Whitby Keystone, 27 Oct 1904, p. 7

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-I. ~roo~ l; lewains Ide aboitiby littlé it baS been -f0csd upan "~I~e-l rsr or an hour ago and me that vour warrtin~g 'aanOt -un- gaveý or4tera for th.e mea to begin O0n timely, a.nd I ha-te beeèri ,1%hing him f t1ýa c>utt veli-to-morrow moriiiIgodurtng the 1a»t yea.r. To-dây 1 bel oberily resporided the foremali came satisîoed that lie is a sceoh nc1 W4eco &dho go a[ter .,tlfttte tree&el1ýerous knave. lie thou ng mti- ueslone, wifleliewaEO goin-g to bo away ail day, br eyvely 40tudiedthe man's face ;for' rkurned at non as 1 told yo Ipito r 'Ut fri.ik marner, oerO lud, and camie directly boere a wý» a. rtclar palenesa abt>ut it taiat- met hlm face o t'Lace coming out -Ottrac-tcd nia attention. qasa.Howstrle a tonfideice tri the man ; beho Ililya albsemar~s1 lie aad ieeyer slearei biU it was Swa.ys been impressed that be w ar.lo se l fI ai treÀher&s, ad lbe instinctively dis- rather ri&ky. lio nervousiy observ, tr"taed iua that ho didn't believe it waf? a ltIIdanrrferous as it had becn said to be. i Icovlilt aay, lad; the lsure t1onthat lie tas up tO Siwof bu» lie was taikirig IitbTmIwAsr l Jenkiîîj.," W.U tte indifferent re- 1 mischLef, althoizglîi1 appeareci not to *ODSO, Las the -manî Passed brisklY ()DI hinli 1,t6trange, bis being bere. I toward bis5 cottage. 1WaLs abaut the mine as usual durIng -, ugust tulined te IntercePt TOMl the afternoon, but just before it wsa Jenkina, wýw>m ho sa,,vnot (ar off, time o t iave 1 elippoed down liere a-nd juat ab:>ut to cross tle streQet. m3 self, to Pee what lie had been uP T!ie mani eaid tijat lie had 0111Y ex- to. Anid now, AuguE;t, 1 will teli oh.iaxged a rew w-rds witlt the Inir'O y ou lii# socret. Down at the en-cl of oyrrer, wlo ha£Ul ;ply lIqu.red after tliiig tunnel there is a. ba~g or gold bjL@ tmy, wLo îîaa bicen sick for more uree-' th."i a moth ; thon lie oaw 1dim îurn 'Gglld î:gcc, xCIaiMed August, i'toward -tle Soutll reiln, Nwhere tlie.y actert'Ki. were going 1e xvork lit tTho- mornîinl., i ;1Iaelogko.lo gid îat Nwa.s the Lst or himià vcy i li xe o gd now. ohe!ea August werit ba4ck te theO office .ry icit r-%lei o gdidnlier-e, he ex- poroi i,_Nlbra ilice et doxvn aîîd waited i 'te il liçiIdd e up BOQMD lneeii iut os Ilouer, bu t wltll an,,,,>110 elpe suspected; I found ni-.1 a, feeling cor grent -imîpatience and i- Most tn solid mass oala day, w, lie pcpit'l, at thue end down IIthlerge Ali,,>t %,eyo(l bd diappearCed bt it tuî'nE abruptly, a.nd riiii& Alînciiite.frit eîcryboy had sraig-ht out Iinto anotiier ciai, era' suppiertiour, ,Liid al lhadl becîl w1licl, by ztue end c anothier week êager to get lionîn tLo theO evcung IRilid h lavi' owrncd. iiteail aati t!iCi. "it eceis thajt Cari lias nsd <is- 1SUd&ely tme youjiig man sprang te covered tlîio vein, and hiad been se- h ita, (et witil a . iuttercd epO ~ncretly Nxx-rkLîg 1t it. lie lad bur-. ~ - of aarm.led bibg cf îug in a ~ ,>~ui~ ein holi breailied, lion ý,p f ad tiîey rare thcre 110w-I v7lttil whiterl1î!i ;ps. "afta Maria ldj s i O-e-dIis, a.nd was OU> ~resr'v ~îm<'mv vay oit-Iuer imoý;t r:-acbI d1l: * li ILîcwtlhc'ro vere two ways or 1jtwl' Itionglît il lîeard a tunnels Ieadinti e lu tis vein 4JOl (3 LtOJ-> îe:r me. Iipr-.n<t f o wa rd, tli,t iad bceen uttcrly abauîdonel I a wha'n -iia tue me(n'1ow¾ biow o& a çi k, unisafe and. a necw cisc that lad bec-lifro m an n in s'en IIh rnil, wva 9 (de niL. on receutiy ope:îud. oieor i ' o tIltýnb-rr. In an If Mr. R-,ing iîad goýne ttlier te Iistant thr' wl:ole fraimework lot-I W e'.1amuwo lor iimself the point where toreçi andl f--Il brîn<ring tons or carîli woýi»k wiaste bcs bv-guri0.o-i V:e 111o- 1anu rock w-ttli1t. Oi te. 0 ttim- POw, a.ndfiîad iten ~ia ialîort eu t br'rs h-ruick nw ici-oss the hack h tlîrougilithe (Ad. tiîifii*', à5Ofl acci- 1î'iîo'ck