Whitby Keystone, 5 Jan 1905, p. 4

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I s t, - '-,-t- t - t i - t.iiese tIiu ît uit'îtt luiîî gx m ii ' x).D 11u1, a e- ltat N. , niitu ti tîirli.iînifit'-l to ine-LotiIi ilsIlir e1'ttt'in hîtm t lit'i sattîmu'. i-caning -ihnia-ek ttît u'jilîtt-1ha-t,; mi A FOU r X".1c n- acurTeftTua Flornig UJ ait Sy icÈ '3, 'ii îu'ttsgO % ut 11ti o 'a per travel banC> in b-<nd, and are the' t iit t- i t thn x' ki tiin t scribe lis charatcr, xiuVi ',;s "-tt m, peumsos b t'-i alC pbsî2txiS,;M 3,d Wu 0 "îd i Otojury l xvek --- ttîou sanu fotod f er t'iii Intieutn the ijîtit , îoîî ix NIîîlui 13. , Lenhsay foriting tut eiitinaittt-n.i-ta tt *tn'tml-1m!t.it catint'- tir. Vin Sitin" Pi'ni'at-tte '1abltzt kep jarx I li dmx'ýI aulit21.; 5, St. ho- Li - fitfuiness siti Il e lt t -lutiel t"tit-i t be stonnat b h sixe' t-titi dige -tion-keep tht' niast' (ul Mi\Iîdat lApuîil 3; b, range- q. nes. Ptft'rinîig t" offi cV. Thtt !lit'"11,a11l nente <entre-s ix ct bit tinct'd t hey'ne nature' Illie jjuia n d ittjiV< îcd Y, ;19 lue uoftuIll 43i itt'U it'm . ittti çaiacea-lea"atitt aliai barmless. 31) et S i- u . tti i"- u tl\- Jn in u ii iuîui. Ncyti-.4) t o 1-Maxy-Ya8, Siticoe 1jîton jai> ),Monday, da ftltxvîg Fu- ~t ti ii-ii .ii NO TAINTED ELECTIOIN. ' leà. 1, rai', tuas tI-oi r , t I N (i,'tf: -r l!-t r": t îx,'fa-r frtt U x itîni's'.Att -r - CînaosD eroc rotue Governot-E1e Macoroto hon'l\, j. janweet bis ri'tiîn lui i lile'u, aitt(, 'uît1ii - ,. r r t iinjur eoid xck.u-O îlv ot'î,ilin xitî îmutu'ri lti--Wants Inv'estigation. Nitu bx ititry 1; 2, Sit uiit tîrî, b In mian, 'lilp u B'Iisi ui. Ititii ii liofer (2t. ).ii. Al ltliitu \îtî.ît - 'U umr>27 3-)lort tjîut- i i ii lait ai t,-mt-nttit t tt (l 4 l ietî (juiy .îîîd nun jat> ,u 1 A 1ti x-mitg tutixhttîi -ss (.\Iuuk x, boixe's used Ucre rit titi ut î'mt t-i-bii m 21). i iii f tutlui'opui-ied. Ni î. .\-lîii,- -it ii t if I-( titlat . tîi i)t 'u ti.l Moî- Nii 50 eîhitl luu-tut-t uumîtîîituui l t -h, i < i iitti imu1r' tu i" Ci-u t\iî'-i i it t e 19 SWJ Ciiiili 'I'bo'o t-cnet' (xii lI î'ts b\îIt,i u iii- t î"n fraxitîs lue itît' titi ltaxi Suîi'i ý S~î 'trteti , îtu î, lrdi naine.ii'uiitin d ît.iiiuutiintiai 'i t- I ittt'iilan I 'ut1 oritt i 'uti-iIiur li, -- our 1-oril 1erniiml 11, flin-t iii tht u imai sbolî îd luixnrt ams (tuti(-i- Cuta i 'i'k \îiîli rtyx i 2; Zet-hi. I lN I ii. . 4bi. I1 Pe t i.for ail inth'. utîî îtîxifitmît uîu i d N u't 'uîu ei lu N uit t ri l hix (jtL.mî' n'î j2i7; tuM Jj ot It tuf i-. ; ; Iý i(-. b i ih îrsa Iix 1 4 luîaaittt un' rn (ranIZ.NxXiv.t- a n. tf Iuii .u'4 i-t r e a imiî ar m r e e vii o o t o i;Zel v 1 M il 1.Iit.4; f alt a h li\ittîjttl* t i> 'ht tli w wk ,MnI ix '2: i l it eat lii i 'bI e itit1itut'tofifl - Nil -taiý i at P rd y .V l- ,P r rlir (u y r prt-e - tva- .pî uIlitiI tli i t :it iii ai x mi' nel lay, I' T 2 ; ,ýR t Mi bN iat- ii V. t '12) am -t tland t tt\\ati 'i 1( i-t ,e i it . tan tid"i tu t-i I) he b l11p at e il t t.'I l , '2 ; P 1 :11 1 1(I1 jli - u - un)t.a hau sh.luaI t eh tttlavii is ut h',12.~ wer'itit' î pci t l-ia"" b u t n N li t - t. - lt11i1I-u1- Cone frnt 11(1u-e 'ii' 'Aun i'> iuu -uut t: 't by Jî'sus (v.. ai - l'Ilttili cutmîî lout s'l"'î-,NId x'Iy the difficuit e'ý, ititIi lie mcîilhi -lott'7a ur 'u t il-i'il'-u'. NI-ti f thatuel bout i-i :'ilui îof il "-ý ý,J'tu ,iiltvl <vs. 47-f5l). 47. Na g'ii" "lie' ox:re'u-13ion *ion mpies -a trille uo e aYIli-(,u y i 'oi- ju It e latN-,Feuayxi vcrted tan, a genuile sit of Aliutîm, go II i 2t :'. IToro'nt îrto n n > i fitrth xx't'c, ecru, byflt.asxell as ansoiti'aceadng i"tlo'd""ind, ci bruanry Tor- i i.n.i.