Whitby Keystone, 27 Oct 1904, p. 3

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--- - t I¶JRPÂIiS ALtAIN ON. Japanese Left Flank Driven Back by the 1 Loss After a Despe-rate Strui Oyama Peports That the Russians Have Been in Front of Mis Centre.' ýThe Terrible Fight for Lone Tree i-Af4 of the Past Week. t A Mukden calble: It is rcported tluat the Russian, arniy is advancing. NeNvs has just been reccix-ed tiuat the Japaun- ese Ieft fîank lias been driven back witli heavy lose anad its i-treat cut off. A Russian regiment is noîv bciîg hurried to tho scene-in tLe lhope of couipietiuig the rout. from General Msilciosdivision re- ports that a sauîguîîuury figlut lias tak- e' n plztce at Laitkliez, h) uuuîtcs soutiuîust of Shakiue, ta o iî ufOrt Cci i. ileii- hi 0 oretired la crder to pi uscet'comuniuuî- Cation betweteui the Itusbiai cenître auud easternfa fitk. 'Te mpues ade a de- teruuiaed effort 10 t-ut the cf commuau- nication ut iis 1point, anud. tttackcd uni- der caver of a tctrrifie caiiouuile. 0 u t of oiie conipuîutv c4f a Ituàiiau ifule bri- gade only 50 uîcix trt'luit. 'Iaociii- p4nics tfratt lad expuuîileil tieir auitiuîn- tiôn priai- to tite lastt Jauianuse uttaek lay int he tri-uc-ries uîtii (lie Japautt-t-e wcre withti-a utfuî'paeu-s. Tut-n the Rus- - - sians lîuîried ua volley- af sto nus, charîge d and. brI-l(,te te atttutkinig lîtu, cotipeli'iug ti4e Jalianese to flue. 'liîte %vas tiglit- ing to-day Otut hotu itieof(lie (Great -Mandat-liroauh. GiŽiruîi Kouropàtkiii is iuidtfatigahit' peu-sonaully dinuetig tti'r orant cu-u fions. NOtIiii. -un a tffet iuuî. but he weuars lim sii.îý1îîj i f îîit- îuîlîn u;1hi cil-eu Iîsta lice,;. '1het' itut Ji u ua uisu' l-- fenders of Leîi- ' It- hl, tivo -arjt uIt.-N- oyfficers-. refîise'J uatiu i-r, a id îied fîgiî t inDî'thu tii til- r(stxi-. iîtui- ir gimîî s A desptutchi fnîttui'iixu t'itixîîi- east of Sliakttu'.tIt-utttii, ts-fgl ing stil continue,' aI îug itto-it ut(t;t ix-loief rent. I-i ai. -n nie 'Ilere xxmas a trr- i-t -tuuue tua (ii ît'ius ni., lit. Ex eî-x-uun t' i-i tý,-- ij ibi i t' 'tl u- td but full of fuglut. EINTIÇED INTO THE PLAN. Vittory Cle Keynote or St. Petensbudg - War News. A~ St. Petersurig ctulil' t i,,tony i, thue keytiote cf thica xtr neîs lui tut- dax- s îalui-is. lut1uaduitionbu* cthtetl ture of .launise gli ls o uîî tiit.y thore t au-*t.-uîloffiiiii u--ultt-u-o otuunCa'ture-,î' on Ilouday, brnuging t uth tul tai iiui- of puices 5ta keil- nuu tult',Itu 1-su 1 tof034. TUe Russittu i î- uuîuuîntedu)u have bi-ok'îi the Japanutuititu' t ru', tuti u bo ga iniuug grotuii - t- ryNxxlu--i- tti tutuii,-. - ng succu'ctiuJ in cttt i-itiii îîthe îî ii- ta the plinu, w-le it-iI-it--ra1 i'tuxîihtt- kin fhreaît'is (tin fîti k. 'Ihis ýis ii' first nauuîeclay of thti infint (laiu-i t-t, andl tUe cuiiiit-ic-i e ti tt-the'îuu imtportat i leo-sses tIi'Un- itut ltu achirex-I aliut- amuuhlt tii ltu lt l the cLîtîul press %uithluou1t iiiii. 1 iîî' t are, hox-e-î-r. ubîolie r--ivi-iugs.ai - tîtougît thle daîiyuiv ob4yil- a c piiii ii - aluioLitiay in lutuior tif ti the -i iteLu. 1lUoreoxer, tf liunintttious c'uutcriîx- on such ocasions x-î'rc iuittcd. TOKIO IS UNCERTAIN. Thinlis Kouropatkcin May Have Resumed the Offensive. A Tokio cable: papers ft niuigii th1 anc-se ini thue Bat t being coete-i,1 tics lucre recogutizu lins bc-eutiîuc-uuc-hu- certain wietittr t sfrcîigly C-cvt-inut er fhiey' hutuxu' IÏa sive. "Thoe c-uiat X'an-tandu's î-uuuuuîu was exixelopi-ul iii 1,500. Jlcsites liti tack an toi. Yt Ontthefhixin tacks on die -u- . 1 u i of A1it lieuiih le ,n--t- ss le i ictuunx of tue kip- lu' tuf titi'SUtiitîi- r u- the iilitii- auittui -, t litt1ic teiutago-'tutIt siiuv, and ui it-iarei tit- 1ie lluissitt utare cru lx tluîii îîtrî'ut uorxîluîti cuu t itil bit (in iand Siuiuuiiv, xili-utILt. (iiho îcuis nîii-ru-u aking tic' courutviruit - uuîîati, (lie 1-us- n ts uituv, lilu' '0W tsevruul tt t lu' !uft aîiiux. Al ixci-' -~~~~~~~ ititsiltluiitlui t anduil tîtt it day, - ibgn with ittie heaut, ni4t raced throuh hetougfae vt h c-an xras, shouting Grea ltissian v.ictory!I and craw-dà bought thte papers. Carre.slucndents at the front tîhe last forty-cigltt hoturs luad been Ilintiag that the Rwmsî,luux urmtivvas on the eve of anotiier aldvanc, but it was titouglit lîcre thiat the troops Nvere tao exhaust- cil by iliere tliauî a Nveet-k of Titanic strtîggle ta entgage'iii an imîîîediate ad- t n ite iiovemnut -1iîus thiie- iews of tîhe ii fuuteîsuttionu of the aji-aîîce w-as u-uui-iated tu artausy' ýtlî groater satis- faution. Ti'1;e pen litas rnci-ui-î- ta telegram fniuinn . I-it- Ruîula t k îu rîporting that tll lie u airu- Iiiiv iniug.