Whitby Keystone, 27 Oct 1904, p. 4

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ks are 1a~e iat mnenýè l o as ustomers. Top- Shirts and Sweaters-,ciéjediý' W. A. Hlllday & Co., OK LJEN AND ASHBUR« E. A. G.. Ont.-A maire three years otld is lame an the off fore foot and ieg. A î'eterinary surgeon r aid the lamnenes% is iin the afiî-o namd blis- tered for it, but %iie s no betier. Whuun standing abc points the lame foot about t-ielvc anches in front of the other foot. After standing in theî stable oser one day she appears stiffened up in both fore legs. Ans. -Your colt has navicular disease. for vhch there is no cure. She was probably bred fr-tni a stallion or mare suffering froîn the disease. Al >ou can do to reieve it i. to put on a good blster and turn out to grass in a week'à time. Ihie le a reprint of ollppingfor a rocont Issue of the -Montreod., "PF*mlly Hou-ai and Wooly Star." Thse v.terinam-y who an w-red thse nqulrv could neth adivise thse une of doIdeail" Pade wlthout glvlng Dunlop a trois advertisement- Thse padse would give this mare a longer work- lng Ilfo. Dunlop,, Ideal"9Iiorseshoe Pads Put new, legs on your liorse. Cure or lhclp to cure most hoof troubles. The t pnl1y thing fQr navicular disearie. 0rJ Put on by the Blacksmtkh whù Shoos vpur homse.1 SAVE AL Iron, 1Veta1à, Rubbers, Bones, Tailors' Cuttings, Horse Hair, etc., etc. Hlighest Price Paid for these by y N. COHEN, Brock Street, Whitby. j U nres erved Aucfion Sale ()FQ 0 CIydesdales and Shorthorns :On Wednesday, Nov. lB, lNU Mt lois farrît - xmile, ixîttlitof Oh iwa stati on pthe < I I .an i l4 îîîIies ut I -en st fiM\ 1 lîe tt t i 1 t le I lni < iVR. JOHN BRIGHT WQ il dispose of, by a ilt-t'n, 12 CUydesdaie Fillies, illplor-tli noi."0 U'anatdiaîî lred, ail regîstered ft1i( 35 Head of Shorthorne Ï7 Ita îmîsens M arris t, a mford l,l flnlesof (; o-ii t tcr. sin, Sj i i îo E îliS1i Bteau tty.RsLa% imia, Favorîtes Rachls ~an io 1 )aN.S.Al i(' thle stok "Q 1011,I)rzle,(I2U) aii ilabout -2-7 itei (,f n -t i ol ae stuc rs oi, ;rere wmil] also Il(-std ai i the FARU IMPLEMENTS, tdu iulk cO /\tthe sine ti mic n III F Of tlou ,est in the Sale will commence sharp at 12 noon. 0i11% Wries~ill mett al mmîl ~tt n ii-a f t rtlu,(.F.. if fixe IRates on il\-a va lia\e ei irr,,i ,el Ior (E I. JACKSON Auctioneers L. FAIRBANKS ?o (0IO 0LOýe 0 >E) Q GE)( 0G 00E)le00 e -D"0 E 14The Keystone Clbbn&ýjflList 14; lTIi I N-i.lO l 1 iibo e ieltl l uiv îof tie attractiveC p'ic-s. \I.u'.'t I - su ist ii te foi' a ýi d~(ai l' i-w(îiikIV, and< Iai '-011(G or more g to(litilna;Izî uîes. 4i nust ai-o have a ,ttt1< loa l per, iîd a savil4g v ~ant ag-e-of 1ha rgaînr" iMian l tttlîeîl'Uia e rfiis îist .