Whitby Keystone, 27 Oct 1904, p. 5

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* . ~4 .4 Iron'et Trado Tale ever toldý in types Sur Clothing Department i.overflowing with strictlY seasonable Garments in Boys', Youths' and Mens' Suits, Overcoats, Re- fers, Pants,) Smtucks, Overails. $2.50 No nmatter wliat N-0u w'auit vou w-il1 find it lîer'e. Ou stoc'k 1.,flow COlIU- plete at astUIlisil- inglv 1ow-vI)rices. is the quality that inavks oui' uew andi exlusive lunes of .20t1î ('euturv $3.00 Our' store .ýstts tlie Jut- terii-ild (l 1111priCe(k(l die staî-tling f;îets of .31.5.00 overcoats for S10. 1:.5 0. $10.(0 t7.00 $1S8.00 ,16.00 ovet'co)at 5 silits fUi' $141 sudis foi' $13; 1t5 00 . nts.for '1, $314.00 suit-, fov Sl( Ail of the seasous Litest At the Cash Store $1000B o BOS-BOS p î*dp Limbs hYI.Business Directory M"11 eatst r boh sokenandBAKERS- e man isuein tis lecion ontst-Dav id 'athison T l Q .T * ý 1 C harles Tod ~questions which there is a difference of opinion, itbe op « Cure.BNS i ot iextremes in order to support their cofteftioa1, ', -h4 The Dominion Bank, E. J. Thornton, vocates neseare possibly prone to take too optimistaQý a view Manager * q~1~ 1@~i7ULV;nI;i.al~r fr istace, avstiit th buld (1e'We.«tern, E. -D. Warren, Managïr tesit ."-,he OhawaVindcato, fo insancengyB.ARBERS- of h~ri1wy,,hiph will be 500 miles north of Oshawa, cannotb p ~gi- M ha.Hou bility bç a bont to this section of countiýy. Wouid the Vindicator say that thJaeWofl buidin ofthefirt taneontnenal uethe C.P.R., bas not bronght WpýBARSTR perit in _ames Rutiedga peiyiiany degree to theïiProvince of Ontario ? if the Vin. should make-Dw&,Gilva Vinwil saanY J. E. Farewell, K. C. any such assertion, it 'would not.be surpising, because the Vil'G. Y. Smitha thing, bow ver ab4ürd; but its most credulôsrae ol crey bBLÂCKSMITHS- ~ tteet iiits columnns. And if the creatonofoe o. M~e n. Aye .,,-opeJnghQb great West has created an immnense mnarket for tlhe'Prod nà J. J. (YConnor itel is reasonable to infer that anothýer ânme would still f-' BOOTS AliD SHOES- d-emand.for the output of our manufactories. wuaIF. N. Burns pposition magnify the cost to the country of the proposed flebe- ason, while even Sir Wilfrid himself may, in his optimism, err Chn farles Wilkinson eof the smiallness of the outlay, or be misunderstood iii regard Luli a.ten Jas. Moore ilfrid says the line from Moncton to Winnipeg wili cost somedy * l W. B.'Pringle '00O0. This the country is to build, and lease it1tothe'G.TP.-The. - f w New-port jpreier also mak@s the statement that the cost to the country of the line ic n To tint W. . Luke will be only about $14,000,000. Here is a paradox, some think, but a mo- 19GS EasRWRJ.AG eRPAII- mient's retiection clears Up the apparent contradiction ThWGvenren Ne%-,-ort builds the eastern section at an estimated cost of $7 1,000,000. Thig, then, A4 Midland ,Sade Aet Thos. Tomis becomes ani asset of the country, and is only invested capital. la zpeaki ng PooloomsCIDE FuadTURe- Co of -the net cost to tho country of $ 14,000,000, we presume the Premier Wib ri n iea o yThe pool roome ha've bèenN closed, AL AND WOOD- i4 H. Downey & Co. refers to the outlay for which thiere will be no asset available, an expense MiJnatravgooscm* yBo without anyv return, a gift, in other words, to the company who is to oper- which is thus described by the Rev. W . .,ý'r teteroad. This fourteen illions is, therefore, the cost to the IF. Campbell, D. D., in the Chris, iant, R.A. Oxe country of