Whitby Keystone, 29 Dec 1904, p. 5

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]KESTOE, HITYTilt::;;,DE*EBE KEYSANE, WITBY,2%, 1904 ~W44444 9 k BROS. 0W ~e~r ROSS BROS. lhi C w OLE~ DUST twlns do yojw' woril&» As a claaner, soap do,3.sn't begin te compare with 001WDOUST does more work, better work and does it chcalDer. It saves back8 as well as pocketbooks. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRIBANX COMPANY. Clim . eo Iw Yori. BCG=to. St. Louis. Montreal- t Q -j iThere is flot much opposition to the by-law granting temporary aid to the Co-operative Company- but there may be some indifference. The vote on this question is one that requires a two-thirds vote of the total qualified freeholders-.-not of those votinig, but of ail on the iist. Lt will thus be seen that if any considerable num ber of voters opposed the byý-law or even negiected ta vote for it, it wou Id suf- fer a sure and certain defeat. Lt be- booves every freeholder of Whitby, then, ta turn out and vote for this by-iaw. Do not negiect ta caut your ballot, for if you do, you may be a party to the driving away of the fouîî- dry, and in addition, saddle sixty of the leading citizens with a big, bur- den of expenses, which they have guaranteed the company lai case of the defeat of the by-law. The Co-operative Comnpany bas been in *Whitby nearîy niîîe montbs. iDurinig that turne they bave paid out in wages i the towni over $13,000. They have also purchased frein the local merchants goods ta the extent of $ 2,000. This means an average of about $1,700 per iiituth, iîîcludîng« the slaci- seasari. Taking tlhe aver- age of these miuenonths the year's experiditure wcouI(1 le over twenty thousand dollars. It mnust ba reiii- bered, lîowever, that the camp arv busv seaso,-of-i j"u4,.............. - .Uîiuerwooui, 1. 2:U Ltin, IR. Augllstils, busy sasoli f 04 frein Apnil ta , W. Hartriek, M. Noble.n Julv, whila th a parliai iîîludes tî J.tahen. Mnîîio awlîeti.Ue siack, seasoît wlichl conies ta avery Cee. Barclay, Eva Hartrick-,V\eda Luke, implernt nianiufactory hetween liar- -Ma>- Forrester. vet ime anîd the enîd of the year. l Sr. to 4 J. .McCrinon, H. vest Me ~nieîî.A. Fi-aser, G. Fraser, Il. N It seerns ta us that this is a pnetty peo-t, W.. ltuttaîî, R. huttaî, 1'. Itice. good slîowingu for an ind ustî'y just kIliti-FFfRI Srui'TSî,ubol n 1lnr. t)St-r. 2 Marguerite W1*1ilS, its infancy. The companiy are golingBîÇcoAin )devI>icOieCll comparatîvely slowîy untîl tlîey have rnin£ý Lily stuiiî, B i Ravill, Belle thoroughly perfecteil theain nacji ne, \ansteîîe, Lil.]v odAllai, BHaLl,, wlhen we niav look for a great e xpani-LiieGibtneyiul. J r. te 3Si-.-- Hilda iebrtsii (lii, Sion. Brooks, Rîîby A11111. In view of tliese facts, tuera is little .,3 Sr. tii 4-1 r.