Whitby Keystone, 29 Dec 1904, p. 3

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-he *'led thie Loy on fX~i rom 41mt,111e y li- tithe whola story o' I1114 1f, da Far am lie knew Il, aus;îL islt- eue f rom 'a'n luntimi ly i-nil 1)y lis lit- t1ved leaefactoi- mn1 i is- aîun' - fa î e, gr-W fientliSAlyiar-d and lc i-net as Ilit itened. 1 F nally Ie iuîq uu .tI,m as U i iii uid ><iuen tthougiît: '- 'Are yoîî fond cfIlî( t-ses, imy boy ? 10- i Ye, sir ; I 1hk- lt1iiuiu biî t - "WelileaI ue Ibiiev,,,ry fluer fu-omrn i;ce-jwîi-la j-lt-sait ivalis fioîn tlils ; -up ,ru<IoniiIs li' "1Is ettY- 1ir ji~tc-2 lus t 14,nriel . 1 a n 1i l Ic i : - jj l iS o sîîd. 'Uîîclo Cari, otilbA n' ýimat ut ho'- V- î:gs to a haro-t lîy 1!V- anx;uwof Page, tt'i<> fiais gent,' oiurolsI i-t' ckoti 110 dld n-nulko-i- Nvyîîu'î go t bac k itihl lie aw yen yest(ý-iIi -Pu t itS ita b[unes-, : i itic,, i 'ft i t 2? i 'x lucen alii areti iiit. l; tIxe ufîeî l wkh ,ýd I (-ýli'tig--t li-hI' ,ýtii-e gî'oiiils.' "î-ý YI, ' oue i uioxv, and I t tv'1 11w-'eu Iliuî w-mat ¶0 ir lY t! c- -tu-a-,. yoi ý t Itint-J of Ikîolurg IIX 'înic lie tii(', NV Il l)- itut, iluiI t l caitX îgo t ~ N*'ci ti l t - LoiiIL O' 'liî l tlfl!ý ' :.,.k y.,i s k;'-yoiare ry g o(t :', ( Pt Il f:ii--, rI-iîîgî!g t1 liti b iýL aifthnlyl- it ' rindbock uu~n 11,! tziC ii l- ',l;uî i-eu'I-i 1 tL-.iuiu-i ii axx-ui i ti-yiPci - lin- L- 1 '! i LS: art - Il <-f 11îîtlI. 1l-e wî;sîît a il lid mt lits b folt- , l it h W!lS tI!(, 1 i-,1 las v r xck'anud g iahi'tisl ;ttVie uttj Uu-uo.l I OxO ,- i' tcuti lîr- fo iu'd in tXc sîciîiiy (-f ilRv itti-i.ai 'dii" togeLli; li ti)itliiy, nu.s fat laid 10put Ili a-ut a ;raîie, M . (;i-ltoolýI lits latii uhî;', ttil lt- ssî1-uîed VPu- le Iuu- t ilid1ailf h1tm Lia toiWI just a8 bite brtLkfas tlit-Il1 SL11Janîlle was aIbs-i-et, aulic l in- qutred of variosis i()uui rs IflSie faiyIf tbe-y liait&,er-t-i ui î; bot nu on,,1-0ald obes r'- I I-ii iîîu a uuîi tt'. tlîu ni'orntîîg, itatlIAit îs4 îgtav1I' wxis xinisunb'u. in i lu< i-lit-I(lj ii mu Butt evcn t!,.s tniur iîeiea esleS; ir. C li niglirtugly cb- rId dr-ink- t,) 11o." an- I -Ux-ett11lî 9t.tIik of bbreakfast xvhuill -- i tîîg hi e d- i etmS t't tii lo-1t i- -u )cc-YI, i 1' o la i t> b - a t 1iî'î I Jtr.it lite xs-tt (.-Ut g ut s;ti t-- I n n, t 1 ( e-1ed t )t oe sit wsihrr iti-y liil slieuiI 4per oint il~ s 11iii- i l i - fore ;but t liCni'e tvv li 1 e14) IV un -A s tii hllVtOmai lieluiL1t liiit-itiil- stnt r-tittr W l-t, ile --t foi-. m fiv e, icrutirrîced lu îîc', opiuig 'te Butid lie sx-1.8 rmsiîtîu i i iS, -ifor tO e li 11t Lid Ilsît bui-ltil eeî-îi De-gîn!ing b-> foi-I rt-teul;t îhhr 1 nt10w, Ps w'il a . it- u-ti jaue t ian'is l 1:mi t t iil hi- m h.i i ll)!:!e u'it iof x isg t t1r--, c îxx- t-u cif ie- ki t fIo -tir -i é4e -- ui ltiti'c --xc s& a îutr I Lo t I ms-do- ia-c lyfor tliti il' 0 'fr-r - 1'tw' i t \xvm, i , lî- - 0,K l'a'111it 1 -()m' rt k Iluîi k 1i ii t .la î 1.0 IY', if .- ini t- .1,ul 1)ii-i v cf - im TlUe-y nîa<l- a ci! c-i it or tIti'rt-nf, ub iu tutu y p il --il î oulîîîc tul ii- wc'.ttI',a fr oi'c agonv b jirr,t frisou -Mr. C<l i .ýia Iv' , v' I-r 1 J t.ltî- -th, -r0oui Ui'-y foscul l uI -t li k-ut. qn tcîîIv 4n L auuiou-c ht avl'for M Tica 'Iý.t was Sir Wal- ~~nilionnthe cob," Inez ex- "But tizere was, a. fourtlî one ln the ý -éatriage, nt1io was sheV' demarided jL.cr father.