establisbingr this great higliway froui tue Atlanti ~t Pacfie. Guard iù il tL ; Sxmonths ago two plied there ne- Adani This P, the ainount of muoney to be oxpeîîded for which the counitry wili re- farlous business in Midland. Une espe- -la~s. Johnstone ceive recoxupense only through the opeîiing up of the country, its settiernent, cially bad outraged ail decency, yet cun-; DRUGL-STs,- C ;n sniment ad, hcowyetor, bTeetiaruslic- . Allia a vast incrtase ini trade, and a development of the agricultural, muiuing, lun- sentmyentvaddcoytons. h e prublic J, . A llis berînrio nd other îîatural resources. For the expeuditure of $7 1,000,000 on by the private protests of the mothers DRY GoG4s- cital accouîît the c:)uitrv would own the line as an asset. Whose boys werebig etoed hmos rs p W C.T.U. led in the agitation, anîd final- W..Waer The Oppositioni say that the country is to pay ine-tentils of the total h eie napbi pelt îetw A. M. Ross cos o tu r1lwy _Mr. Foster, iii speaking liere hast wveek, mnade. suchi a council to cancel the liceîîses, or if that I.Beh statenuent. lie told us that on the prairie anîd nîounltain sections of thle were flot possible, to pass a by-law re- Miss Bell hue he Joveîîîent oul guaante thee-ourts o tht bodsfusing ail further licenises. By private , isBn ProPosed ieteGvri)et'udgarne he-orh ftebns canvass it was learned that part of the'ExNliss CoMPnd E and the M1alI and Empire of a few tlays ago said the Goyeriitîneut wouhd council tavored the returuti. Caling to E Canadian, . SehnonNgn hiave to fiîîd thte money (he-orh of the total 'cost) to buiid thepre their aid the young wumien of the tp- Dominion, E. R. Blow, agent çthree-fourths - worth League, anîd other societies of FNY(;oS an nonai etin. hbsis craîla îiýstatenwnt. When the town 1Z 1AC ;)1s andiiiunt'iisecion. i cetalllya iiiyounig people of the towîî, the \V.Cj..U.! NV J. H. Richardson of htvaaked the Couîîty of O)ntario to guararitee its water and iglit visited the couneil chanibers, nuarly twvo bonds, it 'vLs 'tut arîticipated that thue Counitv would ever be called upoil to hîîîîidred btrong, anud the presi;denttmade JolMIMiWtLeMN- And f th Uonty tte bndsthea strong appeal to the council. Thtis i .IîU ND) flED- pay te antulit Uaraitee(l guaxnteedwas followed by appeals fruiti the Plres aiueLn rtpyrs of the Couiitv could not wvell h1ave looked uipoil thie guarantee aseinaniMtlai atus n dli~ nîfîeDLon S- a deht îîîcui're(l. They could flot say, I" We haive to) pay for the Whitbv culty thiat confrolited lis xas that o110 1 \îtîîoîs'an & Seldon water and ligbt ivsteiis.ý' The cases are paraliel. lan uuaranteeiig-h license held a receipt fur tees paid till W. i1ill & lion 1-ng 4he Noyeniber lst, 190)4, Uur- appearalt (,iceLES b iondis (f the (,.T.1>. the Governiiient places itself iii tile saine relation.îslip to before the couxîcil wvas lu Janiuary. TheHlone&C. the (.T.1>. telit as thue Couuntv of Onitario would tu theic Whîtliv ueht-i wie ah ver, in suarchînig the re- laines Lonig -h cords of coiîutcii titat lonuie iiît ho fully' . ~ îiîhercs le hogaanu av ofii hi ioie.*seîzed of the facts of the ucase. tliscovered B. Priiîgle & Co. Witlîuut iust liere eîtlier endo](rsiiîg or oppo(,sing ithie 6.T. . deal, NYe can a by -law by whîch alIl ciî-Us îssmed by M. (C. LaNvler j sav the inatter should ho represeîîted fairlv, and flot distorted iii order to ic"uitî xeoiao etrniaeo ittsî r .11Mardli 3lst. Tîhis, of course, rmade il- Ç,oiln Estate :stir up oppusitioli to the schieinie. It is thi-, habit of uifair aiid uîitruthiful legal thte action of thîe ch rk iii rcceiviiîg Ti h .Mu1ý('arin criti cisiîî ou tuile part cf ant Oppu.,itl(ii w1itcithtends to wiîî syin rithy for tlic eus ~for aitv periodi liyuijil tîat date, i 'l1E.Waterhise tl p Le.l'ircrtic î ismr nleîet1itan uifair. 