Whitby Keystone, 5 Jan 1905, p. 1

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l~e. i RJILUNq MOUNTA I CAPTURED BY J Made a Breach in the Wall With Dynamite [ioder Cover of Big Guns, And Lost a Ihousand Men in the Fig Il, the Russian Garrison Escapinq. Kouropatkin's Men Bombard Positions HeId by Oyama Not Far From Mukden. A Tokio cable despatch: Af ter months of fighting, sapping and mining, the Japanese forces finally occupied Rihlung Mounfain last night, Dec. 28. A report received from headquarters of the Third Japanese army, be- fore Port Arthur, reieived here on Wednesday, Dec. 28, at midnight, says: "On Wednesday, Dec. 28, at io o'cîock in the morning, ftle lef t centre col- umnn of our arniy, following some lieavy explosions on thle frontal parapet of Rihlung Mountain, charged and o ccupied the parapet under cover of f ire from heavy guns and constructed dci ence works despite the enemy's fierce fire. "At 4 o'clock in thie afternoon, wlien our occupation was practically assured, we charged and occupied flic inner Unes of heavy gun positions, p>bsequentlly dislodging a remnant of the enemy's force stubbornîy hold- ing fthe Gorge fort, whicli we captured, and occupied the entire works."1 * ~4*0 *** ~ .*. .................. * *.** . .... RUSSIANS MAKE ATI'ACK. Bombard Slakhe River Railroad Bridge and Shell Other Positions. A Tokio cabie despaf ml: Maclitrial headquarters, repeuting to-tay, suuys: "On Dec. 27 at 3 t'mlmtk j ic healten- mncafle Russitutus withu irax'y field guns bentbarded ft'e SihukîeRi' vei'r -ilro-ad bridge ia the rrciglibhirtocf thno st'a- tien and t i sal.iînu gis ai Taliantiunu elieUled Chihsiriitînîami Sînîlit zun Russian cai'alry ntf-.cki'd l ililinufunx ai sunset on flue sanie dliv, butxx rrc-t p ulsed by Ialaiuiee teiialrv. At S.30t o'cloc'k oin'hesaire m- ining tîn'e i- - ~sian cnvalnx' ex'vcîîrthfle J.ipmaiite piekets, i-hu e xeereinfrufmeiland finu:uiiv repulsed flue eîteîny. 'liii le Jînnomt-e au- ua.ifies ixene tfui-çc-e n-nkihhed." CANNOT RAISE THE VARIAG. Few japanese Troops at Seoul, but Rc- inforcementsi ,Expected f0 Arrive. 4 A N-x xir/te't m A Seoîui,('mina - de - despatciL fc> fi/tm- lflil, tiatet I)uc. 2-1, sa3y-sm -ic Jaa oise t tet-nuts Io r: n-e tlic \ ariuug Iiu t i'tu iiscruuutinitl. It 15inuoii mt ftimu ii n- ie uni- ix belote 5S 1iug. î ; bIlut inut'fie t1imum- xiii be sti aluaîy jit tu-mlby f lut' :u'l iii of airotil ixatcr t hli uit' nnhe l xi lie irt'oîaliuile mexcett'm mt punimlitlu t\t- pense. It i prmmîuuuu li t lf frt lut,ý -r s vunge olenutticlimîus xxi ulut' Iruioi îmîu-î The J apau ut--t-triî mus rt-ntiii it glier(c are icss ta 50 tulhu3<) liir e, ueort<umin m roinfuiîceuueiufs mxx îl shoît ixNujîr ;(tir. linsegunîva nis i\i' mitu le foxe ti u- îortiul ieNxt mntli. 'Thli-t prtmhailv ca es soetie ltirxxr nulnit i t runt tfui l)ii i f erncf flue lin s-laIunsuint ii'5 tîluntt-mu lii mmi vainlis places niiugtuele rp1cu op-u mi erafting frontimîim:ttsi t tiulihu-t at Sauisit uirl Klplnj- suitIiiiiturc* captuf u oni mm I in SiLunu oui:- muniton. ,- 'ONE THOUSAND JAPANESE. Casualities la the Capfu:.e cf Rihlungý Fort-Japs Charged Through Bneacb. Ii('umu1lr-t crs oftuhflc 1Ipuc n-i lit hunt IPorf Airir. x i, F1usau ul li lIlmlmnrr-g fot-i i h-itI1ifui'm lt iili-m; t his au îrun. xîti t!t11)11"111(1l japmluu'-.ei miuritii.Sexcuax ilîuhnitlîtmlnsu pIsi~at 10 e't'lratk xel'ulx Tnih br(me-I(iii n tt'e fri t N ahIllirm Iri i li a large body cf Jruluanesc-troops chargted tinuxer ceven of a trerîuendots bembivpril nent =nsicaptuineiltflicfinit huie of iight guiinis. A bitter figirt resuulted in tihc-t-a1î- t une of tlîîmfoîrt. lTe agi 'ni i uanuben- irug 500Tiires- md i Ï10uun g 1fo. îithic on RililungJ Miuinutain. fiuuunueml -irut cft-hue imer cir- oIe -ifflicheluclît rof hurt-s tlefending Port Arthutr. RIluirt is uitiaf.c'-rIaIxîtit t xvi muleIs fr-cunthe imnt skirt, <if t-be to\\a îuf Pot itArt lu rr. fInin i(ýliftie:r.ars dire nu1 mutif-uotrIut ît ji-il ci lt ilroui is a riie c nd muauuIaf outiheasttif XKoekxxart foît, rt-uentiy c-titirneulby- thelaiuso 'le us--iiiuoîf tli-t.