Whitby Keystone, 29 Dec 1904, p. 6

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t -p _____ h. - a a. -~ - r - î - - - ., -Y 'ij it - ~'~t-N-~ i t+ ~ 'FÂMOUS BACHELORS IN ISTORYý. VERS' ~De# t Kown Un2arrid4an of.To-day ._RU C - O E S is Undioubtedly Henry Jame~s. TRYSTt Literature has furnished a' long string, TRYSTS. o naines to the list of etainent bachelors. + Possibly the best known unmarried mani é #4 4 ++ e.of, letters to-day is Henry James, the s novelist. ~to KeI, roa~va gaine) He maintains stoutly that the artist, e Çhurch of the Transfiguatonin !no matter m-hat the medium of hie ex-- t Twcenty.ninth Street-witli its ever !pression, sliouid remain single, on tle doors, its quaint old garden shad- ground that the petty cares and carpintzs 7wide-spreading trecs, an antýquat- of domestie life tenýd to wear on deli- ne fountain into which the wvater (cately adjusted nerves and exhaust the lzl isa spot àf idyllie freslhaess1 mental fibre of genius, wlîether its pos- eazily-is, sessor be a painter of-pictures, a worlk- e church itself is low and rambliiing er in words, at modeler of s4tues, a com- likesom ol limes~adwhih las ",:Poser of music, a singer or one who amn- lirnllovedhesd ieli iath ecniy uses the people froirn the stage. grewv. In the cool shadowvs the tired wvay- JonGenef hitr aabc- farer finds a seat wherc lie mnay retire! elor though not from the saine cause frorn the bustie of the lhot pJavemîents !as the brilliant fiction writer juet men- and pieditate in peace. lie is neithùet1 tioned- Whittier w-as a great admirer questioried nor mulested. 'Tli place 1. of the married state, it ie eaid, and in sacred to humanity. bis boyhood had a blue-eyed, red-check- TIre old clîurch )las a specch and in-'ed Ney Englarnd girl for hie sweetheart. dlividuality ofi ts ow-n. Its vcry, stones, Together they went to echool as chul- crumbling and nioss eovcred, givv (_ut dren and wvhen they grew to youth's es- convrseof o o an ge tl tî1,î 'tate hie told lier the story most girls codvereLove," t scuasnodrent 117,.like to hear. She lieard it gladly, too, leaves oi-erhc-ad rusthe, as the dropse of but lie was poor and a poet and love water tile into the ,stone bas;ini. ! must wait for recognition. She prom- organ peals froin withiii, voices aie luit- ised, but waiting le wearisome; before ùd up in -song. ">ae is lve-th0s:e recognition came to the young verse- voices seem to chant. ! taker she forgot hlm as a lover and was Loveis inirurnerable liave entercl in oarried to someone else. through its portals and becri inadle ihai-j The. bachelorhood of Sir Isaac New- PY. The dead have been earried in and Lon w-as a puzzle to some of his couteni- receiv ed burial. The sick, the plool", lite poraries, but others knew lie remained strieken have been rclieved unid eg)ll- single solcly on accounit of lis mot ber. forted. -[lFe thouglit the world of lier and lier at- Fifty years ago, wlien the body of îlie fection for hlm xvas unboundcd, but lier churcli, a snîal etone strutre,. vas maternai love w-as marred by jealou;v, ready for consecration, a xretclict1 it'ie aud whcncver ber son thourght of miar- dog, toriuented by a baud of sti cet iii-- niage or evinced a passiug, interest in chine, fled mitliîii the open doo-s .iid:a prettv face shie Nept nuid wrang ber erouched ii fi-ont of tic altar. bhande and managced sonîchow to elîeck "A good cînen,". saidthie bi-lartt, true lovc's course. lie finallv told lier youngy rector. 