ks are 1a~e iat mnenýè l o as ustomers. Top- Shirts and Sweaters-,ciéjediý' W. A. Hlllday & Co., OK LJEN AND ASHBUR« E. A. G.. Ont.-A maire three years otld is lame an the off fore foot and ieg. A î'eterinary surgeon r aid the lamnenes% is iin the afiî-o namd blis- tered for it, but %iie s no betier. Whuun standing abc points the lame foot about t-ielvc anches in front of the other foot. After standing in theî stable oser one day she appears stiffened up in both fore legs. Ans. -Your colt has navicular disease. for vhch there is no cure. She was probably bred fr-tni a stallion or mare suffering froîn the disease. Al >ou can do to reieve it i. to put on a good blster and turn out to grass in a week'à time. Ihie le a reprint of ollppingfor a rocont Issue of the -Montreod., "PF*mlly Hou-ai and Wooly Star." Thse v.terinam-y who an w-red thse nqulrv could neth adivise thse une of doIdeail" Pade wlthout glvlng Dunlop a trois advertisement- Thse padse would give this mare a longer work- lng Ilfo. Dunlop,, Ideal"9Iiorseshoe Pads Put new, legs on your liorse. Cure or lhclp to cure most hoof troubles. The t pnl1y thing fQr navicular disearie. 0rJ Put on by the Blacksmtkh whù Shoos vpur homse.1 SAVE AL Iron, 1Veta1à , Rubbers, Bones, Tailors' Cuttings, Horse Hair, etc., etc. Hlighest Price Paid for these by y N. COHEN, Brock Street, Whitby. j U nres erved Aucfion Sale ()FQ 0 CIydesdales and Shorthorns :On Wednesday, Nov. lB, lNU Mt lois farrît - xmile, ixîttlitof Oh iwa stati on pthe < I I .an i l4 îîîIies ut I -en st fiM\ 1 lîe tt t i 1 t le I lni < iVR. JOHN BRIGHT WQ il dispose of, by a ilt-t'n, 12 CUydesdaie Fillies, illplor-tli noi."0 U'anatdiaîî lred, ail regîstered ft1i( 35 Head of Shorthorne Ã7 Ita îmîsens M arris t, a mford l,l flnlesof (; o-ii t tcr. sin, Sj i i îo E îliS1i Bteau tty.RsLa% imia, Favorîtes Rachls ~an io 1 )aN.S.Al i(' thle stok "Q 1011,I)rzle,(I2U) aii ilabout -2-7 itei (,f n -t i ol ae stuc rs oi, ;rere wmil] also Il(-std ai i the FARU IMPLEMENTS, tdu iulk cO /\tthe sine ti mic n III F Of tlou ,est in the Sale will commence sharp at 12 noon. 0i11% Wries~ill mett al mmîl ~tt n ii-a f t rtlu,(.F.. if fixe IRates on il\-a va lia\e ei irr,,i ,el Ior (E I. JACKSON Auctioneers L. FAIRBANKS ?o (0IO 0LOýe 0 >E) Q GE)( 0G 00E)le00 e -D"0 E 14The Keystone Clbbn&ýjflList 14; lTIi I N-i.lO l 1 iibo e ieltl l uiv îof tie attractiveC p'ic-s. \I.u'.'t I - su ist ii te foi' a ýi d~(ai l' i-w(îiikIV, and< Iai '-011(G or more g to(litilna;Izî uîes. 4i nust ai-o have a ,ttt1< loa l per, iîd a savil4g v ~ant ag-e-of 1ha rgaînr" iMian l tttlîeîl'Uia e rfiis îist .- o f 1)41)î'l andd înagazîî ies Sll)1)iCeS CX(eliuîît i-cîadiiii Niail 1<itl ~4 ilt..4 50 "lime 'W~oi'lilîa',\ 1:2 'lie itresîturian 2. s t25 ,4 *amaanMagazinie... 