î urxard. The rîx-eri- taa i.toileti 1)tIen. Yantadui's c-iiuuiiîhas ii t yvt lhenîrpaorted by ten cl otu relu-t kiiiito cli. Sukliarotr, ex- c-c-lt ini a i eferne-cte ait unsuccessfui. -lapne u us-u Lt tac-k mur Shakhte. The ?îlîukdeuu despatelu evideuitix- refersata (lus aidain bunt-wuiig thiat thue al uuu-e liai luci eathu~tu'îî cli vitlu terrible aindt-ruu i i: nt ie. &ut cir y hi- eî Ritusuun auiiv \itlt' r tcsp C il n tiluîkiln con - fil-Ii.,s tti'e i-. îf tti-he i i îa(iva uce wvuo-i, ti-It-graplýi itg hLite tii- îight - the Cuîrr-sponuicut s iv-,-- St is riuured tlîat wei are ii ii n, ita' Ttii-nu- is iii icNuial c--înufirîîuat ion heu-e of tIhei-uu: truiuiTiikio tiiat a Rus- iii attai-ko iLi UicJaliautusoriglît 0f 0Ki-. 17 11:111uuo-t î t-I If tluis re- porît Shil p, t trie, t uuavilix--die -i'iuui- -u'ui-u îuî oir JtIti luî-,-anz rhli uruii, ltho Mla M tilo the river Ac-aîndop -'te uMthé lkile douituei. Iltlti ivuter Lu - <îti i'otn i îttI-ii. ii ci-useiiou-uice-fhoct i' lt-t uton,,til. lure- fore-, i.itî 1)o il l.uîî-iMo fi-r-tUe iii-,t t' tle iL n-- tl i t .-i té o r:il i. iii :ttt f i -t i' - t-t' ri tI u-ui iiî (Coi. 1<- -I -n)i itLi tut te fe1llin ni l ii't theT--- hîi - Ilu v ui\1laiiittIuat ti' itht i t w - -i ,u-uuî: i mi thîe ui iiin utt iof (hit' - I -,____1_1 BLOODIEST IN H!STORY. The Losses E.-cecd thte Total of the 1 WUole \Var Hithetito. Slukul'iut- utc- .l-ti ifit-tUt is stili hi-' trui - i'0011ut1 tu--(,Lrt il u -iil tiuf 1tus-it rpc' rn i s-- i ii i-i. ui t Ithle fit intu t Iic tso-ilwruii-to'ttly-or Uhittcihier silo wxx Iuii bu slitu hi un- tiu)n. xxf tUli i witol l-i iuw ci t ii toal i f t' il-l' va u t 1 t i lie \\ordi-iu c ti~iî t'iri tiiut t Iithoin' xx n - u:u - l i ii lvI' tvit- ul ii-- l have h--ulut--oxpul -jus Ux -v 1,ti rutu- tes Auuig ui. i-wl-u litto. "li' Ri- lui-utia t-div o1-tui t-iu it-I t'11ii r 1-,i i i n tii-a(" ta a.1aliluiz týIti ii it i r uî-î i tio tlillu' li 'Îiu. ii- hutJ,11-,1tt ttu t ltî o-f *'héef on:t -ut iu ilt -m ,ut r 1.1 ittîttîtil ouV-1--idxi th --pîor- tiuonîof tuele s a.- ut rix u xi-it xx t ~ it-'c u - x ui u l l yI )I(i- tu.ttlviii tt of in nu o "l Io i ril Ii k .u x 1!1o iiI -- î -- i.. t- i I i-i ii ri-tle- fit- i i -i CAM - itio'- lW , ~i~lui' hi' - uti- - Iutix to t iut - i -'iu.i u i îut ii i- -' ui' I Iilii i uuîuuuî xxIiit i , 1 11titi ou1u % loi, Defeatcd ANOTHztuZ BATTLE ASSURED. ttffuc-i.î - ur Losses Were Neyer Le-as Tilan 2,000 Per tiii A Mkul-nic-tlut- t The fighuitin- of, tuithl i c utîe a -ut 1ti. I i ttiutamuil xa iiui)tly t .sl MIS î g iti u iihi-u '\ti -h su-lis. h)uring i (lut- ijnte di s of i-uitritiluus fi-'htin(y - aIts ti'e hussu'e .in txr l-s ttuî 2,000 e:uuuhît perlj dttv. 'Flue he-ia at-- iiiiuiiy able v gt n out lti-P1 rle s:us1It-) ian ite xcuuul'u. Nu- i ut telss~, theli îî un îtivt'r - - -htrfrni v--icr- ifo-c-d, andJ c-pc- 'Vii (huiruu'se hîave dh'-t'rted ail the ceiine riiv ls villages aut ithe tnoops are using the onuîucusî Il irea -vo(INNvork of thutirlitoxices fuir fîîi.r Thec 01-11uây iireà-countrv souith is ulcsolatrdu. 'T'he lap- f the aiility of tUei anese st iii seem te lue exerting thIemn- îuuîliîîly icre Se ce-es fa fcirce tUe Ruoss-itiiiionoua of iti asumd Ner Miklen. A ibaffle is assuued ifrotni te -le, te tic So. It is posi ions sroutia îetx-u c-n1 if be retreats If beconue mare atndu more evi - dnV ,-(,r the time which that tUe resoturees of tUe c-ittvcan- lits gaiuued by his not suppvort a lirge, aruuty. Thuis st-a- -ini-ahuable ta)lUs son's crops are spoiied. 1 tttirnatilv not vie j ea. Koui-anti enusithtflue -ast, be Saýved frotu troops. bax'ing ahandaneil bis bead- quartcu-s at 'Mukilen. tJUBILANT. RUSSIANS WON THE DAY. ves Adveince has been The Sforining of Lone Tree a Brave nmed. Piece of Worký- able despatch says t St. Petcrsutrg cable despatcit t Nerniro- arotugiuuîmeiity Gen. Kouropatkin isive, and the oail- slan war correspondent, teiegraphs a debcription of tite recapture ofLUe i- i---'~--- -- ~- e- -', ied tw o lin the men lay.,d shelters titi <lÀ ered that while t about on a level w lI E selves th ero j.