Whitby Keystone, 20 Oct 1904, p. 3

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TO m MIE11RUSSIANS Attacked- the Police Wjth- Red Iio1 ronsýq1,0 Skirmnishing and Artillery Duels Between the Two Forces. Great Battie Raging With' Terrible Bitternes job on the IDefensixve. utmîxu Im etli - i 1-. 1) '"'m t -m- uliliitxn- i PUSSIANS FELL 13ACi-. 'ie fitx i i-ut1 î i'ieml- mli lL lt ii.mm1iîi- 'lc'ibxmt m fi- lit Io î\. tIi ms miiituelu l.mI xi- -,faiier e.t c'e iîl.m SDI Toklo Gable, il au.M.- i 71;u-u 1ims Japanese Almost Arnbhilated lie Russiaxi xxmu n'tcbx%-e'ittu m iuy erIii m ' mthe - u mmi ;'. iikl uerîxing t-he eveixîs mîmummiil id~ u beexu uxuseVLn aIls Lti1îîî uti t-tit tTJh u la w'elcei-ed. Heretuifîunut wlit r tiii 1i3. î 1-- i: iilit f(lit, t Tmmns ao i l îîl',îsilîîî. I t r(,unL-tii xxas mne bum'te c n mrff'ur uo~ Yx- ce .u1 m r mutH mut) r iid B t amd-gnmu six- e, - n ;l il)ubimuxix- m-mt.) t iix Li(,ic' i i il i lît. l t )- t le li, t e ((,îleI " 'ici i h c ybl- dl. I mimii ifutxnn- aîî romJ -miat t t Imji mlxmm.Ye]e-t Sn. n~ - gum wors lm îcuîu -l i-i-m tiii uu I -tu eîtium xi u t--u r î. k t ui 1iiî u - 1 d-> m i iip 'im uepm it liiie oi nox Iu t ti u nuiiuxs m' imi- t - îîet ii Jilit e ()fîm Illex ineî.îî'u'Ille-m 'a n ti th xep ~-Ilseetiv -lu-iw -- t c thi im ii-ehx l ifi0 N i-nealý7sm- ll te on boni i1)ls, US liox i lm mau .siam'sxcuuurc ît I î xi xlu"ieît oi- xi i, Iu -obc0)oui- iltoxRiveirc he atacla llN tîxi' bu -d iuimmxc]lvtc llo x tiut e conditions ti-(, itu mitimm-k. m11lumosihot- xht ýini ntani ngR S iet.- ADVn CE )iit. j ulunlie t l i lii -' 11 , .i , xani- Iaiuý,Ilbm-r ut P t, i a re 00 a aeing 1me s xii I îku-u, iîm Ja nue u xx .5 lt i l.-t i ! t-mu-- 'ui c'JIL, o o n v o wI-] ' Tist c' mi tic-uc-m ' b y he uat i e1 thioluc'7Stinue Ilc, licssoIiitlusuxac' TUE mîsing ndig Gua DuANe Butîveen iat Plm ('l iil*iisu miFeiamu 1h is unun11 uuir. the Tîv Foces - YOM , TE EG.AM ~ flhe~ 3n il mlcnimog fîtOct. ations of tle a lîir-ii niovell icuoc 'theTwoFores. YOM 3 ELEGAMIbqoheuneumîx criic iii juiInmg.Ilul lon V0yaasrixglxtibcii -hieli ýtle success ]tsl Sbminn]intaidzu. (auu l Iu x t 711 îfziiut zu aIio "Ilz t1iý Aonduy-, Cable-WN'ith thue îîui-miauii -'fi M3Varnous Foncýs (O--uua H cig-lits and ta Ph lndIuxig u -n Cuehe NvauitJmt i. otiaî it butle Sn îs tet fhn-ie1i,,(beliex-edtitelie ctmux the Euuy ursued. "ntcatmcu c.9 cxm reporta frenu thia point bad net meaclieulfuii -.Iisei fo ik- ersex-emI l av s.(oef Imaubmnmi \c i'hm v mfîm lmr-xxsnrtcieîtteoti1 t V i ropatki ovena lieun tt bs e x-p ot pusit ru-, mhie-.es smt osfihth(,. i se afi i fL i.çuiunkow home xhen ai 3-s etr und w-ur tx Tadimuixoixm ifilut ~oit1i o Kaouou l'mss; tutittu aI cme humtunge cf lte Olematios basadvancd aand,- cfilussan infntrv xeux-x blcx- w-asevideîv auieti.1 lnm tiîu'fo "xstin- l3eîix mcm-'cilthuey liiý mnu i lî u"itxverI l e TxiouPuit1 x cns sting of inu t ticoio f W - i n, the r e t o tthf-e i-vher hch A gmmn heoia tniug sp oîie tili'ti- ntxu t'm.'hîe ofîe ni igutmunuosmal e seen 1 i tl ue stritmongî s ppete. tKm op,'n bs u dra en txs tr- ig c rl, xthere lmhi-entiiai ramlî'ancey -aslt absa.