- etic-ý0fru lîîrt ul aliuk' iouumut innrmmutan-t uureat-u in tîi limrtf-ii': tnînsof hurt Arthuor, and cuit mutf cc-uniiniiuilut in mîn stwut-crit-ie t bItent 11111 lurt-ihuatn t'e finIrs M tflieixst erri -outioun(if tlint' iirnintle cffioutificaî tuus tinîit' (,oftufvfu-m' oiltuineil f2t3- \lî t' i ll1. if Ille x mmî.î ux:iti o huu um'î1iîiliv thue .:im bt' uit i, ixtimi-vin fu fmiruthIte liu *a\:uxiiahihi hîit 'the iiii t int ffiii't is nîîxx lut in Ibri'm-pi lit'-i i½mid <eit 2t x i-tcil h Itiuhii~.j ini xu'kux.1rî hurt- (uits off f.m îîîî h it-l ' xu i tu'ti ulle)ij ixx ' u-lI-iii.i tu 4><ci-t in x Nar ,iui jilt- mlhm u ltss ront Rilt- h Mnut i iiî i i . ii m ( lu tmi O um-:rrv i ppi-i'i liiJii-.j o i t l im i il nurigi 1 1:l ,ltiuV hhuii. ii un-iii tu't ui Pa'.i. mmul- TO WELCOME TOGO. Tokio Pncparung te Gîve Hîru and Kami- mura a'RI.ght Royal Reception. A t N-uxN i urk uhm n T(lu kimiti--o imu'i u iii' lli'i -uI utiuuiu- u-l I ml iiloji iiiorluimîni - hv liii'hîmul i mi liumi-oft.11w m-elitimimh lu iimh himili n mu !lu -f imiv i tt rulii'- l.n<,f iudih-u ixt . i Iuilhiuuu i iit -uiuu iiiii~i I hunn~rna i-luitý-11o'i'îu m diii of.il I lii i i lo~i'iI uu It;1 IIARILD WIFE LEAVES HomlE lir'ed of Washing Dishes anud Iousehold Cares, and So She Rdfl Away. titibuit 11111ilu.iling th'hmits ,te Iiiid birle ft-m i i1, \>11x , lu ni tutu ittie Lx. lý u ilu lut'l 1- iul'v. lIc tin "M i - i u ltu uu1î-t-. k tt lu-10 tInldient hunu h i ' ii i, ) sq;lllt. mtll(ii tl i te u li ii - Sl-.i' 1 i L if lri h.1 i'-. tiu' i the mi i t Liat -um ue th-ii xIxol ahlig 11 ', l - .1It ustd i d c-. r'- aNd 1lut' v-mil1 lii i-r n e v r- l mi ii i i l r i l.111 C i i liii h"tjlte' l 1cm l i1 n l bîmii'- li- _"iI Cmu1Wunie Ul \t u!lunid <mu aîîi r la fl-min j lus wuîl'l' Cuuît'Wuuuîi 1) um.mlihnm tut mi. 801( roîtlj' mmnmhs~ie-- -l- tlflutin tue litt le br-sxxifh luirmuntn andMi tîi 31rii'. u.t('liiulbii .mi tturl \fi.Abuti û 9 c ctIî in' 11wii i ut' l nmmnistIumff- l-t bis xx ie iruthlier 1rugnutinn of a Malin mu stnmef delm:u rf un t stint-xx li I'lueie i ut ouf o teutîui ft 1iusi Imi-cs. lic rm- turnet inn ar ourntofini shm' Iaîl guru. .Aftel' viiiums-r ndanl at tIc i-uilu'. lue askeultht'aiuttendainut Nxlueî ilue xxent ouit. He x rs infuînîueml N-ms. Sclileffel lad left aînton-it inutuît-imt lx' affer he did. Ile inur about the store for fîvo heurs, buit li-s iife diii not îetnurnn.selie gave $ up and xrîut te ra riend's bouse. There b'e ivas iîii'med Mnrs. Selieffel bad lef t 'rord she wvrul telephone hlm at 8.30 -doelock la in eevening at à certain place. Ile ias there on tinte, and got thc mes-- sage. "19s f at vonu, Frankç?" ivas the ques- tio ~ thmt came over fhe 'phone In bis Toiee. -'tut>m-l. mF in- il i iuug<Ines oand mIrlniihg abeat tuie liuse. Ive gof fthe iiuiuj a-Ii ii ujngit.1.tml1 iii ýC*sUl, !m Mur' aux lii1. itM h t t-nv e i ne itttuu Sm-il-I t- îmîîmt-îk umur- anx'fuir- tii-n ~ ~ ~ I tjl utimiliS N%.lm liu( illnng off . Ho 1,iuit nuitliimu inn nît iu.irirffii'- muu- Ilu - mif hiluir mm-nu. unnul lî'u'uium's xmN c- -t-liti tii hioilm-rnt ralx.îmttti t u lu m)imd. "l- xifc e um n ulI ihe mugoing Iitav i- likethat .' saul Scliltfftl "! think1 hia nte uiml mlof e nd l iii cliî(lren. rund huit-t xiiilignt li uigi ltr' il slip i'ettirns- lm'n- p-mr(nulm t i l iium tîmu'feulutte bousq uont <un bore(, îtu-r xxi- c:unue se sîme t'ulm ý-iii xxa-mni'i ti-ti-ul t it uimhîît flink 'le' iiilll m h it mi liki'tn.Seis a fi r ý 11 1'- - t- m pmiii- cvmf nionef xx j liemr. T juil -ul fi) k-lup i- earelu thoireyit. fil] I fini]miiv-I,inad eimrn S Seheffel hms hIau liiti-.acîrciilimr, demiilie is xxife andI îilmîe.IN fMr s. Scbleffel is a sutîtsiiewienan. abonufi fiirfi- vears ciii. - iiîlrkiroxvn ba inr Thue boxs mre TTermnn txx' and a hegif x'ears old, and Cîjfi-til. eue and a half TIe cirmetîhtir nta in-fu1is nefic'e: "To tflic Mther ' lite husland will o<mvtfftlt'mmeylndl-fr'mivi-endnui jmip baekz t.'M 11 b- 1-01iu -i <ii' 'su'littie boys. wluolnu lielovpa mmt dettrlv." \\ii-l ukil lumîmît lmî i lilli'le liik- ui. l îit Ui- x -i i Liit1 a- ir-s r týil oIs 1 ) i 11 t v l rti nuimou-oct:rI- h' s-lu- cil t-tut iîi-ri-t i-llhx. iii' -abu I Iliai o t. Itii m, fît ui i f the st:lt' Lus run t Itle immi-r xiur..ll ig flic m t e li:i Ii (imlii'tuîe î~tl( i1 t tu tIhik a Ihiiiuii ifm tut it'- ur ' il l1(l liiii' iii v tiplanrs miabou t cii ile eii. I TRAGIC RETRîB'd-'ION It hit\ iuii,, aS1) nciiaul. 