- o f 1)41)î'l andd înagazîî ies Sll)1)iCeS CX(eliuîît i-cîadiiii Niail 1<itl ~4 ilt..4 50 "lime 'W~oi'lilîa',\ 1:2 'lie itresîturian 2. s t25 ,4 *amaanMagazinie... 2 73J3t(K 4Ç "le \N sim i-tl . . i G 'lie VteeiMy Si ... 1 'u 4> Iaritiers' Ail'iît\im . e 15f) ' ;'2 '25 TÃ"Su-o-tt m mlsuibens a Flecikttate eau 1),c quoted ne 'l'Fixe NNetî:tu,, l'nc rsbyterinand"Tfor i<fo - Oîteweekly papersdialn.t oîf this yeiI is given f ree to , ianc,,î;u ï ',r1 i, é ~ s' <s' it.' 'i u;.' t,.- t,.' 8' t,.' t:.' 48' t,.' t.' ~ s> t.' <8' iii -8' ~8' il.' h Mo-4 il iie -aut îileaLii uLLuitt(i onit imiiia&it Ru i. ?lr.Wiliuisi't, tf Caneiiout.ast tif Elsio -NLiy, diuulutun tof n. u '--- _____ __ -______ urac ud e Suii1 i-t1%,Iiill( MiudM s. Vmn Muititstututif cXiee-îtt, o younegirl hail boen iii fer souie turneTtmti lle. nn eî.tftehs i .Te4 ofTotito itî 4',n 1 a et i-miumi~. tii u n iîiuv fternoem tt IUniomnA4 tg)nyli state thit ut timnio t'f witiîîg Cittnau a a'cyatu -Nli . J tiîues i utt i . lsrn., is i -t Iw witli Obcd Son!>' Pîuui. l;u ,lta. A ouing nmait wL t se tîcat h ill be 1 F r G o r nn Cause of Lcckiaw. iloepîv n. rgnettet Ils tuie abo'ie. Ho Jlu il awax. trt'tî(. suit1 I lv a blii-been a stifl' eenfon soi ue tiiim' tu i a co A 4 orî in-- m\ii'tlt Ilexi'-ts pI-i-ui itu, - - ii plii-atiîiuof iiseases, mmii stîcuunîbeil te A 1 « -u t î h - ;i ite i\ u t' t-\- itieir ravages 0o1 Momudax-. lHo luid iilly iii ~ air. li'lit \\ n l Iti; i -i'aireaeidthe ace tif 23 i-cars aii(ia fet--kiii.ni t tuu tîîlYitn notts H ttdwtbisfthnP r nizthK ys ne O ic iîsili -iaI'- or. lvNu-tv mutii!s. ail ithei H lui t. i-i:l-dtIlt -giu u.ý tuni-el y cm ' ly oie the 4tbimo. îof N îh ac %Ivaig ii îm - tthle most viii it mi 1outhelictk- neuit. TI) ier a-n1ltotik Jiéjýa>gii"t nte fie srorao h o lllsloiîim. Thluuetr eluii.qilavit- de--plaice iii W'ediestiv îftcrutg)iîm, andtl was j ;eis c ae' l-v oi e xole fiei erao lvvu iiyli11it iig lliilîc'nain Iauu Haim tey.slituild continueto (go thene if vtîu curitt a betet ti) r Uc better suited a' frt'el *v a- Soi a, ist lut ie murinvthetît-tii t-I.ict I>ailî lia ii i, aml i mîtisýe1îîkantidimt stiuThos. Plowright. 4 h YTN )lte4 înjni m-. t lie&].I i imit l iu t mua lu ' 111 (auui ili Thte Co'lumuiilis ut)respmidotit of tluxs sale î tm ustiapalten tulîs tue sad t(irtnyof the 5'tIi treatiliuIt. It ýë for igsale enuî'eneitt tnu te onehif4'Ierhiaps volu have itot triedtiiIE hu; st:PRESS Witiu ao riK-r. Titis ini- -4 GREENWOOD. -Mn. iand lMns. Pltiwrigbt. cf that place, 4'pnunt 1)11 a poster for 4 Mrs. M. Sý,eitionbis retîtrneul tii tuer witbliiîtwiî intlis. l'3ts ouiiig tian 4 ' lioni- iin IJa'i-iî aftu-n a sliot uhut aiu lltireuiciet i te Age of 11) Nvez1inS uail ut 1)L wutli lien fruiuis. miimtts Briglit suiseaîse wvas thîe catuse i UTO A --froimi-t teiiudtIlt In tof duiti A4 lîîîtuîc festival ut Pickuniiç-gncmidxtay A GI{1EN PAlI'TY 1111(i Tiuesulav îigbt.