Whitby Keystone, 5 Jan 1905, p. 2

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THIE KEYs-roNE, WIITÈBY, TIIURSDAY, JANUJARY 5, [905 win-Five is the Averagé The need of a (loctor and nurse are frequently * synonymous with sports, pastimes and cr- tions. Lt' Ns reassuringr and a relief to knoi* that yon have a p>oicy covering you for ail accidents and sickness. For I)altldulars, etc., apply to H. Bu WILLIN69 DISTRICT AGENT, W-HITBY, The Canadian Casuality and Boiler Insurance Co. The Accident and Guarantee Company of Canad.. Pire Re-nc3*als àre now due. 1 have the l-est Companies in Canada. -See me before renewing. The Queen Insuranice Conipany of America. The Caledonia Firo Insuraulce Ccmpa1y cfSectland, etc. 'BAVE L Iron, Metals, Rubbers, Bones, Tailors' Cuttings, Hlorse Hair, etc., etc. Highest Price Paid for these by N. COHEN, Brock Street, Whitby. A 13nefctou Thçe nianitho anticipates tiie wants of ]is fellows1 and(ýI eerouislv pl'ovi(Cs tu ineetftbern i P;,t)bene- factor. '117 I This; service lias W-eîxfuliR- îerfornîedl1).\- W. 1.'. PrAîîýiî & L'to. Tiivfore sueiug that the gotîtl os-; ix ives cf tlIiis tti iiiant i ni- itv weuld requine select go-cis fer thîuir X sceokiig bave st'-curetl fer theru the ve'îy best raiitîs, thîe tnîîe-t liiaxds oif currant., the choicest Engylisi peels : pastrv fleur tbat canulot 1w- excelled, lard that is I etter thaiaîîv other I nanii Cana- da, anti sugar:s cof the pure.at nake. Those ivin, charze cf the îpr'paration tif 'hmo int- licaciesl crin m ith the utmost ecconfidence set-une fnîîîuî tîîem tie ruprl*te> that wilgix-ethet- moi-t gi-atifvinpg results. --HETORONTO Weeky Mail anid E pire s 1 AT[ ÀS 0FCANADA ANDO THE WDRLD WORTH STUDYING WORTH HAVINO T HE MAIL AND EMPIRE has secured as a premiun ufor ib subscribers a number of the most useful andi înstructîve World Atlases that have ever been offereti on such reasonable conditions. In tact, ?t may safely be saiti Chat cit no timne has any Canadijan pWlbication matie surch -a gerierott3 proposition to its readers. Thc protiuicÂon is by 1he ý adiccÀ C(o., and coritairs, besides a large map of thc iworld Mrao projection'>, a mza) of~ the Domainion, Province of Ontario, and separate maps c: the Maritime Provinces, Q--uebecý, Manitoba and the Nort,,- WVest, and Brit'iahî Columbia. BeSities these there are large anti detaileti reprodcicons cf a:! the great countrîes Ira the wcr1» rciap form. The edition ha- been s,3ec*ahy prepared ta: - benefit of Canadian rae~ TrHE NI A 1L AND à e'.r« r-% has ootained the eLserîight f tii tasl.qrînada.TI large n. is are 2-' x 14 inhsYsani iprîntecl cr calendered paper. Regotlar pric, SQ _50 . RE t %2.er the c coin.g ccniilorkDs:- WITH THE WEEIKLY MAÙIL AND EMPIRE Necw ai old s,bsjîrbc: flîav c ,' e oe e o'r ft eP order-ir-g ONE YEAR3 Su:rp7, vb in'nc.iv'. MAIL AND F-:j E'Z. SPECUAL Weekly M1ai and EuTpire, 12 Monflts ....$1.00 The Keyetone,..... ....... 