îgi(' , xIui tle 1 ate alotIHil] he lnuetdvaincee ý frusny advanuing ing rno'emenî hi laiyetd.vlpd ets gontimut xiii thraie Juxpauxee. 'flue ntoe l-u lsumîti txgin l n-l caonsisthe alof hrl fh-e m les l -TIe mixed cof t hi i crssed' he oAwe ly ht n eeu îthe T ic i sia a x eîc t n dsalelmei lxvi lee1x-1s. T c fir t "A bdv cft ic < i- u y spo ted h e C a r I R n e a xx ps f x c , p o - p r u ,ota luiys nacte în SlxiipixîTheaicî o e- d( .'Tî tae otafar l ic drc- b h cuit ofPilulut1 <J A 2o'c ek n - i, mjened t oher ix-deeli n g 20 ex Met ov shermai is"'rus enstuxcîl pe- tRiz l i-ione Mudeni as tollxs nlelafleneonhet ailtt 9th two regeies ntong erhe iher Geln. Mihncror e th aderl lyceing onterighîe ad tanti te Jp onnge c.1 hecnrl ouae f ssetent-i Upper Liuthotsu KaisîRve'Saynsky. Tic___ _ a edartUo more,' l1 t£1lcBe se ai rc tired. TShe ir'eahe Dbe- t a i: " h t a'-u oîy ui nthe k occupied They adva nc l xh A; t 2 o'c The en- en0mxrmA , othe rixnt d -6,%cBu au cins luthè <'i»t t- - - u~ - -'t-- s -- u~ - - lu Ma aB oilin Wstatrr St-eshaT Just L'ow One Hiundred and Ninety=seven Men Perished - When the Hiel Yen Sankç. London Cable, 4. a.m.- From the came heavier yesterday and Vouflded maultitude'-of war reports received bere in in tlîe auouting detacbment beoean toA the only faut emnerging ia tbat the figbt- ipass tbrougli the Russian linies. The ing isconinung.Th'nee.pper prntRussians pressed forward uit increasedj in s otiung h nwpaes0rn speed, the infantry advancing uit the don- Tokio telegrams reportinglthat Marshal hie. The spirits of the mien w~ere high, -Oyama's report doca not clucidate the duo to the faut that tbey were autuaîîy actual position. None of these despatuhes assuming tbe offensive. Tbey arrjved uit the village of Shunpintaidze at à o'eîoelz ,deals, with the doiags of yesterday-, con- -tlîis evening,. ITe Japanese had hurried- cerUipg -hidi nothing bas been rcccived ly ahandoned the place the nigyht be- her hogurlal hnes rs fore, paying the Chinese big prices t1 St. ASS'T POST MASTER GEN. ROBERT J. WYNNE, despatuh ýroni Tokio, indeed, professes carry away their atores, amouating to H. C. Payne's ý;ucceseor as U. S. Postinaster General.- 4,000 boxes ot niec and barley. There________________________________________ that a gencral Jàpanuse advance on were two Japqnese divisions in front of Mýukdc-n was going on yesterday, but the Russiauîs. The ucîî ual commanding Lok-ollin -%,otintai-n and tbe nortiera mý's, wbjole strengtb, one division, is ad- tliis is not woroborated fronu other this (Busçýsian) colunîn, upon reachiag beigbts of Pacheatsui. The lcft columa -ncig toward our front? sources. Sbanpintaidze, deployed a portion of his of the right arînv oeciupicd the northen The beadquarters or Gen. Oku's left souorces u-e -m a battcnr - ut rtilry, sent leihts Of Slaotukou and continues to arm y, tele rup hiin g - on Oct. 11h, says - The Standard's correspondent witi out leftt lank supports, and ivent per- ptirsue the eneixiv's central column. The -The enexux- dues not show mmucih activ- Gen. Kiiroki's army, îelegrupîulng sonallv to lis ri-lht îlaik, xvbere bis righit ariy succeeded in occup3-îng Mu\ýlerh ity. I-ils main strength appuars to be uinder date ot Oct . 