Whitby Keystone, 15 Dec 1904, p. 6

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2 CHURCH AND %TAGE. Romantic Drama, Dacked byBishqi Pot- ter, toi e Put on the- Road. - New York, Dec. 12.-"Bisbiop PotterI presents The Eing's H-ighiway, ;% roman- tic Dramna by W"illiam Gi," ii1 appeari on matitîce tickets iss'ued for a perform. ance at the Newv York Theatre ncxt Friday, says a inorning paper. Jishop Potter is the presider.t of the -Actors' Cburch Alliance, and when the officers ofthe order rccently LIgste producing a pIayN Bishop Pottet' imîine- - diatcly fell in with the schemce and gave it his llearty approvai. A large percent- age of the ineinbers of the- alliance are clergymen, and it is expected titat the sdffair will create considerable comment througbhout the country. Rev: M'altcr E. Ientley, once an actor but nowv national secretary and organ- izer of the alliance, and Ilarry Leigh- ton, actor, stage manager and alliance enithusiast, have the inatter ini charge, and promise a draina staged and acted as well asthe average production itian- * aged by layniett. "Th~is living illustration of the practi- cal joining bands of the cbureh anîd the stage is bound to create great coriiiit," said 1%r. Beaitiey. 'Lt is believeti by the alliance that this radical moveinent on its part w~ill fi a long--felt xvant of the public, as a great miany requests have been reeceived froîti the clergy for the namnes of plays they can rccommend to their congregations. We are nat at- tempting to elevate the stage, but "'e are trying ta praducie plays that are dlean and wholesomne. They shaulîl inspire both the ch'arch and the laity with con- fidence in the sinceritv of the maovemnent. "As soon as ftie pliiy is î)roduced l ere it %vill be seunf an the road and the alliance will lîack it. 'ibrouIli the alli- l ance the churiicli will back if. Bishop ?n w~r~ill back it. and thte more talk it croates 'the better it wiil serve our enids. "WVè la-.e lia int entioni of stdiIgany roverend gent lemntahead of if. but %ve shahl expect i f ta reeive thesupai t af ah advanced niu'inisters. \Ve ili siniplv * see that if is hraperly hioaked and let a regular theatrical mnager wha under- standsie tht' bîrsiess haak after aur in- terest s. "T lie nie e~'îjuwilIl be ileiiveii an the tavait 1t. luhsis w il hie îsed toa i elp the groa\vng waîk of the arganizatian. It is a nioney -innking vent ure, pure and simple.n "1wKing's lii wav ilh ho dlean, but cei n.. 'l'lic eett are iaiîd on L.on- I ii i iîiiîîg Colonialtfines. t bas a \Vlî i- p' v lfor a liera, a 1atriot Nido\v ffir a lieroine anid a viliaii." PEARL3 FROM THE WABASH. ýrhey':-e Sold in Numbers in Foreign Cities.and j3ring High Prices. T[le failte of tÂte \\abiît-îivet' lettîl, is preîii~;far ant id~ te, anid Ie' n Iin Pari,;t' li-aie lia viiîg a biîg diitianid toiriiteiif tliî' inlîît'nti lwie atha crac *v. 'llit e iufî are adi 'ri eu as tlle W lît ' 1pi-;u~ it11-ý t i l \ t Il s ili ne I -- ar a li.(, i i aii iii t i'i iti'l a "t'. (it lu it .\ i 't i-; t11wlttii"(-'litai lvi. i4 ilie, foreviý,ti l usa te eîîgîd ititi ut il-i 1.t ile u v t il i Ii'tu t a ie - . geins iis i ftt a-t Ile' tipluar' tii tltr iitr k It. i ii ii ii \%i -It li . 1l5s tii a t iiuýI ili. iii' t ile 01,ii -h fit dealer, an d it i s liard ta 'ttiie t itlit fait t I îi li t fa tIi;1 1 iiI 1 t a1 ti i' li 1n j It l 1tl 1lUtîlîî i v. 1 11( Iliii ili t i ýI 11( and l e t .t i i t' iw . t ' 1 i ltilt i 'itýI'g)1 sentiraI-. THOU'SANDS TO WITNESS DUEL. Sociali3at Leadcr in Frcnch Chamber and Paul Deculcde to Figbt. i-t iciX ' t h' t î.