1Ile~a<l for xxiii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I iî -i--mumgiLi -uimtl- lit- f,-. Ilui t Ilijsti-; em-iî age.i'-nu fi' foliirvn- la ttf ijî-i î Leader of Aftack on Cafbolic Mtissi'- iu:h-iuimrt it'thai xiiil Ivii nareî tIlle t' ti eii 'gî -Ilii-.- t\il. 1u)lt Iliiiv e ai-les Kiiled W itb His Mothen. t-r it-te lîîmtîglît iii i-t-,an I ti i liki'lu le s- mî il itullu l it i uuîuuu i lii- toii x il: foi- i ljfi-*' iii'~~~~~~~~~~~~ fv-'fmuu tu :it fiiiu ai i (xli11iuxv, tari. 2. liii' stulilli achut îîihîuu~ -:tm- 'ilia r1ii Si-tfreiru'. luihiîIlleiy tii Ioft mt'iiiiiand Ccx liliii'umg Ill lleiifa iit i iw e diii fmi i 'r ilIl l i t-:I\ 11iii-(lii. npn s lii r(Jt îîfi- f ~ i iit-l tt x iitjmr tf l i-ii t aî1 ie (laruiulu- iilu1,1 l i-j ln >;' [ m ei o t lit 1 ft i1 i i ut l u a mî i -ruî'o >î1ii u tafoi Sen Icuil nîlî i u Imu )11:it l i id d-; r d I tlt ll ul iî:1 lo ii--imof Lile imvLoaii lis I \01]l- ilr. Illpaiti 114uit.illtt-cm iu e î-ubm iv i mmîîimi luiif tw- il -- i 1 w ii- I, 'i-11 v . N r tH iid f U lli o l o iueof itimiuui ainto'iîuuit'ý NIil tmîîaîî, ft t'e umh'r mf tut' attac-kon xvote ti oni î~uîrutm' tis x muan- siutu W\iisi-ex and -t illii'tîter tilli' - u'iijsur. jtx îh ufagi uil ie t If m-lui- xî-m-u- \\lrs l 'i itu-nIluex ummuuu idv ii' If tian x mlii -l (--I-'<h iii uuuu- tj t he.. m li u it I lle -u' t ni ti iiifnd.î-iGrea tii mle t eh i tik'ils tcouirse. liai oif tlîmi- 11. l'îu~ u it i ummîi ue t iiui iiiiu lu it lt'ile\a is luîii. f uîuurd, a haxi is, gnimtt h.an aux ihumtn i jf(,. îiîe ns fluev 1iîi' ni-1) \.i h,î muîîauIuA l l., i ls k-il 1i 1 lti iii-' ()lii' (if tlire >t rionget mIuuucnts f1lc-nu lix î" ii t lt îiiiauuuagaluisf fn'lui t i xi as iai- ulx- foi-urîc WuAiu uk-1 x u oih- f l-m Iim lie Alui' t li-riiîi t forceu -imu i- iiln Ilie- ;mmi-rubor finîuit. xiîc lu ic Il-l e iii h- xxi iru î l ti(, )i l\ii iiîml I un 1ii a]iml, Iiuuuumi a fioi-. arîmi mumîrumA riii' l auni- stutiu imi nlit st 111P thm- im i -1 xîu u um- lm i' x luil it ut' iii'ti, fiuglut lfoi. litixitli1hi- gil. a liii. \\xx hi-t l t Ille llidlu urv i l x ii fi l the tuieumetic andu luiiirl lieimiil. t woluil lis aîiiiuuiiiiiut xxas dulie IItliîboxi'anîd xitmrilun. gji ve Ctii' ii 14î)f\\ ii a il liit e I i o ail rl-animx n aum l mI j igIl is encluidlinu w-ormis xî'cnm' liii rigltt i. t-eeIl' s oli <f >sili ig lail. A mlit firum I Y ly lei- u-\îeud iinary rli i ' r-'or <if Ie laxx kuuîsne <lis.- lice ty 1~tI m el i tu i a nu l îu x\01to uad pa r t Y fi1na 1I l i l -nie, 'l - lui-lu n ud pnss- tim oIii t î 't l outire -\e s u cru i-i ui-- fa t-il te bll i:1 ii-t imur lxdt i oý,Iiimue in-,,fIrIIuugh1llIlls ii ý- it'uni-k ulis ituuuîer, ,se ir rjiil' lus tul i s li:; eei iu iiuitt-i îuiî-uie uue ii li- mml ii-ilu i--rr -ximîfr1 l iiad beidiuih u mii. As lIon,, mus eiupieaI uuituuum u ri Ilele i- n d hîn illri-pmnuýihiio.-lthut-uclias ieen - - -if xmilild lue imi rumcl-eîiv mf ji t i-c ()u i -î a iik-ehjrud l -ui it iiiium. I iiive TO ABOLISH GRAND JURIES. Iuu*îtc e u sientenceît' of thuis x illl lut' l xxii unmx' Ii ii ouu1mf-u andl nos- -tireýini' i huaita ruamI' 1iinr-iih' Ainaui lii r tfii 't îiî verwhelming Vote la Minnes.-tain ofMn.UgrsltlirtrmA n:iei' X\iithen iuskI-u fliexxhopm- o if hi ueFayot cf the Proposal. fojl,ri1 iiatfuir tiafetufariseian uri-o ft ttelamr-o i lis,, Colemy, Vlut' sil St.. Paul, Jan. 2.