& hr 13 9 <5ug lloom Sets BeaRoom Sets~ Fanà cy Chairs and Rbekers, Ladies' Secrmtaries; Morr'is aud iire ý,back easy Chairs, Sprirag B tdâ and «Mattrtisses, Screens, Carpet S;eepers, ~Window Shades. ' Ada~ store full of uifu1: Christ- j, 4"a presents, etc., etc. .A1 ATq6IATUflNAt PRIflFS us I1LL~& SON CP -= 5 feet 6in.high. 6 feet wide, egrifr,&-eep. Price $20 give a spe-nl disr-ount of lOu if cas9h is sent wit1i This Cabicet woultl make a liandsofl Xma-q Ipre.sm!t. The Bennett Mfg ou r Fickcerîng, Ont. ÛNTARISJ ~Y.c.z~At~0J Vol IX. - s r WHITBY, ONTAR109 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1904 -Municipal Nominations- tendent was a irst class man. He re- naine caiiedi. Fei th iat tire Co-oper- n ferred to the co-operativo by-iaw and atîve hy-law aidti tuerialway werc mnat-N le K ey- 'toAYO hoped it would carry. It would bo a tors o er neet n i oi h THE NEW COUNTV PAPER F lwr ie ood thing foi- Whitby. There xvas1 vote wouîl favor bothi proptositionîs. Tlho lhm" ecvry Thur.sday from the te James B. Mitchell a great irîcrease in tise value of real os- stîgar heet îiiý,IIItr'Y Wts une whiciîi lown Habl Buildisi , Brork Srcf, »'illiam Robson tate in the town. \e ned more ouses shttillibu ili Colis' eratioi, and tit JVhitby, Oîtariu. FOR îONiUOS-leuses of a moderately good charac- 1 nay' have *in tg.reut Possibilities.Mr ' T. . Coiill . E. ewis ter, suitable for workingxnen. Th Ri-loss ivas; not a caiitiit(to. Ontario Coîîty---"ýThe Keyttont <ttîii 4the TÃŽ.Jcko V Jackson diai railway was a Nworthy proposition, Mr. 'W.A. nise wtîli take t i ,ie to R eystsîne Irovinvee of the lîf.ystonî' lielîy (if the FasrA, awe e shouid have it, but should giv o ucOssder .,lJethver he oltil sadti tt M t à h E n î i r e ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i vJ L utEm s a r e i e a o c l ho 1o s t s i î î w b f r -w J Luk Ernest arper jcompany a perpetuai and exclusive fran- H aoe hpooiir l)v1( "---.1. NF Wine Fartl, in., \itlty.;,2n chise on the streets. He lîelieved the tihe towmî. WiiMvvt t what -IL belieits to lte in the bs n A tttda o erestwaiini C.P.R. wouid soomi ho runnîng through '-%r. W*. E. llwxs wa min tise thoid. ter8t of thi- c'îmrnunity. fested in the nomination of candidates I W itby. Wouild vote against giving Hoetwamted ýtsi ito judgei sin bis reco)rdi.l The Subsce'iption Price i- ont- ittîntleil cents for tf or the offices of MaoIuiilr,. 