~~lieiehts, w jiehwere c O LINS 1E ositions andte- Rilssian rgtae . Il ~*-d.I..ihebît4 by rthe Japie Russialis W t G e tJapanese V-hen «&ssurned th but failed to, dislodge the Ruiia% KgIe. Silenced Jap Batteries.' On Oct.1 12 one Russian i ~~ ~silenced soine Japanese inountai g Grealy trén the e nd uthen another ja;panese- opened on -the Russians, butU 'trated fire smot.hcred that 1? ty. -'i TheBn tîhe Russi-an irdn .,d V-à and the fight beciîmege ' left was bea'suly engan'ed. T n ? ecs ini the Fighting was turned by det'uthments of - 33rd and 2nd' regriments.MreJpù ese batterie: appe-re- on tie heuigl One of these ivas IPeia'raîly blown l-,ii whMt' fell into the hands of Piees Japanese during a night attack while The day passe<1 wit-hout making'inuae.h7ý the Russians siept. Hie says: heuidwav. "-C"en. Kouropatkin ordered the hili The Japane.e att-cked t-be Russ!ànsl, to be retaken, and the w-hale Russian at 10 o'clock tihat iglît, but were drivën- artillerv concentrated at 5 in the ro-ba£k. Thbe Ruasian-s followesl up tuhe-" în~ au shxveed thebihwuih n.a.dvantage, and occupied the p.s jectiles, the awfui spectacle lastin r the~ entire day. It seemed titat no hum-an being couid outtive such an ordleal, yet the defenders reînained ntanfully at iheir posts . TUe sun -was alrendy de- ciininog when Keuropatkia gave flue ortkr te ,tormu. Si-, regimen ts advainced, fording, thue rivo(r lut the face of a mur- tierous fine. Tlie eaeînv deternuined to iuake us pav dear-Ix for it. lie potîreil a lia 1h of gtîa and rifle fine on aur nd- xanciniz column, htut nothing couîld stop tUent. 'hcx- reached the other side, c-Iarnulureti up. anti at Il o'ciock at niglit thue Position ivas la our haîtus. 1 hauve just xisted the scene of oîtr tritunpb. Tlie trenches are filled ix-ithi lead lJapaitesi' anJ Russiarus ciutclîeii iit a Jî'ath eiuhrac-e. I saix no sucl ghastlv, sight nt Shipka or nt Plevna. TUie credit for tUe aclieveunent Uc- huings .;cliiefly te tte 36th and lO)th Rifles. Four other regintents particl- pa t dci. TUe t1fth qttacke,(l froi tie i-ast andl the lOtit frointhte xîest, Ccii. h'ouutuff enîing thie brigadue andl per- sonallvydirec-tinzt g tue atîack. ivas the first te reach lic ue init. ni -a-s int thue iik of tht.', fient-u'"t fiiZltingT arenn t lue lui p g-ln s TUe Ja1î;ue.se gluiiu- nerg tijeil at t1iuir post. lKeIlrouuuitî km perinaîx hiauluuItb lileroes for thîeirl -alulanit c\hiii)t - TUe eutu ed guis xîerel t>i-owui1t l t a k li AGAIN ASSAIýLTED. Japs Make an Unsttccessfàh Attempt fa Recapture IL. A )Iliiklcn c-u ,(-) l n(, Trac , Ilill,- xîîuu tiv ttu-it.t--att-tor a uit- p,-rýtti- - mntg-t-ats-t hie to tf a pilltunt buit Iîiiuîues-fi ttîu'-1t t -iulti lit tti'e i.ui-. itn lu' ouf the-ti u cîii-lt ' xlit uI t i i lîîul (l. bueu ui ii i nit Iii' liiiI.l ui, - l tits r' tu ic l tlu ,c'ltîgi'ultiithe ii uit if (t tt. 17. iùiitiîuttli: . (gtîlt t the' ll nitî- freI( kýytu thNb--- ii'il h-ut- - uîxi. Itthie itill htih;u %thcilutz tit îi'îl. hi- thei' itust i ittu mu;s-t t i I tt--i ttu' ( of. 3lnt-it'ttlt tii (t-t Uthî, tîuxxuuls tt' -îil ht-;i. (lt -v ui- l se t t - i-i-i ltt- aln fuutr'- lat ttali-uuîs, Lit xx-nî- tîîîtlulî'ta t-tht ire thp lu-guls-. x lit-tuthe Juaui-s- su- î-u'u'ulî'l in c-arry iîg off. Tlu~he atu>tei of La-ueTre E1111pre- ."ouls auilîfui iglt. li-uiani antI hall- uni--i- demui 'urt' uîuiuglu-(lin iiniextricable c--tufuck-juTh'ie grouunil -5st reit i ih laine-'u r. fl-s t lu Uul bt-en suiasiiel îî. Iiiu ihlnIfightingz. Evvrvtîiîn- S-iA tu -- la eheu - u laizeil as xxi'a1- t ît. ilTho ti- aiiiiiu ane - i-rl iîtg iu'îi'uiumn the îit of th(, hiil. in tw ai'tttitu pt tuo savo dtituuiof t lie w-)iinui- si. tue x -unit.it tli-htt hiL lic--puteup uîp n qiiiiut' in-. l ureuu-hur the xxurk of o (ml,-ttnu-' tu lt i uaI theiti iihuss-- i ii' uti-L i-tof t!,e(, rcads,. FIGHT ON RUSSIAN LEFI. Fîankuag CzhIumn Car-ied HullsisLfld by J apanese. MNean-titue tue Russians gat aea.rly «Ei the coîtnixnuing hîeiuzrts. includiag thec conical blis he-side tUe pass; butt there wais still one lîcighît at tii-e left of te pas-s-s w-iihh-a-J net hen t-aken, a-ad n-t d.ait-a-theRssin xewe iî-gaia forced ta ,retLye. as thle *Tapu-tncse hatteriee cotit- iniundeui tUe grotuildthe 1ussians haÀl &-o -hardly -ivuan. The next tLuuy Mir îtîitn-aguiin ad- vuinces,a. oh-tng -tu uaitn pass. Geu. Gern7gross riun:iiu'u l uttUe filddi trinIt adi t-he bot figlitintt. itever leu-iig hist men a moment. During thie uiti.lt fturtli corps xxa.s ferceui toi<lri-. ict kbuit at uight ru- accuieilits ca,,rlier psiiius. 