10, describes the1 skirniisliers biail uiieadv engaged the INIoltiftain. The central armv, .heg(iniiinlr postod fleur 1uituixkow and Sunchi- country thî0t tie Itussians hiave chosen ,Jupane-se. Anl aîtillcrv duiel tlien Opened opeations frontu înidiiigbc tOet. 11. reacli- ati." fox thmer oeeruioiis as a seîiii-circular 0o tilleleftt w-ith t)'e .lapiilesc moutitain cul thîe heirglîts eMtendîiiig rouxSankau- 1Field ]Marsîmal Oyam a, telegraplxing rangre -ef bure imiuitains east of tleie uxs, brougt l)u frollt ('he(w-san Pass, simii outain on tie int w-t adi on Oct. 9. ,says Ji n:tba c rixvexteidimg freux Ventai te o sihiwun lehlîIg time lSussian scouiting piobabiy pxinsuin- ftic eneixxv? 'shatclicd a detachinent to ruinforce the Daliiî. The v began tileir a d-n eiltmihiments. 'The Jmiîaiue-e projectiles, gimiuiu iatc frou ni ýtkdcIii carlv ix Oetober, J s-haexcfui] xx4e iii'm[xiithe Rusiun guns OFFICIAL REDORTS "Si c Jt. 7, w-c have been attacked ngThe hurit Rsier ut sevellr] les. I-mu(qnie o h ate igllb ix ln eneadThins -General Engagement Betweea Mukden o0the leimy thât have appeared uit %. Beisill, th arrion eut ths ee foe vailex-. Thue ,iîiamLioxxi i I lxtîî st. sîmuix fm-i i s imuuumleinmîî unî c-ntuulh- sil-ad ioYn.t moîîîtuiî rimgs di o em bva numnw dii-]wmu cu luxie i îutililnkîThRs-aend Lia-Yacig. vitorceul. A laittieýis progressing, but ingý,. amdxîui îmmises ta dexelop ixto a, thxmd ie J, meclutîm. - TuciCbe(een]ntliv lias no iumuticilax-s luave iwen rc-emix-ed. yThe great bttie. a T]he 1îd , t k nIl0]. w-oundod, hemii sumcd in thc- thmatre'ut w-ar. centro and left are still igin. ts an ladole mvIi Imyurposie te mssiîie teofnieo TI 1 lm1 xi, li uile-c r-pnu It is baQii'ed lucre tlîmt a g-encrai nthhltx utun u eei eens ion A R T I L L E R Y D U E L . . 11flic u tl -te îu o at e ri ,; r - p n l ,S - h 0 h e o o t e e e ispenesî~ iîu e io eueitat îglis terce on the 1-ft hanic lin,,aclou-kkJaetaimeaa iuetlr At- 1 îil.xi of Ci 1in lBi*xon. anlti tîmus allai-kthue Rûsian Attck et y a Couter At- o0the iIit tlite fjI2t w-a-m eeding A bateli o e poruets, cverinry the cneIvh('s iaiu n emî " tack by th-, Japane3e. i1s- i , i(il v ufmvn figlui* otOc.1n umii im-d ils tmxceix- xtîoeptouO.10<SnKimi Nodv abe -BV Mspnu e 4m-cli-î iit pi: uspeoints aicmîg thle Ja1jua noe fronît. rTlieîishedw-t hx- l ta iimicetutIlîsih fx gu- e miîil-î, 'li -ili - )'t~î aic ii umeîliv the.: iîe . was a despesa te s - igg eluan -BeisititixOu r r a -ix etfugl t iyolin,;tIsupibenie be- l- ilyilii x-mti-îîî I t bs mxxIi rou I li t thlieP isla n w-ect hic' iiaisen-eJ thle TaitseustreIngthxfer 12 holis. 'ou11()e;t sex-ere The ioanîilluî-v uil 1 1 lmc spe-ii'a" ilxcemîuuc itic-,undxiit ti'-iipa le-e exi S e.