«1 " I dii îîot notlI, I 1was 60 latent uipon idet.tityltig MDinea, posteible she %V1- w.11 m:aLt," tlic girl returned. S'î. lîad-not had Urne to tako lin ev ery face as the cari-La geii pasEsed, * are. be<.id1r. U'1-,vnrp woreaP f'tOt- 1 tîtd-- b Jacele, for Lotui-meni felt teintroxx wthiat comm-:ccc-demnt-zt fall, irtirhip h-d apçucuîed le h lm, îun-i gIuriig Iini 1imlcori scions andîi elp- l"i.and t hits' ttc liciallen a pi'ey 1toh- ti! i-t inuugny wa-tes. But tLii -,y fen:id no-tIlmng mor'e af- toi't- în- tid-I--xeîît put, ný! tîxougli thi nii - Pdrof thUe day wis ipt--n t lutduriegiigtii' bi-et, i'fau' Oit as iîra'huIemiîrl , thi-y met w itîs 10 1hng ho) tir ioit-aliy I iglit îli Si,] te- lfat- ofr titoI. lIltu -mtIIonglîtt 11laItIi o rý-- ImiluI uconiiuîg ndtî e;îgoinglg Ide hiad (douîbîtoss cairied iiîîiî fan cuit to sa ýxand tye hvîmir reacls for- üv er. ?ee cl h; es.lt-- seuch alvt-;s kepI up fi- sbeturmîai slouigel, bti il Et (1 utme en rt-tiI I ; tilt-t 21Mc. Ca Iri. f-,(iliug thmt t iu mxd dont- adi t lat i-as p uhsilI , r ir;tu1I/lu don an-il iýid ly r-l x- - ii s t lis', i btficlg ai mue t ams lif bulie r bctîî l>useft er s vIlliLoi son. ;-uuud Sit thei vei'y day of I Lis rt-tut-l was titi date st-t foi'tIi' i >Su'avi-î-pcirty to go tO \Wot'thliiig 'IOsx-mî'l te lily Sirc W.1'ur Lt-r1,'l-i tIî iiti'1îoîî u ti a ulutih fit foiud a CCII- fi-oni M r. St-.aveu' jt-iiiiig iîi oidt-It-lii;g 1uîi11u Ilamt hlui- Je caiL -,I anid tx-as scry te find hI hlm xx-hy, liit tt ut' mm nd (ils fain13,- ix II Ilui Loti't-ît agmiili -onaîtî li - utr fio-u- tvui-i Ili 1i('l, tu-it-t i xlnI luopi' tii st-e iimu loie ruetonci irttu1y ii-gtiutg -ilt) tlit. O Ioury tS p Iy 'am iti-t, lbit dic i î;ot ia.y ixI;o or ujolu IV holi. h Mir Carrîl ixx- rusnrciv di-appi lut- fort uc Iiluln-î-lf tti. uî titi- 11 tut .ý1 htt 1w- ht hîirt-ocir f )tu -xi - ,K- ien ou boo Meui sip y, ao îu-I t mimuI- ixtio orii'- ' ior- i liavtu -tIlu' cýI-1igIi t& nî0 et in tg t o fr . i h lu1I ilx i lunh -ii ut- ( iii tut lu s i- u Iii-- ru' 1ivi- o." (hi,;s (if t. ni xli lidrliy believed, rt- >li s! 1' t-> lis fA Li sa .ppin -i e Il,, -eliii St r t-roi, xi S1A '< i)l) e- fuît , tii îra vi irîliluuthi\- iii i j into the-m -ueIxx ri dîît bius grotti ut ht i-m I l mg't- N .1-i w ti Mlo-tnî xxiits-tu um - d i- nuiiul u h.-tlA tzcu-t oil--n i stepp xl, xii t 1jniegl ansC. lit'g M-uiig Fuuux i 'l xxt ou w o a îîuîsv't ets e biveleoru-fo' vlus iu iealayPu ,ltiiyl n b I ft t r seeîg i tu (tu c îu f Nîrt a ly sTmttsd o titi- C a.,rIagi-it- 1" IiIt-cnttc mi-,î îlau -lii-la.uue- , piî- cilt tminîîîlii tIuts tof -- Illeo tao - x 3, îî i Liî-- t ")llg -îts mli ' i i i 01l i s oy 1lt Il idt- d u w I uit Of e-- 1la--i)tllit- îuî a0 c- bh-ýI )- (i 1; -S ua" s SI 11L !, (1- , t > t tl'e: t t- iml. b t o tutI- 1(>[ti txcîs Mpur- L\î'iuF(o it- l' rtfU m 1liii i s. tis1e j 1500 ltrtit;t - l-t I - I mi 1- ; -ii, tifr briaI l .--h xxîîî ri -tu Ou0î imîut m-ri W ic'),111 îlook îgîîîIîî i lit U15- tttt. '. Il.il-lt O c kt,,i o i el uri iab' r u ig fri i ipj 1oacîl(-d -lu- iciattIi-;- iii Lt uttio p tq- r11-- irmaîî m i 'i l tIoi c i waj cri II - -fitli- aii w Mrutu' Mu ru- iltui ida -ti-ru - xii-iii tIi- iv Mi' Pe- i hi -ru uti fui l mgl lit. i~~ 0 u i îî - I - x . i li; ut cum lt it "1 t Ii cl-tV.i' u iPLt )Il iiIl i au xt;ir ac r ' meilm , It t'îli r1 , ti l11-"-ix etisu iii l i e r ri 11,11th t ut tio -î w. i S c lttci mot Ml i ll c "di 1 Ci i 1-a i'N thu i l, hîî'î' liid t i litîhtef f 1i)'md 114-f il ( su- y-mîl a lmrîde y on sut: uk iv --susMtlieluo Muuleu? i"-s Sa'-mn lier 1imuîbanul sat -~ - rid rom ytrxî lod -ii 'sgl.4w.t :- .1 1- i lioimt ç:tWrniel'c -ui te -i i î Ag ow îxo Ild mii,'- WîîIl t, - a ut tlur ivilt u.~bi lty-iltdftI' (u -ànî--muiecndut-a., f zci- 0-t Btfrt i l w! uîe-.î li-cI,iil - -- Sm:1 tuta ut-i ua 1.1-i ctil Sm' .u '\'îîiunm-t wSur- duim10 Lw- xxis h,> mx L kr-tos i uttIi i;r Itaho- 1 1 -il eril1 1lt- li, x -e i i -Im ti. faceIolnl Cu dg g i ofIuîc'um Ii ttI -k - h, 'ý tý ti g utetmu h cf ' -.m t s ip-tlu - 1 x - iii'i r gt- igt ut-ti k- tI t Cf Ilt efl it t > ie,îl î ibul xi I. ecure t- iîm.Suit-i. . l . th - ouinc t il," s; lt-1c.!'l i bal .y eei. andi 1.3 miîl t ii har-t c- 1t, I s')(tl ltcl 5-, Xrit--Ur 1i*,, t, i mand.