1)îing t-be nighnt fighut'ing of Tuîsîa' i-u. Coli. Pe-cui. dicil fi-r1hting inthUeJapoan - ese eiu-lus 'l'lie 34th reg-inent stuffer- cd terrible. Ocet. 13 1thue --t1 un i-(idilfer-vuird. TUe Japaneueimiti \I w l harh calai- ten- îc-ity oun ilie tcf, fLUi î. C-ut. Iljkiîî, ing a piesuti -t Ii-i ualit. i eLis fiuuktur:i-xh. luutit ani-zbuoq-i s usent toi Iluis; Siihih) '.-nlil ii oit-' luk tuho -ITilpxuî». Tuxîtur -ivans'.mon i sever.uifre'h TJaani-st' ut t cc-s apli-Rul ii t-le lteit-lits. fint- -higli l'\îSsies. lu e lu-t S iieria îîI tattut-.uhiantging grotind, iiituu-îîîu t- tli' iring ( nud icst 17 nîenu- wn île. oti ii0pl i- -.ti gililet cic, r. i-i lliiuî iu'lis.anJ suiffer- Pd littie lose. t.he lahtueS -gi-falli ing shirt,.t ina ntuicoUlet tchuit xvunuiu' thte Jairse r1ilen Yivthîe w ritvir ai tItis de-p ttc-h, arid.t ihis sesirvint. TUle Itss.ritir ries fiuaili- got Uie range of tue .1 ;iuuue battent-s and -\ftt-r iint 'na gu-tnu-ai-C iey ftttlitii -si u itut- te ltu-uiti ues r-crtigt-il.u t tCe J.1 lmnese w-cre lire- îiur-jt1 lu. ixti - uta t' tti-e x-iMie f 'li--laiit.vzx-unul l'-iiaw. Tue Rsin t-lennaut-eilfonixarul. andsaltut.5 o'c.lock la t li' af i-rison cciiljig the liasses as thîe -J.î ;au su- t' thuirew. pli tais the- tîlnte mretire, xvlich ,t-i oinnaccoiî- plilu-Is:fi1~-buit t.liiioughix' exhauàt- ed by thte liuCt figu.j PORT ARTHUR. - To be Tai:ca Whnteven t1ic Cat ii Li; ie. 1.i ~ ~ ~ T!e uitil i t-tle foui cirnes- h"iuuuiit-?it 4i 1 thtiw la ili- ieligrapiii ciaiuuus tu- liaii e tpi-i - iii i i nauîi iuu utti f ti'h u isti-. tluu uit 1-cntI Artîttur, of w hici thue-fui- xx uuî g i, tt'Oe n-tir i-the ?iitTh e Las- -tu bo i l v ci - iil gruandilas- sattî-ou thiti uillitme' tf torts, iutnieiv, fiiuit Auug 21 tu Atuit-2, rmuuhtiuîg un the rt-loi-e cf tt'Jiîtus. themo ili ectuut-ilti-csntal I îuitsiiaix fo rts ui thLu xiciuit i cf tt -t-eatu-ruti-u-utues. Uin tiiat ocecatstintuke u.ît:;iih'-s xiru' 1e- îýai-'d tii continue 0t lie t aek unudt!it w-as s -t,- Itu i.ltttiitin itit- iu o"tf erulers fu-uîîiuuumpu-niai lîtîquu -th îe cuinfliit (1(:':'d---------httt lioeu ilis lien a su-ri-sif i--d-I errai- onuuîtih'forts, tisllutiix- u -u1)yuu.î i d-îtu tiiiu aiuuîg tite ýi' xit-c lii l î-n-u -iît~ t1l.ttili' EaIitc fi -0 x i m tilpt tCiuni-au-ct iivru-nu, xxiii ru't-i ttiti'- -î tti -tiuvurs ti sIic-ll1no iitheii i u.--. uI-sY n'aI- imIuu tit thtIiuiiit t- l ii%.panu iii' ti itdstIi 11- tr-oif Ihrt .-\rtluuîr. andî il!th nu ii'lt -t inioluil,- ti-at îtîî-îuuît Ili) ltIitt i xiti ii b i Lluit untht- sa!i- tii-i u(if lif - ii- liui ttu-s t the lue I ia ut1-Flu ik - 'ii Coc-'îî nt rîit in o f ru-in f urrceuten ts c'viuIl-tut u l i .i-IL l auto uy vot u ttu e-----------. utlui 1ulnu-tie t nittl- -. î 1- , Ltii-t .i - tuit (ukt. 1 o, ctutu-s urlo-rt --- ur iii iîtfuutuv ts- À- i L. w -it1~ a i- g tel it u.utt IlCl2-xU 1 a)u:it,- t' PirtAi-tîur il-(i, fuu -ut î-eipu-i. a -ou u-~aitlti pu- ti' ltuî-iu - i-p rt tiji-t*t(on. l\uui-t >ttîutî bt-toue iîtu ts. Uîî . 1.)m i- uîitt iat i feu- ctptuîringr 11-U ltusii igliuiîgi lîee.se il cIfîuîtî-eîuiî.îîî-. iis t-hî iiv I-pris- tUitt itutuetits uuL tti' l iibu îti auîtite .Witil u 1uuux-'i'tittutt tl u, s ilits onIlletiti iglit ltiuk. auJ tie it-uîl iittitiiiSt iti theu ip iu ai':re alie te al il d 4,1 1 I uin t eLut. 'llie rui t iL u 1 u110 ut tî'essu y fo i tttî ing the i as aup)r yd i t titibattu-rut-s tutLiii' fuit rîss hufi-ri'wtu. litandii'tjus the op- tutti atia cUne uottUle OtluLasu. Sibu-auîe a t io ns;. )icut tic vatuîer bas bc- l tnigades. Utie battt'ny- uct i te ellt- cnic keon andx thet cits ruxtuh. tue, andtil . l it-t' uoe i-e'Cli ' l tl n. Thie u-îuresýpî uîîîlu t ii atus Ti apti neFe -tcIe tttbî-gt1I uutUt.. 