was torrr.,bIe, and I fainted, dent'mighîtliav-e b2,fzllefl fiiin,aid I thiiîk. foi, a f'-niitiRul 1Vn tlîêat was itho reano!f b is pio0t-î1a-t cd came to 1 Iii w~ ar-iyz(d- a4lience. jIcou'l oveotnemi-lîntnil nor foot, it wflis iery dark now, but August and 1 knt,-w my b'i<,k w broknn. knlew tuie way w cil, and, leap)i 1rinU Nox-, &Ilu-ut, dol( yo-:î tllik you can the oy cl Ia lia»teneil toward the ifot UsILer to rie(, Ithouit danger mine toe acertaiiu if anytlîlg Lad xo o-: iiTii-rie k ain important * ba.ppenied w bisWfrienid. !a-Ciil tlUe iris;I <dpo-. kot of MY -, le wy.uld îlot 4lsk allyone to go ! t àa- w~ ou tIo tk. char'.e witl iruta, fo,ýr lho did rot wv-isi, to cri- o. ate excitefltert aînloîiD,0 ' rtil hen - (1 Kee f -u ry ai I'th(- younig man. Sped on lits xvay aluile, aterrible iefaot(,-ùe-l i i"tor-lifirmîr In featr oppresing hIim. tti srii.li n cr4>:. c utiousiy to At tie enira-îîce cothe mine lie 11-tIi il 0Leo hi-7 fîived- iuoked a.rourici for a torcll, foiiîîd 01'IL wta -si nrio exploit, but, an Ilîgrlcu it, Ltjhyjgjj witii tt*(-iiblii." Iiho worr il l :îx in kî- fa r more rn- liand.4. andU tiien, turning towîtrl aur" i ha -'t lnlV. l aodne 1 th (' ma ns ro- ~Qp~lllflg 011 14 lct, spet îîv.r. qiîo-t Soxne lenty or tjiiiiy yardts Iev- V\oýry e eîlyhr reinoe d tVhe ,yond lhe citme te wliere two tunnlel-s ,te i -ndlcai-tl; ciffi, I n iy oun byanc.ihcd ;f rom the niai" i je Ible îi,,tefingi tire r o 't, aind the wfi4c.1 lie lid beel tra' creiîg. ¶ îî\t mrmý,nt lie had ituie pe-pcr In une iaaly sîcw tU i tlha d Ilîk ha îd-z. been re-ceiitly U'Lc:LvatOJ :xnd wV-11.'-ib vk 'uut uî ur otronglySupotcd tire other was th- dx iig rieýn gîci o lai" ervideuîtiy aLU Ad oie. the iiii-S.,,; ni t io -ll uli :,oii vlîat 10 wore rotten and d uoe, 010<'do. j thlem lr.ad OVOiibn-couic e oscîîd, a"I(] A ilgui-t <> 'yod-1bu t o niv w, n t juit tIue enrtttand ro)cks liaidbegu:i lu Nboidl tlic ringv or the looRin(<'d tumble about. tii o --.' -al'rKn,"o- lia.k t laitwas h~at? "tmIo it ,' eaI i mr Kor g. on Auguut stopiped sh-rt, evcry nr.(re Cn àri p * Viî ou ersoî In3 lit@ body vibratinrg wiili pain. aîîd tIl nuoon-- tlîat yoii havei Roe wao sure lie liait auglit a s8u1-d1, it ii l '(Viael for ali d< ap of seme 0one in distreiss. itmS i.,oint W M \irtn Nation 1-o pulhcd (orward under ttiesP s~idiaY n iMnc' îii W ,oo@evie ttînbers, rergardless o! biis \î:aiî I(Vr, 1Iv-iiit yoi 1< V owrn sajety, aild- two momntiî nter jgo. i tiŽ ( y 'don" sortie nighit opgh me.it yexxil cue liniii3o-i rare siirci ntno onc is ~ eghtmotlit eys wîich cusîd jarenurdi(, lirt th-- c-.ntr,- tii- in th:(- xveakly, sr Litfils grief ox or li-itrg Ih Co me fiundialter,; of u.ufinor--<Lb It l' fýr:ctonfor Ihlm ijîsr tIuer ln- w îv-iIl.- liii' iii: h veii <n, ba y - x- s ..n l îg x ii m o "'Iil-u t lim %'V.l'b-.' lin dl ii -a f-ini tl , .1ibrary at hb'111.-.'. o Oi!'-', 1 hav 1i1(t everythIiirg I i 00 0',te mniy d vz io Arigo-lîsF, nîy excocutîse. *tint Il 1,i hiEuýro -ji.--t inowx, a raI iii nc i-etiir.i lor- s i -ti --Ii,. U l0o tLgi o filu hi ii, lî,oxvîý(r, ai. if lii' xviliicounic Ioin'- b 'ivîl1e an Yfai!s for me, it xiii bc, <e macl tL atl~ttî'for IIrt a But u:îtiI l e a] 1v. x -,Augu>t, ok aren' lu liard11 Pt ox oi-iît,1Lr 0, o' ie> îpî,rS 1I li«% i j bld yeu aboult, anîd rctain the ke ýu-g- Io tiý -i. a: ety xx i .îyoui, po o-so. 1.aiy ri 11-1jp 1Ils tg A] ts o ib\. t'Ilr'Me i f toL 10 (0ke Cfoi- Ili, tant ýo sFelf son Ie sný to settie my buE nl truet ie-is; bit xx aî-îî lier, unider ie ci -rti1l- ttirC ' I', 115%v Carîi «nr ," îmstharo any part or lot la it. To.