1niaI opeîied the way fo u î inI powers * Couîîcîl responded to l e aPPeal, and i i ANVi . TRE _____________________________________________________due finie pasýsed a '-l IN, at~the ~ W Ir~î lAI *. î~ifes ivefald, to a 1)1itLlry fgr.Ef ni~\\i EDTO IA CRBB IGS nr was moade bv appezý te the courts to WMN. 'iit îîî~~uîtiuto orwlticiî tees hiad becît paid. but;* W (tvro INIr. G eurgve A. 1rtctor, the Conservative candcidate iii Northt "lte plailxîrti* toute1liîad ic casu, antd H mL frpulisite- a lenîgthv adtlrems t l ie el-cîtrs Miitie ( trilLlia okct. 1Te saine was 11-ad to get a nettitd oft lit sh.Aîi- . yBWotu aprdevîîted ait extra sheet of twt Lrrge p8ges tii exploitîiîtgM r. W. .. ic.s tte iwrt irinco puprisstuod to each uof thte hîcenisees, %vîthl the * The lRoYal. J. H. Perrin, Rroprieto B5 Iennett, of eaîsittîcue. -MnI. 1l. 1). <.uiini, the L.îberal candidate, use.:S îîdriîgtat fteb îeswr rt peis . -Mutton, î'ropriet ~~0lfrge sTae "iithe ( inilliaL Tintes. 'Te caîtiîlates ni South O(ntario appear1 closod out before titis turn expîrcît. a The Whitihy House, A. Bande], Pi lit00 mr1 1 s fr1 icpes,1. ofr swe1nw,çîitopaesreftind would be grantucd reiîîcing, the liniettir lu have lt1 r ouefrtepes s ofra - -iw nvtv aesfueus for this pentu lu the t)!(lrate, aid 11Fi, ~N1) 1,1. -F.NUiANE 2-) r el pv'U)lor.ting yMi'. Ctiiand itot une a11îrith Ii Lijenal cari- îoboth places anre Cd-irt hd . 1F. '-teNNai-t D. 00 thiate. Ibis fisaitu uusuai atat'- of atiainsý, 1but a 1î1arerntlv lte support of We devoutly thaiîk G<.bul .H lîts lte press fisitot cuîtsitienet(l a factor n i iitîiitg ait electîun ln titis ridiîîgr.Fiy An Exitinc Experience.-N ormîant basset ie wateî' and lighit C-olittutîssioiier's 0o1 Medîîesday muade a deal wyiti atgrKthn tidr.Nitv ' a tDfarni, - Deittoîia i, ark,- iteai'Ent luo-lUiP thie G.. I)v wlichlite latter is lu be supplied with water anti iighit for lte i ototwiht t1ectigeeiîc Georgt Militddvsl(i n. Mn. '\. R. Thumi, of Alituhale, divisioîtal superiutead- at 3 o'clock last Tltursdav îîornmîî. .vET~ ent, 'vas ini wîîantd met lte coin îuîsstoners. lite resnlî of the conferexice Two iîîasked burghars, brokeu iîîto tue , Ae x.1 Nvas thtat MnI. Tirfflîtagneed tm taLze iwattr antd 1lilt at a vearlv rate of $4.50. bettrooni d ithrveseldhmu t. hewoed * NAHante Twelve lighîls are to hie supphiet antd teîî eugîîes are tt) be furnished with fainily were brought iit the rooîu., and NI BF A.i. Nvater daily. This is a very good bargaiii. lie revenue froru tie water wie01 ii ttt taa.teoîe .1 0ransackedtlhte bouse andt gathenud up N.itIA and iglît svsteins is rolling up, and even now bas assumUed large proportiQns. r i u alais Wci overtlti, ut A 15 Tie revenue froi the ligits w'lr talkeni over bv tîte towîî amounlted to pral7vli1al eî Alceiouec '. Ni. $2 5 . To this may be aihded $500 fror the (Ontario Ladlies' College, the biinglars took- a eliziIit anti smashod out tho teiephonie and buî ti latiefrf wîi M i $450 froi the Grantd Tnunik, ani $400 froru lie King B-'ros., nakiîîg a total the booty, afler threateliutg to blow tîe N3iSs of 4,9().Ibi wil b inreaed iin the niear future by revenue froîn îtew brains out of the wiiule fat'.1vif tîîyu Fîv iîgflts o oi - rdoni . i... ,utafr services wlili iliray eluet iii. were followetl. 