--J;Lmes Robertsoni, .4 Malîle l>iigton,Iabvs Ashby, \Willia ;anv rooin for îlis-sati.sfactionu wittM-îREla(3lrn the Earvester Cuîîîpaiîv. mrild iaiL- ~VVote fol -theCg OU D y-Lai Annual lialant-P fronit.m. Calaya-e fi]iiitiii:î-............ Goîii iîti-Granti-............ (1 ;il<-tN. tii-u t 1 i-ces fnîîîîîl<ttîîils .......... Fuitratice ex. lac........ I >eparniietilt a I -.-.-eus MI~iil] -ilia I aqsst.................. 1 -. 97 74.44 46.ii00 .2,3 1 1 ( of the Board of Education for the Town Whitby for the year 1904. Teai-ler-salr ...... S Se(-rotary 'reasunen ........ C.1antak,-....................... FItel .......................... . l>nittiul id tî,,tationfrn-.... i s ......i .......i..-.. . .. . .. I niztuigi- etc....................... $5,0î06. 15 (ýî)vernnieît Grnt................ Coîvct-uuiit Gra-~n tat M. S . Cou nt-y (t alt tii M. S. .......... iiîîeISihlîî fac-i.................. Nii Itisilet fes ............... O tlîar siti-veg .................... $243. «0 15<4.4<0 150.4<4< f141,00 I 12.5i) 7-74 -1-10<1 0 i of Christmas Promotion The Board of Education presents the following report as to Examinations. the condition of the Town Sehools, and as to its iRe- - ~~ceipts and Expenditures during the yer194 MODEL SCHOOL. The Board is pleased at the close of anothe year 1exrssth4s. o o i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l J.tiSr-edliSanBe-for h eeai good healtb of the town, and to join with all'the citizens in ob- lieiion, AlrdHaadMor oore, TmBan. serving and rejoicing at the marked improvement in the appearance of our fair croilisoMolyMorto.Bn tow-n this last year, and ini expressing a hope that, with the water-works and new c rof. t1 r-DrtyBrno electric iight plant controiIed bythe caporation, and witb the other industries at DonSld McGilliry, rt Sth, BAnes ,work-nt forgetting the yery probable early entry of an electrie railway-Whitby Boacof, m. ilkian, Fred Wafith ges"iii make such advancement and attain such success as its beautiful and healthy situation warrants. IdSa- r.- rte rein There has been no change in the teaching staff of the Public Schools during Jo.sto,2Kata (ku, Marret Kerr dy te year except that Miss W. A. Johnston was assistant in the Model Schooi dur- Maden Young as. Nicholson, ter ing the terni instead of Miss Ethel Beath, who filled the position last year. Only MadeineYoug, Js. ichlson Waterten dollars were paid for occasional teachers in the Public Schools during the Moore. year and notbing in the Coliegiata Institute, this showing the goood healtb of the 2 Sr. ta 3 Jr.