-As flue result ,à e tut . Ivirlif t teli ovtui ai ull ux-fia lit xx uxitilotnu l but thuut ilei ixmurul uiCI-î'î tîî -- - - -- \- .- Ia rxv Ruuers xî-s m'uIiivmîf t-bf uue fuir' tiid nmt lise' it - a-s hm'ti nxm-lat l t uiit-abo it uiu tuitab-nd jtuiiy m--.te-U Slue xx'nsa x Iiiniiii ausiiittx' xiflmt xviii>u-m'mI ttu'xm'le Y ii ruenIiiuttie 1-LutoLt-gis- ru-seuinies cf flic Stete -if Vermocnt, . tiit1 Noron lut'suum si thiac'Ili nx-Iature is diîî-tccu tvtiliet lais abohsh- jiroetcuifeiilier. He tilst' ius fu'guenf rtfini ~fu rt-mun-fi r- oi <its ît f m-ilig the granid ju i -.Aiton Iliii' assege (,mn exmtciiencv a nud nie m'nî- y. sttiîig t-huit piul\~ a1u:u i uilum-ien,î 1islti.mllii ii u xi not hUmi le te if the Stalt. mifVernuiuirut ail <ouent, ts a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ li luanxli usxxtrk'l li' udetiu nhr ierisalmiii'..ertiu- -tIntvl - r-. u i I-uixmmiiu luif h 1aie i-i luus'O gi isouil iiiti ifanl h itory eviiuiî'îîre i etliîard touxarrnît the ieon a t'nniuiiral :ît the arf 19i. Sinr-o pIîS n:-it mii if iutuiixt'is x e-vnigt.pI set'titillig alttur nie ,Iii taiuu action. heing lanSt:ute priscaMary Ritrgers lias Noron iastît' turi-t d1uatneafas ~lt las beri luld inutftis state, as w-eil]Sa isI: sttmc i Murie. ec'u,îm.ug n tni're aint otlît-is. liaftltegrand jurîy sys- 'l nevîr bcd .n chance. I have 1 li rrePd ltrilias beeru a ineetitre; I hat the n'ore since 1 have lîcen la prisca thil1 toi. aoutafied ars aaîl paeinctitii evideace presettou toe fnegrand jury ever leertrd Oleut cf if." oity~~~~~~~~~ botfv yeragnmn iflias been the eviuit-no' cf flie prosecut- Wo nWatt SeEcuie tire "Gold litue." Ilis business increas- ing atfcrntey. andti tuthfle grand jury oa Wntt SeEeui. ed so rapidîy by bis uiniqute manner of might as xx'mil liai- iieon abelished. Thîoug(h t-lue xx'nîen of the State haxve conducting ifthat he soion st-a.ted NO. The over\vl1iitîuugvite for the abo - RhoxVn lit-fie interest in the fate of Ms :) Tc, rnfiuiî'd -cte start new îlace-s lifion of flic granhiiîl. jin- svsteni ln Min- Rogfers. thlere x't're many womnen in the about the city and surrounding townls nesot a ils CU'rltnit lurt-it i the enact- gaîheries9 and seated ounflic floor -of the i -- ~ mIlS tiiuintm'n. His No. 1-mn-t of ua lawxe ie le1m'milatup,- which bommusue <Inrinur'the<- (lbate. and the c ruish1 g-e-w until it was necpsary to ce-st meets flua week. was the greatest sean duri.ng the sessin. additiontl buildings. A large brick block wa-s added this year and was re--T u g. cently occupied by hLm with one of, the N FORT stores n nrt2 nndiana. InVERt9 BHANGED 'btcustomey-s are allowed to help them- &PA N ESE. Çitni recog~nizedasag dbui Legisiature Refuses Mercy to ness mian. honorable in ail bis deaIingýý.M it eould net possibly have beien aje is bu inesmthd a e ben success-sM ryRges plished unless the conuanders' hsstrassmthdshvebegsuces liad been Nvell adapted to the oceu.n and f l. - 4 *_t bis leadler.sýhip had been able.1 e Fa Nw Rs Wt "Tlierefore, on the occasion of Admirai PERE MARQUETTE e ae Nw Rss Wt T-osvietoriou return, thbe Huse ex- tens to hini a .hearfy welcomne." the State Governor. a TWO AND A HALF MILLION DOL- TO DIVIDE THE GARRISON. LARS TO BE SPENT. Object of Present Jap Plan at Port Detroit, Micb., Jan. 2.-The Pere MNar- Story of Revolting Murder ofV Arthur.quef 4e SysteWp will spend two anda Tokio cable: AIhI:. officially stated haîf 'million dollars for betterments on Her Husband. ted ta the Japanese sappiag of the taking over the rond. The present man- northeastern forts at Port Arthur is go- ager found the equipment lu a condi- Montpeiier, Vt., Jan. 2.