Whitby Keystone, 29 Dec 1904, p. 7

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~eRussian -1'È'foops Have No Hlatred of the Japs. pse Soldiers Commit Suicide Rather Ihan Surrender to t sLi ,cable: Accrdingr to the1 'Oëxe0o c ondeut of the, Daiiy 'lele- , $aph it iepoxted there that thie flan k- 1,ng- jye from other forts and the cx- 0 oslêûuo f Russian muines bave foi-ccd the Japgnese to evacunte Itseshan fort, te the northward of 203 MNetre 1h11l, vth serlous lôsses. t is stated that (lenerai Nogi, the Japuxxese commanînder t lPort Arthur, lias nskcd for 60,000 rî'infercî' - nents. Mauy have alr-eady ui-iivc'd froii the nortix. Coucurcentiy xxith the blexingy up cf Rikxvxnixhn fort a iixssia'ù siieli tux- the fort on '203-Mtre liiii), expiediuîg a store o! ahlcls aîud gi-ciialà,'s thit-Jîpxil- esc liuci gutucrcd tliere._Creuut camai' t' %'xus duinutandti tuîrc' xvre îxîxuxiv cuaxi- Tihs. unamcdlieiglît tîat xxmas cxx xi- tureil iy the Japaac'sc' xtthe saille in ilex as theit' ci îtîreci tue ikwxiusiiua tortx is calic'd 'Iaotisixux. lx is croxx'xeî L) a newlx' construîctcd Rxxssixuxîfor-t. Aftî-x tbe Japxunese lîn c ipt ureti it the iui- shahs boxxbarded t1wî positionx, LuitX ' Japaluesx g'iwcguxs onu20.3-MM i- xi' l li' tccted il. and thue 1iasxn fi-îlekixil S--ince tluîn tler lis bît-u dc'sultîîrx' bix' i ng. 'Plue vaulue cf Kkvuîs'n fort aut presexît is less thîxa H tieill*i.)tii- catuse it is,; xuîrî' or isSc-îxxmu uîîhu'c freux tue n-giiixIxîxilix. txiuux'xllx- (mei 130 yuxncs tote lii' xxcStxviii-i, l ich a-i, be ;aipp't'u. It is (-t ui 11tlt xt xI'( Jaî)ixîie<'e lesse s untx.iugNixXixiliii fort xvcre ouxi1' 400. THIRTEEN GUNS CAPTIURED. japanese Trophies in the Keekwx'îshn Foi-t Battie. Wasliirrngadupaiht'hifiicxit be xni'c'x',u'ix <'h tt tii1' t.u1iui ega- tii xx "Uiiit Aitlitixurxuri'r r'uv xxx- ii- pllidrs xt tiwU ii'xttlu- f lii ' ):.1i1x ifurt tuf uîil u.111 lu li'. iii fi'-,. I -tx- w ilicli illi, iiii t-1 CARIRIED DYNAMITE. Steamer Runs Blixctxaýde ut Port - A T.îxmîu x cx' t ' ii' -liA' ' ii -r.t tuai) lu-I tix i l i iit. S"11(t, -u. t iauk xx < ix ixi it'e' i'I x - i. ' -t-:li iu MIATS STILL SEAWOR"IIY. Futi-e Pert ArthurxxSquad-ou Nel Yct in G lîx i îxt IIi'xi iin,'t- ix'uxueitîin ofu'ittdth 1 a- ~ îî'u< 'i u < o! t ii1,i- li ) ' ýii 1 xx - - '<'î i iii ixxxufliu-' 1, i< l 9 î x ii: t iixîîsx1 sIfil i x(ixil t ixý ' .1 n1 xx ht iux' "xc f t 11 - -i f i-mie ii1 ii'to ' 1i i ' uliixf-ui'i Lx - xl~ . lx-xu ' <i îFu -~- i'x ifa t l t u'-- 1- i iîx-I1l î <i ilîxt îuî'i if titi' l ii.xxi irx i'ilxxa SE'xiASI'2POL :IORPEDOED. Vessel Li-ted te the Rightiand Nov;Fît ru iz x-e SiGc.'ScettUselesaý.. Aril- uuxîu- the Russians. e rendet'ed unconscious by the shock, buti both Wére brought around aIl right. The letter was consumed. Two farm handsJ eugaged in plowing a 160 acre plot ii jSouth Dakota were kiiled by lightning within three minutes. Three& young kit- 'tens, playing in 'a back yard in Inde- pendence, Mo., were struck by lighItningL. One of thexn was killed, the other tNxv0 'Leing only slightly singred. The shop of n bird fancier in this city wvas struck bv a boit. 0f tw-e pax'rots in one cage ene xvas kihled and the otixer