îl îî't tgif Del)i ties, gî'oîî lu titi it it' uat i .'ii' agita- ti(g li' t i g $t Slit i 1w ,theti i aîn lag: !it titi' it 'f 11ui t ii ti ot f 1 Ar I rit a-ie taî'iittit tutu i' ,. i)îîîlîl îî cul i ters- 1Fratt i i r 'w Ilî'îîiinti' î'isk i if bcing, a.t;ti 41i' lI:1i jttr hîî"îîi xiheil for plil . v-t) iI t eiiw i ntrntnettt. A-11 tt t'2 inhus l'ocit Iltttu I~.lîow- vvvi t t t1« ti la-.t a ieti-u t tt the fronit i-t 'ill f I loiiitve, tlite local 11îIîît l ,it " I lvîiîiig t Dut J)îu lede's vio- -la t itîii 't' t lie v "e of ban islitment ai Iit hit. ,It is e\telei t ttttuu- sa ît~' i 1tt"ti ls w'ill i ttîess thlic duel. JUSTICE, NOT '1ES Italian Prcrmicr cri Greit Strike and - Rî2hýt of Combiai~.tof. Rit , 1,t'V. 12. l>'îi u'i r GC lit fi, an- sw'eri i r i i tt 'î ,irg tiîiiti tîîîa l i -î; 1L - l the e tiae 1()lii vi alt oui t 11l it' g I î"1 of tiie govor'iti'litl, aiii tit'h'e .iî' cauid not de\iii' . h' tglu t iof ttîti)I,1 - tion granteil 1i 'vtut' t'iitittuttilt.'Te Premier coiiic. tý "It is u5('le5ssta' trv tga)-îuic:lwjh' fa.ct that t1itis Is a p il ti f socal transformiatiaon. As tieti'tiiildt stuiti struggled and Nvoit, so îow lite fîuîîrtiî gestate djemands ifs part. "Ile go-%,(>,',,- ment must r'eg-ulite, buit if canutit pro- ,vent this moveiient 1w îviolence'. 'To do otlierwise ivoutld lie ta rentier litî service to the ipnarchy, Nvili itmist inot le ésupported by bayonets, buit by law and justice.'ý- The discussiioli wiii bie continued ta- - morrow. i noefôrth even for ever-"Only sucit a n~A PhfflI dom can endure. NOthing is ral j-«n- till i is #ettled rigitt. The pow- 0016 ersof evil eeem very strong, but every INTERNATIONAL SS NX1, prince of darkness in darkest Engiand, darkest Africaen aksAmrc >ECEààBICR25 1904 ahal b6e tornm Mn-hs thi-one, and the* liglit shalU seatter the darkaness, and the Sun of Righteousness witit healiagin lus The Prince of Peace-Isa. 9: 1-7-Christunas wings shall change winter into sprin, Leaaon and nig'it into day." Commentary. I. Great darkness (vs. PRACTICAL SURVEY. 1, 2. 1. Nevertheless-"A transition word The land of Zebulun andtihie Land of from the dark picture of chapter vii.Nap'htali, because of titeir sinsl, were per- Mitted by God to be ovevi-run by their 5-22, describiag tite, woes from Assyrian enemies. This weas His puaishment be- predominance ta the bright dawn and cause tihey forgot flis law. Sf111, ttey cansummation of the Messianic era. ,didflot repent, and greater puaishment Shail not be such-Tite darkness shah J was visitedu ùpoa theni. Notwithistanding noV be as great as L it as been. There their persistent wickedness G-ad isited( was a ray of encouragement for those Vhem in great mercy, not because they who were ready ta receive the propitet's repented and titus in some nîsasure de- words. Zebulun-The country of Galîle aved mercy,fo hicndtmetd arauad the Sea of Galilee was the land oner fos rt Vibt econuct Himer- that principalhy suffered in tite firsf As- cy enduretit forever." Ia the midst ofj syrian invasion th-eir idolatry God sends the greate-st 2. The people . la..i darkness-The blessiags of ail timo. people ofJudait. They were at fis finie The liberty of the sons of God wvio under a two-fold darkness: 1. The dark- ar auefe y Vhporofdvn ness of outward trouble. SecII. Kings are ae pfredythuspinwersef 4.vThe xv. 7, vi. -8,17; l. hron XXHL.yoke of te devil is a galling yoke, His 5-8. 2. They were in moral darkness. burden is a beavy burden. "lie wields a Aaomiad e he pac plce in hoore ote cruel rod as an oppressar. What a gricv- haoinaendivaties inose or ofphe deus yoke is fie drink habit! heahendivniieswhoe wrFinally ta- AIl the great conquerors wbo have ap-4 established kiu his kirugdom. sinlito- peared among mca have made their con-1 wards the chose of the reign, lie s Ut p us b thswr.Tehaep the greaf doors of the temple (II. Chon. quests by esgewor T hey have 1 xxviii. 