Boss ORGE Happy t iL- ~ji Off bai ROSSï BROS p -~ Ie jl, i , eik l" ý PepCttl foi tte CfDCWUST twins do Yoîjrwoe*5 rat la As a cleaner, soap doa srit begin to compare with OLP D LJST does more work, better work and doos clicaper. It saves backs as weIl as pocketbooks. Madeonlry by THE N. KC FAIRT3ANK COMPANY. hiec Iw yo,rk, E3ton. 5LLouir, Montreaj* p r e e r y a s iî r e s e d f r i n t w e ît - f v e t e f o r ty p e r c e n t . il, v a lu e ? IH a v e ! n g i tl u e~h e po r - "I a uha s bn j i- th e s e o f D r s C a s .'. l i r. t a d s c rt h he a r g a s es. C r e ý1ld2UpeNcntrve Fil I twl ndd. T i ort L45 pr., CTres.sadStr rehs etgee u It) 1 aid 0 urcet.1> ~îît hedenanîd for Iproiperty imoved. Spt'-nd dollar - oT n tsIPetc ro!wohîeabre fnr ous rov, nNortb B 1. - a v o n counerigtri rîojw such as lias ioct lu~experiunticeui for nîany year.s ? 1,;there iot ctirculation A-111IIeflect a very large ili rsr:omadpîWvî,sCrfotidgsion iula ,.ns No tlnda- be 1fctieî,i to h woepp l- sple sncLes, and other syrnîptortis ef nervous mor hpeul oi-eahct ew. îtdsiri e~urwhre f nceaed rcpeit ber î. otzr is nste j cpul exhsui; mntit r.-.tliz:ng t!he dsnger tbey are in. Friprtit-ul,%rs .frornany Cndinla T0 what is this attributable '.' I'irst te the adoptiîîg cf a waterw,îrkg gvst(li. A bias earnied a dollar an~d bu at otuce Nervous diisease drvc.-lons siowly and by restoring jCille A,*geInt or C. IK Foster, 1>P. o Z-) - vigor ta th.ý wast.-d nr-trv cells by tîte use of Dr. ruoni te. iard sucond, te the ceniig c(r f thte I arvester %%,orkýs. And yet Ili the faec nsfoiB oohnen.R.Bo ths ~îaîc0 vlu f Nîery to iiaifct ropeit h iB. sas-l ivil I give (C. that dellar for E. B. 1,. 3P E h icudvalueof proerty iid iiiiiiiest posperiy citzeMATTH!W hve grcTEea Wt-ct a redir farmeme. the~ ta vote toVe l (a11ie cf th(in ncauses cf te iîîrcas"ýd C.-D ill e gad o gt tïdollar I-,ng asn li t., Expess gent values anid more presperous tî i [t isý, as we said above, incDmrpreh fis for miîdîng nvy clijîdrenls situes yester 1I-orson years 1 have ' day. iuffer-cl more or less fro mn ible. But why 27 votes a tht Seti ward slould be oppseil to the es t a b- d Tlayllb 'ri roe~- indigtstion and nevous - - lisîtnietit of the werks i a furthcr iwonoler. Thîe temperary esta bhislîment cf iiiy little girl.- ysa.da aruimL the wcerkzs io preliuîîintrv to a pcrinatient location. Wliere would thue prob- E-I will give tiis dollar to F. for 1j dîzzy spelis and disconufort II ikngotm rm aepornà auieîit location Licý Wlierv more likety thinlit thie South ward, F.Gr sat iow get the (dollar I owe ~Fod n 200 ACRES, r îar the miait i hue of the rail way aid tlhe ha ntr. If this w ere the location, hm foi- a hat. ligesti5n, steadied myf L ts nd 3 t ce , P c er i t î n î P r o v e d m y P a t o f L t - , n d 3 t h c j wOuli U oct values of real estate 111 tlîat is-trict soar skï ward O course G.-Thsdla -1 a Lfrsotne rervp-; ancl madc me t-estinl!, aio -Ths9<Il1 dilpuyIl fn ~ho piircliasufl orete and ;r very mnuch bet- favorable tonuiis. Apply immedaeyt tIîey woul], afid the(S'- M-110gri s t he liîilustr,- a blatek eye i>y Voting ,aa dihs ter. 1 c.4n treilîfu lly e O M('LI IngaIt 1H.-A I-11wihi bya dollar shaving tickett 'XrL..WHITE cornm,n-1 the Nervc FoodCCLLVRY it w0uld tinid tleir Iroperty very co îiîl erabîl- itirease di in value. 