12 n'onths. $1.00 Eotb papers, p p'U ( trig î n ui, A th s (if C îa a i)îdt ]t NN rll,' seijt to ai'i ý(hireu-t: 12 mon rhs for J 1.75. Send Order to Office of this Paper. *Letters from Our Correspondents BROOKUN. New Year's day passed off more quiet- ly than usual with uis. The usual munxi- cipal electiolis were coflSPicuou5 by their absence, the entire coundil tiO.ving been re-elected by acclamation. lu - T-, eiA Mrf- rvenstAn quietly on Monday last. Mesurs. Gif-' tord, Stocks, Doolittie and Mothersili were the suceessful candidates. lion. John and Mrs. Dryden passed through our burg on Monday l.ist. P!CKERING. Sunday at "'Maple, Shade Farm."PikrnJ. .OSardyft- Mr. A. C. Bingham, of Brantford noon fixe broke, eut in the barns of Mr. Ont., spent New Year's with bis br îther, Walter Ainis, who lives one mile west of Mr. E. J. Bingham. Mr. A.C. B ing Dunharton. Two large barns, one hay 1 supplied the pulpit of the Baptist chutreh barn and the horse stable, together with most acceptably Sunday morning and two valuable horses, four head of cattie, evening ini the absence cf the pastor. twenty-two pigs, a large quantity of hay, The Misses Starr, cf NVhitby, spent grain and feed, and what is known as Moniday visiting their btôther, Dr. hl the syndicate threshing machine, were H. Starr. totally destroyed. Mr. Aunis' lois will Miss Bessie Scott, of Oshawa, is spendj reach nearly two thousand dollars, with ing lier Christmas vacation at home. -Ioily four or five hilndred dollars' insur- Mr. Bennett Anderson, who is now in ance. Loss on thrasher, $ 1,000, with ne charge cf the Cburch cf England hierie, insu rance. The tire was doubtless caus- was the speaker ut the Mlassey Hiall ed by a spark from the engine. meeting cf the Canadian Temperance Abutetynwm brs eei- League last Sunday afternoon. itîated into the mysteries cf the Inde- The meetings cf the Y. P. C. A. were Pendent (>rder cf Foresters here on Fri- renewed on Tuesday evening, after be- day evenîng laet. iug withdrawn for'the Christmas holi- Miss Susie Rouch, cf je village biad days. Tef wasth salrg at- tho misfortune on Moni1day te faîl while Ttendheusncare. sidig on the ice on the crcek, sustain- Mr. Wm. Kerr bas returned f rom a ing a fracture of her arm. visi wih bs dugherMn.Masermn, The comrnunity was shockcd on Sat- ait wiummerscwn, Qfe. Ms.Mser ,urday evening te hear cf the sudden aThe nosonulrsm entrtimetdeath, after a brief iliness, cf W.F. Stew- of the Methodist Suniday Schocl was art. His funeral teck place on Moilday hield in the Mascnic hall onu1'hursday te St. Gjeorge's C emetery. Hoe leates a >evening cf last weck. Tho weather wats wido w and youn g famnily for whom there not favorable ani theu attend(arce was A întcb sympathv imaller than usual. The program was A happy burpri'se wais in store for the 'îîot concluded until midnight. Ilev. Fathier 'Sherrider on Xmas merning It Is expectcd thiat a Biaker anid Titi- when bis parixIiloners at Highland smith will start business beoe arly next Creok waitod on lîim aftor mass and pre- i spring. W0 believe botb wiîl (10 wteî seted3( him with a costly pair cf Persian as there is ccrtainlv lots (f iieed forlami) Liittsili token cof their respect and botb. esteuni for him as their pastor. Mr. Wm. McI3rier, ft>rmerly clork in On Fniday last, Clarence, son (if A. Holliday's store, but now o>f.Alaplo 1and Mrs. Falcoîlur, was talion iîl with Creek, Assat., called on sorau cf bis friends! a" attack uf appendici1ti'P. Ho was bore on Wedniesday. t iketi te the ksick Chrldren"s Hospital on The 1.0.0.F. liad a ine addition te satunîla y i«gbt, a îîd wo are plo-ased ta thoir memh)erslîipl last F'riday niigbt, report that loie i doing we]i. whon six voung mon were adnaitted te the ry ir:terestinig event took place at the ordur. The initiation tuam fri-c nasehlcern, ec-8twhen e11e Of tho Oshawa lodgos was p)re.gt-ut. 1-1d MNary E., eldest tiaughter cf James After the moetinîg a!l partouk of ail ovs- a* dMn. 1avîdson, was united in mar- ter uppe. nage te Mr. (ho. Thompson, o'f Brook- ter supper. l'il.The -erernlîny -wuspefrmd') Onu of Mr. 1W'. 1. Ha>craft's Lorses ri sbprfsnof edb ra wylast Fridziv afternot. Tho 1 C McGregor nt-püeýeo h wao owbielî ho Was hiitch'-tî suffered nearei-t reclatives cf the bride and groom. wagon vte (ý(t(-- dnaùTih e brîdo was attired in creami lustre socerux',butnuethr sr:c:s(la:îg W tblace and ribhons, andi MisE Jessie w as oue.Da%'idseu was lîndesmaîd, while AIlfred CLAREMONT. ibr l iipportcd the groom. The "t' r. C en. iIpi.,wlolhe:nurSo:f appy etuple teck th- .afternoou traini ville, dieud oun la y. an'! was lîuried at a îud _)w-r f rn00 te 'sît Torouto, BttIor, \dît-: .Broute, audetlarwete points. 12 MNr. 1"'Ililrie fu.It, tur lit-afi ta'tw * hîrn-î~n hy ili uî ta heen sp 'cnîlng tle 1< nIa a a t edwou. ro i. NMr. f eo. ( oohw'- v-a.- re elet-teà ht a(«,i'hiiofthiila triistdue andt A1Irai. :u'v, asîiit -'raea os'f h ilae1 sen '1' int (fflic-tr. ble loi 1t letuîxo-iai t uMonlday t-yenl- ý11tr J 1 b ril i!4-7 x' at alkU-,' te tile ing at 7.:~r>, ' ,clck for : the' pîrpose of uhîurri iOsot 'la >îdi-t et tu2 ;:iî: fiiliatilig tr-st-es for tlîocomîg ear. nisel"ie'b followîn1g were nom'iatud(: W. V. 'lu IW~Ci J1 "~-ro~ li o f IlîbrsuJ,~. î 1%Vî, . 1'eak, Dr. tlîe ~ ~ ~ I' inîît'lu'h " rd, krley. % 1 V.'iIW.tJditf3rs(ný Et. Wha gie ' elS -.dmeU. 'l it'hr anuu, ( M 'ue,()if . r ak-î i the (hiir(-b w Ire r :IL:'t" a Ichhir .a Ttethir , oannd ,,w. Il thaxka t Ne. unprosperous -îdt::.Thet lervýthtaikst The -Nwe1ek of [raye - s 1c i, rg ol'se cd - - moers andl ecoîîd'x-8, retired iii the churc-likitru. g~c'tivfreuî tue fie-ld, leaviiig the re- Il lit7ruis i1 . Ut\. t-) 1,( ; > t'i im~ istt~r-uluu ~ a -cIratiorî 1ltrc T1uesdaiv reXi . ?-11'îr . iaî ,,j-. -art'- fo'r îltetIuî -a Aftt n an iaîîiniâted niea t. aaI uuîth~ dîcusî-urc, sidewalks, tii.o MIr. Thoni.is Cibler.- rî'k-lus wrnist li ifill9iigrtusolut*(iaxi5z as îased : 'at a fuîll on the ice. lt- lins ,t(-iie te, Toron-'~ t iîîî,î te evutb tt-ibi tlu - bu hes ' ii mo t 1 1 - tiis i-' 'ti n2 t ou shn'ufo îîwuts.l'0 alîlo ifur t.