24), discontinîted thte offerin ofgeatmttu er fs atla-iorsnthe ae o incense and fie morning and eveaing sac- their triumphant march, have wadcd rifice, and eff tie iviole interuor fa thîrougit rivons of biood on their îvay dccay, neglecf and rîtin. fo power and ghory. But a mighfy Con- Il. A Great Light. (vs. 2-5). 2. A qucror is naw t(, appear w-ho w'il conte great ligylt-Tie sudden change frani ta power and glory by a vcry qifier- den'e darkness to fhee shining lightt,,.,hcehont way. fie prophet saw. is quit e remarkabhe. Inspiration ailvays gives the ri-lit Wbat ligit w-as fias? The promise. of nmsf hrces.hoei esn rederaption; fie prospect of fthe conttng whost charactersanat eexi aprson of Immanuel. 0woecaatrcno cepesdi 3. Hast nuutiplied fie nation-Isatalitanc naine. Five are used ta convce' ta with propietic eve pierces flic centuries s as chear an idea of this wondcrful per- and ecstic ast flit wuld amesonage as w-c can comprehend. and eestheliots hatwoud cme lis name shall ho calicd \Wonderful. under ftic reign of flue Messiai and ho W hîv ? Because ho is tvonderfîîh from numbered wtiti tue trtîe spiritual Isra'l. r' ystandpoit.lewsonrf i .And not incrpased-See R. Vt. for correct te 't, 'ut. lceri tt'as uvandeful a renderiîug. T'1'iov aybeore fiee--Ticie potîciscn r à ut.leta praphef inotes if fa ho a religiaus jai, for prontised i vhen utuan %.vas driven froni the il is said ta ho befane GCati thuat us, un gai-den cf Eden. Ilis nationality w-as Ilis preseuce, tanîd -lit a grateful ack- ft\ d in thue pranmise ta Ab)raluani. Bis noNyediieit o Ils hnefts.Lowh. ribe tvas naîuîcd as fluat tuf J udlhi-, ifs nowlculîuieui1tfftrs lienfias. otîtiof l)avt-d ; the place of mis1 4. Tou ast rokn .the ,ol in ithu, Betlhem;ctuhtei'tinutu cf is ad-i Jleî.s titre uict'-ii" 1'teli'. ened ft tit lit, 1bt'fare .1 uli Iast i.-r iudt"pend- i t~ ~ ~ ~ r luiiri'titea iiguiiî aea t lie '1'hetse, withî nu-îu inv hrpu'ph- A ssv- i a n sClaldeaits, Persitîns and Mace (ce doniaîtsz tItuftlise dctiv"(iaiiecs wer cri ts,,staîhulu litut as wotnîerful iniititis1 cmi t a shaultu'.'of nc.iettt1tioa frati the res pect. lit' ti-as ti-amderfuul in his birth., akýe cf lSttatu tntl dtut ncd tu iuti hhlie vas taiirlin lis-du-athl. 'The in-1 scots ucr cîct-tiIV peditedas f idfuhl l{esseau tru- stid, "If Sacrates n(ad' etattliiît'i.' s led.t l itedillike a hiast1lt',tîen J esus of M tlt h îtu'n w if l a leuridi util Chrtist d itd likc' a C (il." cf mîen c' îueutred tlie hast s of '.1utîaît, 'autisclian. "lite ternncitirtces, ara- sa~~~~~~~ o'l-tiilt 'Iid .tîiî tgtthtu iîcs.thui f c î tgadî-îce prove ta lie thie -Pin ucc f and r t-atml tu ntd thaftuof actinîg as an ad- thte sntlamtiîiiuuiv udî'n lîjuitu salh j tct'et"lite ltev-eIutor rehirtsents lte ovueoatte lte mtghty lotd tf '1tti - h iu tsluciîs'It.. chiiut. i-ee thle sauîtue cittt-tiun ' 'tl'lie Mugilty I Gat. .1 msi as horn of v K-. 1i.,..Sua i.w tutuaut, ttfinu-fîtnu"Iut- ta;a unan, lut 5. lFor î'vcr'.'battîe-t' lwuis tuie c'.u-tî'îî ut t.. utsandtisi-t tt itl i' nettt' fuie (od- of amit iit\iiîv f pltte lite tt'în-i.,of pn theIii' t ityut Gtouil. . \t'.t' t-t t e r. andt tiil' t-uttitil gti uielt-tt. Itua - t-- l ýp tutu- utft il . il i it ' l u'gi il) tot individu- '.tar ilselfft-'uialldite. litethi--t.'J'libe h iîyiuta- i-lies ail 'cuir.bluitIluit tqîltil IlI"i, ii't. -tiil1' lie L en -ttg l'tuc. 'Iic eta u- cthuer at -it tuuui' iii lits iti It'iL, a' l-'ui -tu i M 1M 1 ll- îîueu ut u Ii.tu- c11ititit . luit 11i. \ t itti ii iti- .'