Whitby Keystone, 27 Oct 1904, p. 6

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a 7 'i rugeB th -e Forces a Se unam40aU'ndecided. 6 àbiir&i rhle detaateb says. - v -- iilnigoam- ver the ca-iiji .ý4lattaes of the Japanese 4itionitl uns ha8 ten way tu ng to a calmer and ,.sbr a -n-ient of thc-se parti sl is ne official confrrma e 'té"" -. - that Gen. Kouropatki genuine offensive. IrI Japanese offensive h't self and tîtat the positions-me inow a sort cf deadlock, ni Î Coun- try readcred se sodden by the lieavy rain as t-o conîpel a temporary suspen- sien cf general operations. A complete vej.l hîdes the. inovemeats eat, but both-h I-ouropatkin's and Sak- haroff's reports say there were ne colli- S siens on that portion of t-he bat-t-le- ground Mondny or Tuesday. Field Mar- shal Oyama evidently considers t-bat Lotie Tret.Hll, f rom which Kouropatkin couid pivot a t-uning movement against1 his left, to e le f vital importance, as bot-h on Nlonda4nd Monday nigbts the latter dîîriag a terrifie storm, made des- pet-at-e efrorts te recapture it, accom- * panyiutg tht. assaults witli demenstrative ataks against- other pints. But al t-he eft-t-s failed. Neither Kouropatkin n10t- Sakharoff, in the despatches given out tluis rniltg, send details of the dcfeat of Yanada's column, and the cap- * tit'e of the. Japanese guns. Pitiful pic-- turc-s are painted by t-he war correspond- ent-s cf the shelt-erless troopa bivouack-i iiin thtle cclii min, t-le roads converted intt quaginires and t-le streains flooded. Tlht. miliîxary crities are net- yet-satisfied thtat Ovanuia is tends' te reinquish t-ht. of'uiieexpressing the opinion that- lie nuiy stîll try te hbreak tlirough the Bits- siit ce-nitte tut eder t-,cicont pîl KNetu- t pa tkin t-c retire freonthe lino t(if the' Ilan River unless as thex' hehiex e lie 1lia -t lt-i cotîvirced t-bat Ulit. super1ority> tif t-le Rusaian niinbers and reeirvc-s itt'iii- witbdraýXal te t-be lue (if t-le ai" Riv-er, advisable. (henerai (helsita a7z- sortt-i s sit-îs'îlv tîat tt t111)'-c «)t Koiopît km ha d not ltroitttlitatît in h ke ail t-hle tegi tieîitt -o mI îî -t eserse into iactioin, aîd -tlie nuitîber oif freshliwtn- lt-s lîeliitd wi -th iii at t--ecI t iîp-' coultl reforîhi, ctîints for Kiiju ii abilitv t-o restinie tt i fe'i .'Piei- iii' cf batt-ilietlis far cngtxil - ,cciîiiilý svestsvaud frorntlie ecatt. th'tM-'i t-t-t-1 titan savit, cciii pt'isoc(l ;('cira Ii i ling's Seveîît-cnt-h -triipeain c'hi- p v -of (Geierai Soliîidiiff's î-iIitsiu liait Corps, portiotîs c f t (~.(il. 'S Tenthi coups, (heit. Miuiîr lý'ut-opeain (C'ps, :11d(l t'tit-A '.tISi-..ito' h Secondl i Cot-i rp('t.e-The e ixi > Sbtn-h-ft-, Slicie's-ted a tt ii'iim nient and wss i utet 'lyNIii i i is ii--.a coî'ding t-o Rttssiaut au oiu tî: ttii t lit, situation ut thelic 41tim~t ii' -tiili xsnoff'-' Thhiil î iiîs i(îl b î'-:h ii- 1 outbaiff's Fouri-t1- st îlîî uti it1i)q.1 t-l ic'i t'l tî t l ic i t i t-c -I t îtt f iti' aqsaiuîts cri t-hi-ei ofpi-'-oîfti' TuîîiîîiitPinge- 'iic ifo t ,twx i ctitîtitet eotrps, C<heica îStakt Ko ' te" i r-st- 't~ ancl (h-u. Iliiuit- i' îi - ' itt 1 ; coIhrpis, atutu paît-t of fis - tit ' -tlt 't stillItinrisi-l. reports ereitiit'-t .ti'it fii t] i tii-il a-t t" 01ti 1i i 111- St il Miît- lie tt' tIo t i i tii"tahî Is 'tii t !tî ti tx-iti t i li t- i-"' ,t uil fît - i \ i p t - lt 't tI ie ii t Tojit iiit. .-v' ii.th .