'l'le do- was gixea :pro- 'i e mwould give Up ail notion cf mnarri-ige tection and for nine vears fouuid a iov- as long as she lived. After bier death ing and coinfortable liom. lhe found lîimself toc deepiy absorbed iu The littie ehuircl w-as in]liard stra iit. hie scientific ,vork and too mature to For*a ,ear previous it lIad i eld riî think of imatriaionv. in a rented -roorîîon T'-Ixit v-foi itii __________ street, and in spite of its dire po'i ci NV as a cougregation, iaid taken î uudoi its S I 1 guardianship, the pris9uers and sicko A SH W S Bellevue IHospital. Tliceewaifs of i 1lil-jT TA ity lias so far been ignored. ,et7ltc first meeting of the little c(>utregaticii. À ,A [E K whîcli , nuînbered just six, the ,uiaiic of the "Chi-cli (if tihe 'Tians- BtDd' inyPlsGv i figuration" -%vas dcwided tîipon. an a Bt aisKdeyPti Gv ninistry of love wvas advecat('d fi th a New Lease of Lite. young pastor, mlio vas destincd tii gicie xenerable in y-ears andl good dîicds inii i-i g.eatle vork. "Ouir eclihandl i-ia Geo. Robertson Had IlheunLatism and arc emall," hlie na, "let our lhuîiaauity Dropsy-Irlatd w be ' ltlpped-I)oesi- and lîeart lie bin." i iî'LKno~vWlî'Iat it ils te be bick~ Now So wlen tlie tiny ceng(rega,,tica. soitîe- mliat inecased in numbers, moved Io Montreal, Q~ue., I)cc. l9.-iSpecial.)- the modest churcli i Txent-uiiiutih r. George 1Rcbuîi-suc, a wcl1l-kiuwn citi- street. so email tlîat it w-isaoict 11 zen living la j92 t-2 î.Jaîaîcas treet, Mont- the tlîlcket of trees ttiat surirouai(.icai, 15 elle oet idoiaaiîyý peuple in tins the ministry of love coniiitîî-d. i t vscity w-ho are lc' er xi itiacut D bKid- know-n thien ns the ',litle eliorcliwil a iiey l'is in theelictle. La al the utli- big lieart." 'lle poor mîade a hiait )i ers, -\Il. lobert>tcîî lias ]lus lruas for strolling about its sunv grcuulds. si) Ulis aiid is al\vaxs ruadv. to ~c;i t1li. offensive did the siglît of these hi.1iiî!uîî'-1I -as a totail wr-eei5 lefuie 1 started beneficiaries become to thaeees cf tile to use Dodds lidnev iE, Mr. li.obert- ineighiboring aristocracy thatiiere lionare -3. I iad becu troubled Nvitli thireats of teariîîg dowxn thîe struiair 1î-lumatism and drciasv for five %vears. Indignation reacalied even a hiiglir te I had to be tappcd lu ielieve me of Itle ~vînit Vii5 (iscovered durîng lthe iii pain. My arnisanad l-ga -crc terribi- of the draft îiots tlîat uuiiiiber.s of hla Ilsw-llen. leàe and soi-cii persecuiteil c!Ooo-,l '~ i l iad jis-t beguiî t -et (down-lieart etl hiad found ehelter aind food iiiltie iu,îii5 eu a frieud iaî(lîa-el arie to trx' DodTs aboie the ciipÇrî. i1-idnov Pills. Bî-,fi ne 1I ji(liad ud t1e Years passî-d. The lutile eîurî-îi witi second box I feit better. Seven boxes. t the g henîait w-as stillnia iiit m e cured me se eoiuipletelv that now 1 don't brae trug e gaiust pxen, iiakuow -bat it is lu be sick." turn camie inii is affair-. \iii:I -hi nox no- oiix iit chirli-r l iri -rNas;al Catarrniafor aven .0 years, duriaag ii-toi-'I< fuineral teck hulaice -()fr -, Ia V ich time my hcad hais heen topped U 1 and my condition trulv miserable. Witbau là ihiutl"lil- Thé tii y V1'iil ifi x(' isil i i -minutes afti-n ua-ing Pir. Agnes's <atannhal te tic doctq. ex-eu the siiiin v girdu-ii sais Powden 1 obtair-i'i relief, Thnee tiotti'; hbave par-keil witlî iit"'tpp iiiaiîi ili" inosb Ir oct î'it r-r-, curd ame' 0-ý hei ist ii-ea t zas mie in til(- cal i.su. ' I littie chiiî'eliliîiîl fouiid jîîxxîfîl h i il1-i fAn Iý b tc 1T l. -the- stage andt thei- ria, l ii-l>nPrnAiphabeioticai Tale.. e licrald dits gooiul- "il-. Th'lîiiust Iîl l ilS,AdisaiIosuChnce. lar sonîg cf tfii- îav, pjlaixed miîîthe ietrip-I anu wiio iailed from over Ca orfans, eli-istio ohp ltnhic e r' iwîsrcd a place tu naise sonie JiS, ,\,Id as t!:-s -han wars railler Y's (-x-rx' sii- aha aut11:(1 foi' H i, ' i î it lc e -acbd atout wth ail hie Is. lessthue lttiett ci\cianlti- a-Iii, searcla(,d "arcund 1cr raay'day g ner !' t i duIe tcoinureiash and hasty J's; 'jli ltto ilirh 111(11. \(f rs Vini wis-r ois ho tcek his Q'; - ~hie lt ii iic n-higrxu- aiî~u'a' A iins Ai i feu ail a tarra ita at he couid LUs. antd xiI'It i-s i fiî ,i \\ s~~ . il I f t 1 iin ueJ t: )r-g lac, uugta a flot-k of laens, pexs \iu< ca heilfor. "iii ii uiî- a 1ionit 'r tli lm iol t cgain bits . cfeiN wepilI . f y l iti L ai t i-i' \x puurau-hi--l liots Lie ais ys is of ii , ifd ;I l:zli i eir:,Iiliit rý ' i i i-par-e iaor Vs, d t-n , of tir in--i ug Iti-jr p mi i t iiiii its Vt u arily -i rla alaa growvs s.eI lAu hlis in tir ail haie )s 'hie i f i i irie' îii caon tiraras arnd ls, T rig hii iîuiiaiiii Dî i [r. lcî!