1h ItcL 'a. m. tradesnutîn. x hi ) liash 't a tt-iJ te ' l L t ,. A u tLue i ý1lut lI Itulut e le t (' husiegi-rs tlirxuîziuiutt ii ii-u an - oiii thuee Julanese battc i i tu-st tUe rijiit rived nt Ciefoa Wu'cilna, as saving ci the IpÂsb Siat-liuiu lass is a duoc,- ie ttî uluni-' iii'st- orut, thtil iiitiu ltass, thle tain ilciiie beiug tu the left, Tupaîtise hîtue lcon li net lier vour- ov-ertoppei by 1igIîtj rcclLy 1uîîouutailuîs, ri"'ponilcnt sav-s thuat 30.000oo have hb't- while t.qthe riglut arc rock y riges. uiei. tiled or N'ounideul Gerag-c b' Corps ivas asbiglueil fCap turc ili passes by frotal attack, anud NET RESULT 0F BATTLE. the rcuuutuuuder of thte iussian% trochiz- îveî-e ta tura flic Japanese rposiftion aund Coniplete Russian Repulse and Gain of ttiîtc tL;it uii01 the f iank and rear. 15Mlso tud _%tlunion flue lussian batteries began sMlsfGrud PutztJi " th le J apanese positions.~ A London cable - says: The 00plte -uii' i possiie the Russian artiiiery repulse of flic Rulssian abtack -pd, t1e la, ujiy fullcîvui up by the infanfry gain of about 1.13 iles of' ground s. ï, aiaithefo caumion lir'e being cancan- to ho the net resct of the Bat « ' .e ttti frst on uuue and tilen aot anofher Sha River to the, Japanýese hobave uA ttàe cutint-ces,uuitî were seamed a-gain faihed, as at Liao Ya. W, to follow îitlî Jajuauuc'u tt- nc-iues f ronm base fa up their victory 'th rà -pzJthing olow. sii n it. 'l'lie Jaîuanese positions -were Oinon ir7ht eeras f0 whether c ý. <eeu fbat the attacking Russians thîe prosent, situa ion #iatsalulo c-e)uà(t malte no rugress lanflic face of a fthc end of the b t,,ý .none of the dos- tîînîdcnîuus finre. \Vhclt' aivancp cciii- patches enabling eunt ssrit planies lay deuxa, hxîgging flie grotînd A correspoaleuut with Gen. -Ok*i~ n tihl cening, andi rupul.Siitg salles by the an unýdated despatch, says that -n JTalanese firom tîtein trt'iucs. At ii-if fo the- ,lowness of the advance,4 -he (tea. KondratovitcU led his aivance9ta Japanese failed ta eut off the R au tUe fr-ont andl again flic Russians Uc- refreat, iviicit wan conductod vith ,.a.n fa scale the ruguel heights. The great skill. Thle cavalry on the Jan- tnnIand 3;4tlî Bî'giments feil under esc Ieft erosscd fthe Hun RiMver, thus withering ffre. The mca htung ta the prevenfing a Russian flanking ove- and utt returneul the fine. Then fhey ment. They captured batteries a did 'ut-ramhlied f orîvard agaiin. The 34th excellent work. The Japanese itre Ic-gimnent flrst reacheil the tronches, go- and right armries held their -Ulne ' iYn w i th flie bayonet at the Japanese, titroughotut, workiag forward ther ilVho fouglut ike demons. It was an in- exceilcnfly. Thue whole japanese - ou-c àu BR~KEN E4STL-Ifi AIÂICIIH ýs,,.Negro- Gets Sitx Mooths' Impris Vnùite the Longshoremen- of t4e Inited States, W. têtbe Pope i Favor of g nItiian Elections. -padi~~ In~des-1 at ~ ~ ~ ~ M bg ii nprison- -~tn 1u , t result Vh~f i o - iüa-wreet- 1', îý t a rp tâes' festi- val l1ff &tz, in antfl - ed Làiendor, ahtho-g\~ g o ly 115 pouids a adwarfi , ue ç - pared Wxth tue negraac -N challenge to ,wrestle. NNewi '- ei threw him, but-, Lazendorf's- $lders were not squareîv op the groun 'i id h- endeavored ta save tfkmaelf 9g his body. The niegro graspçd«, threw lus mwole w-eiglt an. bis spine.'. Neivis, in court, p é-'--t he had acbed strictly ta the iýIe'o art of set-defence. Amalgamation of Longshoremen. Newv York, Oct. 2;.-The Sun says: The Ncîî Y '£ork" reprousu-tatix-cs of the Aunericaît Fedu-ruticîu of Labor w-cre noti- fied yesterday bv cuibie that W. Abra- hanms and J. Wigiiall, fraternat delegates f îoitlie British '1rades CUianCongresa 1 ta the next couîferetîco of the Ainericani 1-ederatioa cf Laboi-, liait saîicd for titis city. \Xigîahl is the rt-presentati-e of the Internîationauul Luingshotrî'ee's CUia of Great lîritain. Wleie s lie hre pro- liiiarv arratg'('eits viii he muade for au -Xnîalgra it lit uf th' Eu gl ish aîtdj Anît'ricanlontgsiiint'ii in an iuitei-na- tînunai -union vîth iouut 150.000o neni- bers. Il enuuaii tittnsugenuriaI ci-au- izea of tbe Au-uaî FI-iirat ion cf La-' hein. said hast ex ciiuiig: "-For scrute -eau-s a uruox e iitent li-as blieiin lprogi-'ss foi- the foniitimîn of 'luis initenational uaio-n. Vihlu ttI i h 4 varor two nuauiy mei-ublors oif tit'he î'l- union liai-t' lxii c-oi iitg litu- nd îi n ing the Arncricail eI.\Ve l'il tua t t he tiuîie Lasc moiv fuir'the malnamat jion andil)a aIl] prohabiiitv a uîtassitu -et iuug xvill he c-ahi- ixhînMn. Viunall -las hecu lucre ta disc-issti,-th- uiit.