(acivil, Ta tLhe flesh.. RYle. 48. UJuduur Uicf ig tret- ftfte Noda tt I with adùterated cor. monplaC'eJ Market Reports Calif orniaX lkiak, Cal The Week. fl ere o had a few( ça-le nearP Toronto Farmers' Market. aistopedbi -ti o -#e--4- or -gain- -_oy wee vr an p e agis j 0 meditation and prayer. Prohabiy it wIIs In abusing your nervous and digestive systefli ay in eome good spot, secluded f rom the teas, whe'n you can Zet qu-uu human eye of Jesus, tha.t iNathana.el INTF.RNAT[ONAL JiE,88O NlO. Ili. %von hie title of Israeiite, by 'previliiîg J&NUA)~ ~ 905. prayer with god.-Whedon. m 49. Thou art, etc.-These words arc - the outburst of a heartI convingéd at. 4«1 àa Wihd Ie Firet Diîcipes.-John ~~ô once that Jesus wae the Messiah. We can bardly suppose that, Nathat'iaei Commentary.-L. John directs two dis- clearly understood the nature of Christ's ciples t.o Jesus (vis. 3â-39). 35. the next kingdom at this time, but tho.t lie t-ax day-There were three days of testimony that ,esus -,vas the Chirist- Nve caniiot ef John to Jesus: 1. To the deputation doubt. 50. Greater tbings-Thou Shaît! from the Sanhedrin (vs. 19.28). 2. Pub- see far greater proofs of MY dixitity lily, to the people (vs. 29-34). 3. Pri- and Messiahship. 51. Verily, verily - Ceylon tea in its native.purity and deliciousnes xately, to two disciples (vs. 35-37). John The doubly 'veriiy," used tweiity-five> most critical tastes. Sold only in sealed lead paci atood-"Was standing." P. V. Two of times in this gospel and nowhere else, GREEN. By ail irocers. hie disciples-Andrew (v. 40> and John, introcluces truths of great imnportartçe. RECEIVED THE HIGHEST AWARD AND GO the author of this book, wvho modestly Heaven open, etc.-The laduier wbich ,&voide uling his owfl Dame. Jacob saw (Gen. xxviii. 12), w115 a 5y'nt-i 38. And looking-John fixed bis eyes bol of the intercourse whieh would be upon hlm, singlingz him out and regard- opne etween lieaven and earth in the*I!U Ixîg hlm with special attention. Behold one ipnain aesad hoîy in- G l ti SE KP F the LU&aft bho d a the Rjectionnottercession sbould ascend; blessinge and cma aerb.) "Ailthe ambeintherto, ofholy coinmunions, revelationmz, miracles, fered had been furnished by inen; this ywr n gfsoTb Hl he he 1wo K ep r on a i lone was provided by God, as the' onîy should descend; blessinge of wbich *tn- O n ~ 'm d I isufficient sacrifice for the' sin of the gels are. but the niessengers and syni- h u e S f world."1-Clarke. Ris words would be bols."-Wýhedon. Son of man-This ex- h u e S f to them equivalent te a command to fol- pression je used about eighty tites in 0 h o .Iow him.-.Scott. How faithf ul John '%va the four gospels by Christ of Himself Sault Ste Marie, Dec. *-. O theSo in bi ofie s freuner le did not as the Messiah. Deniers and Fred P'elletier, liglit keeper O h reokon that he had Iost those wbo went Tt icpe'r'wr.Tewtst and left theer' over from him to Christ." "The Lamb John the' Baptist spoke that day to John b iltkepr epr tCrbuthe' Reid je,1.~>,'~gift.2. pomiedg i t(r'a.the eva.ngelist (v. 36) were echoed and Island, who by tîteir friends here lîad and repu lii.,8, >.3. Spotiese and holy (-k eh.b re-eohoed"long yeare after the' BaPtist practicnlly been g.ven up as lost, xvereiablt ix., - 14). 4. For sacrif ice. 5. To t.ake w'as carried to -is grave. Txxenty-fîv bronght in by the tug Reid, this even-x-ih [ away the sin of the' worid. 6. 0f God's tintes in the Book of Rendvelationomes dot"' crew tnd.an own providing. 7. Wortby of ail ae- John speak of "the Lamb." Think oftnadooSohmstaiadpetîdn epain"the joy of pointing a John to Jesus. Chritmas Day niourning for ýheir Saturdaý 37. They followed Jesus-They under- Think of the' fetlowslîip in tht ' Nýew ,eru- fathers and husbands were brightened. coin, rit dow t tak-Of n rnet I did as the' were directed. It would be G-od's wonderful dealings xxWith thet, ath e isand Peleti wrda yte tk edfront b elpr 'Nel if a Il wonld immediately foiiow John tells bis old terieher of tht' blessed ieiln nStrayb b n ed r ) Christ. wTe shonld follow bat as our deligbts hie found in tht' serv'icel begun whicblî ad made txvo previous visits for rescued, Redéemer, Pattern, Guide and Shepherd. t.hat day Nvhen hobcf t the man lie loved that purpose, in addition to one by the corme to IThey may not have lntended to leave t-o becomp, the beloved diMpeo b u ono.Th'ibrvnn it o atd fan 1 John'e leagdership permanenbiy. 