- -- t IL t' -t- .1 l ' cv'-- -1t,'.t v1'.1 -1 i 1 f 1.4 1 li Il- ha t-n' il hIlixt'ii tit' l t1a l tl "' ,' ft -titiI t it'. leu' ie h t-p -i1.c-1m ' tii ii 1ut' 1)'h t he i' t"i l ttiti f i tl 1 t t lN m îî'lîîî1. a iî vtî ht i (1 1 til;t i hi xii it'f itiu: u fî'îmîi I1: -hi-î - 1tiio'. iii tlieu i t e litt-t P-t SIt.1t ý, l "s11'l'i-1iiuig fil (iiliil -tI usî' t t i iitt-i o f tLue i fiumi tof t"t ii " .1ipe ' l u "Ittit. ii M iti ti on. 11f 1t1-:1tvt(, iu tit il 0-t o iii' $a i ttt- i ai:.r tstandti t-licgutusinctt cof 'ju'- '1,-'-t.t -i -t-. tîtl ss-cît t-o go lîack anîd iii' 1iîii ut"' illliit\îîi i t- v teiegraphedt o'i il ia tt.'ri'ji'(-t )4t Mo.nt-real. clanth- - -xi fi'- a (1ditn 'oieiuqls are hear fi '" AbotSovereigîi Ladies. (Lonîdon Trut- Tht. Fccnrh professer cf Pr7j Prusiacite day read te hlmt evri~for tratiu'ation t - .139V e. hýave âot uîerelv an air et mi8jeà graimlius difoct-ri-nt ueculiar- t t-ti Prince lIittl cowu bis pet çend r ati. "iîfli't ynany ceur . t- voun utt- -x--t t-i teaçh ie -,th t 'TÇtrtilffly; I lt etO eaci nec - " " Let - - tI ' th km'.wn sce.eteIct iille ail t- neyer uoticeilntrithem sanytiai olr~utt f iiellrltntiV'i Qu îtp QuIgt-t' i-.t--r-o r e,te Off ~yç)u bat-t' u'fr'ati? K-enry et lad ie's >buta INTERNqATIONIAL LESSON NO. VI. Commenta î,L ,&th&ià Lusupa~,1 throne (vs.13.*<..tzi6-A Çn' 4Lo Atlialiah, Jehorainà s WIdow,,. knew - that her son Ahaziaha Wft8 deaid, sheat. once took steps te seat herseif .pa hé, throne. She ivas wicked ançi lous and endeavored to make h&è tit1e," to the throne secure by orderimg. t11 tI- m.ale members of the royal f&ily- t6d bp ~ut to dtath. 2. Jehosiheba--She wf proUably a haif -sister of Ahaia ü-üd, Btep-klaughter cf Athaliali, l5ýiug t î daughter of Joram by anôýherwý e Teck Joash-lle was an infant at thj turne, not a year old. The bedehamb- "The original words ;ignif y a chà]mbèr 1' of -beds." Not a regular slqp ping 4âpart. ment, for Athaliah would- léave :-ieo such place unsearched, but a place whe.e beds were stowed away. 3. Was ivith her- That is, his nurse. i.... S. ix years- 1 lie was concealed in one of the cham-f bers which. ran around the temple ont two sides and one end and wtîich were.. 64variously used as wardrobes or as- dwelling rooms." "It w-as essentiai t-o God's purpose concerning the gif t cf Ms Son, that one, at least, of David's house be spared. Hence bis providelice pre- served 'the infant Joash, f ulffiling. 1 Chron. 17': 11-17; 1 Kings Âà:4; zJer. 33 17 -,Matt. 1:1.V'4 II. The Plan to Mk Joash King( 4-11). 4. The sevelith year-Tlie selv~n y-ear cf Joash's age. See v. 21. .J&hi -The. -high priest. lie w-as.broôtherJY1 - - lawv te Ahaziah, and therefore unel '/te Joash. In the. revolution which he tn- ned, he showed great tact and a ¶itv. Alwax-s lov-ai to Jhovah, Ihe was Bsaie and wvise ýounsel'o-. Captains ov/r hun- drcds (R. .)-Thceir names arê giveti ini 2 Chron. 23:1, 2." "Thiey wite rob- ably oflicers cf the urriNv hav-iag c rge of a huildired tiien." Carites . N ___ Tîhe nin of Caria, in Asia minor.-Whc- don. hadTe word rendm-red "g9uard" is 1itet'allv runes and alîphies ,to t-be roYal body guard; the "Carites" are t-liught- to be a sintiilar class. TheSe otTcei wtrestrict lx' nilitar.v.-Cani. Bib. Madle a cocvenîant, ctc.--flt. madle a covenant with t lie fi N'e cap)tai- livo 1Iit he hkid taken iinto li 1scoidiitui bound tini tttier a. sî lein a tiit h tc)as- sîst 11,1n ii irin g ot i-t plai. t 5. Ile co ni ina îtued tl henTtteeip t ion of thec o~ag-~î': f thlc evi guaids ii h' ve'-î whilh follow i,- ob- norance of soie o if t1lwt"iOu 1'~1 The gale of Sur a iid thle i4eetiitli guard aip itatters of cnette Ici' A~i thil 1 Jîtt, ec i-~a - tedi-1 Vided ii itttifiN t *taae- aiii i h ( tit patwxa-t pni îli inî!eî cite ofct1l ive cajita iti.