-uuu~. i iiuthui(It i t ;I t G tl îîîîî'îîcîu-îî fatîîî'm's ta h Cîta u I ut -t lutut qu e (Il tt li ut ".ii iw illu tut a t-un i ff-1tt'itu' t t ;r. tliiul t utus ha t ltii iî'uIL ttiitti tut' luit' tii-tut'(l:;tu tlii'luit-tii tty i tlfautr ap- t4 if ut ittu- ttail' iîîîîi t . t 1i teti- ut'titti u I ti ' ut i ut xwi-l ofutheit t., 2i ut(ilî-i' e 1;e ' t .t .tu lit-tiii" 't'lai-u t l'ie i-t t i ut Iiîtu tuts luth liiiiiiuuî utundi i\i'. o 'tiito - - li--ltt'%.ittt 'f < -tii 'i i-ti- rt-fuic t tu l v-lî I l'lt 1ttiw -ut îtitItl- Sh 1, tut li tii Il -if t ae-- 1 1 î1 uî- tîul uiiitut i tttt- i e t i i ai u i t-uii f i (ti I i . u il'-' ". nt- t-tut i) ni fatîiîr. Il"'. huttuu'u i d eutti iii'tI eý1 li l r-o Ii i s YilIIi l . j I u' tî il-() wf itIluIIzisl :Iut i'I. g,'1-li i t OîtIi' t liîugs ncmutiutjelii'asul elut tjun-ii 1,l'Ie.'nc d 1î v fiteuw't 11s .;u:Itrtht h o) i iirir f i tii-i1t h '1t I I lo stu tit i it 't. it-n tu b-u'Âiîc tli ti-'-i iltn c- tr)Il t it itit 1iait) tt ti't -u( cIt'.' t - watri lte Co'ittiu,-'thitnte tulia lias t'-utiutl ltittuPi ujeueit'iuuan gîtI Iitde hiuutseIf and tI utîîs1 eut1 -t t' s j li ti t.tii" .ie. Iti' euuiîîîîiuuîî'uu cf tit' iiut utof lad 'it iit ti Imlsitua lciter o-nut f liei tits a ,t \ tuitin, lîtl h G tudl uttu m tt-inn.ît"'t. nt tii'w unît- ut itl ut perimaituair'ueiutiuun if ihtsli'. t' a t\ee utini. it It seculus like Ihat u'uu Cuuius"hui, ni-t--n r giiitug utsq r ut i .tv . (ti ili t tu' a' hhil'\\-(.il 1(t It- -t i (t)ji n ci lutît~~~~~~~~~~~~ oitv u.tt uttttu -t'î u- ixtr iiuttu" ilututît -u'lt:i-r ,a Wut-nî- i ~oo tii. hthgi ti ' -t liei' i-liti v titi' f11-ti. Y'tutt \i ut uti tutu Iât-ui' uuu-tu"t'n tu i îtu s le* la "-ltî t-)a .a, tt ' u 1otti iiilu uI-11 t 'ut i a tt 'n P 't t tuiuul siuct 1, ili' c' (îotf i lu'- 'tutu i t itt l ttiiti't'. , t t'tîi I -' titi- ith;'.t :1- -il il.'*'-- _)l 1ut m . lu".'. i i 'I tut] u.-' ' uîif fa.ir ba s t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v 1 la - "î. 1:--httuu "uiuî 1 . fi ii'ut ut-t-Il 'ut -u "t "'t t1l (,f.1 lu'uît tif tîurut S1 ve I- t I~l i\ r fit l foi. j , lu' iut ct-tit ' li t-llil ut tt '-h ort-t i ' l ftt'.t rud. ln itli: ut- t.N tiut-Il t u '.iuu'î t h t1i '. huitlt 1 seittit'el ta lim ialui"- 1ei i lv t"' i t uli-t au l ttu-tps thlu'u 11uP ri-ut it i' utunv uitv tut lucud tt vuiwant- tii t u hc-t t i t' tut u' ti feuîl -i î tîl tu-" i ttii ttiitedti f re-su t tin.tài I 'Sc'gt an t ia ii-tu stittuth.tt fo'rcii'.--;tCitera t;4)lu ' i'si'e 1uatnd ttas una thi' acut. 1 v':iîît Iru'ue aînuî'-u tt-nrýights tht-m. hI twi îIt'c-lledi ici-set'k a sîlutiuutibt Thii- t i't Iotutt I tiltiliIlue tui lit a fnr unttver.nr. îu'- dt-lfi g ida ace a.nd w-i, l 11-' i n' tui' uitofPeuce-As a t1ttu (ita ;c"k my Bible. 1u t_,I ll,' ttrt cuîuîuîuauds, createsu ', 'i i-t l t t -at i-tu-v n-t, be-uts I t M pec -t ltsJu-u'-li tti Iueps fie bearts arani-sýt a ,r(-itne-aile-r cf ltehile anti f-- t po " ti i uu ît in t lucm. Heie 1atu i uttbie tcott'irstaîid a greuit de-ai tutiut'lul t hit î'uîu-uout-idi is tit I do rea.ît 1 at.leapted ta dismiss ~ ' iii(Iîtl fîttiriuhIi-ts cf lis sub- ilte ttoughît frnt i' uuin-d, bnt for hrece j-i-t dttys anti tliie niglits I w-as unable ta I'1'11e(,' Vs-i-uu"' iutc n (v. 7). 7. eu.t -or steenit. C 0f tleit ri et-t-tete-"lte gaî'ev(rnnuent "i agaiin'praved for instructions and OiPl intuuriut-tin uiin1)-r". in paw-r. in iw-St lu'it 'tu ..e. 'nit'Bible. I oîened the' ti inpePr" oauttt tt; f il; nrmtthc-. Tfsliah iîuuuaamnidiin fttitiing ,linos I read: 'Andi h-il' hatlle hIr-s iu'i;s if be-,tows;. It the- Lord answuered aad said, write tic ilie ite pauu't"; of natiire. 'iticb' are vision ani make it plain upon tablesg ~xhat-the-its.Tture i noa lirait to thpir thtat ho îuay run tlut readetî t i. For utppliea.t;uuu ta liteo tises of man. Wifitj-te vision is yef for an appointed time all outr unir-inlan int-enfion3 andi dis- but ait Vieenti i-it shaîl speak andi nef lieu ,ou-erii'q 4cf wlat nature can do. we have thoughit i tanury, -vait acf for if, hecause yef raîhuereul bpf n few- u-us froni the if will sîîrely couc, if will nef farry.' wnhrd tof lielit, a fi-t sprays from tie 'This w-stheswseond and third verse- oncan of 1btcqsings GAd bas ni store for of the second ohapter of Habakkuk. 