3S. Jesus Christ. The' tords that Antlrexv spoko txxeeri Saturday nioon and this mnorning adbu turned-He was ready bo give themi a to Peter of ,Thte sa"(v'. 41), xvore xxas spent hy the Reid in looking for on the t bearty weicome. Wýhat seek ve-What tht' foundation of Petcr's P)entocostal te Boynton, w'hich xxhen the' formeci after hc is your desire or requestl Jisus knew sermon, on tht' daybc th tre thotîsanti left to make lier third abbernpt to land broke-êdo -they trere seeking itn, for he knows aIl w-ere sax-ed (Acte ii. 41). Think of the' at tht' island xvas otut for the' sainie pur- couint oi bearte, but Uc desired some expression joy of brningîg« Peter to Jcsts, and pose 1 he men had coule to the' con- feit c from thoni. Rabi-A Jewish ible.,of tbrough it o-f rabng bos'ns clusion that they ,vere not to be taken Tet lionor for men of lcarniiig, meanîngy Raiph Wchlq, nîtonu Guid -bas sexxonder- ofadbdpeac qspcnd tht' win- M\ichipo. "teacher," "«master." Thus tlteyrit once fuiiy used, teils a. stont' of bis voutbfiil bro ielnl sadx't ii a-its yecognized bis superioriby and thieir îg'fo' discipIosii andtihie rexx'and it broughit. rlo lu dago upyo s omi rance. Wbere dwellest thou-I--"btrt' art lie says, "'flire are offly about seveflty as their stock of provisions. lb w'as on inorrow thon stayingt" IHe bad no permanent scbolars in bbc schtool 4i only e'nough teit ftt rsn unh httt u e rplace of abodeo ine pthistloconllitvat1"Ieutahk tla isofqoetion tbi c ty "as-tierchers to go rouinul." I repiied, 'Do Reid finet caliîd rit tht' isiand for tht' if succe uxg ti usto hyintiritea desire you think 1 w-ont sornibody cist"is letav' liglit keeper antd bis lielper. A big sea ever rni to be hettor acquainted xîibh lut. Wlerc e ? angoing to beach, but I don't warunigrtt, in, dtetî sas is,'fle inn Wbcre -ouî ahide? "Ne desîre uator boys. 1 ati going to (go for coi o ad utscrnaned off tht'e tii tu receivo instruction froi ',ou." thont nivsecf. ' %eIvît dumxx'i W'îostcr isîand and signalicd ta bbe ligbt keepers. boe t 39. Corne and sec-A kind' invitationfl eeý. ýhp ta het a o xilîbi tabi pac c sretin siopsani saloon , d gaI Tbey did flot mnsxu'er, but instoad xvent thet' ox abde "f hoe -h kox nt te au-ftre o- s at vrioy n ta tht' ighthouse ttî get ready ta go intereu-t ation o"f Gatouid carnowneoi b~ titroughti. Thie first itî' o vî' nt for iived ci et h' t.i. it xvas becauso tiltey keepers, xain cf Christ, ld re vou he soin-econ Fiftb ax-enut. 1 ivett tfter it thret' did nat ansxvcn tbe tuîg'S signal that tbUe safetvt that -wibb. hinite t'fountain cf life tînîe.tI niertuhi x' hota go forhe m 'lp tuîv cr totgb thîyland b-ext it tkei et and in hie liglit tbieY iiutiscugh. hîe'tnts tî ci 'u tî ec1îi Thet' tnth hIiuaï'-St. jliixn asso <ui- 1xrestieii xxvithtItl 1Iiiprayer for thiat i b soeoiebotaibrmgtta rnei presod x'ih tt' instittnt cîx xnth oui, antd thue iîttah er 'aîtl ta nie, Noxi Jeexîs that hlie nleîiteîbercd thehlic îot. THEih'liat liieht 13alICai0IfL LI ~ There is a difforce tuf ît1initît fts tti at belleitg ( herîsiati'-nisth't * N a! wvîether tItis tnv s fittr -1. Ill -, O <ii" ltx11 t'l« ýt t-l Meîr .0'l'oc i 1n0îiter-i 'to tUeJxxiuobnt'k itiîg tr teilu. Mi.. 1ne- Iul ,' iiIît t -i xtt o nc tordn tt i' Cttiî 'ctiti.]'i ui <ciin t lîîtitiiitts 1 xvi't , but 1 emys ie utteer ttrltim ii t att-- vo itchp ailI tutîtiti-th-De ha an Anuiit'xt for merant4i u liiil 1wî ht' i ttltirga(liii - it tti, anti I found 1I th ofa Man S h ot uy wt oisit iltiiit 1)('(1:luetut ri.. iild h11(t htlîrt îl 'l'ilimer. niotiier.Betived Le Va --i-Iers.a iir(ttlîr. tUtt.bhoxy. IiýB le e e w l Til. w -aiiolrd-1't- ,p1--t x.i xitlitthexxeîoai sax'ed. 