-Daisy Mclntosh, Ma- teachers. dlciMn e rs Loyd, Frank Havlid azeln One of the Public School teachers obtained leave of absence, on providing a Lcylins, rsî Hc, ardon Smih.z suitable substîtute far the mnonth of June, i order ta make an extended trip ta Colis JR.ua3srell KealiCodn, Edith. Europe. Your Board was pleased ta grant her request, weli knowing the great .3er WllieGibrd, Beseaceeekergin it would be ta ber and indirectly ta the scbool after ber return, and would CKr errWine bartra loida Mookr pieased if other teachere couid do Iikawise. RoddiePerrin, ea i ufolt,.daMore The average attendance is somnewhat greater than last year, but the irregular r. l Mwta 4 r.LZieSl Berthattnac of saine of the pupils i8 discouraging ta the teachers and injuriaus ta Worolk Wlli Hzar, ay Aexade 1te success of the sehools. The saine troubla applies ta the Çollegiate Institute. WlorflkAlliGe Hazad, M Alexnder The board is very desirous that parents and guardians would sae ta it that cbild- 4 Jr. ta 4 Sr.-Ellîd Gibbard, Chas. ren under their care attend the sehool regulariy and thus assist in cultivating Mowa, Aieen odCarnie Nwot proper hiabits in the younig peoplo that will tend ta their awn advantage and pub- Musoa, ienTd epî,lic usefuhîless in 1 aftor years. TENOE CIO Jassie F ieo 0tec er rinenUMing. SAiIOl p se od e a i ai n 1 i. t 1 'Sr-AigusCorack Stn- heHead Master had twice as many applications for teachers as hie had students. lyils r.euJr-enon Emory, PCas.Bkeri Thei Board regrets to say that theattendanco at the Collegiate Institute is a Minne Rutaî, Rot. itchlllittle lawor than last year, but have good liopes that it wilI increase next year. LuenyHdo ileSnoGrrd The only change ini the staff during the year was that of Mr A. H. Gibbard Verey odg, Wlli Sadon Getruo Itaking the place of R. H. Walks, who resigned ta accept a larger salary in another Vickers. CIlegiato înstiue M2CaJiYllo SrnFilî HGrlynWaltrinV ery few repairs ware made tlîis year, partly oxing ta the heavy ouitiay on monr, O .Vli Hanik, Haîle lI. C i'C rpairs last year and the k nowledge that aur taxes would be higher this year. monOliv Harick, Cla"fo Nell.Tîîere bas been no increase of salaries of Collegiate Institute teachers. 2 Sr. ta :i Jr-B.do. L. Biaker'11 zenis ivill dIo a craditalie tlîing ta sus- tain thc -la hy a v erv- la îe 111:1 Whitby Christmas Fair. Theli- (hr istmaus ()r f I1904 did uîat J jet-v. j Iilit- ciiliup t>) its iîr.cde(cesser cf 1903, ht iv uîlili l u tliî.teI:'uueweathen w l iLhh k-ptmai, v exhibItors anîd visitons Colle giate Institute Examina- awav. Tie exîituits wero nuL as nm fions, Fail Term. erous as last vent-, lbut tliay were inost excel boit in iil,!t5-. Thoî îîilrvas - uritustiallv hfile a i 10 itail0iexlîiit 1 -ZI I\ii . (J<f <ressi-il guee and t tut-eys woiildliu P>t. 1 Xî Tra '. IRasiîî - niyo - ibaril tniii aiîî.Tlîre svîre clîickeîs îînîty .Hobbs. 