-.. Onttl' h- i.t \l nîtotit the aî'; id nItic' idm cl t- otlier b%, tutu.l1 iaki1'.1 t1 iii i- îî onii thle Sapali î'niîl-îa as' a t> tis cnt'l it tp î is ofti. M'otlîl il'io tii ' i litt t it iiictil Kin"', î t ng lep ut ild iii t- titil-e a-t î'itlt11)l. ti u t1 ( St ain hi' 1i>t-thivtl " i'-f (liard th(lltit ' t lt, f î' xxi c u lart-ier i(R. 'i lx ti c-I ii1' > f t i t i ý i l ali lotie t t1ot'i i i lit i n ti lt. t -i i:ii i't Iit s i >M! j l i )111t" 1ifi1tit -'ic tt- tii t .2- 1 lI i - l ic b'-' I t I l at ~ -~ ht . 1 i-c i e ft j i i 1ii v 'i- i t 'hI i -t'l-o t a ve di4 ft- du i 1,e i 1 - .,' v u1f i .t 1- t fu umvit 'l huiit - i ii til\. a i e-Ita Il the î(.îIl t-1m I i t-.) I ii t t ,1 t t tli t :xi p thit t ta u tV I()n t1e c tuOItî.in lusi-i mi Niî ýrîIg 1t a1 'r1 t t t1If, :1 wil,; aig.. li' it j 'ai1 tJýti\'. \tii.41t-it ri ie o s e (. tt it' a t i;I e 'i 1m rlia t, 1Set oi. - w v i -Zt ~ . t ntth - ,-Ai Att- :î- l:ail îea.I.] V,' rk1 1i 1 1u t f 11 10iÇ-h .1x- 1 the sp1ci' ot i mul do t 11"- tit i lsiî Iuc.b occalsions. Vie srft-sit ilb mt-1c xxhole st-eea t a i, cii-ae uatl !i ie-itlhout lbe- i n'y t-c!il w I it ws as e- - ol a t Lhat sIte iil'iw thttthe. temple. 80 tbat th x -eapar-tinents would not be sta.ined h iuma iîlood e ai- iso comma-.ndipd L t ay -ho xnight- un- letake t'de(c il ber glnuld lie in-' ,tiantly kihlc. î. Atiîaiiah was -siaiît. ?lXrlei47AL SIJRVEY. The .,ç, - and history. 'Jeho- Altaphat-, the fO.Oýh king of ,Jud %v ~i 0-é 'son of Asa,ï-ij rigiied .iýnty-,z0 e ng-ci.îf r om idsWIyl jfonumN52ill, and forit-Být ainSt Is 9-. A aXebüUi~ ion was given hum' andl-bs rr-.ised t-o a degrfetti of lin- -FO, Col' r up the4oe,2ý47lçvo- ,ipnce -et does away -t4hinhale uatomier and'etc. 7RICE 25c. PER BOX Ç If your druggist- does net keep it, wve will send it by post-, on receipt Of 25C. FORMO Go. 509 Church St., TORONTO ve rî anuo and sphendor Nvhtc-b it lîad net tîim c sne th -le revoiht of t-hie temi t riPbes. 'lte sx'icecd Ahliis-as on t-hic t-lureeof lt-raei. .1hioshbtpht uide mti t x'mfîilbh iîuuueî iin at- litting Iiii îîsehf ,Nitlij Xliab, both lu goiiig t-ost-ar sî'itbh hini tigain st t-le Svris-î andttuin t ix luî, bi- oin Jehorani ta iiiut-t-Itg t- tu tthti th Ahuab's dagith-r. lhis crieit-abottt pi i itnrihxv ini mauluit" tiotîstaît t imîti I1 s tii us o ai ii. 1rut :1-11tvîts -tils ndtî 111uit.lu ti t ut Jiii l .'iA, tihi le c'xp'-'ceil ix lin ~ ~ - 'îîi t-o theti' t iti bic'o i ( 'ita ' îî' xx.u Ivs fifl;' f itii ilii'lait \. tlih Chut 'u. 2 A ti fti 1mi t"c-titr t--g i-t<-i htt-. fîîrth ls th ' v l tim i- tiîil h>luti-.tti'i- -- h-iii ai it-ttt. ti i mlsauho the l atuil mîxix uttv 'tt:tc-i-t ,i, h al zitihi, vt'liii i '-cîî- îtiv cîtt- ver. .li -iirutis sas a. ii-citi"fth '..i. fiIhtitt I' ) lus' iltîutst Pi i i t1.il i'-5 i 1:i sthuuîîmîîs i lierui Iii'i-t'if Oit t-ti' thituitoui ilPa\utilattau-.' i-.i-t. 'b lie tir-t -t-mt ix t- tii 'ti' Ili]t , u nîuatIti' mii ah t!l" tîtt'1:11e ls tf îhum ts i famuihsN-'oft Di -ii t i. i-tut it sm) 1'i ii u it i ' u tt Î. I .' iYîut Forlte x ii' 'if ti'l uIi-clu it -ts l.î iîhu - Itî om t't t-) it I: tht' t iî' îîîiî l -t st -.'at'1 cii V-tî'î -î'-rît tiv iii le cîlmili' m iii , i-i tl 'uita I vIs' ' 'î -us rî'l t <i titil. gta Ileuxiit'IluM'r.~ la diîTîlî ..\t ttti1 vouithfiil huit' t'l tîIII.ov!ý1t fmVt-h aTîid c'tsu I !I. cxiii iut tii ltt oni-wt ti le Ilis 0 î'u 11(iflinit ior hî:ch sc 1n r ig 11tooxu 11Si' t hoe ucr' piuit'. cf t-hic' tî'îi î'l tii -h l(, 11-w'f ofl -tu tlt ,i c:' I th-b- t-be e us t f e 'lîgt \7 -ic iitistcu- i. x-t î~m uc t Itstlt'le ic- ;îîîl. 141 tl' t- imtl i P i i '. xttili'iic t-hit'OittiN andIl-:iitito Pcf il te( l ofIuiss - isi m ti- ag '. le l îilIle î' iI'tihs xibIIci:aI icit h 2 ('tir . a fath4r 11(-. 