permian- x entiy blinded, besides being readered deaf and duî-nb. A ganîg of cirexîs bauds wns tryving toi round up an escapcd tiger in a Mýissourî4 tewn, when the tiger xvas struck dead by iigbtuingy. During a running race at an Illinois eounty fair, in wbichî cheveuý borses w-cie comipeting for the purse, the winniug herse -%vas struck dead in- stantlv after having won the race by a head ut the wire. C Noue of the other herses, most of wlîich were close up at the finishi. was hurt at ahl. An Iadian fiddlcr ivas plnying ut ,a 1 otîxer lxand. bave shioxn a dccidcd pgr- pox tixîlit y f or ixipanese patients, -and there cf. lias beexi soutic jcxleusy areased uuîeugxvO( the Siberians, xx'-lîî tbeaght the Japaxiese sell xvexe 'gettixî'g thie best cf it" ut the hxiuds lha of thie nurses. Most of thxe Japaxiese net 'xoXideil have. thîercftîre, licou placed in an thi'e hospitals 'xxith 1R'ussian soldiex's. The bu Fialanders, alimcst ailene çf the Bure-- peuxis, take interest in thie polities of the w 1h fighlit, but tliev niaki- xxocîthîe xvcr-e sol- fi-c diers for that. cvi onxe cf the uîed inexplicable tbiugs to Oh the Risixxx solder si;tlie habit o f the of Jajianese te ciuxxxiit smixiide whcu cou- Tih froexiiiwx'itli dîfexît- Tlere ai-e seiauv ut evîxx ixesss'repot-isof this; natuîre tîxat' neý itfx ixutisliete ii-ceredit tlîcai ail. Jap- stu aniese iffixers especixlly seexw te naîke a Ie( 1rau'lt'e of sxîxing thx'ix lti'st cartridge for ixi. thixxxclxc-' A iaxî-iixixxxir the cir-ccxxn- jui stxace's xx iild etliergo lexx'x fighîitiîig, lexîxixg iglusexît' iii -'te île thxe 1illinag. or o!'.i' si i î'xîîî'r if lie tblgit thiere uns xîîîhîixîg t'I 1<' î'met thv itlxo ut. lIn B t1l 'lof-.x tiil eff I Loue 'lreel B 11111, eu iiixliee'vere a number of sxxl~ci- '\ tie 1iiîxe batte- ries x ex' ct ixn ie xt officer sliit hixî- vi- 1se'lf axiii i u \i-ýAntiiei urexv uslii \x\*01* ' -i it t ' ox e iiit'x'xii-ixil lie xxi *v-<iit ti1ri'w 1ie sixiefi"lît txxo sixxriixxiIc(Ii i iriwî'îî I"'Nuixbers of tli" e anti x.ut-r'Lxx ii i t )detil i k A sxx' î)tfî't Iiii llîei xxii t iLme-e jîxI-iîei-7 figlit t ixxa e 1oi<r ~mfxxesit- qIilietlx'vii aitxing 1( lî i JAPS -MAKE GAINhS. Take Adxa'aae cf R'4iiti's Excitxxment ard Cattx:!e lt-ePosittn'1s. A T<<oi, eilltl': A i<-iaih rcie i l tîI~ E ' '~'ulit u' xi E -.1 xixof< xii~~~~~~~~~~~ xtxii"i x i c.-l'-x'11l P li c ixi 'x i - 'i' i ' t"<' t ~ ~ ~ ~ i 'ili'i i i i P l i l P i 'ut l te zi'-xE-px'. ll il' liaI - '.1 ii'"iti ~ 1iii iii -A il '<I xi '-i 'iii - t - i ix~ux -- t lxi' - i-ie"t i'xc'xui -xiii xi x' - --i ' i ..i<' i i s tif i lui i i 'xIi--i--" 'i i il îx-'îîî i ' i-i x h i. h t I <xcxîxxuîxl i lxxix.. "i 'xxi' i s - 'i 'd iii' i ii" lii ii" -t<i.xxc xiii ixuixx iii c -- xx a ix si'1iiniit" - i ' ' - iii i "lu ' lii t" ("-ty'xu 'iii- i il i "' 1-- ,< i- i iuci'i- iii -i-i t ix. Ox i 'i x i i iIi~<<<i i xiii x'i' - slxui'i- nx ti' i i it <f I1 xiii itnilx' i- x i' xi' "ti 'tx i iii t - ix xli- xu i l o xxx' 't x i l lix11 lxxli' iCxix .