- . a iu l.rai ale t .. 1e titùiiit-iue x uiiliz l--i jîîf luilîi ielI __cf div le-.asFIiIRIDiA AND IHE SUNY SOUTHI wittiiiit quiestionus.wîtiit foi-ai v.IV, inter excursion tickets iuew on saie by 1-te xxl-ui' tiieiîiaindiisi-utt lî-, mie t1leur n-al v xxitilVlley -s ig.[~ ~Ra"1rod P)r. lloîîgItoIuu lon iig pli -'.1 ix U . ~ui li~ b~--~Sî"pi - e i~iiî - nrllIs coilli-i ,e-)aiiilaurl o r N e wa l'lt I s eul 1)i ;,ei0 11',tQ 111'i i_- a ra. CariotIu2aiS, (1'. r- naîuîî'saîkî- w-Le cuîiiîuie lii triti )stas ;a, ;i-m , i ia:ai'a1là C i., na: i alaix atm O f he ii- î -li iclc. s ii, uiii.- -l", -I u- cia uoe tip -' l(,(, (;(Ill iiiluxve, i i-iîîi iiiar'ilr-,aui.îî as ri r araa a k ix nul t e of- tiie c e prî et ai-il iluihri- - i îud aec lak!ia Xi -- gn13ri~t SIIE WANT;D A HUSBAND. ~ xlat d-iidi-,tîi slip - (l ii finte riuîia l x is'îî l.Icca :111(Ole ttc>Yta Itlrr ftvt' r "I-M yîî ax)*,s.iii' l I'Q' i Ili î lai 'o r l îaa t - a ralla aail-a a.1rt': the heif cf UI l e (ti,)iig x ulî .u- MNa l- la't u ai alitiei i-5 --ýji.I ' '. 1!, bnî-vî eves are lit<e twe crî-,-oits if tIi-a L_! il iiioo1. i )'ru mieuiila 1i1 'rr th.t r i a lai 4'opr-i ut lac:art ifauiu. hae ci O i i~î nui hilIv -'ii- i ta i ocela te liais ttt'iiun ,e cc-a- 1ýliss liappilytx' thIughli tfi - xitlti ivii î- -eried, lyýiai j uit, l j.i-aiulLi on . ga,,I il a' t îe f*îa'x i - Tu OC) Yon bei-ita' I -cri lier aîttl lin s i-a aai- . i-i a-1.1, m i sali l *, L, I- by luîv and the niuiîx liv niglit- If tii- aais saîitb li-r ortes-s aurd t!ic- lie a- ,,pîlî îîet the e <if a hOu xx ijjI lj i - les anîd dîtaial t iuýr- ýuiptt titi-I t igent. iai niiillc anid cf gchu io d ! -- - To give lier )uir- full c'iivi i la e, a aiil nevi-r 1 n o ua «zythii i m î'a r i l "i a aS bilaiic au l , xill belii hi for life, and I'epo-ae lvit lu disalirux e. I1dm luter in a tni cf red m ,rbte." To make lier a iar-i.iir-. iO (an 03 youi 'lhere were 346,000 iînarriaktes niJapan dii crntu gt'- wil ilie! i, it, laiail yOuuag ule.-- unriand net-rekituiii-, biet vear, but foi- ail tlîrt' such, ndxer- To lit ailthie burdens you ea n t-em boxi- 4isenient% aq thie abyove cuîjean' every day dors lihat liai e pr-ai riooped in walti-ug inteJptoepapers, NeNen le ntnicaile by sorul on deed that -604_______- 1our- wonid and hi-r-s -are cifieenrt. or th.ut Jack 'Froat le found of îakinng just a 01, , - T ra e bter unvarilnhcrte. wee nip.lnr rabe ihteuvrigcreV and deference yen aXCcord te thobo'Who a»e above you in rank or Position. To istudy ber tastes and habits, ber lhlees anîd' disltkes, and ester -te them us far su possible-in an uIlobtIluslve ay. To bear patiently wlth aIt ber petiliarities or infîrulties of temper or disposition. whielî may be t1ýe result of -a lite or t'#aie and to11. To consuit ber and ask her advice lanre- gadte whatever you are about te do. evua- togyen have ne doubt as te what nou course shouid be. 1- ht The girl wbo endeavors te pay backwaI she owes ber mother la Ibe oe who wi la e-1 meet cougiat alter by the people wbo ar-s t worthr whie, sud be apt to make the mrrist successful lite-O. S. Marden, lu Success. M.ÈTERN,ÉL INfSTINCT 0F A POLAR Polar oxen are tuot very difficuit to shoot, but tht-y are higlity vahued game by thue Archie expioer. n. lpursuimng smal bord, Otto Svenurup, atîthor cf Newxi Lnd: Four Yeane in t-ht- Mctic Regions, notioed the- foiiowingV evi- dence cf naternai affection in a ccxv for its caîf n "As t-he luerd startcd I noticed thait eue cf thenu hîad a uexly bora caîf. Thue litrd weut up a steep suoxi drift, eight or tea feet iiiliciglit. sud the caîf unade a brave atiaenpt to foihow-, but wlien il liad ahmost rcauchued the top, lest ite footing and nolhcd doxî' to the bothoan again. 