THE KEYSTONE, WHITBY, HURSJ)AYs DECEMLt -s 29, The Marketina of!à ;z - Personal Mention ~ icsina h The Misses Mathison nd of the indus to recently. i Miss Morley has been visiting friends u rs Sponges i'n Uxbridge. Miss Ethlyn Scott is visiting friends 0 '_ ý fu'OIn-50. île$5800 in Bowmanville. flm.kknr ~ Miss Lîllie Nicholson is spending theasMy I1UubbI UlJUIIbshûlidays at home. TLm kno $.50 each , Mr. and Mrs. E. FF' Evans were in VV ien m31g ouP seletlOn fl Chr'iP stL a .50c. to $ the city on Friday. butbwear Soner t morea Mr. S. Seldon'smother has been sern- presents do not forget to cati and exaineLesetuly bu. p a onge thinntu Miss Hellen Harrison, fteTercOur stock. We have just received a large Miss L. Borrowmarî is visiting rela Ladies' Failey 11andkercLîefs, 121,, 1.5, 18, 20, Tray Clothes, 30 and 35c. ifuneihseeto quantity of fine ini Ued Toilet Soaps tives iSt Catharines.1 25, :30, 35, and 50c. ~ onilr~ 1 in Hleliotrope, Carnation, Lily of Mr. Jams. itocfTrnto, spexît FieOcokeaCvr,0,6,7,ad$1. W"An the Valley,. Florodoro, etc, at X ms Bit oprntsof er.Ladies' ILlemstitched Handkercîîiefs, !5, 7, 10, FA happy k Taew Year 0,to 75c 10c. a box of 3 cakes to 40.e.lti r.E.1 ihaflroliwanI12, 15, :20, 25, anîd30 Ladies' Golf Tà ckets. I t(~VI (H \Veiîedayaftenoo.1O IlanidLerchief Centres, 12,1,e.Pll has506,7,ad$1 Extra value in Hair Irushes Mr. (ico. Cormack, of Woodstock Col- 0a ALISShaml(5, 6W.75JaAC$1 an~d Combs. luge, is homo for theo holidays. Ladies' Fasciniators, 50, G0e and $1.FR Mr. Johnstoîi, of Wellington, spexît Gentlemen's XNfufflers, 30, 45, 50, 60,7,1 n Crsmsat Mrs. Jas. Hawley's. Ladies' Krîit 'Sbawls, rSOc upward.s.$1.. UN LL K Mr. Willson I)orrowman, of Sunder- is. Es WILLIS ldtnd, visited frieilds in town last wuuk. 0 J.adif'S' Liiied Nfoclha Gloves, i>nly >,'> per pair. Geiitlenien'ls Cloves, 75c, $1.00, 2,ad 5, ICo n î llyls.Hand R la> ld a s. Miss O Ladies'Iit anArn,25c. fuelr opaitr. -Mr. Harry Wilson, of Toronto, 5pent aisioordArîs 5 .0 n13c enlmî' is 2e pad.- M b 2the Chritmas hol idays at his home hure. -* ale'C l rd A r n,25 ; ,a d 3 c ; rtelel.s T e,- c p a(s Hall i t I Mr liller f Ouee i's IUn-ivrsity , L (iis' Clod 1and \X ite Kid7M loves enle enMitt s4 0,l 5 0, 60, < andE ecor 65t e ow o Rrock St. / - Whitby. Kinîgston, lia', beexiviiixgfriunds oirna.P avnibe nmnae Misýs Addie H-awley, of Toronte, is .P1 ~ Iadifuneii h oic __- pending the lulida.ys wth lier parents a s nd C p , l p i e Mrs. Dr. Wishiart, (if London, is visît-W.A ing lier parents. Mr. aîd Ms .Ai srong.lirM .oli liidfr CO tHappenngsî Mrs. E. SheardisAvery Ul îand ber __ _ __ _ __ _ __ ightcr, M s £15mfrr teStts A report of the Lntertdnîlîi( ut of the l 1ý WCareth lietor.O town lIîx school has been croivdîe ont' of this issue, xwithlîother Mîteresting 1 tîî lritosi nr tteprn matter. Ntanhdtie. o.1. Boraonto, o of oToorontoI~r Hockey Ne)« Yar's Night. are spending tlie holidays with his par- On New Yuar's nigh)t the lMarkham <nts iii towlî.r Juniors will play a match ini the wsIHtbv Tho frieîîds of Mrs. David Mathison'Sn1I7 i rink with the local teanri.