'I. Rav iin. uel idand (IliiLks, tee, but tli( ildnet ne- -L. Hobbs. H iszocn---L. Cîitlî.. Coin- Il %'0 t'lîe aîa itliut thermo position-L. Hobbs. boni roil lretliîn came iii foîr. lTeu PrLîcieiîy-L. Iii îlbs 72, 'T. îb< i ne t svicli 1îeîltiy salîtwas stcie mn 68, L. Cith-v 6:',, îE. illis -)i, J. Siuitiltiilniî the snile that wen't corne off 56.t> the faces of these Wliîi IliîîlpoîIItry lii Pt. I tc b M-Si in , - ILatin si - al d ilpalleeu îîi-S i Lii ot hie fu'es L. Colt- lhysiiLs E. M-itil.of tliîîsî- (Iiilaid tLi bîv. Fl'fteu-î ci-titis Germai-E Mce I,.lntiisli.an 2L-fo Profice-,iuc-M. - Sîi tIi S I,- . NMLl, îînîssiîltii ki.s as the Ipropîi)qtuen Losth -é7, L. coffex 4'.). 1îiînhasers lil 1t>> ac-. v iRSi i .liec sasia goîîd xlît ofit et ef andi Lnchd -L.Ft-1M 11. îtp~ , ot-k. (f brouit, butter. kitti'd ssear, Pbvscs . C-îw. tt l. l'-e iuiclu1, ec. 'ilo hherse exlîilît is saudtoLehave Fu4t hergillte. Algrebrit L. Fraicis. Chiens - baenil agout i(me-, ani1 tii have ci <n lareul i~tr-l.( olnîxG. et-niîn 1>.Vain favinablv witl t bat (J f lit-isiLitsears. vatkenbnt-gh - H ltoins L. Sb.t ai lliet-wliin tua- oilfait- iav %vas marU. otleig Il C un1)1isiieu ~ fa irt-I iguuti e li ns s do10116hi Crawfiîrtb. Ltt-teA. C-afittI ifl i-rchantis aas eiîlui.iltagiiig. Iîroficietîy.~Cîw;ýfotli71, 1, Frai- Ia il.Iitis niviiltlyCtowiLed cis 111, E. B rown 66, 1). aîlkertit-b î ttIeist.-- 65, E. Austin (i:,, S. Affini 62, G . lotle-- gill 61, L. Sabent 54 E. Gîtîibltt ;-4, C. Hold-up Near Whlîtby. Hiatel, 51, S. ltisi 44, 1". .1I> i :", stoti25,E. NMatliis,4ii25, 1'. Lw1<r21u t ('vt<sert- Liii iutariiiCiihlt i 1,' Noble 20. ' 1-ny -iai-u frîîn the - oui. John Drydten Il x. Ph Sii. . t-vi i- suilMrt-F'. 1).\Na t-l iif Iitv:,N.- --N. l.iclay, A. Tloiitiliîi., 1). T3< il , -t t1w tiaiii uit\\I luitliv. and lii-ieiîit- Ieqîîal. ft-etehi D. 'Fi il. <taiua:ir (iil t,>tIi-L iiin stalle Lc il-h(, a litn-se.1I 1). 'l'îi. Lutin ---. . '1'g bailuîlulitî tlue sitini (,iîi iv for t-li bt-a- 1). Toi t. .-rîtiiii let i ý- 41T) . , saii uîîtp i-ei. fi t-i, a id l ,tLb 11 t-v -C. lio"iti 1 1> - u lognti. (z ii ii I t~s iliY eeit- knLw ý)iii. 1wDv 3 i ~ - diii lanils, <il,.-, l nit. siLn I lialitas'k-- iM. 11-îva 72. E l. ît, - i Sa lu-uIni!fin Batelav 4î7, .1. .Grs 1;('1-.> ii <lt- il i -lîs l<jutC lllt îe, au 1i Lie ro.ll-- - ti 1 N. btî ir1 e-- Ilii2L h-i o1i t lii- iiîiskit1-ts <if 1). Iui:i5 4G, . i.. ldilii- 4 Ix ' n 1l2ttii.iitîiîs. uiiic ine i-k 40, X > - î . \ Iide t n i,- tI -rii-ak I l almbi, liiyhg il 1'. Aiz -i 1ini ,-h \ii l't- -ut -wr. liiIilyiltr -i it <lii, ilyI îîSiSS Of i Ti iur ' ,,tXii L£ Gi . )w. lii 1, t d - c -iiail ut thLîl5t s d . I -îi--> î filh - - s i î ut ( <i iitl.Ilis i.- i ut iiro < i g î tt,, 1iî.nk hut ass- it Xli lii ii Ii'4 ts ll i i t iif ta i l efiit-i,1I(l1J. ti i i - i îi i jil n r 1(adn ; i ii iii l Lt- i u iii- >> t:î . i y 1w iii- ia - 1 reii - e;a'uî'i- Ail> i-ii d t1îl I:î:ticiliaI ii .iniil a rIltt îf -t lieý -r t 1i 111Ii 1, X viiî .î- li- ilm -iti, t > i b1ihiti-ic"' - E. la :î.1-,.\ (ulial I 1ii..k 1 l 11i1( 1. gt sp 1;i- il I lia o o. L 1 ii t 5l . 