'l'iîat 40-4o) . w tus ~~~fifty -C-ree verre a'zt. Pliii'itd 11h ix lu - iiim Mr lat. 40.6') :m-.\iV- ÀtmteutAiJie C. ýorrtixx. tvohNiil ittixxti, latl' x's-laIt-0lt I r e e ,; ulit hhin-ttat-4 ,ittixiix Eg:yYers Olid- C-tarrh Fifty (lied ti-dav in o ho"1ital int lus ,citx 117 I'i l-ni d is tlle ot tuohn t!-t tittt-Il" itc'i-' y i eYacrs. Dr. Agne'5 Catarrhal Powder Miinnax' viîo Iînqd Iîc'i) Cilttt ntiigrx -afterxxwlntta unîtîtiitN in:i 1.cure"s hlm. L waot any stronger cv!ýence of sbiffrs utut tnewhe:it1niCii'nug ot ,lt' Th tlir x n u'li. t ls' xx i iCi-r cf ttt t',i actint 1et'rs unttlir nt tîu i + he )Owe" et t'ai' eonderfui nemedy aven this ig orasiiuea e x"' O t .nîitn t.iil h tîsb ot e - 11ltiG rntîi î is tu u-ttitîîl't u tt i' î er cfCii' Cxx\(. li'besýtoxx t ttf Cit xrt i dit'tîs t - xx'art the trutb of t1e t1x- c C te tîîî î1 1tt 1i tttj anlt il w u dcsgutî lunîîî .mîtir-x' stîxx- UtI~ raSc c,înfirntt .' W'nitu- G-orge Lewts. Shant- illt 1 tît t ttat ?1fiitaxt îu hu at ttl t-ltt i-it 1 rpqi, itîltîx'.,TJne nc mny of lie 'ardial i mills iii xing clos- 10, Woodh-t aik ittitjiry), Monday. ed down. lJoilec!titifl rire hardhy as good a6 a,. ~tiey' ave Ucet, ltîtitîiîcey is fairix' Osngon tT a)v \tti -î~')-Mni ' Itet t. "iîcr is a go-od moci fi ii art ti . 2. ltcti\-et tndttitrtrx', tliioii1f0-,-ealient it i.r 9: 't .iion uri -I i-2 1. 'ba - r frutit.s aha'S~ tx rd ci' jin t- Mtii i i ti-l 6 4,Bele t" at ititin fJieîttastly xdetv (juy1 'ii' lix\ rci 14;: .î. o aittirg tuie etîuileis. Wluile titere is a t -t l W i r . - , tu tt xx Mh - Ltît .tx. fair x-iwh '.iita îtîx l ,'4,iiint in lunes of sea- i t , alpolt iii7tt,îîatnî d mi itîtî ora.bie 'gtitdi, t- inu titis ctinntction i Mati ix \prii1 h. I7. crt (iIvi x N t1ittr ttlt i itt iba ' ftrs L oine n ii ix Mit-i ix - May 1t S I ti;-ti tîtie \î-îîtx hiiiii'es are stock triking. t' Hu :111,1i~ noit y uîlxI ite-iti-ix Ilte îInnxîiif ît-t"t-"t tîti iiîit' uisv, anti v '2-P Il), -'i titi'jamx1 \hiidaix Cix tx intri ti iti r tht' new'x' icau~ Se .2 (;. M a i ta e at îlmdîî i-t at-iv e. Sen.- 14.gee, J. Stif le tties - tt-ttm(1q g xxih î a fair' i 'r' -t o i ii ci \ s secnui cn t and' ilIi il iti t gootis atint'îov ing -k-) mondavt , Jattit x lii ro i xxtit n ilit (r bt.itrt1littîi î-,t:t briski'K -. e iliînx . li ,li 1n ~ 1tn tt i.i.î.i-l7nt,'et tos s:y *t:tt: o (nonul iînx' x -" t \î ndayx tr tit ii in xxvbltl oi'-x\% -av i of tinttl r e h 7 - 4 N 'lt ti xd v a u e f o r t iis titr e' o f St u e a u--.î c l ce idax, Apr il 3; .Toron tto (lion l oie tînt' fîti. Iei t.andi-'one hf xxikA'pit't uril 1i ; 6,B p tlie xxiiol r ii. lealta e i; r u,- i- - - i x)A \Intla y, \Ipx î 7, - tîx ea d bîiît tr.s inothîcr lito.s is go-od. c 4 .(aîvîi. a(juhry-ndui-lion jarvi. untai' ii' 25; 9Stralford (non- Ilvz( une 6,Id. St. '1honiaq New Court Regulation. luefultt' ltznîguhatitî u - 1assed at YI - 'u f t îi, o 0f ýh' îrt ni' , tt" arty t t i h ifi tht' u-' t u hi tjiti 1- )«t - ul-r-"t-t tht tut.-" nd itou un 1îruiet't'lt" (l ut duaaîunîc. nu thouit sncb an' onilorrs.matit uxnless uti tise ordercd lix lite coart 'in a Juii- tuike effet" iront mand unfi t' DPe- I qD4 Toronto Lady Succumbs to Smallpox in China. Toronto, Jant. 2.-A cobie w-os recel"- cdl yestcrday froi Shritgliai, Chuia îmu-uîuciîîg Imie death oh M-Niss Nîîinu ,A. BuLh'î.1. A., of 'Torontoî, froîuu siiaii- lj,\ miss Scidon lefb Tornlto' hit Sep- Illter îtiteMetliodist îu- mutr'iod -u ;dttti 1îd silice lier arriql t i t ii I--- ~ ~ i '----a tê< eacbiintît tut w - - I utu ~--, ,conducetd for lb-' t tîmumi tir, ah il' tiit'lten tif IinL'i.lit- - i'u and SFhe was n gradutate cf MceMuster Uni- t'eui-sit 'of thet-ilu- of '02. litr-r isters tir-h w, x-tb~d rin-aiber resitit'of thlS8 he bird inenced ifor Es ,ding by oeuvres IV sxvoor rific bic,î ,tili gral 1thben b ntuailyi 1e. Timi ,and 8sti ,, somel picketi àreaking not driýv ýoth we' ,e matia. s arm, ýujder, ai 74ien be dead bi lie eaghe Lip) and iii is sti LIKE uaw Mei E STARVES SEVENTY DAVS~ ED WITH AN EAGLE. kan Threw Rq-ks and Swooped Down. 1 dred bushels of rnalting barley sold at 48e T per bualiel, and 200 bushels of oats at 351/j Canr la as.h ighi Hay and straw are nominal ln absence stanI that neyer diappoints the Of oferngs. Timotby hay Is quoted at $9 man, àets. Black, Mixed or Natural to $1050, and mixed at $7 to $8. Straw, dcniý $9 to $10 a ton. terri )LD MDAL A ST. OUIS. Dressecl hogs are uochanged at $6.25 to E LD MDAL T S. LOIS. $675, the latter for light. Wheat, new, per bushel .. . .$ 1 00 to $ 1 O1 and _____________________ Do., red, bushel .. ....... , 00 to 1 01 ever ____________________ Do.. sprtog, bushl .... .... 95 to 1 00 eai'I ' Do., goose, bushel...... 85 to 0 88bo <R fl 4JtS JUD RYe,' bushel..........O75 ta 000 beaL- Barley, bushel........43/2to 0O4 th Peas, bushel.........070 to 0 00inb Buckwbeat, bushel....... 56 to 56 1 b .i .a ay, timotby, per ton ....9 00 to 10 50 did *ou Iland *ULEUI M Do., mîxed, per ton .. .. ...700 to 8 00 B( )u muu'Straw, per ton .... .... ....900 toi 10 00 Seeds- eagl Alsike, No. 1, bushel .. 6 25 to 7 ouC boy2 Do., No. 2, busiel ......5 00 to 5 75 shoi Do., No. 3, bushel . .4 O00 te 4 50 )o, for wbich reason it left. Red clover.........6 00 to 7 00 1Sth t112 Reid and l3oyinton Timothy............. 0O>to i 130 îng Sootosere fr te ne, utDressed hogs........ 6 25 to 6 75 T ,Sooto earh fr th lnrlOUIApples, per bbl ... ........ 25 to 2 50 t d camie back the second tinte Eggs, per dazen.......0 25 toi 0 30 t ,rted Do sign of the iari an % Butter, dairy.......... 20 to 0 22 Estý Sh ef nFrdu Do., creamery........ 23 to 0 26 .o and. Sh etO rdY Chiekens, sprng, per lb. O0 10 to 0 il pecial equipmnent and speciai Ducks, per lb.......... 10 toO0 12 nae nohr attempt tb Tui'keys, per lb......... 15 to 0 16 ma e a oh rCabbage, per dozen.. . .. . . 25 to O 4o nd arriveui off the isiand 01 Potatoes, per bag ........ ..O0 80 to 1 oC> Sqt at ioon. The w'eatiler was Cauliflowier, per dozen 0.. 75 to 1 00 id Ue ligt eepr nd isOn ions, per bag........ 00 to 1 35 ZnCelery, per dozen....... 30 to O 40 came otît in their smali boat to Deef, hlndquartrs...... 7 0 to 8 o00 - le tug, and were taken aboard, Do_, forequarters... ,. 4 5 0 to0 5 oiu Fn mesxvsSOoecoe~veî Do., choice, carcase.... 6 75 to Î ()ou q d Do., medium, carcase. 5 50 to 6 ou E after le and bis companion lbai Mutton, per cwt ..... .... 50 ta o i the colulsion that it wal tO Veal, per cwt.......... 50 to 8 50 no any bot to get onlt of the Soo, Lambs, per cwt.......OCto 70 prepared to spenrd the Nvintt'r The Seed Market. isiad a bet tîey oui, tat, Trade cntinus quiet and prces remainti p vas safelV riboard ltue tug, hc steady. Alsike, $6 ta $7i for prime, $5 for Jown and cried. It w'as on ac'- mediumt, and $2 to $4 for como:rdcoe.a f isfail i te outht c 625ý- to $6.75, ahil o.b., Toronto. Timothy, $1 am )f bisfamll in tt So31.25.h great]y reiieved. ug Rid sent(lîrsîms Da atToronto Live Stock. i )coten I sland. xiîIcl daite w'as the Receipts or hivestc wee7ca,20 Lboat boulrîi jfor tie Soo liàd ever cattle, 35 bogs, 517 sbeeji and lamibs, witb 4 ii i tl e r e T l e 1 19 %-i i l a v e t o - T racte w a s ig b t, ow in g ta th e sm a ln esls 0f for -zýrnia. Su x i have to deliveries. r l ,t il wav t1rollgh tlie river icek g d, Pries were muth the sanie as ur hs l quotatianq inaial the differetit chasses. in 's ful. it xviili b tle latcst 't rp Ieîîxeries Of hogs ere iig t. wîtb prices L ado(ixvl tt'laos 'lut Rje firm at $7 for s elects and $450O for lgts ede ol ic4 i (sikng tIl. R and fats. i ngMaybe Wilson sod 1 tond butcher cattlc. t'l itetîi, w as cuîittilg" intO Port 800 lbs. each, at $2.25 ta 25 1 ioad stork- j.tax'sU' Ucxva :îiîite. which ens, 600 ]bs. cnt-b, at $2 ta 2 