îx - SCff xix's'1 i l2ix "t i < x x i c' i il I1iii'uiits i' Ii ui t. ii kIii, 1< îii ci 0 li i i- - i - ' i t ' ;I pix 1i I 1i Roll,, lx<u'. i tii îî' - 1"" I - xx i c f 1til Ix xx tAm'-' ;I l c I I a'ii his xi of'i îhtiw i-'îIîi -11N att'-u t-U ticite c:'iutu"n \'xx-rl V. xi ' c e - cx('1ti1n 1li*x' xiii Tonxai~~~ Atkuxx- ut i, t ilî xx eof 'Uta' Iciin -vi'ii -t-xx ' ixe Iuonil. 'lhe x i thîîc' i ti ii xi i-lii ",i 11:'1te iîlch xxi Khh-l'l x -it . Il Sihex'i.urxs i .10 i kxi l.x <cuit li i l - Ille'< - i - - \ i - ' b\< 1 lQt i closer-x' t" lii- c xlii i I i xi I tlî x1 but quicil ly xi '- i I TEex'feînd tbem- - gxîrd ltixe l1 xi'i"s - 'u'ii uuitiir l Oun -ites Viiiîi' ci'v îi c~'c.1îî10 mie,.i'5 î'<r tii isi u - e <<xxi i i x 'x*uvxxxîi-ui tc u 'th~tluts i 'x ilimx-v ixi ii i'ii IcIie rixxv 1r in Cî'x5 'itv x"x anesexx'oînsiinus b iun thc' ,hospît- bandîjtig a wonian ce'v.rit auul'eftii'?1 1 ii" beu'ianîs. 'i 'Sisix'is cf Mîl Cx on i c s u itt'ta tt' '11<-y xxix - lîxxî iu NAN PAI-TERSO S~IIEWLL III Closinq Arguments of Cou 6 ~the Case Goes1 New York des;patehi: Before anetixter fe~ day Nan Pattersen probablx'.>wil know wxhether bier lcng cherished. desire te in Pl spend the Christmias lioliditys vithi liert invulid mothier in Washîingten, wxiii be realized, or wx-ietliei- shxe Nviil be deollicd d( ho retura te lier ccli a ccuvicted muxr--t deresa. After nmore thum lsix iixis cfe( xxaitiug shxe liais xeefl the hcLestory el întry duncc, hîaviug a seat on the et liri1,x<xîuocî±iî i'.ii il~ COU Mx'. C1 Lixlo, traxnl iau r 'xti'xt AISiic xiix-xi i x'à 'iii'x att'xsoxî andti xxi xîiti ix'.- p'l]ixixc ' tiiiiii xx titi x xîx x axs xiii' inuuxdei îss o! f'a's x' iii lt( iii xiî ciuxli'î-ict ' eximuir .1 - , A i1xiled l xuîîlex' lis inteet ive. i-t lx'vu ;i ii' fxtlî tîti'liiit, XX i tîî'thiih i lxîax'î 'i- hex' tellinir il, 'xi llIi-ý cilxtetiaioioii' exxx'inii(,tii a cli îld -sil Mr t xxî -- il xx-1 ltx"'I i -xx - 1 fa'î1. f île' ix ihi -s i \xi x xîd <'xt <xxxi "x- i-- cet ion pi-cela is" lier gilît. 1 iblu-i xit xcen di stlxxi hi cil ix- cti hbi n îxxiiz;î1111 xx-t'lanîl c-niixcei. Nox c' i-p t xî'îx îuxI- r w110î- 'rtxlioXxi-xli lt\e'5 li le-; hifx. lx'i'iitr ta' hi-x -x'v x'e' ;e t by Tix7xal W ave. jpi0t ix" c'mxxiuicxxx._t ')t'a le j, xxix " lxtx FN :1th 1"( i i i xi Ir'iiýý1ii ni iLeIi~ lxi (l;t' fi xxil Alxi xrp. W"irix 11olie t l i ltha t cf thLe iixt 't. "'fic 1 -i in îli 'x xvxe stx'uick flic'sliip. euecof lie-r paus' ivuixîxilcalieci toiie ucu'unîud thîe ieu-i sexgi' as tbrown acre-s thxe di-ck jhii thei- ax ansxvcPrcd,"' lie saud. an 'a ilgbnv.ln tril '101feu Mss P', tters-t'ii 's oxnqel xM'x yin +i. rî%%eii, ii ,ifprpcl<'<t i 1eprrellix', 34 ir. Licîd. xvlxo. after sux-in 5i'x'xoIlleun îxxr'X' l1iiitto-Mic i 11t.lxxx'exî a, stcxx'iriîl-- xe'i ixýi-ix xxxiiim-as plxxc- ed unCer vsrit chi for the sake cf the cociness there- hi-agie cnding, laid bave before a jury t His violin xyas knocked into kindlixîn udtodycu xxî0d o texvî tod by a bclt cf ligituiug,xvliile ho humi- '1e fwas cuyit'îiiidly shocked. A cliickeu- from tixeni xvIîicîîitl îî'xnî i»fi'o dat Mî' Nxv'as strîxck dcud xxhilc just in the to lier. 