11 1 ii,1j1 1 .1( fifty-two issuli ,whleîî paid l ii adîNaice ---$1.1-15 worbConcllosperpetimal franîchise to ratijal railway. H'Ilws ii sf;Lvý r t f the ,eetri: -raiiway. mot 8o paiti. anhoiTutes~îd Water amnd Light Alîr. Robson was a candidate far the _Mr. A. \V. ,Lî'ksuliid nst intend to The dveti~Ig Rtes re eaîttle tuu ardComissioners. A large gathering of Mavoralty for l.O.Tihs'asa e1iill speuch. lie i ludt-i o se aa be quuittd oit appIiczitiotiî.If y#-tt W.,1113LI Uc heansi, 'i t Il e it W.5y iL throiîgh T'F, E iSTctNi. ratepayers assembitidi on Moiitlay 4eVen- Posiion frIii otk.Ieerdt (r1o('nli.M 12( Chantes(if Aîlvertisu'melnts 4hçettld'rt-.I(h ibis ttf- i(- t 7.30 and onwaruls. There were ino uststk.Jeere ocsltai ri î tuî'i B a fice iot, later titan TIut.sutay nocin, Lit ire iise mng taxation, to the water antli lilt 'ystexm served for yt'ar.s on thîe Sehootti Hartl,ilf tÃŽon ini the etîrrent issue. -ail tweîsty-nifne inominationms to fil twoive and to the radiaiI lait Wntdrailway. He xvas heart- amni wtsl lit g lati tt o seve people 'iiif .^etsWntdin al parts of LUe 4îtiînty. officeq. For Mayor thero würe toit i fl ïiii utfavor of the railways. He o hc1ciCoutîceil. Theic (Ii't ilidiistry %vu.; a b Il t-tC. A. GOOQDFELLOW, mnations, for Councîllors thirteen, fori to seo tho raîlway *111 operation nmtxt thîîîg. lie h lieexn tugh the Berlinl - - Edititra'nd Manatger. Comîîsiissioîiers two, and for Sehool Trus- muîe.Tofuîr ylwwsre îgrfeov i' uuit ru1se RAILWAY TRE TABLE. tees throe. Tie two latter positioxns1 ferr.td to. Ho workcîl for 16; ycars inm dons t'oiicerîi1. P llînped to sue a fa'.- RALVA IM ABE were tilled. by acclamation. Messrs. itise oit foundury, 'ind tise bouses ho (iwi- totry hurte. It b ill a. i grttat tiil)n! )VIi1Y.L'(TON1 Rutledge anti Barclay wvereu uîanînousiy ed wero but witm aîoxsy earîsîd Ili tho for the ti ie Hofuscred the raa(l i Going West ft.29 a.iii Coing Fzeyt; Yt arn.re-elected Commissioners ;Mr. F. Hatchfudy hn r ppiutixsfî aiwyPîp..i idw îl utalu u 8.e A.îîî. 4, rut3-fr0heceste ar, r.Ja. ouses row.ançh m'iiare amucutIloîl \foalwydwor t i wat )(tIo ai tohl panî. Iili(lay ' . Inb. j3IcClelian for the s tuths warti, and -MNr. shlstidoLbour 'best to nuake tbefu)su- graîîtxsg fret' Wand 11îsililt tsi aiiyIls-a f 'i5.21 .m tri.42 a ntrn.o bbratlu01 ducJhnsernuL fogt(, ioî' ardtMrMRosoiiuas eeuy'l Johnst for thei t i oîorth, "1111ard. t WHITBY STATION.l'or 'ayrthe flovmuwr io uli iesince 1,S74, I-as in tise School t.ii t slte1 - eaie(oii.Latii v _ILI outh lis npur, i:y E. T. Bai3 ' amui VL. . Brcloy. B afor- o M yral t Theu rad iiotiaS101raillw yms t ti wat ÃŽÃ,t!