Whitby Keystone, 27 Oct 1904, p. 8

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iRubber Sponrg biit wudI lÇ.(er, Wejust r ci ea large quZLntîtV 0f t n1 în11léd Toilet Soa Ps iii Heltîttri 'ru.Cariitn, Lily of the\l-v Fl. roi] trc, etc., at 1(k. a Ui,f :; akes th40c. per Ce 1 . AUs ttîne t t (stîle. Extrav!i . in Ha r Bruslhei Je E. WILUIS Dru ggist Optician Medical Hall Brock St. \Vhitby. i Id- auk fuîr -tt- frontm 1.t p Tho Cash Store. RF's B3- Th e lacdies ofV ISail sCh;î rch wî il hoNi %Ieir Xîîîa s in t1teTownî Hall on Tues dav. Nov. S. 'Pea serv et fritîn <; tif 8,< a ftei- wiiî- ,I a; e xcel lenit 1rograinîwiil bu t îi-i-i ~ecrlbarruls tof ~t wiyter aitîles wanited. 'lppl1y ti tedittor KFîictî~ Lberal Meeting. Wn i.,Iîss,"e x - NIM. P..t11ti. Liiwera1 c a ii - (lidatit tor theî Ridin1g of Situt h ( frtrt, and others will ad1Itess ac meeting in the tnusic hal, 'Whtbv, *i, 1 nc uenîtng of nox"t week. Soit atit. elst'whereu Hard on the Apple Crop. T[ho lîlgl ii111(1 w!11 i t 11 1 -e ailti titi }rîclay ihîglît Iast -iccee' li 1> lii iîg fromi apple trous Itiv h- Iiju-els (f apples ' te. tvere thot se wlîe 1ia.it!uitt traplt tc 'rttp pîckied beforut- tti gais-. The annua l tmkii'-rigitîîtinug (tcf the Wc)flens Fnc'tgr Misulttuu;ry so- ciety met oniii h-î v.;u x- i î-tîug, ( )et. 2 1. 1jiss Mooren;mft, tcf - l)rit-miaîll'. onetif the Presb vterial 's t-- ussi'iuts ua (lressbcl the wictt':ltg Art' t lo ttse'a freshments w-ens 't's"t. A tr-'ttt- tendaunc-e is (s1at'î.!î.-'it p tii date, ¶75.0<1. doi5's di 'ltiî'iit ttiu t 1o. siitig îst cash storie- Rev- Er,ry Lecturcs. ListStut î V1îj 1I1tt - t(f c fruit, t hi M-'niýitt (\uii M r. iEnt i'\iirv st ii sttt u îîtîl's' up- on bils tp 1 thtiti ilI.ut I litHu sk-e foii. an u t1,11 111it l~f t Ii' Itîit ii liglîiit tie t :2 uÀ (i5iSt t' fli-L 4-11 c - -'c -<-. t 't - - af-tu. us us ijuilti' i. t I - - ; --t - t-- a titi' 'it t q ; i I - t i Il t . - t - - uIc-ut Lit iii tii 4 t t.t. I t M Iii- ;tii5 .t\ - it - it, i. -l - - ;i' t t tilt- - i - tut ittiui' i-lit-t- '-t t; il ti Il iii lit, - of tIl uîs tc M r. iclun Brgatt s -'e. 1 IiP It til lic - k i1t-' ' 1- i tiI i-tt i 't . 11it n w t i t u i t I t 'k and1.1-isit er xiit't t2 -s ' Ll iti fitler îutuîiili - \î,tî tf r poitstes'u 4ext wee.k. 1. NIPt~ tIxeiýe tre fivepreacheis nte x, which Mr. . H. Bin~~~oo.~ Wri4~. - ed T~ KÈ ïrïoxà ~5 of the telJlera(d in as the ~ b ffêyu~ sonsof ln iuteir,-al fwhom are prea oesame'de- hoiation. They liv -4n, 81$t Minm., and are the fan-lily of Bnrreson, who have a local reputation. TÉet ZDg, est of the five has just receutly ee2 iM dained. rontohfor e'. ý_Orm9Ingb elng onprayer, iid the e#év ba ldpon Saul's eau to be «ingtI- -In theyfternoon Mr. Bingham .