1But their fronîI1. the barber. o.tnf, 4 îe v-ho _u r the- abovc a;:ilents. o c o s ht y v i s e ii a p p e a r : t e u, c o l e î i - r t ih î . i t h c e îI î i cf t liî - i r t n o s e a it i - i e p o- s z b l e a d - -;-~ i e t t e f J h a i î o a p i s O . C - a o s N r e F e 0 . a b x j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jtist ivllat i1svant. Fo14 )taecî vou alzilrst mil-ni ai-. the portrait ____________ ditioti cf a fra-tio.i of a uilil tI the ta.x rate ar the prescrit timýe obscures a J.Ti bla îipyn e eî i*nitrr of Dr. A. 1,. Chase. the fainowjt m viuw ef thie future pirofits. If il î;lri puits îé lis-e cent pieco tohSe bs 7 e Itl" tiirM. K. -..Pit ûook author, are o-n evtery box. Theuan btide froru louit tte(-siti. No Ilititis CaSe. K.-The light bill for thte tveek is $1 _____________________ i8 u mIIIOfl wliieh I wiII pay ta L. j Tiiosýe who filud(' Jte()VoPte at al 0ý the by-Iaw took the surest 5VaLV JOS- L.- I willI e-y M. for lus work aroutid sbete decfe-t it. Iaatit-v rio iiiterest ini the townt wlihere their property the light statioti. SJEAM PUMP WOBKS 1 Capital (Paid Up) $31OOo isiotu.Isa increase of 2-) pet, ceuît. in tîte value of their property ri .Ioilg'.etistola o1r b j unîtil tlie Lite era cf f irpre-ený-iit b -ganr, whitîuqiimnike:;l ailvarice lias beeni wili just cost -$1. reco le. [o tt' idilnei cres îc-,ro e rturt t the1d ondtios ?dollar wiî pay P. the print- Manufacturer and deaier iii a WI-ITBY BRANC Surely nrot. Then w y t ' t a rivt- away a valuable in lustry ? A n iiidustry iwil b od ib th t s o d a n Ir n L QG e al B ki g u i e s thefutre f %iiilptolîiîs-i te ho cf suchi mrigaiirule as does thîat cf the froiri Q. Q. -R. will get tilts dollar for cartinty oo nd jn Lf Transaced. Fat-er4'Co-peraive larî-sttig achtie e. rei-îit for nie ti>-cIntv. j We woni1er if t'e w 1ieoveted agairist tîto liv -lsev oi, îeglecticd ta u-lm5wl u S. for the oats 1 and - Special attention givent u tvote renieinbened that bLv tliir actiotiîey were liavliîî ta-ylure purchased titsmhi' g tF rer ip clet~ , upeni the sh>)ulders cf sxv-vocf their fýcllow citizen,; Th,- Farmers' Ce- wate $1t p1 . orpotos. IcfFlotes.aî ndote opertîv l-îrrstîg Mclite c. re rotcte frin ossby gurartee T.-Th's dollar will get a pair Of Also),Stetîm an i Cold Wat r P'itin.nts op rt v l rjsi g ý 4lijeC .a e p o deel fo il s b u r rt eskates f rm U. for Jack.i cof 'ill oxpens'-s should the bv-îaw f ta) carry. If the Companiy is drivenit U.-$1 wili puy fer the pair cf slp-AGN FO E SI reidof$an c i i e , b u i e r t e a i - a(*1 1i h y 1g î r a t e î «t i e p n s oi rl p e r s I w i s h t o g e t f r o t u V . A E T F RD P S T e e v d o 1 a d u w r s eu1 f W ib he iI Le wio ed i îy e e c uird t w s o V I wil buy ive pounds of butter; ONTARIO W IND MILL. IENTEREST allowed at Highest urn ciiz, u .e ae a' cs of W ib wj) g -ia-ted t eï x e se il frein W. wîth tuis dollar. 1Rate8.E r ai H l ave te face a heavy bill of cests. Tfhe is a]l night; there is littie W .-I wiii purchase $1 worth of maeat iC M O N E fpad Hî ery if ay oss to themn, and thei- neod nt worry. It is the ratepayers of this evening from X. 1 E. W. E VA NS, .J.T OR r N Whitby who should Lie on tl;e auxious seat about this tinne. tto-morrow from Y. BPROCK STRIEET, WHVI-TBY l y, ~s?é %býb4 4e îiýfjw ýb 44ýý ç*pw ýj44 With regard to the radial railway proposition, it may not ,be out of W IB U~8 place to say a word. We believe thlis is a proposai of great menit. When E DI O R A L C R B B L N G . al as ee sad hat ca b said against it, the proposition remains one W eatwhre .