- TE MEIN ,soine ue siasheti N. Jion Harbcnut si iT bLNcutires on bhis ox'iu pnemnisocs. Thie i uhm Re med AHA ET OM The muipple îîaekeî's arts i bsi art nci ALWA YS CURESA CiSt» beni' uit presomut. Co RPIC N Mý1i *ss es E. Avlc'swontb aitl K. gSadier And is Pleasant and Sale are visitimug Torntto friends. Mnl. T. < îilc.îî is wonkiiîg w-tluJ. Plîi - Is a guurantee of nieatiuess gami a crood jobi. vertiîîcT tîttt muîv ucet1e lister, of Salemmui, this wee-I>m.o(WRIuIT-At Columnbus, onSaturdaoy -- - -inv eobaiid iee M r a >i e nige iy lias a îuîw tlre ' - O ct. 22 md, Thomras Plow riglit, .ged f P î îu î n y be o t iî i t r .T w MNe'-srs. H axid J. Tiieure inotîst 4 pii iighiig tioi the Secuilî estate.Mn - SukThe Keystone Press wl P Eii d.ll pefîîn ibas bined %witlîNWilliami 30 Yrs. of Eczenma A 1r . Ancluit Davis bas retîmnmîed honme- after fitijshui), i ls duties lit F. L. Greemui na Cu sd at La t & Miss Emia Lidgett luas gene îîaek nther Illustration of tho - tii St. t'atbiarines aften ànr 'ist uît --- w- i lier 1f njei ids. ,power' o P IW r ,. Mt~.Bnowvn bais eturned hiome Ohase's Ointment as a aftr #iititu i r -gr in Toron-,- cure for eczema. j inut Of nM vain efforts te cure M.Thos. BaIQS bli t hIl ii near- an - vilaim t crazy with the itch. encmnloeeii and '-I oo e 0u- . g sensation which -acconxpany ih 1 o ie leU tfiYdi incurable. Not so >'nîng again. mOseàh i Dr.Cbase's Oint- Mr aps zs been drawing - - -elie lumnber thro' 11-1 .-B1,.o csekleh4levi every dsdrfor baru. visited i Bpper.UC. Mr rt Perry, ite Once yoalean th. s<rCbs' - mz*Ltyou viIl fiu"d itiai oes1b e home iUU55 K wai home for a few ' 1ý O CU'fr oito~e safXgvýg', neighborly caIl.r. aron t, vîsied Ohawaftitld XtomucIj praise for Fiwu troubled iwfth cze tfoc e teuyyer a had been treated by - - OSHAWA. dco~hthuey il ailed tourenme. Maclacian-D)Chise's Otataent has curedume completeiy Maclahlan oncer an Ihave-not had teslIghtes: aign f h thcoâce t an Of- bis disease for several montii& , flam annot be saidl of the Jessieq satiSfiec that 1 have fotind a -permaent oncert Co., whîch appear- tm. Frdynight, under- the -Cbase's Ofntment, 60 cents a box. The îpir: > tb Pesbyterian churoh us recelpt book author. are on every box.1 ~ concert, of hawa I P~irpains and aches useDrCassad' oaîe fthe,/best e-ver heard inO LI STEAM PUMP WORKS En W. EVANS Jýropu Manufacturer and dealer in'.a îLil line of Wood and Iron Èlqi and force Pumps Also Steam an i Cold» Wàter Fitting. AGENT -FOR ONTARIO WIND MILL- E.W.EVANS,- roris BROCK STREF4% WHITB4 ,Where do you buy yt Oroceries,,., and Meat It is considerable of an ad-vantagé èt to be able to purchase