1h fell, se badly and lielples!ýly that I tlioiuglih it x'aus killed, but te nuy surprise it rue-oo its feet and began to senambleie uî cute more. Its second nhteaupt to seule t-le tdrift unvs ne more suiceorefui tiraithue finst, and again t camne rolliag tioxit. 1h cried piteousty, 1 felt se s;oriv for it that 1 w-as j liet stanîiiug t-o lîclp it iil thea drift xxhen sînddenly il ecciîrned te nie tluat the oie- cc\ ii nl-dit iiiterprept irux.Moteives,. and< w-hait 't-1i 1 iight nisk a battle1 wiili ler, arurl it m-ouuhd ie a pty per-t iinps ho lanai o shoot lienriii self-de- feiiee. I<h1 ui to reuunain ixhere I ivas andî awruit t lie ttîna cf exeuits. At lais-tl:ii îothuer uîcardthue cries cf dis-h ess, aail camure tcaîrung dcxviithe1 hli siuhc. tllit-sIilx' fly iuag behinîl lien.r lteaveî lit-lp t lia- pt-ra-on xluo liad raed-, died xitlia h-a-r (--hf tIlit-a! Sie uxotlît linve mladeljrir i(t fori-uuî. h îx'as Luth aîuuusiî'-g ul ii l ti rg to eot-ethe tiio togetiicr. 'i* - cît intai ossealthe calfi ,as ,if I-i'rit i, siiffedl it alivr- tii st-e u t a s -it iii îxhîî,it-,ai-e il a puis-lt nies'aiîia guanlia igauuî started upiil' r1 Ii'ii ft. lut it nuthîe %va %, Irle catif iai il -'rut-iii fuiloi-i ug thic lucre-. Shie caînîfuuii c-ic-sýe ait casierand lt-ss Steep w:1a*i - W'li'a r>ie i-il gt il at-ross tino drift sire railuîai fi- si' scus fîrxxa'rd. îlot very lai-t, but I-) r'usIx a' iii' muteo for tht- caîf ho fuilluinslieîr., iienusuie urnedt liait-k xr in i' - t fri i ii t' iîd î%vith lien iuuzzle, cci i lia ti t u wxeuit atlittla faîster. .'au i i-lui- l îua fou xards for- ,\- a rd. lbat thli-s pin lthle tluiag ctiuld nrua1,1-1)î1)i ui i 'tliilien, and slie nehurucîl lu lien e-i i-i>1sj!ig nieils. Se tluey si-cnt on ail thue wunup uîat il huey rt-at-lic-Jtllue lier-il,'l'huî'îî sliuîtruk lier place iun it - tie t-a-sif i-r-ipt unîult- lier, airwnu-- ascitinci i iridphi afi ual siglut by lien loiig liar.L Banning the Deor. Thiousr',îds cfhpeoplhe Iiilhus ciii' and ts9 subîirbs ire sl)iiding , Mont-y fer Ultribtuuînis 'ils Musof thueli lhock t tue adi-i-uti surît-uit s ilrut hie uoxs1ia-pers foar IbLutsa as tii lait tu Liii' ad xu-e Icibu l i l, li tru ix liiian \\1 a.ii.ià'c otr s-cils oiai- Stie siiîhif-uaua iii-ais gft, ari- îî'hîîîaiils lui alsi-u j-se-il, itheuclix r-suts hin st-if if f fron-a phairticipation in the lie--aifit-e-f iwIii iijdaîv rtsh. 'ae n11aht ai, su IIi liarlihielirali dean cf lis eti-t hmenhtai'uit i u lwtii--toistiumt-s t-o cuine in thîugthe %ia' 5'indoîx. Minard's Linirment Cures Diphthe.ria. Thîrs far rui -l Arnit ITdaillinhas not discrniinaueinu iifais r of làai-li gouds. A i inuir rua u l ja 'n t-N fi is thiLe i ailietii t tarilainî'îuii- tLe impentaicîr-iof itirer colinunîu - tries nus bii rr' lienniain ialuaPrir tiuhrt thetîgluUit-ext-suntu-lliaut $17AWttiu t t' thuat coury i in thlic iallit- xin I, happens niaitr-urina-t Ahi irha- ildan experts enater (i'nvani ifr-t-cof dtl . Lifehuo:r Seuiop--iisnfectant-is sinur-l recommended 1)y tht- aodieal pr-ofession e.s aaeftguard agai3t infochlous di3eaiseî. 91 SULPHUR FOR DIPHTHERIA. SuSiiîlii i ArinoA- 1fuimnioit ui liua <ais; aniait-uul-st-icut--ifuir HalthuciLAUi.11thu t i a nîe'-îio isàflournof r-ilntaar aranuialS. -anil uitIt tue-ar' t-.1 ;i-.4 "al- uuluatr-l îiiA 51-ln c-ar-c-It- -rp-l4nirii sumiaIt li-uut au tptaoainrfit pf AMr f a-! palaun unit o at uiau',o-Ial<f a-a andira nir-i it xîitha ila i - a ru rnu'-h ai - a-are<r, tlIa Si- i lii i l n t i i t . l-r ntiare s 11h ut a.'i rin hr<-t-ia-lix-s xxP i-i til-ither' I'-r-i lnagoi e: nuicin', rai inri lia ruiural ua titlau usai-a o at i-f ian)iii rr l i haai- isu i sai- o f fringrein u au-ru lu i "iI lia titnlau faux- nnînlltîrl,-. iliut'raid i-f l Linag i-rathlie -a g-1:1a-e a I-ri e fit lIi<trun.e ie na--ai it- -atire aliaie sluu'iaiiet Iîruh it-ai(cooiain fIai; ii-Epf tie.