îî ufalt. xxiiiver-- W- t'Il, d1tului st nnt-v xx .1ts u -ii FF 111E DISEASiES So meCommon Iroub i' were 12muztipg lier dwa wŽ'y they haili bebn1àctfted, and haid çpred out to -theini WÈtop. ie wiio lnterrupted in these relleo-- tiozies'by Florçp;oe, whO tiirned to limi, and Eaud - ",You biolVid to thoffe people, Sir Walter; do you know tileaiV, .41 met Miffl King r4icellu 1b ome -I have neyer seen ber ffttier 1,e- fore," be replied, but flushlin'g êllght- ly be-ueatlî lier Glear glance. "«Oh, if August were only here, lie wcsjuld bc- such a lhelp !" sghecclMon- ia. "I canhot und-ei'staiid wily lie d-aIcs not rePly to my letters."1 'l'hecy were just turflig into tte gro'uncs of Worthing Towors as stie EXkand the words were Ecarcu-ly uttered wh-en a twoýc-whi-elcc dog- cart, containing two men, daalied by theni, almcmst wlth the speed of the wind. Evidiently, 'the occuPa-lts5 were anx- ious either to overtake soinione ln advaoco of tliem, or else on their belated wajy to catchj a train, for neitlier glanced up at the barouche as they passed. Monlca sihot one startled glance at ctie face naxiIlf'aure nearest ber in that flying velicle, threw out lier hand, Ln a gosîlre of agoniz- Lg apalthen ful against Mrs. S-av'er, in a deL( faint. Thse moment bLiir \'ý cIter compre- 31ne' onLrrs.'s condition, le order- cdi -tlie coaelîrnîIo get homne w:tlx ail 1îeibl pri du ini leýs itan ten mThutec ise aringe rem, uli ltcfore the To-wý,r-, wlion t1ue st:Jl UtiCnOCitiSgirl v.-; s t:i k4n 4dirct;- ïaurPs were *-nil-(,AI t(> Fs ir frno,]ls-ratc<I, and tlîey dal (iro0vp î&: eurely to Brigiiton Ln] aligjjt(4l b e- jfor.- Iltue Abor), (oie oi tue Iinert (To Le coiiehed.) OBJECT TO \VAR. tel lace vcil wlilclî scme-wiîat conceal- c-J Ler fau-s -RD ou observe Sir Walter ?" Inez Inquired a maient 1%ter, witlî brun- in.- 05'e- uand ec-eks.1 "Net espcially : lik2 youi, Iwu-s 'f00o latent oin thE, girl to thitik of auy 0hne cIse. Sý hes thie, clap who lias beer. feeling around you alliltiese înontlis ?" observe-J Mr. King, witli a f uoxn. Inez nodded. She was îoo enraged te pok "W,ýhere on earcli could ho Lave rua across iMonica ?" lier fahiier reisuni- ed, after .1 moment. "I have netthie liglîtest hdea. 1 tave adroitly questionîed hlm about lier several tueýs, ah--J lic lias alwayc nsserted thiat slie is a Miss F-lorence Richardsea-a ward of iLie Sea-rs, wlîo were old f.-taýnd.z;or lits in Amn- ciica ; and aithlougis lits persomal ic- quaictance w-ftlî lier i.--;iot of very len-g standing, yet lie says le lias k-nown of lier îeî1iail lits lte" "It Is a -- lie !" tliiîndeî-ed '-N. King. "It ils anl a ciniiiug igîot, nît girl, an-J I can sse îliiouîgli it froni bcgin-ntng te end. TiI,, î-C, cte ('sctrIning frein Dr. Flit, pi(ih'tbiY rasil a- 0, fliebe -ver, oidl îir ttry, au,1rJdwermed anei-,-elf hît0tii-lu-Ct()" 0-enr' ,and Sir. -;ln'~Tlii ;-v1aie1 probably al i it k-aýgue te mako a heM figtli te gel lier nioarý- blysk, anid Ibuts filue younig baoiIit ias tleubtle-ss fîuhtelred arouind yon all tIiÉt ime witiî tue liope, of geting poinhsu out of y.011 Io lp lier eauS-ý 1 olorig ; itl lt lil ascla as duîylîgtit te me,: SOc wa probatilîlv unKler tilc protectiot-i cf tiiese pi-olde wlien I saw b-es-on flegent ,treî-t in London- G'ad ! hit I'd lîki, to gel mv cyc on that rellow- wii' ioeledMe desvu hat day-I'd sean fixi]];im" IîLe mari Mal- cics:sly corîcîmicd. "r xvliat ' voii sc or Sir -Wilt-cr Is ti> -e, and Icit (s w liît¶1I hie suspet- e 1 ns sel', 1 I --0 I coill 1l lil, liiii" Inca ;u-4i.ssed Sî-txx-eî'.lier lot kul icO lhi 'And tlley li-ive ajIl I i il t li-ir parts I)oi id<ionoani' in ii',-Olil 11 Y aStfer ti:thiiîuijîini ili(ttMon- in'a -buit I îu nthui'xvxw-1-l xx-it- t-gfoi.Vijil ti> j iii iii Yeý*(t, 1tîiore 'I f iil tii u ui-t- IL i il a j m. Ni-. " ula1( Ss<i-t 1,xx tl ssi iv ruýN' ildut Wt auil le ~gîtit e ii ml ltuista at x ot g la, wou-u li xx il Iii ' i l'lr - iut, f ilt tm gk t 1lit-i uuiO.tV him-, <- %\-i- 11 ut i.it i -i' v(-011 1tli' î enteLr to ocifer tb I lu k--r t-ii Lady - L'ici-on, 11I su gi-t fims oitti 111111uîf 0I< 1>. It<'., il - vi;fg to k -,-ii - tx~o siiîgsto lis lKitî A 1dsipu)tî I i l hm zd in l-ic îirlug~tîus ex t-s at 1) d- h gllor- tl s, tiieui 11I x, 1 xxCek- ci " 1 gy.. bv%-(, v.