56, C. Ross 54, C . iîihi imug S50, V. 1hy- landil48, . Torts -17,i(-. NdD îIl46, M. Meîdruin 4C,, C. Jîîuîes 4(j, D. Wil3on j46, G. Bi-utoit 45, C. Fraser 44, V. N3W- k-f v sii.ig 'i u lý'd aj i i ,ic i -iut liii~li aiiskla a auît-i. ' itti d exîiiairied th.it bis- xallon liaui tinuken dILiWi in t-lut iîidde o nf thaet-cuud, and he sa teile Ied nt, aroili L. Thaý wýîs lessoti for t-e. 1 said La myseif, blained fool; just se(isu-uaL you rl'~l have liGne if your pistol biail been lîarl4?' AndlIhave neyer carnied a gun iiince."1 ib nestatl ai tne -Motet schoo], compris- In,- Iundas andil lenri-stre et çseheels, iii- malaries are set oplposite their iiaie. Principîal, %Ir. J1as. Browil, 1 st c-IaizqlProinîcial Lert iticate ........ istaî,t, Nliss A. Barris. .....5 Miss D'utns lias î-barge cf the1)îîîî- <las street 5L-liool. Assis tant, NM1issq 1:. i'raser....... 1 Assistant, Mi1ss L..Iiorrasvîaîi. A -ssistaîit, M iss ý. j..Mthl Ass-istant, NMiss Bi. Anderson. Asistaiit, issJ. 1-. l-ddie . .'loilel si-licol assistant, MISS W. A . Jah lu, ii-tu .............. 1 Teacliers iin Trainiliig....... :100 :301) loi 1:3 DUi-LI'-RIN SRETSCIio0I. Mlr. .1e1111 Gale........................(J MiiqJ.\coluii. e........ ....... 300I Thie attenlancie duniigtlîa vear at tliese i-n-lu Islias btii as1 olli HIENRY STUIELT S(111001. Suinhier- cn roîllI................... A verage d i ly a t t ndaîne. ... aube n rall.....................:3 Av.erage daily attendaiîce ... SittiIlgs of tre ie ision Courts. I)UFFEl-IN STIREET SCIIOOLý COUNTY 0F ONTARLIO, 1904. Number on roll............. 1 WHiTIiY-D. C. Macdaneli, Whitby Average~ daily att.endîanre...........-)Ç) Clark. Jan. (6. Feb. 4, Mareh 2, April 5 ('OLLEGIATE INSTITUTE -STAFF. ya ,.ue6 Juiy 5, Sept. 6, Oct. 4 Nov. 7, Dec. 6, Jan" 9, 1905. G. IL. Iloartix, B. A., Principal, siO5AmW-D. C. Macdonell, Whitby, .Natlieinatiî-s .....................1I5(4, Clenk ,Jan.r, - b ,Mac 3 A l6 A. il. (hibbard, 1B. A., Eni-lisli and . .May4, Feb, 5u Marcht. à, Apnt. 5, llistory .........................040Jn ! uy6,Spt ,Oc.5 \V. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( B.1reB . iei 0 Nov. 8, Dec. 7, Jain. 10, 1905. MisE. E. Dcrîîcle, B. A. Classics ý) BROUiH1AX-M Gleeson, G;reenwood,- J. M. lianyes, B. A., Mîoderii jn- Clerk-, Jan. le, March 4, May 5, Juiy 7, guiagreS.............. 'Sept. 8, Nov. 9, Jan. 11, 1905. -iPoIIT 1iEP.1it-J. W. Burnharn, Port -Niinlîer on rall.......... ........... 14-,7 Penny. Clark, Jan. 11, Mardli 4, May 9, Average attendanie .. .. .............. 90 Julv 11, Sept. 12, Nov. 11, Jan. 13 11905. D)EI>ARTM.NENT ('ERTIi2ICATES. IUXBRi îi;E-Jose'ph E. Gould, LTx Senior 1.avn- -at . 3 ,bridge, Clerk, Jan, 14, March 18, May Senior leavingii,--art ' -'-- 20, July 15.) Sept. 16i, Nov. 18, Jan. 12, -4ý209. 82 >39. 0) 47.20 63.39 46. 20 150i.73 14<70 S. 104 !"'. iii) -WHITBY MA Wheat, red.............. White ......... ;m spring.......... goose...........