Whitby Keystone, 20 Oct 1904, p. 4

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-i (. i <s THE KEYSrONE, WHITBY, THURSDAY, OCTOBEeR-l,20,19,04 Letters from Our Correspondents PORT WHITBY. F The Rev. Thos. Bingham, of Burk'sk i Missge ails, Ontario, will cccupy the upt4 wood, as hom over 4unday of the Baptist church next Sunday morn- ,1 11U Mr. Jno. Proudfoot, while ipickring9 and evening, Oct- 23rd. The pastor of Eastand Wes Whitbyand Pîceiing: pples, fell off the ]adder and receiveda will assist t botE services.PE LPS B JL )1 N .'fEs adWs htyadPceigvery severe cut. Head about ta Burst From Severe Mrs. Sherman, of Montreal, visited Biliaus Rttack. -~ friends here last week. "lI had a severe bibjous attaciz and feit Having eompleted our chopping Mr. W. Coleman, of Toron.tc,lhas been kenyhawaaoutebrtwlnIA Hain omleedou hopigvisiting at Mr. Geo. White's. Igot holdcf a free saile of Claiberlain"i miii an instaled newmachinry, weMr. and Mrs. M. Burrcughs, of Osh-; Stoînah arnd Liver Ta)uets. 1 tok ose awa, spent Sunday with Miss W hitriey. ' f the ni a ft.er su pper and t he nex t day fe It are now prepared to do al kinds ýTEe barge, LctkelMbchigait, was ini port ike a new nhan and have been feeling hap' of Feed Grindincg at 5c per bag, and over Sunday for shelter cn lier way to yee ince' says Mr. J. W. snulth of uintil further notice ivili grind onOsaat odgin, Julitf, lýexas. Fer bilýpusness, stornacli Mlondays,Wedriesdavs and 8aturdays. Mr. Ben and Miss Hattie have tentice1b.l>rceFocns.1r sale % ommencing n O tb rltiT i Sunda3' in Dunbarton. by ail druggists. Having hlad a life experience MRL.GrlWin.lîto h t a v ro iling, ive feel sure we are in a po- hue c rtain young of lstof a couple cf To assist in housewor<, wiIl pav good la ee ou htok pabi'so k e sition te give every satisfaction. this place was seeingcoupat fBresijus dry gcodsnou If w-e find the tracie warrants it,inyonlaeshmfrncuciisttr. Siinday eyeuing he met with a painful 8tre coming in dal.e share of pub îic patronage. whccientho trippe overahe dcgind h .e a ngbs fTroti sisig h topsy turvey, breaking the umbrebla to3revivab services at Audley lit the Yleth- spinters and bruising hiinself quite se- odist churcli, and occupied tbe plî O VO~E~ vereiy. i7-. the Mothodist church liere last Sab- Flnnltt rap Sweet faced Tonmmy looks bonesorne'bath and wilî next Sabbatli. Flaneet rpes, colbeutîulpatrMns Pundas St. East these days, Whats the inatter wid yer, On Saturday aftcrnooti bast, while wlie eca A. . T OLE & DN,1) IIJBYanyhow ? Cheer up. Master Eart Wright, accompaîîîed by AWhite. $ .25 Untea 2As . T OLEY & ON 1 w H TBYMr. Win. Tarivis is acting stage driyer' severtîl other boys, w-as engagred in pick- SigMr. Sanderson's illuîess. We iny beecli-nuts, ini (.vrdon's woods, lieA FlneeteWppr, tiwiefbs.Se hoe te see John around again i h had a very narroxv e5cape frein instant:A Seii es ne-rftue r. drsùn lbas the pieur- death. He was ini the act