou most devait- 'xd.Florence-~.Florence, tell me H1eha4d throiv- so muich ardor and Pa.sson- ifo his tones the girl real. iy Ptitied him,, for she believed foi t1ie moment titat lie was terriblY Lnl earnest and endless w'retched- nie-'s would 'follow a refusai. At tlie samýe time, she was indig- nuint th1at hie iould renew hL-s Vuit, jtfter ail that had passed be- tw-en 1tliem on the qsuÙjet. "I -ikno-w Walter, that 1 am -lion- ored Ib~y our propeÂ-i1s, but 1 thon'glit tlit I liad ma-de it clear to YOii that I can îîever becolme y oui wife," «s;i responded coidly, .and w-vt1 unr-mitakabç" firrnneszi. Sdi-ý' CO'UI41feel tivir? îniity lieart- throb that 'sliook 1iis wjuiolo f-aine at lier an.swer. SJre beli.evced it M~as caused by il feeling of despair -, b'ut, in rcality. i-t wýx-S on)l a'volntand imost uncoxiqueraLoie uliheaval of rage at bio:g deffied wýJtat lie liad set bldi lioart upon pcessess:llg. Foi, a fuil m nute lie was speech- less; hie was try-Iîîg te subbine tuie wrath Illat Nva-i surgi ng %witlîiiiii LikO a ýyteiuipestuous sea, tliit lie mn-Iglht Speak ealnily as lie played At; la-st ho turnod lîiýs fa-ýce fullituP-~ 011 ar 'Flornc,"he sa-id 6-I w-as hop- ng VouiwouId let ' vc-ar-self 1)? w(Xi -at le'a--it iaperacentthf thi scret tiaî-rige couli bave fojr4-vex- rtl-o iîd Ia Sexret4 WO cOLLIi hve liad el. grand ~edig an yo ou coihave ý,akeu , vtur Sla-cc heire '11ja lwcciîig manner, ïeven thtougli a seon erernony w-euh] î*-alIv Le but a -farice; for V OU %N'airea&l'v rny wIXe, ailii ou kiiorw t-I kuîloxv it, if theic wrlil l-1-'ý l ot. 110- -f- ' iow le(term*ne(ily con- f r on teil i' lier f igu -e drawul l'rouiilv -1er>ct a-nd ail si rc i connectI 1w-ith tiie cowa-ýrkIl befo>re ILùr îirgdiii te s-orn - "I a-ta cotL youî- w- f4, Sir Walter I'-gî. ii' -ie k-a idin, ctoiles N1- 1braîî t -th iîgitîi o f wLtyoîîiîa ju-d slA a-dXis : ed e-i tt-s a tirLrea to ceerre nie n ite eonîj lviy:'g %vitl. y or iShý-S, you 111fili I tloatyoui ha-e' i ;Le giat nîl-italie. 1 w-as nover nia-r- r'-d te o i i îo.hIoîf- beLet e-ilmvseft o h vor wife foi. ax fox 'îoî nîlî ut os, un til aIltlit nioti-t Odrî-dfli fa rce tva-s NQ and I tîtrnod anid Ioo(ked into 11i9 ore citlia-t istrangwli c s1ed fie- scýi'nie, and iw-1()i in oOflil.cctiiit- alle-waY llad ina-iiag-ýd te) take yen-r Pic C- L <-ii -10w Canniiit ji ndoi'- w1Uii îî it-isyw- or- wiN'yoiî tvere ict t iranîd iiow lie Cou id lia-te de- eoited everv eue in t lie ivay lie did: or iviulc c-old liave bvei lii obect. It a; Ill a tribetaiitaiiz1:g r ns- tefrv," bsue Oiieiiided, lier Nt cefull o! Pat i ri. li(riice you are s tili dreving t-ee1 iriie.tas yoju w-ere deceî-ved t inat i. îi~iiît. Iii t h- giocîn and tein p- est ehte lcptd to inv ars iin a niac- kinitusl i', i-N cet :ýti-a-iige Ita-t apf- Y? Mi 1 id lng'I ai ÃŽ. -,9 U-olle,ç-,qi-snuver -et tee otu te retain tîteir faculties. \Vhen a woma-gi-a-spa ber train alle bouda hi-r long suit. It tuakes Jack Fr". t t give tise ther- iiometer a 'calI-doWn. - Il i- 'bette,-*t-'hla-ve execimtive e-blity than te elas'n yonr bmead by tise sweait of your bi-ow. n - - - ~ - - Asleerier -A - rest o! tliem. s -adero e 9d etod m r Nevertheiesa -b1,r courage did train ta haul upu grde-.eeW to mz - not desert bier, et-en at anil thence down te Lats t izing-t-rhat they had lb titis seemingiy- desperate point, of his mun. Tom ha iw-- hemte -and ber band invoiuntarily 1 thi-ougli tPe moufntains .