Whitby Keystone, 29 Dec 1904, p. 4

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THE KEYSroNE,, WHIT3Y, THURS Y, DECEMBER 29?~9 fine'b'Five is -the Average The need of a doctor and nurse are frequently synonymous. with slports, pastimes and recrea- tions', Lt is reassuring and a relief to know that you have a policy covering yvou for ail accidents and sicknes.s. For particulars, etc., apply to He B. WILLIN69-, DISTRICT AGENT, WHITBY, The Canadian Casuality and Doiler Insurance Co. The Accident and Guarantee Company of Canada. Fire Renewais are now due. 1 have the best Companies in Canada. See ine before ronewing. The Queen Insuranceo Comnpany of America. The Caiedonia Fire Insurance Conirpany of Scotland, etc. SAVE ALL Iron, Metals, Rubbers, Bones, Taîlors' Cuttîngs, Horse Hair, etc., etc. Highest Price Paid for these by N. COHEN, Brock Street, Wh tby. A Bienefactor The mian m-vho anticipates t-he xvants of lus and gnvul providt-s to() cl(' theni is filetor. f eIlo ws~ a bene- Thits service lias i:eeîu fullv perfurinîcil l W. P. Priî,git & C'o. "Iliey foreseeing- tliat the good iouîs- w ivt's tif titi-s toîut antid cîu tV M' oulti require select gootis for tilueir Xma cook-iimîg have secnred for tlteni itue very bt-st risins, tuie finest bun;nds oif currants, tlie Lhu1cest Englisli pt-el-s pastrv flour that cannot l)e exceileti ; lard tîtat is hîettt-u thaii aiiv tîtliier irandtin i Caila- dit, anti sugars ()f tHie lurest mulie. Those Iîaiaulr2e ýof tlI e pî'(r ) t f 'hoilt e deca(-ies cau it i the r.tiost1 coîîiidenu sesure froîîî tihein, the supplies titat iwilI give the ni ost gratifvimmg r~l W. B. PRINGLE & 00I. WeklNME la Mpr ATLAS 0F CANADÀAhND TH E WORLLD WORTH STUDYING WORTH HAVUNG HEMAIL AN D EMPIRE has seccured as a premium for its subscribers a number of the most useful and instructive World Atlases that have ever hýeen offered on such reasonable conditions. In fact, k mray safely be said that at no time has any Ganadian publication macde such a !~ generous proposition to its rear%,:s. The production is by the P\and-McNalàl,,Go., and conta.ins, besides a large map of the world (,Mercator projection>, a ma-) ir of the Dominion, Province of Q: ,and separate ms,.Fs 0: the Maritime Provinces, Ouebec, Man*tob. arnd the Nr3 detailed reproductions of ail the great countries iii the world in map form. The edition has been specialiv plrcpa:ecl for the 1 ' benefit of Canadian readers. It is absolutely "up-to-dlae. TIHE MAIL AND EMPIRE has obtained the exclusive right for this A'Às k> InCvisnýcJLi. large maps are 22 x 141 Iinchcs las anp,>t Ion f'r.e ý- calcndered paper. Rcg1li.r pi-*ce uccnts.FREE -ta ca under the folloivingcouio: WITH THE 1WEEK!UX MJL»ANU 3EhîP.IREk New and old subscribcrs rmvse'a c cû fth Y r'r-der;'f- I*: L i .. ,e- any address in Canadsi , C' atB:-ti'a .! : c 'Ies a 1-0r Y FOR SAMP-LEu., 0Y PA--7-,-ArdD F-. -' ~rk~v rI7C L SPECIAL The, Keysione, .... . .... 12 monhs .. 