*0..0.......... Of great interest, with the prospect of contributig materially to the sum of 4 pig.... O .......9 An dvetiment in a Bowmanville paper says: "One hundred pe-'oe our Prosperity. It1 ob oe httenw<oquncii wiIi lend the acheme goose...... O8 oO8 tobu oe hamin ouIs tertownoho log wopldit ake laehbeti prlgCC wantedtobuyons carured harnat-." If it takes one hundred pe,. ;3 their hearty aid, and that thi diiza trcio a eoearaiyBaens............. OSt f7 his ad itina atra tin ay ec me a ralty Bearle...... ...... . . .O 4 o O4 to uyoneha i ou sste twn ho lngwoud t tkea amebetl during the coming sufl2Yer. There may be 'some in the Council wh' are Peas............. 00 06 crawlthrogh abarre of olases? Bwmanillemuat e inhard opposed to the agreement as proposed, and to the raiiway under any condi- Buek Wheat........O 0to 5 when the businqa-naen have te make such appeals as above. NOW infM W 4 S Well, the f act is pretty clearly established thatý the through lino of Oats ......................O 0t t~ by one person would not hesitate long about buying a good aized h i railwav Wi Il corneSoerrlar. fanobtleipacdj h ayf SEEDS. y-onro ae.I n btal spae ntewyo Alsike, No. 1I...........$ 0Ot$7O Perhaps the haine in .Bowmanville are exceptionally large. the Company obtaining the franchise through the towri, the likelihood of " o ......50 0 The Oshawa Vindicator says: The best. thing that can happen a:îy tergvn salclsriewl ermote. At ail events we would not Rd No. ......... > o5O prywhen it becomes corrupt is to go into opposition and suifer a process have it next sumuier, and possibly flot for years to corne. To get the local Red, No. 2 ................*B-5O*L* 700 of purification." In Ontario the Conservative party hias been in opposition liue at once in order to satisfy the switch quebtion in connection with the Timothy Seed.............9t 10 for thirty-two years. If there is anything in the Vin's statement, the Ontai- Hiarvester Co., and to give the citizens connection with the station, the bar- FLOUR A-ND FED no ppoitin mst e rety wIl uriiedby thi tze. Notice the worids bor and the p&rk, is of immediate and great importance. Cbopped Feed, cwt OO eI2 "(suifer purification." To judge by the Vin's fren.zied efforts to gain pow j Thi~s is one of the vital questions for the year upon whiclî we have just Brnmea]t.....***** OU for the party the editor must be undergoing untold agonies. If th. interaî- O"tered. We trust we shah! see it brought to a favorable consummnation. Bhrn, per ton ...........UO 4 0O perate language used by our Osha.wa cozem may be taken as the best fruit t -----~-MEAT, POULTRY ANÙ RDJE that the purifiying influences of thirty-two years of opposition C'ai produce Bowmanville Town Hall Scare. Y.-I will spend this dollar in one of Beef, by quarter per cwt $ 5t 75 inth iniatr wataterbl egeeo dpavt wul esl foZ's caps for George. Cattie, ive weight, but. 4O e45 in th Vindcato, whs a teribl degr e of depra ity w uhd esuit fromZ-W th this dollar I will get my Mutton, per lb.. . . . .O 0 e O 1 even a period of five years in office! The citizens of Oshawa must shudder _ hrdyngtHgiS Hoîcosig wife some sugar. Lams, fv eh ......tO o4O attepopc.exercises were held in the Opera Etc, etc., etc., etc., etc. Hglv egt...4O o5O at te pospct.when 1500 to 2000 persens crowded inýto I(ogs, light fat, ..........s U . 