'hii'i R u t-il s 1Slt't fit I I 1 itî io1-, (s con tituit i iii of1î i seijit-. i t-rite()(.iuec i'ac ix~~~~~O CliiVi( ki- -u'liii x-vshtfr'hit t att- t ii --1îîîp u- - wih hdoniteiolnt in2 kîuc-t. ,vhoftu -i1)iais n ix i(lL r l u iv v surero it i il tii- oed'uîi'-t 'if tl) Ini eu'iht' h I awi lors! t-Jt'tIlt e bRADFvIEL.i Il[t i iE\, (Ilt i l îr 11 \T :Ns is radt toie pxuepoiti e, acl --b tila"s thlatiet- :11 Oleelinie "ftive or Pe 80 ta A ilx.3 iai), 0b Chritst, oiTtS anydio- purpwrt g it ed ofý --theend derthpfpatint Ippli sablet-ragpu tauW(7- Sete. MariOct. 2.- esephl Chaai~1l s e eanged hvets ony- dec orde ft-,frth&nrero rodcn Cônstble &,"inlAm w 'mvinwich m eport Toronto Farmers' Market&. Recehpts of grain on the street to-day were very smal2. There was ne wheat. prices of whieh are nominal. Barley quiet and steady, 200 bushels àelling at 49 te 60e. Oafs inn; - one. ioad sel4ng eat-'Se a bushet. Dairy produce lu good suppiy, w ith prices flnn. Thë lest dairy butter sld at 0 Utoe e eper lb., and freîih eggs 27 t-o 28c per doz-3n. -SprIng chlcke..9, 10 t-o lle per lb.; dueks, 9e; geese. 9c, and turkeys, 16 tealDe per lb. liay lu limited supply, with sales of 10 'iods at $103 te $1150 a ton for ti-.nothy. and - - ,$8 for mlxed. Straw is nominal, - W resbed hugs are quiet anti steady at 7iî -L '7.75. -- -1 0 i., reu, ousaeu.... ... ... ... Do,. spring.uushiel ... ........ Do.,- goose, buuel.... ... ... . Qata, usbet.... ....... ....... Barîey, busuel........ Peas, bustiel ... ... ... ... ... liay, tinuotlty, tuer t.ma..... Dio., nuixeci. toil........ Straw, per tou.......... 2ee,-e- Alsîke, Na. 1, bushel .... Dio.. -"o. z, Dut>it . . . Do.,N o. 1;, buiLol...... Red clQosr........ rimioity ]Dreii.etii tuits Appuis, per bbll..... ... ... ... Éggs, plsi-dozeu.... ....... ... Butter, c-air-y.... ....... ... ... Oo., creamcry........ Chickens, sprimag, per tb ... Ducks. per lb........... Turkeys, per lb. Cabbage, lier doz;en...... ..... Potatues. per bag........ Cauiiffioxi r, rer d.ozea- Oriiotit, per i,3g ... ... ... .... Ct-tory. per dozea------- ilteof, btdquirteru------ Do., toi tquaî tors------- Doe., choice, ttlrcat-e. .... Do.. medium, cua:ue ...... ... Muttoa. tper cmAt .... . . V'cah. lper mist--------- $1 00 ci i Ac 0 u Ici 1, ici c) lça D;2 ii ou J. ci,) ci cici t) '~>c) ci iS ci ~o ci ta il tic) S tic) la cie it ca 4 "ci 7 et 1km i km ci -t-s ci t..: c) .t.i ci ti~ ta t'> t) lx) c) 41 c) hi i i-ta i -iii ci 41 s t-a Eu '-it i t-il b -iii ti~.it s 7.1 Toronto Live Stoc. ut-on Ssx'i flîau Iti-te Blake andct-hem-s. Spea!cing cf t-ic verdict-, . Pope. G. Re"oft.ts of tire stock at th' c-tO' mark-t TP . counsci, st-uto thiatt-ht. eonîrany siere ml cars, c'emposedo' i t11cuttt'-t 52,3 'ho;,-,ix'is itot te blanie.us everythin" piu-siîbhe andl -.9 Sheep, wîth '9 tar.m of Chiiago cattitu. itatil eit-idonc. "lucore was ne ou-shl~ 1-.0 in numb"u-, consfc-aectoteV. H. lara. c ciiust- ut1ae- ris dh Trade, as-Is' usual on t-rixf'iy, was dut', a v'-oreallahihin eeîtpled and carefubly repetition ef Thursmlay's riarket, oui' xei-c examuined before ent-ering the. tunnel. - Prictes wereucbauged ftac ait dlaz-te-i'i i____ catie, caives, sbeep andi lame..fSat-nia, Oct. Z4 '-T'he inqmetst on t-he de tiuiotI pt-r wtanotilargetsaPrise ý- tutnnel tiîag(,edy ssýas re-epened to-day, and decliie 15 pe cw., uidselcts a.: owthtettestinueony before adjourainîctt w-as queted at 'P.-)and ilgti and tacs $7- j t 1b' - f but developcd soîne. important cwt.; sews 32iantod ii.aud -atac-s ý 'a v - $2.50 per cwt. Thes8e quotatiun are lar ho 's 1) (o111ts. 