- la I It1 ir(d bit a w-e-k lonýger J ?vOu hiavi' expe o-I h nii, anîd lie w-oui-iliaý "On, ttîat -li.j.s Isrlu the sacri- 'Senor, may pool frien-. ltl mto- ., Ito sonie o0m.r lawyer; gire mv boy these malters ilito Ilis barlls, tý LA'me." imior tuis la ma's treccery, andi.. r-poeed Aug- fhave lm ubuifer fer liicrme' yeu wariedAu.gust, "a1estIly, as Mr. K., gtbarId 8gim .LTj-,N. ,AuçU.rt, fil-l a c urs w-ol no good., fol'r- 0;1 <'o1iIiipro - eusîn," gagp- D.Otin-you did mnot Siea the di d the unusai done; YOu tiar-e onty rmy word a bai! an lir you Coulil make out no case agaii hlm- Br-st--les, I do not w-ant you, for IlI girls chol life dtstiîrbed- Inpz falffl te me a briglit girl. and I have- promis bis daugi- ltat thle shall have lier course "but littie my expi-nse, an'd I w-'i i ot tre 15 [~~~ÇI~J, ~~~iît - t)7 rmot ai P1r9t' a . 14; be faIlli- &0 al;D- <a's interIeste; and w r3c1 4at >7 film in any trap-ý o' not6 t~t e pinch hlm bard. -r*n 4l bce--aego-3*me,! c<E wi ~e himé saf e beforo a iL a4ee-tellibte t'ory ci rime. It wlihia.e reibtitkin' t Wil-fot have le zow, and', I1get10W jet dea- U eilts. Âuut, wear t -,vou wlil oh Myo th ist 'ouse1ho ashnilp adchatngces;he 1 M-i KIng, failiergtoputtr anap punethe okumadba onb- tir-e ~be seheh c-tn rsr-pi-t ecam genralli clrcad lb w-asrxrfh syrowfut .a-ecu an heav~3 licata th t trtle nerweXi te~~ ~~ eeio- ir oy gt lier rmase don thniUte nyt, butave a, un- metbi o-i doom.till Anb-urtae- a 'h tb.weas ruorine ouf Whlianî ing w-as borne te is hoe in te ain e li al as pugca iidliithefre iblomeibe- lx'i aoi d .lry bchie g ri wf th e - staed b l tis and îcxttrng Lef o ie Ar ng tebr.ig theput ihome- P peara ncen ie ud vtî-.chl ntedte sning u ei him, undw-ayoung hi:- aear before aii.e o l entaoe ld fi A-n apoîiri iy jntnterfiere-and Hretfeigied gtreagief orerthe re-nt ee aiouf bits cuerein, Tod hem bolic-re ia thdüine owe s toroe the bad 'of'phan irat e do ief"d tire , but conieetri hl at ban lon-do Ains, w Isr acin n informixi er tir-atLliepi r.ntla'r b hiid te tur toe m-ite rurrx xvitl, notwoild ne-CiSstiy f-;- lere aint sfiae eareasir yter gnardhtrandfrI plaota îls' nddie f ier ernito le-w-ed tipon si,unk -wtad- cix c, s * sbos boi t tii U01nfoi- ndx Cs' ld i- le-tv hersif le Leivgudod by him- '- Yo4 fxin- ipat grfoi-crîni theni irursineusstll icnanbdY Ie <le c90 rnuh aerx w-'iv xr li en lie rced thxa t. e-tcl in'rinisi ner a d a ttcn "Y te e r:- i.ri-l, I rpi' nI dethle 'WehlC_, î 1 Iîî'n M-, tcoiif eC in hI ou' andee bt l;t on e tIreMdcrioe t colan irhtl e îîi rea hltm- - jjR rejrid In iriiuisCiii girh "I be ns'ss irait ors r mîd iiîIiii o i t efl A e-no to niirfe fr nOie-If Me- Af>- tostL, epýp «-hov r' ii' lie Oi fo' mu g"Ys, and Ireakr'tcnri Ii<iiii fo- jto dtl' vr, nc ,' 1iiudstrY c il'rI CdH h tii"' il c l i aiii lbfr 1v{i' d iton ai- inr<olxx iiiasigî o!ireelex ity 1 -A br;i a [r x-hu-n li- c Ibi 'atfer il~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~D rot riulii.Sr -steire, )f stralpd bv ii-r gm-tcf 10o be able il( L ' thinkcleirrlyfor lieri-,eif, and 1w-' g j ruýater <Iii' tiad sîgned paperi atîmado :irî ing her guard lani and çtLant gavýe iibii1power o! rat gtorney tê aci for lier lin all <mal b- ters of biiies< tim Tliat same cer found tiîem al d 011 tlic waLy i:uu, whlera thle -y îr n. ived late 'itlie îext day, tmîd th It followitig moirint Witlianji'1ing w-a Y' bîirned begride tluV vuife whu= lcimai iC ioved soi WrelL, anîd wîîorulticliai "' laid te ret i-n a quiet nook ripo i r lus ý;0-i eàtate. o , Tittse eventus ociirred lu Neveun lie cor, acar <thu <-i-d o! bhe sr.ioi t qurtr and 'louis-aanîd Inez cdi ou clded teoi uiaI homO iuritil th d.ý bcgtiunUig o! -, luý iext- terra. - in1 ilie ajternqou after the fur he oral Carl i Cug 6einded o! Atgui 'F the keys te MUr.Cingsasife, «r' e marking tlat ho wiehed te examil vIts contents.1 CY "Pardon, s-lr"said -the youm m-axi, xvth 'thé t-txost potlteflOI P_"bu-t xvold un nt.be.weCt o-iwa si- Mr. Anslo - by ret urri . lie-Wa5ào Ar- Xing's imar icf bîireas., and I hW Io tete.dr:- phed t him te inquire if1 te wil, Corne iwmedlately." 