1 mau--Ploibe. Ilrone of David-To did not know suait a -book exisited lite mit uipon tiefuirons of David means te Bible. re -n over tie truie people of-G-ad; and "I oontinued Vo hiegitate for fear of in tuis sensp, Christ sat on David'is ridicule, but w-as go impressed with what throne. Te ord4-r it-eto ule IL. Froti 1 had -jeen a.nd rimad' that T seasîn "raval. "Take il or Leave it Alone" That's your privii'ego. But alithe same Its the preateet value the world has ever seens. Ceyjon Tea. One trial will make y'ou a convert. Sold'only ln sealed leaci packets. Black, Mixed or GREEN. By ail grocers.t Receiv2d the highest award and gold m edal at St. Louis. Ia an answer ta'titis luayer 1I tuas again told Vo seek my Bible. Again I openeti iV, and roadu 'And tbousi'l speak rny words unto Vhem, w'letier tiîey tvill itear ,or whetiter fi-ey weifl fotisear, for t.iey are -rebelliious.' "This wuastVe seveutît verse- of thte second chaptor of Ezekiel. I have nia cx- pl.ana.tion taniake, except as stated. I do not believe icla iirvoyance, au not a religiotis fa-natic or spirititalist. I amn a meînber of te Congregafional Utîiturci, asttempt fa live a Christian lite and do w-bat I f.iink is rigit." Mrs. Viola Pauunell 1; tic uuif e cf Wes- ley Po'Nv'neUl, a dealer in fruits and -ece- t.ahlffl. Site 1; 34 cears cf age and titi' mo,*Lur03' f fouir chiliren. Sic is .said ta be of sound nind andi nover know-n te ho eccentric or fana.tical. The Fail of Rheumttitic Pains -When a sufterer finds permanent relief In« such a meritorlous med teins as Southu Ameni- can Rhsumatlc Cure, how giad he is te tsi] if. C. W. Mayhew, et Thamnes-ville, Ont., ceulda't waîk or feed hinuseif fer menthe- four years ago tires botties eft tus grent remedy cured hlm-net a pain sincee-isn't fiat encouragement for nheumatic suffet-ers? -82 ULTIMATUM TO SULTAN. Must Remove Customs Officials at Scutari. X teuna, lIc. 12.-i'nies; titi Ottomanj ("ot-crutiet tianstsamd uI uislies hi' noon 'Iluurstluy lthe gcîttltrtteie cati- mnd a nd tttilIe Ctast.uuut;officiaIs aIý Scutari, 'tulia ixetivfart-ly i 'ditauîîî'ci te Atîstniaui- hlîuuuguu nituti mails, Autriti wtilI <rdcr a naaltist1iuinouithat ik naît lyiug ready af Volatt'. tacurrvouaj -iiiioîs-traliitn at sotin(- rTurkislî part. Titi' Austnian Aunbasýaiîir's prompt caîtpiaint againsf inferference w-i-fhië niails w-as treafed w-ith. tie cu.stomary Turkisi pracu-astinatian, aud Austria, iesramîng uveary, instructed flue Ambas- sador ta deliver an ultima7tum ta tic above efteet. 'his w-as presenteti on Dc. 5. Au-stria recog-nized fie possi- biîity fief suniei a strong policy wonuid lirrituae flue European Gouernments, btt resaived ta rua aill islcs rather titan suf- fer a dimintution -of lier prestige lu fie B1aîkans. Prabably fie Porte wîll yield, but even if-if doos, tic fleet is likehy ta croise lante Levant for some time Va enîpîtiasize Au-stria's displea-sure and ta show ber readiness tauipliold tie ln- vuolability cf liernuationau rigitts - Pile Terrors Swept Away.- Dr. Agnew's Ointment stands at the beau as a rellever, bealer, and sure cure for Piles In aillterme. one application witt give comfort In a few minutes, and tires te ait days' application, according te directions, will cure chronle cases. It relleves aIll ch- tng and burning skia diseases in a day. S "-ents.-79 ALJSTRIAN ULTIM1ATUM1. BROUGHT THE PORTE TO TIME AND THE CRISIS IS OVER. Constantinople. Dei'r. 12.-Titi'Parte yuelded ta fie Austrian de-mantis te- garding detention cf Austrian . mails, andi the incident mmiv bc regarict as cioseti. Tireatcîed comuplications have. fterefore, been avetel. The Austrian ultimatum dRmandei the diut-missal of fie director of cuistome, fie Secrefarv-Geueral of tic Viîav et, and lie chief cf police of Scutari, witlt- f To be a successful wife, to retain the love 1 and admiration of her husband should be a woman's constant study. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Potts tell their stories for the benéfit of ail wives and mothers. "DEz-nimMn& i& PIIm : L Lydia E. Pinkhami's Vegetalble Comn- pound willi nuake every mother w-el, strong, itcaifiîy anti happy. I tiragged through aine years of naisez-abie existence, worn ouf witht pain anti w-et-mess. 1 titen noticeti a ataftenent of a w-ommsn treubleti as 1 w-as, anti the wondeu-ful resulta she had ia.d fromn your Vegetable Comnpounti, and decide to Vry w-bat if woulti do for mie, anti us-eti1V for three nuonfis. AftVite end ef that finie I was a different weman, te nelghbors remrnaketi if, anti my husbanti fel in have w-itnie al ave-r a{-in. If seemeti ike a new existenDce. I had been s-i fening wili inflammation anti falliig of the wonib, but your niedicine cured that anti but up niy entire systea, f111 Iw-as indleed like a new w-oman. - Sineereiy yaurs, MnRs. CHiAs. F. BBow-N, 21 Cedar Terrace, lot Springs, At-k, Vice President Motiters' Club." Sufferi-ng women shîould noV fail to profit by 1Mrs. Brow"n' s ex- periences; just as surely as slîe was eturcul of flie troubles enumer- ated in ier letter, jitet so surely will Lydia E. Pinklam's Vegetable Compound cure otlier woinen wuîo suffer f roin wonîb t roubles, Inflammation of the avaries, kidriey troubules, uiervous excitzVaility, and nervous prostration. .Uýcad the story of Mrs. Potts Vo alU "DEAn Mms. PLTrKuiÂ: - Yuring the early part of niy nuarrict i ife I w-as vcry delicafe un heaitit. Ihadtiwomiscarriages, anti boti my iusbanti and I fei t'eu-ybadly as wew-eu-e, anxious Vo have chiltiren. A neiglib-r w-ho hati been using- Lyclia E. PinkhamDs Vegetablo Comrpound ativiseti me ta tu-y it, andul1 decidcd ta do so. Lsoon feIf thuntt =y appetite w-ns incueasiag, fhe icadacheut g'radually dlecreaseti ant i fnally disappeareti, anti y gencrai healfi improveti. I feit as il ne-çn bi ood courseti through mny veina, fhe sluggish tireti feelingz disappeari, anti I be- came strong a.nd w-cil. IWitliin a. year af ter I became te mothoe- ouf a strong healfhy child, tic jay cf eut- home. You certaüilly bave a splendid reracdy, a.ndiI wish every inother knew voý it. - Sinccrely r um MraS. AKII Trrs, 510 Park A&ve., fiai ringArkr.- If you feel that there is anything at ail unusual or puizzllng about your ceue, or If you wish confidential adviee of the most exrrienccd, wTrite to Mrs. Pink. am Lyxm, Miss., and you wl-I be adv-ised free of charpe. Lydia E. Ph'kham's VeCeta-bIe Cmpound has cured anud is curing thoustands Of case of feMale troubes - curl.ng tb.em inexpenisively and absohitely. Remember this wlien you go Vo yuou.r druggist. Insgis upunogrtfing LYdIe E. fPlkham'a VOgwablo e -nd in three days, failing whieh Austria would make a. naval deunonstration at Salonica, anti would demand aý settie- meit of ail pending questions, 'Inciud- ing official recognit ion of the schools t under Austrian protection. The energe- tic attitude of Austria in ordering a Isquadroa o! warsitips ta be made ready induuced the desired action on the part British Live Stock Market. Landau.,tte,. Jla-Live cattte are quote-t ai qic ta tutu', per paîud t efrigeratar be-et ah F3,ir per peundu i-ieep ai 10c te I2oc per tiound. Leading Wieat Market s. Dec. May. New York......... . 1 i 3' 1.12-'1 JDetroait ::' :1. - -.t161, 1i1 Toldo ... ... . ... .. 1.15 1.171/ st. Lotuis----------------------1.tt9t½ 1.12-%5 Duluth-------------------------1. 10 1.3 Minneapolits---------- 1,- 1. 12% Toronto Live Stock. t.tce-t we-re lie-ht. as ha;, be-came usuat nu i t-î' naintt' (zi tutt te-. 102 t sheep ani lambîls, 154 bain-. 