'fle inquest developed thet. act-, ted aîîd watoreci. Ixx ht as bong becilbo5tsi- îlît of, that H. Murby soid: ilo-i c1io u tuntneIll is flot t-be property cf t-le.- w'eighing 1.071 ib,., at -$2.7 por c-i't t t Ilit.e ors. 87ua)itis., ima~t ,tt0 per ccit. t tIIIp dTritkbut is owtied liv a subsid- loads eut. i mi s ctttptlny, mnOsvi as t-li St-. Clair Lcading Wheat MiarLets. lTut.leb tottipany. -Mes.srs. \,'est-on and. y.(-able t.tte thînttlteir choc-bs for pay New ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~wr "r---------- xiciciii thie tanît.of t-lbat-t-rcc mpany. tDuluthi---------------.t- Ts ttay affect tht. lintlilit-v cf t-be coin- Sit. Louis ... ... ... ... ........li iiattu-itist-be ciresvýs einployed in coavey-- Toit-tii-------------i"4 ih yîtgtrain- t trougb the tuntelihave been t)-,.x....... ... ... ... ...ttt.tC Mîaaapuîs-- ---îkm ~î ~ survxiigti-e nuasters la à scase, and Appcle Marhtets. î cicrv eau sets cf rule bocks. Tht.bat-e t -i utudietor' Simpson, wxho itas been c-en- P. W. I)uîî"aai, Toronxto. rccoived thLe fol- inîc i flic press fer rcmlaining with to-ýv iIig ttîI-tt-dt t 1-un!-i Tiaaaî &G-rster - ." tt-tiiisîieti t huî emîine left tlit tun- ingý 1 exiieate b- today's testi- tid Iisi.S t' stuelI1Lavis a:îd Kutugt, iiuoav, lunixhicli cule .21 sias rond, me- ilset tura conduet-ors on tr-ains ia t-be t-in- Li Vm-tt it.7c ~,-'j i -1 te st-ay t'intte van in case cf their Liverpol AppleMarIcittrain Leitig stalled. f Lîverool Apie arket f irzkeman 'Ptestcn. w-ho w-as t-ht.frst - WodlilCo. table Lc-Lita j:'-s Site namxi t-')fcm'i t-hieeffects cf the gas, festi- thcjusaid burrot-tt-ouldr. c a É11 1a1iVi)1 fied thiat t-e t-tain parted it-le tunnel, atui rauiiy tltl ti.t~t'.ii~ i ua a uat- andciit- sas found tîtat a. draîx- bar sx'as 'meat~>hc-erlFruit trI.r.L'iait"-t21a, ti. Tîxe car st-as chai:îed up atii)d cabi-m. .uceui-i-7 --tso is - tIt ti, ehtiîuuid ont. and on returning if 'msas tctiu L t-.ý6d at..s. , is GLtt) 1k- A u. steLsthtnk fctiid that t-licsnnd valves on t-be en- tuturc-t 0 i4tti ui u.t, adt u-ïa promnpt gîne îsou.îld net sork. imnpson nnd siapit-ict. tttaic isere near t-hie en-ine w-hen Wes- Tht. Cheese IMarLkets. ion teck ilI, and asked t-iem t-o eut weo-le-te anxd tube hir ouf. Titis ssas doet, tolex'Ilt, ct Tt -~t t-t t' Wt .a.nd1bh and Cable sked te lie laid off, lt- t 1.ci i tutctt.taitt- uc.u. ~mt-ttit bh th beiîiii. Siimpsoýn remxained w-t-h t'ai. a.'>xil Ot " Lttcc-et-Pt.-:M +lie0 test cf the train belowi. Tht. engine t'ictcti tiitel .t aI i-, t turtîed w'itlîEngineer Coleman, Fore- ttcynun.s11Luîî l ~ tý Lta!t - uinît'r C--*ltIun Focester and tltret.substitutes, viz., ici coflouti ~ - 'menOf Short and (lilhies, al of w-hem pet. ît alr a il Oc i. L îJ -C;itît-. i t lias.-'. -11 t Li -iieitS ai't~utttl2t Yircinînster Meeto, thet. -ird wjtnequt, - t.tTo ti-e- wt.1 -as qtiostioned as t-e bus aut-horitv for tSi ~ ~ I.S cIeet-ýee.-. a t.ai termntg ut rescue ptxrty te golut-e t-be t.iar)t'~ itrlualis aîte auci UtIctbu cc't)," ul tunnel aft-cr t-be accident. Ht. rega.rded Lotittiti.ittît- Oit22 -Ti-liin' i -t-as un~der oî'de'rs to asitttie GII.-O t - ..t ; t t. Ixu' e l tirai .1 i ,St. t ,te. mu il, p . au t. bl iie l tiittg urun às.-i tuo 'Je'Lu ..is Bîadist-teet's on Trade. t als1 ia tli s,la'i'xt. -lh 'a t heîl ea al't". Ina -î'.tnî:îî-t' cul it-bt-i- xîc.î I t tr xiii ciii J>' c-L'i tc.t e: i iîlt t aut tsi' trie :tÏcMtit- it"ieri 0i culs for iti'-'I u-g-c'u T h le out1- iomk(tii-tivr ic utiuti'a a cî ît t: -a a ttI c-m~îhiî~sitti t i'l î-c iîIýUL'eCs -.dut- thuite -ituto ' 'irut t t ýIuriitti c ut- i in tf 2a brlititc'tui's ti itllei Snt 'ii" îîîîî 's tuFe cuiiligig lt ittutl inictt--i iî~itUtC etii1uitîv fort.1uIlies e a-iitta ctii- "lite groceis liîuîe bric-liut m'Ior iPri'- set-iîtitltchiou tt tîade C" V ot'ci-I cf tuaittifatettriuig' îd sare 'ateeuiy. Att Qiioime tite trache Situattitot of tit. bt-, te-r. icI criîr pitl'o 1r al ihnc's tut sttaî c'i gi00(l., cottiute bris". Sut-titig ti l'V5it' iin soute hues a-itiosît deîuieted stci.