3r. Ixetchenl, IaOS oîlit' '- th1brg1r 1ti 'A Jret, 'ci w liciatîon& u iThe total ci There is pr. to be deriv( close of afl( -iîtcreased fi kick tus vE George Pî lar stuifi at Il. and senious]: I fromn a blasi Iwas standinl ing house,wi whon the CI of rock aboi and slruck1 ing tbe fron Thosý r, soap doe,,sn't bogin to compare with does more work, better work and does saves backs as well as pocketbooks. býýEN. K. FAIR18ANK COMPANY, Sty"Hi,.Montreal- Hlead NI) ilNiR \Iatisuîî V r.iz;tvr Mley xevstone ,e istalea ani IOll L t gitLi n $ ,000.j- r 1asthe bgar îtd teîepîet'lu ctL%pLice. - ost of sustainiîug tie waler and lgi systerus wil libe about$70).ithbanndelpildte tvoic.&C. acticahly $5,00JO of this assured already, anti the furtîter income Botlî burglarâ wene taîl antd tresseti in P10Oltnîc1Fit &Steha ed wll rcduce tîte balance of $2,,00ù to a sruall amouiit by the 1 snk clotit L itrel iacikc anit.ll. . " eai Thespoke w itian ore aettr . ed titiiNS )tber vear. TItis ilues itot allow aîîytluing for lte value of thie leyunîaîi b1erfrrdt î i sN.-îîv re -protectioni, whuîchu is ivortht conisiderabil-e 10 lie lowit. We mav a soni oftAr. A. Ketchleut, utfhjîokiilin . îrn ear at tlie stiffniebs of tie lax- rate, but tiext year it wil l ake a bigj t ]nolîabî,su s1e)koîîu r. Wuarren i tailo Counity. -Plr. Eastwood Pr1).itigant age, oite of the towîta lrun- Cullocli weiit eut to the Il-apîds, remov-W h t-- \\ian ih Ragged Rapids,was sîtruck ed lie f ragmients anti dre3ssed lie voîiîd. O J V WJ. F.I mie 1y î jr'ed by a piece of rock lie patienîtlbas heen duing as woll asP î,n1' at îoon on Monday. H coîild be expccted. There is, hiovever, i Fre 0 e d c e A. (.wNVîson &Son gy iýîthe door of the board- idaînger of compicalionsreeibef froruI h tP"""' uuuupso ai ing for dinner lo be caled î Monhg - rm hibrukeni blood' Andl to f*eI new str3ngth and AW ltî hagge was exploded. A piece vessels, and bis côndition will at best' vigor thrilling thr@ugh the S uinxl\vw - utteszeo neg lwup continue te be very serious for some system-Dr. OhasO'U NeYVb i The Mýartî-i fg,. Co. bimn in the forehead, fractur- time. Page is eue of tbe towns ost, Food, the groat r.st>ratV ýS0LICIIT1F.- nttAl? ne and driving a num- trusted and capable emiployees and mdm Ii ge<~laioiî, cases beadache uri« si D. Urujisten es i le the brain. Dr. Mc- very popular.-J'ackct. - fro&- ezhaýusted co !on 0( the nervouX ST IONERs- s d is iUSCat ith indigoeston, -iriR J. H. Richardson bU l* ieS. ngecure Iseffecte4 M Au V i. 3'. erve d.STOVESA pVTiNWAR E- ,enral Lfi In ur nce Ca ~ . ~ bus . MCLEOD, Cliesta tStret Carlott& J. Melintrr towu ~&I staesf- Geo. Kely Cè ir i fi Isu an e oï'For uel1m bave TAN Rs- beeatwobled with attacks Kin" Brothers Company M h whuê accoinpa'led 1 TELEGRAPU CoMpAý,M5 Mp j ~ -'nc~u~s.,u> iyin gestion. 1 began 1 C.P. R., E. R.Blot, agent ï.Crawford, M..P J M Senee!, .Chu eveI GNW, .Sehnsn gn Presîdent. -man FooDirdtr.soùte tîge wo andzaz.W, .Sieh' o, gn bave betà'grethy boee TELEPHONE COMPAIE ifited by kt My diges. Bell Telepione , J. E. Wilhis, tion bus beén l1provÏe&, manager Office: Toronto, Canada. thi ilaëlm bavC e Y~ TICKET AGENCIES- Policies issued on ahl plans at 1ow~est rate% MR&. MCLEOD conside r C h alo&e E. R. Blow For particulars as te local agyencies in Ontario 'and Durham Coun- Dr. Chuses Nerve Food, 50 Cents m. bx, John W hite lis pl eteIsetr he portrait and signat4lte of Dr. 