10 Botli papers, iîîchidi, pg iiliii \ t1as ( 'l' iii. W orldi,'sý-lt t, aliv du~s.1'2 ini utinfori I 7>-. ~ Send (Oir-(fîr to Office of this Paper.---- -einber '2s, 19-11 rahiaui, MXr. A Aluna L1.tt. Whitby OUI t' The Whitluy tend hr!dciiig t January. Thon.u liet, and the c ter in hand art- J. Campbell, W W. Caldwell, 1'. 1 ston and W .- Touiit rCorrespondents spite of the fact that there was compe- tition in ail classes, and a full prize list to Pay the committee in charge of the fair have a considezable improyement in their balance sheet to report. The annuai meeting of the ratepayers of S.S. No. 3 was beid in the school house on Wednesday, 28th inst. As us- ual at such meetings the attendance was ernaîl. Mr. w A Holiiday ivas elect- ed chairman and Mr J w Sprung, secro- tary. The trustees' report, and thiat of the auditors, were reati and adopted. Dr. James Moore was re-electod Auditor, and Mr Henry Burton was electeti trus- tee in place of Mr John Vipond, who re- tireti. The other members of the trus-, tee board are Mossrs A lIis:«op aid F. Scott. The muniei Pal nominations.,took place in the Towtï Hail oùn Monday. Theire was onlY-a amalt attendance, but there were a good number of nominations made. The foloing e e notiinated for Reeye: 1 J. S ROSS, E. E. Cooper, G. B. Motb.. ersi 1, Samnuel Stocks, W. Ratcliife, John- Mc Remue. Ail retired except Mr. Cooper, who ie elected by acclamation. The following were 'nominated for councîiors . J. S. Ross, G. B. Mothersili, E. E. Cooper, Samuel Stocks, Moses Doolittli F. Coleman, E. Brgoking, J. T. Han- cock, W. Ormiston, J. Bray, H. Gifford. Ail retired except Ross, Stocks, Doo. littie, Mothersili, Gifford and Coleman. - '> gblo c_ I s To prove to you that Dr. Chase's Ointmen t is a certain iand 'absolute cure for each PMI 1V'iSand every forrn of itchingz, bleodingand protrudin i.1 the manufacturers bave guaranteed IL ieces- fun. With5tood Other Treatment But Quickly Cured borswhatthey think otit. You can useit and Mr. reenan of avevilet clle onget your money back if net cured. 6Oc a box. at Mnedq r. reen fCaevil, abe n by Lhamberlain 's Cough Remedy. ail dealers or EDMiaNsO,BATEs & Co.,Toronto, f rend hee rceniy."îLast winter 1 cauglit a very sevr Bes ReedYfo Costiatin. coldN hich lingered for -wveeks,,," sayeSJ. Dr. Ohase'ls Ointrnent -TeBiesi eY for constipation 1 Uruîuhart, of Zephyr. tOntario. "My 'Thefinst rîiidy fr cnstiatin Icoui i vas ve ry dry ant i lîrsli. The Io- ever used is ChànilOrlaiflS Stoinach and calr dealer reoonniended c(liamiberlain's Liver Tablets,' ays Mr. El Btier, of (ouglî Reniedy anti guarauteed it, 80 Myrtie Xmas Fair. Frankville, N. Y. "They act gently andi gave it a trial. One 2.5 cent bottle of it without unple".ant efiect, and leave the '-ureti nie. i believe. (li-anulierlain's Cough Th DietradofcosfTe howis n pefec]ynatira ,>îiitin.Renîedy to be the best 1 fhave ever used." Great International Xmuas Fair held at Soiti by ull drigL:ists. This is one