2 73J3t(K 4Ç "le \N sim i-tl . . i G 'lie VteeiMy Si ... 1 'u 4> Iaritiers' Ail'iît\im . e 15f) ' ;'2 '25 TÃ"Su-o-tt m mlsuibens a Flecikttate eau 1),c quoted ne 'l'Fixe NNetî:tu,, l'nc rsbyterinand"Tfor i<fo - Oîteweekly papersdialn.t oîf this yeiI is given f ree to , ianc,,î;u ï ',r1 i, é ~ s' <s' it.' 'i u;.' t,.- t,.' 8' t,.' t:.' 48' t,.' t.' ~ s> t.' <8' iii -8' ~8' il.' h Mo-4 il iie -aut îileaLii uLLuitt(i onit imiiia&it Ru i. ?lr.Wiliuisi't, tf Caneiiout.ast tif Elsio -NLiy, diuulutun tof n. u '--- _____ __ -______ urac ud e Suii1 i-t1%,Iiill( MiudM s. Vmn Muititstututif cXiee-îtt, o younegirl hail boen iii fer souie turneTtmti lle. nn eî.tftehs i .Te4 ofTotito itî 4',n 1 a et i-miumi~. tii u n iîiuv fternoem tt IUniomnA4 tg)nyli state thit ut timnio t'f witiîîg Cittnau a a'cyatu -Nli . J tiîues i utt i . lsrn., is i -t Iw witli Obcd Son!>' Pîuui. l;u ,lta. A ouing nmait wL t se tîcat h ill be 1 F r G o r nn Cause of Lcckiaw. iloepîv n. rgnettet Ils tuie abo'ie. Ho Jlu il awax. trt'tî(. suit1 I lv a blii-been a stifl' eenfon soi ue tiiim' tu i a co A 4 orî in-- m\ii'tlt Ilexi'-ts pI-i-ui itu, - - ii plii-atiîiuof iiseases, mmii stîcuunîbeil te A 1 « -u t î h - ;i ite i\ u t' t-\- itieir ravages 0o1 Momudax-. lHo luid iilly iii ~ air. li'lit \\ n l Iti; i -i'aireaeidthe ace tif 23 i-cars aii(ia fet--kiii.ni t tuu tîîlYitn notts H ttdwtbisfthnP r nizthK ys ne O ic iîsili -iaI'- or. lvNu-tv mutii!s. ail ithei H lui t. i-i:l-dtIlt -giu u.ý tuni-el y cm ' ly oie the 4tbimo. îof N îh ac %Ivaig ii îm - tthle most viii it mi 1outhelictk- neuit. TI) ier a-n1ltotik Jiéjýa>gii"t nte fie srorao h o lllsloiîim. Thluuetr eluii.qilavit- de--plaice iii W'ediestiv îftcrutg)iîm, andtl was j ;eis c ae' l-v oi e xole fiei erao lvvu iiyli11it iig lliilîc'nain Iauu Haim tey.slituild continueto (go thene if vtîu curitt a betet ti) r Uc better suited a' frt'el *v a- Soi a, ist lut ie murinvthetît-tii t-I.ict I>ailî lia ii i, aml i mîtisýe1îîkantidimt stiuThos. Plowright. 4 h YTN )lte4 înjni m-. t lie&].I i imit l iu t mua lu ' 111 (auui ili Thte Co'lumuiilis ut)respmidotit of tluxs sale î tm ustiapalten tulîs tue sad t(irtnyof the 5'tIi treatiliuIt. It ýë for igsale enuî'eneitt tnu te onehif4'Ierhiaps volu have itot triedtiiIE hu; st:PRESS Witiu ao riK-r. Titis ini- -4 GREENWOOD. -Mn. iand lMns. Pltiwrigbt. cf that place, 4'pnunt 1)11 a poster for 4 Mrs. M. Sý,eitionbis retîtrneul tii tuer witbliiîtwiî intlis. l'3ts ouiiig tian 4 ' lioni- iin IJa'i-iî aftu-n a sliot uhut aiu lltireuiciet i te Age of 11) Nvez1inS uail ut 1)L wutli lien fruiuis. miimtts Briglit suiseaîse wvas thîe catuse i UTO A --froimi-t teiiudtIlt In tof duiti A4 lîîîtuîc festival ut Pickuniiç-gncmidxtay A GI{1EN PAlI'TY 1111(i Tiuesulav îigbt.