-stLioni and tak'e lire- 1!minary steps toward the Amalgama- sPending Amalgamation, the name of the International Longshoremen's-Union lias >hen changed to the International Mariiie and Transport Workers' Asso- ciation. The Union also now takes in ahi workers at the docks, sde h Englisit organization. sde h For soute time prepa-rabtions ihave been going on in England fer ut.hi aunaI- gaination of the two -bodies. Final ar- rangements axe-to-be -made aithVie oon- fert,-ce of the American Feder-ation of IÀbor in San Franciîco -un N\ov. 14. There ivas an attempt t-o unite 'long- ishore ws(rkers on both ifl sof the At- lanti vrerai yearsago. McHlugh a 10l0.iionr3 here. 'flic a-t-tempt was a failuTe be-cause it -was, proposd in-, stead.y of atuilamating ta organize the 'Ionghare in in this counitry uts an Engli-sh b-ody. T-he new movement is egnddas -the flrst step la a -wo-rld t alan of dock la-borer-s, long lkdo iii En-land. t-kdo t The Catholic Vote. Nsew Yorkz, Oct. 24.-Several' bishops nf 'Nýos-rtlt aly, Incltuding CardinaL, fricaul )f the Popev. lave petitioned hin, h)ers-oiLally to t-outsider wlhe-ther the mno- muent buts net arrivvd to eîllow Cathoties ta partieîpate in the reite-al elections. Aýccordin-' te )thle petitisîîîers,, their a-b- steittion front i-oting drîring the l-nst thtirtv-foiit- ears titîs brouglit no ad- -aatage to'tbe cu ri- f thte Vatican, ixhile I-t huis spri-utslx- enuiangered -tbe in- torest-s of rellt-,ioii b -entru.s;tiag powier to, -thre open etucatiies -a>ftlîe Qhurch, and tltev- helieve tU-t ýt if tb Catholics are ah- li'dtoe vote if no't for at-hier candi- dati's, uit lcast for (ta _erva.ti¶-es, en- suiring -t-le pre3eut-e lantuhe chuamber of a strong par-tv capaille cf j-,reî-eating the passage of bills aiîuîd uiaLiîtst religion. Tu'e Pop1e li.as not vet taku(ri a decision, btut la ias akeui for t-be opintion of the tnost authoritativýe cuirdinuils. flow lolU].3 a Iina t!lit i., pr(etic.,aliv the lionq. the Calicians in the NOrthwes t saine as at the . ofthe bat tic. Territories. but fifteen tilles f1 lir r ort Ih. TleMw -lc imeCrepnigSa arrhies are ri()\% restîi. ani priiba1bly retarv, reported the nuînber of auxil xvili fet 1mcVE' fb)r é-vpral i nr: .ires a-, S47. an increase of 45. The A correspondenit N itiitU ust a uîmier cf annual rueniber,;;i ' 20,950, and rentre telcgvaphis tii L Ile *lpar.eýo are of ife mpriers 1.5:37. or a total m-ember- ,apUarently -;4tistL! . 'tt hzviinu scti6- i4ip of 2-2.4 i în in r n f 1.570). Mis- ped the Ru-ss-,n il'îî-.aidhxerrl rd B aiids. 4-27. an inct-ease broughlt their ow-n liies ta the o <f 47. 'ln Bard meîîîbership, 12,279, Itier.ani icrease of 1,604. The Standare's c'rre!zpn?erît -%-i tl Miss f\ ý,, whhas given twclve cli.lxîîîav tlî.i. i xe decats var of lu-r life Io jnissionarv effort hava~erihi~ We~kîii-ilt li îiîrae in hapan. in lier addressý st ate<lta o t h I -~îaî t roop<i,. I t is e'.ifilant il <ri a", t liere i., eue bapt ized Protestant of hr l;zitii,-tit (I:ristian to evcrv five -hutndred of the t r. t ii o on t n idie 1e~ GOAT SWALLOWS AN ORGAN. Fli lpa -- î~s re iialili COiiThe Discord Drove the _Residents of a tuareinn. Y * blai~efiledthe vcaji- Philadelphia Suburb to Distraction. va L ii Oie t1w ~lesiciv.It W-11 s"- Philadelplîla. Oct. 24.-The wheezing cirti-u le îuunricai sn1îrinrit ' vif the, 0! a mouili organ, iunsistenît and inhar- J ap)anie (arniv fioraiii idefiii te perlod. 11mudoejiayrsen f Na- Another c-iu-rre-.1oiicnt a>renlie-i the -aiîudoemn eiet fMn Ioss of .apaiiî&e guils on Ocit. 16j te ayunk ta distraction to-dav. Investi- ovrcefjîlence. Five bat taliiiis and gatica by onencîoîse-racked man disclas- ilirebttreswere too far o:ist, ani c-i the startlinq fact that "Iron Barb," were attao.kcd hi- twcIe l bataijoîIs Of Ithe suburb's notoricus goat, had swai- lti-.sai,..hiwed thec îiisîc-al isti nnient and in TUel'il-n.ihe Iric i te)eit flank -i eng lhad traiisfurnied it lutta one the Ta.pan(ese rizýht.Anfl w liu for daysc orue w ere riuinureil ta i lîî e iie'ui uit off. 01,1- Louder and louder grev the awfll c-alied t lieir tina e1c es ue in ut scun îi~dr u~dfroiii the au inial 's tliroat ~i-.iu ii ave-.uffea I-e nîi. liid its bria tii bn-id discordanît notes in '-ir--ii t\*iî~* u.uetx-reprts tî:tote eiasof \Ianaviiiikei-s. ti e v ivi-re u oi ii îi i i'ti- d.i Ji-nes as a li.t suspied as the S t nil rus c-irr-poilent wi th ( en.guit a nidthle ergauniwendeii thlîir iunmu- N uroki lee h'.iowî or. rit1' the ftU i-ia v uliwn Mainiîstreet anîd it w-as Slans Nwere lîis înl lti.Te'rlînteltitsicrihirses liad been w-verp cnîî-sing Ytý1e Ta lt-e river on1a figlitelc-d bx- the