î n1eIests:îrllt1 V t 4.1V.t1,o nrugîîamat l wt. J. H. AMniichellby W. ,. Lraeand C.m. Cprpositiond fas bte nosthe cl ic 1rt- iist iipi tlits( ai siteitoru ti'oiWiNIAI E,'. Ganti T. .CcJli . E M.Farewtl, y A . b. y heesabissmxi < tt'ral-Wntt'.tîll 'Ih '.titti~ a IfJ: Blow aW .o I C. 6.4.;oani. irit MajortHar- F..H. AmieJackan ahuitCias.nomoidrin)IrT.T. Frsh-BNtilPanfrU .hpJaer, sy . . IL Barl s ad . Ro. a-r bligatio t s IThiensrad'iaopratiii r titat bv-]aw. \\ s+i-iosti'sigy1ipiaxtrýI fit 1. ý, fNîrth W< aux in t iuit J. ~tv. 11-3'tîîcllrsttoerIl s peuf ouidprol wsabthle $2otradcaluvct i iuestsswus int '"o rthel(r leq t. t'.AERice Iatid T. G. 0oais-l.V..aMI E. 5.10 Pin. fecîlscs2tol taes )frto apeople (itf 'dît- tHe tîttiive tt s'.mass t.hry ight if PK-o Ii IV. E .Jcý wîniL Cronan Ja. eCln. .1.47,raser, by hB3, etest alsh'mtetowIiteoral-d iitlng cmnOaIt 1Ise~0te a John For-'u9.30anti R. EL.4l49.30La..lT.1netyt hotown Swolt it e U r v-ar.o'I'the îîssseif . 'Is's1îc'svîf hs rysr MEDi iiuCaL t . iJacksom, by J NI. Mt lua L ) bigamsi'\ utionr exteit tierth t'ooMrtlve for iti la 'Lilittt W timt'CyI ili tav(I - Co.dr oafdJas $400la.. t.perLale. bati f oriîcmihti aitsgefrotîs t fithiuradzîitiltS r os l k-va , i-s s-. old 1,-Wlt' lif Yrt 7.aiCA V 'of osp )\a . D jiTn. s.Cssvl nVY .i (S 5 n ai'stl po Cis.. w i rblvisiî'Inithaeî'aîîdîtls o îtsr thtn.<'»Vutîti i.Se tîsaH ntrbyb.. .80 îivmi nt.t'.E.tW-S,40a'[hdestK.shso(tt.tiistt)as ins-1î-t stitu tle iietit . 2)WJIN' Jt avp.ILI . Jus.txes roi ho hseqsliet f ie he .vetT.o ,maittcteeigh o (ITn.et 12.1f) Ptu. F. ~i Trn, it I-ttîii N Blinis,<o as. 1Vi. tai,îîîI. N. îîCîîti a b' pet 'rilctorywi. 'e - -;i orhnaetr!icn lsew hee. t o 'fiE Tnatu: Vxt N T ~ lt -J. Lak a si J- 1-'. 1ini e ltsefi u ti istt;îis tow e f rt î . -' %.IIýý ft e PRO huttIO - iL. 'f . td Ja. 'olilsy ,l. X . ti al, wi et lgridf ai-o si t o atttoýise ril- > s s\sc 1.i . l-'h SOOtwkc VS st JohnFerg sonaud,1ý-L. 1119 tartsTi1 ieiiteitwn tyitlpet--a.-Thtio . 4 sttofthis Rttit M LEGIAL Gs aisi1oT. (C.J as». mtNlrctals M. uesatkl ht aii -la- tasndsi ltiW. 1Rs~ D. Orm iV.sEtonw1s B.E. w u& wti l 1 E. thur i ees'l C, ne hei e ii f e i. o t u ft i i.ortowIi lli tas WhiLtv, oi.I Ilu; T r s-irG.ku ~t Colviltiant' \V.ttî 't o.,su f.tii ry, tit isr-ii1 .ii- t (l dat lo h Barrb-l -r". terht-H 'r- (<'. ý¶utti\ Lu I an.E ~~i'1t~t- ~ wbiu~îy. o - bs stîss-urtib i~s as a xisonl sr <f t o 11C4t 04).iu T he,-as su ,stalsi (titi H < t [ -iof-the t\%inid'- i tit. i w ien the<t' t it su vt'ry sîctr i'xpittnîuion of cîtitigos matit'mortfar l ty-a 'si-a.s' to i e rîtt I tII. b ~ . v t.G.ftltistt to r i s1 lia'. . itt cht- ltii- dtJt.ry e t sia a-o y t p r h al titt sjsli it çl'sttic't. ht 1eiitrCt t t lu it :ut 5ktir! i'-.tt l lab. t:-lieî t i - . . i-ai i WJont.sareOl, -t' Ik, ) J , Mteil tE A al . .J csn ru'îîu-ixt sr. ime'îtust sk-lt1 t'uJs l Vot'isifttetheo io alNxîtot cf ~ ~ Vliithiv. er W hi11nte grsapp.oivIl ofiit aii tîn H tut svtxsîîns\'Iinh D.Orpî'ii3.