- TE MEIN ,soine ue siasheti N. Jion Harbcnut si iT bLNcutires on bhis ox'iu pnemnisocs. Thie i uhm Re med AHA ET OM The muipple îîaekeî's arts i bsi art nci ALWA YS CURESA CiSt» beni' uit presomut. Co RPIC N Mý1i *ss es E. Avlc'swontb aitl K. gSadier And is Pleasant and Sale are visitimug Torntto friends. Mnl. T. < îilc.îî is wonkiiîg w-tluJ. Plîi - Is a guurantee of nieatiuess gami a crood jobi. vertiîîcT tîttt muîv ucet1e lister, of Salemmui, this wee-I>m.o(WRIuIT-At Columnbus, onSaturdaoy -- - -inv eobaiid iee M r a >i e nige iy lias a îuîw tlre ' - O ct. 22 md, Thomras Plow riglit, .ged f P î îu î n y be o t iî i t r .T w MNe'-srs. H axid J. Tiieure inotîst 4 pii iighiig tioi the Secuilî estate.Mn - SukThe Keystone Press wl P Eii d.ll pefîîn ibas bined %witlîNWilliami 30 Yrs. of Eczenma A 1r . Ancluit Davis bas retîmnmîed honme- after fitijshui), i ls duties lit F. L. Greemui na Cu sd at La t & Miss Emia Lidgett luas gene îîaek nther Illustration of tho - tii St. t'atbiarines aften à nr 'ist uît --- w- i lier 1f njei ids. ,power' o P IW r ,. Mt~.Bnowvn bais eturned hiome Ohase's Ointment as a aftr #iititu i r -gr in Toron-,- cure for eczema. j inut Of nM vain efforts te cure M.Thos. BaIQS bli t hIl ii near- an - vilaim t crazy with the itch. encmnloeeii and '-I oo e 0u- . g sensation which -acconxpany ih 1 o ie leU tfiYdi incurable. Not so >'nîng again. mOseà h i Dr.Cbase's Oint- Mr aps zs been drawing - - -elie lumnber thro' 11-1 .-B1,.o csekleh4levi every dsdrfor baru. visited i Bpper.UC. Mr rt Perry, ite Once yoalean th. s<rCbs' - mz*Ltyou viIl fiu"d itiai oes1b e home iUU55 K wai home for a few ' 1ý O CU'fr oito~e safXgvýg', neighborly caIl.r. aron t, vîsied Ohawaftitld XtomucIj praise for Fiwu troubled iwfth cze tfoc e teuyyer a had been treated by - - OSHAWA. dco~hthuey il ailed tourenme. Maclacian-D)Chise's Otataent has curedume completeiy Maclahlan oncer an Ihave-not had teslIghtes: aign f h thcoâce t an Of- bis disease for several montii& , flam annot be saidl of the Jessieq satiSfiec that 1 have fotind a -permaent oncert Co., whîch appear- tm. Frdynight, under- the -Cbase's Ofntment, 60 cents a box. The îpir: > tb Pesbyterian churoh us recelpt book author. are on every box.1 ~ concert, of hawa I P~irpains and aches useDrCassad' oaîe fthe,/best e-ver heard inO LI STEAM PUMP WORKS En W. EVANS Jýropu Manufacturer and dealer in'.a îLil line of Wood and Iron Èlqi and force Pumps Also Steam an i Cold» Wà ter Fitting. AGENT -FOR ONTARIO WIND MILL- E.W.EVANS,- roris BROCK STREF4% WHITB4 ,Where do you buy yt Oroceries,,., and Meat It is considerable of an ad-vantagé èt to be able to purchase