îe, hn liaifrîrer - ii iiirits snu(liîîhîar thiue it -aian-llai ai-uu n-i odlr--a l ' frnin- tr1 I st'2 nrt1 tri ai M.;,nard»!i Liv.nnu'Cures Ilistemper. Trce PlartinZ on Te7-as Plains. 'l'h" le-r-i i.îrta' ut7 '-s r ia nn ttt b r-- r r. n au i un at - la- t rru a n im il r, r (P rt ar i - , ci' l I a ' a i < r- I- --a suila------arn t'if a-pi -an, i, f!( ianp <ot-a-i. ae-, lu' ai or 'arnidl r t S - r-t-- %*yijrm n lteinds(t e m iua-tai, una df-tsu hr -itl-rr Mua -Cads-c t~ah ik rPr- n-.( au - ufa' iau.v ais --t i r -. IKi ,e.. ~* Cee: eau e#: us s se e,, uues e :1. INIURAiLD k r' There le nothing in the market approaching the quaity cf mnake of this ware. Seo that EDDY'S arne iu on the bottom of each pail and tub. e. NAME 0F MARY PPULAR. Disliked in England, but Still COmmon ln Catholic Countries. Faszhion in names is a cunicue study. Tht-e e a good ccund rea-son for most cbaîiges and crazes and tht- folk w-ho have Crecently bt-en lamreating t-bat Mr. lBar-rie lias macle tht- name cf -Mary urupopular, are quite correct in suppes- in- thînt this change cf fa-shien will lai-t its w-ay. etbnof course, could change t-le Ui'ivt-isatiitv cf _Mari' in Romian Cath- ola Ocotunitris, w-lianj ha is fnequently addt-d te a bov's name toc. Tn Englaud tlie royailnaumes of huie moment are es.si- iv fînet. Atlbert <and Aibenta raiged tineilieu)It Fuglnnd fiftY years tige, anti te date Victoria, sliotencd te Vera, and Alexandrin, sicrî'rreat te Aline or Alex., arc fairhy pîipcuilain. I t-le royahist woîîlui cf Paris the- naines cf Bor-otiie t iul,\m e xerc ai- nuost as poprlain us ri for somte hune after t-ie îtunuuian-of the Dike cf Ou'- leans, haut fer ertin s-el-knoivune-a- s-ens this fasblion ld ii ttast ]on-' TIre c cauxal visituir tô tvuu-un îî-eîutd sax ltait lînîf t!!ne') and 4 vînt oui lîcYs inu ie phaa'- ine cailleci Rt-t'i-ns, rtul tîis i er -liaIl-tlue lasfochisli biti cf uonuauiclnrtaîn-, cuuuineott-i ixith tlit- unr, ore-osenipiix a jainli acrtsult et tlie su-arn ifflriatil laîo-tuiiersa cuatrOîn ofcf-hrla-t euniargeliilnlr-et a f ter w-a-l,(s arounciAnaet e-he- round Iligirc- uliile rat ('!i-art ivtlii' hnia-- tian niaiaes cf tl;i au eDm-l),uî: ul uven- aio~it(i-yen1l'y lie nuînieron,- Eniishlîfirrilies cf 'tule ireig'îlienhioad. -Londton 'Mail. Bahd-Headed Men Want Mzlry x-liait Cuts. T1hie sccr-Live i-, tauî-la-nnbarb ler -wsyrefia- alx' nuîutced lu talE,îIý le ruirairl5u'i "Il Ira-uc nuliccul cire pi-ca lira nil s'aubeit xii ii-orit irait I1e-i alirqi iiulte cx- piamuli ihu luihaur a oi ...i: hue 111010 atte-iitliit lie lI.i tii IL, 'I il uil~i c>ttIat tt \01ouacomalcs in eiituc lau lx cii- ;îI ti ai lu(nit) 1111(1 iil1 'î.u i'a ui, aii ra iai'b.cl kutoîx'tirait l'Il tîriil IiiiIn a-tta Short, l t c til-Iual t are-anal 1unaîlîn t11wîî' i ra 1i Ira- l a> Ile" I jur se-ut, i ltiaiiv ily ui- sI î' îuin lo- siiauis llhc' N"(u11(111 , i t' silri il- tiens, hiit, y atari t itl i ii) îa il ha ail, lirait lac i irlliiairîl ut il i i lp ii ua îîtL , 111(iir 10)i 1wii tp' 1 al i rîî tuIý t inui l ut on fhie i 1 1,:i;! i-il ii i. ah-t iru'îi 1 ruit i irii' ir riîah-fa- aei -"fiffootu tîiunia- u tl a a :1aa1o l - a'b x ien I uxu iii hrtoff. -la 0x liai lu0 la-rs - a .iian n -Ind "ais1 Ile la'a ita li ii 4" il --i-ais -i h t--' ariIl ITord ýil i ifur--a'.a'ar-, i <nt <if ex-env li-1 orf trlunni l--uq.avr.aba )unsltt nanasiw'v-e-ile"-- m f ~vloîk fwiElii rîeaof nrra-Iaaliîru lasifT' '1111la- ni. "- T unt cvaroceîld ac(ourut frn il. l---s**îci litral Drivîr.g LonZ Dijsta-nr-ete a Dance. "leculeoutc-t aiua Eîî-îl.,tuaugcf na tbivuiî c- i 'n na a o.dii'," -àlîidJ. \\. ci ilaxiut -cat i, 'abii. *i \ais buron oa i -tnca ichi utuabout 2,Utthi atu*er-, ta eîti- gah ut 1011urlîof i'-.ttlc', and\1>d slcett'Ulnus e-iiito10the CItY lui iMaiil Ialdc lavri-i tiIIga-. 