- will be lil ea-eî to huar that she is lm-I ~ Ilnnv ~ I Miitmsints hrceGergio Docker tacher ini Orl '[h e 4_eSWestern Bann Chrifmasin he Curce lia publie sehool, isspening lier holidays 1 i - : 1c rii~iii (5 I ~n olctd ' amaaddtefr(o wîtil lier Mr. Will Johnston lias rettumnodl to Owing-to the vemy cold woathoer the Chicago atter IiI ii-, îîs atiier, Nir. attendance on Sîinday was snîali, us- R oS,loliiiiti}fln. pecially at tho mnorning service. Mr. Ms Dora Herroii, of Toronîto, is Fountain, of MeMaster Unîiversity, wasj spiiig a week witli lier auxît, Mrs. C. the preacher. In the eveniîîg tho choir, A. (oodfellow. gaye a beautiful service of soxig, ren- MisMrgrt 1rto, wlio lias beon dering adrnirably three anitliexns and a in'pToronto for -sone wooks, spe(-nt tlie mixed quartette. The latt.Sr xvas par- hoîîdays at home. ticularly well appreciated, thiose takirng part in it being, Miss Laura Evans, Ms Miss 'Maggio Y1 nie. of Toronto, and' Bessie Devereli, Mr. E. W%'. Evans andii.Ir.JhnYîuo \arton,speît Chist- Mv. . Wlkinon.mas at Mi-S. W. lulo's. M'r. and Mrsu (C.(Q. Frazer and N1 rs. '1 Don't You Think' Thiat we ought to bu the' illost likoel placet to gut lt yoiU îeed Ili the Spectacle hile, wlîeî yoîiu oni'ier that we duvoteounr wholo t1ifli to tins aloiîe andgrarantue uvery pair as correct. Special Attention to Farmers' BuLs in es s Ail Banking Busines ulti t îrt d o i lx I i t î!,1 jrollipz ut t itioll Assets nearly $5,000,000 TUE TABE!RNAC'LE. Herro, of Torontoî, speîît Christnmas day R. lmý1RF R ACT 1 -N Su,'tnday ut the Tabernacle was ai, ex. 1 withi relatives iii towil. F. E. LU SE 9 ul>TIC-IAN. Authorized Capital, $1,000,0O0 cepticnally enoyable day. The choir M r. WV. B. Wtoilef t on Fribbxýv ast il Kinq St. West. TORONTO. 1P dUp-43 ,0 santth e ma a' th o mnîiig ysur- for a o5i f se% 1-iinWe'4.S uh f435id000 san 1throl ethf ed vice,-and the pastor pneachodi a splendid Ferguas ai other points.______________ Christmnas sormon. Ini the ovening a Rest, 22 90 feature of the service was the meeriliiing MssCaneJhntoiwh o is atrdo y uknow? on the ongan by Mrs.. Ayers Of the idnreiiCic ,i navsi ohr o Christmnas Bolls, with Ãbell acconipani- nIotoMs .K ontn Savings Bank D ept, ment. This is the beantifuil musical se-1 Miss Laura Ev'ans, wbo bas beonm for 1)0 oUU know tIi ~ t ftur a lection which ivas givon in the Metro- I soinje months in Toronto, retnmned home Shorthauid or-CoIiiîliccihl couriSsuintenst -ai I oi dujuosits twic a ~ politan church, Toronto, and otlier cîty on trdyfra hr 1hldy with us yoiî are sut.'fapu- t Il Ilut c inrelit rtets churchei con Christmas day. 