their daily su ies, Fruits, Vegetables or Meats roof. Saves time and many steps. Ours is the only store in town v be doue. Our stocks are fresh and fii you trieci the advantages. of this stoi W. Be PRIN Fruit», M0.1Vs Vegetables. Brock St -'--F - ~ i i i. THERX StO OU r best bice ti Five per~ We bave just 0pened out'auqi value at 5Oc, 75c, 85c, $1.00,' ed witli relt~v . olkenhaaadene a aIniid h ret er atiltsnging both edwthrl .,dqshadenicelads ak A- ou eelost A =uflsit- ,t- heard o besnadeanage i.__ÃŽ. anin tisheLulaby, UX B- LDI a I numb'ourerandRuleritannia. great ved liy sngre otoh~Cm een L - ~au and snggthe softe pad s -A'1. b t ali eî bearto stîess, whin4es1 f i~v~rstr o Ioang ietSth uch a eath SitBaa ofrd. is - ~epresinand atrote felinthat - aurandysfr a arbr.then fte as. eominin e aegvn nuhtm hto 't9ieave shehfound herseif hardaadround. 110tltern ad sthe a to hovel-for -~d 00 usel o areybeo &.he on r usomr Wntss it. Aed Or treisn 'luha d gpet away and parun iforeefunge to F0R XONt ise "W the thside ern hentr nt u arboiesch. aswla g n u h ab g s o k e p of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~stae twooadee d wnedaneltt Wapprsrwbeutfu pt eu' .tar'bl Sit, oulebrased11 mer la , fiar Our lgar foeets arbeing Msipenatour- t erus, clorsn d 'dwît le a re rngegulargfi1200 Sethal - $ o u toGr'. 8 eelnd ofa uhe-ln rmaou CerseDal.i g oAieSeil - - $ the A ery w0 bet smerey beoe s heo Ttaal d Pmtrglr$.O " is thethe :1 8LkeO inio cont a nt s a huar as usucal. sWape., il wîefrl oftoFlannelette WSpeceas, in-ea$2i49 t 4' ofCodoaloii, aysM. ' gr.Conat s a lre ady cshipped die- A%_ egua Special, - -$00 Mn'TedSis nasyîhgo a ' o - er6oh ld was subje t o ruplrecfrom hiaborchad teca r oaromLie.sCpesi, i idum$1iht0.t0il aes uwelmd adgo Chaal-i.aple, ad pepain $noth5 u aiî' Cur Rmdyprnitthelwy cary o t as sble. he blak lohniedori ndreuartrmn&igs od rit20.s p elal,$3.04 :ti*ugt eîiJ. M ay ikOinoticontfs anreasn wu as sumna t the 4' $900 s 'pr, it wdefils.Spci 4~ihbroo hikth an-a l I do about r.inst ance ofGoo. ready spe eonp ea di-O$2 ,4 thfs rem d n wa no o t ifor rcafreof egeiîg o ar ore odeaon$100erlsTwed SWatrproina tls lL ned -ih taned thlrn" o ae by ilngg tshain g of b, nis osts eamaoute c lame 1A LaneletteBloes, iiimediumfere t , in es pl , rlar $2.eut, pe ci ae -n $1.98 Gg RE E IV R As $ .5 .ew e nw as sorer ed t th acky tho A prices - - 5 0e , 7 5 , $ 1 rM n av v o otl ._ 0 Th iteenthan nvers f in aon, ete th 35 ots 0. peil 'n s siutI iled Giecuie r BatisICdret i on n ton, ofIRglan, sa eaf tout ladies'h sinVt 0abu 9.0 eguali $6pc.iî00 9 "Ibhi eld ndy an Mondy oth .6 nd cameeto town oWaTeesroof, aîîd got on a A 7 On Monday vening au ecellenteeof b ndecainthole r theman-es rl hrs rgl O.Seil 3 theirrtasalen wllbegien Te 1e. (coIrsînthnaieindl H b- iid(Jovsreu-r$10..pe5a0. E.Leli Pdgoî,ofMakbm ingil f cam e ot s.eam o u for a ne îours i te Boos'esorined Suits,hree peces. $1. deivr s pouGREEN lIEcRe entit.50led andte oku s trters ftor a the 4pThoingCpalwoi ot c pca,- - 4 ' Th sixtu t hs. irs cass musicheal nigh t o ther ide-. 