5O the auditorium which is seated for 100. I$1 causes 50 much stir, what 1 Hogs, heavy fat..........0 o48 much greater stir weuld be caused bý.p7 ogs, dressed per 1001bi3 0te7O County Council for 1905. Every aisle and corner was packed like s100, or $1,000, or $5,0O0, or $50,000 '&u'ickens, per lb.........0 0 eo1 a sardine box. The Mayor on reaching j in circulation. Dýucks, per lb............O lt 2 HE ealteoftheelctinsin hesevra Coily Cuail ivsios f he platform, seeing the crowded mass! But If Mr. A had sent to Toronto for Geese, dressed per lb.... O9t < theCouty re s fîlos: he eveal ouny Cuncl dvisons0fof huranityatornce had visions of the bis linen, ' iat dollar weuld have been a Tuirkeys, dressed, per lb Q1 eO1 T t e oun y re as ol o w Ch ca o h la au t, nd at once w arned dead one io far as W hitb y is cencerned . BLa r . . . . . . ..1 WO 1.Piokering-R. R. Mowbray and Thoâ;. Poucher (acclamation). Principal Gilfillan of the danger, and And if $100, or $1,000, or $5,000, or $50,- Eggprdzn....O 2 eO2 2. Whitby-D. Ormiston aad'John Vîpond (acclamation). how the Statute geverning audiences in 000 issn oTrnoo 9,prdzn...... public buildings was violated in this ,sn oTrnoo elsewhere, in- Potatees, per bag........O UteO9 3. Ontario-Dr. Kaiser and A. E. Hlenry (acclamation). saneb llwigiepn-t rod ih stead of being left ih1 Whitby what ai, Apples, per barre! ........i Ut 2 stace y lloingpepleto rod te:enormeus falling off in business activity Onons, per bus.... ....I (0... 2 4Scugog-Jas. Carniegie and R. M. Holtby.1 aisles, and protested that he would net tbhere is in W'hitby. An immense amount Hay, per ton.............8 Ut < 5 îtîghiands-Joseph Millard and A. Hardy. Ilb responsible for anythin, that mightlof money is sent out of whitby that Straw, per load..........2 O o3U happen in censequence. As soon as hie couîd be spent with equal satisfaction IIIDES. 6 Brock-W. J. Gibbs and Henry Purves (acclamation). Ikniew Mr. D. B. Simpson, K. C., was to in Xhitby. Here is a lesson in loyaiity Hides, per cwt .......... OUt$8U 7. Simcoe-. B Iroomfleld and Duncan McMillan. be chairman, ho repeated the warning to te one's town that allpersons sholdSepin. .....O 7t IU The against being he...resp.nsib.... Tefamiliar faces of Messrs. Christie, Edwards and Browit wilî be him, aise protesting as head of Corpor- take seriosyte heart. Deacons .................O 5 tinaans en hl -posbei Tallow, rendered, per lb O04t 04 missed in the new Council, their places being filhed by the electioni of caseoef accident. Wool, unwashed ......... 4teO2 (Messrs. Holtby, Purves and AMcMillan, who are ail new ment. Mr. Simpson on opening the program h NwYer Lamb Skias.......00..te.09. rferred te the Mayor's objection toel he Nel>ar elts...................... 2teO3 The ehection of the Wardeni wilh occupy the thouglits cf the ruembers crowded state of the building, but was until the Council mneets. which will probalîly he a day or two after the l>ro-'disposed to tako chances'and wenlt 011 The exit of 1904 and the adyent ofDison- vinialelctins.Nfssr. owbayCanege, ipnd ndBroinfel hae with the program. The M~ayor was xls 1905 was marked in Whitby by the Sittings of the i§ vinialeletinu. Mesrs Mobra, arngie Viou an Brorfied hvepleased ut such openi violation cf the îaw peahing of belîs-churcli and tewn hall. b already filled the Warden's chair, and amongst the old mezubers the a8pir- and after debating in bis mind what £hose who were up or awake at that COUNTY 0F ONTARJ. 9O WHIITBYD C. MacdonlWib 's ilh probably be Messrs. A. E. Henry and W. J. Gibbs. Mr. Il 1yi oret eself h ltomadsoîomn heur felt ne change in tempera-. Ci r, Jan. 9, Feb. 2, Mari 2 pi %atawi Hnry ouetdown ers back teafr ndae ture, ne atmnospheric tibrilîs, no outsîde r an ex-Reeve of East Whitby, and lias hiad a long and honorable record as a 't ehalwayt the ain starw ndaleaondiato that a det nd a birth hiad MIay 3, June 6) July 5, Sep.6( Ot Municipal Councillor. As it is a long tline since a gentleman from that mu- ing te trie Opera Hanse. Here bis at- cure, but for some ten minutes or 50 OS 7, D C. , an. 105 nicipality bas been Warden, we anticipate tîtat lis candidature wilh be fav-j tentien was calle(h to a crack in the theslmn or jeyeus pealing told thoerJn10Fe.,Mrc3,pil6 orably looked upon. le is popuhar wîtb bis fellow members, and would, ifj plaster caused by the overioading of the ving c fomnya it athewre pAns Ma 4, June 'é, July 6, Sep.