'hlat slic' xx as sixtrexiieix'confid- fi c f sxx'epiîxg upon a ficck cf hexîs on eut cf the out-ctitIiii tiere >c'cxied lit>i loxvu farai. N.,oue cf the lieus tvas doubt, as xx as xitiiiitfreux lier ON\"'ix ,rt loooieegic'-wsstukda 'rds: "I fiel suie tîxat thu rytxi'< U ' A lcootveenince ws trckde ilex'es xiv"-csx"he saxd, 'and Ii ic seated in his eab niakiug a shcrt Rnte'wii xxIand isaxs in regrard - 'ighît rui iii Colorado, lus firema net. te ix, itxx il stui h1. uoîîx ixîd cf xxxt' e .n being ,siockcd. A dezea girls in ail incenen 1 ,i iiîix, of course, tliat such iioseinayxvere shocked by a bol ii - axîaxx xxxlxxîx-î-txîix, but I1 lighl-tning vhile seated in the parler. fec'atîîà ite witxiîîiaL Y e saxlle boit kilil eue cf thie tuachiers brief tirune afto tllie Jury aîljoiirs to the othîci-end cf the biidiug-. A T cu- deliborxtte. loIidx tliî-re rexxîuixîcd cxxix' ýssee fui-nier vîs feeling hic boge, teco1i'~"isii u iix."î xs andin- igin the i' xxîilîi if thLe pexi, xhenct xva~lut iv aLuItcf igîitixigaid xeid cf test xxxîîîxit'xvxs lieu-ci at xes- stxnt t liicd Te iîgsxr, ý ~turtlay's short îftIrxxcîîxxsession, anti rcd atail. x'lîcx tîxe courxxt ailjoiîxrcl it wxa s xig-eeýd xedthîxll.t ixeeclesii"argxmxi'ixs cf ceîinsI - xx~~~~~~ould Le xxiii o-iii-txN'. isti'luxi- KILLED IN COLLISION. hac epiei'i i x hte g i'~ecs _____filîillx- xxîxc the iixiIIds oftiflc ur eh-t ad Railway Wreck West of Fort Wil- fore adjcuxxîaniOiit tix-xiglui, anxd tu liam. tlîxt enîd a"î cîxixitx mauîtde to ccxi- fie p x lth -cýiiI giuîiit tsix ixîixxs. Fo'rt Wiliiaxi, )î'c dtA traini of 1lofilt Mewa atsrwd t lîxtîf iii tlxt.m(il-l Iiea i'xxs isi2i- e d t i leti viil n fi(i"llit iii- .Taxia rau 10 -, ui ii lesxx stof iivi' t'îiîîxiite ~ 1attersîx Iflie up tllîe exse for the ixe ,îxri'. of u lxIx'gc'tif x ii lis-gi ' î'-îxî lefxîmi ii' îî'xîxxi xîiî lxrîe houx s xix, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w. klîl xilui'iiiti. - xxxIo i lix Ii x-i'txxi listriiet t- iýS -î'iiximx I .1l xxîlI r siiitixxiilx f i il, toruieX'I ixt iux x'xii xiiltt' ChIaixu <of rtýi;i it I.S u lN uk ofSfl -ru. )t;XI byxx )] Sl x i -x xlixxx~ti'. xxiii' À- i tlicn. \\liii lilo i'I txivg.' itf -l -tit'D x'i iii" ixisxixi'ixlit lie 1îî'1.xs lixîtîi tixe xinixx xxll is xx.it' iofi'i' 1<' iwlit'lxx <tal'- il-*ipo(xIl is~~~~~ t1" i l Le xîîî'x xii otf tilt' u'<crt x'î0tî11 lxPi' 1111 exu i t li' li~t ltf ix xlix lx i" Iiix 1li - xi (111 xii- e i' îx c ii i iixn i i i :xi;xkeui c'iiirxxýs t xi t<iix ii ~~ l ' it I rt i i xi i- xliix' <r~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~o o-i- ii<i X<tIilrI 1iiiIiiii liii i-t !Ii'lr(,i o vI;lle 11x1 ii l- 11 tîîî<îr .i 1Il . U, lt11î t i' 'wi ' )'IxI-î ixj r i'ix titi' t'<' i' 'iii'i' il 1wvii!in i t"1! Iii - litutu liii ' i )Il iia' f "i~"~' h I Xi t Iilx ii li i 'xT'À--'i-l li-'fi A~Ni fi iiii i I i-< 1)ix if 'I', il'ili"' f 1l 1<mil of t-i 'lix'li liii-el11 iii ii- i i t et ii i ' " ii j \ i <-il'i ' Ie 1.'Tic) C i l i ' ii 'x î r x i i ' ii'ii it' xîî I i 1'i <f i xx. i~~~~ x-'l- xc -1I(.;ik \ ii i '1î fIxe Clx <Txireax.e tiose anxonc" 'I fit from fIat to fiat, seldom remainin; long r N ~fl xi-i-ail iiîiiaxlarge irps of TH-E PA SSIM O F ITHE 1:03E. Clniiialixirix ixi01%i ' nn w'aq ti iixaniiliiîxlx'i'lî'iX'îI lihefifîl i îenuî ~ÀY. With ,Exception of the Our5çot - i 'i \ i ,. n -'ix e "'i 'ci i-".i i-' t1e Cre ff SiiiuIest YLCx'oifenx Ci Mcd- (If i Ix-' iiiiii-- x xxi li îiixix aiss')n- Cr" 'ix -ixiiitix ()f uthe'fuît. 1i 1i cxi A ~ ~ ý it'e- ixi-it'xx'.b or litil" -Z_ e.