of thte unost staple iiedicnes ASHBURN. unt use. Thonsantis have te-tîlieti to its Myrtie Station on December 2lst wish Mr.nndMrs Ce. ostamIfamlvexcellence. It not only tuirrs a coId to convoy thoir thanks to ail who took Mr.i(andy Mnd ellt'tuWestyhuitdcutnterauispart in the Exhibit, and espocially to spent Xmas un Soniya. ainy tendcncy toward jîii('uinonlit. Lt is Mr. W. J. Haycraft, our noted buitcher, Alian andi Mrs. Varcoo were Manilla equ1tally aluale for childrcuî andti ray lic wlo spared no time or expense in pro- visitors for Christnmas. gViVen to thern witil I iilicit confidence. prgfothseibt It as re Tho O.C.H.U. organizer, Mr. Walk-er, Lt always cuures and is pjva6,nt to ta ke. i narkoed by evory one prosont that sucb h-at donc a gooti work bore anti heid a There Is rio danger in gvn it to chilti- an exhibit of drQsseti moat had nover meeting on Tliursday cvecning iast. Fi'ae ren for it contajinq ne oiiiî i(>r oLlier boen witnessed in titis locaiity before. jew nwmbers were initiated, andti tereirif]rî. otlvahlrgit. Mr. Haycraft hati 15 exibi ts of some are as inany more to follovw 011 next CLAREMONT. of the bost hiogs, iamb and beef that meeting nigî1t. Mr. Waiker i' greuit Mr. Maiconi Forsyth, whibe killiîn oldb1rdueii teg t feeding worker antd royresoîîts uVo It e~t beast, Lad the uifortune to badly ctlclt fSuhOtta îoFi fraternai socicties un Canada to.dîîy. lus klieecal), 50 for a tintelho is a crip- wasa dc*dod suiccoss, bath in number Miss Pearce spentt ~ it trplo. anti finuuancial]v. Thore were iii ai 155 parents at Maniilla. Mr. Nelsun Wage for the past week entries. Thoe olti officers were re-lece A. C,. Ellis wam itarnu for the htoiita. lias been attending the wiuter fairs, andi tet ftor the year , 1905. Johin Lrighit. 11ev. H. Croin is vîsiting frionlds i~la eu esficetrngfour l>resident; F. L. Brown., Treasure:A western Ouittrie. tî-tani two seconidi. Quiiii. Socretary. A. M. antiNlrr. Ellis ,We're iitr at Mr. T'. Slcuoiami faualily t'iited Li 0 'ri:., Gret-tuRiver tiin mu0.I oLtr tahtIflI.1iitlal Iti te. HJ-IS -F. Be Quick. lxir. h.Atiluui~ifu sî enIt Nunas , Bst Ilca>v I)raf 'leai - 1i._Nelson N ra 11 1lu sîo i l ic 1-zlost w liviu a i rlus are t- t; poit s ritav at W a g. ( larenoit;-2,.1. %V.CoiZ ,M ark- tirai ,~ t-~., î~ n~ ~ ~ iPort Perry and oigt hi(iii- M ouday's s AgleuI uahTamiI.T i l n thu uiiltl hevo-tirit'-. hî ýî ". or tvt-utafteî t he a tauk. It mî'- r fauts, nuli' inlea-- arît anid safe o ta t:t For. r cla aill BROOKLIN. M-'.. W. 1). lMorîris, :ux'dlxi:'. Ethel lx r:.of O ttawanit.,ar- spendiiig t \11i - N marsyatît 'utat Maplo ; tr. eu. t:lidL ý ni'f u dc l if ll. 1 W.ý (hu-istinas Sîiuidn Mr. M.ex.rhcauch-Mis- xv(- tire glati tiirt-ptrt iliatt Mr. I1. 1). 'v , xlt' lias blii ini a t-ury critical ctti:dî itioun, i, lwlv -ut eimr.His mu1ant fritil-ntill 1- le t-learît tof Lis iinln)rvttl tinitàmitu. Mu. Boitent 'ixaiLs. BWC.of l.