cf passing 1bj Seil isy in his hip. froin one tree to another at a beigbt cf! l Ladies' Capes, iiimeinw-ghntri Many Mothe of a Like Opinion, about fifteeîî foot, a very dangerous pro-'~ black cloth, tnicelt'rneeglrtm Mrs. lîltier, Corglova, lcwa, say-s : ceeding,. wlien lie nîissed bis lîold and ds $.0 pca, - -Tan > S A V E A L L '"()lie cf îny clildren w~as sulject tc croup fell te tie -grouiid..I lu bs descent lie ii ifeei tif a seNere type, andi the oiît f Chain.-tre eea onrais lgtugo luei.laiu's Cough Reredy pronuîtly, alNvas issionde. o avutcosccu 01Blouses, pl< lrouglit reliet. -Matiy niitlers ini tîis Fareet neihlurhcd tiîktle snieasdot about, the ground for soîne tinie, whiie some cf prices - - 0 5 $1Mes I i'n, MW etals, IRub'bers, li endaî -atn îurkn o the beys went for assistance, whielh soonA thisBatenuayi andswautino oted. Vîtdeforui 014 ones LaliorS çuttîngs, ~~~~r (-thu illrei.' For sale lu all drggists. arrived. He was taken home, w bo'i Dr.i~ 'us etrglr c pca, 5 e ~ es Bvnels AUeY.Mteof ation it wvas foîind thuat lie wvas sufforing A roMo sassig 1v .E or only fron: sbock and bruises oncit ioui - lA Kid Cioves, regu:ar $0.S~il 0 os tervvlhere. Tuesday niglît the dla i(er- face andl bauk. orse Ila r, tc. etc thr:W1 1ev.J. Mthison cfTo sgoiîg oan ius it aiid ptr bgros !p Ci a ps a Ilighest Price Paid for these by ~was filled with seekers after sabvation. Miss1 Mngiis ucibteA ogaigCpa:wolwrt 5.Se The preatdiing is Evangolical anîd power-. 1" Il25e Bot-s' fUý. Ite nmeetings will be ccntinued pects acbrgitfr11ped adpen Ne COHEN iaen eevv ilext m-eek, the cbosîng farew'cll nmeeting *hSe wiil bu Friday evanixîg, *28 ilist. A- îitleîiiithe itiierests cf Mr. W~in Grev Union Flannel. pci,15Mes Broek S reet, W itby. he farieRc ar ex-Nil>.ybuy os , thte Liberal canddate at lit faierae eceeingv sy .thte approacîiiîg -,general elect . lo, heldreg ________________________________________________________________threshiîig. plowi"fug, takiîuguproose tc.niitueV'u alTedveeing. ?M1r. BROOKLIN. lss aloi Mr. 1. J. (1cuXi" addressedA Flaninelette, 38iicbesWd. pcil 2. Nn' 9 0 >0_0~ ~ M rs. WnVi. Kerr arriveul home on Sat - the îîîeetîîî. urdhîv ighit, after srueniuug -fîve weeks Mr. A. Cuinier, cf Toronto, lias been -acie lradii uak n p-ie (u LÉwith liar- dalu.ugter, Mrs. Beattie, it.ear appo)(Iîited by the Bishup ouf Toronito as Seiu,:ci po e w ~t. Marvs. lay rea(ier inthte Anglicani Chuireh hlure A Craslh Towelîing Spcil 6 M. NYt. oble, fatbier cf 'Mr. W-. W. iii connlectionl witlî the 11ev. Mr. nlu h o p p in @ Nole, pr incipal cf the publie sehool, fW tbwbo ullhave clargu tofte Molekin, su:taiule forsit.Seil k d aii lgte vlCause oiLcckjaw. Ablarge exiteise thesein Il- bluive beeti oi 'e at sutieerdrugde t ervalfgodsae co peeyc ag ( tI i r nfour totiv((fafeuor.tuet.-vhtu li lutwhouurieul i eue stin 03j " i'C to re aki tN oblslnraeeyn 1..... i.. . u..