-Verxnont's îng on steadily and successfully, prepa- tion.that calied for immediale and ex- legisiafure lias decreed by an over- ratory to another attack at an early tensive repairs and renewals on the On- hligmjrtta aw an us r date. It is expected thaf this attack will tario division, where condition-s have helming majortyati a fw o n must be made concurrently from flie east and aroused sucli a sform of pîotesfs from bagithsSae nafwmnls west sides, the object being f0 try to towns la Essex, Kent and Lambfon The doomed woman is Mrs. Mary Ilog- divide the garrison. ceunfies. Larger yards af Sarnia, Sf*ý. ers, -who bas been convicted cf the mur-d If is reported that a Japanese mine Thiomas, Blenheinu and Walkerville, nre der of lier lusband. The vote refus-t was exploded yesferday, desfroying the to be muade. About fort y new passen-. parapet of the Ehrlungshan Fort. An ger tracks will be put in. Ileavier rails îng commutation of lier sentence was « infantry attack followed, but the resuit are te be lain. A nexv slip and dock 139 to 91.8 is unknow-n. A Russian -Yho was cap- are« to lie built at Walkerville as socn So far as caunonw lie seen this actionf tured on Dec. 16 is quoted as saving as an adjustmnenf cf cressing arrange- ytelgsauedsry h oa' that the Japanese f ire desfroyed five mients with the Grand Trunk cani bm' guns and'disabled a thousand men at muade. Twenty-five tbousand dollars is last hope. Slie stands sentenced'to be Tfseslian. beingr expended la repairs te the ferry hanged in the state prison at Windsor, TheRusianliedqurtes hs ben e-on the Sarnia-Port Iluron route. The on Feb. 5, 1905, bcftvcen the hours of 10 moved to the foot cf Liaofishan. ne,%v shops at St. TIhomas openled yester- and 2 o'clock. dav anul are to Le rua diy an d night. WILL HOLD OUT.Th celmivlabogitevnyev Whea escape from the horrible lte locomotivesa for. deliverv earl y next seemned at band the only prop was drawnt Port Arthur Garrison Sanguine-One vear. fromn under lier. The judiciary commit- General Killed and Stoessel Hurt. tee of the Vermont legisiafure receru-0 A Tokioecable despateîî: Tristwor- TEPRL FTESA mended a bill that extended to ber cxc- fhy advices from Port Arthuir confirm uieceecy u h u-aeisl . the report fluat Cen. Kondrachenko lbas Pu Chr o OIstm aas rng. ncean oN-er,,-iîelmuîîg '.c vte rejected the loi- been killed and fhuat Gen. Steessel bas Chita onn.marie plan. bee inrrrd b' fllig fonibishere. New York,.-Jan. '2.-St iii polinding on If Nvas an extraordinary meeting fli-it bee ijuvdbyfalin fon hs ore.the bar off tt ~ail ie slue narked fuis sesbion NwIlci pîassed upmi Gen. Srnilnoff is aIse repoiteil wvuînded. thfli1f0e (- deifli cf a puer, ignerant The advices further say thiat the steri struck Cliristinas iioîaîing. tliere is Nveman. w, liîmsm crime, Lmiwmver, is oeeof cf the baftlî-siip sevastopol lias suink in practically nu chainge tii 1î,iinl the thie nios.t 1re oiting iiithîe hhtorv cf flic shallow water. I 1<r 1mev is daniaged lan dtoictAet".url)rnzir.sae Sw-o places, and the steering gear u ise 1lrugalttu ishî'ceo fti In anticipmaticun cf the debate exery da-niagedl. nTiogottedti eý ftoaxvilale foot cf ricin in tue Ilouso va The garrison is repmrteil to lie csnfi- twe life-sax iigr ste t Ion'ýv. -r', unalule to pce n h'uu-îeswr bie dent iu Illie b'iief tluat relief xill arrive reuder ass.istanuce .andi iilouly gaze to gettefuretslvterruIc. hî(-fi re ?Iî--u I.-1, m it ' t bavv-s' si h b-Iplesslv a( i l ýN î-i-ss t nh i nlje mor sm cmf ra g- ThJ'lie a udience w as t<ii1immd la rgelv (et cru Nov. -2(; a ul ui e uu t lti- gurri - ji urif a i -i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i. surf far i iile At-- liia îl o.mmx'u -i tii- mm--i iiriauge xîommui. \ilic foll mw xitjuluintenuo iu- s0i issad t beclocihi an reolef -rest t bm ar runiuit s an d thLe rolI Cali tii -mmiiuium'tuesti igge a hiu il aof flue brc ec1lu-- guuuu. ituaI siîmrated tutimlli I im î l-viuzxi sjn,ý,1e soiii lin iiiaimx.-Tun arnJv claills relu. inemmi Itlrut tii havi- suffiî-iit lmrimî )i-j)ii ti-- t i i in tiî f etrhcmui e mix mml i iii I-i -m-n ic Wî cr l-'liriav.