( c.5 gallery abeve. 11e (1uickly returned te îngvut ofue yea intJanetherAnd a eiected, ably fill the chiair. If it would flot be seiflsli for tlîis division to be the platferr-n and again warned the Prin. those who were awake talked together cf BNov.8GDc 7Hain-'. 10, 19 again represented in the Warden's chair, Mr. Ormiston would very worthily cipal and Chairman that some actiojn the past year, or wendered what the new Cierk, Jan. 11, March 6, Ma8,Jy10 fill the position.,o mustbe akento edue th cr wd. o y a o ld rnss o gref, of sunshineor Spt. 11, Nov. , a .1 ,1 peetany general alarm te cause paorr lneo r re, w unhn r PORT PKRRY-.J.W.B a rush Chief Jarvis whio lad bee o ro Perr01ekJan.1- Ma Municipal Matters. tin conversation with the Mayor ever AwthsrvcJa elunAlSans lry 1, Sor., aN. 1, aci8,M 9 the situation went toe re 10r at the cuh, and those assembled gave the JUly 11, et-8Jovh. Jn 3 95 liEdefat ofthebylawgratîg trnoray ad e te larner ~ south ontrance and the ýMayor went te Creator thanks for anether yeareof bless Xbridge -rJaneh. G12,, Ma H E ef at f he y-aw ra tin t inp ra y ad o t eFarii rs the other and rcqîtosted those standing mng past and another year f opportun _ 19, July 14, Sept. 15, N v. 2 , J n 2 T operatîve Harvesting, Machine Ce. is a inat ter te be deeply regretted. about the deors te withdraw and in this ity begun. [905. If0 of very gravsie o aeru br the petat te ew o une lcl may it Wonce ath odw osdre mut rued cari areoge C)iThe gallery is seated for 145 persons and well--makng tirrn resolves te do the best ton, Cierk, Jan. 11, March16My18 be f v ry ra e c nce a ,blt t e h pe ha th ne Co ncl M y N on e!thee m sthave been (doube that n m-they e uw l flethe days aegeing by. July ,S p .1 ,N v 3 tdecide te re-submit the by-lavr. in a degree brighiteus the Outlook . -a s. e codd ioOt sm ay have Legui, the ya ih y1,op.1,Nv ,Jn l 9 o tsi brcrwddi1t it causitîg it te ;,ag teirin BEAVERTON-;George F.Breea is iceneivale lîa thee souldflo bae beti ~e ncesary 'et cat ~ the centre, it being cotîstructed on the cvilil)i th-tr hearts, and working o ut tin verton, Clerk, Jan. 10, Maci1 Ma i s i c o n e l v b l e t i t t t e r e s L o l d o t a v e b e e t h n e e s s r y s o t e c a s O n c a n t i l e v e r p r i n c î p l e , w i t h c u t a n y p i l l a r s t h e e a r h y f l e u r s c f t h e y ( r i e v i ! d e e d s *the by-law. The total passible vote was in the nieighiborhood of 450, and for support. Thseomu eght the promptings within. 17î, Sept. 13, Nov. 92, jan.10195 tîtere were only '289 polled. 1 bearing on the partition wall that sup- The holiday mak ing th14,nt T hat ther sha Lie tie doub abo t th vot rc uire , ~ uote fro ports it caused a slight bulge in the '1 the ne wv ye ar w as celebrated on M onday , r v , C e k a c 4 a 6 e t Thatther shal b iiodoub ab ut t e voe rquird, w q "Tef om piaster where a tirrber rests on a .Nhd but hore thero were noe uxitoments 1,Ào.-1 yO d r sec. 366(a) ef the Consolidated Municipal Act, which reads as follcws: T brick wali. This is nothing serious atidî other thanthmuipa lcn JE.FRWLT the uniipaleletion 'LhereJ.-.1FRE-fL,4-er1of he ePc <v loil-ILE KIEYSTONE., WIIITBY, TIIURSDAY, JANUARy s, i. 1. mie», i q5 -