-l fi-oui> lltdl llrt1- 1, L. t Iliun lit - i ýuia. ilutl, ' .Srt- s t u it e i l 1)k y<rg l3 xx-: i w l -1a liget u Im l e L ' xxiillf(iti tii;a -1ml -iily siu g- y .' i-tl i-glt, fuiilltS!-y lîl titi siil to ien ucS he i (i f t t <-Iý, ii. i-, ou pi-rou e ê a rfuie charice t> t i xxtîc-th-1îeeîidug lit \\oLrt!iuig- lîxî--i-.s. Ix i,1 otgi that Wr- CeLuuil 1laNu' s iii tllîî-îî x IIi- oiît tueuir ~-îIiig sfuir iotx t1'y t- li--it rt tIi/i1-t1 i I i - - it' - t t -n r s-':- i 1-hl Itti 'Il 1h - îue iof ui vum tlu<-t i i' t fnr li u vt tu-- t uio Ilu h-Ilt of \\ughu l îîid tti a uitmii uu ir~ uwt 111;11 1ici u-m"li îîO vii -i i i il )ut 11îî If. - 1 t x1- 1 t1t1 ix 111(1îî l e i t' jr- s;l4t u- l le h 1nt ilih lut -lojftuuljig Il e Ni 1il Vo. l tt t I l l s iiutxuifuil om-mil Ile i- u-lu nuit tif tue itsules tuf t a îi i\ sw filc tui t Ix10u-- c( s ire111 1ith11 f lu I I 'i thîlu t.i l te u-uvîîîi t n m îî t-tIff! iîî xsliih f 1 tteicl v xu- îu vl t i ld tIl( r r va --lti-ten 1liteeCI ff huotîsShe -cci Ilui tut t iii i cal i Sr-tie of t ii le 1 'l î-i") S S-tiia 1 ~ u a i l î ut-toeiOi uîg i(, sîmut c mc u 1it uie. us jssmid tlîmt pamius il tl'tuli it ti o-s timi in 10 V lsiie. lie- tt ciien Ifn'ulihutttm a iîdl utin,are beiîig stwaI 'llIxu cd iii) l\- Le sea nt iexcept iîîîîu ca. b v- as us iil s tIxieît v foot a xemur At l'ahî'icIîl. mitffiulk. in 1884. lte ije stitilluttii uiail ho ivehfeloat Lotîtes oi tbs seafroîti xvithî tiieher sipivays for launcli- intuhie tats- -Set onuv ias every ve's - tige of tise iouses and siLpxi'iiys disep- pearcd ut sLxinse cf the biuildings stand- ing cote distatnce f uîther iîîhaad have b'en waslîeul uîxutt There ai-e chier parts cfîLehe et. according te this jouîrnl, s'ere te ertet auiWhhiTl& of a chutracher jatended ho be Sjuittmg andl5; riimt Oct.i-ttihi luis bjg Siî, lthe iiiiiur -t vhiite xviîaie, ilàh hîan bueî rue urg qcil!Ste nort :'l'or uh1.3tlfl te îmîte g)ifor Six c 01eci te. t Fi'nmay CipL uhcliii I lahel, xvht-îuit hI-SLn tiC ciott t .iiît Aucri iucmld lt DudIex L. Vi-l0 Iaii.alIeu 0113 -dlii inuicoii-SL t-i--iut Iiihi ilg titîCi the h-a le t-aill1e' tp l-.ifi ii lie xx hale s-petite-Jmiuia umi ilug'. thamt tapt. glaeile ltt-tlmlt itiiiUe i te mii- ilut imule' iegmti tIou lit uit ilis -pt-cil, mndtîmIg a l i.skol--l buicuin tto bc'ud su stte mai. ji1hiiii» s Sîî ISlifle >lu, Cît. lia- liiiI lii h l r ui- ti une it- (extrai uîmi Ix er- bn;îrd, anid îlsenîLbent dîîxn hîgri t. lc mîelit-liute S- r-t--tt îuiuwether 10e fish swaHowIt-tlhem' ieiîr or îlot -but pîullcs I mmcd fot thle suiIi- vS mter iandl xsa:s sooI t-nul t-f da'tgurv Fo-rtmeir JUl. lFrei AC Tnesi.cf 13pv- eniv i-iniu. aislm amlant experine ith thue tirtî i -ruxjuhuluebe n ut came ho ri Il'en1, lIe xvai (Wmfishuitugoff Primle's u--'-i suott t hpiii sm lum ule dduieniv ais- bea;dmî -ioil'lil it' -i-form tîte tenîer- 1 to.it t l'Flue fc-umer a hlîrtîînuseonout'iî l ilit deiu"i w s-1(Illtît-,r part of il1rtutiit-n' ti lgit use a fatt re tuîsx;î niltie hi-c-lu. 11e(ut -mo g-esnapdîe the fichuA lit-innirr ituto O-ialeis-xxutîir. the xsruitiir 'liit-hoî'in % lier in. 'Jlmt ietml te ýis O;lgitl- i7g-colont' m11'(l uý'îiir--et filuruîcr anc hik1ierof otd r-cuucun cxxlaiin rpart- ci(l ltnpoe Ii n 'uîtîue tOpnvxsllte pri7o.Nnxrv York lArc Zadkiel cf îLé Ahmnanac. TOc riziirt Z:iihli~ i'w mi -ir- et Tu tus 'ifrrizon. x-î-cfutliter ( tu'-i (l iq lu"a 7ne:tiemn uiaiie unuhur t 1tire If." xvbiie lu i,; - ganthýfuttlte i id iteit . 