2 ia'e-~aud .t hanses The"ne as hItho doing- ututy a s.ort of cie-au- lue-il opf odollu atuit cetd-. t cieF-sTue- îîaîtufr tiie ha-s etc-e-il Nveuu iut h a lî ncstA f lPHIlt'nw.r pnies lu te tuuanfutucre- Sitlow t-tId ti et 4 5. Igbts aud foi- t 7. fiur t ittt. -ridatî' Bradstxut'G7anTradeý. sat'u 'lte tuIhuuut i tou-tuile titîtinlua fin I t' it t ie u, !t tt j"t a-UZIt ' u tit i' ff-tt ulîhe tu -' ti 'ut" 11'ttil:e-e-tt fu--itijutj'. Ittu iiiuc i" it itîq- le--i etuuituti'0-u' t". t t tr.Ile Ctoin- tnt- tra-it' lut-t'z I ui - e -k;)t un t--t' r utof ' wo 1t 'j'lu -I" -ît ut ý i, t iv, (? t Ltad a gîtI "t1 i ti'.mi'utlu tn -t-icit le tmlid i iuver a 105k'n utut 1t',t](~' 't ui uu fLathi ircut letu iii in -th-tu-u ut iut-ttt At Xii -t' -ut - - h- W tt itu '-'ui" -luttu- tut "--.: -' t ':lnu . t - l i l 1 î N t i ' f i lt- l C !1 " l, 1' - l' I tZil i it tf i t. 1 1ùt liti i 't t t ' " lue- i l ili -t e i. i i i tii e hl li l Ti rut at ci Ii tttl u (1 t )r.o itui il trtiI , etîttti'i-t --i l'ti'1u'r' i'tt st t il ý I. tut i "!l!î('tus' nu a ucut i tl it - i ! til -t-l it ti-Pt- 'i1 j tttiv, - i l."-t t'lu' tt ig ,e p tio ilù l lol'e-. Am t suevs u' t, . ofrc t aro a T' t'thitIL, t'ieah-t-t S tuti Iue i ttnuits. \hcuf us t t-a miyte ur e 1r.-n uh er uau cutta tets tP. ioma thtu lutt, A putc-st iulae-tiuul te t c tue in u mo pat lu n tttt beatun-i iii'. t' tX r-idttarcc. au be tn o tuc-t ret tnt' tuttnth e a ini- t'a tyu me ot'îtuua n p tulic atec fuuauretufrte fretu te huVrmoth. etn aantreir I-t tueCaadh an e 'IannCio honigwute dng ia gnd eh 1thenufor ure lncta- qnt-piat brec t on1.0 e.edy hs a me-ottaiandeteil boythoLesaturalenat fi --e avp "du1,w"ec-re,, Ir %-Dae BRITISH TRUOPS LEAv VN1 CANADA1 Report That Garrisons Will be Withdr awn. Halifax and EsquimaIt No No Longer Needed. Canada Roady to Look After Them Itself. 'o f tePortes. Market Rp_ ts The Week I Toronto Farmers' Market. The offerings et grain on the street to-' day were moderate, wit lilttie change tfl prices. Wheat steady, wittt sales ef 200 ofs iet t at $1 t e $1.0 0and .20 bushels O et re af ite $ to $03, 3and 1200 bushel e goose at 88c. Baniey duil, 1,000 bushels sellng at 45 te 49c. Oats are sasier. 1,000 bushets sietling ai 341A te 351hc. Datry produce lantfair supuply at steady, pnices. Choie datry butter soid at 19 ta 21c, and eggs ai 25 te 30c per dozen . Hay la good supply, there being sales ot 35 loads ai $9 ta 110.50 a ton for ttmotby, and at $7 ta $8 for mixed. Straw duli, twe laads setttng ai $9 ta $10 a ton. Dressed hags are steady at $6.50 te $7, tha latter for lîght. Wheat, new, per bilshel 1... 00 te $1 0 Do.,- red, bushel .. ........1 00 te 1 03 Do., sprtng, bushel .... ....095 te 1 00 Do., goose, bushel..... ....O0 88 teO0 00 lIais, bushel-------------- 341/,te 525 hiarley, bushel........O45 teO 049 Rye, bushel--------------..O 80 taO 0f Peas, bushel--------------..O 70 teO0 00 I3uckwbent, bushel---------..O 56 teO 0 Hay, timathuy, pertotn.....9 00 te 10150 [Do., rrixeui, per ton....700 te 8 00 Straw, pertotn--------------9 00 t e 100 SetiAE:- Atuike, No. 1, buuuhel 9 . 50esote 725 lDa., No. 2, buahel. 5 00 ta 5 75 Do.,N o. 3, bushel- -4 00 te 4 50 Red (laver-----------6 00 ta 7 00 Tiuuothy------------1 00 te i1.35 Dreqaed hags---------6 FA ta 7 OO Applet', per bbI----------tlata 2 25 Eggs, per dozen ,..02-) tao 0( Butter. dairy .. . . . .019 taO 0h2 Do., creauae-ry----------------O ZuttaO 026 Cieensu, sprng .per lb ...(O09 tu o ta Dunks. per lb-----------------O ttaO 0il Turkeyq, per lb----------------O0 14 taO 015 Cabbage. i-en dozen--------. 2-Y25taO 040 Potatapu. per bapg .. .. .. 0 7-5 ta0 O 90 ('auplutlower, pe-r ozen -.. ..O060) ta 10 lInteau. per bag ...... .. 10M ta 1 3.5 Cl"'-ery. pr dozpn'....---------O030 iciO 040 Be-e-f.biatiquartens-------------7 Ou0 ta 8 tit [tao, fare-uantens- - -....4 50 ta 5 t00 Do., i'liatu'e-. carcýess----6 7.r"ta 0 Do..,raedium. carease 5 50 ta, 6 0i) Mue-eau, per t.wl----- -00 ta 6 00 Vetui. per t.l---------7 50 ta 8 50 Larabs, per ewt .... 