'lhle audi- V'a@toxu H. Il. lin,am spenit froin sitioin at S453 andl HpXv'rdi'îipur once was dolighted with this pioce of Ticesday afternoon t'Il Tlîursdlay iern-in nonthi as a starter. i mnusic. Tho arîthois sung at the e'o- in towni. 1Il is feeling sonewhat îm- Dio your B anking uy Mvai ning service wero "'While Slîuphords3 prox'ed iii hcalth. 1 cdu otl ihyu leîrqirn ntîn i h aîigbsns Watched," "Thie Sta fBtheun" Mm G. (iunîprirlht is tuning pianos at iaine and address, an1 we v Nl l n rq d i iri .t( iithe , ing i t)su'.li l andi "Happy Mcmr-.' The pastors sub- rlogofat'%.tely I ject was divided into sections, botwoo h ieon ow resif a r eiyuail about itpxt ai llt out which musical selections were rendered. store will ho attoided oishmalAbole cuty ALL SAINTS. Orto.n BsnesCollege TeSrieon.Xa ainAi Mrs. (Rev.) R Gambleocf Wakefield, oiiRBsns iî .i WHITBY BRAN OH The ervies n Xms dy inAilQue., and Mr2. tD. Melarun. of ()ttawva, 4 iticlinionfi St. E., Tor'onto. Saints' Chumch werd, owing to the sevore, are visiting tliuir mother, Mrs. Gi. Me- E. IL W rr nMa a e weather, net as well attended as usual. Rilvmy . D. NIM Principal.Warn* M n ge At tho Evening service the Sjunday School childreîî assisted in singing spec. The following Chbristmnas visitons have -______________________ ial Xinas canels. Tho churchi, uver 1 been in towrî: Mr. R. Dow, cf Toronto, beà utiful, was tastefully dcconatod for Miss F. Blow, Buffalo; Mr. W. Fraser, the occasion. Tho special collection on Hamiltoni; Miss 'M. Fragor, Aunora- ; ~ " ' PO B I~ LX I Xmas~~~~ ~ dyauuawsaChitsgift Messrs. B. and F. Davey, Toronto; Mr. from the congregbtion te thein Rector E. Mathison, Toronto; Miss Mary Burns,, and was a very liberal mie. Absent Toronto, Miss M. Shaw, Toronto- Miss membens gent frein afar their gifts aiso. L. Page, Teronto; Rev. H. AbrahiI 'dlk aee&vO1 i teT~no lil n 'ent ii ystr The toits, "A very lovoly Port Hope; Mr. H. WVilson, Toronto;, ~oii," ~ukil 3:3 'p. xni., 1kMissL. Stewart, Tomonto; Mn. C. Stow- whet1îer X(>ilare ahplospecCtive 1)tlyeI or not. VYti i ll findit ~la1was a }uICasi1i, thanked God and took cctrago,"' Acts art, Tononto; Mn. C. Smith, Pembroke;- totak uîeius 281.Mise L. Sinith, Toronto; Messrs. M. and rt tl) 11) hie, aU(ýl WCN are alwavs pleased t nkesgetos A. Stomey, M-Notitreal. Sufferers f roini ciatica shonld mot heau- 1 ~IAn extra ,ood assortmnt of tate to ime Chamberlainn&s Pain Bailin. 15 orI n i.rfIIU rs I iThe promîpt relief f<nm pain wlîich ita aI- IJsIIIrIGentlem en* mu - s for Gil lordçq is alone wontlî nîaîy tirmrs its cosi.U .[ ~. -~Sold by &Il druggists. Ebony Bruishes, etc.,Dust -Sets, Slaving Il E' I E MM Tliir*s where wv(etx tia,in. Niti _____________________ Sots, 1'ncy Bedron Clocks, Solîd <odSoî ol n old tîld itî îkues anythîng botter than a j p cc .-£ .