îi fr thetpubtif meti ngO hic t it5illowe ')I.J.E. t-' m lle-)i(- i i. 1 o- z1, t v1,1) , t 1 i, t: I (; t)-) 1 .'tt.1.1!!iit q 'w. t isnyt. ibjL'otar". ir.ii(ti - li (" tho: nomin'luta siîuition. Th c t 'ssu' a 1, ' iiithebet i ns tît'.t'î w t he ii it ' * ~ ~ w i1y ol~..«lit ' .'1i ira~ i uI. ,, losturs w ire fecr-e i t . u.e .ps eisuki t '-a ui. tas -iand55 * i <i1 ut usi iun'.y i ' iii' tiiila!5i ............... i,' x' tipeim Sst.utruîty tri Isutis M rl n 1lîtt e p. ii i ~itr iitt Dr.was & J hn to o i. llOî'i vtîa .. i'- , , t>-t ut e uit etiti' t t \ýths t. - A'. t. il"'~ 5 l __________Moili.\_____tu_______________ j b isieaL luy l)fiio (titit'l ii tattiuis huti- _________-fris utowartul s tho wtr of r-îthu t rHrte1ai tteltttt.Whty CIIURH DIRCTORY iude.sanoku' îit c aomiion. tiu' lie aee' aw i J C 'isiI i i h \iu(1vt for tu toi te tiioi r rtltjumadet. lut t Itîxît gave suit U-filtiti ti t NI IL) 't", I Cit.Ai uit> '.tsmIt ti.i i tt JohaisSn E. Fare in uund. C ns tttthfliî3t y' - Methodiet cf Llxe svth lueu' H l [Ill ( 1e -lt-l1i of.V.I.EMR.tCourt. LIeîrouetisretrmwuy Poeslîî u s ptt.lîL 5 iVr t's lst.uu. < t'n y :-i "l îstl-i ut i ~iuîi~th~ ~iîs 5131a. n ou . . x- un-Tu1Slut i Buin Iîus pruisi ls'iusu vu liiut " wulu atii rSI.utui Lt r i9l.' i W . A a st e e tra e v - a l t e e ite rot t 1111i -1 c. vit i'no iiîîl.aoistoitii ii o t' ttl Nvicrr liei b-sot sugxur proujet ansd the r:kilixti uîilfbêws.st-nhi îuecosto I-utn i i~r-ie. 8und sai- NMtrninultPratSv'n.Il bonslit t',,)'i'hitby, ansd lli opud ti iert uis-aîturinursdL rcst î tgl ienîuu Lilow lit ut.I cs u'u l'ta ,eP. ta. WeduîO*day Eîeritig ...Prtiyer n ud Ser - %Vt'uuilo tlgtbu actri w uîuaxxxr it hildllstv tt t .iii fus.î-r cfI)YLý% mon, 7.20 01t(seradial ruilway. 'ie¾gsmyctr osilrstmIi llak h i i p i'-yel nuueuCluuvxti' s.l lîî-i.antd tore tVîu5 li0 tVii'ttuxksL& u ariyati tsateiirriu'ii-netà ,,witit r - Liii' Isrînîto uaii i__ ur si- L a liiîs" t.joharg chuU'ch, Anglican. rda ala on)tyultiiare MIL . (* . BIRCH, SiDSt NCiRt E l . 11. Blow was the firýt tû o 'i'tlulrim S~lAuthSerlt.& 5 usni. and 7p im. SuîîîrtuY : Buboei at84p m. dwe" t('izvie --%%e.iepdayUPUix. I-lustlariked the ratepusycni fuor Mcr. Jo4ubîu Susxtl made a brief speecît ist 7.30 î.n. thLihonor ceuiforroul upoîx hlm ii, tiltg rftnir1e ee public ixtUors. Mxwdo - - - w-ce aippeintted Mâyur. Ilixail hotu ,a yîry eoiîeî uppeaul omî belîulf'if te Daptlst Church. s~~~~~~~~~~inlsie te g-iv. uts niuch tiinuuas ho wouii etauihtn-uftebetsgurfctr X& H!. Il. BINOIIAI, &iT'I)ENT '~tR have liked toi towîi attirs, I)ecatlgu his t Iii uCouîtoctmuîl wîtlî tht'eui'ri Pubbat ServÃŽe«-.