-l- und N-!Wuer iiuuu'. anul ai-e eor il\iIi i S tliie t wui .the u-itS-.iiuuîti ofp-. ui: îu\ t ui In the.s z iu s u x tu- a , un N\iii .1le t ),ýed tt) lie î 1 k. ai)sulutely klII aIl foreigu seeuis tuldluteak > opIt huils tt icur. Provepnd'r \i a-li. t Chop Faster, Better, Cheaper 0 th azu 'iiv otlier mnIlis. The nuull-s are ruit M illS nin., conitîuîuouSly evet'x iluix No NvaitinZ, C a.nitake chuop iuaclc w uthu xou a'%i .Irice, 4c per bac- Ccî'î i i ll, tc. @E. S. EDMONSON IElcctrie Liglît Powler House, OSH-AW A ;, tie seilir divisionu cf thie chie.ib taýs clos- cd nl Motida" and Tiiesd1av. ti( ci will houd its antiraI conuv en tioun lucre uit -vriuiav and Saturuiay, 2Stliuand 2¶îtlî iîust. A large attetidanice is expected aid the lospitable cit'zctîs cf Brc-liii t..il'î have ait cpportmtity ofbeoîtî vluîi tiiiteul tilthluthte ihuen111)rs t fthie prof .ession, as it ivihi be necessary to bave hblots pî'ovîdel fuir thuein. The iiîcet- iîigs of tLe Associatioin,; Leb blet ea few yeari ugo were specialliy succe-,,futb, andt bùtte; thîîugs are booked for at tiilstinuie. The nmeetinug cinFriday eveîig i-will )0 hhli;i the MNICi aliI.ail w-1 t - p10 lie. At. excellent prograru Las lueui ar- rangeiltfor i t. tlhept'iîu ci p.î Ii tenuiu eutg ityý1 adltiess hv Chancellor Wullaccuuo,- Mc- MattUîîversitv. Mr'. Perry Heoker, who worked vithî the late Jas. Delong two years agi),lbas rctlited a part cf thie Deloîîg fartut, and is ttow picwving on it. Mr. Herbert De- lcng will continue te work the criginal honie section cf the farni. M r. an:d NIrs.Jolin Rcgi' ut: are rnovtnz2 éé~&AA4é4ééééé itu tii (tiiLwCtlht ingpuciac(ii.c.. iin ' ' ~~fu'uv ti a ao. Wte w'ishutheuutîaî !b years of cenitiued 1life antong ýUs. '1> 'Mis. \Vuuî. ilouthy, cf Wiiu'suur, us vis- tin-it e: iuîotier, Mrs.Hpii. ~K ey sto n eTitu- anuimtal public tnieet:ng cf the d e e y s o*e Bro<-klin Brancliîcf the Bible Isucetv 3waslitelul in the PresbIyteriain clîrîrcliunci lb Suuuday evetiug. A large :uutlietîce as- * * *setiuled, every sitting beiîîg takexu. Tlete O u u *1 * eidottof tla oaSociety, 11ev J.U C lu b b in qis t dbtvere giveti by Mr. Seuay, cf tite Epis- *ccupalithrch. 11ev. 'Chas. Adanîs, cf thef 3b Metli:cdist churchi, anud Itet. H. Car- i * mtcbael, cf Dunbar, wbo bad supplied 1A A A A the Presbyteriaii puplit for that day. j cb Tilese addresses were ahi very lîughiy ap-1 3preciated. t liaul been expected that lIE1\.VS'oNExvii b c'ubbd with~ut ofthe~>outaide heb weuld have been fsecured fleltiOle( OI~1litO'7ihi~ te ~: for tîtîs occasion, but therg w-scertîinl mentone pae-s orat teiollowibf (.n1neulfor gocgawav f roni home utien. Live rice~. 1\ost hmes sbscrbe fo a Ciy ~>sîcli excellent talent was availoIre tivePries. ostlioiiolý sibscibefor eiy .Mr. Franîk Redmnan, ehdest son cf -Mr. :)r weeklv, and also 01w or more goO(l mag-azines. C. Redmnuuu, died earhy on Sunday nier- 111îu,-t-11so have a ro local paper, anfld a saving 3in'g. Hie had beolitin, declining iiealtb 1- " fer sente tirue andl fer severul nionthîs it ps well 1w (1ftlèt1d v clubbing as 1w tzikin io -l- < was known that tbere could ho but oe ~ec ag in an' other purchiases. This 1li t 'b ternination te his illness. - lie w-as a )ei~ auîl .