-iiîlieii îîi poss-.o~ utmlfonue t\e-ntu- NiolwmNo Hoxlpter.xiîl 111mmtl's .toenm-. liiicp icm- cf foi n lithe the-lr'l-' im:ii i u ti'v iiN x'N oe bleiagureîi firtrn-s I. igl i. îlotf is , a diy. anut!a.,n igi t t iý- i,,:ji i t furce lu- Tiere is uîi' w no holim -of 51 iug f lie roublle aud a lialier mpmlima-chue nit. i'rea:sed. itilu\tul îu d-liii_ll it ilvias NW(iiluai ttu- Ili le i shah Oit G -m per ii ; (log Inî dîîg tri-ut ;ce- blowing a -rtalmliîe. 'llji-rt- v as Cc i Ijum'-iii pow-iier o mf pardon, îii-ks lietrîluuli tun '150 oube,;a siari iitqu(eitluxii md o"rc sea cmgauîd tlii' - ardlv îdiitfs iat.Un m-i-m-I l; I'Gî-' ou ble, tjýj- îuuîumm. ut drixun iviii tur irum. 2 ltt-el l in- lit- ihims tlîm- x a imm l x iiiuiet hitr :fîxo\î\ iiIiii suiîi- reacliel thre Norfolik, ai . v ilal r î'glimonxxsrtue flin-ut luidav Ini ru -m tti' uî<ujlj i u m\lm'ttIl e:uîv s-mu'.aniii uîkiimim ui 1Fn uim brurvi. ti tlilt 1iiw m:iiuu (if 0tl ighii~its if hmiim-son tium- Ili1ur ]liijuioni îies. 'u'dhit-xa te srL uis ie 1":.~m I \ \'lI ll v iifîrtliu-î- ieutail the land-m ltiglit, nulf-- imf t-v- l-uu-: -tinigt. ira- crrrm- d imlin i : liii- st-ion, i m 11e iuîg mof MuîîId falit liglîts Seruil111M, ;îîmmlw i car- it-aders tif thtli iiuioi-t' îîrtiîiiated 1a1nd ~ ~ uv a iii t's~ i rfi- tii th(u- lu fe-sa x -iing corps rianuv cf fii S-u iir lt- mm i PLANS COLONY AS CHRIST WOULD. oun îiIit tii tere ar#m iunan lve-m r-lauuibm-r to li-imufmitiao iii-r---iiu - ~~aime:lni il:-i-rac1-i raft fluaf cannot l{t'1iri-si-taî j-, i. JIl. l.l)rfm î Iadiax v n Wtt!Bi;y in a utý-ui iii l i l .' .. *-:a lir-.Xc iat un - -i-:i - mm iilfii ru-l t! hi- ut-t mu. -a kin uini m-mlfo Unqueiffiiisei-d-il v tlv'71,Yi'V lue-urirfrmoat-- tax mr cf Ii-ei iii. li'le looe',Uti fui t.Oa or niue nfrpise tmi îî i it m i. 1-'î mît ',mr deîscriptiotnu tiatt mr frti u li-the xmmi ri iif senuitliten t Mari iii '1juil . T a. 2. Tii fiuri a i . im ii iti ci hm it, Ili.'l 1p 1:v lp on ft- if lii 1i- ii -hîr t oii f liii- and. l-ur i e u vmî arj ( i - t 't xx-mld de IL. 'lii iiiljii fritlji -r'0tî.1 1îl- mmlIn-u \ --t lu- iiglit 'l hie -m :ud a mîuiti;iwiu it a ni i anid rie-it x tlurit amiiihil mlii diailriJît, ailmil;iililiiiit-ior Ni-w Y'iuk. niri iiî h:uii.ii îiiîhld eut aid inu~ri u. is ti - - i-li ilt .. I. Žx ii mmî omf a 1ý-- -- rg iirll i Iiithei : Iii i M:iuiu. i ii i:Im-. lia m i ji miatiri it Aà LIII y ' --- àr& 1 9-îi .-iliiî- \lutt.of l l ili'laik mui, e i, m--'i -h ai' t i e mni-i îtt-t'let itîm mu'h ail inulir iti l ii a. fllmuit i-lu-j- - ~ ~ 1 0nnuh n1is .-im ,v-iim iM i LI a veitai' s î'4)f'u m the ii ti' iium e mmm - us ui-i txehmnoultth nise ..1hYil t 4card xv. .i t M 11;!il tufl a f1ho i c in l n u'+be-- cioliktl n îv ouh eniimen .. f nimmr x'ld -li n fut I r. --4--i ivamt-tesl te h-ave uu î- II - ii n' mi'ro f ,e I un t the is143 eu -tenis n o tut Nir.-t H.w.-;.'unfer yeten. i-andkuitis u -r. tii. 1 tul r u ill :îsk ), t 1u- lu l -ttiti i i-se i' s. ju.i -s euire Tlney irýs îrQ rxiii '-s e-mlii u ii b v .--suuulati. ; s,ý-, ýl_ liii'icsi t ivis the li htkt'ti nul thel-o- edrut'uîf umre itsag u mrem enu < i-i t =du eH.rid y and ovi't'bliugnîu - yt-erduuE. andi dispr-ull.tiaC. h -t- - e - -' '~ ~ ~m,~tz-~ Il, - mi. i - R - f j U ton r cýmmutgthe mentence à«-enreeeived. 'The. ouiy petition for clemency is the letter wcritten to members of tlia Legi8- latuTre by lier noitheT. The anly woma-n w.ho, bas written G-ov- ernür Bell regardig d>he case asked for aticket of admisslion to the execution. Tlt,erime of whieh ehe was eonvicted wso revoling t.hat Uhere was no ex- t&uation, qnd no p"e Jor clemency couid lie màde except that she was a wonian and bad been the subjeet of imn- moral influences from. her birth. The onrime was eommitted in Benning;- bon on Ang. 12, 1902. The murdeT was one of the moat brut- al ini the history of t.his State. ' The %tory of the crime was told on the wit- ness stand by Leon Parbani, (the wom- a.n%' acomplice, a weak minded yoiith who escaped. with a lif e sentence Ac- cording to Parham Mrs. Rogers had wxitten toelber husband, froni whom &ho was estranged, asking him to nmet lier at 9.30 o'clock ait