*-- - .,hastinema-tr s went up to that citain which stri but s0 far n lahi& - liad se long worn a-round ber Dock met tsa-t tsi-no f Xhe-.è The rôa.r t.hat folIo-e- a-nd upon whuich titat pesuuliai- ring pi-sas companyv, tise tra' ei6ely that tise majonnity- hurig auspeînded, w-L'lê he iere was an Sierras. '.1rgt e-xulta-yit 110in ler tones, USsite At Mogollan tPe boa - d Buns osît fa time in eE eouc;lalmed ( ~~ha-rd breatbing under -ti ol etlsh-i "Yon cannot provo t, ail the wiePaste ep'emlcasps of tise men about1 - s-m. f onmai-ed e îtt tgttincamne forwa-rd and wa --oiuTturne t-bey numbled on np Roigedaho Cha-peu, wluore is tite ring hc nie witlî wiih you wedded me ? De- Pic1engins.teprets an a aresw > ciei-to as~ ak-l? "Hello Sant," sa-id t n as hetbeant iin tserv scrio ithowwts t mrked?" -. . ý1er a-cross Ms kases,list Alitght ia-ugit iippied eagiiy over poked the long noie *'l' 4ail ctiT the whirr of wheelý foxr tlI-e baronet'@ lips. among tPe. Irames of ei4C arryin itrakes. - e otnu )a-ny coin wjtb y ' 2- tigisr Over tube sumnint of the (Tu h- cetînue.) -- ~ :Dry up, Torm,\re - e, expresstsew trnaoe-Ph mosi-fger, irritahIJ , one--I Oi along. Sudd-eciy Bur-ns las TESTINGI DAIRV I-ERL)S. business whaî yoi -ù1 ~it '- ed thPe thronttle and gr"~ "Gel sente aboa-r týzen, eh.V" langhsd lever. Far aheald a roI -What thse Danues Have Done-An Oh- Tom. "Well 1 rec Jthere'1l be a f ew te a-nI fro acrosa the Ira j-ect Lesson lfor Canuada. o! Ibeni mouctai crs-% l ookmn' for ui For a-n ins1tant tise grea sente o! these tri " - u a great orisls slow-ed lt-s The littie kingdito! Denman-h occu- 'î ~ gl ~ 1 ongl o ismte-n,"'ln 1Pies an aliost 'unnivaibed position as a smbx el Dnt-ko h aple akfl -is prodîucen cf fi-st cia-siha-cen and bttrI hoi1ld. I'vs - rod ac th tro - as C-naiuiu buttere, c lite-se lueilucîs -- ugh i tiîbmore lise train rushed on. Vig foly -alue Tti pe-euiiece iai hîntx- cf tintes ;-étise i-cil faie o! danger,1 full reaize Thi preeniiiene lis PBic, Tom fin 'hel c'iing a-nd pult the ed oet hue boiler t-oC hie b eon brouiglut ahot clu-efit- y the g- Z "Track's dlean, Jirn, bit en-aI diffiicît ci f agricobturah inforina- ca-p o0iso tien and tite iuart y co- operat ien cf the "Don't voît/ baveé-ne presentimente, t-hein hiad!" ifui-mers aloua- iý--tline tuua-î xvihi hi- t Sam.n ie orcîvýà r-kd, îoeking around at Btbmccoceii tIir îmuîtuîal a-dxu rta-gi-.Tht-te r e u ote5codaabu Pe-tatoi- sbots xere firen. Bon-s uiant- directioiuns in xvl-i Calta-dia-ns tank. utiltprefitahix iluulta-te titese eneon-ttie "M]i-ca-17 thmon-, fJim, as x ?"akngctaps( rivis f ucr, lot hohi--stiîipirtunt TPe fini-tv-nn on the tender riodèld d ."Stand hy te jump th-at