1it min iniu hli sruceof t-hue fro-at nixvi1liea'tr a f ter Tra fma r us afi v, -,,ý,( (- tr, ?ilor r io-1 nixsW uit-o-Iý-il 1u,)rlt ---1:r m î i t ise Al imli ,1n1e(i1 tinumur s ir - gi,-l li- lu-zhiiaMu IS2. or11u Frmurmcî fo fxc i -luitluin 'iflu- huîximit cI r- hnuut'srît m~tiCfîr,-i'-, ît lot th Nltîtt' l hjîîut Imdt' i:itiuru uce -o-- in utsnuîîiîuec -It ile' u i 1. t :t1mzi f l :1 u rîiuîî u exi i-iti tu'i-uîtto it1uwmu-us ntil xx u xsam îîî a cale'" For lui-s ph i 1 151) t - "mnitean atîîplc l1p1dv tof -et tieu foîr h'ile fiept iiîhci islntt'sei em- viiicul 1se hînkq c4î-ue O lmrntltx Si jmsh,,ucs('Gruahamîe, hisen Fi-'it t[ci. îtpl. j.nz hi-t am-iîm-etit-u iiitheîu' i-otite of Cinî- tnimis andl înrly giving effeiet te ivnî by atl4ing L.0Qu' beys h4 o the nccv.'. I1Npa n- h st-ile iiZadkihI" had in 1811 brîrçuiht eut tlie -"hIeral-d cf Ast rolhc)v." tvIliieli afier- I iard beea;-ne îhe "smi~tAl Ainanac" and M rîltiquen tlv "udiisAlimanae," wliffle enornmltireîh' ti i îiîti~iLm hias The Poultry Division, Ottawa, points out that the treatment of poultry dis- eases seldom conceru the farmer. If the bealthiest and most vigyorous fowls are kzept for kneeding, if the *chickens are reared under satistactory conditions, fed on Nwholesome f ood and not overcrowded, tiiere will rarely be disease amnongst theu. When disease does appear, it %vill uisualiy be found more satisfactory to kilt and bury the sick birds tliau to undertake to treat them. bome of the comnionest poultry diseases are catarrh roup, gapes and leg w'eakness. Latarrui.-Catarriliin poultry closely resm bics the counmon --cold in the head" of mar.i, t is accompanied by sneezing, diîficult breathing and watery dischargot f oni the nostrils, and is apt to dev-elop into roup. Anîong the causes are lacK of ventjiation, draughits, &ainlpiiess, ex- posure, anîd improper care and f eeding. "ihe prevention and treatment are iinucti the samie as for roup. lioup.-The followving are- corne of the sy niltoms of the vartous stages of this infeeticus disease: Puffed or swolien evclids, w-aterv di'ýciarge f romn the ey'es adnoce; eves sývollen and closed by offensive dcos v inatter, thick gelatinous ilf iorni the eves and nose; frothy iilflejus in the rnouth and tlîroat, throat covered with t1iick, chees-y matter. Ini the eariv stages of the disease the infianimation 'can Le redluced bv bathing the Cves and face, of thp fowl mwith a nixture compcsed of eiqual parts of wctoul and whi,d;lev. 'l'le fofý l souild Le renioved fvoic, tic fioek and fed on .loft food. If the tIisease has reachcd th(, offensive ae the fowl shouid te lllu.and the house disinfected witiî sîidpiiir fumows, or a tlîrec per cent. solu- lion eieloin to prevent th(, sprcad cf th(esc'e If il is dsi.red to save a valuable b)ird, il i5 a gond plan ho loosen the discbarge in the rnsti ils andi eves, aid minerte lead fer 20 or 30 sec- om1lsisilua 1 te 2)jper vent. solution of perr,.mnagnate of pot.! Thlle tzreat - sbnti-îuld Le gi xen h (l--dcilv unI il ail svmptois Lave isip1icared. Roiqp *,ý inost previent iin Iîl rzh t v ,over- <-tc edand dirtv ponit rv bLmîýcq. The oî-i l f t h(.lion se S1101111 îe iw cl ean- c'd. and tlue voeatili i ion a-1 Ii 4tin-' ce nra dtit t1e lnue \wil] leperfect- i.v drt- and froc frernrm tli nid v voua' Lirîl r rd a c it scre ci eats i sze; ra1 CI ci-i70d(lix- t Le cl('ii1- a-' ) tra-te gel lîrea-tli. A- tLedies hrd.Ca1pes re-îiit frem thce~ee ý-ý F _PO U LIRY. - les-Prevention and Mente ot worxns ini the windpipe. The windpipc becomes inflamed, and this, together with the worms, is apt to cause suffo- cation cf the chieken. When the infiam- niation extends to the lungs, death usu- aliy ensues.0 The worms may be removed by the fumes of cuiphur or ceai tar, or by drop- ping one or two drops cf spirite cf tur- pentine or salicylate cf soda into the xvindpipe. A fumigator cati be made f rom an oid barrel. The ends of fric barrel should be removed, and the cbick- ens te be treated piaoed on a grating inside the barrel. The top cf the bar- rel may be co'lered with an old sack, and a plate cf burniag suiphur piaced on the ground inside the barrel. Instead cf ucing suiphur, the inside of the tarrel may te paiatedl with a mix- ture cf ceai tar and ceal ilocf the same consistency as paint. The