night. Rogers -had lef t bis home at Ho-osick Corners too go to bis death. At the Death Scene. Af ter the meeting and a pretended reconciliation Leon ied the way into Morgan's grove, and by a -winding path to the river. A great etone waii separ- ated the grove from the river bank. The distance from the wall to the bank wa-s Ieýss than balf a dozen feet. '.Mary and I walked along with Rogers3 until we camne to a break in -the wall," said Leon. "She went througrh and we followed. It was cold, and 1 had on a big overcoat. I spread this out on the gi-ound and ail three of us sat down. We w6re only a few feet f rom the edge of the river." When they reached thiz spot the dra- matie recital camne. It was a gra"sy bank. Near by st,&od a hugre oak tree. The wall was behind the party. Before them .flowed flhe narrow rriver. "Mýary said s4ie had a new trick with a rope," Le-on told the officers. "lier hushand said to lier: 01i. you've always got somte newv trick., "Ile lanuglîi l whn lhe said it. -IMav lauighed, too, and then drewv out a piece of clothes line. 'lhep ship said she could tie nie so tliat 1 eoýuldn't -et loose." -'lIIl1et von ean't.' I ;aid. 'Setie-d My lands loosely and I broke awav aii. Got Up Like Samson. 'Try- it on i:-n,' I said. -Fli bet yuu canllt tie me,' said Riog- ers. "le w-as as styong as an cx. 'May tied Iiiii amd t rie1 to tie himi tighit, but hie jiist gave a heave and broke awav. She t ried It a stond tiinie and hie broke 1 oe ithntanv troubilel. She wvas get- ting w orried. h tried it a, tuird time aud w hen lie bok loo se again I saw tIiit -lie t-oiilîdnt tlje himl. --t me (Io itl," 1 told lier. -l took the rope, a piece of c1othes Lue., 1 said to logers. Rucený(l down and put vour bands be- Iiind s-ou.' 7"lie toi !lt if 'vas fuîn and knelt deýwn. Itlie ii bislands beliind hini and Le srglî but Could not get loose. flus imaek W: towaiî li\. -1 gave hIt'r a s-ignal -ind --he, drew the vil (if chioroforru ami thee handkerchief fi-om lier bosomn. Shie poured a few drops on lier handkerchiief -not very iiu.cI' -and put lier armns around bis i 10k. lier iap. The ruove tbrew %vhlm on lus liadl; w]uîeh vere I)C'ifldýhimn, so hewas doi l mli e 1pim -. T s Lie put the haad- Th'u'sand Dollar Commer- cial Travellers Won Day Proposai to Make Mortuary Benefit $500 Rejected. Scheme of Dire ctors Defeated by a Large Majority. A Toronto report: The predictions for a stornuy session at flie annual meeting of flie Commercial Travellers' Associa- tion of Canada yesterday in Association Rala weu'e generously fulfi1led. Ox-er a tlrousand niembers xxere present xvhen the discussion opeuîed on the question ef amiending thie by-Iaws cf the associa- tion proviuiag for a reduction of flie uuortuary bexefit f rom $7-50 to $500. Iliee vas liff le deubt as te flie senti- rieiuts cf flue meeting, for they wvere node ehear f rom flic starf. There w-lit b,- nuo change ia the insurance cf the as- sociation for at least a year, and, judgy,- iîug5 4 hyle re'suuisfs e yoterday, any chan rige f lat corntes niust reciognize $1,000 ilubilify fou' every risk cf that amouat noxi'standints. -N. C'. Eluis iîufroduced in amendruent te(- the proposais cf the directors a re- soîutiouu prcvidiîîg for a $60)0 mon-fuary benefif îor ineint-ers xxho hâd joined iunioi' te1887. Mn. E. F"ieldinug premnptly teck the f locu' in support ci an aiiendrucat to thle anuendntuu-t, dee-laring against hnty elanuge tîraf xould disturtu the standing cf tire presenut urenibers of fine associa- tioni. IUc dec-laiet-mlfre xvas no' ikeli- luood of the assot,-iation beccmniag bank-- rnuult v-hile tlro\' mad flue centrol cf the ftrurds li flutir (,vn hands. Evr-rv incm- ber 'i-s crtituedtif0tire full $i ',())0 of untmrfuary beuefit under the original s1iliuir-, jîrst asus nuli as te a parcel of tIrm gmui's be ba(il bouiut down toxvn.e "lune aSse'q fs theîuma-ssciatien xxere equal tii aubolitt.i12t :cuuu-îîber, but there xxere tii cve cmuuuitio licsmiuug business