î - -enlgagemnut w-a s mem ia d î- on the Ruissimuix left. to-tm-i i wu ul I ix o ap tIlieuixi. Thý Result in Doubt. I ~ i x xc m mxm -i-ii'nSu-Bl-- - it 8 . - It is r tîxle ficglxîilîg- mmt X'eItai -i., I titiims i li i'iutp - I n 'mîkl et mli clim 'Idox- helowx' nih itiuî-u- a"u i riuc-m- h 7 mi-fi 'ama'sTnoop Adv-re ai Alo-g t ielis.i-m - iimic i ililuthei-iî lie i IitCi luonismllit~u îc~i- e ribl TI t- Oya a'sTrops (jv rcePli AI vé-ne wxx- i i ainmu aix i mter Imi--- "m lîtiiii-,t ii tic eu"thmat :t iIii w tttb- it ljii mma -ie c areioimimi p apt v iiiiitIl ti i m'- i -'i' iîi mt tmt i iitelx'ilt- ilmo î:.In.i -' im i îtýj, t' î r i l t F R m tibc tîmsmix ilt D i-lIt ii, Bulmethemu- a urjcx t 1, --11mi;I IAli axi-uug ime iixu- ~f lie ruixummx-x mt i . î~ x x u i iiiiut icIS.m ri celom tiii -Tt' xx im t i i 4 It. . xiii ltt 1.1i-.il, g.lu\\-uof.ttirc i I l ¶ip bt i i'\mi'iuie luttt haI x xaV il l uit tuix lixt teue :î tmci'] ix)'titkui ib b if il t, îi]i~msiîe li c] hîx ml IX zer îs B tIt '1Su th cf Tu( kd'0111iim -- -m mi ibî-iim im -xiubmn t.bmIIti f u 'h l x i t' o f t h l t i I.\ 4 .1 (b \ U I M ittii' i w ip li I ul ii i î ît i i' ,' m t land the ToeiJapof A eEConbdent of Succe;) 0It ofbui.tili t,. ded Ili 1-e altli (tl ml11i O la ux 1ti.tey aieneIlle m i lui rut 11i-i p nA ofJxîillb h ili m t cf.i -m - xli m mmm-,iuu lt tami ] Ioiv x'uin -t ihmh t onîmlv dc T t pl a i(,-le I 1 - (,- mmoîf i'î imn- ru 5~.~ - - thea - i l t-a t )ý(i um -xîx- mia mi îmi-. li 111i1, utmmi i e N enmiml miimu'-' , xi t bu - butîle. tic it:i-.- u\\-I t imiiiJÎ a cmitimm i ilit l ivrhum î t titI li-, -itiittii*t i - i iY uîp le iii t'xîîiiîg 'bic it-';ii i-t- fi t - Ill-'ll11111. île',.If iu1- lemu -As f tui ii esxî it o hi l' lv-'x-i-mi.TUESDX'x;'s BATTLE umtxujtt inci .ivbi mi t P-'m-illm map- Ve-e .x i m(i uxl uutms'xilm lit, j S thue Il, -siimmi m ulnt'e imu tii- .h i xi'P-' littt. i-ir ýI )it ti a a i L iw-ile tle nri-' ul uîurg ta ltI -m io i .iii ilc. !ot Rnoxxn Whethen I-ie i; mmm- lit'rîuiîm-mxmxutneî' Itîmî ummr mpmiim-e 1hit l 'uîî i ir , ibî l(i-x' mim nailixta(ixxecLI it.sc'fi t ciiiix- x-lix lil 1 3 rars Russia-ns Gaue nc I,-- i *uxt lu 'm.s i, i oliexxs I -t' dýýliv - i-i--,- ltiiimig .îu o 1 ltllmirIim uui 't-u-l îu i tmiiIii i xtmi r t e ueigîmiliorluitti mutftuie ltimmu i uits, tue THE SYNOD 0F CANADA. tapauiese lx'x xi4 u- i ulutul - - L nI imu umumîx llen7vilili t i it iîilmihi, 'm - ' it-m j iglit fIimmu. 'Fui-e cîtvimmîxi. mvi-utI May Mleet at Any Time Instcad of Evemy imrc'hl(lJîiuxî umi lmnmmxm .t r t m i- i jTiruee Yeams. ua port inuuîum'; ii J 1, 11«l( Montreal, Oct. l7.-l'!xo lsacia to 1Ilz - uýl ý ý-n(dof he Provýince of Caiiada, xvhiuh iithaeimîtSun i a mîÂs i odbing the t'm'ui mxcot1iug Iteme, de- li vo. u iî-'d te dax' te ceniin.utCe emanen puisa- Nvar offic i- 7a d i g vd thre vel i ge, nia i- ng tth er nieet- t1l i- ,41t o lo ilt - ru11 xgs1il",of tîxe rIvnoti di'penct ui the dis- 1i- -îi e PiNsmin hî'l. x -c'mtin.o f ut îL e M lojolitaiî or tîve ait tii-- i lit-ofuitapx ixeso ilii i5IIsips; . ofetoee Bbshup and liait et lie l-mu Itlîîîî xx witiltlii' Yxl ix r.Io U't xs I dictsmxxdoieguition. 'Ila t mixins that mmii m~mim'liii t- eiii- lu'unumme ît- mflitctng of the t-ixnod can iuuxç.be uall ii : (m o utIlnx i 1 )-linigs Ihave bc'on called auiiuxmmtiemîliy ev- 'Îi e lu1uui ' c t-.m x uiru iti ru1cuîd iv tîuie e a îmxn. ut1,0111 tt îg-u-îgttSibumlzm n b ltîigjn to-laïx- as propuseulà b- et- ~ It thc~mu 1 ts tmmu um'1uuis 11 Mtt ' 'Mantfthexx- ~ isoil, >. C., of C ialla and mxx;iltimue.