--.-.aid valitos geiut-aih v tire finîti. 't\'itni1ie-Trttl prittbacCt-s are briglît, as t-hey mare box:ad to ela, vssben fimeru. are ausy gett-iîg rid cf a big c;-cp et wbeat ssit-h prie-es at t-hic dollari' i-ir: Tht. retaihers c-omnt-nue t-o seuîd -tî.îd ir- dors in nil uines cf gccîds fhuat are ai Vo r- Isont ha seasotanud pric-es gonecai y t-t. st-tails' sitbhiardening toid(e.iies t-e soîmît.dcparttments, 'rTe devehopmeuît cf t-rade ferr -ttr groods et linîtîilton continues and t-lu 1ce i-t now a. faichy stemdy inflosv ef-rd-. "lie sxltîlesi--lbouseos arc st-illb usy slîip'- piîîg geicis and sort-la" orders tn .,ii depart-tictîts arc good. The. business out- lotîk continues pro:îîising and prices are f irni. Report-s t-o liradst-rtet-'s from- London sav t-be outlook for trade thera is isatis- factory. - Ot-t-awsa--Traçle generaly at Ottaw-a -continues in good conditioýn. Ilei-A rmoa.d train rcinrds nie cf a deteet-ive. It-'s always on t-ht. trac-k. Joax-Y'es, and it iitns people down eoc- t.tiioflilly. Runnilng Sores, t-bec-ut-corn cr neglect er bad btooti, bave a never-failttn.; boamIniDr. Agaow's Oiatireut.Wili heul thec trust stutiborri rates. Setles iîrttatiî ta aIt-sat iaastaxtly aft-r fit-st 1, -ttii t ach~oi al i"ian sd bunrigskia )io~ ta a day. It cures piles in 2 to JI niSh'.. U. S. NAVAL OFFICERS Eît-ertained a" 1- 011 - lii iti s... xi ii.t. .An Iatert Torotito, t-cni a t-est. .-]cctrical i clîintel,xvi ivill, w-bati mealus cf Pr- bs se censtri defectis'e loi weakness or defeet in t-bt t-he car- toit complete t-h into t-le b- t-be defectF pair -wago point. Ttý limetnt ru vire tb fflî: A London. Ont.. rt-port:t Pizgiit- ey. Maurice S. D'ald-xit, Bi-sitip of Ihuiri, dued at il o*cleek ti-niglit - Ts'o îx'eeks ago bis lordmhtil liai1 a shighit paralyfie stioke, svhiî'hîi as siilicietit t-o conifine Iim t-o lii licite. Oit Frida y hast- lie stas n"ain stricket, tItis stioke prcviti- so 1serious t-bat t-bebaysicians dic i tt. mi1coui t-li first liold out thlie slig!itî-st li-uo-1r his rcoos-rs'. Not >sir1-e thei'fiat-il tviti-o did thti'paitin ,ot,'c r îiîs'n"es lit- slejut peau-e fuiR' y nnuî saai ui iy hiei fuituils-.'IlT'he'1aiu mît i iuit l)Jiaici' xiii t'aiuîmît luit lie _ý-it r ed asa 1 L îs te t-le c'lt s o f I ciiilciu.t1Pe i iî'cse tif 1îîî-oîî anti t-hue b)tititiiotîf t ancal-ist w e. Tho -tutteniig hvs--ae.Dr-t. Bilt andu 'ilciiiu'htisi, ssii't,ý-prtiî-dtl tia t his iiciil iugî'tm'iI t-. ii'g -t j iiadtî. Tlics >aii tila t li-hP - hîhtit,;c ttî,îrxmhmîîîlx' stutîis' v-mittttimi, îbttu t .ars-t tagir xxa'i luteiinii'o cuseitoi ttu hiiihi lie' limiidi'- s mttd his hIt'hil iii mttatiîlpmceait- tiiiii'xstiii tog i iit iitltti-i-c rs'-i t-i-s ~ ~ ~ ~ har it n-mi' i x Ii o titi qî ~î în iitt h i W -mtut i tt 'tttuutIpi tniti- tiiiIi huuir'lii. Il 55,S 1t- tt'mup tit- o f -an artvrx' in tuie braint tîat brouglît jabucu t -lifat-ai sLîolce of paralycis. Tue bite Riglit-Rexa Maiiatrii'c Secoilard Baldîs,-i;i, Bihip of f lmmroît, son cf t-be ]ine John . ti'iiw-as bluttin 'lo- ronto, -âmte 21, !S.',;.iti.lhltateti at tp- pi-r U ntada ('ttHt'g an tt t'lrittity Uni- si-t-sit-v lYi' vîs a.ppoiîtvîd ciirattcof St. Thiuitit Mur,!,i V t utst. T'Iuctîus, Ont,,- subeqiort-lv ictng oîcîoimî f St. 