--h r6.Ins. anti 7 u.ni. sîuîtbutrineba rt-'quirt-d of hlm ,'ery clopo ut- riwa iuu eages hvgfî "ît MOl.u Ifi s . Weeky Frayer berîice o ' liurs- ,riw yw ud b iat ii o ht isb 'v.tOuittg ait 8 0.ocMk. tenti in. Ho theiitrevewed bieftyiy .îliy )3. Htî1ud thu towli WOUltltsulu ssu a.. c-- odiio-o teton.T- itiis iatter atîd rush it uibctg. et. Jehus COburch, noce town wonîd ind tisat in a short tîme Othe ~ NLOA water and light mstem wouid bus thse CU-LILO naubath etvîP, 1E..P-an il m lwrnt*).bout thing tihe town ester had. The sys- Aiutle* NM. Rose, a@ nomisuuo fuor p.yeomo."sêsP.M.. tom wau a good one, and thse stiperiii- IC'ouxîcil Wai *urpris.d at hearinq hin so '.,îw unearîyioîîlttuwilb ruuî îsfaî.ttrily uî.i' x' S uh1 Ua sunqde ii 'aîfltlice'uuiii s suc i illtuv iuieditirLe iu e tjies)t i ii -u 'ls- ris iail- s'.'~' uuonuisfun hs.l'y v'Iucti1it mlvi 1 titiý !IN-uit tirely 1'go ),Iin' reu' ii(, itiki ept lia liiildj; 4)fu a u e s IIt:lu a'ut I leî'dci uuiitr'îuî uieît' u rui~ itiiht-o î<esuîy aut. - atr~stiL'ue~ toftat poeibl3' very proft'à table T triue '?c long d*,ferred roalih zation for 1 o5 f the ssrojecsed. ijeet suai ar iaetory f o!r \V bit tiy te a Iso weI1 wlt bit f t' 't-. "i N~;31 rtUch. Tliis iast et-ierp-rise iq on e that aeOf N it.i inid:t-nftal i i iu-t rivs îm oi l nia-* R rîjtude an( wiile rahrgeflect Ii thls0 part of our counîtry aq to inake e certain 0 t lie raipd -roNvt i an([ toxitinueit prosjîer Iîy of Whli dîy. lUaitlhfllly your~ Christmas Entertainments.FO JR F"Pr The ErapJtist',Sunday School. Tile aiimal e tertainiment, for the 2iiil(irczî of the se 'oui xvas helci on 'rues- lay of ig dl,; vweek. 'rhe alair had lx iiii astily .4ttur n up, anîd the dato i advalced i r mi FI-<iav Su that Ipastor,~ Jlini.haTrn eîud o josent. A tea w aIV served for tlme cli*lreîiiiithu selhoi-uom from G t 7.:)f) oCiock, when tho.- Christ- flias t ree and Cflttrtatiiinelnt occupIi ed thie attentil for ilcouplo Yfhor h !)il,s had preparedi recita ticli, (lia- of tlie cioir reindurelassistanlee *11 iiiS cal uxubrs. i ises Evans anx Deývere11li ang adIlet, Messrs. EvanUs, G -,%îilîxîson anîd -yres a'trio, Mýisses Evans ifli Jevereli andl :Messrs Evaiis atnd__ i' jinson a qiiartettef(. Severai cOn r'2 tt on1 ter bild wit h Stanta aus t ' rM j theaid isarrivai vas g u iA with tlelighlt y t1ie 2hIidrexî. 'xvsiCi-__ tre! as sol ipiw, AiE E very laaî oll. ItPasrelle . JIL iA At the flouse of Refuge. lUlitti of theo Itoîso uf E --5> OM ede 0 cr-tutul' t't tStiO'1i-, ti sP tî0s liist n's nai cutui ,,:ltt. nu' of te ci :tlî 1)(» sstarcely st'tii for tlis'wealtht tf piug itti)it iitkrli 'l lctmî ' ur~5 . striii Ii -îi.