<i-gt mmr m Il ddlt e ass xihoîiî epositien, anti a ix-is li utum mx- imi tIit 'tI t- Iv- disexussien ixa Iîx mîi t - - l u m î . u t c l md - a o n W o r r e î h . o e t g t o , o v luii onclxxîeu,,lîa ,triking eut the timat mmlx Iuîglui' Si-lu ix nixm'ndit pJart ef thue original. xiz.. "A:t ltme discre- muxuvîmnumxu mumt ~uu Iîiluiîsixluc-la>-i 'titan oethte Netropolitan,' but il xxas gi~ - uum buu - ui iui mtiubuxtul ts o!, lest. ut \ t irt-nui ;ilitaI xxlihriiuli iune- Il ivas shcxxn uppamonly lui ticsalis- let, theut ltl uug is tim 't bxg einl- ito f not o h s ' r-iIt ti 'lo)(-th (.lellys faII,ýbý 11pais li(Im h e c g nemal svnod - to e a uer- .1ai 11u1c-mgt mi ii lhlt uh«oimu-i tux-tain m'xlcnt suerceding lue lProv-incial -îmiu1siuiIn. mxui d twlui' Ilxîxg mîmîuims. Svmcl.I it ii]net nucsm miy mllxx 1i ttgimmz tn iuilîxu't mt' uof atbains t0 do am -uv xxi lbreguiam meetings muant le oputiuumxiunusf tthomt'ui-(tiii- mire li tg ixux- iith le Proximicial Svnod ruîutlxu li-inaIvlxttxmammmiilIe muuluin- aîtcg'. -r. 'fTi, 'niellun finaliy pasaed iiit ut unir m;1-ît rtewt"Iitihif"-i- cissentientm. limeo siuttut uit-mgu' 's tiltuis Thoe ecntlmof the liqtuomtrafflu foirm- 'Ix mxix inmgmi-ýgumint atmuuiiiglml on e(Ida sîllîjeet fer mxci siiussion tuisa ai- ,t Il xv- th\i\],xvi(ol zmuiixs anti temucen andul lui îic-t, btthe-exxeme so litL amim,ý îîimmi'ti '%V:m1mgl)mm-mS, 1'il Gmx. (Su. anv re-mciitions anid amenuiments that xi111 NVoi-m W0xiu(lmxl'lmuî i umiunml as il ixas t3 iuaIlv ducidi- ttelet lie fi-arn- ctrs dnmft a nîîtuxially agmouaile resohu- - lien and prusent il fe-inorrox. GENERAL SAKHOROFF. Arcelacen Woec, et Kingston. piai- of-em-"l t ova Scella. ixas elcleti Pro- torts R'.ssiau Suuce.ssus on Mouday lîmeutor, and R15v. Dr. Langtmy, et Tonon- Snid Tuesday. le. Dc'pîutY Pmooctor. A remonial freinie( Diocese of Al- t. ~t~ msuuîg. thuu' - en Suhîan genia, i.king for poîver te ereut a Die- îx m cmsluiLuitut tIi.'gii-uu uuai, COsn !ýxned. x-ias rterred le a joint 'il Octi. t11, uss tîîtteitibi.ioft ile cn of mte thle 1Uppem Ilotise and 'mttm, I ~ - ~~ iri~-iî Lcxxer IlOilise.c xmin-cllsltll x u iiibim FUNNEL VICTIMS RECOVERPiNG i -ix thie îmm '- ii ui iiw xl , i nixc lts c' un lIillixuuti0Mlu. 10 hixe oxiiviut rmaxiFoster Hexx'ever, la Sf111 in a Lx thm ttiî'mi-ix c bu-ti-i u t-x h Nlm' 'i.xdýi- fCritical Condition. I" n ui m ui mu n l i luf l m x gulu it I u u u ii vtx' j S a r n i a , O n t ., O c t . 1 7 . - C o m e n c ru - D . uf imnmfamlmtîrv amxii II1Oi Imueti xxxorbisxnsnin 3 1-elllm'xutmmleb 'amjuty(cricsinornin mi ~ ~ nIIV il-x. li' 'u'vs mmhIao-k uwas uttt -- .-tio'ate lme cincmix istxixces 'sI sIed bl'.