'ntîl's, Port l)cî'e - It a li-tle ssînt ti 31oittral lu ]SA)i ilit hic- traçýted ntmnicriis titimiss-rs hl is'li îacîest and eloqîieut-proi-tlitg. in I70 hiesvas in- vit-ii t-o fi a s-atttuu-x it Cliri-'t(hiureh C (athedra]. attiitntd îithielu, hecorn- îîîg a canntithe ftilitt-iî s-cr. lie suc- cu-u'othe'I -lclut-e V'trs I m-se Ir. 13thituc iin 1872ia-t ru-it-mr otif ht"cathe(Iai, ad wsta- flhii.ltîCiiD'it of tîlint-real in b '79. Il' wt-t -i iilt--i thei ii htr ork îmf t-leEpv iii -t tr veuts later tts thtitîl liiitcî of Il ir' ut -Illis 'cii ecra- :;th, ttot plut-e ini . -t eai vettiber Ilesiie-th is -i ft cf mpit crut-ors BishIiop lttiitx.i st-tu-t iitîhî'r otfsoiti" u'pîîtî'. lie s-otî' \A P in tithîî(îttt Cuhleaitnu l.ifNi'n -c T.ok. InTiisu- îîerolsingc-lii-xx - i 'îw'iix<xin-i e î.eAouiiixvifc, hnmailcitpr of Y'J. ..Dx'. K. C.. «c- olntretil, tur b'cuiii. bSACRWFIC[D 1118 L1F Io Save Mis Sweetheart From Being killed by Cars. CcKo-.iot -Fi. tt-. ri -'tîîot L. ]-htst I'itt-ahutg i-otu cf Iti'\"th-lii hou se lelOutrit'tVoa, rut a iatt'ivhtirl ast îiglt, gas i tuilis lite 1u0-as- hi;-, ,-txxî" Ctiî-los' util ra ciimtpaltii 11.111uIdMs'- or r-t atv i-aultiîug closes \'tîi-mî - ttUS lii't-i'i't-O t1iir'hittu. anduc i I iiic' t i î tg cf ltcx iiig tt 1 l-s Il vhtti i \\ i ilitt'(- n miit ii" Sun lîr tu t wnxt- Iniltlue h.uî- ît i-u-- "of (h1rx tu - t(m) -huut'lîl)îxIeias n1a--u-io"n titi trin goîîîg eatî.ttounthitit li uc h.\tt O i atu l , tit i tutIltmt i el hxii' xxlii s- c)1t' I l ht i utfîrîtu. 'Ilii- if ui titit.11)( î -. \ti u it î'u tilt' cur, tas t tft l .\D- - te ("ut Uhî-ltali. Irvuut-' xx itt tut1h7it tut ,~itllollt.-Il lie dtuuiu'îI hîls i-ut tx relt--tu- i i. -l t-t tt tl v l )Im .irttu> i if t"'w cii- ut 11w rî-ctei' a re-tomtertm;1114tifin-il 1lii"e sut-- hîe- îlirh tif thtit-Itre'u rstcslit-iit. Thti'latter sttuggcrcc Ioi th lupa t- (mi-i a i!td expited ahîtuc 5- n- tl t1 t .i t - titI i .îiii uot-tht îîîîîî ii'le -lt. lie ti" tii "-to Iitihiiibut lut vaitis fI otxtd It s s e Ilei tînti1it' c- i i i etutt juif o tii Ni'ootî1, iser tut'ui(, îm leiiecifor lxxii cîts -îsbliet pet-sm-s xere out- seari'hittg for Iiiu. (lu t-ne -ece-nd chas- fter the sltoiutir ýlu't, c'tidtrt'il mcn tte shore cf t1 - 1 ut11i 1 iver b\ a paîty 1m Sl'u i' 1 ( Iuel-j uuuti. ittl t-t tttiitted 11wt-lui-sOoting cf I rsin n'taii] "-i 'i îiîii iitt cd fortrti-al bi i u lit iî(Iit it te ît thue shî()t*tiîîg, blaimingy ss-itsk- and excitcnient for it. lî mtfonce set- up iiý t-be prisoner's ceiiu'.el xvus t-bat- t-le ,sh#otj*ictg Wts acci- denît-al. ?ît firsit t-xso shuts sîrîtot in t-ht. tar. t(.ilatran saicî lue firec i t-în oîîly to fright-cat-be officer, inmîlhc thicîl st-nmck Irsîtig bec-aiie-t-lie la-tter pulled lis aria. "The jury' isas abonut an hotu considedirnr t-be vuerict. As seen as t-bey rcturne;a tuth it- sentqnce w-as passcd. ML1. Justice Éïsier w-as pl4inly much affect-ed by t-ht.e painful dut-y cf naming the dat-e for t-hoe ',exêcut-icn.t kChalatran s 24 ycars of age, and was borù in Mon real. 1118 foiks live neow li eatt-le-, Wa4 Provincial Detective Creer, w-ho s iWW.on'dft-ht. witnesses on t-be case, le ned d1umu1n'g hie unvestigà- tione t-bat Clat-ran lived fb-e years on ioneys st-olen frein diffament places. Gbal- atran's execufiôn wibl be 'tht. second ini t-be Soo, t-bect-hem beung t-bat cf Freder- iclc Schult-z on Pcb. 7, 1902, for tht.