1 b1"Yu ul 'eigaiiiaed te Appi îtd y " IEliu 'J1Ca-rl King, growit iv ahrnepstp3£i-l Ilu lie face-. at ti uinexpeiited i.41eO11gelre. " Whio gotLunder erd r 'suid yen te do thatV' goal ugs r-mled genîaily. Ho d eil noli hLt te off,-nd thîs man; lie w.16'ftLdit-i aipear ho 1>e uporri fri en nd ly termt; e, *ii. l, so that wid ruiglit liite a but'er oltportunity mgcarrY out lus master's iniSti nild iiMr.r-ing lias often told me t ced to semid ax once (or Mr. Appteb and j eoiS(Ueiiilly 1felt obliged te coî 1@t bis orde-ve," lie expa..ed. tho I "Well, - IEflipose yaU wer ri t, ito de oe," hisecd-ýn'prn ~ureturn, scie more caimhy, after a moment at thoi-lt; for l'e, -)nhlits part, diLd i ack, wlah 1to make an enernylof kumg affliz ma ns vac. ay.ý -'aS Weilt te AZýýý that. et aig he><guadIl tii.to -«e if there,Was -Iat shape 'the e9lta-t8 J0 Auguot's iîeart ' ia ~ is ttroat at tiLs se'tI, ut-.iOf Lldltsagd:tatii î ce, imseif to oberve- wth Ã"~ aimmesa; 'jBut you twill have tcd act 1c &gai authiority, yo'iikriow, "Oh, that te aIl riglit, my boy" l'o, man gibli returaed - "we'vb; , ;ended te tijat malter -bofore WIB -ft Los Arigeles. Hiere is the decil-,. -t, and t! you ktlOwI anytiUZIZ" - ,- law, YOU wili sise thiat itSa drew tie paper f rcMnl a iIspoke and *paSSe'l'lt toY - at lie ciou o te hec!E- lit--ho could do almost 0deed w-as doue piat r a-- thie mari couid lie eaug 1ài power; se ie nreserv sereet sIlence and filu- aiiy l i te paper baek witlieut riîmstieii:-flg bis autliority or lits unetli(io! od'bîtailîLiig lbt. (Tc br- continued.) SEED CORN. Iepai-tî-nctt of Agriculture, Cornrisiionrrs Brandi, The preF-.nt scoason has been a rery disappointiflg one Io the greit nîajority of the groxveis cf corn lun(Ontario. The charactr-ritie lmck cf cre la seietingC cial r tian exer, proveIthGtoîi fC., Brockî'iile, Ot But ail said and ruiYou cannot bo -oti lite o id a d a g e th a t " e p icic e is a d e a n Ioa r f a d of s e n u m n p ' teacher-" We have iad no nier-e gar- '"UN MARRIE RS-" 0F ENGLAND. nture atif yen r .Afu-itio e hianpraxo 7 ing example cf iniisapplie:tiiin cf encrgy____ reiber Sir Francis Jerue not Sir Jolîni ij,-j and ivaste cf inier- thJan i thie cunn er Over i,ooo Cases BreuîEht Be! ore the Two i Barneu nîed our cenlhence, huit ratier -- injurious; first, i l c nîn- s disappoint- Judges of le D ivorce Court. t e s d hem stuc posol-lres.I la nient iu expecieti resuls, and, secrondly, Since January il, 1904, doxx-ate Aug- t_____an____________ t iif<es il dîscoxiragos fnrtlier efforts.T ie tas Ki rilrTriclr U NTD OSEIE e, ;F ust 19 .tic end of theTixx'Trio as of bbe fariner le arducrîs enonîglu exen TEUTDiHUEIE -\rben be tvrus iu conjunOhcn wii OO tinîoiilirnee, ix rNg i nature. lloxx' nchi aire uifficumit muet senrrotre and the sins cf mn ried peoplie, Cousin Madge Protesîs Against Her Be- il !t tiier-efore bc lher ier oo-cperatiea le hav e corne before the tvo judgecf tire1 n not fortiiconîing. EnglilîDirerce Curt. i>g Entish On tlie other liand, tre find foui cor-n Orer one-hraif of tU'h îe total hlave M-irs. Craigie, trilles Cucrsin 'Madge lu v iri grxxer l tîl p-o ~ x ,-hae thil ehecuundefcndcd divorce causes tliat ILnl rilla kovrdabtc g-rover rinenCntbs etsoialeu-tm u nganl 'x-lia e ui mi i-car, and Nviro axa e vgoc rp sl, cases ix-iere the rpnIn a o e .r ý oo crops1 . soj al nknoxvn inEnghildi. ihi ut cf ctrn. These nien haro iearned lin dis- tiiorigit il w-cti wiilc appeau ingato cf - - ic1fmdItluh criminute bctxreen lte good and lie bad, fradfne iwbock, "The -Vîuiieyard.' Wiziting f anrd bo soxx' eu hei besb secd. The The safest moral, perliapq. te be dratxnlesy:i inetbod cf produu;ciing hile seoul leverv froin lîceefiýures lit,tof S '.