- con- duced hé ervceat the Hoùâet-of Re- £$N~xtSmmayRev. A. R Park, of -~ , ii~ i iii - -z Ot,, wilexcangng th phîxn. -Illness in Mr. Brigbt's family. --- ~ ni itocp n upb -~ The latest reports from the home of i" ~~AJ~Pt meig fTusa vnn -NMr. John Bright,. Myrile Station, a e ""- ~ -i--uhprofit te those who atnd the condition of the siok momber-s of j --Mil'~a earty invitation is extel bis family, is to the effect that friens o th congregatone Bright's niother is reeovering, and 4- -- l aGoe., redse u hi-l o earotnd again ; but of a thea dwit 3 o'Ro- daughter, Ms Nora, sueli eannot b xe - t~'oIa h'eMn'4~ e social proposed ttc be hiel-dbyte ported. It is feared that sh~ehu ~r eoilse ~e8 a~~gpeospetd a evening ne culosis in an adu'ancei. stagé, and 'hopes 2_1! 5Y,, - o rêd' Dress Goods, Cord- Merià' k--1beptondaweoicontf as to hrrtotr r o ib1' de, --~u~ er engagements next Monday. Whitby Young Lady Married. t Blous <1 IU,,lannel, etc. 0h1 -d,115lIÃ"etTbraeEprfhLaq. The marriage took place yesterday in a' Kid G rnted,> only $1.OOesW oolen an' Kd' eague was well attenided oi on a the tîcuvî of Cornwuall, Ont., at the hq e C ld\s\Toque ght, and a most interestIuug topieua of Rot-. Norman _Mc(Gil1ivray, brothezýàn-16 7ten TdWonGlvseue.Thitrs nte lauc ofthe' bridie, .,f a y-oung'Whitby wo O ens' i nder 'ir in Lambs, Wool, Natural Wool Childretu's Wool Boas, all lengths ànd prices"ý- udy is incereasing. At tLe busns -manil]ii the person of Miss Agnes Mit--: and W ols eeting very encouragiîîg reports er *cheil, sistor sof Aid. Josephi Mitchell. - i ceived. The resignationi of theec Thîe groom Was Mr. George Davidsod,l 4A try Mr .Wmni. Scliarpe, was accetd son of tho late Jas. 1. Davidsoui. 3 /y--rfill ranfr of Flannel,- Flannelette, She-etings, Gre aÉd Miss Florence Eniory waselcd MhingW o i-kuot voun Whoma - Night , distincýt ioss in the renioval o r lîiitglt. iwtlilc'iuthri h -ta n ,S awles, Black Underskirts, Flannlelettq t h oiin h eau ufr for soet a'trs. Mr. Dauidson1 .Seharpe, whio lias beeii Secretaryirc nuîs a resid t lcý]1 f thé- U nited 8 'tes, Yj G wnsetc., i'eady for inssecncep.îcut and lias been mrtost faihu weil-kiîowîyxl'e. Tiu: JEysTrONÈ c -t is ecin.his duty. Two inew active nimbr ,gratulates. . w. re reccoved. 1Next ws-ek the oan T hm"lt a a'"Ln e r . il mie t o in T e s ia-y e v e iîi g al î u The Ithaca " Concerti -ot'l<is iliisioicary. The oze i h T[e munsic hllI]Friday uiglît w' be *11wrki lM w1 ete ilUe t rw » t i eIi c)thiwil e ofte isjt.ai st'rvatcîrx'v f Misit- Co., wlîiclî wilk ouht- I txii oiîca-ocftt nsiur less affot-ila trt'at tic tte toî- çtrood ( ieatîuî liiI ist1A .lrvaîiîîîgs - TIie 1persovnnel ofThe The Tabernacle. tihe c'tii tp;î ivis : Leila Rhlodes NMaîgaît tstr uije ietSnd1ie rtaîtiir ; Ctra Jouîiiig-Cliaiiot, soprano n OO OOOOO O O0O OO O OOO-fllg uill 10 iiritinCitiZeihlî liessle T. Co ok. contralto Leiia (Ger- The choir uvil] bu otîoe of laie x trutie Marsh, viilinist. The prLss ani--d_________ lusively. liriciîient peotplet-aro louti in ptijises of On the Wing. *:*- _ -_ -__ the coiiipaiiy-. E. Stepl'istîi lias tick-cted this \weuk:At thn I!2ch M2ri1uIiurn '-tnrti' 0 1 If yi at N stolass godalut l]()uest csi t1,(S (A lust -oto) las--Brus. 0111 picecasistore. 'i DR A.W. CHASESà%' CATARRH CURE... L Parts by the lniprovt-d BIlu, ci. Heais the ulcers, oi-arstihe -ru passages, stops drt.