'ie tiroaghLt atlinig iii di xriig lit'nWles lu a eiau-u',iuio uu iui-lnsttil 3 ou' a-i ii'Cluiu'E iitLe- îî. c ai -. i ald li-idru'- irg huîte ligai i tZ0.1uce A-Sd nte ccii tii Lcrus Inu d al>n' 'e lu i'a.illnay ss 1leuniltha11'(,lviiii'i tili l îu'lî l.andI uIIc rd iîu llîîrîe u aa i t h, tIliar 'ira an lait-. "I i'e-inl(ic-ihai- "an-i 1iii ciri' l nui l fiOitii'uln .jr..t-i -rt i-no Iai"iut-i a tlcud anImniatnr.iils' i i P ar-inus 1 Ihauu goes boxuîuît t I-s nus' h 1hha ai anii n' id n lr- a îlnul ri- n l-r i i. <lun un . \Afî-r fixs i iu s lnl i srrnr a uri guud a(lance wsslip , 1 at n n-p fi naîuul aruilln-' tan'rtr"tla--e ri alue fa-r-rai -ni--ý t- l-a--- f-il hîa- jr-"-arru %MWenout lîar. nS-ai 1w'Cii a-sh u'rA ti 5s'iu ing f far utp b-i i-i -t ---a ar,srin îunî setlern' ta-fît-at' ul tp r-Iieta I'atIV r-pa- e - 71(rlrr A CURIOTIS INSCRIPTION. t Picked Up by a Galt Man When in a Scottlsh Kirk Yard. Mr. R. T. Aitkin, wlien in Scotland last summer, copied from a tomabstone in Lihliesheaf Eirk yard an lnteresting inscription. 1h reads: Stop, traveiler, as you go by, 1 once liad lite aad breatli, But falling fnom a steeple higli I swiftiy passed through death. Take you oxamphe by my fate, And lie by aie advised, Repent before it is toc hate Lest you be so surprised. Connection with the inscription le an ineresting shony. Jamîes Ilunter, a wriglit or carpenher, a young man cf 28, on Ochober l7th, I3. ixas t-gaged xxith tw-o other w-rkmcîî in rt-parirng a very higli steeple an a Joahutngl hu -und. A' bar ivas te lbe placed in a iole nerîr the top cf the- steeple. lhîui'-r î'olntt-ercd tio make the oseent aud rt-aüeing tretop lie tnenillel for a mnomexut anîl calcd (1ev-r,iaWhiidi ilt "1le's g-oinug te faîl," ance vr1kamain said il te u then. "le secs hîx'e Icls unî thtit-e us ol.v ou," The w-oril-,ic-esearcelsv' soir-t wlien luintn rt-lt-ast-ilIlui,;-i g1nanl feul cnasluiug te tht- grnéla. (aiit Ht-snhten. T w-nust-tîn-ilof aa),11casie of ('rip by Sydni"C. l)-. C. T. LA(M'IE. I nwais oîîl<f s enf ivuoteti NE AT L)' INDINENT. Y-rnneutla, (hi.LM Ei 1 %'as ciînrh el fsa-clapiica bvaainîsuulx The Marketing of H -j"i4iscussion at the Winter - on hog d ntlee ' toay -position so fa ekers conten ing opera ust~a Soap an k f ait dv -- 'bItgMi- There is a f lat stÉi 'r,- nd less than' a mile long on tahe sOÙtliwestern coast of Norxvay which has lonfg been notorinus for the number cf shipwrecks whieh oc- cur there each year. There seems te Le nothing in the shape cf the ceast, ne -dangenous rocks, ne mysteriaus currents -in short, uothing te account for the f a- - talities te veseels which occur there. Quite recently a scientist lias found that the sand alengr this strip cf land is strongiy magnetie ewing te the admix- ture cf magnetie iron ore. At a dis- tance cf three miles f rom. the s-bore the ship's conipase shoxved a deviation cf a whle degree frota its true position. The cause fpr the fnequency cf shipwrecks ie nicet obvicus la the, liglit cf this disco- ery. you find a cough holding on- whcn-everything else lias failed- try Curzveh TheLung It ii guaranteed te cure. If it doesn't, wo il refunidyou'r-moniey. Prices: S. C. WELLS& Co. 304 25e. 53.e l. LeRoy,.NX...Toronto.Can. Dancirg Bears. Sailors Ni laitiar the island of La'- Fau, un thue urusauii.iu group, are great- ]y aru(inii- lv tire cnuioiîs ainlios of the L.aysau il.tnos r gouv. These birds soune4ues prifonîn, iu pains, a kind cf dance, an, ais tut- saihors cail it, "ae xx-lk "' icalbiatlrossaes aippnoach eaclh dir-rrelufno aa-n4ial ai- rworcfoiînrt NIN.il)'tIIMElNT .l' bows, cross thacair hauts, produce snappiua- Iiiu, --fi(]. LEW\IS S. BUTLER. und gro.tnin, r-cuidus, risc on their tee-. puuff crut thacir lii'i-ast5-, aind finaity part îvith mnie nt- r-rihiuand hoxv-iag, culi ho ceane log-ettier aIrllnand repent hie pt-r- A Cunlous Custeta. frun, t-aa-euiivhe Ceuaea octe in tlii-; snguam usemuent.' A -suion-i -listomliras jar-t li--o reiehrntr-d____________ nt t-a- ir, iie-aýr M rt' Allai,.