-i rail- ]an :English village, esi ys: w-a tifi tI ~î ie euneruud Mi Tustic CoelIain", a taipart cf thic îrld no lady a sicme etxtiviai s iu, rud i ut ail ecroule. of anu 111e Majostys jnîdgos, erer expec-ted 10 Uc quite prepared 50 c becme exîeiey lteMstu., .ulirujfan as lier ocîru nrainienîl xas lu question, xx xrold efe blosetri deirete ake~phave caruiid thPir long vacatlii.10ecresdcucrlr.lion iVO The g toerthoetie dgigarnishedu NI ste tic tx-orkin lutle improvemeill of I fnie. îby Suppcsed t be stvept and anihd sèeul corn te tUe Canadian Seed Growors' Peculiarities cf lis office, îs. .vilo.t a tha ai urs tielufallibie sigmu cf good Association, Oti.-xwa. dduhl, tic bcd kuoxxîx rf'nîrctionary on iir.iiag-ent-bxib a lîcusetrife trio w-as In he norhen M -sta ~ ~ o i , he Britishi leîch. la' ,iduals Mh ix - lic5ý o n pik a d p n i h rb s lu lie nor-ter-il 1~a'rcould not fiuidthe 4uaildfui rlxy udsik îdsa ubrbs w-her-e so-enîliculsilage coin is grewn, h hrigCo .; o te L wd oudi rts niigoxvnand did not haro hoo keep visitera see issecredin nos caes hrogh heknow- -uho Su Frauici4Jeune lsanad ail sxaitiugtrhuiic cime dncsscd in eider te rnedium of the scco-merchirnit. A~ groîver î î- - bd roceire tluein, xx'cîîd ia'e umade a bad i-%ilI order a certin quantity cf secd. tacunitn oiary oion inr 1âhess ire impre-ssion. In lire finet place cie îvould a-king to be stipplied ivith i uothing but cî ul>ptls îni have tbc air of cne wt-ho lookeul to find Po the bcdt; le receive 4tbe -Ced, ad o nmdtcdiandnddsiieia" cfiiio e'nirn xiibea batuewhoxlîce neigluibonhuceu on lier docrstep tic great nia joiitv of cases sotreIl witb- o ea'ron - lbea-itoa1- nartatacmtoscn , i ru, ebigistituly adi bfai iile of recognit ion (or lie r-cri di- -'nari Zta bcptcscodli out estig is an if t f ils otould po lîi t e extravagance, a liy or .--io"x'layse cx-ieblaini on tire seede- rect.- c' msnix t od Pell nt" ilifril pride.O irnîx 'lime frier shîoîtd testhis seed -sZilo Thisi nib iîns rrli, 'Uue edesciibed as parb cf thcscoial odirethUe as The elhior lit tic wci-d "Picc-ndiii.' for iiiniself. and if ltbeUcgodgi Thoý,e w-ho have thue pii'rsnm-ire of - er etent un Frinpehilie. Surely ti- solruii tis e: if. on tire ochier baud, inca Su rFraucd dliv eailaffirm tiat ail i-ranipsliirn-mustlire in Nexx'Engiand, 'l' it bc bad.lt ici hlir dispose o! it as beist fie.sunîsreîliii on ixere dveent people are neably attiied l e a u A f a i i r g t l a ni i r a y g r o xýv e n e t h i e a a r c c . ld I t i i s n p p in tu f c n c , c e n b o g b y m y n bothlihe andl hie colilic' ee Bolhin h fenoee huhte > aei oseccuîring thuein seed i net bave their "best goxxn" on. i have i l to l itt e tmv b e t o o ta n ave the appearenc c f bing tic m os l i. taîl o it utic hure -e f t btaimaue.modest o!nin. Icii rideinae kîxiîig cf isar-cpal aue- lun eaîly cî-er-yclter purticular tie UON'TS FOR YOUNG MOTHIERS heue bc ccl1" ,oxn i aliahazrdtwo mon ar-e rîtbeii and entiîelv dils- nnianuer, an dl ti r îî' It s an-ioneiy a wx at - s iu Tar. Su 1'ra n ci 'has bic oral. .-ark- - tld. nihero us fi1eds of 1nie e ttn dei a I b arded face f tie Spania d. Ilic lias D ont gie baby a sleepin g , draught, - n l m u il l tu o i e f l e a c f o ngrd r o p i xgon uu tu lmt hn o e F a s o o t h in g um ix t u r e o r o p i n f a y t 1 r n d n lhieta n t ho seen , t i g r u nt t h i o u x t ,-n h s u io s e e h k in ul ex cep i by <th e ed er o f a c e mn p et- coîiutiy. - c~seon tho ho iooking anNytrhcre, but in su obr rî a eeuthe chiild. lie- bribtes iforn e n ce moghor ubei-Dn ioean hoc einicîrs oies ihial ccii. ic ncemor ocupyuigt-uir direction-at tic %vater icotîle on1 4tint positioni duuing th ic sn season. !