ýppcn nsn tîLz tbroat anud permaîtan i y curt-I; fe.A Il dealers, or Lr.A. W Chiti Medicine Co.. Toronto and P..ff.t" MNeuisliueav-y liiîiedsiocýks, sizes 3G te 44, i îuly .25 mt the cash store, Bioss B)irts. Efectric Meters. N ,V tiiet the 1twit is t titrat ifig its OItuVt t lcti-littsxstui tl hre hlu i c i;t;tit>' klk- i-itttuugtesultriiittndti St\ia t e\icus, e -e-gs FT iiat just t1iîfu-reiu;cs(if tiiis kiiîtiM r. Saýx1ty ;t"tttîutcuuis itoi' istalliutg tIf ult'itrii', uiuti'. u t: toiuiîa'stf lîglît %ill (Iuitt vjîî for su ult tlitîx- use. A utctuer utIl i'ttst fîtîti; 1_*15.i tii j2c), t0r7 Catli t.w riutî -ifi r a h it ýî3 a tear. Ht-rt'us ti it \\:t\ t i fi !1u n' as Ut' iItuttlIt an it tsiil îix to ii lit-ta ut er (tuî lut. Elie trie c' ;tr- rîutt Itests 0e lier 10<1<) watts --t-il 1,11,)wu liri tw iiui)y ltts it I se : t1îîîî ftint- tmt its' iiîî\'liiuirs foi- neîli4lit lot .-itu 5 i tlti t li i5, îîî . îitîi Itle 'titîS- t'Iiicu' îl îîtî;. iitx' i tilt i lt;îtv 1 u-r ;î t' - 'itt-\1! îî'lbu thea 'î 1i t u Col îî ul 111(ttltî t stoit\-Itl forluii it.u t 1Ifýl. M i, 'Mur>' ;I ai;d lu PIei ti'-f \'litIii, .uw til Iltitiv ti' 1t;it i' hu lt i i ttti i titl'-Iliititi itt 1 ui. 8. Y. P. U. Convention. 1' i- ti -iitiim t -i t w-i a e f (la uIl nt. thu it.iii; ii U , t, dti - 1 ji . 1 t'tîd î'1 ' 1 -\«li' îîcîî 'ttiit f-: -.17 t' '1; t i t v r ituti l ni'- a - - - t sur twi- c--iir'a lIe Ettt'tiiîf vl~~Tiit'i. 'fl-u nii tamitIis i'liîtnclts-' 1iiim ig thi-tîfcîmîîî Ruît ti ttc in mg. Titeur us ilI luho télue fl'r vice, etc. lea uv iieseru-ed tii tîto Mns. J. Mitcelel to ',ortiwall iss PetniîigtotciI lanuilt t if 'cI r. Albenttmaid Miss t'-titl i Feneltu Falls Mr. and Mi\rs. J.- H. Ihtuytu toSt Louiis Miss 'Mitchell to C )inuvti]. MissT-.r, i ~tai-ii :Nrs. I ho. NV. II)ar!î'tt to CIluntin anîd Jackson. Micli. Miss May lilitiI 1,tti t. Louis 1r.Vuibtii Napiîîtiîe Johiî-n rnut iil'ettliùot Postmiastî'r Hî t-t otiPort Perrv anîd 17' tli s ttFii i îî1î ( Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. t1ualiti.-Z c-ait li"- tri i I'la t titi' great îîcîîîuarimx- f c.it;iiltrinruVo ttghî le- is îli a i-ut ttinî-tii <forC 1 ii'tuii. MW lîtiî- tnig t tuiti îu u Ii sc'ctu u lit thi ne- CIii - li i i iitfti-i' atit ai' ii ît;c e c giv'- c-t ; i -tti l" a a lt-i a ,w a u aitîlîî. 1 h l o ~citicn:iis;tm u ) t tki.. \ let ail l] i(o titi"fau-- t c r ' î3-î tîtîocontcc-idoicatjtu il ;s !it stit itia t t îî i n ii foroigut tuuS srs Itii i- -, - 'rx uc-tu- an.t Nil] - t t.-j ti< ht ; - î - t- 'i--t(,li \i tu- i nt-Oi tiriel .t ' a:-. -- ~ ~ Thc Lynce Cnnuch Lr-ýie. ni u uaiu miuvuiu .0uu Somtvenir e Is the niost suc-e&ssful INýaiitc'e on the -iarizet to-dav. Eu-ei-\- ag- is nuaritîitoed te -ÃŽve perfect .satisfaiction.i. Ask 1tose the- ",1Aerated Oven"9 hVxvbioli hettteîl frosh air is takon iîît th -le (veutani i Il mutcpn ait' takeu eut. The- îculy succ-essful metiiod of pnopîerly veuutilatinig ami oxen. -- \V invuite yen te examine tItis ranige b4fore lmiuvng. W. M. Pr'ing1e Corner Hardware Store T-h u pli,îlit t ti~ îî ~ttcuu %\lu t ' t. '1 - ;. -.wl1ei t iv;t; t gI i t t t~ tl'lilt e iit'. ' 'lt . t t t t' î at Iid l t; time,(,f