- narrgal girls inithue tris ur liud ual arr tac ar-irretîmari I helunittisrn wlit sucourr to Souttu btr-ci'e, ou-- u-t o t irai l'îir auitLý- ii>rs n.aoy c f tir-ira aisa i hisaig vxx tri iuntarieIAtajc-au n nai-Cure bt-cause 1h gares stock aifraiea, iîîue-tîud airiîaori , w1lluîr ie-t te thte rt cf 'lie trouible and rt-maies fonuc îîar cft r-r mria - ' tai voer J . 'iy taiedcures bi A-A-.,-r a-i.iarr,î,rira raar-aicri sîauiia-«1lýj do au i1 ' 1 '- i-c ---' thc r-r-anain etiii.iorfla- laiy avr-d pain "aWi y aly a,- ae ltretIra again losana L îe aur t-Il a aud si- t1rt- t îe girls i-lL r-I i nv 'tsowt hsgei cf thîin i-li-i cP. A forr-irai N -- I b ithe n r reie-dj jd ýjI- - -se h sots ho arn-.iuge detaluai astal-il iaiai-Ie ini atr-adir-ateSta ytmtt ILc o ase an aef:e o iecr last ver r-p0 Of the disOtise sud it~scures are -RL Ive O13EYED THE ORDER. -~ ~Kept at htit-Ht-t-luof a Probable Winner,; ~. ~'S, 'ta-'But Was Lt-.t ah the Finsh. A -protur-ireut nacing manteila tire toiiowitug ilii;4&, evt-laryil iion- he Ce astr aninr-pont- a--. - r-nt ruraà ýdid l-fl hira vifiGut a riuu-r ton tht- NIIrhorse xiluu aui )- lai iri iit ar I t'e-Cl, ir lùI i r-s rc a let a ;Iv Nith d i ai isie irajj it- ii '- hrr ~f -'u,.-~.u..î~. loi c ir i jast hi non'- tir1' eaai. arih -Vii;i t cwltuun a e uz,x lps h la hi- Royaa ~pîce tel 0ptirrr-PotInil 1y-er'ne xvarth i Tt- nabin aalelspur-d i Lushenici aodie keel's]ivs- tock rin perfect couditien, tannent hua- taa n-siativc'ly in Lias tilgers. pneu 'uits'a ci ich sani t owel t cuties NS -lt dtI ec i 'v your lonstructions: <uts dowit hue fed bhuIla. tarîtb y asl5'e- .- rens hnaadre-ds of fr-r-ur-r-s sud ,toc,-inu a il i - ' c-, - a- iioer, -t'1the- imter, over this continent. Jl l i-;r -ranaiu.talt hr-y were 'Write fon testimoniais aud frec litenature alimest i '-i- rnalir-o eLie spur-t- Pd ah(ýi-1-b ut, urarcaauat>i',,. MVERS ROYAL SPîCE CO. tirer-is-o'1-r- a' -alieLrc-d ciArizona- - NIAGAR.A FALLS. ONT. & N.Y. -han;- er-'s Xiip Bei'ing Point of VTna-e. C-ordailîlg Ira tne d-s i iru arauxe i'-i -au te-s- lu Lonadolui usaten t-arCls i-r-ia,-r t r- 2I2! di'- i-r-ci; Ie-aaunîaaatr-at, a Ni-r- I- '- n acsi - fiolrutf fa-aura t'eu ratoctýu'lo i-l' a ic. i- tie irrr' i iesat - - u tria ' 'i 7.1),r n t u Ire n iais ta t r-1,u-a-' l Mirard's Lir-imctit Curesto-.aa. (A'inl.ai< rtla-1 CA liceuc, eruptu iral' r (our.t, y le r-aven us, t cr ( i l.e'v< - 1 i à.tc 1:a 1 r~~~ r' ii -.-- Il fr-ar--ae r -a - ;il nici.tiLar ci ai f iC7-pn, 1a-1 st' 7ta- 0- A I.' lori"- i)ipsij-- a a, a- rr-pa ~i~'\\' ~~i- .t.~iuui"a-u 's '~~~~~*,,~a.h.r - t'j~ie -li .a't ---- l PA '-liasu.' im it'e ?X i a t ltV<II LpO "-i* >. *y e- t gjýing (ýr rrý,i (0 . roi j- 0frr-L 1: n, a, //i>., t r. as1r ,-1904. ti 1r tn îî-'-t,uuia--t a' r., -e-id I 'o soo c a- 1 ua t icsn 01.l<'rrin t li-, t -i. /apa-T-. 22r 1(1-t.fu -' Io,@utt i tb ip roor-uu -ii i ,rîuue -a lur- ar- - ltaruIlcaupteciut oc uctv--tro-,at upu)-a- 5o o ,nd: toI grr etul an i~.ti, f s-i a .Lia-t.W1u11hî ii irLîta ie . .ut i .. a-i ii << NEYER WýVAS A WILI) A-NIMAL. iii- 1" lui11;o'ruiî' lai cliii a id hnr inut- iiUci, c an-ua-.'ultIri 'lia.Iul stu1Il., irtu, I iir' 'ail !> I 13 L a il -n i uni ia tine C'orîn An1.: laein!"-li as ml A!ni--hn.c ..