>- iliilaeterai-e by Weiîudvxe. --grant liti,- I db- horst- Iat -rida v w as i( i -l ',n t 't- t-' anld bailLIS icand hDisuc"s.sioonSugar Beet Cul- <l19 iii' v ige - \(-vtt. 'î- lii-le fo te bhýct' sniiils lasiy eek'l Ili 1< ý Dscussiontivation, NI r. Art 1l v, ,n'1 tif 1O.ect 1 -îia,, r- "ji tig (gtIM frieiîisbi-t'r. MIr. Voîiî-rt ( an;uhrt'Il , of thehiu:-v' at Maide>ii tVc-r Ni-w% Ni-- lVst:Mark L intîri, grînnhn tfp 'as. iroi tîriiliv' týY pi ii. ln,-'v ',1l ni 'lhnt-(-.îr foiîr faîî!iiît- - h-ix - lî1n tln r'us insni-ail uofetin: t -)i111)tb hieeîim iv niaxur-vliait idut-:. NI r.t biti' rîr.', i ., s, i 'M 1mai -aaor 'th rni-sforn tia'- su'ia ci 2i. PORT W!Ity. uisAnnie Ashil, e -' oniithîr s-k 11sf i Miss Cur ie \'aiialktibinng t-f 1-n )li nay foîr ( nî-ufu ci 'ilttîr(,t-in er- visiteti Lis ston.. ins . I-:c t trNe-w Nus NIay (ii (i', if Tiorinit>', V- h1iive fün the humidaN s, :b'Y'ii.ni'lu M ii-ti- k'tîî ivl a-A tkinîr-in, tf M -i ' r.ni c, 'rig- f '3iriiitii l ýli ss >1 l f t fiuNr enîii Mt'11cîny, vu bure i-la likii- ci taiiîîd a .N t-x Venins xiîb nrfatihu-, MIr. c. 11,0x. t ilirtii ti(- loroniti- on Moiirilx nf t-nr 811î iiit iig 't -u k xxitii tlhiir niotlhi-r, N -G. -e(itthw(,11. COLUMBUS. '\Iîr .iitl Mn. Frnik Wnîkuhv, of I Iiîl- ton lt., are x isitiiig 'aithi î'î-iiisi Mnlntrd IRichardntli. M r. Gî~esOroin lis-t hi> x >luabtie unun<u oxIffax-la-it. 16 ______ ng witb lu guet]attt-iiilaniî-e. Mn. Chnlýt' Haxikirîs ant ir . Hi-r Mr. H. R. Convon, seniior ethtor o ut etertil fnîni tht>i shîîîk, anîl us inburt 1ugmiî' uidnvd -uh tMn. the Econumiat, Markham, met witb a prn'îg as fasit as c tan lie oxi.-oi -ah-hrg -f Rglanl. painfuil accident lait week and one that Lnàst Wveulý8I shiYixun at tL,- chkat- Mnr. Jannies Smithî s pcuit lNu Yenins je ikely tD confinîe hi tebis beti fer inrinnk. tIr> iav -bile pliyînig iok~.wtb hIit- lauighton, NIrs. J. C. MIascii, of tiome time te corne. Whfille walking f romj Harrv Iiltp w'xs stnnek inti ht thnoàt i Torontuo. hie bouse down t) the office about ton it;wth tht> çuick, snarl viimjt1ing bis MnAI. Johbn Sadcllen attendeil the fun- opclook Tueeday mornling he, alipped and wli)itipipe. It was feared at tie tir,,,. c1ii ehr nMnts ftnie feUl &t the craseinig at Wilison Street and that the accidiîuut wo>iul [rexe fatal,- hut lait fraotured bis hip. Two young men, Roy next menîîiulig tIe' -' xxab oomnn-.- Wîi Dyor is r-covernug after bis 'Wrren and Mr. Eiiaminger, heîped him mieut iii IiC'h'ii u. rec n -îuss.t to he flâe afe dors olo, won f - Mn. Rombert Miller, cf Mcoiistî-tle<iilis Mn. and Mme. Albert Stocks, cf Dun-t ter resting a short time ho was able te pos.-« tif it tint-t1) iken recenthl- to Mn. clalk, bpent New Y'e.>rs %vith ttîeim unule, b. taken hUne in a rig. MnI. Corson, Amhuîtîr, otf Victoian Harbor, wbicli "Mr. James Stocks, qr. who je in hie 82nid year, appears te have weigheod 637 ibs. wheuî dnessed. iTlho municipalî efectiouîs paèsed offj A i x. ss. . .B. Bi'Âni,-Thtt elioas of our schmol %vish tri take tlîîs cpportunity <1 ex pressinig thie xery igîx esteem with whîîcli we regard you. (>ur relatuonishuîî as teacher aud puipils duîxing the two yeans vol;, have ludi i amîxuîg t.