their daily su ies, Fruits, Vegetables or Meats roof. Saves time and many steps. Ours is the only store in town v be doue. Our stocks are fresh and fii you trieci the advantages. of this stoi W. Be PRIN Fruit», M0.1Vs Vegetables. Brock St -'--F - ~ i i i. THERX StO OU r best bice ti Five per~ We bave just 0pened out'auqi value at 5Oc, 75c, 85c, $1.00,' ed witli relt~v . olkenhaaadene a aIniid h ret er atiltsnging both edwthrl .,dqshadenicelads ak A- ou eelost A =uflsit- ,t- heard o besnadeanage i.__ÃŽ. anin tisheLulaby, UX B- LDI a I numb'ourerandRuleritannia. great ved liy sngre otoh~Cm een L - ~au and snggthe softe pad s -A'1. b t ali eî bearto stîess, whin4es1 f i~v~rstr o Ioang ietSth uch a eath SitBaa ofrd. is - ~epresinand atrote felinthat - aurandysfr a arbr.then fte as. eominin e aegvn nuhtm hto 't9ieave shehfound herseif hardaadround. 110tltern ad sthe a to hovel-for -~d 00 usel o areybeo &.he on r usomr Wntss it. Aed Or treisn 'luha d gpet away and parun iforeefunge to F0R XONt ise "W the thside ern hentr nt u arboiesch. aswla g n u h ab g s o k e p of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~stae twooadee d wnedaneltt Wapprsrwbeutfu pt eu' .tar'bl Sit, oulebrased11 mer la , fiar Our lgar foeets arbeing Msipenatour- t erus, clorsn d 'dwît le a re rngegulargfi1200 Sethal - $ o u toGr'. 8 eelnd ofa uhe-ln rmaou CerseDal.i g oAieSeil - - $ the A ery w0 bet smerey beoe s heo Ttaal d Pmtrglr$.O " is thethe :1 8LkeO inio cont a nt s a huar as usucal. sWape., il wîefrl oftoFlannelette WSpeceas, in-ea$2i49 t 4' ofCodoaloii, aysM. ' gr.Conat s a lre ady cshipped die- A%_ egua Special, - -$00 Mn'TedSis nasyîhgo a ' o - er6oh ld was subje t o ruplrecfrom hiaborchad teca r oaromLie.sCpesi, i idum$1iht0.t0il aes uwelmd adgo Chaal-i.aple, ad pepain $noth5 u aiî' Cur Rmdyprnitthelwy cary o t as sble. he blak lohniedori ndreuartrmn&igs od rit20.s p elal,$3.04 :ti*ugt eîiJ. M ay ikOinoticontfs anreasn wu as sumna t the 4' $900 s 'pr, it wdefils.Spci 4~ihbroo hikth an-a l I do about r.inst ance ofGoo. ready spe eonp ea di-O$2 ,4 thfs rem d n wa no o t ifor rcafreof egeiîg o ar ore odeaon$100erlsTwed SWatrproina tls lL ned -ih taned thlrn" o ae by ilngg tshain g of b, nis osts eamaoute c lame 1A LaneletteBloes, iiimediumfere t , in es pl , rlar $2.eut, pe ci ae -n $1.98 Gg RE E IV R As $ .5 .ew e nw as sorer ed t th acky tho A prices - - 5 0e , 7 5 , $ 1 rM n av v o otl ._ 0 Th iteenthan nvers f in aon, ete th 35 ots 0. peil 'n s siutI iled Giecuie r BatisICdret i on n ton, ofIRglan, sa eaf tout ladies'h sinVt 0abu 9.0 eguali $6pc.iî00 9 "Ibhi eld ndy an Mondy oth .6 nd cameeto town oWaTeesroof, aîîd got on a A 7 On Monday vening au ecellenteeof b ndecainthole r theman-es rl hrs rgl O.Seil 3 theirrtasalen wllbegien Te 1e. (coIrsînthnaieindl H b- iid(Jovsreu-r$10..pe5a0. E.Leli Pdgoî,ofMakbm ingil f cam e ot s.eam o u for a ne îours i te Boos'esorined Suits,hree peces. $1. deivr s pouGREEN lIEcRe entit.50led andte oku s trters ftor a the 4pThoingCpalwoi ot c pca,- - 4 ' Th sixtu t hs. irs cass musicheal nigh t o ther ide-. 