-mur- dem of hie wife. A NEtiSSAJIY EXPENSE. Advertisung is ne hongre a mattcm of caprice or experimant ia- t-be case ef - ent-erprising and successful business nmen. "The merîthants," saye a well. known advert-iser, "have been educated up t-o the iden ef plaeingc their news- paper advert-ising expenses in t-ht. sanie t'ategory as ent- and t-be cîîst-otary and imnierat-uve rtmnninz expnnsret" t-e h iiItui id.kina I iii tuacksa.naI elensit-t -.1i it a m-xx tu-lt ine-ii eet'ttit'îl' wii' tiossît mptatu titi. ( i.. u -vgavite ubartux ttuiîhî t u 5 luit 11-.'1t1t1Mis-s \Vîtc'ts sun'lu >tep oîr ttoiwmhini tîoithe cýu- lie utidtarts-s'îttiNiiW- ttiltî'rs amti tluw x cr im i i s luti ýr oti tti'trac-k.l'e- Muue lut' ciiilir'î- htiis biatti'-t-ho - î'îginec'ut li i t t-m - -e-. botlu fot t hua.atsi o't t' gît -uutgt- get there with m\ tlî but a sill- The letter oï Miss Merkley, whose picture is printed above, proves beyond question that thousands of Ca3 tof inflamima- tion of the ovari and womb are annuallyc y the useio Lydia E. Pinklans Vegetable Compound. IlDICÂE MB8.- Pn1îttlÂm:-Graduil.1 loss of strengtl and nerve fore t-old me something Was zadically wronrrC with me. 1 had sevezýe shooting pains thrcurrh tht. pelvie omr'ans, cmamps andl ext-reine irritation c'çnpellc-daie t-o selr medical adrice. The. doctor said1 that Iha.d ovarian trouble and u1cera- t-hon, and advised an operatiun. I strongly objeeted t-o this and Aecidcd t-o t-ry Lydia E. Plukhams iVege- table Compound. - I soobn found t-fat my judgmen-t w-as correct-, and thînt all tbegood things said about this trcdi- chue werâ true. and day by day I feit less pain and increased a}peti te. Tha ulceratien soon hcabed, and t-he otheir complications disappeaz-ed, and i eleven weeke I w-as once more stmontr and vigeretus and pcrfect-ly Weil. V . 6My heartiet thanka are sent te yon for the. great good yon have donc mne."- Sincerely yours, Misse MÂEGARrrC MEZE,275 Tfhird St-, Milwaukee, W 1X.-$6Mo forfai t If original of - f UM péOela gI M bito b. amue mmf the .Anglican DioCese olýf: -'ssed .Away Wedoesday v ---j TOU jury Rec0n1end et m ea a--s»î "V "e ~cfw~è~M, he inqu st on the' L!atlIî *isii n thes . and Others, ,1 P- , th dt.Cair tirnnel on ili o~atweek, was, cquelude4td.a.' fo1lbwing is the veriffct: *T!hat Daniev J. Gillies caine to bis .death by sf.cv tiûlti frein zas in the St. Clairttîînnel O'il Oct. 9, 1904, whuiie il, the disehar,,t tif bis dulty as a tunnel brakernan for-tbe St- Clair Tunnel Company. The jury ai4o are Of the Opinion t..hat if thie St. CaIî-r Tunnel Comnpany hadl bettér equipmnent for ventilatj<i( it -wotild. in a nieacureq have prevented th~e accidents ihat liave occurred since th ,è"opening Of the tu- ne! for traf fie. And we strongl ir e7 that the, Iiailway Commission, an Ointe'l b- th ovet-nient, investigate w- a, means the St. Clair Tunnel Compaily\ý should adopt to pt-e-ent loss of, life Iii the futufre. (Signcd) David Stokes, Ibre- nian." Firen-an Forster could net ap-oar, being still in a lo-i state at the hospital and two of the other witnesses . Fisher and Hamnilton. are still on bcave, the latter,--uffering fromi burns. The tebtirnony of Alfred Short. tbe 1brakemùi Nwho w-cnt in -with the ill-fated train. showed that on arriviag in the tunnel ],e antd Titis!ey ivent baek te !ook for Conductor Sinmpson. Tihcv ,lef t Cole- ru-an and Forster on the engine. ird m-11011tlbev reaclîccifl c van 1faîînd simnp- 5zon a1v but mnconsc-ious. Tl-ov haj not dared to move the train until ýîmup.1on ' wvhercaho'zts %v-as known. lest lie inightj have failien on th'- ri When th-- train . started to bac-k f-iiorte dcterîined fiait tfie 'nine-r was affcctcd, and a d vi -, d Tinslev ,t o rnep with irin for help to the. Port Huron Pnd. lie reached the portalI and mive- the. word whi-h stait-d Jthte-tîp jartie-. iLvidetîce of m-liat w-riq seç-n by ti-e ir(Ieiîî partio-t vas given bv Xalfer

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