7 00 ta 7 50 1 (Toronto Globe,) A reconstruction of te miiitary and naval forces of te empire is lu progres that demands more than a bystander 9 notice from the people of Can.- da. The Admiralty lias decided tec Practiea.117 withdraw -British warshipq from Cana- dian waters. The Northt Ameiiran squad- Ton, wità h eadquarters at Hlifax, aund te North Pacifie squadcon, with head- q.âarters at Esquimaît, be dispersed, and but otwo vesseis, prrbab!v seeon&-i, class cruisers, left to ;represent Britain'a naval power in these-lwaters. Titis stop is takea in pursuanca; oif a new policy of Imperiai defence, the cardinal feature of whili is the donc -titratuion o-f a gi-eat naval force in home watars.- force tbat rnav strike at % mc'mitnt'.s notice. At prcsent ftue 'greafer p'irt of thé British naî'y is in far off sets doingy police duty and cauld flot readu'y bc concentri.ted ia tirneof w-ar. The Broad Arrow. in an article on the corming changes, says: -T'he disaiplieax- ance cf warships from colonial waters w'-iil not niave the claîastagoized despair, as tite dis.rspear.ica of the red- coat diii. The first_,ot,ny ta expericace the effect of the ne-v pt'licy is Canada, for ahready the Nort-i Atlattz siîuadron bias been r'educed ia stre:îgfhi. Thi!! w'as inlevitabie owing ta the mro'.'01I of the United -Stafes, withfue i'nt etinnbil- ity coîîferred upon thei llvy iy tmiodern science. 'T'ie defen"'e of Jtittinfcrests in flic western hemisphere is b'est at- tained, not-by the maintenan-e of a rela- tivoîx sintall force in the N-,orth Atlan-Lic, but by powverfu1 fleets within a wiuek's stea ni." Fl-eiiwting u pan the aluandoament of Hlalifax and Esquimaît as important naval buisez, fliere cornes news cf an agi- tation aniong- British niiitarv experts for thie wttm' of lntlbsabliers fria tic cottirties and the' garrisoniag cof c-uloiijai fortresýses by- coloatl trcsops. 'luire tire uno Imtperia] rru ilars la Aus- t ritia. aind the Dilv tGra phie, w-hidi is tý er * v se W Mtr. Arnctld-Fuorster, the ]ut1 'iv\\ir Set-retuiry., suivs: "Iu order ta se-iire a reduiction of cjlonial crarrisonQ, Mr. 1"rter atk or bring',s haras .-vcibattalions now stationedin lathe to!hittie-s or Europe. antI reduces t.he nom- tîttul strcnu'th of t'.ventY-ix other baffaI- lui-;frnu 188ta 863. The effeet is ft- neuluIict' tue iufantry in fthe colonies and E~~tfrotî 3n Sta 22,43S. Correspond- iuu ii- ttis reduction in t-be infantry. luit ut iI1te -areduction of 4,500 mon la -'au-t'-d atlîcî artîts, rnaking a itt-l -"t'.te-'of 1S.000 utuca in -col onial Qt iut-i liat iî; a con-tiderable saving; »i tt ut i*,r-"urt-i-its iczs titan lialf the sav - et" t t t--'itlie efftectid if ive insis-tedi t ~ ~ ~ m lttiutt itnuSuthiAfrici shoulu] - iunouvn i iid defenue. as Aus- 'rtiti It; anc wotilt in.qta che that tliarc etcftiisainîlsaof lîrit i-lt soidiers se' ' rcl lrutzhaut C'unaoi, -e7adlin laniidiuft'ntc.i lie fatit ti-t tluerc are it ir t utn 2,00 soltlicns cf the lin- joitînaiti uitlv iii Lian idai fiey are all at ilulalii'tx oau L-iiuîuî ut. 'lite titute tCt- ripe for the aking o'. t-otf th eucarcf Iil lf-ix and Esqui- Nuut- t i*utii iw ttu ""uirnusan. Dur- i:itc tie Satu i a ti t'. i nitada gar- 1i tutfoi-*,-, ui b,'th t t e Atlantic i atti pý,cti.i I ýcn'. ioera "i'iiuent cf t-a '-'gr:iiue,i fuir tuie piirpase. ýA t t le t Ci ut at oi ft-nece' f 1902 tte tut', lu:ýý i i i tL t"e fuîtItti'i ng refer- t-t tt ttii It'texîtiujt ru' a-s lu Canada u u t ' :ui-u\ers af tue United tildLil k i face,. tA1-t il -)sl i -i i i "'F lu 3,-luut- cu. i p ti' 2xw yra. fhab lcab Pe ilte aimut piack cxp.ra dira]u Ila i- 'Iobi pie au-n' ie 'lia i IV.ein, "o til LnI t il 1 a Il thi ---7

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