-\ xx" x Ixuflue xiriiî W'orxied ho Deatîx. 11ex l I-iiixioa M ýo fiIitii ax -cicu thiutfl ixt li- i'C1,lii- xxx ix' lixitluuuvu. " ':I< - -tilt.i-1011 'xi i 'i ;itu '.i ilu'i" - a tii Sti', :il ii Ciii i Iii'd xoii i- 'i 'i 111i l t- x I- î<- iuxa xII u ' :l" mîi i î"i1 S onei iii x iIfiijIlIlloTI (-\\nud il ýll' ' 'X il ýe . A1(\o i , f r "i ut ii - ' ' 1xi iut Ci-xxtil\-N ýSIixiut utîî'îîîx a i 1 u i til t ii ii. - I i-iii ý ý 'l i x - .1< hc(ixx-txnI cxx N\uu'l i <ii i c ixuu- ci l'ix, îîî j ix < ic' ý luit ' il- litT A 1111l txît> iixviiipia iii" '- -uit xxiii ' c't'i' 'i iii e I' ciiix ' ii-x iii x i ii I ut i"'- xii'i)fi' ~ - x h 11î-11', ' '1 'Iyo i litt out- andi<ii.. h " "xiii up xl' 'i :itt'Iliutl uimtti aide of a fexv cjicxxx'ted clii iii lai-go r lisbecu isehe ciuuxustxx xuîxw us teir ii' I l xd 'hi 01 Ii l iiL e IL '( i l l'i. iii ro l Iiiîl iiI - :,]U' l T ex x tîxi'l '<it xx'iixc xi i xiia îs'îuî Lut suiL as it wxx iii i x----------' I ,"' 'î -uu'uuu x, I ," i ,xxix ui ,,,'î' d mi- A - î'î, Ii , e e r ., r n i .D e r ric kx R u n s A m u c k . xx tisxuxei et ecc i tsciii uer -o. fiir sT-,ixa f:tr Busiress2 îiîc-rî'i>st i; tlt xt x c Nexi Yiani.I i' ht 1iiikoiu ben tr fen xîiexiuxiicx îîî'd n ii' t " ThLe to t"- tue, 100- t onxx flIîîxtuig r derriick lIî'rî'iles ' iii"" ll I - x'] 'ion i ii'xm'ux x)iI-xii it,:ix r îxx""' i x ' ii c i g i t oi t,-îi' tiltuxe xfur ti eiliix olei lioiiiixi1i11- Iitiiluîar sluip tuiii'cixx. ltike xîilift iin îLe i <laOI<i' 1 i iicýst i 5im' 4'iLi mi ,,xx- îl"xx i xn uiii ui etio of <(-lex- x'xîx'îl'l tixiin ii 'x'xxîi iîît l'ix hi j X 'x" -'i c ' x'oxutix u' i o <f x îi u r'ii ' iixi IxiA 0 i i ihui <ly it IV 1q1i1 cuar iix it c- ' x -îî Certaîin x i cl xii x.cc ix ii' 'or o ho rte al l ixti-!i '<\x. siitt0' cxaxl jic' 'î-'ii ' "txix inx Ihxo fiix xi - llii(t i- u uh -'jxxoi se xpiii-xig ue - o i - xx(1: lu-cil " i' I i ui'5«ý' lx .xii 'id F) l x 'e t ilit' ii xv tlC IitXtiii ex' .'hx 'cîuî fi lX'î-tl cin(ii- cx biut A t '-'il--i for fa xtt'ho.ui c i.iî ih or th. iîxt ut e f 'l -0111hexgxxNet the Time' for Reflorm. Ilx i'îiîsse 4 t111.01x211 th,' eIew(cý,t xvx ti-" u' T tttiix't chidrfl f catx cixi' St. Pet ersîauurxt. De. d('i.-Priai-c Slvtx - r><s x~ vî xel î xtrlx-xi - ttcý'-t w'tii the soîl is a sinl. - okMîs" cciiefr hî'('xpxclthj r~t k n ruix.x xtx'exc 'i'-r <'xix o! the ti'cenxnit honse w.is nt ai-M- eoet1 nclth C' 1 011u iiîîx:î'îî reuiriuxîrli it îîxasi'ii om the s - nid 4 buîhuîxeýiýue, Ij.ý0 b"'- i r O es andîl iesixlxtiexis xîxîxîtc'llit'the ' t' fU1 "C 1 1 &. exuîuxe few of us kxucxv tow îLe icher b) ' eîuîtx'xaf xxi '¶tuu'ccx 1lives. it n xerips net' se desiiei-teaxiiii% fo-tune co t>ise who i -ov - ni ailiai ifhoi-. lo#.ast moxîti.Prince Sx-îitopolk- 1rWeîplés îof c"xxnuies. ~fiarcii-ilex- for thie> get dxjýj' contac.t wAt exrttx in ot!iex' 'tirsky. M. Witte and (n'tZlsy ca'-e îIlcxleihis cf S'uxncxi wayq. atid' their.rbidrt, ;I10 x'cxed b>' the ivieiajxox c oaeiubut thee Ëchti-xdlxxv ,(itruian. "xni.l'gisî o'xvca i tnso sority, fiid ai-ces tD atherj' x - ,, .,.ajxuliy, ixxxudxx-vitiof by sorne 'eana and tiýss, while aiil youngmgothîe4s ô sh>pased i 4xcJ îey on thexcmn rix "cen te heo<c'iptifl o!ixex- arxis-The most oîund tlaat thxe lcrnuuds cf thie Zern Slxitax't xxianud hyîexviti!1!xr. lef~ .u.ib ctr!of tixe texxee'ilt Lo'xxe lr,1W the "sli-e" -as s f±u- v1 s vuii- sxx' oiv f thceenta - " l i er unixun.payable qixarter. was 1,heiri&lui'lexîofxxxlcruer.of pîxpils ilcrexses sterudîlv was te c ~ who ucipls of utocrcy. xi .