-hîmu' li'ule ium)II. îdxmîîe cîmx :itI i'i-ithe clisaste n uthue Sar-nia ex aai îxîuîî iu t lI e mvull'îîig. t mo vascie-en fou-e- hi cx'm xi, ' lan .i qt) w- - s i x a s a m j c u r - i e d u l t i l , x11 O ct. 1 ,il i i' .Jmuhiuî se alttaukote "d î suaiou t c x . dom I1ii9msîans mnonlchail's ouithlie rail - Nbtttu X Coption omîthe fireman, s auuul~ ~ ~ ~ ~~" Foiti ttiu iu li iiu x-.iurster, wx iii is stili u the Sar-nia l- frue fuglut iuîgoul miii uax'luung uni] by l -Pt. I thme grealun îportion oet lmuposition isxmî ie'"4vloi-r rnuc] y pemd b-i lu e .Jixh ii u'sm' bu i Kioxia ,l'asa ilTi.eicîO mm' han-.mo v e h faîloil 'nbute lue mntis of thxe Rus- cl.Witi hm-ui ud Cueo n xvîmm.lîo-cvm, xi îxocx'n-Out ir, lhunug u me latter lasxsufter- b mai] imot sueceeîemîilu apîcxn- niug froin pauixfuiilhum liS on is haut-. tii- on llili uonslituting tîxo kuytoiletle l'O r be 'S, the huuihimaii, la also pur- xx-c 11mtil hlt(e. hilshx . hicultb, but is sti!I îlimze&'l. mnm cannot un line te offensive auuîug thee alme lzconnodîtdî.. 1-t,-muiter i -1h11 erxhv uute cgnmîs lie Juimnus' nlx-înuu] Pc- aurtîally cuiscitils. tati utfons f romn chu nM-exuehîl ut sunie pointsils verc terriible humus, Ilus imut-tibal ait-mudunts for xvuu'i ebiiged te retire tIlim main -cauxiot ymtt pru'elrice bimîîout of diuger. -'llie odyof IimkeuîîaxDaim Grillis v«us senlte luhis home in iAlca Crmîig thsai- PROFIT OF BIG BUSINESS. lurruocli.* Ris niother arriv-ut lime-e to-day, lectuer o theSlu;ant isl in a staite cf compîcte collxLpLs i eclmeronthi sbjeut ef ativerlis- a ut the hieme of a rclatiye; an, fears 'ýaré in xplaxas vhy thceinerebant whidad, -emitei-laicd tint aie wilu no survive thbe,- t jes liberally can aftord lo sell af shck. This is thc third 1:1 1 in leu than Il pnes- th'ên others dumanci. "It ila two vears ini lier famikylTer husband' profitall btoseill$100 wou-li aI 10 lest i leg lin a vuiil-way accid, ha-d iÜej l ent îî xt1É -4W t seill$10 worlâh aIt.Hem eluleatsoJn, as ex er /u ,r cent ' ltl bg-tthe neiyapapQu ont thc fi'ill leWr~ we ige i tme'wes, nti iat.kiMiliu %V-rek- - bi -heý vetiss Ile onl ouier o4-it-ýjt -:(,luI gj ,., e to<I k: . S nà m :i, e-si e e t lbw pr 'aged ta muarr a ou uig m a n \Vlmu lias bore from Bultimore. She w-as 3S years li JClPMMERLAIN, NOT THE CC' ~T- London Daily News Says * arcenu Lon idon, Ot ii - sayts il is Mm1. iIt colouist x L auii jfood. mhar iiug auj i 'xmii. Il lime cub-xiîs imae 0 showi us-,_thimor urfetti cf lime emupitre anc thictar( qîîîte ceeir n thecoonies lion 0f fuoduti ixxs untrv reaui etofînmcîlca Ii fuoiicu. TlIe illenimg Lu-adun smîv prautical s-Jiggcstin for 'the mnîci t ofotîr nlîixsxi huit lIm e_(Xiýstiig bagoc- imiportation cf lmiadiaui c-at be neeaheu. Tme luux ms uin ixxgc-'iexsl *v dcx-i eil p, 11cm. l'he ord-'r cf tIi Zm'îtiliuilioixs, anti anltih ien. The ephenul îx-cîxb 'uinadian -rievanice. 1 time nufforti relief le t ed coxistunuers of the' i FEARFU-L NIGH± 'S Clung bo a Mast Thirteun Heurs b Rcscued. Chxicago, Oct. 17.-Cbinging te the imi -f thée v ault lFarrnagumt, freimîxwich. ýister and txxo cenpuuious iumtd boen lest bvea lhe boat capsizeti.,Iliii3-,(I<riy was es th îis iiîornimg aitcv-i ight of nitlhiuîg vilîxhimthe s- Iisei lake. 1iose uironoîvux-c uvero cix'Gray-,_4745 mlixîxuet ax-cuxîxu mD uam'd t im 0e I 34.3 -ortx'-tlil s ti-vot, %li cmuer ofthe-i aclmt; Waitx'r Kennau 831bihCanolixia mccl.w-lu uho arecl mvîixiiCampbeillimhe Nviiership cf f he yvCcl . l ixmuGry, svnt-'x cased, unit isistex', as. he -,uesl s;etr'. uîipbetl aund cumneuIx-. stax'ted out for a sal vestier- vi atteunoon. T-xev w-une aiîmmi lin a