~: * very exenîplary 3youuîg utman anud tlough and aa/m ples excellent î'eadin-r * rattier retiring iii is intter ho had a 1b . , suMl)ive 1 muî~.î . ia~ ~ 'varraplace in nianiy heurts. Mai 1-BA ati 3 oc +beautifai floral offéritîgs wer enut ini, uvecklav .... $ ai ...... . 4 an~îd there was a very large atteutuatîce' il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ...u 1-,jîedl' i ' at the fur-eral on Tuesduuy ufteruteon, SI4t *t ich was cendtcted by 11ev. C. Adanis. 1 ... ...R dnin a d the etîter bereaved re- ... ...> latives haye warinest sympathy in their S5,ot ~ turne of serrow. - mi - N4-. .. ... 00i pp e ac ers are haviuig their ihar- ...a ...~>t 3 o00 vest now. Thý appie crcp is vety heavy1 25 throuighic',t the district, anud the cool i 25 È ýôsmera :rduced a SOlil I and heal-i i St? 3 thysain e or2 4 Mr. exKetcheit and Mr. Wm. Hoi- ~5p3calrat cn o luoeu ~cuntr ppes idey ieloîng the nuutber whe re- ( see SoutE Onttaric at the great a li Ke 1 itoh fo $300.ibera epionstration held in Massey atîdKey~one er ~3 it. * MI, To t, on Friday eve.ning last.i per o th ~> Amoi ~e n vited te s eats on th epl at- apr rperiodicals ie the nadaceines cf Mr. Win.i ~e to new yearly subseribers. tIPli AexKecenad r.Mse J~fDch~t represeritiflg tEe iinmedliate coîtsut y.cf Brookliîu. -i t ie ait us et- 1itl-utithue ger-Iti i,; rouseul te aiî Nt ;li hu t-s tiue tiîn-t virlent ui.utcti îuîuwî. .liese -ten-' ýniay lei.- ir-lV~ -iu t ut ti ui~ îr~us teel et I -muhhd ma i .the i- tu 1u- s e-'st-he Paiin C lziieu! i itliouttiv n atrtuses u vt i ,boirs win-iti,-tuu reî-uuet it mtsue usuta 0SHAUA. f,,r m-1awar lie las pur- C*laýzel the practicc and dental outhit of L)r. Mlhe Metcaif te. Dr. Cross i nlVail i u-to-dilte pri fe.,sîoîa1 nia, i. b ilet . d and lsetul ca tzen, hin gllç recOglei>das '.uch Iliption fpic - uiiiincu, inot the lcast (,ft ilîi hwas a iivile-of uttLh uard f Educat,;i. Wew slî i 11>111UVerv sucCeýLSS. Last tSaturday t he year and a half 01lo uuhe f Mr. aix.d Mrs. Hcv. re- 1 1dii, on iBruce Street, hv so:uc nieais is saîd to have got hcld (cf a tini cf con - ventrateil ive, whîch, noctwîthistai(li,, ýl.1 t1tat iiieuioal skill cou)ld dh, caused doath ()I IMonday afternccî,. Thiese tinis ci I ve. biîg (cf suici p soosch-àracter, cultto lue hllied ilOlwth thuc greatesi care. alid tnuuI put outtucf the xvacf c lidiren.t W'0 reg£ret tdie death c (f Mr. Harry Diginan, whic h took place on yesterdav foreilucaat the 'Icronto teneral Hos- pital. Mir. Digianl was an iri picye of the BýeIl lllioî,iic Co. for tivo years, anid Iast ye-ar w as 'q cal mniager for thai eotupaîiy Ili this tW.Bowxlaiy:ic eand WVhîth. Ili eci cf these lie had tulany frîcn(ls who lainent the enid cf so pro. iilig a life. He was all estim~able