Il i rtc lle i taei )~iti, t v 'l it(, fiîî -~ ustrx~If thv st li' îndeta-" 1rîral us a r' ida . "i F. E cirIîanud tulile cittiuug areuxu th1le tea Ymmlîes 'rus;Iclînt Nejcito8h mwll cttnduict à t1uestiolî Iiraý4cr. - The convQLîtiOQ"ý promcises <i ho a very prntitable 1ne.ia fWityyngpe /itn"~ tdniving. eut. enset', Whjitby, fer 1.0a àd trip ~ going 2n4d sict d, geqU te ',rettlç No.4th, a igefa t'à , 1 -. ' de..AlsobPu hi <*tLoii r s . OPpôi t. MmmIIrIl îFRACTING - LUIKE9 (IPTICIAN. t. 1l King S.WsTORON TO. The Western Bank of Canada. Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1882 WHITBY I I I Farmers' Sale Notes Discounted and Collected Special Attentio'n te Farrners' Bjsiness, - I Ail Banking Business -i - h eiitriistetl te our cane wili recoiu-e prompt attention. '- -S Assets nearly $5,00O,9Q Authorized Capfital, $1,000,$~ J Paid up, - -43590--Ol Rest,- 2200 Savings EBank,-, Itîterest paid (ri de2peisist' at highest cir~1 Laurier, KOSS, VICTORY. Publie Meeting T(- BE, AlDhuIE>'--'-i il IY li( ) 1 >'RTEIc' (.K AY, Est.. :imri s- te-r, iltr it. ~'<I. 1< 5'~ ~-Nl~,Soutît On- 31 F..L I( KE,1s~,Matyoè' tf I >5haxva. 0'l- thte t1ues'-'ti, o f thol au', wil 1 e Music Hall, Whitby, ivonday, October 3Ist, '04 lIs- liîîtîi î-aiei-tit'ittîliv itut. ( alr labuitI sem-xeu ifor a-liels. chla iru tau - unat(S p.11u. ( î:i. .k. lite-S, tcel'e t tl'. (~,îtt ~ c: 'îîîî~ ix î'~t,. T7 rei - wâérs i' Hd X~onday.--- boro oVer Sunday. Mrs. Stewart of Osh&,Na, is vsin her mother, Mrs.' Smith. Mr. and Mrs.Seldon, of DotroitMieh., have moved into Collins' terrace. Mrs. Worfolk bas returned home af- ter a three weeks' visit ini Toronto.-, -Mrs. Mlanning has returned home af- ter vis;iting friendsdéown east. Mrs. Wicks has returned after visit- ing her daugliters in Portland. Miss NVills has gene to Bowmanville to attend her cousin's weddingr.- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spence, ef Man- chiester, are uisiting ýMrs. T. Des-erell. -1ou-. J. J. Hare, Pr-incipal of the 0. L. C., is daing1the- World*s Fair at St. 'Louis, Mo. Mr. Frank _Matlson lias returîtedte t Toronîto, ha%-ing Itsen henme a uveek on the- sick list. Mu'. Sarut. \Vckett, tannter, of Toronto, and his fmieîd _Mr. Walsh,fortner Brook- lin lcovs, ai-eli towuî to-day. Mr. and M-Nrs. Capes, of Sarutia. haye returuietl homne after seiiit-a month -w'îth tle ir cousinu, iMr. Heuvis. g* - Col. J. E. Fareis-ll rettirniet on Tues- day iorniiig froua lus trip te the World's l'aïr. He liad been absent three weeks. Miss 'May' Richtardson lbIt cinMonday tît sieitd a x'ear with relatiuves iin Alaba- lma. Slîo uvill visit tht- WNýorldls Fair on lier wtay. Mrs. C. A. Goodfell*w, wtbo lias been on a Vîsît tii lorîtrito anti Bradford, return- - ed-0nFrtiu last, aceoînipanied bv heî stelu fatlier, Mr'. Chas. M-\agee.' *'-Mnl. anîd Mrç. Jas. Iiitledge have bêen eiya<visit 1-o rcla. -s in -e Jersey. Mr. Rutlcodge lias returnesi., but Mrs. Rutiedgu lis still iiuigcring with f iends. Mastçrs -Jolin andi Cullen Perry, 'who are in the GelieraI Haspital, Toronto, tiD(ergojiiigy treatînent for