ý lias been botx ;trs ai le âand l>iersaii(, aiid x 1--ili awa l ook bai- uipon this pasrt cf our publtr'-school Ille wîth pleastire. As a tîmben of cur kindly feelin- toivard yen %ve ask you te acceçît this annahll gif t, andt mnav yen iund the> sanvîp1isurù in sii tthiat v-c firid in gux-îug. We exteîîd te yen our Xmas greeting ndi wisli yen matiy happiy returus cf the sanie, aud always reinenîber kindly the bomys andî girls 'of Unioni S o. 1, towii- sijllrs cflPic-kering ami \Vhlitbvy. Mn. Iieath, althougli taken eornjiletely by Sturprise, muade a vury toucîig reply, iii i vi ihlie xea nti y thlanikedtl h le pxpils fio, t Ut' leau tifuli îîesc'nt t", it atigix un linai. Ile aJie wîslied to tiîaiîk thie elîtire iC ioît fo'r thle kiiid itess thlat fnaih Ieeîx sliîtx'ti iiiîiriiîbis stait aioiîg thîiiî, idî asked lthai LIe sainefeeling niigîit 1 Te Farmers inx Waterloo County at groom. be (t-iniinud tt>wards is successur. 'lis w-as foiloeid ly a long aî-î>iause, ingdale, New Gernnany. West Montrose and the boys strin1k up aind sang ien rtîlv arid St. Ji;ccbs, hold Meetings.I snîyîe e,",lei aoly ed M u-r- .11 l: î-~-n:ar, . - hcps-,> 'l'lie ( I:i rinan thlieuus iluit ou sex-eral Iîur, . ,-. îr'îit~îîîr-r îtuuî xi-'n. I(Jftii- iiit-iîibers uf Lutit -tior4 for rumarkâ, Si, 1-;, i-i x'r\- : I- iî;Lrb-s tg Winem11t h ucflo resîiondted veny la> xr'j1,r iî1ii'iilîuitîr ,i.-li I: N. C. Brown, W'in ike anti S. L.' Il.\\ii,. tîîîiii Niti'tFileae [i iii n h .Xt'!r-îîi î~ r':iaiti Ri-l-slî-Aitirortnaitu tt)the' iliitni lie»-(-ailile wlîn- 4'. ~ ~ ~ i >.I îî -njlit- laiiin'mi , 'îliîlo thie pî-r-'.tt ronitlt'a- lrgîîthy uiecorated I. ~t>1 Ii n" N. Naiti;, xi"tiialid l a ieiin tta rtte v bit-h aderîiud rn-:ri-î" 4" -.boni~, lî-tP. Mar liii hiiitiiiili W'ene iiîstribtill'y Santa L. vbl'ýr -nl ii S>rs'-îultii- Jiîl- .Notir-taitie aniioiig ttelrreuiets onil i ?' t lira, î 'rî n~n'irbuai-ý t.-. ai .q nrtsret- xxaR a large- anal lnatîd.qoiie ni--îiy iî-îann('11 iîî ujîsI)i-> r- 1 i >îeîsirah 1bi>>fur Mu.hliatîx froiliVera tilt,- 14i>i d, ' niîiiîi~ i' ;îi' iî": illiîlii s 15it lie ililittt'tI a m1looi<l sectioîî QI 1 Lit#' 1;L11 tir- li nr: p>> -- iilia> e na tua-Iîîr.îtuiiix'î'rsît.ily-eqteeitîtd, slraii~>xx I 'r".. î ;-I)'>:tilrt- îîli , ,thîr iot>itîliît i -eirel o anti Lii> homei~s, iasMr. r-r'iî~'iîÀ~'- il- îi \itintii ai ' '>>~>ll';itilias [e-ont. lus uiri'ghit. geiiial ai-d ti:int iii- îr. lraîî n'rng i ii>t - gt-i(t, I.- îaîîîî-î'aiiil hriity bas w-titi lite- Lin Sîril1>-n"- -. > t iblm 'ni- o it - lîfg frit-irs liltan- stectioi n mi ail uite 1,, n 1'i' \ii . 1i>t » i~si- a!tg>> %".il ii htîi Gui Speîed. 