-î s and Geld Filloti Cuif Links, Stick Il1u is, good qnaluty only and at very 1wer fora Christmaos -IftI>iarl ru O'BIRIEN'S PHOTOS LIVE. A photrph take, Iby O'Br-ien ie in the memory of those who neceive them. They are referred ta as stand ards of exeellenice aud aduired by .11, W. are tareful, stuudioum and tirleeus, &"u have made a reputatieri by strîviflg te plebse. Wu En O'BRIEM, Pb.tagvapber. Whitby. --Fer Sidâ. Nmne Boomed, brick cettage,ICe xi- te St, Wbitby, in firat-eIass condi- %ion. Five acres. Sn»l orcihard. -,Apply National Trust Company, Limited, Whitby, or w I irs. M, C.ý icbason, Wbitby. unF gëi tI DI1KU 01 n UIdèVe Shirt Sots, Lockets, Chiarms, E.i ngs.noagoxulablo ,prîces. BY APlaying Card, Phota Frames, an(d \Vouerfîl Cratie Liuid hundred and one other things. cemposoîl of healing Guins, Baisalm, Silven Novelties, etc., ranging i rc Iarksï, etc. This compound is called THE 0. R. K1DNEY CURE Miss Emmai Monro, of Trenîtonu, Ont., Raîys: "I1 sufleredIf or a long tizie with nervousitss, and back-ache. 1 thon got a distressitig hacking cough, lo8t flesh, -and felt very miserable every way. I conu'ulted twe doctors;- beth said I had quick: consuiption and couîd DnIy live a few weeks. A f riend, w ho has nsed 0. R. KIDSiEY CURE, sfaid isbe believed rny trouble was due to weak kidnoys. I commenced its use, and, b*fore 1 had finished i-x boutles, I feit li'kt a new girl. That was two years ago, eid to-day I1are perfectly well and hap4" . Thei. I.La.Kidney Cure ls sold b> an &gX #te, 60c per botle:- or wite to the 0. I2. edîda. Company, Limit.ed, Torastoà Ibeo0. R. Medidno-Co&amîted. 2 Quee» St., East, TorooWQ, Onj 'No trouble to show goods. Gifts for Ladies What is ricer than a piece cf sivon or ' cut glass for the table, or an elaborato vauso for flowers. Wehae eantiful "' assertmeint of silver andi eut glass, and the prices are veny masonable with tho quality the. best. 'Se oun entra plato<l knives and fonk@, sponts, etcý. Tire(do- pendale kid. (wing to the gondA qualit'. gouds -03welel and the very lew p esW In dlocks we have au 8 day clock at quote wo are pleased to say oun $2.0 gumuted, nd u tobusiness is advaticing and we are ~2.O guraneed an upte '230(> abie teo show ou this yean a nuch An endess vaiety of solid gold antibtedeeto ta vrbfîe plat.ed jewalry, spectacles, etc. 1 caîî and se us. , - Iîroiiclies, Chains, Lockects, Hat Bî'nshes, Select Bmusheos, Soui-nir SpIxoxis, Beît Pinis, Brooches, etc,, Hat Pis. MNuif Holders, Stick Pins, Wvaist sets, ' ombs, Scotch I3nooches, Rings, l>efune Jans, Toilot Sets, Manicurrs Setm, I>owrder Jaý-rs, Salve Pots, andi an vincLos '.ar*lty of sniail tiîiigs froi15<' up. Cifts for Boys Tickled te death with a iac: It just it. WeO have theuti at il. (uný $2.50 watch is guaranteoti. Thon agaii ire fiave cuif links, shirt isets, inger ringis, chains, charme, stick pins, poeket books, fourîtain pens, silver mnurited suspetiuers, ebuony brules,, L-v niîigs, b'als, hat imarks. paper kîv;rouIler lîlottere, onasers, coat lhain-es. 1j.e t 13 suggest soxxetking. BAS SETT, JEWEýLE]RWHITBY - .R................. ffe1 EawleyO ie, SiE HOISPITA 905 respect- ILor Vhitby: for the the year our votes11 lection.i r'espec-t- )O5 Ilor 1 neIi 0 1i ft repcii il slc y r voe.n TQ.G. JACKSON. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy AL 'VA YS CURES (And is Pleasant and s ale. AppIfâation for Divorce. M i re t, id t-i ;[i' fPort. i',rry. inî th-! C',uit N It f O( t u ii 'îi.rriî'd wwiuî . u ili l u r t,, tic P i'.imiint -'4f i iad(a . ci t 'vxL i Iii. mý-fr' flr à . Ili Il Divore rîuîin hi- Ii I il t -iu g 'itu rt 'un MI i t - i'i io -f m i ir f t hi-e i. i-f Poirt '-rvatlIruti r'-siîlixîg mit or îîî-ur tii' '. tîîg of l , II0ii"rviio'f'.triti.ii <"i uîii ,i i îu hîrîî th ,, -rtu uni f :duiti-ru irurrui t1 i-rtt - oil - ýý l eit-h r Ot ;lturiiu, t ti-i 4 îî iît Iri 'f Jilv A'T.' - . in Thp street, nothe the tii w'ithin bt Cares for Eer. Cutario wliose Cannot Afford.à ft For Treatmenë HlospiLal forSic Toronto, !~c ýrs of Onta-iro for: ousand sibkclijldreii aits walls every yeà ý but Projic. L. ' sick childe i6Yn j>ieeiri can't affor t< bas the s a m o0. 4i leges as h 0hI living in Toronto-and is treated free.- ihliospîta--i 1a-- and otî 761 patients, 267 of tlese w re from 196 places ut- side of Toronto. i . ~ThQcost is9S 's J lier patient per d;, anmd there wvere 1.29 siel, lititie ones a dla~.ori ..~-,Do TO."inl tlieHospital. Sincen, ;s founAra- tiou thol le11sîital lia- treatcd 10,371 (-lifi rtn- a b1)o0u t i7,50)0 of these mreO- unable to pay and < s. weetvcatcd free. Evcry doll1ar rna be the t ran-aoo your kirîd îh'îughIts into the 110-ital 1kinfidee a.' ravl)e Lt1,h l'r;-iiîd in Nul t M*,,)~ Sonieboiv's chldf. l.ct the iofl-, v of t îe -t un z be miure,,. tl.rc T 1k. iîc lloqiltal pays out diý 1 luaids of hicaltl a:. i lîxîppîîes e ut Iilrý i ei .'dollar tr: i p.c1xui bv the ft;;eun' of ittli Childui. i - a Txy sik ,.luiil t:i 'vour xneih .r! . 'ichois mýsi ci, -r cri e Liu or lLai feet sel îît, entstîmne t f w lat c:a ri d iru f r f ot I '. ' k -~ ~ ~ ~~'i St- .r:. TeIloc-m ur- \V'e desire to heartilv thank our numiierous custoîni- ers foi- the- very I il)erat 1 at ronage we lhave efljoye(1 know tlîat our etfort'ý- lu -'- ethe puiblie A Hap&py New Year bave beuil In.B.l spite of Ii 'lîsins(('fdl--. (1'stocij' ail lines is "t iii w'll suI)IliC(l. No oici- too bicr 1'. v uis, îîolle t oo '-nall to menit mil. carecful at nin W. A. Holliday & C9». B tOKLI NAI'ASILyR At the Cash Hardware Store SKATING SEASON i s I n-ne artl sgo tire uil Skates Skate Strepa Hockey Sticks N\1m' invite yu u to caU'and exaniine our :sttkk h eforo purchasing. We caî'iv the lest hues tiat rnonev can huy' and our pices ar the Iowest. W. M.Pringle Corner Hardware Store /1 ( oî uanaoas Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1882 0 L 11;tu 1 lit' 11U "I c ý)LLI;I 111 le, " q , TE? BABTIST AND BROOKLIN op'- WEIITBY