îut i-earx, ai-d x'eachîcd 280 in 1903. 'i~xxixy., i -'-i ~e'i'<'P'-~' ~.... I 1- F enough anywhere for home associationis te IN E L I V E Sbd formed. There eau perhaps be »Io home associations worthy of the name whlch are N B EL EV- net connected with a piece of open ground 11n the sole possession of the. family. it would seeM that ln our largest cities this priviiege eau no longer b. enjoyedecetby In the rich. A recent editorial on te sub7ject ln the New York Times states that during E A CQ U JT T ED * the yar 1903 but fifty-six single.ouss were erected lu that city, 'lestiffiatad te> cost lesa unse Tc-ay a d T too "valuabia" te be davotad te such pur- insel u~ua anu Ihen poses. To secure au incoma from the land its rentai must be divlded amoing such a to thejuryenumber of familles as eau carry the ioad oy to te J ry.united effort ,and they are packed lu, oe Eenders Who are capable of preparing and under each othar and sida b>' sida until terqiieforce la assembied. In this cit>' Lestimony which they know to be false. unilreetly the 'thrae-tlat" abomination 1name no names and 1 stand ready to has beau the usual limît for "genteel" peo- 'rove what 1 suy if there ils any ques- pie. Now ragular tenemeuts are belng erecteil ion aisd outha staemet."in the pleasanter parts of the cit>', lu which Lionraisd o tha sttemet."childiesss couples hudddie lu four-room. J. M1or gan Smith and his wife -were 'apartments." It la not good. denounced by the laxvyer. This ls not yet necessary lu San Francisco. There are wide expanses of territor>' within Most iimpressive was M-Nr. Rand's at- an hour's ride from the businasss sections, tempt to show the jury that Young whare real homes may lia estabiishad ut mod- could flot have slb imef.T eel erate cost by those willlng to live lu un- ,.othinself Th sk fashionabie and primitive ways for the sake eton which alreadv had appenred dur- of a reai home, and thara is no question n- the trial was -brought forwn-rd =d whatever that an>' fainlly, rich or poor, if! tn Mbetter off lu a four-rocin cottage lu the sand- the attorney xvent over the details of his than ln a tenamant fiat on Pacifie the entrance of the bullet andi the dir- Heights. If they are not happier lu such a1 éetion ttoki loi-s oylDrn ocation it la becausa their normai human ittokix Yug' bdPurn instincts have been warped and impaired by tlus recital, -Miss Patterson covered her the artifîciai lite of the clty, and they hava face with her giox cd hands. _Mr. Rand bast the art of drawing comfort fromn the ti>etl the, revolvr pIl and the living things which eau ha made wvrNitlî whicli Young t9rwu0 i-a rnîsoCrnca was ki]led to provo that in no position ogwupni.S FacsoCrile 'i(uld it have, been lieid by Youing to in- TO CARRY DEMANDS TO KING. flict tuie -woundl tliat cailsed the' death.. Vacing the jury, Nvith the pistol in his Boers' Discontent Regarding Payment of outstretched baud, the prosecutor ex- Compensation. claixuied: "Gentlemen. I will give .YOU Johannesburg, Dec. 26.