îidsutv ("Ilegitto i stîtnttu, is s~-îiî m with i li, mitter. "T'e Cliristma'. Tret- :îîil Eiîtcrtaiuî- mli t unudeî' t fit nusjtk '( f the' Mis- sitti Baliti 'f tht hnjii'.- urcli wili 1'- ht'l ttiis wuelk t-,:i h-riîl:i', iiiîti0 t- chliil. A, gittiltir- i lt1 ýmuicai i 'f we t (l 'uo.i ait,'Cules. rect ti uus anti lir. mo i. rcW l'oItnîiby bsiu flrt- lxln. A\1 % -î-. Biggs alitl liz" .t'-S 1>1'-'-'.iont to have a gotidt'url. Mx!r. Heri-ut 1.cgî'tt i,, î<tfroiuTo- ru'îito for tlle heidays. Mri . Herliert Storý î:i w fa je Xîisat hutmie. 3%ir.anti lxrs. lInert'su'r tre visitors at _Mir. Josepli ov~-us<er Xiîas. 31nr.J. 1). Farsvth mni lfauuilvfî'cui Stu uffvihle, woere uit hîs f:.> t :vrs her' over th-liolidav. uI t:ay liris un Icà- .('art-iu'î uin N 1'.u . 1 E. "îtt - tto e :c utliti nl l xir, ::.i. r-' 4i lxr. 'Iriti. .ap sa-yogt :îniuai curlinig 4 f ast 'hus tlay ve 'zicwlit-ilt tt 'tsikwsbi cu'veredti tltmseoh os xi ~thglorx . The- mutrt' tx-s 39-11. 'lut s ctîtritits tt-an xtoiiih Lt' tt> t ry t'umtt'lî: -u 'uîwi ti saune oîutsitdtrs i-'%tut<li i . t \>hilvStid u a teonuttr tw':- 31r:. X"î. (liu t. - tîui failiv t-ort-A Mxr. F. ;iuîîs o'f Novai, w t-ru ht-rt' oni n as. M7r. Epiliiauiu St'-ry l'aý secureti n sit- Mxr. unilxIs. --h i<'ulinth te At' W ~.' "-l t M r i ac iaet atil' hlxoi r.A>ttm' hali'. taii-h - u . at'fo tht tîs' "rtit t%.u".utlàt lr. *amîlitiît stusMit-:m-l:t'u: th tate gil~is. l--1 . :rivu n i ht' \11-"n fi - in- ~ ~ li'î:-tti'(ti v u a.i ; M1 s-ti ii:î Sttî-.f' u utîtt 'tî ta- t':uu-- ' ti .ut':- t -t, ' ît ss-t xr :wL 1: -ii- t. . ':;'k î i .1--------------------t."a'-' - fo ut tit' :tî.ti is i>; tltuin'e t' -il ît'uit' ")i t'hr mias dth'an-I w ii n'ielLa011it-r lt- ,ruot tif theotLî'r tihr. Wt.wtiiks us luomie fn littiid- say t.' Bitlti 'tri--rtius hut'iats. lxlr. SI'Mîiîstnwav Wi lwihft f 'rt licie , spu-it<tr.tiî.ti-sîlN. ' trlaliieungregtui'ms arc -t'q'it t t Wl- î:uîîl"s i(-u i W iimi-idai 'f Iut- "t%'o t- t t' di'.id tt-o -ru tsti fu rî'. wtIý ý ' ii IIItt: u rt. il-it ,-l iut'> t T! fa' - i uî o f tc lu'l:î -l - ti P-. --k-.r " v :fy-lirautt- tf tjit')Lur(t ,' s ;tht lin :ututiîr. lxrs. Iî,ut ltt' Il ttist.tUliiii-i i uî u I rsdav, t- , i: 'lt.'.l: ;L'fit. t'i'tk xi's a -h u'l i ai;' 'L'ît i iit- i vtIi 1 Siit' t )' -- I l Plî uîtht îtut:ýtuîtx'auntl '-iiui t i-tor s'- J. 'aur)- -fotfu Gmîemut ani iii ciuîth, (1tttbt:e-. i l- IttttIit pemt-ul avebsfuro t'Sctions, urui(ti;aituilu, iiitert-st vst-ub-uh t1'tPut"s hefttue, anttiall wîure buîîub0 tutlt r thvro are too mn),t id îîî'uutrosstus..-Ail mii- trnutiwth appear tIîat tho Brook- t' ttiotint ntqtio,8t ()iutmot lin ift rshititinow boconrmsidereti a - t-"rc'nig the oLord's daY - titîuu-g.iitli by the wuuy il îs&Iîlmi it tt-îto this net.ng. t1 1 up ret imîipatnorized- Int -~ -- .:v '-a',. ~ - i i 't IFraîLI ai. cils o-t tr tlt hhih.v COLUMBUS.5 t lr t, d t1 .%Vsak , 'i;it( .îtu tii' ',-"isttt ni. it ' 1; uit il c 1: t e t-u - -t iite«illŽ tii" r liiiu it l1.'