hi-ina- inithe iniprix culîclt of dairv i-rd,,. an(] si n lia-ckh te speut. g srs-diapy 'Theu- imuu of inteligenut îlam-yiiîeii, in (lin- 'Kecp miii eye open, Tomin. he Thetranws idn adaas ellas ii eniiar, i ioproiie milltliý." a .id he xprss essn-undor t-le force of theo tul-asî -I - uh-i-a-,i eirdlemtn l-. i h xrs -o- bra-kes. Xitn friglîtful i-a t he-I-r- a-uunotnt ef fiit t-cluis uikii, gi-r as liie stan-ted bai'k t bis ca0r.aP-dseiltena he butter a-ndlt-led-se a-t the hta-st coi-t. -let Tvo cuirs la-etoi- lieba-va- train w-a-c a-ppeared t-o ho a la-ht- tus sec, Ililut, xviutto icttuv -tsting rpournirthebcgradIe -xihhin a fi-tv uile s a-nil irdeus iopelessit- t-a lias done for Daîuisl du-t- lierdis in tlt-cof the duvule. When ie sigbted tuie itv -iii t-was a few tvies ant tva-t o lof ueuig iti- ccst of production, signal iamnps o!thue cidingxvben-e bthe ba e ur-ishvo ithe firest cf t lutse ce eperahive test- castho<ind N-\o. 5 citoulil pas-, boni, Tom imphactope hrerl sop in-.1 s-aioî 'î înîîu-bini1,S95. sent tht- au-r10t te w licols te Pold lier soea o! thes3e off. Ti lBat-luit-t- 1 oipicule! ofa iuiit-di uîtil the sxvitch x-a-s opened and lie- meunted slightlv on tPe4 uuuuîuîhcr cff -u abo iutti-t Oon- fif- e oumiui pullih b le'ciîing. HerQ fna-nlyhivconseil t-emove, t-on, w-be aarteto lia-t c ure-fuI ta- titi-i-oapassi-naer tiroppu-ilo! tPe stepi lionns a-nd ils fini-max ouf ihein Ccitt--s nade utt fr-eî(ut-nt iuttrt atk of the Pilîmans to look tub at tbe fan- juil in tinte te gaze into (i m-ni-teniîgptiiih -coiu t tqtsic cliffi aluove tben-. TPe coin- zies, mman iuued fuir thepiuhii-e. Fuirh a-c- uloctor xvent loto a- 11111e shanty sera-ing "Gil ha-ck on te thal - cuira-to records are tlîts ehtutiiucul - cut as a tolographi office forth-lie use c as ov lecno el duilIxof tite tiehl of nuilk andtitbitter .O a; -,- h ano.Wl - - g trains. Thoncr- -va-s no openator a-t sa-id co! liith holdups. fuit, huit of liii anietunl, hiuud uand ciaoto!flta-t point, bti îo-t coninhicters cuhld "Gi-se t-ou Pevt-hte saN the fi-ci con-unieil. Thein uformiationnia-ko sbift te repourt teir traine. piied Bturns promptIy anc (bis si-coreul ua-, pu e i-i cnurkahlY cf- Aflor a- tintelue ca-me out a-nlw-cnt jc-, Oi !lt --o foi-tt-o iiniudtîcina-the I)aiii-tutadupt can ethetnuinee b tho enOfthe o! Pe botter nietheils onfhneediîîg, fct-diiia-aanuld t-tu1iia ulint- Coxs. "CIToie'i a tna-hi orcier, Tom-i. Funny. up. - Ho hneww-<t-lia-tW lelSi, ihet tft-frtt-tio -- u hieyv on-o cauing 'ahee I w-ont in. m-usit stan-t iloxn the CaT ciatientva-s fcrniîed, the \va-luit -of thte 'icia-ilx- IhLave- b spend ton minutes ilcîpera-ioes in hi-,ca-P r hitten exiiorti-ilfrniu Iitnia-rk Wastuetslina- tti-euhpatt-lierte ta-ko mvn-e- ca-r tn-ailicg behîlil, oavi $19-000-000. Iru 1901, -<tluin ovin- îîîee port." the train sta-lbl in tPemu hiuîidcf tIti-st-a zilatbu v-e'-t- Buirns toiclime rotuiin ceratch cf copy wlien a convonient spot u--l c-or tua-t ceulut rx, the vautl () tf the that-t tva-s ltanîheuhto lli nin-cra-il t thon-e x-oTîi bhebb ly bîutterî-xoruuit- a-iiotiit,i t-ltt 2 n "Di'vision letitiua-rien-,'Net. 6, 189- liona-nil dca-bisprocahul il l nrîuîi- ef ver c uir '- ut ii - -rNut). 