i 1 load North- ~ pi'~tii' xvio iiîd taen snb wtst citttli., t,060 lbs. eau b, at $V-25 Petr cwt. i C Zegmaî & ou sutd 1 haad stockers. il! 11, tlie efforts to rt'sCue tUelIight ~o A 70ls ah t $2,)ta0 $2 15 I a ;o, to iiv"an titat thev were butchens', SOi lbs. ea-cb, a 25ta $2,.5per onbad lflÎI Ijlesýcolcw t. c an toad. ntiCii imens C liarry Murhy bougbt 1 ba> feelers:, 1,02 >i~ w l e i l inie tij( v a t tu e ( 0 V - îb s . (,,1(,. a t $ lie1, r iii t.CI dock.wes lev t)unirn bounight liO lambs at $8 i per cwt.; - step t i 1er it.i - Ituin Brs- bauglit Il -.tatî.120 > lbs. eacb, i t, per uwt. 1 export bull. Ni I I 2.7- bs.. it $1. .,îi' 1 ilaid e'upanters of Ci Qbtt uRliti at the Sun ttoa market, at ri1 ýTTO 'id O F 1-16 $5 per cwt. l ____Bradstneet's on Trade. til Tic1îorts t olî'i-itt-..' ii.t in r a Ilus ba u 1 Nd ' OWho w .o1&'.îl t' cit' a t in uîd>itiutlit up ,uuotlltt'101ti te p:st WNroriqed. vr leP iI;faict orilv out Iti'et, "ftt t i t ,î' p' it1~Sd hCV atv 'rvt antde ih~.li 'al i-le, t'n ; beeîi -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~b G.tttnit"î, u alnte ,pU . ît -,j w Ill Uit t tî beu't' f-aili'îi re, tilti liiizt. -. xttk i dlii g:tc tit " ~ -.~' .hi1 \ ( 1 ( -,lia tîli0tilg inrcit-JNoîx (îlflia' 2 oiii'n i ît'i -'iz s) M nd x' citxi î'W h N i. p t t t -C I,' i i traxc luthn :T i t [a-ii, <vl. an, ilve tuIl n thei tii ia . u'.r v.-tk -M--i i , M:îr-li2 6, v il~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~hl tf to,(I in 'tt s M r-t2; si'ut:iuî;tt t il, t s d aiîi 'sclî'et a n ii- i i ut' l mu x . t ii tti- ,Min"Phenels bcîîat et-n-ttitwii- .\1îiii t h I\ti'"-t'-tt(juirti Mon' a tjix' li li-ii'.tî iuens Out in Iowva. Marsballtoxvn, Iotwa, Jan. '2.-A Chi- aigndl teu \estu'n u rciglut train, litt iu lthe snoxistari, lias bocut tx-ecked iw miu ules .taumtl of IMeihaurne, cansing injuries ta six train and section men: St'ctitîuuuautWilliam Bogen tias hnriedi tandem snoxi'and coal for txi'a ours be- fuirc le cauîd ho nescued. Ile was pinned dlownt by a. piece of tumber driven blurotugl bte caîf of his leg. A tt'rehiîigbrainsent froni Des Moines uxaîs stuuck ini a snawdrift two nuies distant andtva-s untable to assist. 'l'af fie cri txo- roads out of this cilay, bbe lotwa Central and bbe Chicago Great W'estcrn, uxae at a sbandstill to-day. The only 'trains moving are those from the etu sI on tlhe Nortlttesterîi. OIn tht' Great Western there is a enow- dirift rit Fairbanks baif a mile long, t uelve feet dcep and a thousand feet wide. When a tan hecomes successful 9il hie% fniendz be.gin to prate about the lUiio f A Clergyman Commnitted to Asylum a- Wreclc. - Los .Amgeles, Cal., Jan. 2. -The voice of God calIliiig, on Iiti, as lie believed, to sttrt'e liimseif, xvas the beginning of the trouble of tex', Ben- jamin De Griest foî'nîerlv pastor of thie Advent Christian Cburcil at Lords- - bur. True to the voice D)e Creis starx'ed himself 70 days. The pIty-sicitxns say lus stomach is nov not large enouglu to hold a haîf pint of liquid foodî. Ir bas been corntfitted ta the Statte risyluin for tbe insane. De Giies 'as in eitt, cnaciated and paie, bis finely cliis'ltt ed b drest- ing on a blanket sprea'I tîxeî' tht' baek of the invalid's chair inii xhih lie loy. "If Jestîs Christ shotilil contle alinollr vou to-day," be said,, with a drawl. but xxith ia latent f ire in bse,, 'he txotultl bc x.harged with beingr insaute. 1 preacliedC aganst sin, anti I preaclîed against it strong. That niakes ene-iiie",.* THE BABY SLEEPS IN SNOWV. Catches Cold When' She Takes a Nap- Indoors. 0 ditys ago with a tionstej [hilo. Eskiilltitisptugiy a la.rge bird in a tre'. lHe 'uxork, and 'îhen be saux' R ,le -hobhegan bhrouuing î'oc1k- w'as bit seve-ral titnes anti cireling, around ovorbead, t-ast tkill ta throw.BEskili xxas a picket fect uatchîingr tht' 3of bte bird, -ux-beti it suîd' ted down an-c struek bit a ,w xitih its uvinge. Lbbed a picet fron theb fence tegan a battît' for life that ended in te kiiiing of tbb, e af 1er bite it came aI tite ruck -it xith its xuin.gs anti ltimes rociuing hIows f moiti ia rcturn. Etkill succeetieil ,one' of bhe eagie's wings, but u'e it rixay. 