îc as.soeiabtes table;, t the i nis ember that ail sc-,cauicd soothinig mmx-«. Weîvuîd heeore pr-ceoltejidgI oe'e WU ures contain dungeroli pits. i XCr rNeqo hstunry ugtuolf sux ai xhc cl oet-ci vea i ld is reshies- gire lb Baby's 0w-n .et ou i-iîtcueIlcf tii o-rrd e f0a1e0-soothing doxvn titli hie lips-t-et sec "0' i 'abiets, as ther arc absolutciy bar- ind noxas alook thuonîgi oaithtrn. sirbliean te matuirei of d-ndi -iiahtb ietv lie lese and lu a 'îîatural xxay premete- i tye an tie pudîuit o ~ arieytearg a nionocle to ielp hlm; and il 1îlelhgrui i'p irotd fuior icsielurge viedý be se- muret le confesoul liat lic beginus te look jDubgv reilet ic i eo c urc dd ii i next v a es-l. 1'hese co ule ncesxro e vnn crrt ment f bab 's bîrxvcil, in dia roea x- UcV ipneiiidypae liacul cr-cditcd to hlis age. ceint on tlite'ativice cf a docbor. Feed p- o!'uoskelefresoxir lme who Imagine hlio exact peneonal un ithue- Ilie i'iiil snaiinigly and gire Bab's 0w-np >_cxev lkîrmle fi-onu e.ulucaer shiouhd be , ofditîianîdruibîxoN-J01fh 1 lci- î"borl o rrtI n0 tetu i -eti ie n!mota orel Bar-nec. IHie face i,;bioad and in1 cilci-K'pti borc rrn es p r e c x uT hu e ti f i î a iyo f t e r i wat fu c n r u d d y a ni. i s u l i r t' a n d sh o ic e T h'fl se r e a ii e n l v i ii c u r e d ia n uh o ca . s enai Tie t mue o thie yca le noir h forth rPon'iscutat rios lot give a young elîild harsi cahh- -_ band, tlierefore 'union those itho groxi'tircuigli tie mo-et formnîdable pair of -tis nba atri, txhil grp - heir o%îxmîsoc-i. or ruin ho supply cthers. spe'ctacles on tht' luenci. Ilicis a ai a ai lorîuro.laysor oalhets bave - iouid do bUrin niitruosbte osecure c- ofe et oxwiord-a 11111e liki, hie hate Lordagnîelxtv acinUdUrrfl lied possilneccient Cre. and tien store IHannoxen lutiraI; tuicuui hoesetaîkatire Icacuentconsxtipeaction adnvrf Il tIiose cohictoil Cars ini suai a manner that dors trilI peeripîodîîceanuothcijtudgc M crecotipat. iony. lstîcn nbc - tioir ibauty vilhbe ii U w-a im-on ic bnc e i ipaex'ei lient- as C~i-on h bliI g cat inan paqfut asr"I havc risecd BaUx-s Otru Tub- lepained.tatia a. A afriVew ob$erx--loir; for stoinacli andul botrel troubles f L F; iers igiyt suy that Sir John Barnues ivas a n>1ha v e ulxvaîs founul thein a nest sut- d I ESMRATILE AGENCY. bluff. inhiere tic Proesl>nî le alxvayselc- i,çuti îxdcn. d abuiidlt cerbcm.i Bmt ~eth nin hve on't fail tb keep Balxv'0w-n Tub-e -n New jersey Receiver Appoiuted le Take thi e npîtatîon amnong thoin baie et hic- 1e lu ith e buîse. Sou1 ly medicine1 Fu ntin ndkllyada lte difKealuers or hi mail ut 025 Cents a box by Ciage luN. . tae.ferende cf mauner le îîuît iclulte denote vriing tic Dr. Willins' Medicne C ., 01 Judge liolI, cf lie Uniedl Staes Dis- nt' r-al uiffeicnce o! heait.1 e-trict Cour-t, lias aîrpointed George R. jl1ho Bpe1ricbni i x o Bcebille. Ont. ue icah axiinmv recier u aîîrîîtcycfjrîdges differ xiduly. Thte PresidentSAL BAT thiepropertr la tuis Strte cf thue Inter- ma'u h èdccrbMas ;a prodînel cf Ox- n- ceolal Meu-cantile Age-ner e f 346 road- fouil Beionging ho a faîniiy xwihebad1 fit1,way "ho take possssie!i cf the pnopeity eetbied inx Jeisci' in tuuc durs cf Eliza- One o! Joscph leffersonx's pèt uuiomin-5 e- andvreserve it.." Mi. beach ile i 'oi-bei<tîIcxlooks rer-v îiiu ike flot- allons ie a bUrnelcor.T'flu e rabie acter 13i Jerey xeceiver, appuiîîled iisî w-eek. 'fie gaix cf bthe Armada.),Francia Jeune,.thie beluces tha carnuiariiagee. and! receut]y Shèiffix-s tillu* posessonf the of- Presidcnt's faher, bccaniie maca of ad\ielagoî ! 'h uiret lg fies yesterdky, '4yut the or-dei< appoint- Penmbroke Cellege mu tie ycar et the lut- mnarrv as ceeu as erer îiry cculd afford1 90, ingthe- reçeiver-4i4ç,t~s P4l rscëns )i*v.ing ter's bijîl. He 8 knoxrn as lie tt. "I3acheiors xrhi-m, I have the utyneeti -i-' ~é0= prpet , -- alatisueb l-o tue s à n, coitempl fer the triole bi'cod et them," Er,~lrd and t - hO - l, sal. 'Thec eider thcy growi thue more Ir, ~ sit*tautit4p t~ie avni sB~it g<'i ho~ nc. hona h~sfais f h covn - .> pe'!onei tîey g -- I tsrok Que dcwn jiY Mif-theg -o- hftie-tterea peg,',t ugir, the otior day. île w-as ~-ýern, ' 4'Cua, lt efilbnéitalking iii t; tlis irornan ho iuad known Tho Ih oaadtin>rc0dl ySo tex ocs.