affection of thet Itose, are deniice ly, axai were to have coiS-ie horie last week, but on accaunit of - a cliild n the saune wxard hau'ing se-arlet feu'ur, t bey liad 1-o be quarantined. but i t us expIecteîl 1-bat 1-bey wiIl le home in. ahbtit a week i10%-. tPatriek Edward Mrhfe'reniait of - the Cautadian ¼oiierai Electnie Coimpany, - Ik-tt-rba-o, who bas -býelnvisitig rig1s1 aid hý-î;ae for a few weeks, retuprned agaiu to I'ereriioro ias't, oui Sat-pnday,A Suicelea-iug\VlityPat lias beenie'm- î'loyed iii 1-li electrie business at Ogdens. - Ihurg, N.Y' ., Mouitreal, and other points. -He smtvs lie is doing wveil anid aivsays trau'els hytie C.PR. Mr Nm. ýScharpe, who bas beenin' the î-nuî;loy ocf Andrev -M. Ross,, as cut-A teri iii lus tailoring sbepartiiient, has -- - igned bis positiont'etrit as uîersliî uvitt a Hamittjitaler, aîud te 4 etîgilege, in the talonu business on elay strtet, Tiroutto. Mr. 'SeIlar1p e wili be niiti iittuvr, for lie was of a isociable nature anîd Wci ijîxîte popular uxithlsI BROOKLlN. Mn. U'. J. Hayeuaîft is mnaking prepar- -ttiait tic lt-tIe sliomtiv <tut lis ts aui~iideer buutit. Hoetiililcs tue eleeýtiQon ccoîes at, aibuiti tiiiie. Portland Ooment. -UMr. Jtthîn Wnicr.uh, litus beeilie re Higes grdePorlad Cintit tst îîmst of tht- suxamor h eM ui-douWi Higlostj ti P i mu i cut t te the lubuuildix-g cf a uite iiew 'u' atu ui lis 11Y ceiixsts, for sabO. Appîîy a;cl-Ilix, lias htmuliht- si- c uonu ieteti BANutFu;S io- i. \Vlîýt11u' - etutnid to lits fi,,iti 'il -leroti u - - ~Wedîîeîdau-. a sectn Umtss s'lîdh t:n i ailier quite TWO SPEGIALS suddeffx- lest wvusuk. t ex ' " traI eau soici 14k'. Soine imtpo rtanut aru-tetslae h 15 ~' sWe-f dti euîzr;îi part of tbe v-ilage. - ~ Clmunes tt'iss~ce reîdetet, u st ctx~ia iec I -11oi 4 lic Lüriniuient tu aîiy tosîî, and tdie chanîges being nmade 'I-llet pnuenx- ;u'lyîitncîaedbvMr. C uo. Prnigie, ; n' ut-y Pîcaýsimtg. Another -stîtrce (f sa-etlcieuu is fed- lpetîraiue-îtf tuvo Sýruîuuoe- se'ouîbotter ts-iI at coopers tas lt-w - 4 bM TWO SPECIALS A LAM S \ ) 'iu olîl lut-auv vb' watchî witil Waltlailextra. compiete utitt stîliti 4k. Speciai S60t.00c. Sce cuir e-. 25 yr gohl illed at S14). Sk. 6s. lad ies' Noran Bassett, - Jeweler and- O ptician. RICHARDSON & CO. Bnrock St., Soùth,- Whitiuy Application for Divorce. tp, \i'OTICE ishereby given thât Clamua Bidfl NleDenunot, ôcf the 'iiage of Port 'ery i county of Ontario, unarried.Womaul;wU-ep t :he Parliainent of Canad;t.,kit thé nuext sessili therefitre for a bill of Divpre- berhîbud eGeorge Burtonu McDierudt Trmer eof the- 'unage of Port Perry3 at rsont reÈidfng attor ýneax tu A ,VagQf Gluden ,itnthe Poice of Btitish Cý'l. umbia Rancher, on the .,reuxud 1 dutry ret and desexition. 1-~ c.1A1 iUWV 1-~ "1!t., .1 hy last Clhat this ye -churcli tAs ann iOntario T b.er'on'F week. Our, receuve a larpg their homes i conie. The Ventions WiI eyenseg *eitit ~Dtdat the cîty oeJ - -v~'the >rdece o i~ire ~i eeond d 's D14 IYictin5 1/ -~ --~ ~~:k'~X ~# tt ri il Dtr - 1 ý he lýi r7i ýt 1 wt"7- À

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