're bteoming weak, and tir Lged ta stick ibus talans ini bite inearly teaning lb from luis nid causing it -afaunt. reoatcrod bhc eaghe tvas v ail a fexu feet front bit ýe nteasired ton feet fr5m thp lîad tlonas cigbt inciesltong. li unîle.r tht'- doctor's cane. THEIR INDIAN WIVES. ýn Who Marry Sioux Maidens scape Mother-in-Law. Iil : i oc - (1i:1 1i td Mi ~ ii-iexi' ,.>~ il 1 li i in Fitîmîx tut - i t NoIuuu'1tl' a tait-iand,,iix tri'o t. t h ' .m 1 uuuul> ,i ihîtt t'a-. i WHFRfl S AL. Parrot Gave a Tip ci'Vif Chicagy, a n ii. 2. ' i"'- . 1 gamt tut uuî'etnt iault'oit ti 'ut. ut luit tîlsî'uee. uî l tip i :1 iiie lis uvifu' ctirn'h itt io - î 1111d trailt txitlii t iuitil s iitiitah tii-lest - v'ii.Incoutr huutulewsicaqiiittcil cf (tisi-tt- enlv conutetnd xxas gix î"î lte ptmmnct- BRITISH QUEEN FOR ALFON-ISO. Semi-Official Report of Betrothal to Connaugh"s Daugliter. nuaking sî"uîi-offictal amliutccmettts, Itints zcoîîspicuîously a repart - f the pro- jeeted betrotîtals of Kiig tfonso antid 1Princees Victoria, younger Caghter of te Duko of Connaugbb, brat xer of iiîg - Edui'rd, anti of Luiz I>hbihppe, Croxvx Prince of Portugal, and P incess Mar- - garet, eldeet daughter of e Duke af Ccuîaugb of these betroth, s have 1been current for a long ite, b t have,'" generally discredited,-owin f0t 4 that the' Princesses ar e Pr test the' King and Prince Catho- - i -'h 1'- umux' tne y C' tifj hat, tere if no xuNf :e bte Stx uotan, becauise thice is m-obhier-iniaxv h ik-e -bhe jioux uiother- -A. 'J. ('tlirintar. one' oh bhe squawvmin i îîroîunietcr tif a lairge ranch. d-clar.'s it lue uvounli t trade the' dui-kv ut-nt- 1xwîîo pr-t-idl'ten bu hs houseiuld for xiv~t wuiani le lias seen. -lt is cion ohCie ohuhest emstonis cf the tux Ituditîiixo' lie saus, "'tbat bues-t'n- hotu' sUail not look-'on bbc face if hie ,tiier-iii 'liitî tr econintuinicate vtu-ih br aurcan îîis al),i-tub'y ncessarv. "in Choir îîxuîu tribe, xu'benin case cf Inie-t tir itiii inuit. tion, bue maChin- i-ltt i-thle ftiitix'oh tht' ,turn-in- ix'. a paintitiautI is iisualhit'mode lante li. ,tllîid tx1iicl1 the i-othen-iiu laxi ne- rt-s xvimcn lie'r son-rn-lait entens bita tîlse. liî'nî'slie -lt-tsilentîx' tnd dues othimuxut lutît reixîin iîebind thue butînket ntl Itle niai ga .,rnt'. Since tbev have 41'-tutu' mitan'1 iii ied thbexv uave nuit m i teî iCu ir hadi T h lie uxhite nî.u u auri-'vin-g an 1Inîliaut girl Cakes titi tianri-es otf Jîlîttingig îp -vithu a gnizi' i Mul aw sîîaîî, aiC hike ntvsetf, Nxî'hîîlait'e 'eutn sîxuttenuuuigyit Co firid a xxoman xu'huîu tutUt nuaînnied xxitliouit tnaurrýiux hti ntblier, lutîxe peaciýful htscbotbs-. IL is i", lutuiari xx lI for trie. She is true bt- mie iasI itnch, u, iet riid ustualiyeîplt' Niglît Plit', ut yaung bridegro-oni,lixl )n the Pluie 1lidge rt'sorvation, a.nd ani uivisibie mtier-n lam tuas huis ont>' uiti- oppinc.ss. Ahthougl lie net-en behelldhi-r ornson, she in-iuited oui sitîing beltinu lhier h1ankoet ond scoiding. Tht' Sound cf luer- aice ivits a source of constant vxi i ,0 Niglbt Pipe. Nigbt Piepo. decided to apupeai t-t Att' igetC.anduîlihe ivrote a icnier. uheu1-ý iotv prest-rve as ax curioeitv. 