7h.oiiîoîr ate. Ti-. No. 2 tuheexprescen-,atik aigni(a.ý foetra-ho aa-n- .jt.rixviihts5a t1Uil 14l.P i' c-iso olr.adt -<-iar- It is i ealN gre huit the wl a-ý5 a(ýd .4R . ..snz fdlaF gi-cuttr pan-tt uf tiîls u'ttutti Us ilit-rt Vtse DeýZputciiir." WVlin tii- a-et cf tl m'a dutti e to vor- f tt- -im iîgass- B lurnsc ile into bhis ca-h a-cil i-a-ilflaslued thn-ouiiLh Binn cia-licIteinitt-uIilia-uuunt hie î-u -~ th ie on-tIir a-tain. 'J'îti e lpuslueil ha-ch xasontepaIfri the iiilkin- c\%.s la-cill P0eda-Emeia-nilliatendere con îîihiîg etelurauI-incru'a-ýoiI, buat >Jneh iuht uelaielti o-,inî's coal i-4ol ictitin- s ic adtoa klinfîcîý1lt a vas deor il" vas a siîuhdi-n twvist o! at-qui-i-il Ilat the c--t cf fecul niueessti-x \' lat-ihe tua-tr, Tui?" The en- body. a fien-ce mo.tion mn to prundice a putinîl of bî'i- s-oir i,, nnet n-phy. a-nilthe con- report o! a pistol, Son ci-iniated tl b Istuh-i-- hua-n oftotiirse!ilcton- bîîrioul fuita b t -o rt,%fi-cm bthe stops cf tise1 t-iat iltvwa-s vhpn tIc firit ci-o oeratilte "13111, 1i n-i-c-ocxed botter cet hetîxe. lot -ron--cin eqide thon a-ssociation îsta-iled p-na-tienîs luii 1S95. - 'N e at-ve lit' c?" asked bbe ca)- - t'anudu-uu iluirxlutn xiuo aieTisn commecei a- fus for diîdi-nul'r th-i- iîva-ieuîslooking mdu ouctor.rm te s 'iull "Weil. I1uicn'tliko ,.that on-er." m-vothnfic i-- for iviendson heiriii-(ýsiiiiit shuldexpress- ca-r. People poui v'unsidonte fi-ne. uts c! "Wýliain's xvron- '.itb it ?"cahs uttePlm- t u e t e s i î ~ s o i î - i - i i o x t - l l u t l t e " I t a i î ' t l i k -e R . 1 . l e s a - v h y a n c o a h s , a u t ihie l m n t ii-t c sît i u îh- le;s o ar e od wa s he order's c an-eU. Isua-ly it 's just an It vas a ou h e er fnîii ofu e e4 0 n gl e a K -t u t- i r c o rd s x v îiîc tu e en- er o n "- iDB u rn s l e.;.ita te d a M u_ q u e n ti x- a i-u ni-i l i hco <is froi 40to o cnt. pe \vilethetrouble. In mucishi-se uucrea-su rcîuurîîs pi-r ccxv, a-s a- n-isoIt Taict, ntIthonca-d. "ehloBii, i-ul cf fit-e veutrs' t tif- vre fo -$6teknoxv xve're o - - n'scmctîîin' to-nia-ht «" bers anuîo !wuh na-, fn-ou can-rtm bes xero duimPing sxxiftlý Si "Tomi, vct'xe lcstaco- o i-t-crv. ThaI oin-Cus l pi-r annulîti. 1iirlv tîh" s ' a-niie-t'- . iinttit-satisýfa-ctonv rote cf - on-Uer Le cilhe rua-lit,"i 'l'lie extra-ordiîuarx increa-se in the nîum'i- "N1o. I ainetlest my nonce eilîer Whi u li a i ber cf titise soit-ie-s in Deniiiark, showts Tierc's somethtin' aboutlitta-t on-Uer cenductor stumbled up bu low lîigihy their xverlc is uplreciateil. titat unon't soi-ni na-tirai, 1 ca-hi it a- "Tom, this bas becn 1the conductor, a- ia'-, owen simu& for liittig l-a buig, î- lît i iltu thlat.- W i.