chiekens chould te watched while under treatmaet, and remo-ced ae coon as they show signs 61 being oxercome by the fumes. Three trcatnients usually suffice; they are g-i-en night and merrling. The worrns nare kýiiied, l]ose their hold upon the in- ternai surface cf the windpipe, and the chickens coughi them up. ('hiekens contruiet the disease when al- loecd to rue on greund which bas been infeçsted with tbe gapewerm; the worm-s aire con-ce-ced fromn one bird te another liroiugh the medium cf food and drink. Wlien tLe w-ormes have been destreyed 1 -r fumigation, it is advisable te remove the u'ickens te dry, uncontaminated giotieul, or if this ic imposeible, te plougrh or- dig p thie earth about tLe peils and ho s-attî-r ir-siacked lime around. The cllîc-e i-t rarelv presear. among ekel-- eus tbat are rearcd on weli-draied sei]. celd aw-av from tLe dampuese about the f a rm buildings. Leg Weaknss-Leg weaknoss îs found nmong elîicks that are Loused in badly coîîstructed brooders, o-erfed with unsuihable food, or coi aiiowed suffi- cient oxercise on cin carth floor. Chieks tliat are affeeteil sloîîl-li e piaccd on gi-i-oUnu flint is rvereti w'ith Cbaff. and - alc food anti sîal grains maie the piiicipal)iri t cf Ilîir iratieon. Inieonuiusiciil. itia-c Le said iLat e kn-triie-lalftue ýca1Ses of diseases in aîul r--re d1w,<ire-U1,v or indirectiv hot ie aendîui otlier îî ~tChiekens îLot iî;uveL;iii lîii ilali v nîped Lx' ver- hef;îl i -in tpr o bdiqpiea-es like catarrlii ced -oii;i. Tht-te is net likieiv ho Le iled-il Trî,fit f-n!i a floei; cf pouîl- tri- îmilessi-,iiotusi la in cd emm- fendue l ru;irt ors nuiý1l kpi free fromn lier- ,,nil li! - Vo!!!x'ex' rulv, W. A. CIFCI periniiiit wou.-ile siaipi\- throwing mnee intiii- ecýta, The diffieîîlty of îli i1ieg wý-itli t te en.- atie. aud if ia aîî-sNsteple'l iii triE pince k w ihi fiwi i citc 'Jt-in anetier. CHASED BY A WHITE WHALE. _________ -- c ~ -- -- i - - a . l he Czeeds of theiBidjU;. How sweet the elii.e o! the Sabbatii ie1I5, - EacII one lits creed in musiù telle', Ia tones that float upon the air, As sort as eong, as pure as prayer, And 1 will put in simple rhynie The language of the golden chime: My happy heart with rapture' swells- Respousive to the belle, sweet bells. "In deeds of lcve excel! excel!' Chlmed out frons ivied towers a -bell; "This is the church nfot built on -sands, Emblens of one flot buiît wltlx nands; Its forme and sacred rites rev-ere, Corne worehip here! Corne worship here? la Titual and faith excel!" Chlmed out the Episcopalian bell. "Oh. heed the ancient laudmark-s well!- ln solenin tones exclatmed a bell. "No progrese made by mortal mani, Can change the juet, eternal plan With God there can be nothing new; Ignore the false, embrace the true. Whlle al le well! le well! le well! Pealed out the g-ood old Dijteh church bell." "In purifying waters sweil!" Ia mellow tones rang out the bell; Tbough falth alone in Christ can cave, Man must he plueged heaeath the wave To show Èhe world unfaltering Iaith In what the Sacred Scriptures saith; Oh, swell! ye rising waters, swell! Pealed out the clear-toaed Baptiet heU. 'Not faith alone, but work as well. Muset test the coul!" eald a soft hall, "Corne here and cast aside, your load, And work your way along the road. With faith lI Ood and faith in man, And hope mn Christ, where hope began! Do well! do well! do well! do well!