'The .Ct- 'Iha eafexu xvords ta sa- tIo v-a-i - w i i tit ' t ar-it'htt I aum sîîrrxfin 1Vut - t l 1 tritnîlti xvoman xuimich mi: - it, t oru uit xevent' dat', becaîust'st tu 1k, xxiiit iii laiiuariaie Cto i e 011ni-i" ut- - iuChtuI ler tarin.c, aîîd h1 ta tut- i vt- 'tiixou --end x-tutr polil' iiiîutuett-'xuiir t b tut Itt'n îanium) ili xx ýi' t i bc liv ing ltalpx' agmuili 'Thle i'uit :-'at- tChie lett er tas<f" lt-e hum ýIII tiife.rence ta tht'emîstaris i i t' tnihut', a polîtitittttest-omît- i te hI squawtîtîa cttk Miiî, and Niglit Pipîe ,gauaiivdli1uac' NI:tritge bo xtuu Ie Siouix Inuîkiu iaîctandmî fr-tutieir farinier-,bats u; ecti irei- t eîeuun: gl I)' the lad tUatit te o t hilitu.i icit 4 i-nie-th iiler a tîtît lit Clu'fîtu uc Ai of tie Stiuitî't Lavxe hî"t îeî'liuiig tllat tuicits (mointihIe A ROMANTIC WEDDING. Accident ta a Grantham Township Bride Caused a Change in Plans. jI -t, -i-- - j ¾ '1~ i 1~~ \~ i. t 1> tA"-73 i, 't îid baby xxas alxodtu to lcp Ili tuie suitJ. H. \Vhitley, it atIî'xct, sa-i tc-dav: "Little' Cor'inne 'l'.~out of lacrs' evory day. Ont' do.' it -as tua le g rocs elaw zero she slelit h 'r six boums in hiem basket ount '.thittipper 1iorch overlaaking bbhe lake. les eî-nax- xxiîem the naid bnaxîgb bier in ahe wxvt-u erond ,uitb about three inches cf t-Nuv. 'fle îaske't in w'hich see tas lyiig tuas coi- pdetoiy eox'onod xuith snuw. t-:t' bad a îiot wtaer hag ritlier feet ail tuas xx'eii tuckcd la, and xvas perfecbly i appt'. t 't'idont bas a cald, and th( stranginc"% paurt cf it is that sUe rneve' _Pi -lxcept mnitide the' boxse. and 11tuuA.ltt 7utsttle tuilI cure a cold immnedia.Ltî'v. Site i.ý a fine babx' and is auuvays xîi ~u TEE DOCKYARD CHANCES. Admiralty Doubbs About Clcsiiag of Esquimalt. London, Jan. 2.-lIe C'anirdiaii 'u' h-arns Chat thie nau4j'ai experts do tut cii- Cindyv regard thuepropoased dtuckymînu ehawtîgs ii Canada ila4 aritableliglii. 'flule Adniralty xva infiuenccd mint' lvbu tue i1,uet.titiî uif exponse. lahatever Chic' tut' tuof otiu'r., ctnsitlenable dait ne- linsxutttt Nvt liiinuitas ta bt'te s dilîiotf t'îtint'lx eosini"tht' Es quîiîalt îluk 'anu. x iicu.it Is tontended, 1- 'ut "ni-at S--'nxiee t'h ie Pacifie Stjtidi - îî F-outr Vaîncuv.er neýitlenits liax' v i!*ten tlt-MNanuchuester i tardn'>m oîr.'s iî thule sltniinC t made thutît tht' Isiand "f 1Von-iut r is oaî'antiî' d Chiot vc>ien I~ ~ ~ Tl mu- ttit-' "t'muîmîurs. hi1ke thet' ittt. ar' trt ]ior. and uht' xv'\,îui'n tt'ori-as liard has Cthenî. Exemxl' ilt v uarnin.- 1ii' aies ( bitanten, hi' -whi'tîttes ire >(*ai,(,(. lutt lliimînîxriare cdm01, inid-tile lti-ut its u-i i t ut a iiitititttttr. WHO WILL GET THE TPJ1CL:iJ I A Curittus Che Cr Match by Two Srctc caon Filis Istand. N xx Yolrkl. -Ja.îîî. 2. ft tt- itelîn 1-iii hi' imn fai .ut-ht- tîmîî'ii i u e i "LIiu. u î i istt - i t-ii'- Mi-> xx t-tiitiîd 'u haitil .htl-' In ttl Ci ut ai-tu"i it 'Îlte 'i't, lu t ii 1"ih l it1t' ( i-' -uti t- t-u ilut-t' tt t ' t i'ii i i 1t i t t ti i'ilu uxuIli t' ict"itu' i ttt i ý- - - l of t Po tli N -t ,0 tti , i - Ni-- -1l0 - st--tt'10-t- ui-îu-:îî 'ie'hi i atti " i--m ' t' i u ' .î. m' i N ui- hîîti 'le i (qt ('11 t i u î. iii iii~ ~ l iu-ttutaêx Si iLx A 'BREAK FOR LIErRIY. 1i50 Califoînia State pi'soners ~: Fight Wiliî GuarttS. 1 1 1 ý)iaCtce ias aifnt-rntiîi in (3rt.ntiitii bttît- shiu lte cititraîî'inug 1part ies xvte Vi'W II.mrt Shu'.n.Sttti.uist le'ader iiilii- cttit ui i-sc'iumtiuttte Cy tye. pe- xvi "iii Cim tetuf fice'tf uicry fYt-taugiin, n'eaul estate deale'r lient' Mr. 1tt'îsait cote lte cuiýdt cil bbc Memittt Ax a mu".aindtivaus ai-uit ngag- cd initix uaiu' urk iii ChUscitx'. lie rccentty ohtomnicd a divorce, on the graud tuf dusîmIiti. ifrauîu aisxxife,-w-ho tias fuinuierni>- N-ai. licla Cramiston, f ront a o ttut n tin eai-tcniOntatio. Miss (Crvsier Ladi nteidedtl-o g-6 ta Chie.ap ta Ut' titînarcu tut 'Mr. Spetnîs. huit w-lt she anditer mtriuier ivere drit'irg ta, the statuit a x uekortur Cua rgo lthe>' xerie thlrovn framtiChti r liigg>, anid thie outin- in- bridet' uit1lier lui)i banc bnîthn. NMn. sieau'- tuli-mulue imearîl abouît it, îhcde Io lCîlotu tirtutnt lu ' 'ttiahuathte xx'd- tliut hlinitlcth s baite.l'tJ 1 ltt 1if, 1aî-ýt tor aiti -irt lresbt"ter- itni 'httri, -a. atltiîriu'a, coîîductet BURIED FOR TWO HOURS. q ti d d il 0 r' j r'

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