î t Il(, wcui11s i ila the engineer a fittha-? '. oiuieiti-d theuIe utI- iiu-hin. a curiotîs lttle "n0- ilpair c' -Iia--C ruî- ktil tule ,ires which dis- - et luir, k-S.i lEftern Bobliail ia:niug-vd t i- -is bail hose cPa-ps tap- lua-lftvîva-trosthe gitiiu.l i - i IL e ere'c where teiu--toi lio, auuee U pIiilcuehî-cuIlletut- .nufactured-" tenudants noared to huiii, "u-v. mannie, ined te bey us xvait t 1 I gito telte tiîp *i' te batik, lown grade an' an' Fil lott ne f vo'recan oex-r k," said Borna -<v i' r ext idiot Ai'al' t tle ' a rau btova-tch a-t a -lfouittuuehoh's ult that they str-ugglos ý-,toe îls lia-' tlîli(Iîughi t1.e -or. gas er Tom Borns elbuti f ar is xI lIa. lii- lo-t, )re the desk cf txvtin tlii' hurn..11- iet tthi - ti be -nI, nervously a ftort ruls i-d- ailiil ot t- lu us ; t iiz'g i bis bands. Be- cutuîiiileutlit, g-ut it!- the hîîî'c- the road ca-I el-s mn' liii ie -it rt t >0o'il> ii iuia ian, the stock- lui-t a ulîi. IIt w a s ut1gei-t i)lu. h* -!ier pîei-iste(raI1ce lii- ii i-li il] ( ,1 1 ta , lie -intendent ccv- Pcîuint-uli uu an' ctuiii 1i r-i mii itllv our heurs la-te Wi'itlîî-v x - lu )I-;-) ugt o t--e ex planaIiutn ?" thîe îles uratîi ta - outf (11-Mi11z 'a îiU '1 Ihup ini 'the ýa-n o' t he >>cii-thle t x ii -() uuuin-- if-- - fullNi-uitt tii hel c'-- 'I li- l t l' te aUx-ice i-knil- tas '.x-s e1uiui-l e-it jit» th- ponid, itinuicîl t hic ii- utan' tii>' i-C- t ut- rto c un-;> il -îu iim rcc, t-esteu-dav 1Ht-v t iiii i ue Ij-u(1u) iha l i n - uîgit o' (Ivicef cf rteariV il - leic-ii o i is, (-101>-i. sxu-g is nci udin- a di- Iîî -oxveu'lits ýsu nul er.ttc' mîade -t rut ks fin lin-e(.it- forI- iit hail lest its replcil he tîratiiut-. A-k Bob if le ever 1layed te ilievithu et-ff .'an-lu o-b, ve'llbe-ar Ca-elle. Aýine,,x-li(n ii a- geniai nîoo, Beb ad an engine ?" waq boiard te ay that goxxff tag sic a xvas ~ ~ zi1 th a a- c ut g ne, it %vas o c t- fit fer fule .- -Perthshire Courier. uh too long," - Sgoing to givo CLITPED. ['o-mon-ow yau Even ba-ga-e sornetiiiies goos t-o ex- înting you su- cesses. CrZ Carlos division. Most girls faIl in love beut-use etber î'bo knov4s bis girls do. 1 The Modder Watch. (Burial of the "Black Watcb- at Moddersfon- tein, South Mfrlca>) (By Llewellyn A. Morrison.) Where Modder.'s turglii waters weep 'and louder à - Their dews lin Nigbtai repairing Q'er brown ka.-roo and kopie keep, night air. he Stîiill t h ocean faring, ihrili1 airen rang The southtand sunaet haze of rose ithe headlighlt Strone ou the grave they made tl4em; There, in uocoffln'd cairn repose, wit.i a biinding 'Neath Mfric veldt they laid thera. ýo. 5, ea.tbaund, Rank over rank, as if io Tife-- Intrepîd brawui dispiaying;- ýeI tili someone, The stern lips quenched in luit of strife, ýeen saved frozu, Thelr Chief's iast cari obeying; The gaunt hands grlppV«ug stili the guns, vtiUi the e gin- Nor doubt nor dan geie humbed; with he e gin- Oid Scotland's brave a d honnie sons At God's parades assmbled. shCWed jconclu- Bu ak btientyosr wl tiliought he W-9 A~dowri hebrule e-snetyn rewa Sobbeth the pibroch's plaintive tale- starting as soo Lochaber's doom portending; freefromthe Cometh the Chieftain, who for aye, Is fre fro the In war and peace unparted, hlim. For Borne Among tris gailant men they iay- pthbe grade, thle