-te- i o t-C' u li - tiitt 11:i Mrt-aur4is lrs t rst '. McElFaIl I- srîlîtltut c tutu'll ti tut tilt' iullsisia pl't~ ruu - its NI'i. iti: ii1il'S iiitC at î.iun s tticltveut ctmt The Tabernacle. u'*it-i I.ý ii l.o ut! .115- I- lt5e51 i t-. od< t'itit'u i stt-' sp i 'k s ius isîs lLi-p;- tLii or the- t'iii"'xîittttxtîtlitsn .thsj\'iil tii't"t-o antsdi' s ltsti tu tolt cnt'l in c t t tu s il- uuitom gmile T is i IJ \ " h tSt. Atnx'sChircýis 'lit't-lxistuusxsti"'utlSioultt --1 i fts anttd iags t-f s'auxiv fmeîus tise tr--t. Gleanings from Exchanges. IF, r s-:iuts'. siPl . ti tiilut t-) i.ciir fatnîissiii Lte ti':!iuhitttd f o uý mr~ lisuvo biiîtt siuSSIuIg 1-u! îu .!(iti xi' ît s sse k t'i su s' r t-s - i 'ui turîisîlut i N Mr. .Jau. q.lse is'îuuta i ieit cvll:krt i.i 5uaking ~ olttii'iluis lstizi tIti"i. Th Tîojlti lay Is3 iref~:t tlit tati:iut1 ats.u1 à iîht siglit i i l h t, X itî1t fls ilug i-ait Ilxi ii t :u t-uspise I jîar Ja. los>i 1551, ATIxul tti îe Y lis'pof Mr. t leeseit al ttui- gMria. 1tBeatty enaptucth ie isuti-t'thitf live, ia.îdli rA' ow lits lîx.5 Ililli iiSufeo l t lits- iii ti s boy. Stailin ltit) Treouitmtituuuiou-. T'leii [e fx liatevitluxutly hsuil ktpt hb) 5- cý11 tu p iit, aunsi ts' it- '..îtkIxitd h.' ul,! i . AtI s'tfaritsi el l miti k. i l'i!cixic and vw l tht'.li' isImi m ' iis tlay su' rkluî g, Mrî. '11iî ms N'ui st 1-was elecotd Imusieu. Mtr. wîus ()k-0 mas 9- chahxman of tise ineetiiîg andtlMr. Ls'i.- <est McGregor oecrotary. 10ý'TORE rmFRAMINO To whili we have given special study. We do :1i ,are amount of framing, and are well equip- pedl for it. Our stock of rnonildïno,.3is-lag and very fine. Ihave you a picture whilarge Wvou1( like togt framed ?ý A littie rnoney will buy a 1pretty frarnieat this store. CH IOLS ON & SELDON Furniture Diealers and Undertakers, Whitby, Ont h~ hemarket 1ttr ;iI ksnd t(i- rain ani d .if yu svant to ---re th Ighes prices for ail the.se articles be sure I. Ve pt; the highest priees for ail kinds of Grain and Seeds. Wtt eau ls furnisli you with the very best quai- it', of N T H RACITE ani SOFT COAL for threshi- n Ou î(hlity guiaranteed to give gatisfacîion. j. He DOWNEY &cDs N'"MER 1' 1~~ -1 -4, XmaL*n. "S (iif ts We-re iow î'eudy w ithi a grand assortment of (il ~ sp~ut i fts. Everx'thino' one can desire or w'stfor cunît bu founid on ou'i.Shelves. A beautifus selection of China Popular Gift Books Books of Peome Leathor Goods, Perfumery Xmas Perlodicals, Music, Fancy Stationory, Brushos C'ab'îîd(ars, Waterman IPens at $2 up, and thousands of tiis too mimerons to mention. Sufficient to say oui' >ïto (,L-i.,. more comipletcthan ever before. ~ jli Snt Clanîs' best lprodluctions are now on iflspec- jW. J. H. Richardson 13tock î7Steeî, WHITBY, s-ts.s~.ttt. t '-te' AL e e ".. '