3.3H5WiS o cked J As eSs'H av M olPnt, lih- -sil talen bsibe n B s cure f r th eienin Joh, nd 011 Wen ofday wasn, a ta nti P'1 4 lm5elBoad'eT'bree Pieceulariîs-5.egular $3.OO.5 17. O htb Mon a i quatee wllenge- b$3 . csttI e lat er ut ii tekeepa eiaDill h- - - - $2.c.Spcil, 4 9 Dooeraiopent 7 clockgv. TConcert cn"io bisborsetduing is baniwlu. HJames ' 1Gr e nion lan $10. Specia ,15MesadBo E. tel 8 do of Anîisin , adîtîs Dome, as. M niîs an for lm a m- A r ý4n 0 Bv' o ste Si-al as, lat iees tle, 2ee chiren 10 lctuee. t e roan ee n o p Jus Wedie rs for he &i regular 75Caps, Special - - 50e-)Oc Glit Tos i8 LE M AJOR.ialn Yt nth id-x,. eivs ak4 'ý4 talen hasbeensecued fo theevenng imî ai ur edncati a s i n ied $t and 2 eB v'T rePeeýutr.ua 3( T rh e tyWilonartetew i nsg.d$3Co5k, niglit.e latterinld $ nti ot. ' Faînlte 3 nhs vd. Spta 2 e es'CrianJces.%ei1-7 e 4 of nais anî,8spexitStîndmisstion. Jdus veCasabout Jo Brst ndF lirom e Caei-' Mahn Tlraii ac ait lteur'alniWier O rots ro he4 Joji,~~~~~~ "Ilat iio A1a5e' ua n 'Mi-ervadestystyFl s-Pric est r es.9, '5clichpluild metmis tlloiii.t eron eere hon umu)sdattik ifo eng .5,85,1.0,1.0 suinl ies lrehae ~iî'wilated- iieîîi jeilw s lntt o 71m)tc.eu I rah owiig Secal 6e Mis Sas Rdmoam lia rt- nd tiîlaiThylý,- ier1ailî.ie tît$1 a ilotsu A M elein,3uitahe or sidt. Special, 12 c pca pie i mn'wtrpofoecoe.4 beiiiî afiert Wsndiîm auoi p seIda Coks Niait! t Uc mn \t i ia-etfc it i 4 witlî lir paiz'its iii ntî~iklîî. - --amui lia-e liiim])Jeacm-. ani'i 4' . 4 Mi. eo Iiuet i loiiefrin tu îx ic im i -t s a k . ISWpectl fAif , 3cd a fo sartisfndactoryeroas roth '-t oiî 'iu o a feeusarel ituîmt h e iîtvlas R d lias ii eItuiît iii toplav hisan iimi sv T 1a1tii m tolt- ailoe' A .l ls-isia l o hrs p ea,1 .,.S eilp ie n m rs aep o fo ec a nuii tr îîî s aqî ii. ,a oliaif ee- c'tt iii afe r siial i>m e t e i umit i or sfuit mon y eu u u t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lk an \Vtnsdî îemii Ms rih U iiiaii a iae e. 4'ltil with lier war fnt il n t1 iii h1I11 . M-ru.- 1 M d eat .a grcet Sict is h i lii uiîilv m theh Lit)'4' '4' '4' 4' '4' '4' '4'sa\'4'.4'\V.'4' '4' '4' '4' '4' '4' '4')f ()Ur' ildiia- Z i l rrei. aoSsae, iniei refni <ilR S- lier îisillstatti of Ileo -7tIi. Ne e xtuxiuiEseMader tii ~ii tîiuxeîl n.u lu- li~.i Jt s.1îîî TiP,1 i lay Km. . 1 . i . BRC v.'- if -1-; ý,i M