in ('an- :ud: wýtIu i-'" . f til $5 te $»10 a 'J. F. LIIis r-'nnmelthe past record (_th asfi u-iti'cnu suffii'ieat tsuaraatee that if xxîtn luig ucrunu fluesante xxay for ~thue ftuture'. Ilt'huhd been a (generali uuan- a-or (-f a lireiiuinet-r-u uin vfor years, anti kîu'xv brithinrgs xere fixed on fine -iitt."Are yotixvilng"ie askýe<l, "te hntuuiji Mr.Iruihoxsplan hinît plaîcfunite t-nuthle rngulriai exel prenui nri:uuY 'N 'carute fu'uuîua fhusanritlrrt vittî a rimai.. Ellis .aiîlueulIeul te litilDt-ýt-t iug nefte diiany- fiig xli-rw-mut'l Iimupair the future suI:-Ce5sqiiof lplu imItti-aitul iat st xvmltiy i-nie poxir-ýrfirl aOsMot'iin in ('arauilu Ex rtsiimiu -aune- l'cttison îiid not xîonu ont tluitrg lit cduit-il futhtW<as for- mýignu tetluî ir miî:îltu-r. "W\e are nef aut instn ru-t slu" y."lie' rtpt-atcd qvér and ev-r* -ltruinru :nsxver tfu rieeof the \tÇ I . the Pe -. mihtm 1iliInt îre e eo Ill' m1 !uIi lstu i l -l eiinz-. .uuc- mli ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o i r-lhn mt pm- iicf ouivi '-tr- au ttfor xx ii aitr ot'Tte:vain- l]y t ru-i fi lIm- ti'-t aund fimtaly usII lx u M. Mi, inugiit1>'- m-r <'jr i Il'h i i 4' -v-m -zdi V -'hi kiril).tf I is iiist'. lit' prtteret. -Il uv. Mauv, tîjat sui'ils like cllr- if'ui'hesaiîi. 'Shue în--tuIîehrurie f urliar kil ur huelu'mulk-ni-mitf. 'tîmi-ti "May..Niuat (1(>(,s-i i uinunn'lue said. it-cvi n g luis i~.'WVitat dites if unean ' A Terrible Struggle. 'Tiriiup on li-ý leg-,'slie said. 'I jumped on his -gite hlcî linu..\Mev liaîd Ilu mugril mu mu-iliî ttl I tlue neck a.nd îires.seil fhe hulunnhi-ari-uf Wainsl hi nuese. Ilism-tnrglwreh-- vcmtc'-rniic He t hurexi nir- tff as if 1îuauul licoua kittea. île grî (miv ii'anud fric andci uscd it f-o "Blut -Mcv clîing te hirti andl tex-er once did tune luanlki'ýreliir'f git-faxv item lui-s nlsu'. Suluiuilic hegrili cf a tigres,,. iestrtiggIi'il andrîl tîiig Iinuscît and er oxer ftue gnuînui ui l mnd verv tfiiuue Icame itear hini a henve tuf iis leg-s or fre aumus xxmuim Iti'liii' off. \tiit-lii al l i lis hubret-ilb ias dlcepmtrhIt' gnu'x umre' lu iiet anduln la momeniittlie ima- iiup. NI:utiing Io binu A note was written anudilet f huei tii Ituimi huli 1iu1l Nîî iii t-ft lviiig cr1 tIre rixverbatik. shryiug fluntit wxas a cause cf Sîilî'. lio b"tlIiîm'nioxt wa mînttin ix ls iait rni I i uhgahi il sspiclin aý .uîmnu anumnu -i-ml hi nu uic xitunur lue foried fui t-ml icit uuis h fm ii nslîr r:nce iiilme-miatelx' afie It s m-dii.<ln i ix .î i otrinue appreblentled. 'ue coLe-cýsiumu tf her aî'cîîrnuice made lier' ceux-jeti iui -cus v', andr rs shue ivns wxitt, 110.nnne u s'trînttnuos leglu cf- m' shîlx ' ot-unille tm umi-utire ber lie Ion ilis' bitsniver lucen lîlore flue -ýiurununm- irnt. -imui'fthin-ttiut luha nef lii jjuprmie fin i I'li them -va'se- tf a con- NI r-. huu-- i îýusrotift madie hi.ifullcon- c-ut fur tt li-i* im it, rui' rnl t iii' prossible a'-hîil. h ilmiluiiI utu-te tril hluat1 fui ii:nig.It <-.niii fo0 glit imtvlhr ti hm ur- dlur ofiio lier- hi iilifil nm' rfannt clîil xîws - iliem ii rurîdn'viiit hurt- umixmu-htde imaithhlue t.-lixeutn -mtumi xi:ivs tlu:tthe ix tmuai x li u di-geunm'n:ui. incalpable etf quum'rîîc's;f tht sire miv:5reitil 'yvtrothing but an animrnal, but this brus laiicd te ltax'e înn effett andl tli-ne lias liten ne rt-ah sustainednucveruurufte osave Mrs. if fri-citthue gaiîrîxs. ?lr-i--Il-i-ti e 1i:1u - iut n 'IFeb - rîi- If itvill lie 'flu inu rt executien in Veritumutsimuce îISt,2. anit luexxil l e the tirsi xvoinan te suffor ftic death penal- fi' siutce Mrs. Trielie -Meeker, txventy- fNv ivears a-0. lMmrs. Rogers is now in~ soîitary con - finaient in flue S fae prisent at Windsor and had known irhiiug cf the progress cf ber case or the possibility that lier if e wochd lie forfeifed. As a woman grows old she ifl willilig la puttoff uuiil o-rnorn'oxvthe ..rthdayi shp cran ce-elirate to-day. , .1 - ýl IL r 4.- t'

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