s;oiind anîd had ncarly p1I>)i bitiridg~e. iuîîtll-v wt-ni' exOr- rur awiiv. The police w-cru iitified, but ai o eiuml f ;Japi)ie-,c c-av- licsitated ta kill the suburb's noast fa- iini1- c o i -nifl cI . Ti is Ile Scmetliing had ta bc dnne'. for the fin--t tinulu ijt 1 ,,wlr t lui aiii;t utt guaLt 'vas iidanfer of ctrain-glation. wer n-l.uith 'u-h.ix ii-~îlts. îulc-aalMesie.of Fic Engiîic Cen- 'l'ite P ji0i -lt n i fti.1 aîale left i ; paii*v No. 12, proved cimual ta the crisis. t ui u edle ini ai11ffiIu r dspat ci Il - tackled the goat, beuît a strcam of front tiv l î -elidfud1iarters ln Uic ivater down iuszthroat, drom-ncd the Lie Id. sent tii 1k blo î.ueaiterîîooi l2-o utnotes, and fuil.th rusting a uîuirc- hlanîl inti) the guat's mauth, WOMEN'S MISSIONS.due forth the inistrumnent. Thien all MNanav-un.k heavcd a sigyh of relief. The Society has Fifty-Four in the i__________ FielIý. CO-EDS HURT IN CLASS ROW. Naac.Oct. 2-. The tw-cnt'y-tlii ____ ar.tua rut tofii(0w 'oîand of Man- They Helped Boys in Riot in Cincinnati tuus i ttu Siitiin xx-ian ' sxlis v su- unun ut ii Ocith n NapaWec' _ tlui :nati, Oct. 24.-A niof at tUe Uni- t ft'ru~t ut uîul u,, x-iit Ons W. eiu-sit i of- tCincininati flag rosît to-day Itosi'. tti' esd in lu Ili hutr. anid al b-aut'uvhca Jesse Qtîuitnan, a student of tht- uffi-u',rs tattIfirtY iltle-ates lire- shectator, t'ngaged in ait arguumenît itih Dcal cc-ut. tits.lin aruual. of 'Ventntti.r-a abvstatider. restiting in the iajury af l(hu epr of tle'i 'tIiiuiiI-(iniMittetpni'- tux-cîty students and spectatons, anuong hiaretl b'etîuc St-neýturv', xirs. Dr. lBnigg. ituent five ca-cis. Msrs. Snvucr of thue Chinese, Rescun 'lie tîvo disptutants came ta buow-s, 11M', Eonte. 1rit41ý Colîumbtia. gai-e»- ýurip.f and uts sevýeruti policemuuen rusheul up ta 'e n tiddress ti)n r work amonthfe a- part fheuuî, ArthtuIn hiilex', a sophuoniare, at - es ani .Jaa1I~e.ani another spectuitor t-iashel. 'huis iue- huicu The laýrge ilu enthusiastic oveflhtg ulted, iii a geneural fight, la w-Uic-h at lut-ni meetinig-was pre ided over by Mrs. Ross. tfiy uetsailspttosn- ' Miss Wilkes, 1- Toronfo, the General ga,, , xvlîile baif a dozen Co-cils., sceiag o' Treasui'er, presenfied -îa ncuauigtheIem frienils 'orsted, rusheil info the gliln statement, flue njn items of which serrmaçae. J werot Total amou\tt raisod by- branches F',Our bf thonx fainteil and xu-rc tramp]- andl fo r 1904, 1ncludinLy-test fund, $58,643.95; ed under foot. ntd another receiveil a weri total auotut Ïra'îsea !y branches for blow ax-er theýeft eyc that ef t a gasît xas 1903, incltuding rest ftund, $53.031.54; la- u flrc indUes lonig. A squad of police- I eren se, - $5 612.41; ittl arnaunt ueceivedi-ai ea succecded ïa queliing the uîof, and fi ai] front al- sources' iii1004, iaelifuding i-<Iý as fhîcy dragged 'tîe leaders intahei figbt dist' ftund. $5j,470.12; inereaso $5.045.86. M,,rs. to a anearbyv enjine house they ivwere V W. W. 'Ogden, Treasurer for the rest stoned. -- (o funil, reported $19375,24 receiveil this Thîre and -sU - year »front the branches, rmaking a total none saphir g .$-wÏ" red tna tup h-ont ail sourees of $8f282.41. tt t ual to, ake f heir liames ir Mr.%. - Strachan, Field'., Çorrespondling-t carrnages. iftlters are Qlifitly- iajyî- Secrotary, gave a brief port of thé cd, broken 150 uiilblickc e wvork upon the regpectiv , jelda Npro- the extet8ei .llit. lxue al wixon sonted by this societyO eYpatht"-'of tUent ( Were- arresteW but ivonu Indians, Chinese and ap 0- - BtEitish were laf - ýie tCr pron).zo y -Cohumbhia, the Province aof-4uîebeé and appeari the latestf'. h fId of tta- 't-'g opsre - 4O a eàswoe hit rugit u~ i ;e, ~WY Sue- ~7 -i BAPTIST.1UN ýlX' GUILTY 0F EIIITORTIO'N. Fate cf Presiýdent of the New York Building Trade Altiance. New York-, Oc-t. 2-1.he Jurn thte case eM j'hh lp ',tucti' aturPndtideit ut thue Buildýng Tradi'; Alliai-c. on trial fan extortien. retuttcd t-, %ndut - stf guiltv shoriiy tiefore nitdîitth. tlciexas at tonce ncuuaadcd ta thîe Tonuhsutil Oct. ta xxtea seut.eaee -e- u be puinouuucci. 'Weinsctiier tut.s been on ,trial fortt'r thaut a wet-kinta Utc Courutuf S îte-ýISesos hanged by Geornge J. Essig. a mastur puitb- en. îvtth extortiit Stti (outhiltu unden a tlineat utot to lpc-mitwork ta conutinue c-a the Chatui'-orth a;pcrtaueut ttousetiene unlt-s h munuey was paîd. i'ueiisetatutn tneublctandî gnasped ttue railuag ta stoi'uy titinself. Wh oa he tuad te ttu'iile atswered ia asiu(e s-arci'ly audible. li-; -aunsei said tht-t he wouuîd ttontie aî-pc.aî. the canse, on the grouad that tOc verdict was c-c.