* Barley................. Beans................... Peas............ Rye............. Buck Whea;........... Oats ..................... S EED4S. Alsike, No. 1 ........... 6 No. 2 ........... Red, No. 1I........... ... Red,'No. 92.............. Timiotly Seed ........... FLOUR AND F lir, per cwt ......... Cli-opped Fced, cwt ... Brai, per ton .............0w<) 0 )te 2()09O Shorts, par ton...........20 Ou()( to ?5 0f) MEAT, I>OULTIRY AND 1'RODUCE. J3eef, hy quarter par cwt $5 25 to $7 50 Cattia, lîve weighti, but. 4 00 te 4,50 Mutton, par lb ............ 0 OO teo0 10 Lambs, eachi.............. 300 te 4 00, ]es iv-e Neight......... 4 00) te 50 Hogrs, iight fat'....... 0Oute 5 o4 Hogns, beavy fat ............ 4 50 ta 4 80 Hogs, dnessed per 1001Ws 6 50 to 7 00 Chickens, lper lb ..........O0 10 tao0 12 Ducks, par lb.............O0 Il ta 124 (;eese, dî-cssad per lb o 9 taO (1If Turkeys, dressed, per lb) O 12 teo0 13 Butter, rall........ .......O( 18 taO (20 Lard....................... 0 10 tao 0i12 Eggs, Li er dozen ........... o 22 tao 2 Potatoes, pen bag .........O0 0teo 0 Apples, per harrel......... 1 00 ta 1 29 Ornons, lier bus ........ ...I1 0 te 1 25 Hay, lier ton ............... 8 00) ta 9 00 Straw, Lper Joad ...........2 00) te 3 09 REETS. - 90 to 90) to 85 Wo 80 te 41 to 50 toe 60 to 70 te 50 to 30 to $072 065 0792 05 0132 $7 O0 600 5 00 T 00% 6 50 100U eEED. $2 75 O ()0 Hidas, per cwt........... $7 00) ta $8 00 ibeepskins ...... ... ..... 0 '75 to 1 00 D)eacens;................. .o 25 tao0 60 Tallow, rendered, par il) O 04 tao 0,q Wool, uniwaslied..........O0 14 tao0 20 Lamîb Skiris .............. () OO ta ()9go ......................... 0 25 ta <} 30 110 J u iier \Mat rît-o lut iiil -- lciiiit-3 CA--iNi;Nu:ýç -Ceont-e Smnith, Canning- ton, Clarlk, Jaii. 1:)', March 17, May 19, Jul v 14, Sept. 15, Nov. 17, Jan. 11, 1905. B EÂVRT(i-Ceorge F. Bruce, Bea- varton, Clark. Jan- 12, Manch 1C, May 18, Sept. 14. -Nov. 16, Jan. 10, 1905. UPTru(;ro\-E-Thos. P. Hart, Upten- grava, Clerk,Mat-ch 15, May 17, -3ept. 13, No0V. 15". 14 Onder, J. E. FAPEWýNELL, Clark af the -Peace CANADJAN PACIFIC $ý-. 1 2 . 7 E.p ,u d>1 tî* ý -, 'I'e-es.s.l.ries. .........37 00 ia re i k- e r .........................>4< )(4) (ati ....m.......... ... ........ 72f)5 Fil.. ...........................36.46 Pi nuîtue ig and îî--<...........:3-J4V-i EIii ni )11uiit..................401.7(>0 1îotago i.l.ni.n.....................~ în eli--i ---------------i0- $5 )i:. 24 Si-c ru iat-y -Tne asîtii-ne. E. A. C,.. Ci». A inre thrre ve un t hc off tir(-aiilt a ri ;c. A said l-ie Iim-c., e.a 1erîîuî mcrre.ufo- ;, i -lt'-hci ru ýbi-tt-r. 5: p 1- L;10 crule toclt alluiut tI f ' îi:.e ioi-r foot. A-i r a ,%,,r o n c- daï she appeac~s b> iii toie legs. Aie.. ercoltnllas rnavicuu %vlîîl 1h L:.î-rC I- 11,1cure. Iewas f'u -i a.