young mit, laving the respect cf ail whu. Liad the pleasure cf his acquainitanlce. The f uneral will take Place ut Lis home~ in Exeter t-ucrw.lujtcr. When The Bc Are Constu The whole digfestive1 dleranged andl the polsoned. By their direct and combinedi neys, hiverand boweis Dr. Ch Lîver Pis overcomne disorders gans. cleanse the systfsn, purify prevent and cure serlous disease. Mit. B. H. BARNABY. painter shops, 1K States:t- Dr. Chý Liver Pibl of year would g and suffé pains and of thedi and knoit pronouti' Wbcn col NE. .Z Y one pill me right, and arn neyer wttbout pils ini the house. 1 consider imedicite I ever used. " Dr.(hase's Kidney-Liver PlUs. M t cenrs'a boy, ail dealers. 'Il sgna re cf Dr. A. W. Chast recepjbook author, are on everj 'hase's Backache Plaster1 and ac,\e, lumbago and rhm=ti - ., . -c- iwe's pated ystem la sy'stem action on kid. bases Kidney. cf these or. the blood and in the D.A.R- Centville, N.S., 'c I have used iase's Kidney- ls fora number rs %vhenever1 IRo CK la the largest, and best Fered., Our store is not Dspecially for the goods enough time that oui' FOR MEN' Untearable Suits, double breasted, lar $12.0. Special, - $1 0 ,0 0 cial, -- $2o49 Tweed Suits, in a stylish good ma- al, batest eut, wvell made and good mings, worth $12.00. Special,S85 ;ers Waterproof Coats, lîned, with , reguar $2.50. Spe-c.ial - $198 eial- 59e Drtll Sits,, ree a 5c piec 43 cial, - - - 44e cialy - - - - $2 49 uibar 75c. Special Cardigan Jackets. Special- 50e 7.5c 'ail and Winter Overcoats are theA -y latest styles.. Prices are $3.99ý ý5, 8.50, 10.00, 12.00. ia prices in z»ens2 waterproof;-ov-ercoa-ts. IRE SLIN&, For Good Printinq A Aarnz h estneOfc 1. A-)c-uq o ae iwv oi-t iite fi ei orýsnv1výo Ahul cotn(,t 4 hr fvuciigtabte o rb etrslçý'l Beci ia stefur ia~asgîe t ntie fiei erao L TE - IE TI-- A the KEYSTONE Offic A AUCTXCURSALN Arw. HallESI 1-IOMU ' A Ah Ke oEXCrsION 'A- i STEAM PUM? WORKS Where do you buy yÙ~ur E, W. EVANS, ) Manufacturer and dealer lui a fÇilI une of t frensukieu d derangemient -4 ÀgstveStWn oo d ana Iron Li' vof many oth en artroubles. 1 and Frc IuIIIph iing them a a nti Smedicine. I 4,1so Steamn an h Coid Water 1itn sistipatedlIfind I sufficient to set AG NIO a box of th=eijAEN O thees the best W I D M I L one pillea dose. NAI iDUIL ;e tefaous E. W.,EVANS, t y bo. 1G roc cries, conques pinOCKST RE, IIT13Y -- - 1 J Oroceries and MeatS It is considerable of an advantage to busy shoppers-, to be able to purchase their daily supply of Grocer-- ies, Fruits, Vegetables or Meats under the one, roof. .Saves time and »iany steps. Ours -s the only qtoie in town' where this can. be done.' Our stocks are fresh and first-ciass. IHaW7eý. you t-ried the advantages of this, store? W*. B. PRINGLE - -v Q. - -. i '-4'. ~rouknes~ '<h - - 41 îTi dailyv c 'lhe.y i of paiý z il ri C) s t Propu Na il (.i loi Mal an Meýts Vegetables. mimimi "mi Mi ")

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