- ru î ti oft-' t is futtre ho-ue. -1 Miss F. S. (ira v lias 1) '-u u2n .tu agamu for Lnothor t-m'n, aîuh &Ir-is a il Whi " of A.shîburn, tvill ue MsIIisa l ll ".uCcessi3l1. G ray anti thito îotvlr to be the fav-ori\eoetuiors otf Cobuutmbuetschooh1. '-)(I lie M 2 n(. iîuistiis, Broî'kliui; 3, W. Il. R (iilohiagl an. I rîver 11 hiantis anti t)ver- 1, Thiom, 1h11. Enituei'2, Mx. holitav roukLit; :3, S . ABleai-it-L, Mvrtlt-. Di rve r, und tu151 huamin- - 1WV. J. Bant ty, Bruttullin- 'LI, A. GasColnumbus; 3. W. Cook-, lxirtle. Il i--h Stepper--I1, Il, J. Spunre ly, Box (,rtitt'2- . sJ.lt o-î-, lrtle; 3, I)r. Nr<le r, Port 1>rrv. Irm r or a i 1,)r. Pli-. ort i>crr 1 W îî i-te ta h~:siaî 3.A. (lîîiuîîî, tif. '21 Irs.ir u î lI l. iooh.linî; , tir- xx N iV-it'litle. Ile tN vIColt- Ii-îitithi,,, icîthîardson, I oluîîîliis -), x m. Viril-. tlîuhuut-; 3, Light ('tilt 1 i XW [i t ty lrookliu. 10 l]b. ( nocl, I '1 ] ' f'. all. Eut- Rb 2, Au X.%Y.Brighît airan ;3, .. 1itIl'-. îîinrrits- -1,'tW.'<sery;2, Mr-;. 'I'. lialI " 'tii XX nj. l'rî"ît. -7 4 Iisii roc' I 'tir 1'. Hall; i2, he Marketing of Hogs. dliscussion at the WinterITY on bbg did not leave the I B . fflactoay position eo f a kedof the industry ackers contend tt r present con mi'_ 5 o'- r' Philç uilding, Brock St. Le tiers fronrOui A number from bere attended the carnival at Claremont rink on Monday night. Mr. A. E. Hubbard, of Harron, called on friende bore iast week. Miss Bertha Jones is home over the hoiidays. She has becn engaged as teacher at Dryden's school, for 1905. Mr. W. Birkett, of Greenwood, spent Xrnas at home. Mr .L. Abbott left on Friday morn- bn o is borne in Lucan. A numbor of the young people gather- eti at the homo of Mr. Bert Wilson iast Tuesday evening to ispend a pleasant eyning tcoether before Bert loft for his new home in Iixbridge. Ev-ery one seemeti weli stitisfied with the .ights Nove Iii . SIUDY IHESE SAVINOS Our stock is complete for Christmas trade, and noth- ing but the very best is, found in our store. Dur Rrîces are always right Fair, honest 'dealing is our motto always. A child can do just as well here as the bar. gain hunter can. Here's a splendid chance and just' the right time.- We will clear odc l nes in ladi es' styliîsh coats at one-third less than the' usual price. - Visit our store and see how easily w 1e can accommodate you, in style, value and price. Ladies, Skirt-s, diffut 4v t les, prices frorn $1.75 to $5.00. Ladies' ILlanîtelette Wrappers, witlu frilis, price $1.00 and Siiic Pianlo I ralw's, iii dlitlteit colors, priees$1.0 >0 Tiiex- arioworth fî'onî$--to $;ýÇ Ns i ,veut ,- mi,' s. j.-'jriîtn. t ltRmSEit 'ou.m:< -JiceC uri'aiis, bruce'2, 45, 75-, S1.00, 1.50, t2.00, and $2.00. 'liiîev lrssed- i. NV. J. liai]. 'lkey Uuekerel h 1, .1. liai]1; 12, L. 11k t4 inver ice , . c sisrgP r 450 pecal I'urkey ilns-- 1, ,J. Iall; '2, hL. Ver- lae-k anti Wite Fan('V Uîder,4ki-t>sregur rier.-e $2.50~ B't".