- Rang out the Unitarian bell. -1Farewell! farewell! bare world, farewell!' lIn touching tones exclaimed a hall; -Life is a boon to mertals giveti. To fit the coul for Christ la heaven! Do not invoke the aveeging mod, C'orne bere and learn the way to Cod! Say te the worlti farewell! farewell! Pealeti forth the Prehiyterian bell. To all the truth we tell! we tell" ouied inle e-stadies a bell;, Coni -al ye weary waederers, see Cor Lord lias madIe salvation free. Rtepert, believe, have failli, snd ihen Be saied. and praise the Lord, axeen! Salvatieii fice, we tell! we tell!" thouteti ti b ~odi,5 tbell. -ein 1r fe there is ne heiU!" ini u-npurps rniig a cheerful beul; -Lenok up te heaN-ra this holy day, Where ailgelc v;ait te leati the Nvay; There ai e ofire-i, ne fiendt o bliglit The future !;'P;i e jut and rîght, No el : i e il!i jo ell' neo eil! Rang out tb- iiseralstbeli. - The PHdmTathe-F- heeded well .Ny cLeeritil îe peeleti forth a bell; N e iters here to elog the seul, o. ar*nitrary qreed3 contrel Tl.fe rce lOc2it and progressive nmmrd, c:ed vlicoeed w,-11' speeti weil' Speel well" Paled fcrtb the Independeet bell. AU c:alats, ye saint Inl beavea that dwell Close by the --ross 11,.exclaims a heui; L,(avc 0er 5the battiement of bliss, Aid( deige te blets a vvorid like sOis; i ket mertaIs hkeel before this ebrine, Adore the %vaier aed the wune. Ahl bail, ye saiuts, the chorus swell!' Chimed inl the Romnan CathahIie bell. -Ye workers who bave teiled Qe well To5ave the raýe!" said a sweet bel',; W;îý'h pletige. anti badge anti banner, cerne, Eacli bravc hep.-: bcatiagilîke a drum; nie royal inca of «noble deetis, l'or love is bolier thae creede! Prink froni the v-eii! the iveli the wellR lrapture rang the seruperance bell. Peophý in Russia Net in SYrnpathy With the War Pa.lý. 1h (s niteit ca i.camxforeigiierl t-i gasge îhe mcli fclut otf Ilite I.iamii peo-ple ot h;un sm-ttioîîf A t lreni e- llt ug the xxar. 'iliee UUUir «St -: gm eUcime, haS mule, a t cr3'c- mm--I-ier of the gmî- ci-al 51 eitlicf oîiuîîîîhîîCriieUiallu tluoes tubhiýsIIlied lui t. u îmma î i 1-i ciel ',-ulIn it dues ticS reijiire avy a i'3 uig sumu u-iii the ct-cutSrs, or a tciiuî n- iito11 its lim î, tu erta (/ i-ize l i m '<' uailTular te lic xxi,laamoi- îg ai (.L et s bl c tlîe chiOt- ul %%ir. -4 - -t- I -i j-"- The Last Mar- AI' eanta-LY srib all ereet in glom, The su]i buuirsehf inust die tiifere ei moutau stuail assume Ilus iî'rtlio- ia dmr;mw ut xIic.ileMy seep Tf-at gaxie r-Y ,irntsrecgtb te streep Adeivr -tt llgîoilti te - axi the 'Iast of t-imanmotd. nhîiat simail critieuls deathbiebohl, As At' niý,iai r' er prime. Fh uiui ..or e e huait s inlhy glire, Thue eau-tO xith cge tras wan, c!mdLeIctqofetnations, xxene -.-ru-iiu!d that lhel-y uman. ha u uu îdcxpirod in :igt-tbe brand tiIrseinlatheir Oonv bsnd; hy u iue at act ie sernte rSislties b ati ne sounti or tresti .-, i s(tip- ver-etriting xxilb thte teati T-) si'.orc -xxheu-' asthv-esdoaîb. -t i-rouSet lRe'thînt ]leeee lti V,: 1h lofty word anti higb 1r- t boots trie ect- iaf from the wecd A-- if a stonupmsscd hy. tylo:i,5' r*iare tyles la dea-th, prend sua ';i\ t-ourie 15 sliye;ti ty are is rn; hljsm nrry 5'hds Ihes go -)r Tuesut-oui hot-xati thousseid yesrs i-t --cemîn the tie ef burnan teaus That shah uro loniger flew. <th-i gavxe îta i)pnt c'uhv spsrk, r -I ,!hi-k îlot, -t.il utshah be dimn -I--rt titi- -ef, o-'dmrk. i-trr rn-e ni., sct- mOno 'um;î uta is cf Shice, urx lu r-'--l-'I t- m*ýi!h, cuite hîmof-i ýtrotu t-.oi. l i ii.-'-'ste toe 1" 1.to t i:ti u n-i ', lIter nup i i--'mu t ~ c-s sz i t c;tp. tp i- uu 'de3 th-, face, - -r to-tu-ti Gd A Tiied Reccupt. xxý, i;'----r- ut.Itio-"" i-i'i - S. n c: I i tseua st-t un f- r ' x i ii d t '<'iI i--iluIct-- ou sert ;id I -it h i.;im' ne ' uuu id , ý t . c irl in ti - -u n lii S't Anrrc- tn mi -' -l aurdl . Var chz'r l-t ru iit y grlt- il ciii'--u - -Ituia -rottut.- r pondd tint - - m-ime Adîtt iisut eailitun allu 'Il fust-t fut its-tii 'tsxurdttî Ii viir lîg Slt-o tu- --y tii the Hospttal. i une- xxu'ddmtir dur uîn -mua 11 an ii- -w'leii tefotetbuane P-h xcLooksil i tetes nouic. Dr. yoans1tint Cpl. ie ohful chsap,. h Iroponiuted Ibis reascas a artiits Dr.tSleah-lat aI ethe ofind n 12 ir. s-tts- badt e dt ht. cnt SVécmcicodye in te he Iosp itl. - Pal .tu ashcre-i vesz shve.ie s1a ilahoiid ts u-1lcf 1wr luc1Utîla aud imuilc ipaii, and iitaL Ircxe % xxi\ili ou (ci' n uua mît iuitlit 1 'lic buiKl oh lie Icuasiai pes1:l3ha>U t-f*ýie ictaI t con- LIiiU bt-eS -u i;UPflh ic »o- tquanid tu it-hittdailu oiMa t lt-i tiihet-ti ui ii it iidu, xi luit i t îîm euunuuîcrîa îuould ila ulule ii riuî;itnelit-ai-ma1 xiii V 1î l eiclf L >t OI .'l-; a gciieral noie tiia- ulin î rio.