îtrany ta tht ex-uc-sac-e DEjii) AT THE THROTTLE. ft Took Engineer When Ris Train Was Ru-nniug at Higit Spextýd. lçÇC'ok, itî,tC-t. 21.-Jatei OýCon- antit-tiic oiit t' uurittou-ud s Stri-kéýi dî'aut with. heurt dis,4se lis thurottie suut i',fter the train lh6 inlotltivcuis J huiîglau liîe from s- oii uts ruuii te St. L~ouis last atuht. lic t.i-aiui ut-ts îiîuuuîuga t a huigli rate speedil it-ithflic nt'ucluutîcîd ta ut-e at fia- eîigiiuecr and lobserveil that. hucculiar puilli)r overspread huis face that If iulv dyappearei nigiil. lc lif ox-er .tl(ltotiched tlue eutgineer, and t sby'týel te fiatl that lue ivas deuil. Che dltcavenrv xas mtade xvhicn tUe iD iuud i-eatch'-d a paint a considerable an-e f rom lucre. Tx', fireman back-eulthe train into MNs- t.- and lwhin aticther engineeu tvas lied if went oi tfo St. Louis. NOT IF HE KNOWS. an acute observ-er la the business Ad expresses atuculu inthese fevy -Is: "A merchant, eau get along, in a -, Undl fur a tinte, witlîouf adverfising; hf. won't if hue bas over tried the ýksnd of newspaper advertising." r'- Meeting 'of theu, QuàebecB dy A oronto ý the report -of. th~e sehate ad '-a Goy.eirors,,of MeMat HWuw ~aùd -b~broueho aiey dbt ý:te àppo~imelünt -of Mr. 1. G. m eiurè, in ,Iiebrew. Af ter adis8 li of, iffliry.;three hours -theapi*~ Sally confirmed and t e e, ort of the Ministerial Super. ~n Board was- presented by H. 'Chine, B.A., B.D.. t show- ed that during the past year two dire tors ha-ve died, -Mr. C. -Raymond,' of Guelph, and Mr. T. White, of Brantford. The work of the year proved -most satisfactory, sixty churches contributed about $800 in collections and the pernia- nent fund was largely increased by leg- acies. Ten ministers apd seven widows have been benefltted. by the f und, and the annuities amounted ta $1,985.85. The treasurer's report showed that the total receipts anîounted ta $3,951-75, with disbursements of $3,163.29., leaving a balance of $788.46. The folloxving were appainted ta mem- bèrships of the Board, Messrs. Wm. Craig, S. Tapscott, F. Sanderson,MA. J. L. Gilmour, and J. C. Sycarnore. Messrs. Edmuuîd Gunn and H. H. Lloyd were re-appbinted ainditors. V4ce-Pr-esident Caineran presided at the afternaon session, when the educa- itonai repart ivas read hy PRev. Chan- cellor Wallace. An enroilment ofe 186 students ivas reportcd at MeM1paster Hall, of whom 145 were in arts, 34 in theo]ogy, 13 ini pcst-graduate work, and 2 la B. D. courses. At Waodstock Cal- lege there were enroiled 133 students, of xvhorn 102 w-ere baarders. At 'Moul- ton College there were 150, of whlom 61 were boarders. Thle icceilîts over disbnîrsements for the year were $445.62. The expenses of Mci\aster had increased hv about $500- over îast year, andi Moulton bx- $200," w-hile Woodstock biad cost $300 less than iast vear. In moving tbe adoption of the report, Chancellor- Wallace spoke cf the num- ber of young men w-ho desire ta enter te nîinistry withotut taking a eoo- c-ah course. During tbe hast t n years the highest registration in theology w-as 53; the lowest, Nvbich was this vear, was 3. This ivas ta be regretted, and the speaker thought that a greater- ef- fort shoul'd becimade ta make -MeMaster pue-eminently a tLheologicai schaol. Tbe motion for the adoption of the r-eport ivas seconded by Hon. John Dry- den, w-ho spoke of charcater-building as the essential thing in educeation. This could he oniy attained by bringing the stident into contact ,vith Bible truths, anti hé knevç of no place w-herc this eotîld be done 50 wvell as at M-ýcM-\aster Hall. At the eveninti rnec'ting addresses on eduicational subjeets were dehivereul by Yxe. . raiîcis P-,errv . D., and Prin- <-a .L. NleCriniioii, of Woodstoçk (!ohlege. TU'e final address w-as deliî-ered upon "Ile Christian Hôme as A-ffected by Býeligious joxrnalisnt." by Rev. J1. W. A.Stew-art, D.D., Dean of Rochester Seininar;-. The fe]lowing eleetions were made te the Board of ;oN-errors of M-ýcMas-- ter: revv. C. il. Ilolmian, Bey, R. C. Mt tlîexx-s. Pex-. John ,,t a rk. of Toranto, anti Rev. 1). Bentle-%, of M-%ontreal. EPISCOPAL CONVENTION 1~l ~1, t fi î 1

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