>; Pair i)irking3 l'iihh'-3 l> W inî. i Iidg-onu, c't> ;sr', -I2,l t. \'stn4 ,tshia- 1'atl'eta ir ïV1- aists, ail (Sîor's, rectlaî pî'ice S5.00, for $.9 Poîtaiig, ou t r , 1ogon ooIs . . hu'l"Oui O('.1 R.....,,. Nue-î- auud wiv tc, red MAnt Sxite, pinki Pai 'I.iiiiis 1 h i. h ati(i xii ' 'liwite, reiui1:îi S-1.7.) - Sl.2_5. Sinî i '-. RillioiAmsv'.tsh-k Wav i iit. 'iii-is nt am IaJp l'a: îîîs :îuus I Snt: ~ -î- Žcxvlei, ali get -tiîcm at oui- t foi' 3cents ('adi. H,"u. t.et-î' 1,rît NIh ti-,Iihail Stiri'- Faîucv I1and(kc-I'eîef.- froll uîut)e1.5c.Seaeh. htutri u t I tirs 2, Suith zI V-l-;chard-, Pair <t t-i.- ro1i- 1,'M a r, 1.;L<a1iStoiie-Fa'vilIIadeîhcffoilOUpt 0cd. t~~~~~~~~~ 1, Mit --sî i,'ti î-jioi ,W. I'a Ne Ldiesfl' (t)1;1r, speuial 2 eeach. I. 11 L'k1-3 h . 1L'-:~tî nI3 ' itî ~-h~î O),shl i d rhodîx i '- 1'T. ii L t 2, W. I rig.tii3, 111<iaie l nit t ~l'I MI C ui t - s . s regul i~~~fi 7..7)t'(..,î~ 1'Rat-till iog i, 2, and L .- '. lat virai L s 1 ~Iilo (1i eS i'oot'lie.l ,, Ithe1if ffeit stvles 'eo-ul.arp ll'gs ii h.-' 1 ' leu 1,.2 1 N v4:,x. -.1. - ' ~ J 1t--arau'. i for 1 9u. 11-g oteir 17 libs. 1I, 2 nu ,I ',Thtts. lii l MnsWrstet S'titý, in a Vv îîc; t matt)'î11, our p il (,N.: u ,D eus)ve-ceat-u, regitar '1'12.00,fi'&.0 Ia 1tî.'l . 1i-11,% - '%,', 1: f1 .; -,atC.:l 7iÉ- Biliousness and Torpid Liver Headlache and stomach troubles are thoroughly t CUred by Dr. Chasela Kidney-Liver PiCI. MaR. Rotxtizas ClýA-'-(Y, farr-icr, Cbtrpstosve, Bruce Conu>, Ont.,-sun-': 1 hase used Dr. Chase's Kudnry-tiver h'lisaîud mnuid say thai t tiiere is no rne'licinc Lhtuaieq.us them as a cure for stumach tnuubles :' tes, torpFiti lîver' and headache. 1 .t-s trouiti'-ui a great du-ai witb ttese air'tents ie i'u.tne l)r. Chase's Kidney. I.:v'er I'tlls, antd tht- bavc proven t'onderfully i aucu:ess'u imn rMy case. 1I would not think of being w'.ithout a box of these pihis iîî the lhonte, andt whenever 1 feel any symptoms of tht-s'-- disordi-: s 1 take urne Of thiese pulls, anud they Sut nie ait nighl aga:.I cn Streingiy recoilmenul Dr. tthaxe's Kidney-Liver 11,ils "or the troui,-'s mentionc-d above. ' Dr. Chasc's KidneyLivt'r PuIs, one pili dose, 25 cents a box, at aIl dealers, or Edrnan. son, Bates and C.ompany, Toronto. To protect you agraunsi tar ithe portrait and signat. une of Dr. A. W. Chase, thc faunous receipt biook author, are on ecry box. Pain ca.tot exiet wluere Dr. OhUaae'a Ea. ache Plaster lB applie&L wice )C U Iii ' s 1 tiN 'iat:- -'>ltidt ,, ..îtJ. and t'i 1i(lio\ S l'it)t' (a ps, spt'-îai 5- ilic uniti boI Ix, spia 7.),,,-.- un~îell)\wîtîa gasevî,SPeciai 3e Cuifli lîiks Ill 1-1,te<e gs )i-' 3 0 and 73e, hés Wecli iot îu oiirt I i' littie u is ,aluldbo(y, Ân.d twe %%-Iiiî ' ul<ooi a' I l iiail kîiut 15of to Aidif x'ox~il coli)e earb' you xviii get tule b est cenoîce. Space wilI not permît to mentio ail the great bargains we have, Visit oui' store and our rgoods will show the fiacts. H. RSI f Christalas 1 ýý . 1

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