Wauchope, the iion-hearted. ,iving no hint of In kilt and tartan drest theli withl a Winches- Fearlesa and unoffended, stening through Wlth faces fronting the blue aky, the sond o! Dy heavenly 'Watch" attended. îr à e so nd f N o blarng bugle cati at m or n Their alumber overtaking; epase and doWn For Christ and country they have borne léavy t-rain. sld The burden2 and the breaking. istinctively Clos- They rest with Hlm, whose biood like theirs Lped the brake - Was poured at Preedom's portai. lantrn sun'yAnd each Pnfrancbised freeman shares hantra wun Their liberty, intuortal; ack. The King of Empires they salute: ýat per-plexity o! The -Weicuime Homeward- pealeth; self on hi-s face. They press Goig-otha's garn-r'd friuit, sk it, anyhow," Whose wine al wouniià gs ealeth. î,tthe again and . . - - gorusî swng Stili Modder's clara'rous -waters pais ig oro sly s ung B y shorew ays h story-haunted, but Burns yeh- And sill, be-neath the Southern Cross foreman: They sleep, by death undaunted. ut lock eut for For Right they died; their praise shall swell, Tinte and decay defying; Eternai years alone shahl tel, lie cab. But ne The friumphs of their dying. gha.nced up sud- Toronto, Canada. st,eam. A dark- bn the track. His Last Round a!t Goviff. t, Jin!" thbe en- Bob Tain--u-n thoe-bt lue -'vculd foliow tho exacujI)e o' seutueco' hl., Olioprnate-s, a-I pounding and invest la a set, e' gctvýff oltIbIS, to har d applied be upside>, as hie sa-id. xvi' Lis clîums. ipidity the rmass Bob got ttli-tu, 'vi a- gto -aui-x t hera ,ni. ln tbe gloont in, tvi' initial;i't ini hargelotrs Vrinth of bea-mrs Bob Pied do-on te ii-the iuInha-t ngled In reah- autitue vben loetiiochtlie 4tviid hîiae the a a-n d rail or cU-- ol(-ot t t h e t r a c k T h e t e e ý t he h a ' , b u t v i i c l i 0 ' 1 1,> ' 1h i 1 1 s t O )p-il tra-in thretv ose firsý-t iuste hit ia niatt-:-0' imdif- 'Pe loCOcmtive fi-rence. Ile teckfrac thiej- )a-g '-chance others anad fin- bis'di-iveî-; le 51(51>1 etht-tut ;C .r:ise hlisi bb, afljia--l tit i.uiw -tbu-inge, jump--d down a-'i. le ueaut e l-aI 11 e -oleiîl ,o revolver muz- xvi' <*e ick. -1i:-t cs lie lt-t --'- ta .niean ei la-ddes oa-îîî' lupain' a-ft-r l(ielu-il hook- t-il k t-vanr's. l virtt nI-. in.' i:î itiier cii-ar the track" dirceti'onsq, !trcil t lhl'bîhlisan' yV, pardner," I a-t- u ite n- lI-e see remnounted bis-- ivers Nvas press- 1 diîliia -ctlie hi gag pla-ce." back as he went saitI il-u0,o' lî-nu.l , Ii i a-or it ,s meant. He - îyon with three t e 1kt i txhit j- -v---r and the express i ing thc- rest of >- î <lac iiii--- O' uMointaînc. Then And so IL xu ýt -a-s reached ox>ule tstii'au-dreNv îa-mite, destrtic- hi1e p agn,1-b a', te Sarri Pease, uîî ut uitthe liU'tufahIe - c iloissof thon- teent iras l;uhîthll.onuit o 1(Itter; '111, t th*u-;tIlie l1la-hus U-)t -i lieut bee ueas bail -- ii-ftor-' hcad isliifoot \ attCtoie c-Bb xveen the enl- î'rning a- cc la-id '-Oxi -Y tliem. the ha-cile of xc t' ie uc -ite nor o tl I ;c1l'S i-y near. There Fa-d? i'r- ce oli 1i ktisna the enginper's gi-I cut e' tîlo tt ut