-The delegates tLLis revolver to take jute thé, jury- r rooxu, 1a11( if xny inan anion-g oi ra to the repreésentative congress of Boers, rxold it as the defexîce ter fsulici(de f Orange River Colony, at Brandfort, to infîxet tinis Nound and i lien pull thý bitterly atack the Goveramexit regard- 1 ige' will cousent tii vour -et ting, in- the paymeiit of compensation, al- t1ls defendaxît fr-e on tlio let.le-ging a breacli of faitlî under the peace 'hi r nînder c i'seeh xa Iie oaly proclamation carried given e-oltliv ~ o~er t îlie test- otxvas declared to be that regardin loily of the dfexu fter iMr. Ranl's the annexatioli of the col1ony. 0 In speeh, M-. ~exv~ax: "' ha was1h The consensus of opixtion xvas that a iiist xeiilef a axeec-vcf ns'caue.depuîtatîii should Le sent te the Ring, thexnct na-iirfxi pîîîi lit Ie vcibut sonie of the delegates said tliat they Lear in . ( aixal a~* i auexpx-i nlit inot te go clip ini hand for what enc i t1 f r tv iit -I1 o r i* .1 1( lîen voted. e 111n u spt-ý(ilat 1 a txcon .tfidenur . fte r two davs' iliscuszsion, rcsolutiolE ea ~..I n~jit ei fi a ti an cn fden w<vepassý,ed whîchi praeticailv amouint that\i" 'tecî v -il Leaaueited. tiiaau ultinîatinm ifor the immédiate pay- Nan Expected hto Get Off. linexIt of efficers' receipts in full, whiel A Newx- \ork epitcl e fo re lea Xiii' x i reniij-s'ed Lv Mr. t lianihcrlamo. IUn. lier -cell I itlit i lin ît ia ic ' i-da_\an leýs îlie ( everniint cernpl icîlwitb th( I ' t e r î>tire H al lier leei.xi' ili nînil. it uns ýtItedl the Beers woil ig n liii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 biîii i i xx111 xi' ixi'- hle te enpii'eat tlieir <î\vxifi-c x':lieli l<l ii iaîlII ltliii- i iiiig lier w xli Nitli tlue adinistraftionî.lte ii hîîug(,'ip ueili ix .np-aad sui i uitt1 cases ir -Il.(teî dm liiki'il an d lea ix v oir1tlio\x a A ei d lix wiiL e a k"io forwnrd the resolittionl tlii' duer a- Aislw ivti1cd < I-I \Iiith te ue ing. l'elieved i weIîl b ie l i i-t jiiîxace-- oif "îjletf~"~ I knîîx. 1i kn I 1 LABOR TEMPLE 0PENED. wanteil vex ix "1le 1 !tii ii pcehFormai Inauguration 'ýas a Grea -.111l reial 'xv. Ii1 <îwi ittii Lave te corne Success. back llere f )r -atlîîng -."o r- i. Fi emioe CEUCI- UIO-' i- f tholiexew lloitr 'Iexixlleti tcekplac CIIURH UN!I~. i-teeiiî iii tue pi--ure cf aLuii P r o b i cm S u a ! l a c e d a t t h e J c i n t l S ) t i a d e a u x '( n i A i-, a n x i i î g xx h e m w e r Ye1irfertît ixcs liii a e tethlie 1aii14 Confcrncc. lta' of îraiz laber in Toroînto fc li)îM tailî' pit liÇlriî cun ion be - i nanv ve-ar-- Thie speaker cf thxe ever Uil!'2l'xii t'li î a l it vodiî-î'îl L. D .tae' presîîter, ix~i~~ie1l ii-t e'xtc L l u rte lalior T'l'eiple Cxîai i"ir lix]"l * ix1 The Irorth Zcra Tra,-e-ly. iiiii(iIi Ii i'i ex ii It ilaxîl-. AParis cail;> s, avzý:'1h' Itîteri-xtiî)n ("i n:d lî'n'i 'suarliirriiî 'i i efiî'e aIIIi e' leî' tis îo O<'<'I xiUtii. llo--il ex~~~~'1( a' 'e * ~ C' " v x l 011 ro1xl èd mlxi - ' - I I H ~îîil k .' . Ili (, vO-av 1palai"c x ii uffîle i. A - '- ' i ii "v 'o il x ix"I I iiiiix r. il'h ii ý,ixo e Corner, Humorous Scottsh Reading. N.Y. Scottish-Amxerican.) Mrs. Johstone was a womau w'ho had bad habit of being unable to tell orte bory at a time ;she .vas always brancLi- ig off with parenthetical observations. ýne day she came to me in a state of 'reat excitement and said: "Isn't titis n awfu' thîing, that's happened to wee )hnnie Paterson V" - -I haveu't beard amout it," said I. Vhat is it V" "Weei, l'Il tell ye hoo it huppenedl, 1 hn-tuts, excuse me ca'in' ye John- hat's xny man's naine, ye ken; an' whén ,wuimman's been marrit for th-ce-ri x- ,enty year-ay, it's a lungr time! ai- ,ough I couldua wish a kitîder or bet- er man John-no-imphm; 'un' d'ket ken, 'e' ve seen some gey ups an' doons siute was marrit. l)'ye ken, I mid xvhen lie sugar was a shiltin' tlhe pund au' ;e louf vas ele-venpcncc-impiin; ay, it thamt's ne' what I w'a tellin' x-e Isouoli. "What was't I was sayiu', ugain ? Ou Ly, aboot wee Jehunie Pauter'so. lxii ci-i-y for the laddie, theîxglî e's a .x-xxî addic, tac. li teli ye ueo it huppitu- ýd; I was jist gaun ama' doon or a pennywerth e' soor miik tac the hair-ns xii' John-for he's i-aie foxd e' a drink i'soor dock' as lie calîs it. He says lie \vtxdna gie a drink o' soor dockfo- a' 'ci- beers; an' 1'nî share it's a grat ilessixi', an' a bantle clîcaper. ""îr' Taint Wxxd's w-ife; 1 dinna kcn aieo sur' xxaiiages to bring up lier baxrn.s, for Tai neyer gxxngs hittuxe w-i' bis w-ag(es îîhîcr oxi a Scetex-day nicht. But l'uti ixixîkin' te grocer ken.s, puii' mn IA h11e ken, tliat's a thing I wudna ie aio daeixoiiixu'hm. 'Awee, ay, bit that's no whnt I xxas zxîun tae teillye theugh. NWbat wast gix.Oh. aV, aeoüt xve 'Jo1ixnie Pat- irsoxi, puir i.uddie! D'x'c km.n l'ai i-aie ýsorrvy fer the hadclic's iitîxer tac, l'il te'ily ie hoiii happencd; I xvas jist gaun axvxî ileexi foi' the pcniivxxorth o' Soor xîiIix! foi- I vas savixi',tac -Mirs. Whiite, puir body! for- d'è.-' keni, 1i ay like tae ë (!t niy xiilk frac Mrs.Wliite. for sue de- srves gîrat credit for tue -xxax se s bru((Ieli p lier faxîîlx' sice lier maxiw-as k-ilied, ýSevea 'xears sine. at' lefi lier xvi' fixe sax'birxts. l'air Tara W ic, hie wxas coiii' iaiie xae dxxx' v i' a ox r ' gî- fcr tlie 1,l\ee iaxi' disxn't vin o' tu e x(.(e--),ce ie off ax ' hiie x' a Taiin laîîîh iiî îî t e ,ci- ooe c' lis le oc n il stcxxi, a ixx, lie ,xX i fîx l lv ]irxg d i - thirotîllI i naxo liin. x. fr i ixe lii.' iîixlda a t ccxx it af, 'xc ex -- A x e e l , aix L t t i i- u s 1n - )a 1i lt I x a 5 g;iixîi tac l I ctell î'ji \Y"hixtxxa' I xxxi <x ix~ i.oot xx ee ,1iOîixiŽ Paitr- -<'xi. 1*'Iel t c e oo t happeîcxeîl ; lere aiîî iVt I1"'auxi aw a'doox ir iljiCx'iii7- xviiihi G 0Cr l r., ias' I vxi sov i ix', a ix' 1 liad ry x we bit lQaivî x'. ne, am i j xtna h x xha xilS xxva ixf x fox' it's xxi. tht' siiaxvl tlitY i'ind it. i7-iî't i ii'viiii'I iii xi lii' it111c ' i i xîvlî '-'--I I 0 - 1.1. t 5 t h ,e it t 'e ý1' - ut itil 'as of n i n (les 'i- rn- i t id al c i-c-n il' i le l to nu' - J' 1

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