î oriiîi. i i .uOe-rtng fr AIN lu tr. J0Li') mîieve t .910 bst-auJ turn out 10 gras, in ai Diaiop "Ideal" Horseshoe Pads Ptn legs on yaur harse. Cture or hiclp ta ncuremast boof troubles. The only tbing for naviculan disease.- e iý o Tî r- c'Ti mY.t, LTrrî i Ri Put en by flhe Blarksmilh who shoes vour horsn. Charley I-a etedil o ti lunlîsStreet, just ssest i I rii(k strtet, Wltîuv. qI'lî t - 101 L ss-nîk ujolie liera is of Tiapri(,.ais rme îîitesonnhî 11-r- aite tlin'a i1nitatiouis. lFauîilv svashiiig, 35e ta 40e per doz. Save tha tire:1 içife or mother by having.the horma iaundry work donc iby arley Joe~ Dna treet, *ear Brock i - ha i nu, i. an. ACROSS CANADA WITHOUT CHAN'. Ili ,-uîuîfîîtaiîle Tounizt Sieepers. Fuills eq uijsped bedding, cooking range, îler,tl'ntamit easnes Mote-ate uentî charges. Cars leave Ioiino 1 . 47)p.mn. - Titasday.s and SaLu- (la--. amnI Nontt,i ay on connacting train l l lia tt uUit is frei any Canadian lui- ui-uc Agîut t-r C.-AIXlomter, I).IC 15Ti- E. R. BIow, i, -.grapjh .-n i 1Epres8 Age, '/Whîtby, Ont. 200 ACRES, Pi-t or Lts, 2 a! d 3, 9t ucn, Picker- iii-- ca iniîl bI u' o r rnted (oit fa ioa, -toli n . Ai plv îInnidiately to Solcictors, Whitby. I The Domglinion Bank STEIAM PUIYP WORKS -Capital (Paîd Up)- $39000.100 E. W, EVANSe Prop. ijFleserve Fund -$3,5659000 \iluif u t eluim a n 1i i t uli1 rIîliî iu full liiuu(iÎ Wo-od and hron Lift anid Fo~rce Paîmps WHITBY BRANCU Generai lraking qBusiness Transaced. Spe' (î< t! 'I~tterîtion giventi t te viili -tiiîî <iof l't:uîe' Sale and ather -<sîso Sti-ani ami i (Xiii \Vat- i i-'ittiust-. ihctus. A(iENT lO *ONCARIO WIND MILL. E. W. E VANSe BROCK STR1EE~T, WITY DEPOSITS ni'u.u-veîl cf $1anîd urwardg. A NTEIREST allowed atiet urrernt Rates. CO»IPOUNDED or paiid Haîf Yeanîy. E. -J. THORNTON, MANAGEZ ton 43, W. Redman 43, E. Ii14,L Mclntyre 41, H. Sleep 41, (.SmM h41, L. Brown 40, J. Robb U3, PFA"Âmtroxug 39, E. WiIlis e9, A. Lyndee48e W." Plie 38, A. Newport 38, DI. Roe 38, k. AI- lin 37, E. Ellis 37, J. GimWett .37, E. Wilson 36, L. MoorEr-M 34, O.&kers 34, J. Roa 31, G. Paxton 30, ËI:nde29. r-operatfve W. 55s y (-J 1'~' ~A9O5~ k- iî< ~appy FINANCIAL STATEMIENT. i OLL.I.E I N.S-r-uTI - Thie ieitar- upu-nt O *p.uii r.nroui iit ca odIs latrie a recont ieuiuo of the Monitroal -i,,nt. and his- "Farnaly Nerala and Wokty Tik SVxr ~anuuu S tar." The veterinary who ans- id ivelinches int tanding ini nue wered th-o inquiry cotald not hce stiffciied up in advase Via use of 19Ideail' Pacin ar diseasec, for without giving Dunlop a fro probabiv br.d advertisemenL Irhe pads wou.lci roni t he d, s,.i-. 1110v hs moalogrwok h put on a guod giohimreaonrwrk weckuu time. ing life. I)UNDAS STREET SCIIOOL. Chairilla P'leport *ee*eeee &Je**lq6e*e* eijll.l\Oýl'lel1tl,%,lýl ell*n, O-P eliol eijxo 1 le ep- eP ep c p e iri 1

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