îrk of as ilîaîoii- tuuie, y tte r.ao ý,s hios anid as ikytito uniitillrpae u t-i ILt-- I li-t il litu -O>-'i t. 'le 11) 0re tuimugl t-Iiili u-' 'n ird t- u, anit- ht e itim -v xxlu- l iii l5-t15it emS ia ilil-Oe htil bl ttilil uihe-, xi ii' siilti' gos o fmîr as t t-lu ýiii Iisi aimy tuc de-1 Imateti as 4dt il i'Plreutît, ai thtiîs Ce1 tuo'u at (mu- m-iitèrt t-i oiîs. it is exIlraOi tîiuîn iy. îil - itti eiliiv bsmtjmî, cl il (iiicus i xxe ont t-lit- Sujit su -ii lum-mu of t leaelli:st andS tIe IPuiîi-hul i po1î ,11- îmuuuu Iltle Soiuthî \fuva mmmli x mur, ii htmm iîuî - mî teitier i un-tiottr - cithI li i mt ui n tl a sîlor-j hL Cii fi-irttir îîîîirî eni-ut-um 'i htut- i-'uun m io jtmtAI) lui1tlitvsttfcel-t iuig lutilî'tmLui t liv ri-lii- titat.te Cîlîl i\ Fý* g; tat îuî I- fhi-iliuiau:Ilt'c- hil îîîî uîî; U t i) h- - t ii muuu it mtde- fiuts inî lIe fiuii i h iiîi. tii-, fut lul tii lu-th lit- utîttulî. Ihît' itjets xx uit-h the xx r in tu rt--u-- t c-c il'vmiiuet- as ofi loiii lii taoi. LI. iîthe' utuss Ils 4. L it , un-- uuir cl ti- i llun S ilt- d haii dît'- - lit Il, >-tIII ut i' x l I- i in utîî'- ruu ire i t i I e ilut Nvitl \ritt-. ii i utu lcmore tt-ii lu--ut uit i fîlî u r niai a I, luis-b 1idu - -t ui ,%tI".-ýll t it i îîhîîle' r t t il - r(J iit h - uî- (I.Ilut. ia lu m p-'I iii- - - - - -mn it-- iii t~ur'i- 1 m---- iI i lt u i sxhî-iof T ) ii - -r' t - u t hde i l"f 1 ie ' u-1-I i- îm e u u -. t-7 't-- o t- ofl-iIn' 'r s iifh It-" r'iuu xxi h- 'it i n ii m 1-tu- iommueý ilih !'il1 - Y 0;o u li t - tr e l1i i eo -t 111:1ii'lit i s-a u lue i 1, hi 'h1 tî1V r)f li-a -mii- i rl u t Ii lie 5V rIr i tht1iicuingeu f tît' i lt l-sii c e-i -, îîIi iqo tie'îh t--e li uestAtun frt i- diemî. tli ' i ' t-lit (tnt t- cy f the-- lois- Bue uit ini tlie muore umudmstrial d*,s- t rints ilcES 'rsou t(%x),itnig clnsses as tIl asm tii-' î'îlne di uluiser minil îî d- Che C'amp.es, are lumginuuiusg tus reauhze %xxhat tue xx ;l rîealviy i- Flir rend thie pap--r Ath iritemesi, biui Ite tecgrmltuî-iulitit mrc îiild inu thli strots, and idiý-ciit-r hoc î iniilary >it ltri 11 in On n(culte iing mull themore m ih;,1,geit -et q-lt ai othor-ichlv euitîceul, andi tiî;t is t luat tAie offiial nexis andtîitu piiil1ul )lv tbbcaml newsPmipers r - obsoluitel.v îinreli;îllt. Thev tiil] mîd- ni) te itais cf .lpaee-e lissor xsiucltsîîujpeet h(e luu,ýsîi n-ress St Iiierml. mandiloil memlis'irg the xroiîlîn fi Il mesîîîts Out a iîuem.. acm-hthi'isiehtt' Lor ti'i s Ilît tinere ar' ar 'Tapîntesu lu-fl A us Yrugilsiht natm xx ho- las '- îîoîîî x-emrs ini ilrîmni(,n-id u Sut lue Nva mu-iten îh'yî-îîIlu os ttniiigmi tab Ctî hmtuuxxlit uit-i tf the xuar titi Tittues c iiw ujtet;.a- imm b'lýet-ed tSiî;î il r-pt),( ii'tlue t nuit i Ilit , .Of 'e111-P, i iin h' uuI l i7"mldil' trànint timîl te x-tni classes. 1lotIl mu.ri--uit uitau and iiiu- iai, fuel lt îî;îîlî ilimet loTuhv le u-ttmh of t lue xv r pnsuulcî(l natevygm'ucrmuu r îî:uîIîsîùý,ctnuu of i-exil umi iuîarîxy r garua h o. f Mti m tth i-l jef cu-'ri t'. i:e tthi- iniv-rr-ilty stitemlits. us irel cri ii tue, cmlx' in iltosia. literat îm. _, begailts b 1re duisz iitru 1)] oadcasie- 1, I vol lituîionatri' 1iitii'lLmaui; tin îuîu yxrtn pi itttilon 1iîai-r sr-imi lm; o t11it1tof lit 'uar t-t-etx x citl tlue lu-me omf cxtra -lqi d l itli of fît(Cs hi ii ip'et' lîitlit'i ;duiii itftu aSimmi i--isf otuu- e- iý-t ultief- clu- t tut ti- t ii îitluie ptl li tyam iumlî:lhi î i-i-ml ut11lt iuthir'il l thît' 't-s ýui ii t t u-tiei urî1, tith e tse uuî- t. nin iiout; hoî N\t ru - Ie:- hit l i l Ilnlmî i-u - i u:t i lI e V iilt IIZVASI(jO F eTHE SEA. t' lu i-t iu -t- s

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