- -tin leeod vu aned Wy le- Pegidnli- s hed peni g h~arng l aÛ-A-i'e tue dadIsn that wdkn lie iad kcnoivn. and tîxese thw yq et 'Siatqp àwùh Qi. pfdet-e NCE nQiie ntbigabdutdir&J plfotý ",blatt-WljM4eîhe cet- ;MN tany-knewno*bing -aot d~roe at bis'apôntlet n 1892 A f ew years y and ~yôgr than the President, lie was the roug ' son, <" <'o . à Liye oo1 ip owner, and ', ships and Wha 11vary bon -~ big 'pro igglonalçonerW Ai tow o nband of coexrs wh thei' igrhed ekeiéedm« u mtbat tùrng, the lant twi es of- the last xQtt~ try;' l r. îe Bigham iaI-ý ber survivýor' peer Hugli Beyd,--'ho edsJ-d1y at Durham in 1898, was b?~ fthat gathering, but it Can- E tbe ïàl«- to.dithat their places are Natur -d, i ocecr-t w-ork at f irst MBeî .4therunongenially te such a c 1%i.Iere is a - god deal ef robut Bu' n~ ôb~in the Admiraity A i'but .1t 18-is. nthing te the floods vlods of i lrugh which te court coifrt » -bas te steer his bottime af ter bis ap- rPeint t Me sordid nature of tire soi<-~u~de xrk t _,1upon hie nerves, and he w-ho - -- , - as Mr. ohn Barnes, Q. C, h d been the th im-' -E calmest and strongest of men, nowa i wasng, - Sir John Barnes, w-as fer 9, timne 1 ûeany j" SVrried inte illness. Happyho a - troub~ - aI in"r- - ~ leeme acclirnatized since thon, and A the gr s eu onitàs recovered bis old conditien f fit- strortgl -\ t us&e 0nea whicb utepstble l 1qs'i-nk -fifllste all 4tbrough se much w-ork. bnTbi fôm simnlar -trou à) Thc rep, The President, on the trhad only -a îlitn t Emdry id not succumb quite in thxe saine w-ay. ' knwfiiSt, Câà ies, lsa au~,h sights he sees and the cases ent ~ ~ ~ ree wekrl eýdstcri ~ -ebs,4o try have imparted a .ei- lias the high.est r'spect f allw i y touch of -ncs otecue-Si nw u.~with w-hich ho re-rales those w-ho If vou havé any symptoîrns of PIe ubs cut el theb trouble, neuraigia, inigestion, r eu ek n ilîk"stagrtohedvio tisin, aflaçifia, or any r of the nuno'<, e 4e 'Oe hni. Hlie ebiter dicta in troubles caused by poor or w-a o eD Lsecase -l ogh eei bloouX, you wilI find new' lealth and 1 ,w-heu hie inducted Mr. Shee and strngt l a ai ri> o D. WIFmsIM.r. ifus Isaacs int the axioms of f e Pink tPiis. Do flot wa-te Money or as t' ghl by the dtvovcc court, ifrn furtler edangr your eath bv the iTg t se eminent cousel, wo watchd use of substitutes- get the gceniîe liim xe>*h sorroxv and ,surprise, w-hat a a' pis with the ful nain, "Dr. Wllianxs' low>viey b~e beld of the morality of tbe 0 Tin Pus fr :îl Popl," r. heweUl4o (I unmarried -men. Anether say- e Nrapper nround evrv box. Sod bv g \ciidv0liî b t frt e oe t t 1i ail medîcirie dasor scnt bY nmail atof x-iich fthe prescrit irtrde e 50 cents a box orr six boxes for$2.50 VGUch) le: "It ie quite possible for at - -- - ~ evorai woifpl at the samneil he Bu ru il A [Iie -13 tii -xvn in- ruet eneugi tinat Go>l cgives rain t nitn inlurt aise tliitic soil. n i1f c's lar-yer 1iarvest field pgrînersii o!f-ork eitrins; plougli andi flail arc iniir's to ,vildl. )d sonde lie first aind latter raine. Y Revr. Boiai B. Boxx-ertii iin The Sinless Qne. ImoFt tic int--ut rcr1iark;nh'c t1- '1<' il Jî'eue tras 111e coîx icilcincf ilis ýsiii'essnei. 'fis coni:i r i Icnced l a nîîry xvays. lie- Lxi "ilHis t'O Praly. lic Pi½cl lIe 'lid Do t andl coulîl net pim nll. 'flc eîîe-ro of Sin, î1'e for pîardonii tliril ix-re apiii i-)viratc ilSe xii <led. laIn 1;slad rr-uiei y c r lee sr eak- e lus Fa er ila- -ds tx-hîiý!1-frein otier ieilnt x'cild. -e betoiîencd lx,-iîffeirablc ceonipLiten- bave giorificd Tîrce on tic carîh- lixve finisieulthic ix- r'xl ici lime vest nic te dlo." 