'h. icà4 LC"'s'A t oteInpco.e fanOi18roeipt book auIh4 r P tb O'3 'paini canflot exlst 'whOZODr. Chw:ààkab advt. to the àttention f H. B. WILLIN69 Whitby. lserspli.- his paDerthis week. 1~ .$OOOto $6 50 -- Red, ........ 6 50. to 7 00~ Red, ................ 550 to 5 50 Tinîothy Seed... .......... 90o o1 0 O0 - FLOUR AND FiEEIi. Flour, per cvt ........... $2 75 to $3 10 Chopped Feed, cw-t....... o (O to 1 25 Cornmeal ................ 2 00 to '2 50 Bran, per ton....... ......<0o 00 t-o 20 00O Shorts, per ton.......... 20 00) to *25 00 MEAT, POULTRY ANDi PRODUCE. Beef, by quarter per ewt $5 25 to $7 50 Cattle, ive weight, but. 4 00 to 4 50 Mu&-ton, per lb.......... o 0u to 0o10 Lanîbs, each ......... 3 (0O to 4 00O Hogs, live weîght ........ 4 00) to 5 <Jo Hogs, ight fat ......... 5 00 10 5 00< Hogs, heavy fat.......... 4 50 to 4 St9 Hogls, dressed per luOlbs 6 59 to 7 0i) Chiekens, per lb)..........O0 10 to 0 Il Ducks, per 11> ........... 0 Il to 12j Geese, dIressed per lb.. 0 9 to O0i10 Turkeys, dressed, pier lb) O 1'2 to 0t 13 Butter, roll ...... ...... .ou 16to 1o is Lard......................O0 10 to 12ý E ggs, per dozen ...........<J 15 to O 17-ý Potatoes, per bag .......0 00 O 10 O90 Apples, per barrel ........I1 00 to 1i125 Unions, per bus....... ...i1 04) to 1 25 Hay, per ton............. 8(00 to 9 (J4) Stnam-, per ioad.......... 2 Ou to 3 oo Hides, per cwt .......... 6 5() to $zý7 50> Sheepskins ..... ........ 1 tsi to 1 25 Deacons..... ............ 0 25 tiio(J 6o Tallow, renderel, per 11) o 04 to <04X, Wool, unw~aslied ......... o Il to O) l L.anib Skins...... ........ 0 0*to QO6t) ........................ e 25r'o o<'011 Sittings of the Division Courts. COUNTY'0F ONTARIO, 1904. WHITBY-D. C. Macdonell, W hîtby Cher k, Jan. G, Feh. 4, 'March 2, April 5 May 3, dune 6, iuhy 5, Sept. 6, Oct. 4 Nov. 7, Dec. 6, dant. 9, 190;5. OSHANVA-D. C. Macludoneil, Whitby, Clerk, dan. 7, Feb). 5, Mardi 3, April (j, May 4, June Î, Julv <;, Sept. 7, Uct. 5, Nov. 8, Dec. 7, dan. 10. 1905. BROU;IIAM--Ml. (leeson, Gneeiiwood, Cherk, dan. 9, Mardi 4, May 5, dnly 7, Sept. 8, Nov. 9, Jani. 11, 1905. PoET PERRY-J. NV. Burnhani. Port Perry, Cherk, Jan. IL. March à, May 9, July 11,i Sept. 12, Nov. 11, Jan. 13, 1905. IJXBRIDGE-Joseph E. (+ould, U bridge, Clerk. Jan. 14. M-%arcli 18, May 20, July 15, Sept. 16, Nov. 13, dan. 12, ý1905. CANIUTN -George SitCanning- ton, Cleri%, Jan. 13. March 17, May 19, duly 14. Sept. 15. Nov. 17, Jan. 11, 1905. BEÂv'EîITO-XGeorgce F. Bruce, Bea- Fverton, Clerk, Jan. 12, 'March 16, Mav 18, Sept. 14, 'Nov. 16. dan. 10, 1905. Ul'Tl:R RV E-ftli . P. Hart.,hipter- grove, Clerk, 'Marcli 15,.'May 17, Sept. 13, Nov. 15. 'y Udr J. E. FAREWELL. Clerk of the Ireace CANADIAN ®r PACIFIC o' Change of-Time Oct. 9 HUNIERS' EXCURSIONS SINGLE FARE I October -7th to November 3rd S Mattawa t Nipigon. e !î.Utandi Kipawa Lu The Hickinghottom Farm 200 ACRES, Parts of Lots 2 anîd 3, 9'th con., Picker- iîng, cari be purchiasetl or rented oni favorable ternis. Apply immediately te DOW & M(LIRY Solicitors, NWbIitrbv. The Dominion Bank Capital (Paid Up)- $3,DOOUOOD Reserve Fund- $3,565,000 WHIlTBY BRANCU General Banking Business Traisaced. collection of Fa.rmer's Sale and other notes BSETS receîved cf $i and upwards. EREST allowed at Hîgiest urrent UNDED or païd Hall I early. tJ.THQRNTON, ) $3.50 t j j -t Wheat, red..,.....- serey...... .............. ~Wheat0 45 to 0 30 to 0 50~ .0, 50 e 00 ýý-hi-tby, Ont- ()v (, , foi rili JL.Aq.11illy

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