- cr h <x frean 1~l 1 <-IIa.iIa 'il a iii a~ la' aîî ill -Ii-a-a i 'Y i nu I tin ti la <'15 <i 1it h an ra u i l i vi i ils t- ~ l slii rît atisii fa"art ai aue suf 14n hiuu-- r su- - - lis s 'ua-a' Ii - ,- tIi ' pea l << frt i rî' 'ind t, ufu a thi'iii', auaI eolle and le the 'rnofbea K1ýettie and -Ste'> Needed by every fml Thre at steama ltu separs4ne ComiPar ErÂMELED. Co*er lokslb bC for dralnlng. Most useful and; ad.FEE 15AMPE Frlt on orders. Iliustrated cîrculara, W? kwek.Cl TARBOX BROS., Toro' WTANTED, REL1ABL%, TIý Wmachine itittlng st orne eerythlng found. For fuill parw >,e- drese Box, 59Onlllia.Ont. -C L IFE INSIURANCE aCANVkSSERS Li nvîte4.,1to wnllt t's ýStar LMe-- ance Seociety (Londeri. Eng.)Iï lateet Plans and terfis: wo same rates as miel; pte not essential; lIbern P)IN MONEY FOR - PN I moety for men. Will "- ar a for one hour's home wonit dail lU lng. Muat wrIte plainiy. Ad Bos20 Quebec. --- a"a P» D F «5A& »- Cheese and butter plant, with or Wfthout building. Can nemove it. la goed order. Sell all or part. Cbesp. Snap. Box 6, Oakvllle, Ont. F OR SALE, SCALES, DOUGH MIXER Iand silent na-est cutter; ail makes ot scales nepaaned. C. Wilson & Son, Limlted, Toronto, Canada. F OR SALE, A FEED GRIST MILL-LEN- wlth steam as auxiiiary; '1 rua, 4' clone; two ou feedn, premniFes twenty acres: dweliing sud outbuiidlugs; chunclu, achool sud postelIce, with dreIly mail, witbia 50 roda; eue mlle trom Fnedleric]çbungb Station, G. T. R. For pantîculans, addness James A. Close. Cham- bons P. 0., Ont. FARMS TO RENT. ý)ARMS TO LIENT. VAUJGHAN. LOT 4, concession 4, 100 acnes. J. Fishier, 65 St James ave-nue, Tenante, Ont. 1) $~ 4.50 W'înter Suulîs aud up Wl te $12, aise Skunts, Cloake anul Waists, Send ton styIe-i sud ciath -impies, THE ISOUTHCOTT SUIT CO., Dept. H, Leudon, Can. y M~ ADa. TO OR- ,0CORSETS rea re slips sud ir-stnuctions. Reli- able Cauvaesiar Agents wanied. THE COR- S'-T SPECIALIX CO.,Toi cote, Ont. D, H. 1ASE DO & CO0, 77 Kfing St. [ast, IORON1O. MAWUFACTURERS OF FURS Exenytaiag lu Funs at iewesl pnuces. Seud for ILtUSTRATED CATA-LOUE. RAW FurlS. W'e wiil psy haghest New York pritcis forMil. Skunk, Ceeu. Fax, and ail othen Furq. . Send ton pnice list. Neght-ctt-d Oppont-.naities. (N1ew 'YorIu Hcraid.) l First MNrs. Smart SîWh,1904 il ea el gant-, and 1 hav~en't bt-en unarn.ed once yetar.1 Second Mns. Smarnt-Stt-I don't thluk have ethen-aund leap yesr, ted! $100 kEW'ARD, $100 Tht- rt-att-nsaf Ihhs papen si-il L e pieaered te learnthat thhpre ilatah eash ont- unLeadeul ois- euse that ar-at-na-e as btenr able ha cure un ail lts stapse-, aoird thuat is Catsrnh. Hall's Catannh Cure is tie auiy posativ e crnuw icoovi otut- mentrcl fnute-?iay'. Catannhi being a consîatutaauai discase, requnes con stie-utioal trealLieLt. lain Catarnh Cure la taken ioternally, acting darectiy upon thet bloorI sud uieoua surfar-es et tht-e ysem, therehy dtoynliti asoui-atian af tht- dus- r-ase, sud gavine tie paiceaah sîreug.,h Ly building up tl, -c- auaaana aŽssing nature ia de1ng na-s)sucrL, The pnoprîehars l.nuve a-a mur-h fartal in ils cra-tie powt-rs ihat they ufipr C;e 11inudredn Dollars a-on y i-aset-ha& t itfalrs ho cur-tSent -or luat of heu-tamoniaa-. Addrera J.CIaItN EY &CO., Toledo, 0. Id Ly alil Lî-uggasts,.oaa. Take lIals t-airrlyý Pills fer' constipation. aAI! tloi LS ho csai-hthe -aiva1i0on A . 1'lu ijair-sa u uhai bucei ci ne as a. alN aUiliilai octiu. as -the Itus- si-id r h NwCerituir3yBall Beal-. ngWashing Machine? If y-, us e il once yei woutd ring tbis n cr-n n 1 on f-f'ends. Iti 15 Iac sme of r1--kt-tueur Penfeclly-fix-e minutes dons la t-Iie . u ng W r11 as t b: r île., e t \gcrueuhural ru iniad crpive brx pugeolappli- c.on. 1 te-i.Co L P e cliii , î cnIcdto ropsYý- icury, and oth$e. lui-e topaca.a weL- PIle a-ins'frd-- 'rne atie - ~-~aîî1:v ars. oelaigain- ox. A religouspage ad1111 efspeIcahi fo cheldrer h S%%dIfeOOand thrcretu pap1de o w 3ete oltu s muene a n ampeeps.'. THE FAr.MIachi.'le:D, TIRW(QoNth f I J r -P- 1

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