'firo'a'iout thiý eneitiier inip' cii-nom in i«i erYe, is tiiere anuixa' nove.lg eiiient that c-]o iasluke Ln,)i lis lrebîredu la 1lihiiigselcsc tris- hie tiieinrn s;m- lthe contrary, HNiseaillcge tec i F e'er;itici> xxa-, u I ii vxiiic-en- îecetlî îîe cf sî fisi- eonucmt of tiie S.iviirrxxiii p- r-r tue mrrnre re:llari bic if for a lix- 'itt xxCt tix bassa'.ile e'bie saineC alti- d'e tx icood. his in-ipoz;sille. even our1 lix ci li:x-evle bit uiiitxxŽiily -oioes 0t-bat t-e ;are uion repi - tien iiti errfalloir,-s. vet it tlic batr bute ;ý1l-seeing <lad car hei-býs bear .itnesseand corunin Lus. An-I1 sbthe oliet cf nmon have lipeix inot dccpiy mnr.tui cof iuniiioetlliiiit'"-andl1~u t. proïphet, atii aîro-tie hbave f eît heirîselxceste lic be c ol f i ir.- )re'-byteii l'In. îîxerfrt x' Ie rinefo inlrainfluience of i-nI cilchma;irb'r ' -'li-hrd,'said Sal- ,tn-i ilue noforinx of bhie century have (-ii i- e ix hr tlIte 1iescmice lucre cf -f Iislife asexîr-'Se xrerW1i 1last lie ililresseî vomi. lic ziid r -W!,en I beil gc c;cx;i ipoiu Ille I feci ilerýPly mx c'vd. fori1i c-iiut l'can Iùgo axvay ~il ioaermethi" txînlîl xibhso nuch uiiscry îî i '-Sulonug ris Shirftcsbuirx ixved, hu~irid cieula st andiing r-chimieof all nu in iiri hr i , ie.Iloit uaîîî in- dities s.Iiru's 'ied up11)inihie înpsnc minieries n foiritis. Ilc liecannîe voie for lie 1oor nand Ix:.u. lc gai-c Iis Uit- ho i fîurmiel alt-ion laxs : lis cninxci - u eltîre hc andm rut g n to;i i iz l i riiuer id a-uie lit'e (spiu-el d îiwnide im- usiiî't lis' ltuîrîueo<f Ibtîruinierri i mu x(îici -llîixix -xeaslix c :lit' fî>nideri xva-s-cane iîiuutriml. naggr(ie(l ard Irido- .ihol-rlie o-talui-rhed clibens for tIre honielesus loor; 'rhxen Parinieîcîlelosed IS eSý;oii at, iiiulnirlrtL ordn,'Ii Sfces- n'.ivnît for-th lui senurc'i uit uoor Pin'cii Y~'s ride. d oflen it a si-zte ilm ,It lînomîgýlut a score toleurs slroilc.- Seekir-g God. 'NXtinvrîri'ixole ieant ibave Iso'inghî tier:' The psaliiiits c icat iàtul-gne aflen Ccd hlitrelel!; licehlrad trot Ml]i.rtil- siieti to oiiev Bis laws, 1hit le saurînîuunule ithîlu 1 pcrson. 'fisis lea nig't roy*al1 scarci anud pursîiit, and xxc'll inm il lie- (ciloîrved -w ii tie'violo heu-t._' Tlire surrest muode o! cierinsîixg lic iaiof olir life le ho ccci afler Ged Hiiicclf and te-. cndeavor ho abide lu feiiewsmiii iviti;À 1iî -. .SpurgecU. lie Kuows Us. (lod inoîrs ue thirougi andti lrougi. N\ot tIre uuîct secret .bixou[lut. wuhichi r iiesîide froin exnseliC5, le hitdea fi-on-, Ilini. _As thieN vcoîne tb sec utir- selres rmore as Ced s%ý,s us, and Ilîca ire catch t-aie hIftic Cginlx>e cf IHis desigyne Niii lus, hexv cach -erdcflrxg cof li.s prOx.i- dence, cadieh heiri cf àu dei n-. ec fîittîre hoourciiilopes, is jîîst fitieti to uns, aîîd for -soniebiig ih oui otru spinil- liai state, triici olixers kueix' uot cf. and Nvriiehi. tili tîren, ire knew' rot. LIntil w-o centr e to tuis kncxvledge. w-e muettiuke aIl lu faiti, heliei'ing tP e rnodness etf Goci totîrrd u.-E-'. B. PAîc-1 CLIPPED. Nimbe, at ]east; sbhould ho ail that thli ara cracked up'ho b9i QIiIheriuig gettJalities ofteix pr-oie tirat silence is gykoni A pronàÉe isMiàsily -madc h' iýrIr-d te moud if it.is Imkea. Whv-ien hoIsffto tat.ke a hmîek scat, ai- unosh- any imanwill aie affront. A passiu'g esi-cnîih on a 'uriidy day turne umiey a mni prcntatur-cly gray aAslip of thUe tonîgue mxay î-esnîit ini a!cGIÙ»Ound fracture ef lie reputatien. woiiaut fortxuno's w-ieel to turun,, fie must put your sireuldor te A 'I- xi. I aithfilii span ting te-au>, ho w-eary mari. xives up 2D rg ue o tethe air, bt n-othing belter doës it yieid; One finds ne aigu of liarvest there. this flue best that -woeau do? Is life's bard piougbiug thon lu valu? Ioen evening cornes mnust w-e tea showv Ail'empty field instead cf gra-In? menti or nmore cf suminier sun As nîany iveeke cf stîmnier xinter. ndil iere tic plougnman5 xork was- donc- Are ficlds cf xxaving xx'leat ag-ain. even fry to send a ,Tàen would tick.

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