tiali s1îoirth, bfcre 6 o'clock. atiix-wiie -in- te) bemi.i hem w-rav bmck te thé ain 111ux-mi simc'Ot Cmîtx'muxxec ta lie ixner isun wxexe tmuiel Wlicn lime 'xater fihicu] limeceokpit the Ill of Illc boati 1iRnk omm;l mot uigit. Gruay in orelu ut, belleinti that ttie'nasi mxxii net lay ahovo ivuier andth:iî t lie, o, naisI be brx-mcl u thluc uas iough buxox-unc ' - ixx lm ieo ibull le ,ep Ili m nasthmnilabovethe -iiter. FRe an- hi the)ic îîî-lf-un hirteen h4axxu-5 be- c lie w-as mresi'uud. A Vital Part. n giigatvicer le yoîung exu-t a, -i th tve.m a' gu-otis o" minus s. mi mi - - '~-- 1-t-i;/ t-- S- iu.hxrttu -r ut ut.-titixuimlS IL--m 't  Sr ,À VAImi, i -'i h - DA From the United tts Womnan Burned to Death and Man- Crippled for Life in New York Fire, London, oct. 17.-At Felsport, near Stanton is also engaged to another. girl, Cork, an attempt yesterday to evict a the auggetion of rnarriage was rejected tenant named Edrnund Murphy for uin- ,bY.bothgof them. The immigration offi- paidren Ofsix ear lei toserousciais would flot relent and ffxed Satur- paghirnt fsxyer e t ei day as the day for their deportatiom fib n.FiftY police, arriving early in Mr. Fay immèédiately engaged counsael the morning, found the place barricaded. and an-appeal has been taken to Wash- A crowd assembled and assisted Mur- ington. phy, assailing the police with red hot Woman Burned to Death. irons, boiling wvater and atones, compeli- Newv York, Oct. 17.- Oone wvoman was ihg themn to desist. The confliet con- burned to deatb, a ni, said to be of lo- tinued ail day. WVith the arrivaI of re- cal promninence, leaped fromn a window inforcements the police charged the mlob and sustained injuries which will make with fixed bayoneta, and nmny on both hlm a cripple for life, and several other sides wvere imjured. 'Laite in the evening, persons had thrilling escapes f rom death througli the niediation of the pansu, or injury in a fire in a bouse on West priest, Mlurphy w-as iniduced to surrenl- 54th street to-day. der. The fire w-as started ln the reception Altogether 30 arrcsts were made. One roorn and rear parlor of the bouse,w~hich policeman had aIl of bis fr-ont- teeth ivas used as a sleeping room. by Airs. knccked out. FergusL-on. A negr-o maid had just retired A Queer Mux-up. w-hen she heard ber mistreas screanaing. Philadeiphia, Oct. 17.-fhreatcned witîî The maid ran to the lower floor toi deportation i emis tîiey înarry a young find Airs. Ferguson, ber clothes in flais, Engli sl couple w-ho caille across the At-rnin bottb rotLmm Eey lanie occeîîî es manu aud wifu, are de- weeteewr lmso h oe wbee terewer flmeon thas overm tained here pçuiding the resuît of an ap loradMrsFr-us pelil to the imigration Bureau at and fell back into the flames. Occupants Wasliingtoin. 