2r>'it,-r ir ii< of i >- n iarl ('>î ifrg 'l'lie s iiigiiitg c f AtîId Ianig Sviipe ci- rts.irî- - rS xt il . NMay) tisvnt 111,i- ' i t l t 1r ) roîg ranit a ft-ur vilutch ail iiiit-ii i- 'ilit"t iîti~ itanîl tl îît 1t; oîmîîcî îî Il i îîG ;oîîSav i lt- t, i' iIig. iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I i1-:1ir1ia li' >a Jh y ni bol)îi t t;ji lii;.-u i-il iii' ut xik l iants Iht-ilt liV <i i r i~ii-- -: iilii ii i i ti'tit heeU'ti' fo " i .il iii3 1 ie. AGt-r tii'- "nt e-' il'î st ut L. p M t. 1 ,J:î'iîls i i l: c'v ili- i. iol lid- s-rle iseI deisîo 'ri>'ixi> i e tdurg winîlnt ti.t, lut-ea ir iil lt .'îi î', i lt 4)1 uv :î' i iii' 10 ti a 1, ii CLl"-L - ixi-lw ii iii ex. ; seî-nîh> 1 'atu s itcr> i tri t he, fýtx n - ni. 1 v-tii h ie t>> -- ' - 012u, rv îi'iile -a SUicCi-SS. Law tllllrliiled l. s-i1 d t1i reiglu Califcmriir, , Oegon said Nebraska and visited a nuun li-n ithie beet stgar fac- tories '11-r,-îand wlna-r cuiviret inmilmre1 than îauivîhuin wan-'that inu talitonlia Ihey liave not iteen 1inyiiig ci-inn $4.50J per toni for beets. in addition i t lihat aS te V. niethe ILils Jîî>cKO I' nOuia x-ralhy or det, 1 c &ii tell yuîî that thtnir bcist ]an i l Thirty Years of Pile Torture Doctors falIed and Mms Row- don nover expected to be wol a gan - Dr. Ohase's Oint- ment cured. THE WHITBY N Philp's Building, Broek Ste selling aù anywbere froni ZÃ"to 3$MO per acre in close proximity to the façitory. If *ItpaYý,the farmers in Californiia to grow betsely you should be benefitted in tesaine way. It strikes me it is as good a crop as can be grown in Ontario, and on the whole I think the indusliry ahould be supported. If we have te go outside, it must be a loas te the farmers here at home, and by ahl applying, your- selves von ougb-Lte make a suecess of the industiry." School Concert. The Xmas Concert under the auspices cf the Town-Line ichool on Dec. 22nd, -*-as in every sense cf the word a success. The school-room wrvas brilliantiy lighted and beau tif ully decorated with red, white and blue festooning, lags and ever-green. Long- before the time for beginning the proirin the recul was filled with the Ibright and happy la-eus cf the cbjîdreix aiid parents cf the section. Promptly at eigbit o'clock Master Willie Mc(Giire teck the platform and delivereil a inasterful alcires, and in con- clusion called on Mr. .Jno. A. O'Connor te coi fonward and act a.3 chairman, when he placed the following programn in his band, wbicb xvas weli rendered and thoroughIly appreciated by the audience. 1. Cliairniais addre,38--John A.O'Coanor 2. Music-sulected, Ca lverly's Orchestra 3. Cliorus-"on the old Out Strand," i>upils cf the School 4. Reaing,-"The Yotnng Orater," Ro- lanid Brown 5. Solo-"Let me Kiss your Teais Away," Elilda Canruthers 6. Music-selectetl, (alx'enly's Orchestrib 7. Fanîcy Fiag J)ill-Twelve Girls 8. Dialogrue-' 'The Quack Doctor," Wi!. lie Mt-Guile, Roy Morcsmibe andi Ier- cy Orveg 9. Cborus-(a) Three Blind Mice, (b) The Tree in the Ground; Girls 10. Reading,---'Never use Big Words," May Keitipthorne l.Duet-",Whiclî WVay did the Angels Go," Rose and l{atie O'Connor 12. Music-Calverly's