3.3H5WiS o cked J As eSs'H av M olPnt, lih- -sil talen bsibe n B s cure f r th eienin Joh, nd 011 Wen ofday wasn, a ta nti P'1 4 lm5elBoad'eT'bree Pieceulariîs-5.egular $3.OO.5 17. O htb Mon a i quatee wllenge- b$3 . csttI e lat er ut ii tekeepa eiaDill h- - - - $2.c.Spcil, 4 9 Dooeraiopent 7 clockgv. TConcert cn"io bisborsetduing is baniwlu. HJames ' 1Gr e nion lan $10. Specia ,15MesadBo E. tel 8 do of Anîisin , adîtîs Dome, as. M niîs an for lm a m- A r ý4n 0 Bv' o ste Si-al as, lat iees tle, 2ee chiren 10 lctuee. t e roan ee n o p Jus Wedie rs for he &i regular 75Caps, Special - - 50e-)Oc Glit Tos i8 LE M AJOR.ialn Yt nth id-x,. eivs ak4 'ý4 talen hasbeensecued fo theevenng imî ai ur edncati a s i n ied $t and 2 eB v'T rePeeýutr.ua 3( T rh e tyWilonartetew i nsg.d$3Co5k, niglit.e latterinld $ nti ot. ' Faînlte 3 nhs vd. Spta 2 e es'CrianJces.%ei1-7 e 4 of nais anî,8spexitStîndmisstion. Jdus veCasabout Jo Brst ndF lirom e Caei-' Mahn Tlraii ac ait lteur'alniWier O rots ro he4 Joji,~~~~~~ "Ilat iio A1a5e' ua n 'Mi-ervadestystyFl s-Pric est r es.9, '5clichpluild metmis tlloiii.t eron eere hon umu)sdattik ifo eng .5,85,1.0,1.0 suinl ies lrehae ~iî'wilated- iieîîi jeilw s lntt o 71m)tc.eu I rah owiig Secal 6e Mis Sas Rdmoam lia rt- nd tiîlaiThylý,- ier1ailî.ie tît$1 a ilotsu A M elein,3uitahe or sidt. Special, 12 c pca pie i mn'wtrpofoecoe.4 beiiiî afiert Wsndiîm auoi p seIda Coks Niait! t Uc mn \t i ia-etfc it i 4 witlî lir paiz'its iii ntî~iklîî. - --amui lia-e liiim])Jeacm-. ani'i 4' . 4 Mi. eo Iiuet i loiiefrin tu îx ic im i -t s a k . ISWpectl fAif , 3cd a fo sartisfndactoryeroas roth '-t oiî 'iu o a feeusarel ituîmt h e iîtvlas R d lias ii eItuiît iii toplav hisan iimi sv T 1a1tii m tolt- ailoe' A .l ls-isia l o hrs p ea,1 .,.S eilp ie n m rs aep o fo ec a nuii tr îîî s aqî ii. ,a oliaif ee- c'tt iii afe r siial i>m e t e i umit i or sfuit mon y eu u u t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lk an \Vtnsdî îemii Ms rih U iiiaii a iae e. 4'ltil with lier war fnt il n t1 iii h1I11 . M-ru.- 1 M d eat .a grcet Sict is h i lii uiîilv m theh Lit)'4' '4' '4' 4' '4' '4' '4'sa\'4'.4'\V.'4' '4' '4' '4' '4' '4' '4')f ()Ur' ildiia- Z i l rrei. aoSsae, iniei refni <ilR S- lier îisillstatti of Ileo -7tIi. Ne e xtuxiuiEseMader tii ~ii tîiuxeîl n.u lu- li~.i Jt s.1îîî TiP,1 i lay Km. . 1 . i . BRC v.'- if -1-; ý,i M

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