'l'evc arrivcd liere froin of the upper part of the bouse w-ere CiDpo u1u temhpWctrln aroused by tbe sereains of the two wo- oneroo ~ udy on eseipnsicdli V uic yng n men. Iwo young women succeeeded in es- muan Suxîclan anutpA ni d Mms.the ux caping to an adjoining bouse by smasbing WV. Fa':, of New liork City- -wbudJ out the windows in their rooms and' been visitinin i England. Ab is tie case crawling across the namrow coraice on oit niost ýslips. tsin-le mcei and single the building. wu:enaiequmtr- n ifuet ats The man*w-ho latter gave bis naine of the \\csteriiland and as the *vuunigito the police as Jolin Smith, in bis de- wuonian Nvanteil te_ travel wvitIi Ili(rrda sire to escape quicklv, froin the building, Li 'us, it wvas agreed(Ia îiîng thiei t LjÀ- (isrcgarded aillvvarning and leaped rlpooul tiiot thze vonzg wîîîianw- to tlirotîghl one of the broken windows to repreý,cîît lerself as Uic wN-ife of Illgh Ctie stone paved vard, tbirty feet be- -taiitoii,' a niîtunl trienid, w-ho OlSulI)ad loiv, falling uipon ls knees, anýd suffening vngagcd passage on t ý -teaisliip. Dur- injuiries that w-il] cripple hum for life. ng, tic trip Mrs. 1'ayi nu 1îîr xmjî-< oc- strangriz, w-ho rccognized the injured cupicd une caluin and Statona nd 1-ay mnan, said liew-as one of the most weal- anutîmer. WVhvn tue veI reariied bire 111vhie-mo f Newv York. At the bospital lhe imigira t-îuîî (tfTea huart] uoft tue tho in jmd mari wl-ien asked bis naine, niattor anîd t1iroatenced to I-port the said :"'Oh, cal] mne "Johin Smith." He ululoss lie v a-ree2t l mared"asbookPd zunder thiat naine. "M\rq. Fer- at uni-o. As the vuiing woîraîx is on- gxmson w-ho lost lier lifoi in the fire, came her state¼3fJ If ~e wei proper '- If pIaii-itff howmul? Mrs. Stic1î ail day, as'q~ arehbad wa Chancellor 5Soyd?_ jury, Weilt. carefuil ne chargèd * v-& the defend~ns the medical men, tb.at Mrs. Stiekie W balanced" for a 1~ showed that- at timneaRý>" able ,of taking care she should be placed und- ferring to the testim Y, _l3 v neighbors, where -evidee.w favor of the plaintiff, i lord it was not-ikely that thëy wouidJ O#ir the condition of Mrs. Stile's mmd à well as those who were livi'ng ini thé bouse with ber. TRAINMEN WERE HEROES.. Great Bravery Shown in -sarnià Tunnel Disaster. -- s Toronto Report - às t jnpt- ed by fidelity to dutyM'and % hr- isin are given by the Gr nk R.ailwvay officiais as the ca athe disaster at the Sazrnia tun nel *iich six trainmens'uccumbed to tfé'a-dy tunnel gas. General 'Manager IèGui- gan, --%r. W. W. Pope and Superinten- dents Brownlee, Jones and Cunninghiani of the western, middle and southern di-. visions, respeetivel -v,iade the investi- gration, and most of thii returned here ve~t rdv -Mr. Pope said that the men at one tinie w-ere ai clear of the tun- ne], ani îight have staved o ut if they lîad not been detcrminied to stick by their train. Tiue tunnel gas. bie said, Cr \e littie warning of its effect, but both Engineer Coleman andl (onductor Simpj)son wre warned not to reii.ý"Q, danger. (onductor Tinsle-v, liesa )erishced becazîse lie insisted on sta-, ig by bis friend Simpson. Tlpo men ihuxed greut pluek. .Jake' Blake te ! -wthnian, on going into tlie tainne], clinubeîi over the hodi-s oft the driVer andI firemian into the cab oi the engine and took, the train out. picking uip the striekea nion a ho ---it il on z. Nýo one knewv befm-ro timt ]>Bie e rua an cugine. a s le Laid bha n emplo--ed a-s As theie n uwho eepi'iarçe -tii] fir

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