Orchestra 13u - îbop I')ni'-Tw-elve Girls 14. Siolo)-"Whiat wouild yeu take fer nme P'apa," Mahel Balsdcu 15. l)ialogre-'-W,ýhat -,Ae have," George ()'Cuneiir andl Vera Brown 16. Chorus- - (iraudfather's Clocki Girls -17. Mii-Slrei Calverly's Orchestra 18- -New (Columl>ia l)ill-Twelve Girls P9. Sp;ee-i-"I1 wouldn't be a Girl, Lloyd Morcenîbe '20.Tro'Th Churcli across the Way," Euta Balsdon, Ililda Carruthers ami( 1- Xiuas 'lree-Saîîta (Claus 011. (bns"î Lang Syne." After No. 20 on the program Mnr. O'- Counor u-allcd un. Mr. Beath tet take a chair on the îîlatform, v lieu Camilla O'- C011iior anud Illida Canruthers caine for- 'ard ani rt-ad the followin adîress andl jîreseiiteui Mr. lieatli xith an elahorate 'rueitltinaan's t raveliiîgcenipanion, in a heutiful leather casit. in ail lunes at a very low price. Corne and help us to take Stock We guarantee that you will be satisfied. We cannot mention al our uines and prices, allwe can say is that this wili be a surpristo you. a>BRÈ SL N Wü desire to heartily thank our nurnerous custom- ers for the very liheral patronagt(,e we have enjoyed (lur1Ing the past year. It is a grreat pleasure to 1.,, 1Irt hat oui' efforts to serve the public have heen t Jprocî ated T o onu anid ail we wish A Happy New Year ýN.B. In.spite of, T'ig(hristrnas minn~.ur sokin ail 1111Cr' is stili wel l s)ldied. No order too bigfy orI 1 is, 1 )1 iluf t (> s al74,Ï)ilutm llt . 1'caiefîl1 tteit ioni. W. A. HIiWolliday & Co. ANI) iv! ASILBUR lN I At the Cash Hardware Store SKATING SEASON < i-N ~ - ~-'~ , -i 7 i Lu uSi ï-r ianl 'iii2at- r'tir Skates Skate Straps Hockey Sticks I Vcinvito yoiluto .c:all and eain MlSt )V,"lef-çI Mas, W. Rowmxms4. Nonrtî St., St. Cathanineî, rlîig. W carry the best i ->, thaýt nîOneY Ont-, states :-'l For thurty years 1 was severely e 1 afflicted with piles v-hici gave cme sncb ro ( II 11(ldomilpruces arc the lowe-. 1Ionged torture that I did net erpecute even b. wel again. 1 have bei tneaîed by physicians who have grown gray u in the prncice of rnedi- l cic ewithout obtaining reief~. 1 don't supposo 4 l el n te ever was a mfore - P ~~diciragrd suf er crSt e H TB than 1v-s orner HardwareStr Finally 1was fontun- W I B ate enough te corne acnoss Dr. Chase's __________________________ Oinrnenut and alter us. C mga tew 'boxes rny________________________________ long-standing c o m, - plaint depai-ued and 1 arn free f(nmevery SENO sZmptou.1 May Say ti bsOintmen* KRIL ROW NI could net bc got foc lectlnte oLls a box 1woudnot be with outi Lt li E E STN Dr. Chase's Qinîrnent is the only guaraite - E YT O cure for piles. 60 cents a box, at mil dealers. or F-dransS<, Bates & Co., Toronto. Portrait and signtr cet Dr. &. W. Chase, on ewry box. TO TIJAT FRIENlI)OF iOUIS I.N& 10 S-.~-.-.,<. ---------- - .4'- 4<. 4 .4 -1~ -'s i. Woe nter <2 "i 'e )~t "i JanuaryClearing SALE Now is your chance to do your buying. We will clear our stock of Gods.P» 1 1), 111, ( ) ( ) 1, 1 N 1- 1

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